小学英语课外拓展阅读绘本- The Berenstain Bears Get in a Fight(pdf 版)

(3)对空间概念的理解和运用,如理解in, on, under, behind等表示物品位置的介词。
- "FP"代表It’s in the ...(它在...)

认识贝贝熊系列丛书(耶鲁大学人类学博士,北京小橡树幼儿园园长)最早知道小熊系列书(The BerenstainBears),是从美国儿童图书软件里。
小熊书里我们最早读的是The Berenstain Bears Get theGimmies,情节非常生动,小熊哥哥妹妹缠着爸爸妈妈要玩具,爸爸妈妈不同意时他们就大哭大闹,甚至倒在地上乱蹬腿!这个场景是孩子生活中常见的事情,孩子们一下子被故事牢牢抓住,略带点紧张地听着我讲爸爸怎样大吼,妈妈怎样生气,爷爷奶奶又怎么支招。
果然,以后的日子里,如果和他们说:“怎么闹gimmies 啦?”他们会立刻收敛,不再坚持。
本来他们给成年人的报刊杂志画漫画,后来在自己的孩子开始读图画书时,他们给著名的苏斯博士的系列图画书Beginner Books绘著了第一本童书TheBig HoneyHunt,主角就是熊的一家。

1.学生已经掌握了Unit 1-Unit 3的重点单词、短语和基本句型,能够进行简单的自我介绍和日常交流。此外,学生对英语歌曲和游戏有一定的兴趣和热情,这为课堂活动提供了良好的基础。
本节课我们主要复习了《人教精通版(三起)六年级英语上册》Unit 1-Unit 3的重点单词、短语和句型,通过歌曲、游戏、角色扮演等形式,让学生在真实的日常交流场景中巩固所学知识。以下是本节课的课堂小结:

- 建议学生制定一个“英语周末计划”,用英语写下自己周末的详细活动,并在班级内分享,以增强写作和口语表达能力。
- 组织一次“周末计划”主题的英语角活动,让学生在轻松的氛围中练习用英语交流个人计划,提升交际能力。
- 鼓励学生通过绘制思维导图的方式,总结和复习本节课所学的词汇和句型,加深记忆和理解。
1. 拓展资源:
- 建议学生阅读与周末活动相关的英语绘本或故事书,如《The Berenstain Bears' Week at Grandma's》等,以丰富词汇量和理解不同的文化背景。
- 观看英语动画片或教育节目中的周末活动片段,如《Peppa Pig》中关于周末去公园、野餐等情节,以提高听力理解能力。
- 收集并学习关于周末活动的英文歌曲,如《Lazy Sunday》等,通过歌曲学习轻松掌握相关表达。
- 了解和收集英语国家的节假日活动信息,对比不同文化下的周末活动差异。
2. 拓展建议:
- 如何构造简单的未来计划句型,如 "I'm going to..."、"We will..."。
② 重点词句:
- 句型:"What are you going to do...?" 用于询问未来的计划。
- 句型:"I'm going to..." 或 "We will..." 用于表达个人的未来计划。
外研版英语六年级下册绘本故事-The Berenstain Bears Count Their Blessings

"Anna's got her own phone in her room!" Sister would complain. Or, "Oueenie's got her own phone and her own TV in her room!" But Lizzys was the worst. That was because Lizzy had the biggest collection of Bearbie dolls, ever.
The Berenstain Bears Count Their Blessings Electronic book published by 24 W. 25th St. New York, NY 10010 For more ebooks, visit us at: All rights reserved. Copyright (c) 1995 by Stan and Jan Berenstain Originally published by Random House in 1995 No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. e-ISBN: 1-59019-229-X Ebook conversion by

1.学生已经掌握了相关知识:在本单元的前两部分学习过程中,学生已经熟悉并掌握了与生日庆祝相关的词汇,如“birthday”, “cake”, “candles”, “present”等,以及常用的祝福语“Happy birthday”。此外,他们也学会了使用简单的现在时态描述人物年龄和活动,例如“how old are you?”和“I am...years old”。
-阅读材料:提供与生日庆祝相关的英文绘本或故事书,如《The Berenstain Bears' Birthday Party》、《Froggy's Birthday Wish》等,让学生在课后阅读,增加对生日主题的理解和词汇积累。
-生日相关词汇:birthday, cake, candles, presents, celebrate
-句型:How old are you? I am...years old. Happy birthday to you!

1.razkid reading a-z2.机灵狗故事乐园3.ready reader(机灵狗外文版)4.mathenglish5.SCOTT FORESMAN Decodable.Readers是拼读ELL.Readers是English Language LearnerLeveled.Readers.是分级别阅读Leveled.Science.Readers.是科学知识Social.Studies.Leveled.Readers.是社交知识6.Heinemann7.HARCOURT8.【Macmillan/McGraw - Hill】《加州教材》美国加州教材小学1-6年纪的数学(Mathematics),科学(Science) 和语文(Treasures)三门课的全部内容这套教材语文是 TREASURES,是由 Macmillan和McGraw - Hill 两大教育巨头出版公司共同出版的教科书。
9.《The Berenstain Bears - First Time Books》10.Heinemann出版的英文原版11.彩绘英文童书12.《苏斯博士系列》13.ARNOLD LOBEL 【作/画者简介】艾诺·洛贝尔(ArnoldLobel)是美国当代最尊重儿童智慧的作家,他的作品除了温馨、趣味之外,对于传统被认为是高层次思考才能接触的哲学论题,例如:勇气、意志力、友谊的本质、恐惧、智慧等,都能够用具体的形象,说闲话的语气,数落出来,让读者常常会发出“啊!”的感叹。

-阅读材料:选择与家庭主题相关的英文绘本故事,如《The Berenstain Bears》系列中的《The Berenstain Bears' Family Tree》等,让学生在阅读中了解不同家庭的结构和成员关系。
4.歌曲教学法:选取与家庭主题相关的英文歌曲,如《Family Song》,让学生跟唱、表演,增强课堂氛围,提高学生的学习兴趣。
- I have two brothers and one sister.
- My grandpa/grandma is very kind.
- Hello! (你好!)
- Goodbye! (再见!)
- I'm ... (我是...)
