




















matpover使用手册【原创版】目录1.MATPOVER 简介2.MATPOVER 的功能3.安装与配置 MATPOVER4.使用 MATPOVER 进行数据处理5.MATPOVER 的优点与局限性6.总结正文1.MATPOVER 简介MATPOVER 是一个开源的数据处理工具,主要用于气象数据的质量控制、插补和格式转换。

它支持多种气象数据格式,如 MM5、WRF、NCEP 等,可以帮助用户轻松地处理大量气象数据。

MATPOVER 具有丰富的功能,适用于气象学、大气科学、环境科学等领域的研究人员和学生。

2.MATPOVER 的功能MATPOVER 主要包括以下功能:(1) 数据质量控制:可以对原始数据进行质量检查,识别并修复错误数据。

(2) 数据插补:可以对缺失数据进行插补,提高数据完整性。

(3) 数据格式转换:支持多种气象数据格式的相互转换,如 MM5、WRF、NCEP 等。

(4) 数据统计分析:可以对数据进行基本的统计分析,如均值、标准差等。

(5) 数据可视化:可以对数据进行可视化展示,便于用户直观地了解数据特征。

3.安装与配置 MATPOVERMATPOVER 的安装相对简单,用户只需根据官方提供的安装教程进行操作即可。

安装完成后,需要对 MATPOVER 进行配置,以便其能够正确地识别和处理数据。

配置主要包括以下几个方面:(1) 数据路径:设置数据文件的存放路径。

(2) 数据格式:指定数据文件的格式,以便 MATPOVER 正确识别。

(3) 数据处理参数:设置数据处理的相关参数,如插补方法、质量控制策略等。

4.使用 MATPOVER 进行数据处理使用 MATPOVER 进行数据处理主要包括以下几个步骤:(1) 准备数据:将需要处理的数据文件放置在预先设置的数据路径中。

(2) 运行 MATPOVER:在命令行中输入 MATPOVER 运行程序,根据需要可以添加相应的参数。

(3) 查看结果:MATPOVER 处理完成后,可以在输出目录中查看处理结果。



matpower中文手册MATPOWER中文手册范本说明:本文档是MATPOWER的中文手册,旨在提供对MATPOWER 软件功能和使用方法的详细介绍。

本手册涉及的内容包括MATPOWER 的安装、基本功能、高级功能等方面的信息。


1、简介1.1 MATPOWER概述1.2 MATPOWER的优势1.3 MATPOWER的应用领域2、安装和配置2.1 安装MATPOWER2.2 配置MATPOWER环境2.3 安装和配置MATPOWER插件3、MATPOWER基本功能3.1 网络输入文件格式3.2 网络数据格式3.3 运行MATPOWER3.4 数据载入和保存3.5 单个电力系统的潮流计算 3.6 多个电力系统的潮流计算3.7 MATPOWER的输出结果4、MATPOWER高级功能4.1 潮流敏感性分析4.2 非线性潮流算法4.3 发电机调度4.4 负荷模型和负荷曲线4.5 控制设备模型4.6 稳定状态可行性分析4.7 非线性稳定状态分析4.8路径追踪和欠驱动问题4.9MATPOWER的扩展功能和插件附件:1、MATPOWER示例网络数据文件2、MATLAB代码示例3、MATPOWER使用案例简介法律名词及注释:- 电力系统:指供电设施、输电线路、变电设备等组成的电力供应和传输系统。

- 潮流计算:电力系统中求解各节点电压和功率的过程。

- 发电机调度:调整发电机的运行模式和功率输出,以满足电力系统需求的过程。

- 稳定状态:电力系统各元件的电压、功率等参数保持稳定的状态。

- 扩展功能和插件:可以添加到MATPOWER中以增强其功能或适应特定需求的额外模块。




版本 3.1b2
4 5
目录 绪论 .............................................................................................................................................. 3 什么是 MATPOWER? ................................................................................................... 3 它从哪里来?................................................................................................................... 3 开始 .............................................................................................................................................. 3 2.1 系统要求 ........................................................................................................................... 3 2.2 安装 ................................................................................................................................... 4 2.3 执行电力常规潮流运算.................................................................................................... 4 2.4 执行最优潮流程序............................................................................................................ 4 2.5 获得帮助 ........................................................................................................................... 4 技术规则 ...................................................................................................................................... 5 3.1 数据文件格式.................................................................................................................... 5 3.2 模型 ................................................................................................................................... 8 交流模型(AC) ............................................................................................................. 8 直流公式(DC) ............................................................................................................. 9 3.3 电力潮流 ......................................................................................................................... 10 3.4 最优潮流 ......................................................................................................................... 10 传统的交流 OPF 方程 ................................................................................................... 12 基于最优化工具箱的 OPF 解法(constr) .................................................................. 13 基于线性规划的 OPF 解法(LPconstr) ..................................................................... 14 3.4.2 广义交流最优潮流解法............................................................................................... 16 通用线性约束(一般线性约束) ................................................................................. 17 通用成本函数................................................................................................................. 18 通用 P-Q 容量曲线...................................................................................................... 19 可调度负荷..................................................................................................................... 20 支路相角差限制............................................................................................................. 22 问题数据转换................................................................................................................. 22 附加线性约束的例子..................................................................................................... 23 3.4.3 直流 OPF 方法 ............................................................................................................. 23 机组组合算法................................................................................................................. 24 3.6 MATPOWER 选项 ........................................................................................................... 24 3.7 文件汇总 ......................................................................................................................... 27 致谢 ............................................................................................................................................ 31 参考文献 .................................................................................................................................... 31




下列以case(‘5’)为例子说明:↓参数一%% MATPOWER Case Format : Version 2mpc.version = '2';解释:目前普遍采用2 形式的算法。

↓参数二%% system MVA basempc.baseMVA = 100;解释:采用有铭值mpc.baseMVA = 100;(Matpower只能计算有铭值得网络)↓矩阵一%% bus data% bus_i type Pd Qd Gs Bs area Vm Va baseKV zone Vmax Vmin 解释:bus data母线参数也就是我们所说的节点参数,下面逐条注释:1 bus number (positive integer) :第一列表示节点的编号(括号里面注释正整数);2 bus type :第二列表示节点的类型,一般只用得到1、2、3三种节点类型,4类型的节点目前没有接触到;PQ bus = 1PV bus = 2reference bus = 3isolated bus = 43 Pd, real power demand (MW):表示负荷所需要的有功功率(所有数据都是正数);(有铭值)4 Qd, reactive power dema nd (MV Ar):表示负荷所需要的无功功率(所有数据都是正数);(有铭值)5 Gs, shunt conductance:表示和节点并联的电导,非线路上的电导,一般该列为0;6 Bs, shunt susceptance:表示和节点并联的电纳,非线路上的电纳,一般该列为0;7 area number, (positive integer) :表示母线的断面号,一般设置为1;8 Vm, voltage magnitude (p.u.) :表示该节点电压的初始幅值(设置成标幺值);9 Va, voltage angle (degrees) :表示该节点电压的初始相位角度;10 baseKV, base voltage (kV) :表示该节点的基准电压;(有铭值)11 zone, loss zone (positive integer) :表示母线的省损耗区域,一般设置为1;12 maxVm, maximum voltage magnitude (p.u.) :该节点所能接受的最大电压;(标幺值)13 minVm, minimum voltage magnitude (p.u.) :该节点所能接受的最小电压;(标幺值)↓矩阵二%% generator data% bus Pg Qg Qmax Qmin Vg mBase status Pmax Pmin Pc1 Pc2Qc1min Qc1max Qc2min Qc2max ramp_agc ramp_10 ramp_30 ramp_q apf解释:表示发电机参数,下面逐条解释:1 bus number :发电机节点的编号;2 Pg, real power output (MW) :发电机节点输出的有功,如果为平衡节点则设置为0;(有铭值)3 Qg, reactive power output (MVAr):发电机节点输出无功,如果为平衡节点则设置为0;(有铭值)4 Qmax, maximum reactive power output (MVAr):该节点能接受输出最大无功功率;(有铭值)5 Qmin, minimum reactive power output (MVAr) :该节点能接受输出最大有功功率;(有铭值)6 Vg, voltage magnitude setpoint (p.u.):该节点电压的标幺值;7 mBase, total MVA base of this machine, defaults to baseMVA:该发电机的容量(有铭值);8 status, > 0 - machine in service<= 0 - machine out of service :表示发电机的运行状态,1表示投入,0表示否9 Pmax, maximum real power output (MW) :允许输出的最大有功功率;(有铭值)10 Pmin, minimum real power output (MW) :允许输出的最大无功功率;(有铭值)11 Pc1, lower real power output of PQ capability curve (MW)12 Pc2, upper real power output of PQ capability curve (MW)13 Qc1min, minimum reactive power output at Pc1 (MVAr)14 Qc1max, maximum reactive power output at Pc1 (MVAr)15 Qc2min, minimum reactive power output at Pc2 (MVAr)16 Qc2max, maximum reactive power output at Pc2 (MVAr)17 ramp rate for load following/AGC (MW/min)18 ramp rate for 10 minute reserves (MW)19 ramp rate for 30 minute reserves (MW)20 ramp rate for reactive power (2 sec timescale) (MVAr/min)21 APF, area participation factor注释:红色区域参数均设置为0;矩阵%% branch data% fbus tbus r x b rateA rateB rateC ratio angle status angmin angmax解释支路参数,下面逐条解释:1 f, from bus number:支路首端号;;2 t, to bus number:支路末端号;3 r, resistance (p.u.) :支路电阻的标幺值;4 x, reactance (p.u.) :支路电抗的标幺值;5 b, total line charging susceptance (p.u.) :支路电纳的标幺值(注意:是整条支路的电纳值);6 rateA, MV A rating A (long term rating) :长距离输电支路所允许的容量(有铭值);7 rateB, MV A rating B (short term rating) :短距离输电支路所允许的容量(有铭值);8 rateC, MV A rating C (emergency rating):紧急输电支路所允许的容量(有铭值);9 ratio, transformer off nominal turns ratio ( = 0 for lines )(taps at 'from' bus, impedance at 'to' bus, i.e. if r = x = 0, then ratio = Vf / Vt) :支路变比,不含变压器设置为0;含有变压器变比为支路首端电压和末端电压之比:Matpower中变压器的模型,如下图所示:K*:1Z首端末端10 angle, transformer phase shift angle (degrees), positive => delay:该参数设置为0;11 initial branch status, 1 - in service, 0 - out of service :该支路是否投入运行;12 minimum angle difference, angle(Vf) - angle(Vt) (degrees):该支路所允许最小相位角度13 maximum angle difference, angle(Vf) - angle(Vt) (degrees):该支路所允许最大相位角度二、Matpower潮流计算结果和本人编写程序计算结果对比展示↓各节点电压和相角图一matpower计算得出的结果图二本人程序计算得出的结果对比图一和图二可知,两种计算方法得出的节点电压和相位角度一致。



