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国家领导人在2019新年贺词中说,“我们都在努力奔跑,我们都是追梦人”。梦想是我们成长的力量。以下是李华和王军的梦想,请根据要点提示,以“We are all dream chasers”为题写一篇英语短文,介绍你们的梦想和奋斗计划。






Li Hua





Wang Jun










We are all dream chasers

“We are all running very hard. We are all dream chasers”, Prisident Xi said in his New Year’s Speech. (给出部分)

Li Hua is a 21-year-old university student. He dreams of running his own company. He plans to study hard and he thinks it’s very important to learn how to work with other people.

Wang Jun is a taxi driver. He is 40. He wants to be “the best Binzhouee”. He will learn English and more culture about Binzhou. In this way, he can help the foreigners and other touristsbetter. He also plans to learn how to get on better with others.

As for me, I want to be an engineer in the future. I will achieve my dream by working hard.I think learning how to learn is very important. I will

never stop learning.

Everyone’s dream makes up to Chinese dream. Let’s hold on to it and achieve it earlier.(给出部分)

每一个人,每一个国家,都拥有梦想。“中国梦”是目前最热的话题。作为中学生,你是如何理解中国梦的?你的中国梦是什么呢?为实现你的梦想,你将怎么做呢?假设你叫李红(Li Hong),请以“My Dream”为题,写一篇不少于100词的英语短文。

要求:1. 条理清楚,有表明自己观点的句子。

2. 书写工整,句式规范,标点符号和大小写使用正确。

3. 短文中应尽量包括提示内容,可适当发挥,但不能出现真实的人名、地名。

4. 参考词汇:China dream,come true ,achieve one's dreams., give up,hold on to, make up of

My Dream

Everyone has his dreams. As young students, we have many kinds of dreams. These dreams are our China dreams. The dreams can be very big, and they can also be small. In fact ,a big dream is made up of many small dreams.

My name’s Li Hong. I also have a dream. I dream of becoming a grea t scientist. From now on, I have to study hard to achieve my dream. I must learn as much as I can. When I meet any difficulty, I won’t give it up , I must get it over .

I’m sure it’s very important to dream,. Some dreams are more realistic, others are not. No matter what our dreams are, we should hold on to them, they can just come true one day



Protect our eyes

Nowadays, we are living in the digital age. Eletronic products make our life more colorful, but they also do great harm to our eyes. Protecting our eyesight is now becoming more and more important.

To protect our eyesgiht, first, we shouldn’t watch the computers for too long. We should rest our eyes by watching outside from time to time.Second, we mustn’t use smart phones in dark. It’s bad for our eyes. We’d better read paper books instead of e-books. Also, We need to take more outdoor exercise and eat more green vegetables and fruits. They