- How are you? (你好吗?)
-视频资源:选取适合一年级学生的英文动画片或儿童节目,如《Peppa Pig》或《Dora the Explorer》,让学生在观看视频的同时学习家庭成员的英文表达。

- 在小组活动中,学会合作、分享,培养团队精神。
- 运用所学英语进行讨论和交流,提高口语表达能力。
1. 核心词汇:
- clean:用于描述打扫卫生的动作,如“Clean the desk.”(擦桌子)。
- tidy:表示整理、收拾,如“Tidy up your room.”(整理你的房间)。
3. 学生可能遇到的困难和挑战:在本节课的学习过程中,学生可能会在以下方面遇到困难:①对新词汇的发音和拼写掌握不牢固;②在真实语境中,对祈使句的使用不够熟练;③在描述整理活动时,可能无法灵活运用所学句型和词汇。此外,部分学生可能在口语表达方面存在紧张、不自信等心理障碍。
清晰、准确地讲解本节课的核心词汇和句型,如“tidy up”, “put away”等,结合实例帮助学生理解。突出重点,强调难点,通过对比、归纳等方法帮助学生加深记忆。

美国学龄前儿童的阅读书单:美国一年级小学生的阅读书单: 序号序号 书名书名作者作者 1 My Visit to the Zoo Aliki 2 We are Best Friends Aliki 3 The Berenstain Bears (series) Berenstain, Stan and Jan 序号序号 书名书名作者作者1 Best Place to Read Bertram, Debbie 2 When Will I Read? Cohen, Miriam 3 Ready...Set...Read! Cole, Joanna 4 Cat Traps Coxe, Molly 5 Surprises Hopkins, Lee Bennett 6 Zelda and Ivy Kvasnosky, Laura 7 What Do You Hear When Cows Sing? Maestro, Marco 8 Fox Outfoxed Marshall, James 9 Grandmas at Bat McCully, Emily Arnold 10 Gus and Grandpa Mills, Claudia 11 Zack's Alligator Mozelle, Shirley 12 Newt Novak, Matt 13 Henry and Mudge and the Forever Sea Rylant, Cynthia 14 Detective Dinosaur Skofield, James 15 Wizard and Wart at Sea Smith, Janice Lee 16 Ready, Set, Go! Stadler, John 17 Amanda Pig, Schoolgirl Van Leeuwen, Jean 4 Franklin and the Tooth Fairy (series) Bourgeois, Paulette 5 The Mitten Brett, Jan 6 Clifford¡‘s Manners (series) Bridwell, Norman 7 Red Fish, Blue Fish Dr. Seuss 8 Big Dog, Little Dog: A Bedtime Story Eastman, P.D. 9 Go Dog Go! Eastman, P.D. 10 Red Leaf, Yellow Leaf Ehlert, Lois 11 Happy Birthday, Ronald Morgan! Giff, Patricia 12 Fire! Fire! Flying Gibbons, Gail 13 Frogs Gibbons, Gail 14 Oh, How I Wish I Could Read Gile, John 15 From Caterpillar to Butterfly Heiligman, Deborah 16 Summer Hirshci, Ron 17 Danny and the Dinosaurs Hoff, Syd 18 Who Will Be My Friends? Hoff, Syd 19 Harold and the Purple Crayon Johnson, Crock 20 The Carrot Seed Krauss, Ruth 21 Frog and Toad (series) Lobel, Arnold 22 Mouse Soup Lobel, Arnold 23 Pretend You Are a Cat Marzollo, Jean 24 All by Myself Mayer, Mercer 25 Just Grandma and Me Mayer, Marcer McLoone, Margo 26 Harriet Tubman : A Photo-illustrated Biography 27 Little Bear (series) Minarik, Elise 28 Baby Beluga Raffi 29 Curious George (series) Rey, H.A. 30 Henry and Mudge (series) Rylant, Cynthia 31 Mr. Putter and Tabby Bake the Cake Rylant, Cynthia 32 Nate the Great and the Lost List (series) Nate the Great and the Lost List (series) Sharmat, Marjorie Sharmat, Marjorie 美国二年级小学生的阅读书单: 序号序号 书名书名 作者作者 1 Flat Stanley Brown, Jeff 2 Julian, Dream Doctor Cameron, Ann 3 The Dog That Called the Pitch Christopher, Matt 4 Muggie Maggie Cleary, Beverly 5 Mr. Chickee's Funny Money Curtis, Christopher Paul 6 The Courage of Sarah Noble Dalgliesh, Alice 7 Mercy Watson: Princess in Disguise DiCamillo, Kate 8 How Not to Babysit Your Brother Hapka, Cathy 9 Just Grace Harper, Charise Mericle 10 Babymouse (series) Holm, Jennifer 11 Horrible Harry and the Goog Kline, Suzy 12 Arthur and the Cootie-Catcher Krensky, Stephen 13 Gooney Bird and the Room Mother Lowry, Lois 14 Judy Moody: Around the World in 8 1/2 Days McDonald, Megan 15 Stink and the Great Guinea Pig Express Stink and the Great Guinea Pig Express McDonald, Megan McDonald, Megan 16 Revenge of the Dragon Lady McMullan, Kate 17 Smarter Than Squirrels Nolan, Lucy 18 Dark Day in the Deep Sea: A Merlin Mission Osborne, Mary Pope 19 Junie B., First Grader: Dumb Bunny Park, Barbara 20 Captain Underpants and the Preposterous Plight of the Purple Potty People : The Eighth Epic Novel Pilkey, Dav 21 Fred & Anthony Meet the Demented Super-Degerm-O Zombie Primavera, Elise 22 Marvin Redpost : Super Fast, Out of Control! Sachar, Louis 23 Hair Ball from Outer Space Scroggs, Kirk 24 Freaks and Shrieks Stine, R.L. 25 Terror in Tights Trine, Greg 序号序号 书名书名 作者作者 1 Finding Providence Avi 2 Going Home Bunting, Eve 3 Tornado Byars, Betsy 4 Chang's Paper Pony Coerr, Eleanor 5 The Gator Girls Cole, Joanna 6 My Big Lie Cosby, Bill 7 Splish Splash Graham, Joan 8 Trudi and Pia Hegi, Ursula 9 Boundless Grace Hoffman, Mary 10 Good Rhymes, Good Times Hopkins, Lee Bennett 11 Girl Wonder Hopkinson, Deborah 12 Bad News! I'm in Charge! Ingman, Bruce 13 The Wagon Johnston, Tony 14 Who Eats What? Food Chains and Food Webs