m0n0wall_中文手册[简体中文]第一章介绍1.1. 什么是m0n0wallm0n0wall 是一个完整的、嵌入式的防火墙套装软件,该套装软件可以安装于嵌入式PC里,提供所有商业防火墙的重要特性(包括易用性),而且价格只有商业防火墙几分之一(自由软件)。

m0n0wall 是基于bare-bones version of FreeBSD,包括一个WEB服务器,PHP和另一些工具软件。







因为m0n0wall是嵌入式的防火墙面向嵌入设备有限的CPU 资源和内存资源。



●我们认为以下的这些服务应该在另一台服务器上运转,所以m0n0wall不包含这些部分︰●入侵察觉/ 预防系统●代理服务●除了第3层和第4层以外其它任何层的包检查●WEB服务●FTP服务●网络时间服务●日志文件分析不支持T elnet或SSH程序。

1.3.历史Manuel Kasper, m0n0wall的作者,说︰从我开始在嵌入式PC上摆弄包过滤器,我就想有一个漂亮的基于web图形界面的控制单元来控制所有的防火墙功能,而不是透过键入单个的命令。





1 Introduction
What is MATPOWER? MATPOWER is a package of Matlab m-files for solving power and optimal power flow problems. It is intended as a simulation tool for researchers and educators which will be easy to use and modify. MATPOWER is designed to give the best performance possible while keeping the code simple to understand and modify. The MATPOWER home page can be found at: /matpower/matpower.html Where did it come from? MATPOWER was developed by Ray Zimmerman and Deqiang Gan of PSERC at Cornell University (/) under the direction of Robert Thomas. The initial need for Matlab based power flow and optimal power flow code was born out of the computational requirements of the PowerWeb project (see /powerweb/). Who can use it? MATPOWER is free. Anyone may use it. Anyone may modify it for their own use as long as the original copyright notices remain in place. Please don’t distribute modified versions of MATPOWER without written permission from us.

胜利仪器 VICTOR 4600B无线三相相位伏安表 说明书

胜利仪器 VICTOR 4600B无线三相相位伏安表 说明书

目录注意 (1)一、简介 (2)二、量程与精度 (3)三、技术参数 (3)四、仪表结构 (4)五、测量接线 (5)5.1、电压测试线的接法 (5)5.2、Y型接线 (5)5.3、△型接线 (6)六、使用方法 (6)6.1、开关机和电池电量 (6)6.2、三相伏安测试界面操作 (8)6.3、历史记录操作 (10)6.4、设置界面操作 (11)七、其他说明及注意事项 (12)7.1、电流钳的使用 (12)7.2、仪器使用注意事项 (12)八、装箱清单 (13)注意感谢您购买了本公司的VICTOR4600B无线三相相位伏安表,为了更好地使用本产品,请一定:——详细阅读本用户手册。

























可以使用以下命令来设置潮流计算算法:mpopt = mpoption('pf.alg', '<算法名称>')```这里`<算法名称>`可以是`'NR'`或`'SC'`。


以下是一些设置收敛条件的命令:```matlabmpopt = mpoption(mpopt, 'pf.tol', <收敛容限>)```这里`<收敛容限>`是一个小的正数,用于判断潮流计算是否收敛。

默认值为1e-6```matlabmpopt = mpoption(mpopt, '', <最大迭代次数>)```这里`<最大迭代次数>`是一个整数,用于限制牛顿-拉夫逊法的最大迭代次数。



mthapower R包用户手册说明书

mthapower R包用户手册说明书

Package‘mthapower’October13,2022Type PackageTitle Sample Size and Power for Association Studies InvolvingMitochondrial DNA HaplogroupsVersion0.1.1Maintainer Aurora Baluja<*******************>Description Calculate Sample Size and Power forAssociation Studies Involving Mitochondrial DNA Haplogroups.Based on formulae by Samuels et al.AJHG,2006.78(4):713-720.<DOI:10.1086/502682>. License GPL-3Encoding UTF-8LazyData trueSuggests ggplot2,carURL https:///aurora-mareviv/mthapowerBugReports https:///aurora-mareviv/mthapower/issuesRoxygenNote6.1.1NeedsCompilation noAuthor Aurora Baluja[aut,cre](<https:///0000-0002-5204-0771>)Repository CRANDate/Publication2019-05-1409:40:03UTCR topics documented:mthacases (2)mthapower (3)Index512mthacases mthacases Sample size calculations-mtDNA haplogroupsDescriptionDetermine the minimum number of cases(Ncmin),required to detect:either a change from p0 (haplogroup frequency in controls)to p1(haplogroup frequency in cases),or a given OR,with a predefined confidence interval,in a study with Nh haplogroups.Note:I assume that case-control equations are valid for cohorts with a balanced number of cases and controls.This function may not be generalizable for all studies involving mtDNA haplogroups.Usagemthacases(p0=p0,Nh=Nh,OR.cas.ctrl=OR.cas.ctrl,power=power,sig.level=sig.level)Argumentsp0the frequency of the haplogroup in the control population,(that is,the controls among exposed).It depends on haplogroup baseline frequency.Nh number of haplogroup ually10haplogroups plus one category for rare haplogroups:Nh<-11.OR.cas.ctrl(p1/(1-p1))/(p0/(1-p0))the OR you want to detect with your data.It can be either a single value,or a sequence:OR.cas.ctrl<-2;OR.cas.ctrl<-seq(1.25,3by=0.5).power the power to detect a given OR in my study(usually80-90).sig.level the alpha error accepted.Can take3possible values:0.05,0.01and0.001(see [Table2]of Samuels et al).ValueGives the result in a data frame,easy to print in a plot.Author(s)Author and maintainer:Aurora Baluja.Email:<*******************>References1.DC Samuels,AD Carothers,R Horton,PF Chinnery.The Power to Detect Disease Associationswith Mitochondrial DNA Haplogroups.AJHG,2006.78(4):713-720.DOI:10.1086/502682.2.Source code:/aurora-mareviv/mthapower.3.Shiny<-mthacases(p0=0.445,Nh=11,OR.cas.ctrl=c(2),power=80,sig.level=0.05)#Baudouin studymydata<-mthacases(p0=0.445,Nh=11,OR.cas.ctrl=c(1.25,1.5,1.75,2,2.25,2.5,2.75,3),power=80,sig.level=0.05)mydata<-mydata[c(2,6)]mydataplot(mydata)mthapower Power calculations-mtDNA haplogroupsDescriptionFor a given study size,determine the minimum effect size that can be detected with the desired power and significance level,in a study with Nh haplogroups.Note:I assume that case-control equations are valid for cohorts with a balanced number of cases and controls.This function may not be generalizable for all studies involving mtDNA haplogroups.Usagemthapower(n.cases=ncases,p0=p0,Nh=Nh,OR.cas.ctrl=OR.cas.ctrl,sig.level=sig.level)Argumentsn.cases number of cases or controls from the study.It can be either a single value,or a sequence:n.cases<-300;n.cases<-seq(50,500by=10).p0the frequency of the haplogroup in the control population.It depends on hap-logroup baseline frequency.Nh number of categories for ually10haplogroups plus one cate-gory for rare haplogroups:Nh<-11.OR.cas.ctrl(p1/(1-p1))/(p0/(1-p0))the OR you want to detect with your data.sig.level the alpha error accepted.Can take3possible values:0.05,0.01and0.001(see [Table2]of Samuels et al).ValueCalculates power given the number of cases and other parameters.The output is an object of class data.frame,ready to plot.Author(s)Author and maintainer:Aurora Baluja.Email:<*******************>References1.DC Samuels,AD Carothers,R Horton,PF Chinnery.The Power to Detect Disease Associationswith Mitochondrial DNA Haplogroups.AJHG,2006.78(4):713-720.DOI:10.1086/502682.2.Source code:/aurora-mareviv/mthapower.3.Shiny<-mthapower(n.cases=203,p0=0.443,Nh=13,OR.cas.ctrl=2.33,sig.level=0.05)#Example2:#Create data framespow.H150<-mthapower(n.cases=seq(50,1000,by=50),p0=0.433,Nh=11,OR.cas.ctrl=1.5,sig.level=0.05)pow.H175<-mthapower(n.cases=seq(50,1000,by=50),p0=0.433,Nh=11,OR.cas.ctrl=1.75,sig.level=0.05)pow.H200<-mthapower(n.cases=seq(50,1000,by=50),p0=0.433,Nh=11,OR.cas.ctrl=2,sig.level=0.05)pow.H250<-mthapower(n.cases=seq(50,1000,by=50),p0=0.433,Nh=11,OR.cas.ctrl=2.5,sig.level=0.05)#Bind the three data frames:bindata<-rbind(pow.H150,pow.H175,pow.H200,pow.H250)#Adds column OR to binded data frame:bindata$OR<-rep(factor(c(1.50,1.75,2,2.5)),times=c(nrow(pow.H150),nrow(pow.H175),nrow(pow.H200),nrow(pow.H250)))#Create plot:#install.packages("car")library(car)scatterplot(power~ncases|OR,regLine=FALSE,smooth=FALSE,boxplots=FALSE,by.groups=TRUE,data=bindata)Indexmthacases,2mthapower,35。