Lauber, Patricia 15 Nine for California Levitin, Sonia 16 Nelson Mandela's Favorite African Folktales Mandela, Nelson 17 Martha Speaks Meddaugh, Susan 18 Good Driving, Amelia Bedelia Parish, Herman 19 Cendrillon San Souci, Robert 20 Ghosts! Ghostly Tales from Folklore Schwartz, Alvin 21 Nate the Great Sharmat, Marjorie 22 Young Wolf and Spirit Horse Shefelman, Janice 23 Chato's Kitchen Soto, Gary 24 Dust for Dinner Turner, Ann 25 Walter Wick's Optical Tricks Wick, Walter 26 Don't Let Go! Willis, Jeanne 美国四年级小学生的阅读书单: 序号序号 书名书名作者作者1 More Than Anything Else Bradby, Marie 2 Train to Somewhere Buting, Eve 3 The Chocolate Touch Catling, Patrick 4 The Dog that Pitched a No-Hitter Christopher, Matt 5 Ramona's World Cleary, Beverly 6 Insectlopedia Florian, Douglas 7 And Then What Happened, Paul Revere? Fritz, Jean 8 Sami and the Time of the Trouble Heide, Florence Parry 9 Oh Grow Up! Poems to Help you Survive Parents, Chores, Schoo... Heide, Florence Parry 10 The Bone Detectives Jackson, Donna 11 Harvesting Hope Krull, Kathleen 12 The Tales of Uncle Remus: The Adventures of Brer Rabbit Lester, Julius 13 The Rough-Face Girl Martin, Rafe 14 Bill Pickett, Rodeo-Ridin' Cowboy Pinkney, Andrea 15 Addy Learns a Lesson: A School Story Porter, Conne 16 Why Alligator Hates Dog Reneaux, J.J. 17 Minty: A Story of Young Harriet Tubman Schroeder, Alan 18 The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales Scieszka, Jon 19 Mary on Horseback Wells, Rosemary 20 The Adventures of Captain Underpants Pilkey, Dav 美国五年级小学生的阅读书单:序号序号 书名书名 作者作者1 The Arcadians Alexander, Lloyd 2 Egg-Drop Blues Banks, Jacqueline 3 Bingo Brown's Guide to Romance Byars, Betsy 4 The Big Bazoohley Carey, Peter 5 The Music of Dolphins Hesse, Karen 6 Three Terrible Trins King-Smith, Dick 7 Author: A True Story Lester, Helen 8 Anastasia at this Address Lowry, Lois 9 The Boys' War: Confederate and Union Soldiers Talk About the... Murphy, Jim 10 Scorpions Myers, Walter Dean 11 The Great Gilly Hopkins Paterson, Katherine 12 The V oyage of the Frog Paulsen, Gary 13 A Long Way from Chicago Peck, Richard 14 Forty Acres and Maybe a Mule Robinet, Harriette 15 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Rowling, J.K. 16 Cat Mummies Trumble, Kelly 17 101 Ways to Bug Your ParentsWardlaw, Lee 18 Sad Underwear and Other Complications Sad Underwear and Other Complications Viorst, Judith Viorst, Judith 19 Orphan Train Rider: One Boy's True Story Warren, Andrea 序号序号 书名书名 作者作者1 Fever Anderson, Laurie Halse 2 Avi Best Shorts 3 If a Tree Falls at Lunch Period Choldenko, Gennifer 4 Rainbow Soup: Adventures in Poetry Cleary, Brian P. 5 Bodies from the Ash Deem, James 6 Escape! The Story of The Great Houdini Fleischman, Sid 7 The Old Willis Place Hahn, Mary Downing 8 Albino Animals Halls, Kelly 9 The Black Book of Secrets Higgins, F.E. 10 Bird Johnson, Angela 11 Emmy and the Incredible Shrinking Rat Jonell, Lynne 12 Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Greg Heffley’s Kinney, Jeff Journal Klise, Kate 13 Regarding the Bees: a Lesson, in Letters, on Honey, Dating, and Other Sticky Subjects 14 Hot Hand (Comeback Kids) Lupica, Mike Mack, Tracy 15 The Fall of the Amazing Zalindas (Sherlock Holmes and the Baker Street Irregulars) 16 The Cottonmouth Club Marcum, Lance 17 Here Today Martin, Ann 18 Listening for Lions Whelan, Gloria 19 Adam Canfield of the Slash Winerip, Michael 20 Diary of Ma Yan, Ma 21 15 Minutes Young, Steve 。
小学英语课外拓展阅读绘本- The Berenstain Bears Get the Gimmies(pdf 版)

“Oh please!” they shouted. “May we have them? Please! Please! Please!”
“Look! Look!” shouted Sister, “A new ride!” “Hey, a Bucking Frog!” shouted Brother. “That looks even better than the Bucking Duck! May we ride it, please? May we? May we? Please!”
That's when Papa Bear smiled and said, “Now, Mama, you're only young once,” and handed the cubs their favorite treats.
“It's only too true,” said Mama as they were leaving the supermarket, “that you're only young once. But that's all the more reason to learn proper behavior while you're still young, and I certainly think—”
Maybe that's why Brother and Sister Bear got the gimmies. Or maybe it was because there were treats, toys, and fun things to do wherever they looked—at the supermarket, at the mall, on TV, and just about every which-where.

最喜欢的卡通动漫贝肯熊英语作文全文共5篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Favorite Cartoon: The Grizzy and the LemmingsHi there! My name is Jamie and I'm a 4th grader. Today I want to tell you all about my absolute favorite cartoon show - The Grizzy and the Lemmings! It's seriously the best and funniest show ever. I watch it all the time and I never get tired of it. Let me explain why I love it so much.The main character is The Grizzy, who is a huge grizzy bear. He's really lazy and likes to sleep a lot. But the lemmings, who are these tiny green-haired creatures, are always bugging him and trying to ruin his naps! There are lots of lemmings and they get into all kinds of crazy situations. Their leader is usually the one making the plans to prank or annoy The Grizzy.What I love most about the show is how silly and ridiculous it is. The lemmings come up with these outrageous schemes to mess with The Grizzy, like building huge contraptions or using crazy inventions. And The Grizzy gets so mad and flusteredtrying to stop them. It's just pure slapstick comedy and it always has me rolling on the floor laughing!My favorite episode is the one where the lemmings replace The Grizzy's fur coat with a bright pink fluffy one while he's sleeping. When he wakes up and sees himself in the mirror, his reaction is priceless! He gets so angry and embarrassed, and spends the whole episode trying to catch the lemmings and get his regular coat back. The pranks and chases in that episode had me cracking up the whole time.Another great thing about the show is that there's no talking at all, just sound effects and music. But you don't even need words to understand what's going on because the physical comedy is so over-the-top and exaggerated. Whenever The Grizzy gets really mad, he makes these hilarious growling noises that sound so goofy. And the lemmings have these cutehigh-pitched squeaking sounds. The music also adds to the silliness and energy of each scene.I've seen every single episode like a million times, but I'll never get bored of watching The Grizzy and his never-ending battle with those pesky lemmings. Whenever I'm feeling down or sad, I can just turn on an episode and it instantly puts a huge smile on my face. That's why it's my #1 favorite cartoon!In school, we sometimes have to watch educational videos or documentaries, which are fine I guess. But none of that boring stuff can even compare to the pure entertainment andlaugh-out-loud humor of The Grizzy and the Lemmings. It's a masterpiece of cartoon comedy that kids and adults can equally enjoy.My friends and I quote lines from the show all the time, or act out the scenes during recess. We even made our own Grizzy and Lemmings costumes last Halloween! I went as The Grizzy, with a bear costume my mom made me, and my best friend was the leader lemming. We won a prize at school for best group costume. It was so much fun!I really hope they never stop making new episodes of The Grizzy and the Lemmings because I just can't get enough of it. Every time a new one comes out, I beg my parents to record it or download it right away so I can watch it over and over. I've already seen the newest episode like 20 times! I'll never stop laughing at the lemmings' zany plots to drive The Grizzy totally nuts.If you haven't watched The Grizzy and the Lemmings yet, you're seriously missing out on the funniest cartoon ever made. I'm not exaggerating when I say it's a comic masterpiece! Theslapstick is just unbeatable, the character designs are so creative and expressive, and the writers are geniuses at coming up with hilariously absurd situations and pranks. Run, don't walk, to watch it right now! Join me and millions of other fans worldwide in becoming a Grizzy and Lemmings super-fan.In conclusion, The Grizzy and the Lemmings takes the cake as the most riotously funny, endlessly re-watchable cartoon series that will make anyone from age 5 to 95 laugh until their sides hurt. Its brand of energetic, over-the-top physical comedy is unmatched in the animation world. I hope the adventures of The Grizzy and those pesky lemmings continue forever, because I can never get enough! Thanks for reading my essay, and make sure to check out this iconic show if you somehow haven't already. You'll be laughing hard in no time! The Grizzy and the Lemmings RULES!篇2My Favorite Cartoon Character: Bakunonoikushinya BearHi everyone! My name is Alex and I am 9 years old. Today I want to tell you all about my absolute favorite cartoon character ever - Bakunonoikushinya Bear! He's the main character in the super popular Japanese anime series Remarkable ForestAdventures. I just love everything about Bakunonoikushinya Bear and his hilarious and heartwarming adventures in the magical Shinrin Forest.First of all, let me describe what Bakunonoikushinya Bear looks like. He's a big, fluffy brown bear with a white crescent moon shape on his belly. His fur is really shaggy and unkempt, kind of like he just rolled out of bed! He has a cute black nose and bright friendly eyes. The most unique thing about Bakunonoikushinya Bear is the bright yellow circle on his forehead - it's actually a mystical gemstone that gives him special powers in the Shinrin Forest. Whenever Bakunonoikushinya Bear needs to use his powers, the gemstone starts glowing brilliantly.Even though he's a bear, Bakunonoikushinya is very humanlike in the way he walks upright, talks, and interacts with the other inhabitants of Shinrin Forest. Some of his best friends are Chiri the mischievous squirrel, Toru the wise old turtle, and the twin rabbit siblings Chuchu and Mumu. Oh, and I can't forget Bakunonoikushinya's sidekick Pukku, the most adorable little bird you've ever seen! Pukku is never far from Bakunonoikushinya's side, often riding along perched on his shoulder or head.The world of Shinrin Forest is such an imaginative and magical place, full of vibrant colors, friendly creatures, and endless possibilities for adventure. One of my favorite things about the show is how beautifully the forest and its inhabitants are animated. Everything looks so lush, vivid, and almost life-like! From the rustling of the trees in the breeze to the way the sunlight filters through the branches, it's just breathtaking. The character designs are incredibly creative too, with each creature having its own unique and charming look.But what I admire most about Bakunonoikushinya Bear is his kind, gentle, and caring personality. Despite being one of the biggest animals in Shinrin Forest, Bakunonoikushinya never uses his size or strength to bully or intimidate others. Instead, he's nurturing, patient, and always strives to do what's right. Bakunonoikushinya is endlessly curious about the world around him and loves learning new things from his forest friends.Whenever trouble arises in Shinrin Forest, whether it's dealing with natural disasters, feuds between animals, or the mischievous troublemaking of certain inhabitants (I'm looking at you, Chiri!), Bakunonoikushinya is always ready to jump in and save the day using his wits, strength and trusty forehead gem!He's incredibly brave and will stop at nothing to protect his home and friends that he loves so dearly.My favorite episodes are the ones where Bakunonoikushinya has to go on epic journeys and quests, exploring new corners of the endless Shinrin Forest that he's never ventured into before. I love watching him team up with Chiri, Toru, Chuchu, Mumu and Pukku to solve mysteries, overcome obstacles, and learn important life lessons along the way. The show does such a great job of blending action-packed adventures with awesome feats of Bakunonoikushinya's special powers, mixed with meaningful messages about friendship, perseverance, and environmental conservation.I've been watching