孟成林电气工程 20161800260Matpower总结1.(1)matpowe默认运行的是9节点系统。



如下:function mpc=case5_01% MATPOWER Case Format:Version 2mpc.version='2';%%-----Power Flow Data-----%%%% system MVA basempc.baseMVA=100;%% bus data% bus_i type Pd Qd Gs Bs area Vm Va baseKV zone Vmax Vminmpc.bus =[1 1 160 80 0 0 1 1 0 100 1 1.1 0.94;2 1 200 100 0 0 1 1 0 100 1 1.1 0.94;3 1 370 130 0 0 1 1 0 100 1 1.1 0.94;4 2 0 0 0 0 1 1.05 0 100 1 1.1 0.94;5 3 0 0 0 0 1 1.05 0 100 1 1.1 0.94;];%% generator data% bus Pg Qg Qmax Qmin Vg mBase status Pmax Pminmpc.gen=[4 500 0 99990 -9999 1.050 100 1 600 0;5 0 0 99990 -9999 1.050 100 1 600 0;];%% branch data% fbus tbus r x b rateA rateB rateC ratio angle status angmin angmax mpc.branch=[2 1 0.04 0.25 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 1 -360 360;3 1 0.1 0.35 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 -360 360;3 2 0.08 0.3 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 1 -360 360;3 5 0 0.03 0 0 0 0 1.05 0 1 -360 360;2 4 0 0.015 0 0 0 0 1.05 0 1 -360 360;];return;其中,1)baseMVA 是一个基准容量,为100MVA;2)bus是一个矩阵,用来设置电网中的各母线参数。

MyPower S6800A、8900、3900交换机配置手册V1.0第03章 端口基本配置

MyPower S6800A、8900、3900交换机配置手册V1.0第03章 端口基本配置
第 3 章 端口基本配置
本章主要讲述了迈普系列交换机支持的一些端口属性以及如何配置这些端口。 本章主要内容: l l 端口介绍 端口配置
3.1 端口介绍
本节主要内容: l l l 编号介绍 portlist 基本概念 进入端口配置模式
3.1.1 编号介绍
设备物理端口编号根据设备特性,其命名规则见下表: 类型 台式(有固定槽位) 台式(有固定槽位) 台式(有固定槽位) 台式(有固定槽位) 机架式 机架式 √ √ √ √ √ √ √ 有插槽 可堆叠 有小卡 编号 S/P S/P U/S/P U/S/P S/Sub-S/P S/Sub-S/P
storm-cΒιβλιοθήκη ntrol您可以使用此命令来限制以太网端口上允许通过的广播流量的大小。当端口上的广播流量超过用户 设置的值后,系统将丢弃超出广播流量限制的报文,从而使端口广播流量所占的比例降低到限定的范 围,保证网络业务的正常运行。 可以配置的限制报文类型为: ● 未知单播报文,unicast; ● 广播报文,broadcast; ● 未知组播报文,multicast。 可以针对 pps(packets per second)与 bps(bits per second)来配置风暴控制。 如果要取消风暴控制,可以使用 no 命令。 storm-control {broadcast|multicast|unicast} {pps packets|bps rate-bps} no storm-control {broadcast|multicast|unicast} 语法 unicast broadcast multicast pps packets 描述 控制未知单播报文 控制广播报文 控制未知组播报文 针对 pps(packets per second)来配置风暴控制。其中 pps 的 单位为 0-1000000 个每秒报文个数 bps rate-bps 针对 bps(bits per second)来配置风暴控制。bps 的单位为 kbps,粒度为 64kbps,配置范围为:64-8000000,即 64kpbs 到 8G 配置好后,可以通过 show storm-control [portlist] 来显示风暴控制情况。


一种基于 matlab 的电力系统仿真组件 版本 3.1b2 2006-9-15

Ray D. Zimmerman ,Carlos E. Murillo-Sánchez,甘德强 @1997-2006 卡奈尔大学电气学院电力系统工程研究中心(P) 一切版权属于原作者。
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MATPOWER 手册(中文版)
版本 3.1b2
4 5
目录 绪论 .............................................................................................................................................. 3 什么是 MATPOWER? ................................................................................................... 3 它从哪里来?................................................................................................................... 3 开始 .............................................................................................................................................. 3 2.1 系统要求 .

Victor BC21操作 安装手册说明书

Victor BC21操作 安装手册说明书

HOT HOLDING UNITVMA ‐0011(2)2Thank you for buying a Victor product. You can expect many years of reliable use from yourpurchase, providing the operating, cleaning and maintenance instructions are followed. Failure to follow these instruction may affect the warranty.Following this manual will ensure the safe installation, operation and maintenance of the Victorproduct. Check that the model number of your product, as printed on the data label, matches to one of the model numbers listed on the instructions.SYMBOLS USEDIN VICTOR PRODUCT MANUALSRead instruction manualWARNING: Electrical dangerWARNING: Fire preventionWARNING: Hot SurfacesWARNING: Read instruction alongside this symbolCAUTION: Air vent, Do not obstructWARNING: Heat sourceCAUTION: Strong draughtsCAUTION: HumidityWARNING: Do not jet wash or steam cleanRefrigeration operation specificationRecommended PPE. Gloves, Dust mask, Safety glassesHOT HOLDING UNITVMA ‐0011(2)31. UNPACKING AND ASSEMBLYAll protective coating used on stainless steel surfaces of the Hot Holding Unit must be removed. The exposed surfaces can then be wiped clean with a damp cloth, using a mild detergent or soap if necessary.DO NOT USE ANY ABRASIVE MATERIAL OR FORM OF BLEACH FOR CLEANING PURPOSES.Please see the cleaning section of this manual.2. INSTALLATIONSITING∙ Ensure the area is clean, level and clear of obstructions. ∙ Move the unit into the required position.∙ Ensure all points in this section, with regards to siting, have been considered.BURN OFFBefore first use, the unit must be “burnt off”, by running on full power for 1 hour to burn off any grease and dust that may have accumulated during manufacturing. During this time some smoke and burning smells may be experienced, this not a cause for alarm.WARNING: Fire prevention ‐ Where this appliance is to be positioned in close proximity to a wall, partition, kitchen furniture, decorative finishes, etc., it is recommended that they be made of a non ‐combustible material or clad in a suitable non ‐combustible heat insulating material and that the closest attention be paid to fire preventative regulations.Combustible materials must not be stored on and/or around this appliance.WARNING: Hot SurfacesDuring operation the metal parts of this appliance will get hot, this must be taken into consideration when positioning this appliance.WARNING: Strong draughts – When siting the unit avoid positioning in strong draughts (above 2m/s), this will cause a reduction in temperature holding performance and in severe draughts cause a loss of holding product at temperature.WARNING: Electrical supply voltage ‐ The appliance is fitted with a 13Amp plug, and must be connected to socket with 13Amp protection. This model is suitable for 220 – 240V A.C. supply only. Ensure that the electricity supply is as stated on the model’s data plateWARNING: Electrical earthing This unit must be earthed, do not touch internal wiring.Wires in the mains lead are coloured in accordance with the following code:Green and Yellow ‐Earth (E) Blue ‐ Neutral (N)Brown‐Live (L)HOT HOLDING UNITVMA ‐0011(2)43. USE AND BEST PERFORMANCEThis unit is only to be used to hold ready cooked products at a temperature tocomply with the Food Hygiene Regulations.The Controllers are shown with the covers removed.The controllers are pre ‐set to a factory set to ensure safe and efficient performance.These settings should not be altered.To obtain the best performance, follow the procedure below,TURNING ON (a) Ensure the unit is connected to the power supply.(b) Turn the unit on using the On/Off Switch. This switches on and off all power to the unit.(c)The heat lamps, inside the unit, remain on while the unit is switched on.PREHEATING(d) Before placing any food inside, the unit needs to be preheated for 30 minutes.(e)Ensure all the cover flaps are closed.(f)The Indicator lamps will be illuminated when power is being supplied to the heating element.Once the shelf has reached its set temperature the lamp will cycle on and off.OPERATING (NORMAL OPERATION) (g) As required, lift the flaps on either side to load or unload the unit.Bottom Shelf IndicatorTop Shelf IndicatorHOT HOLDING UNITVMA ‐0011(2)5OPERATING (BUSY PERIODS)(h) The flaps can be latched in to an open position to allow easy access (see below). (i) With one or more flaps latched open the internal unit temperature will fall.(j)Wherever possible, the unit should only be operated in this way for as short a time as possible.LATCHING THE FLAPS OPEN(k) Lift the latch to the top of its travel.(l)Lift the flap fully open.(m) Let the latch fall onto the pin to secure the door in positon.UNLATCHING THE FLAPS(n)To close the flap, lift the latch fully.(o) Close the flap, once the pin is clear of the latch allow it to fall back to its closed position.HOT HOLDING UNITVMA ‐0011(2)64. CLEANINGThe rack, waterStainless steel surfaces will give you many years of trouble ‐free use, as long as you follow a few simple rules. If it appears to mark, do not worry, it is usually not the steel but something deposited on it which has stained.Do wash all surfaces before use. You should use a damp cloth and a mild detergent, soap, or similar cleaner. To remove any residue, wipe over with a cloth, rinsed well with clean water, and dry the surfaces with a soft cloth. Clean regularly when in use. Do use soft cloths, nylon or bristle brushes.Do not use metal scrapers, wire brushes or wire wool pads as they will scratch the steel. Do take care when handling sharp objects as they can scratch the surface of the stainless steel. Any scratches on stainless steel will blend together over a period of time and become less noticeable with age. There is no detriment to the corrosion resistance or performance of the material.Do not use bleach for cleaning purposes (remember dishwasher powders, sterilising agents and similar products all contain chlorides). If used, black pit marks or other such effects may appear and permanent damage may be caused. If bleach is used inadvertently, remove with a cloth rinsed in clean water.Do not splash the appliance with bleach when cleaning around the counter. If you do, wipe the surface immediately with a cloth, rinsed in clean water, thoroughly.Do not allow corrosive foodstuffs such as fruit juices, vinegar, mustards, pickles, mayonnaise, etc., to remain on stainless steel for long periods. Wash and rinse away.Do not leave steel objects or utensils standing on the stainless steel surfaces for long periods. They can rust and leave marks. After cleaning with detergent, always remove residues with a wet cloth and wipe dry, if left they can have an etching effect on the surface.HOT HOLDING UNITVMA ‐0011(2)75. MAINTENANCEYearly Safety CheckYou should have your appliance inspected and tested for electrical safety at least once a year as required by the Electricity at Work Regulations.Electrical Mains LeadIf the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer, its service agent or similarly qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard. DO NOT USE IF THE SUPPLY CORD IS DAMAGED.CHANGING LAMPSIf a lamp requires replacement follow the procedure below.Removing the lamp.(a) Ensure all power is turned off to the unit and theunit has cooled.(b) The panel in front of the lamps drops down toallow access. (c) Reach in through the flap and loosen the wingscrews on each side of the cover, and lower the panel forward. (d) Push the bulb to one side of the sprung loadedholder, swing the free end out of the holder, and remove the bulb. (e) Please note that only Jacketed Lamps, of thecorrect power rating, should be used (see Spare Parts section for access to replacement parts). Replacing the lamp(f) Carefully unwrap the new lamp.(g) Push the bulb to one side of the sprung loadedholder, ensuring it is correctly located on the contact in the holder. (h) Swing the lamp into the holder, so that bothends of the lamp are located correctly in the holder.(i) When released the lamp should be located securely in the holder.(j) Close the Cover back and secure in place by tightening the Wing screws on each side.HOT HOLDING UNIT6.WARRANTYVictor Manufacturing Ltd is renowned for the quality and reliability of its catering equipment and offers warranty on all goods manufactured by the company and supplied by its United Kingdom Distributors.On‐site warranty in case of failure is included in the purchase price, which covers the costs of spare parts and labour from the date of invoice for a period of 12 months.The Victor Manufacturing Ltd warranty does not affect any legal rights you have against the person who supplied our goods or any other legal right against Victor Manufacturing Ltd under the laws of the United Kingdom – it is an addition to those rights.All goods sold by Victor Manufacturing Ltd are subject to the Company’s standard conditions of sale, a copy of which is available upon request.Where the goods and components supplied by Victor Manufacturing Ltd are of the company’s design and manufacture, Victor Manufacturing Ltd will make good any defects in those goods provided Victor Manufacturing Ltd liability will be limited to the following:It is the purchaser’s responsibility to prove that the unit is under warranty, e.g. receipt of purchase, serial number, etc.Damaged in transit claims must be reported in writing to the company within 3 days of receipt for your claim to be validated. Damaged goods will not be replaced or repaired if they have been used.Victor Manufacturing Ltd must authorise all warranty repairs prior to the commencement of work.Work carried out on goods prior to authorisation will not be covered nor will any resultant damage.All warranty will be immediately invalidated if in the reasonable opinion of Victor Manufacturing Ltd, unauthorised repairs or modifications have been made to the goods, in the case of accident, misuse, or damage caused by improper installation and altered or missing serial numbers. Victor Manufacturing Ltd will not provide warranty repairs if in our opinion the problem resulted from externally caused damage, use outside the goods specification, faults caused by inexperienced or non‐approved repairers. All warranty will be immediately invalidated if installation of equipment is not in accordance with Victor Manufacturing Ltd installation instructions supplied.Customer adjustments explained in the operating manual are not covered by Victor Manufacturing Ltd on‐site warranty. Assistance can be received by contacting the warranty desk.The liability of Victor Manufacturing Ltd and its appointed engineers are limited to the cost of repairs (parts and labour only) of the unit under warranty. Loss of food or other damages caused by faulty goods are not covered by the warranty.No fault found warranty calls and installation errors are not covered under Victor Manufacturing Ltd warranty and will result in a charge being made for the callout and on‐site labour for our appointed engineer. The Victor Manufacturing Ltd warranty does not cover the replacement of used consumables, or parts that require period adjustment or lubrication, unless the part is faulty.You must have evidence that routine maintenance has been carried out by a qualified engineer in accordance with the instruction manual. This is of particular importance with refrigerated and gas fuelled units. Work made necessary by lack of routine maintenance or cleaning is not covered by this warranty and will be chargeable.Victor Manufacturing Ltd parts and labour warranty is valid for the United Kingdom mainland only.For all areas outside the United Kingdom mainland, warranty applies to parts only.Some parts are automatically not covered by the Victor Manufacturing Ltd warranty (e.g. panels, glass, lamps, shelves, etc.) Many surface finishes including paint and plastic coated steel can be scratched and damaged if not properly cared for; such damage is not covered by the Victor Manufacturing Ltd warranty.VMA‐0011(2) 8HOT HOLDING UNITVMA ‐0011(2)97. ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONSThis appliance contains electrical components and should be used and stored indoors only under the conditions listed in the table below.Environmental Temperature 5°C – 35°CRelative Humidity Max. 80% up to 31°C decreasing linearly to 50% at 40°CAltitude Not exceeding 2000m Electrical SupplyVoltage fluctuation not exceeding 10%8. SPECIFICATIONSpecificationSize800mm(W) x 601mm(D) x 767mm(H) Weight (unloaded) 62 Kg Supply Voltage 220‐240V A.C Max Current 10.1A Power 2.5kW Fuse13A9. TROUBLESHOOTINGA.Appliance not heating upThe Rocker Switch lamp is offCheck the unit is plugged into a live socket. Check the socket is turned on.Check the appliance Rocker Switch in the ON position.The Rocker Switch lamp isonCheck the controller temperature setting is set correctly.B.The unit is not maintaining the food temperatureThe controller temperature setting is set too low Increase the controller temperature setting. C.The food is getting too hotThe controller temperature setting is set too high Reduce the controller temperature setting. D.No Light/Lights.All Lights are offCheck the unit is plugged into a live socket. Check the socket is turned on.Check the appliance Rocker Switch in the ON position. One Light is offCheck the lamps is located in the holder correctly. Change the lamp.HOT HOLDING UNIT10.SPARE PARTSSpare parts are available for all models of equipment. These can be obtained by contacting either your distributor or Victor Manufacturing Ltd.When ordering any spare parts always quote the model and serial number. This can be found on the data label affixed close to the mains lead connection point to your product. It is also advisable to make a note of these numbers in the space provided on the front cover of this manual.The most common spare parts and their order codes are listed in the follow table.Spares order codesBC21HEATING ELEMENT 1000W 21‐0235ELEMENT COMPRESSION FITTING 40‐0260MOULDED PLUG & LEAD 2.5M 23‐0140ROCKER SWITCH 24‐0026THERMOSTAT 24‐0321INDICATOR NEON 26‐0075QUARTZ LAMP (JACKETED) 26‐0126LAMP HOLDER 26‐0132FOOT 53‐0050FRONT HANDLE 53‐0082KNOB CONTROL BLACK 6mm SPINDLE 53‐0264OUTER COVER SCREW /CUP WASHER 76‐0397 / 74‐0115FLAP ASSEMBLY A0000476QLATCH RETURN SPRING 70‐0185LATCH ASSEMBLY (FRONT) A0000485QLATCH ASSEMBLY (REAR) A0000616QVMA‐0011(2) 10HOT HOLDING UNITVMA ‐0011(2) 11NOTESIN THE UNLIKELY EVENT YOUR EQUIPMENT FAILS:Refer to the instruction manual to ensure the appliance is being operated correctly and review the troubleshooting information to see if your fault is listed.If the problem still cannot be resolved contact us with the following information,∙The model number (from the data label on the unit)∙The serial number (from the data label on the unit)∙A brief description of the fault you have.∙Your location and postcode.Make sure you have your proof of purchase document (Invoice number or serial number) and the model number of the equipment that has failed.Contact the warranty department on the following numbers:Telephone No: 01274 722125 (Office Hours)Desk Fax No: 01274 307082 (Office Hours)Warranty Desk Email address: ******************************.ukWarranty repairs are carried out between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Monday – Friday.Access required outside normal working hours may incur charges.Registered Office:Victor Manufacturing LtdLonsdale Works, Gibson Street, Bradford, BD3 9TFTel: 01274 722 125Fax: 01274 307 082Email: ****************************.uk。