Remarkable Forest Adventures and following Bakunonoikushinya's exploits since I was just a little kid. No matter how many times I re-watch the episodes, I'm always utterly captivated. There's just something so pure, imaginative and heartwarming about the storytelling and characters that keeps me coming back for more! I've probably seen every single episode 20 times each by now.Whenever I'm having a bad day at school or feeling sad about something, watching Bakunonoikushinya Bear always manages to cheer me up and make me feel better. His joyful,optimistic spirit is so infectious. I admire how he's able to find the positive side to every challenge or setback he faces in Shinrin Forest. No matter how dire the situation, Bakunonoikushinya keeps a level head and comes up with a clever solution. That's such an inspiring message, especially for kids like me!I have so much Bakunonoikushinya Bear merchandise - action figures, plushies, backpacks, lunchboxes, you name it! My whole bedroom is practically a shrine dedicated to the show. But of course, my most prized possession is the Bakunonoikushinya Bear costume that my parents bought me for Christmas a few years ago. You'd better believe I wear it as often as I possibly can! Dressing up as my favorite character and pretending to go on imaginary quests in Shinrin Forest never gets old.Even though Remarkable Forest Adventures has been around for decades now, it's showing no signs of slowing down in popularity. The show just released its 25th season last year, with Bakunonoikushinya Bear embarking on all kinds of fresh new adventures and meeting bizarre new creatures. I'm so grateful that I still have many more seasons to look forward to before bidding farewell to my beloved bear hero.Well, I could seriously gush about Bakunonoikushinya Bear and Remarkable Forest Adventures all day, but I'd better wrapthis up. In summary, he's the ultimate cartoon character - kindhearted, determined, funny, and a true friend to all. Bakunonoikushinya Bear's positive values, loyalty to his forest home, and dedication to helping others no matter what are such commendable traits that every kid should try to emulate. I'll always have a special place in my heart for this iconic bear!篇3My Favorite Cartoon/Anime: The Berenstain BearsI absolutely love the cartoon and book series The Berenstain Bears! It's about a family of bears who live in a big tree house in Bear Country. The family has Mama Bear, Papa Bear, Brother Bear, and Sister Bear. I think it's so cool that they are bears but they act just like humans.The stories are all about the bears learning important life lessons in a fun and engaging way. Some of my favorite episodes teach lessons about being honest, getting along with siblings, trying new things, and overcoming fears. Even though the bears sometimes make mistakes, they always end up doing the right thing in the end.One of my most favorite episodes is when Sister Bear tells a lie about why she was late coming home from school. At first shetries to cover it up with more lies, but eventually she feels so guilty that she confesses the truth to Mama and Papa Bear. They are understanding but also make it clear that honesty is very important. I learned that it's always best to just tell the truth, even if you might get in a little trouble. Lies only lead to more lies and make things worse.Another great episode is when Brother and Sister Bear keep arguing and fighting over every little thing. Mama finally decides they need to spend a whole day doing everything together - like getting dressed, eating meals, playing games, everything! At first they hate it but eventually they realize how much easier it is to get along and have fun when they aren't constantly bickering. It taught me the value of cooperation and how much better things go when siblings stop fighting all the time.My favorite character is probably Sister Bear because she's around my age and I can really relate to her. She has a lively personality and curiosity but also gets into some sticky situations sometimes through being a little impulsive or not thinking things through enough. However, she learns from her mistakes and by the end she's grown as a person. I admire her for that.The animation in The Berenstain Bears is so colorful and vibrant. All the characters have these big expressive eyes that areso adorable. The tree houses and outdoor scenery in Bear Country are beautifully drawn too. It's a very warm and inviting world that you can really immerse yourself in while watching.The Berenstain Bears books were actually created way back in the 1960s by Stan and Jan Berenstain. Over the decades there were TV shows, movies, video games and so much more all featuring the beloved bear family. I've read a bunch of the original books too and they are excellent. The authors did such an amazing job of taking real life situations that kids encounter and making them funny and understandable through the lens of the bears.Another thing I love about The Berenstain Bears is how each episode focuses on a different ethical value or moral lesson. Whether it's being a good friend, having patience, being responsible, or any number of other qualities - the bears always serve as great examples. Their misadventures illustrate why these values are important in a way that kids can easily comprehend. It's such a positive and uplifting series that never feels preachy.I especially enjoy when there are holiday themed episodes of The Berenstain Bears. The Christmas ones are magical with all the snowy landscapes and family traditions. Same with the Halloween, Thanksgiving and other holiday specials. They reallycapture the warm feelings and significance behind each celebration.Overall, The Berenstain Bears is an absolute classic that I think every kid should experience. I know some people might think it's "just" a cartoon for little kids, but there are truly meaningful lessons and belly laughs in every episode. The characters are so endearing and wholesome. Even as an adult, I'll still probably be watching The Berenstain Bears and remembering the good old days when it was my favorite show. It's timeless family entertainment at its finest!篇4My Favorite Cartoon: The Grizzy and the LemmingsI really love watching cartoons! There are so many fun and funny ones out there. But if I had to pick my all-time favorite, it would definitely be The Grizzy and the Lemmings. This hilarious French cartoon about a big clumsy bear and a group of mischievous little lemmings always cracks me up.The main character is a huge brown bear named Grizzy. He's really big and strong, but also pretty dumb and clumsy. He kind of reminds me of a grown-up version of the bear Boog from Open Season. Grizzy lives all alone in this cool wooden cabin outin the forest. He likes things quiet and relaxing. But his life is anything but calm thanks to his annoying neighbors – the Lemmings!The Lemmings are these tiny green-haired creatures that look kind of like a mix between rodents and troll dolls. There's a whole group of them, maybe around 30 or so, and they all have the same look but different personalities. Some are smart, others are crazy, some are scaredy cats, etc. The Lemmings love playing tricks and pranks and just generally making a big mess and driving Grizzy absolutely nuts!In every single episode, the Lemmings sneak into Grizzy's cabin when he's not looking and start causing all kinds of chaos and mayhem. They'll raid his fridge, trash his living room, spray whipped cream everywhere, you name it. And the whole time, poor Grizzy has no idea what's going on! He'll be minding his own business, sitting in his chair or taking a nap, when suddenly pies start flying across the room or his furniture starts walking around by itself. Grizzy gets so frustrated