赫兹ML Power 5高级网络手册说明书

赫兹ML Power 5高级网络手册说明书

rev 1.0bADVANCEDWEB MANUALML Power 5The User Manual is also available from our web site ML PowerIndex1. INTRODUCTION 32. PACKAGE CONTENTS 33. SAFE SOUND 44. GENERAL PRECAUTIONS 55. INSTALLATION AND SIZE 66. BATTERY / REMOTE CONNECTION AND HOW TO REPLACE THE FUSE 77. AUTO TURN-ON WITH HI-LEVEL INPUTS 78. TOP PANEL CONTROLS: SWITCHES AND ADJUSTMENT 89. FRONT AND REAR PANELS 910. CONFIGURATION DIAGRAMSCOME USARE IL REMOTE VOLUME CONTROL 10 FRONT E REAR E SUB CON IL REMOTE VOLUME CONTROL 11 WOOFER E MID/HI E SUB 12 PRE-IN FRONT E PRE-IN SUB 13 PRE-IN FRONT, PRE-IN REAR E PRE-IN SUB 14 INGRESSI HI-IN FRONT CON USCITE FRONT, REAR E SUB 15 HI-IN FRONT E REAR 16 PRE-IN FRONT E HI-IN REAR 173 CH MODE: FRONT E SUB 1811. CABLES 1912. BLOCK DIAGRAM 2013. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 21Thank you for purchasing a Hertz product, designed according to the highest quality standards.Your ML Power amplifier is a cutting-edge product of compact size, providing high power and quality of sound.It will definitely ensure you maximum satisfaction by taking up very small room in your vehicle.Before the installation, in addition to reading the Quick Start Guide (QSG), the consultation of this user’s manual available on the Hertz website will let you achieve the highest performance from your amplifier.In the package, besides your amplifier, you will find:• Quick Start Guide ...................................................................................................................................• Warranty Card ........................................................................................................................................• 40 A blade fuse .........................................................................................................................................x2• 4,2 x 16 mm self-tapping, cross-headed fixing screws .......................................................................x4OPTIONAL• HRC BM: SUB volume control......................................................................................................40HERTZ AMPLIFIERS CAN BE PART OF A HIGH POWER AUDIO SYSTEM THAT CAN GENERATE VERY HIGH UNDISTORTED SOUND PRESSURE LEVELS. PLEASE REMEMBER THAT LONG EXPOSURE TO AN EXCESSIVELY HIGH SOUND PRESSURE LEVEL MAY DAMAGE YOUR HEARING; THEREFORE, PLEASE USE COMMON SENSE AND PRACTICE SAFE SOUND.Safety must be at the forefront while driving. The listening volume should never obscure the noise coming from the outside of your vehicle; you should be able to hear the sounds generated by your vehicle in order to promptly face any emergency situation.To achieve the best possible performance from your new components, we recommend you follow the instructions in this manual carefully. In order to design and create top level car hi-fi systems you need to understand automobile mechanical and electrical issues very well; if you think you lack the required knowledge or the proper tools, please consult with a specialized installer.A professional installation will ensure your system delivers all the performance you have paid for, without affecting the safety and reliability of your vehicle.This manual has been designed to provide you with the basic instructions required to install and use this product. However, the range of possible applications is very wide; to obtain further information, please contact your authorized Hertz dealer or Hertz service center.You can also send an e-mail directly to the following addresses:Italy - ********************************Worldwide -***********************• T his symbol indicates that you have to pay attention to these instructions. Disregarding them might cause accidental harms or damage your amplifier.• B efore installing the amplifier, make sure you carefully read and understand all instructions.• T he vehicle electric system must have 12V DC voltage with negative to ground. Make sure your car has it in order to avoid any damages to your amplifier and to the vehicle.• P re-plan the configuration of your new amplifier and the best wiring routes to ease installation.• A lways wear protective eyewear when using tools that may generate splinters.• D uring installation, keep the amplifier in its packing as long as possible; this will protect it from damages.• S ecure all auxiliary devices you built to install the components to the vehicle structure through brackets, screws, nuts and bolts; this insures stability and safety while driving.• T he amplifier detachment while driving can damage the people in the vehicle and other cars. Secure theamplifier at best, paying utmost attention if installation is inside the passenger’s compartment. Do not carry out any installation inside the engine compartment.• B efore installing the amplifier, turn off the source and all other electronic devices in the audio system for preventing any damages.• M ake sure the location you chose for the components does not affect the correct functioning of the vehicle mechanic and electric devices.• D o not run the cables or install the amplifier next to electronic gearcases.• U se extreme caution when cutting or drilling the car plate, checking there are no electrical wiring or structural element underneath.• B efore connecting the power cable to the amplifier, disconnect the negative lead ( - ) from the car battery.• M ake sure power cable is not short circuited during installation and connection.• P ower cable must have mechanically resistant and self-extinguishing insulation. Its section have a size corresponding with what is suggested in this manual. Avoid to run it over or through sharp edges or close to moving mechanical devices. Make sure it is well fixed all along its length. Block positive and negative cables just close to the amplifier respective power supply terminal blocks through a clamping screw.• U se rubber grommets to protect the wire if it runs in a hole of the plate or proper materials if it is close to heat-generating parts.• T o ground the device ( - ) in the right way, use a screw in the vehicle chassis; scrape all paint or grease from the metal if necessary, checking with a tester that there is continuity between the battery negative terminal ( - ) and the fixing point. If possible, connect all components to the same ground point; this solution rejects most noise.• R oute all signal cables away from power cables.• N ever run cables outside the vehicle; you would not be protected against wear and in case of accidents.• W hen installing speakers and the cables that connect them, make sure that non-insulated parts never touch, even occasionally, the vehicle cutting parts. If they do, the amplifier protection is activated.• T o prevent all problems, use very good quality cables, connectors and accessories, choosing them in Connection catalogue.• W hen installation is over, and before plugging the main power supply fuse, check the system wiring and make sure all connections were done in the right way.• P ower amplifiers put an increased load on the battery and on its charging system. We recommend checking your alternator and battery condition to ensure they can handle the increased consumption. Standard electrical systems which are in good condition should be able to stand this extra load without problems but we recommend the use of an energy storage capacitor and/or a battery for high level audio systems.• P ut a fuse and its insulated fuse holder 40 cm max. far from the battery positive terminal; connect one end of the power cable to it after connecting the other end to the amplifier. The fuse value must be 50% higher than the amplifier built-in one. In case the cable supplies several amplifiers, the fuse value will have to be 50% higher than the sum of the values of all other fuses in the amplifiers.• T here must be good air circulation where the amplifier is installed; this area must not be affected by humidity, rain, external deposits or parts coming from the vehicle mechanical devices. Do not hinder in any way the cooling of the amplifier side fins • I nstall the amplifier in the vehicle parts where temperature is between 0°C (32°F) and 55°C (131°F).WARNING: When working in demanding conditions, the amplifier can reach temperatures of around 80 - 90°C (176÷194°F). Make sure it is not dangerously hot before touching it.• P eriodically clean the amplifier without using aggressive solvents that might damage it. Dampen a piece of cloth with water and soap, wring it and clean the amplifier. Then use a piece of cloth dampened with water only; eventually clean the amplifier with a dry piece of cloth.• R emove dust and solid deposits from the heat sink side fins. Don’t use compressed air on the amplifier since it would push solid parts in the amplifiers. If necessary, please contact a specialised service centre for internal cleaning. Cooling system obstruction makes the amplifier go in safety mode.+BATTERY wireB CH LEVELS:B channels input sensitivity adjustment control. Set to 1 position. Use a CD as source, increase head unit volume until output distorts, then increase volume by 1 step in order to eliminate distortion. Turn LEVELS up until sound becomes distorted and then turn LEVELS down a bit for optimum sound.PASS MODE (HI - FULL):B channels filter switch. Select FULL to drive full range power outputs. The full frequencies bandwidth will be output to power output connectors. Select HI for Hi-pass to drive a MIDRANGE / TWEETER. HI PASS (80 Hz ÷ 3.3 kHz):B channels HI-PASS crossover point adjustment. Rotating the knob you can select any frequencies between 80 Hz and 3.3 kHz. The frequencies below crossover point will be attenuated at 12dB/Oct. SUB LEVEL:SUB channel input sensitivity adjustment control Set to 1 position. Use a CD as source, increase head unit volume until output distorts, then increase volume by 1 step in order to eliminate distortion. Turn LEVELS up until sound becomes distorted and then turn LEVELS down a bit for optimum sound.REMOTE VOLUME CONTROL (ON - OFF): Activate ON or deactivate OFF external remote volume control for SUB channel. Connect external adjustment control to front panel proper connectors.LO PASS (50 Hz ÷ 500 Hz):LO-PASS crossover point adjustment of A channels band-pass filter. Rotating the knob you can select any frequencies between 50 Hz and 500 Hz. The frequencies above the crossover point will be attenuated at 24dB/Oct.A CH LEVELS:A channels input sensitivity adjustment control. Set to 1 position. Use a CD as source, increase head unit volume until output distorts, then increase volume by 1 step in order to eliminate distortion. Turn LEVELS up until sound becomes distorted and then turn LEVELS down a bit for optimum sound.PASS MODE (HI - FULL - BAND):A channels filter switch. Select FULL to drive full range power outputs. The full frequency bandwidth will be output to power output connectors. Select HI for Hi-pass to drive a WOOFER. Select BAND for bandpass to drive a WOOFER or a MIDRANGE.HI PASS (40 Hz ÷ 150 Hz):A channels HI-PASS crossover point adjustment. Rotating the knob you can select any frequencies between 40 Hz and 150 Hz. The frequencies below the crossover point will be attenuated at 12dB/Oct. LO PASS (80 Hz ÷ 3.3 kHz):A channels LO-PASS crossover point adjustment. Rotating the knob you can select any frequencies between 80 Hz and 3.3 kHz. The frequencies above the crossover point will be attenuated at 12dB/Oct. MODE (3CH - 5CH):Switch for 3 channel or 5 channel amplifier mode. Select 5CH for A + B + SUB channel system (example: Front - Rear - Sub). Select 3CH for A (Dual Mono) + SUB system.ON:Power LED. It lights up when you turn on the amplifier. If all LEDs (12) (13) (14) (15) turn on at the same time, the amplifier will shut down and you will have to contact a service centre.TH:Thermal status LED. It lights up when thermal protection is active, above 85°C. The amplifier shuts down until the chassis temperature goes below 75°C. OVL:Overload status LED. It lights up when overload occurs on the power output terminals. The amplifier goes in muting for 3 seconds and this LED starts flashing until you turn off the amplifier.REMOVE THE CAUSE OF OVERLOAD.SPK:Speaker status LED. It lights up when a speaker touches car body. The amplifier goes in muting for 3 seconds and this LED starts flashing until you turn off the amplifier.REMOVE THE CONTACT BETWEEN SPEAKER WIRE AND CAR BODY.16 7 892 3 4 510 11 12 13 14 15A PRE-IN:Left and Right pre-amplified inputs to drive A channels. Connect to pre-amplified source output. Signal can be 0.2 to 5V RMS.B PRE-IN:Left and Right pre-amplified inputs to drive B channels. Connect to pre-amplified source output. Signal can be 0.2 to 5V RMS (input active on 5CH mode only). SUB PRE-IN:Pre-amplified L+R (mix) inputs for drive SUB channel. Connect to pre-amplified source output. Signal can be 0.2 to 5V RMS.A HI - IN:Hi-Level signals Left and Right inputs for A channels. If the head unit does not feature a pre-amplified output, connect here its speaker wire to drive A Left and Right channels. Signal can be 0.8 V to 20 V RMS.B HI - IN:Hi-Level signals Left and Right inputs for B channels. If the head unit does not feature a pre-amplified output, connect here its speaker wire to drive B Left and Right channels (input active on 5CH mode only). Signal can be 0.8 V to 20 V RMS.B INPUT (A - B): Select A to drive B channels with A input signals. With this setup, do not connect B input. If the source features a REAR output, select B and connect its signals to B input (B PRE-IN or B HI-IN).HI - IN AUTO TURN-ON (ON - OFF): Select ON to turn on the amplifier through the speaker power cable, if the source does not feature a 12V DC REMOTE OUT. Select OFF if REMOTE OUT from source is available.SUB HI - IN:SUB channel Hi-Level signal inputs. If the head unit does not feature a pre-amplified output, connect here its speaker wire to drive SUB channel. Signal can be 0.8 V to 20 V RMS.REMOTE VOLUME CONTROL:Input for REMOTE SUB VOLUME CONTROL. Connect here the adjustment control the amplifier features (optional).SUB INPUT (A+B SUB): Select A+B to drive SUB channel with A signals and B signals. With this setup, do not connect SUB input. If the source features a SUB output, select SUB and connect its signals to SUB input.PROTECTION FUSE: 2 x 40A.POWER (+ BATT):Terminal block for the amplifier 11 ÷15 V DC power supply positive pole connection. Insert here the battery positive cable. The plug accepts cables up to 2 A.W.G.REMOTE IN:REMOTE IN terminal for the remote cable coming from the device which turns on the amplifier. Voltage must be between 7 and 16V DC.POWER (GND):Terminal block for the amplifier power supply negative pole connection. Insert here the battery negative cable or wire connected to the vehicle chassis. The plug accepts cables up to 2 A.W.G.SUB Speaker OUT: Subwoofer + and - power terminal. BL Speaker OUT:B channel Left speaker + and - power terminal. For 3CH mode, connect the Left speaker negative terminal to BL- terminal.BR Speaker OUT:B channel Right speaker + and - power terminal. For 3CH mode, connect the Left speaker positive terminal to BR+ terminal.AL Speaker OUT:A channel Left speaker + and - power terminal. For 3CH mode, connect the Right speaker negative terminal to AL - terminal.AR Speaker OUT:A channel Right speaker + and - power terminal. For 3CH mode, connect the Right speaker positive terminal to AR + terminal.17 8 9 1011 1213 1415 1617 18 192 3 4 56HOW TO USE REMOTE VOLUME CONTROLFRONT + REAR + SUB WITH REMOTE VOLUME CONTROLWOOFER AND MID/HI AND SUBPRE-IN FRONT AND PRE-IN SUBPRE-IN FRONT, PRE-IN REAR AND PRE-IN SUBHI-IN FRONT INPUTS WITH FRONT, REAR AND SUB OUTPUTSHI-IN FRONT AND REARPRE-IN FRONT AND HI-IN REAR3CH MODE: FRONT AND SUBConnection cablesFor maximum performance, always use new, good quality cables; their outer jacket must not be spoiled, and the copper must not show oxidation. For proper operation, always consider the length of the connection, the load and the current it has to handle. Connection products are the most flexible and complete; they are designed and built in order to get the best out of every installation, especially when used with Hertz amplifiers.Power and Ground cable recommendationsIf you don’t know your system current consumption, find it using the mathematical formula below and find this same value on the left hand column of the table. Then calculate the length of your connection and find this same value on the bottom column of the table. At the point where these two values cross is the minimum section in gauge (A.W.G.) which Connection recommends for building a high performance, reliable system.Speaker cable recommendationsThe table refers to continuous power into 4 Ω load. If load decreases, cable size will have toincrease proportionally.P o w e rCable Length (m)How to calculate your systemcurrent consumptionI =TP x 2VbattI == 108,3 A Current consumption650 x 2 12I = Current consumption of your system in ampere (A);TP = Total power (RMS) of channels of all amplifiers in your system;Vbatt = Usually value is 12 V, the nominal automotive electrical system voltage. Example:• Your total system power (RMS) of all channels in all amplifiers is a combined 650 W.• Your amplifier average is 50% efficiency, as most amplifiers today.• Your electrical system is 12 V.C u r r e n tD r a w l (A )I N 20V )B I N 0V )O U T A :(R I G H T C H )F u l l L o -p a s s H i -p a s s+A R / -A L M O N O (b r i d g e )O U T S U B :L o -p a s sM O N OA R I G H T A L E F TS U B O U T A :F u l l L o -p a s s H i -p a s sI N 0V )C O U T B :(L E F T C H )F u l l L o -p a s s H i -p a s s+B R / -B L M O N O (b r i d g e )B R I G H TB L E F TO U T B :F u l l H i -p a s sM O D E : 5 c hM O D E : 3 c hM O D E : 5 c hM O D E : 3 c hML Power 5ENPRE IN / SPEAKER IN150 Hz (HI) 80 ÷ 3.3k Hz (LO)3.3k Hz @ 12 dB/Oct.21。