trying to figure out what's happening. His face turns bright red and he starts yelling at the tops of his lungs. But the Lemmings are always one step ahead of him. It's just pure slapstick comedy at its finest!My favorite part is watching all the ridiculous contraptions and crazy gadgets the Lemmings build. Using just some junk they find lying around Grizzy's cabin, they'll construct these insane Rube Goldberg-style machines to pull off their pranks. One time they made a giant robotic arm out of a vacuum cleaner, boxes, and duct tape. Another time they converted Grizzy's oven into a catapult to launch pies at his face. Their ideas are just so wacky and imaginative! It's awesome to see what kind of shenanigans they'll think of next.Even though their plans always inevitably blow up in their faces (sometimes literally!), the Lemmings never give up. They're constantly thinking up new ways to pester poor Grizzy. And he's just so clueless about what's going on half the time, which makes it even funnier. Like there was this one episode where the Lemmings replaced all of Grizzy's furniture with robotic duplicate furniture that would come alive and start dancing around. So Grizzy's sitting in his favorite chair, drinking some tea, when suddenly the chair starts shaking around violently and spilling his drink all over him. He had no clue the Lemmings were controlling it from these tiny little levers inside the chair's cushions!I also love the comic relief characters that show up sometimes, like the two Scottish raccoons who work asdoor-to-door salesmen. They're always trying to swindle Grizzy into buying their latest product, but every time their plans get ruined by the Lemmings. Or there's the pesky little green fly creature with a New York accent who's constantly annoying Grizzy and calling him "bear dude." He's so obnoxious but he cracks me up.Another reason I love this show so much is because there's hardly any dialogue at all. The Lemmings don't talk, they just make these funny squeaking noises. And Grizzy only says a few words here and there, mostly just shouting things like "Hey!" or "What the...?" It's a very visual kind of comedy that tells the whole story through the zany slapstick action and outrageous gags. I think it's brilliant because it makes the show super easy to watch and understand, even for little kids. The humor can be appreciated by anyone, whether you're speaking French, English, or any other language.Ultimately, what keeps me watching week after week is just how joyful and fun The Grizzy and the Lemmings is. The vibrant colors, the upbeat music, the fast-paced silliness – it all adds up to a cartoon that's guaranteed to put a big smile on my face every time. No matter how badly Grizzy's day is going or how devious the Lemmings' schemes are, by the end of each episodeeverything has worked itself out and they're all friends again. Grizzy forgives the Lemmings, the Lemmings hug it out with Grizzy, and everyone's happy. It just has such a positive, carefree, silly vibe to it that's incredibly refreshing compared to a lot of other stuff on TV these days.The Grizzy and the Lemmings is pretty much the perfect cartoon in my book. It's got memorable characters, creative physical comedy, and endless rewatchability. I've seen every episode dozens of times and they never get old. Whenever I'm feeling bored or sad, I'll just throw on a few episodes and it instantly cheers me up and puts a篇5My Favorite Cartoon Character: Baekgun the BearDo you have a favorite cartoon character? Mine is Baekgun the Bear! He's a really funny and cool polar bear who lives in the freezing cold Arctic. Baekgun is the star of his own cartoon show that I absolutely love watching.Baekgun first appeared on TV a few years ago, and ever since then, he's become super popular with kids like me. His bright white fur coat makes him easy to recognize, and he always wears a red scarf to keep warm. Even though he's a polar bear,Baekgun acts just like a human a lot of the time. He walks on two legs, talks, and goes on all kinds of crazy adventures.One of the things I like best about Baekgun is his personality. He's curious, energetic, and always up for fun and games. Baekgun loves exploring the Arctic tundra and making new friends, whether they're other animals or human visitors. He has a great sense of humor too and is always cracking jokes to make people laugh. Sometimes Baekgun gets himself into silly situations, but he's clever and finds a way to get out of trouble.Baekgun lives in an igloo in the Arctic with his two best friends, Bunny and Seal. Bunny is a silly rabbit who gets scared easily, but he's very kind and loves hanging out with Baekgun. Seal is outgoing and brave, kind of like Baekgun. The three friends have such a good time together going on adventures, sledding, ice fishing, and just having fun in the snow. Their friendship reminds me of how important it is to be a good friend.Each episode of the Baekgun show follows the bear and his buddies as they learn valuable life lessons like the importance of friendship, being honest, working hard, and helping others. But the show is never preachy - it just teaches these lessons in a really entertaining and funny way as the characters go on their adventures.My favorite episodes are the ones where Baekgun encounters humans visiting the Arctic. In one hilarious episode, some kids go on a trip to see the northern lights, but they get lost in a blizzard. Baekgun finds them and keeps them safe and warm until they can be rescued. Along the way, he teaches the kids about survival in the Arctic and they all become great friends.In another episode I loved, Baekgun meets a scientist studying climate change and melting ice caps. At first Baekgun doesn't understand what's happening to his home, but the scientist explains it in a way even kids can understand. Baekgun realizes he has an important role to play in taking care of the Arctic environment. By the end, he's come up with creative ways to reduce waste and reuse materials.I've learned so much from watching Baekgun's show about the Arctic, global warming, and being environmentally friendly. But more than that, I've learned lessons about courage, kindness, perseverance and looking out for your friends. Baekgun is such an inspiring role model.Whenever I'm having a bad day, watching an episode of Baekgun's show always cheers me up and makes me laugh. His fun-loving, goofy personality is so contagious. I've watchedevery episode so many times, I can quote lots of the funny lines! My friends and I love acting out scenes where Baekgun says his classic catchphrases like "Ice to meet you!" and "What's chillin', villain?"My Baekgun obsession doesn't stop at just watching the show either. I've collected tons of Baekgun merchandise like plushies, backpacks, lunch boxes, you name it. My room is totally decked out in Baekgun bedsheets, posters, anything with that cool polar bear on it. Every birthday and Christmas, I always ask for more Baekgun stuff. My friends and family just laugh because they know how crazy I am about him!A couple of years ago, my parents even took me to Baekunia, which is a Baekgun-themed amusement park sort of like Disneyland. It was every Baekgun fan's dream come true! I got to go on rides, meet characters, see shows, and even learn about environmental science. We stayed for a week and I had an absolute blast. It was the best vacation ever.Some people might think it's babyish for a kid my age to still be really into a cartoon character like Baekgun. But I don't care whatothers think. Baekgun brings me joy and happiness, and that's what's important. He's an incredible role model whomakes me want to be a better person, work hard in school, and take care of our beautiful planet.Baekgun will always have a special place in my heart. I hope his show stays on the air for a really long time so kids for generations can enjoy his fun adventures and be inspired by his positive message. Whenever I'm scared, sad or nervous about something, I just try to think "What would Baekgun do?" Then I know the answer is to have courage and keep on smiling!。