矩阵的每一行都对应于一个单一的母线,列的数据格式为bus_i type Pd Qd Gs Bs area Vm Va baseKV zone Vmax Vmin.1)bus_i 用来设置母线编号(正整数)2)type 用来设置母线类型,1为PQ节点母线,2为PV节点母线,3为平衡(参考)节点母线,4为孤立节点母线3)Pd和Qd用来设置母线注入负荷的有功功率和无功功率4)Gs和Bs用来设置与母线并联电导和电纳5)baseKV用来这是该母线基准电压6)Vm和Va用来设置母线电压的幅值、相位初值7)Vmax和Vmin用来设置工作时母线最高、最低电压幅值8)area和zone用来设置电网断面号和分区号,一般都设置为1,前者可设置范围为1-100,后者为1-9993.字段gen为一个矩阵,用来设置接入电网中的发电机(电源)参数矩阵的每一行都对应于一个单一的发电机,列的数据格式为bus Pg Qg Qmax Qmin Vg mBase status Pmax Pmin1)bus:发电机母线编号2)Pg和Qg:发电机有功功率和无功功率3)Pmax和Pmin:发电机有功功率最大、最小允许值4)Qmax和Qmin:发电机无功功率最大、最小允许值5)Vg:发电机工作电压6)mBase:发电机的功率基准,默认值就是baseMVA7)status:发电机的工作状态,1表示投入运行,0表示退出运行4.字段branch为一个矩阵,用来设置电网中各支路参数矩阵的每一行都对应于一个单一的支路,列的数据格式为fbus tbus r x b rateA rateB rateC ratio angle status angmin angmax1)fbus和tbus:该支路由起始节点(母线)编号和终止节点(母线)编号2)r x b :该支路的电阻电抗充电电纳3)rateA rateB rateC :该支路长期、短期和紧急紧急允许功率4)ratio:该支路的变比,如果支路元件是导线,那么ratio为0,如果支路元件为变压器,则该变比为fbus侧母线的基准电压与tbus侧母线的基准电压之比5)angle:支路的相位角度,如果支路元件为变压器(或移相器),就是变压器(或移相器)的转角;如果支路元件是导线,相位角度为06)status:支路工作状态,1表示投入,0表示退出7)angmin angmax :支路相位角度最小和最大差值控制选项mpoption表1.MATPWOER中选项变量mpoption的功能描述表2.潮流计算结果输出的选项功能描述选项变量使用方式举例:首先取得默认的选项变量,即>>mpopt = mpoption;如果要使用快速解耦算法来对数据文件“case57”进行潮流计算,则需在MATLAB的命令窗口中通过输入一下两行命令即可:>>mpopt = mpoption(mpopt,’PF_ALG’,2);>>runpf(’case57’,mpopt);如果只输出系统概要信息和机组信息,则可进行如下设置:>>mpopt = mpoption(mpopt,’OUT_BUS’,0,’OUT_BRANCH’,0,’OUT_GEN’,1)。


• MATPOWER uses an options vector to control the many options available. The default MATPOWER options vector is obtained by calling mpoption with no arguments. So, typing: • >> runopf('case30', mpoption)
In addition to the values listed for the power flow solvers, the OPF solution also includes the following values:
bus(:, LAM_P) Lagrange multiplier on bus real power mismatch bus(:, LAM_Q) Lagrange multiplier on bus reactive power mismatch bus(:, MU_VMAX) Kuhn-Tucker multiplier on upper bus voltage limit bus(:, MU_VMIN) Kuhn-Tucker multiplier on lower bus voltage limit gen(:, MU_PMAX) K-T multiplier on upper generator real power limit gen(:, MU_PMIN) K-T multiplier on lower generator real power limit gen(:, MU_QMAX) K-T multiplier on upper generator reactive power limit gen(:, MU_QMIN) K-T multiplier on lower generator reactive power limit branch(:, MU_SF) K-T multiplier on MVA limit at "from" end of branch branch(:, MU_ST) K-T multiplier on MVA limit at "to" end of branch f final objective function value





1、baseMVA baseMVA是一个标量,用来设置基准容量。

对于计算中采用有名值,可以根据实际情况设置,如设置100MV A;对于计算中采用标幺值,一般设置为12、bus bus变量是一个矩阵,用来设置电网中各节点参数,该矩阵内的参数如下:%% bus data%bus_i type Pd Qd Gs Bs area Vm Va baseKV zone Vmax Vmin其中,第1列参数即bus_i用来设置母线编号,范围为1~29997;第2列参数type用来设置母线类型,1为PQ节点,2为PV节点,3为平衡节点;第3列参数Pd用来设置母线注入负荷的有功功率;第4列参数Qd用来设置母线注入负荷的无功功率;第5列参数Gs用来设置与母线并联的电导;第6列参数Bs用来设置与母线并联的电纳;第7列参数area用来设置电网断面号,可设置范围为1~100,一般设置为1;第8列参数Vm用来设置母线电压的幅值初值;第9列参数Va用来设置母线电压的相角初值;第10列参数baseKV用来设置该母线的基准电压;第11列参数zone用来设置省耗分区号,可设置范围为1~999,一般设置为1;第12列参数Vmax用来设置工作时母线电压最高幅值;第13列参数Vmin用来设置工作时母线电压最低幅值。

3、gen gen变量是一个矩阵,用来设置接入电网的发电机参数,该矩阵的参数如下:%% generator data%bus Pg Qg Qmax Qmin Vg mBase status Pmax Pmin 其中,第1列参数bus用来设置接入发电机的母线编号;第2列参数Pg用来设置接入发电机的有功功率,注意功率输入的是有名值;第3列参数Qg用来设置接入发电机的无功功率;第4列参数Qmax用来设置接入发电机的无功功率的最大允许值;第5列参数Qmin用来设置接入发电机的无功功率的最小允许值;第6列Vg用来设置接入发电机的工作电压,注意输入的是标幺值;第7列mBase用来设置接入发电机的功率基准;第8列status用来设置发电机的工作状态,1表示投入运行,2表示投出运行;第9列Pmax用来设置接入发电机的无功功率的最大允许值;第10列参数Pmin用来设置接入发电机的无功功率的最小允许值。

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MATPOWER一种基于matlab的电力系统仿真组件版本3.1b22006-9-15手册Ray D. Zimmerman ,Carlos E. Murillo-Sánchez,甘德强@1997-2006卡奈尔大学电气学院电力系统工程研究中心(PSERC)中文翻译制作:中国电力市场论坛()一切版权属于原作者。

目录1 绪论 (3)什么是MA TPOWER? (3)它从哪里来? (3)2 开始 (3)2.1 系统要求 (3)2.2 安装 (4)2.3 执行电力常规潮流运算 (4)2.4 执行最优潮流程序 (4)2.5 获得帮助 (4)3 技术规则 (5)3.1 数据文件格式 (5)3.2 模型 (8)交流模型(AC) (8)直流公式(DC) (9)3.3 电力潮流 (10)3.4 最优潮流 (10)传统的交流OPF方程 (12)基于最优化工具箱的OPF解法(constr) (13)基于线性规划的OPF解法(LPconstr) (14)3.4.2 广义交流最优潮流解法 (16)通用线性约束(一般线性约束) (17)通用成本函数 (18)通用P-Q容量曲线 (19)可调度负荷 (20)支路相角差限制 (22)问题数据转换 (22)附加线性约束的例子 (23)3.4.3 直流OPF方法 (23)机组组合算法 (24)3.6 MA TPOWER选项 (24)3.7 文件汇总 (27)4 致谢 (31)5 参考文献 (31)译者的话:在做项目和实验的过程中,偶然使用到MA TPOWER软件,发现该软件功能强大,但是操作还是比较的复杂,而MA TPOWER本身的说明文档还没有中文版本,因此,译者产生了翻译用户手册的想法,促使了这个文档的诞生。


1 绪论什么是MATPOWER?MA TPOWER是一个基于matlab m文件的组建包,用来解决电力潮流和优化潮流的问题。


Matpower 的设计理念是用尽可能简单、易懂,可更新的代码来实现最优秀的功能。

MA TPOWER的主页为:/matpower/它从哪里来?MA TPOWER是由卡奈尔大学电气学院电力系统工程研究中心的RAY D. ZIMMENRman,CARLOS E.Murillo和甘德强在ROBERT THOMAS的指导下开发出来的。

最初的基于MA TLAB的电力潮流和最优潮流代码是为POWERWEB项目的需要而编写的。

谁能够使用它?·MA TPOWER是完全免费的,任何人都可以使用。

·我们对MA TPOWER的代码和作为特殊用途的可行性不作任何保障,授权与暗示。

·任何使用MA TPOWER的出版物都必须标注MATPOWER /matpower/。

·任何出于某种需要而对MA TLAB进行的修改必须在适当的位置保留初始版权标志。

·MA TPOWER在没有书面许可的情况下不宜私自发布与转让。

·MA TPOWER改进版或源于MA TPOWER的成果在没有书面许可的情况下不能私自转让或发布。

2 开始2.1 系统要求·MA TLAB 5.0或以上版本1·MA TLAB 最优化工具箱(一小部分最优潮流算法需要)两者都可以从MathWorks获得(见/)。

2.2 安装步骤一:到MA TPOWER主页(/mathpower/)上按照下载指导下载。


步骤三:将解压后的文件放到MA TLAB的PATH路径下。

2.3 执行电力常规潮流运算运行一个简单的在文件case9.m中有详细的说明9节点牛顿潮流,包括默认的运算法则选项,以matlab的命令,输入:>>runpf(‘case9’)2.4 执行最优潮流程序计算一个数据在case30.m文件中的30节点的最优潮流系统,以默认的算法选项,以maitlab的命令,输入:>>runopf(‘case30’)计算相同的系统,但是以关闭高耗机组处理的方式运行,输入:>>runuopf(‘case30’)2.5 获得帮助当拥有MA TLAB的内部函数和工具箱代码时,通过输入help加上命令或者M-文件的名称可以获得详细的函数说明,几乎所有的MA TPOWER的M-文件都有这样的文档。

比如,runopf的帮助如下:>> help runopfRUNOPF Runs an optimal power flow.[baseMV A, bus, gen, gencost, branch, f, success, et] = ...runopf(casename, mpopt, fname, solvedcase)Runs an optimal power flow and optionally returns the solved values inthe data matrices, the objective function value, a flag which is true ifthe algorithm was successful in finding a solution, and the elapsed timein seconds. All input arguments are optional. If casename is provided itspecifies the name of the input data file or struct (see also 'helpcaseformat' and 'help loadcase') containing the opf data. The defaultvalue is 'case9'. If the mpopt is provided it overrides the defaultMA TPOWER options vector and can be used to specify the solutionalgorithm and output options among other things (see 'help mpoption' fordetails). If the 3rd argument is given the pretty printed output will beappended to the file whose name is given in fname. If solvedcase isspecified the solved case will be written to a case file in MA TPOWERformat with the specified name. If solvedcase ends with '.mat' it savesthe case as a MA T-file otherwise it saves it as an M-file.MA TPOWER还提供许多想想用来选择算法和输出,输入>>help mpoption更多信息详见3.6节:MA TPOWER的选项。

3 技术规则3.1 数据文件格式MA TPOWER所用的所有数据文件均为MA TLAB的M文件或者MA T文件,他们用来定义和返回变量:baseMV A,bus,branch,gen,areas和gencost。

变量baseMV A是标量,其他的都是矩阵。



MA TPOWER案例文件的规范细节可以在caseformat.m中看到:>> help runopfRUNOPF Runs an optimal power flow.[baseMV A, bus, gen, gencost, branch, f, success, et] = ...runopf(casename, mpopt, fname, solvedcase)Runs an optimal power flow and optionally returns the solved values inthe data matrices, the objective function value, a flag which is true ifthe algorithm was successful in finding a solution, and the elapsed timein seconds. All input arguments are optional. If casename is provided itspecifies the name of the input data file or struct (see also 'helpcaseformat' and 'help loadcase') containing the opf data. The defaultvalue is 'case9'. If the mpopt is provided it overrides the defaultMA TPOWER options vector and can be used to specify the solutionalgorithm and output options among other things (see 'help mpoption' fordetails). If the 3rd argument is given the pretty printed output will beappended to the file whose name is given in fname. If solvedcase isspecified the solved case will be written to a case file in MA TPOWERformat with the specified name. If solvedcase ends with '.mat' it savesthe case as a MA T-file otherwise it saves it as an M-file.>> help ceseformatceseformat.m not found.>> help caseformatCASEFORMAT Defines the MATPOWER case file format.A MA TPOWER case file is an M-file or MAT-file which defines the variablesbaseMV A, bus, gen, branch, areas, and gencost. With the exception ofbaseMV A, a scalar, each data variable is a matrix, where a row correspondsto a single bus, branch, gen, etc. The format of the data is similar tothe PTI format described in/research/pstca/formats/pti.txtexcept where noted. An item marked with (+) indicates that it is includedin this data but is not part of the PTI format. An item marked with (-) isone that is in the PTI format but is not included here. The columns foreach data matrix are given below.See also IDX_BUS, IDX_BRCH, IDX_GEN, IDX_AREA and IDX_COST regarding constants which can be used as named column indices for the data matrices.Also described in the first three are additional columns that are addedto the bus, branch and gen matrices by the power flow and OPF solvers.Bus Data Format1 bus number (1 to 29997)2 bus typePQ bus = 1PV bus = 2reference bus = 3isolated bus = 43 Pd, real power demand (MW)4 Qd, reactive power demand (MV Ar)5 Gs, shunt conductance (MW (demanded) at V = 1.0 p.u.)6 Bs, shunt susceptance (MV Ar (injected) at V = 1.0 p.u.)7 area number, 1-1008 Vm, voltage magnitude (p.u.)9 V a, voltage angle (degrees)(-) (bus name)10 baseKV, base voltage (kV)11 zone, loss zone (1-999)(+) 12 maxVm, maximum voltage magnitude (p.u.)(+) 13 minVm, minimum voltage magnitude (p.u.)Generator Data Format1 bus number(-) (machine identifier, 0-9, A-Z)2 Pg, real power output (MW)3 Qg, reactive power output (MV Ar)4 Qmax, maximum reactive power output (MV Ar)5 Qmin, minimum reactive power output (MV Ar)6 Vg, voltage magnitude setpoint (p.u.)(-) (remote controlled bus index)7 mBase, total MV A base of this machine, defaults to baseMV A (-) (machine impedance, p.u. on mBase)(-) (step up transformer impedance, p.u. on mBase)(-) (step up transformer off nominal turns ratio)8 status, > 0 - machine in service<= 0 - machine out of service(-) (% of total V Ar's to come from this gen in order to hold V atremote bus controlled by several generators)9 Pmax, maximum real power output (MW)10 Pmin, minimum real power output (MW)Branch Data Format1 f, from bus number2 t, to bus number(-) (circuit identifier)3 r, resistance (p.u.)4 x, reactance (p.u.)5 b, total line charging susceptance (p.u.)6 rateA, MV A rating A (long term rating)7 rateB, MV A rating B (short term rating)8 rateC, MV A rating C (emergency rating)9 ratio, transformer off nominal turns ratio ( = 0 for lines )(taps at 'from' bus, impedance at 'to' bus, i.e. ratio = Vf / Vt)10 angle, transformer phase shift angle (degrees)(-) (Gf, shunt conductance at from bus p.u.)(-) (Bf, shunt susceptance at from bus p.u.)(-) (Gt, shunt conductance at to bus p.u.)(-) (Bt, shunt susceptance at to bus p.u.)11 initial branch status, 1 - in service, 0 - out of service(+) Area Data Format1 i, area number2 price_ref_bus, reference bus for that area(+) Generator Cost Data FormatNOTE: If gen has n rows, then the first n rows of gencost containthe cost for active power produced by the corresponding generators.If gencost has 2*n rows then rows n+1 to 2*n contain the reactivepower costs in the same format.1 model, 1 - piecewise linear,2 - polynomial2 startup, startup cost in US dollars3 shutdown, shutdown cost in US dollars4 n, number of cost coefficients to follow for polynomialcost function, or number of data points for piecewise linear5 and following, cost data defining total cost functionFor polynomial cost:c2, c1, c0where the polynomial is c0 + c1*P + c2*P^2For piecewise linear cost:x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2, ...where x0 < x1 < x2 < ... and the points (x0,y0), (x1,y1),(x2,y2), ... are the end- and break-points of the cost function.某些列被加入到了母线,线路和发电机组矩阵当中,通过查看idx_bus,idx_brch 和idx_gen 可以获得更多细节。