小学生 英语绘本阅读比赛自我介绍

小学生英语绘本阅读比赛自我介绍全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Hello everyone! My name is Emma and I'm 10 years old. I'm so excited to be here today for the English Picture Book Reading Competition. Reading is one of my biggest passions and I love getting lost in the colorful pages of picture books.I first learned to read when I was around 4 years old. I remember my mom reading me bedtime stories every night and tracing her finger under the words as she read them aloud. It was like unlocking a magical world and I was hooked from that very first book. Soon, I was sounding out words myself and reading simple books. My parents were so proud and encouraged my new love of reading by taking me to the library regularly.The first book series I really fell in love with was the Berenstain Bears. I just adored those lovable bear characters and all the funny situations they would find themselves in. Whether it was a trip to the dentist, starting at a new school, or learning a valuable lesson about sharing, I felt like I was right there alongwith them on their adventures. Papa Bear always had such wise advice to share too.As I got a bit older, I discovered the joys of Roald Dahl's imaginative tales like Matilda, James and the Giant Peach, and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. His stories were so wildly creative and unpredictable. I loved using my imagination to picture the crazy scenarios he would dream up, like a young girl with magical powers or a boy sailing across the ocean in a giant hollowed-out peach carried by seagulls! Dahl had such a wonderful way with words and always left me happily dazed after reading one of his books.More recently, I've become a huge Harry Potter fan. I wasn't quite old enough to read them when they first came out, but last year I decided to take the plunge into J.K. Rowling's wizarding world. I'm currently making my way through the fourth book, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I'm totally captivated by the rich world of Hogwarts, with its talking paintings, moving staircases, ghosts, magical spells and creatures like hippogriffs and dementors. I can't wait to see what other wonders await Harry, Ron and Hermione!When I'm not reading fiction for fun, I also really enjoy nonfiction and learning new things through books. I've read lotsof kids' books about science topics like space, dinosaurs, oceans and rain forests. I'm amazed at how books can transport my imagination to other realms, times and places, both real and imaginary. Some of my hobbies are stargazing, collecting rocks and fossils, and caring for my own little home aquarium. Books have sparked so many of my interests and curiosities about the natural world around me.I feel so lucky to have had such a strong tradition of reading in my family from a very young age. My parents always encouraged me to read for pleasure and let my imagination run wild through the pages of books. Even my grandparents got me started on some classic children's book series when I was little, like The Boxcar Children mysteries. My little brother is already following in my footsteps as an avid reader too. We love checking out big stacks of books from the library and seeing who can read through their pile the fastest!Needless to say, books have had such an enormously positive impact on my life. They've expanded my vocabulary and language skills, fed my curiosity to learn, strengthened my imagination and creativity, and provided me with countless engaging stories to explore. That's why I was so excited when I heard about this English Picture Book Reading Competition. Itcombines my love of reading with an opportunity to practice my English skills. Picture books are the perfect format too, because the wonderful illustrations make the stories come alive in such a vibrant, visual way.For my reading today, I've selected a couple of my absolute favorite picture books. The first is The Day the Crayons Quit by Drew Daywalt. It's such a funny, clever book written in the form of letters from rebellious crayons who have gone on strike. Each color crayon has its own hilarious complaint, like the blue crayon who is frustrated from coloring so many bodies of water all the time. The second book is The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore by William Joyce, which has beautiful篇2Hi everyone! My name is Emma, and I'm 8 years old. I'm so excited to be here today for the English Picture Book Reading Competition! Reading is one of my favorite things to do, and I love getting lost in the wonderful worlds that books can take me to.I've been reading for as long as I can remember. When I was a tiny baby, my mom and dad would read me bedtime stories every night. I loved snuggling up with them and listening to theirvoices as they brought the stories to life. As I got older, I started to recognize words and letters, and before long, I was reading all by myself!One of the first books I remember loving was "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" by Eric Carle. I was fascinated by the beautiful illustrations and the simple, yet engaging story. I must have read that book a hundred times, and I never got tired of it. I loved following the caterpillar's journey as he munched his way through all kinds of delicious foods.As I grew older, my taste in books expanded, too. I fell in love with the magical world of Harry Potter and the adventures of the boy wizard and his friends. I was captivated by the rich descriptions and the intricate plot lines. I would often stay up late at night, reading by the light of my flashlight, desperate to find out what happened next.But it's not just fiction that I enjoy. I also love readingnon-fiction books about animals, science, and history. There's something so amazing about learning new things and expanding my knowledge of the world around me. One of my favoritenon-fiction books is "National Geographic Little Kids First Big Book of Animals." It's filled with stunning photographs andfascinating facts about all kinds of creatures, from the tiny ant to the massive blue whale.Reading has also helped me in school. Because I read so much, my vocabulary and comprehension skills are really strong.I often find myself understanding things in class more easily because I've already encountered similar concepts or ideas in the books I've read.But reading isn't just about learning and improving my skills – it's also about the pure joy and magic of getting lost in a good story. There's nothing quite like curling up with a beloved book and letting your imagination run wild. I love picturing the characters and settings in my mind, and feeling like I'm right there with them, experiencing their adventures firsthand.That's why I'm so excited to be here today, sharing my love of reading with all of you. I've spent weeks practicing and preparing, and I can't wait to bring these wonderful stories to life with my words and expressions.I also really enjoy participating in reading challenges and competitions like this one. It's so much fun to see how other people interpret and perform the same stories that I love. And who knows – maybe one day, I'll even write my own book and get to share my own stories with the world!So, thank you all for being here today and for supporting our love of reading. I can't wait to dive into these amazing picture books and take you all on a journey through their pages. Let's celebrate the magic of storytelling together!篇3Hi everyone! My name is Lily and I'm 8 years old. I'm so excited to be here today for the picture book reading contest. I just love reading all kinds of books, but picture books are definitely my favorite!Ever since I was a tiny baby, my mom and dad have been reading stories to me every night before bed. Some of my earliest memories are snuggling up with them, looking at all the bright, colorful pictures and following along as they read the words out loud. Those cozy bedtime stories are what first sparked my love of reading.篇4Hi everyone! My name is Emma and I'm 8 years old. I'm so excited to be here today for the English picture book reading competition! Reading is one of my very favorite things to do.Ever since I was a tiny baby, my mom and dad have been reading books to me every single night before bed. We have a special bookshelf in my bedroom filled with all my favorite stories. My parents say I was obsessed with books from a really young age. Whenever they tried to read the same book to me twice in a row, I would protest and demand a new one! I just loved discovering new stories and adventures through the pages of books.One of my earliest memories is sitting on my dad's lap, listening to him read Dr. Seuss books in that silly rhyming way he does the voices. I would laugh so hard my belly hurt at the funny rhymes and made-up words. Green Eggs and Ham was always my request when it was my turn to pick the bedtime story. I had that whole book memorized by the time I was 3 years old from hearing it so many times!As I got a little bit older, my favorite books were the ones with bright, colorful pictures. I remember spending hours just staring at the illustrations in my picture books, taking in every tiny detail. Books like The Very Hungry Caterpillar and Where the Wild Things Are just came alive through the amazing artwork. My parents always joked that the pictures were my favorite"part" since I would constantly interrupt them while reading to ask about what was happening in the pictures.Once I started learning to read simple words around age 4, a whole new world opened up. Suddenly, I could start putting the words together myself instead of just listening! I practiced reading out loud every night using small beginner books with simple sentences and lots of repetition. Books like Put Me in the Zoo and Are You My Mother? helped me gain confidence as a young reader. My parents were so proud when I started "reading" to them instead of just listening.As my reading skills improved, I graduated to more complex picture books like Madeline, Curious George, and Pretty Pearl. These had longer text, more advanced vocabulary, and incredible images that really brought the stories to life. By kindergarten and 1st grade, I was becoming obsessed with series like Amelia Bedelia, Junie B. Jones, and The Magic Tree House. There was nothing better than getting totally swept up in an ongoing adventure!That's what I love most about reading - the ability to explore make-believe worlds and go on thrilling journeys, all from the comfort of my bedroom. My favorite books were always the ones with captivating stories that allowed my imagination to run wildand took me somewhere magical. When I read fairytale classics like Beauty and the Beast or adventure tales like Where the Wild Things Are, I could vividly picture myself right there alongside the main characters.Reading also helped me learn so much about the real world around me too. From examining detailed wildlife illustrations in books about animals to following along with kid characters experiencing schools for the first time, I was able to explore new topics and experiences through the pages of a book before encountering them myself. Nonfiction books were always fascinating, with pages full ofamazing facts about outer space, the human body, baby animals and so much more.As I moved up through elementary school, my reading abilities really took off. I couldn't get enough of longer chapter book series and would fly through installments, racing to find out what happened next. Some of my favorites were Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, The Books of Bayern, and Redwall. I loved getting utterly lost in those rich fantasy worlds for hours on end. Sometimes I would even attempt reading the books in harsh lighting conditions like under the covers with a flashlight when I was supposed to be asleep! Anything to keep those stories going.Reading provided an incredible gateway to new ideas, lessons, and perspectives. Through books, I was able to explore different cultures, encounter diverse characters and viewpoints, and consider moral dilemmas I might not have thought about otherwise. From stories of resilience and hope like Wonder to eye-opening accounts of major historical events like Number the Stars, books consistently opened my eyes to broader ways of thinking about the world.More than anything though, reading is just purely enjoyable for me. There's no better feeling than getting completely enraptured in an amazing story to the point where youForget your surroundings. When I read, everything else seems to melt away as I become utterly transported to another time and place. Getting to use my own imagination to visualize the sights, smells, and sounds makes every book a unique experience. I can vividly picture the wardrobe from Narnia, or mischievous Curious George swinging from one precarious situation to the next.Some of my fondest childhood memories are of extended reading sessions - perhaps snuggled up in my cozy beanbag after school with a stack of books from the library, or tucked under a shady tree outside on a sunny day completely absorbed in an adventure taking place across distant magical lands. Theonly hard part was putting those amazing stories down when it was time to go to bed or have dinner!Reading has been such a huge part of my life for as long as I can remember. I feel incredibly lucky to have been raised in a household that values literacy and a love for books. From those earliest days of my parents reading to me as a baby to my current passion for getting utterly immersed in rich fantasy worlds, reading has been a constant source of joy, growth and amazing journeys.That's why I'm so thrilled to be participating in this picture book reading competition today. Getting to celebrate the books that have had such an enormous impact on my childhood by reading them out loud and sharing the stories I love - well, it just doesn't get much better than that! I've practiced hard, picking one of my all-time favorite picture books that I have read over and over again until I have every word and image practically committed to memory. I can't wait to bring this beloved story to life and hopefully ignite a spark of book love in the audience, just like so many wonderful stories have done for me over the years.Books have been some of my very best friends as I grew up. They've kept me company, taken me on unbelievable journeys, taught me invaluable lessons, and fired up my imagination likenothing else. To me, reading isn't just a hobby or a school assignment - it's a magical key that opens up entire universes of possibility. Every book is a gift, an opportunity to escape into new wondrous worlds where any adventure could be waiting. And I couldn't be more excited to celebrate that today with all of you here.So get ready, because I'm about to embark on a literary journey and bring the characters on the pages around us to life. It is going to be an amazing adventure - I just know it! Let's go exploring together through the incredible world of books. Who's with me?篇5Hello everyone! My name is Emma and I'm 10 years old. I'm here today for the English Picture Book Reading Contest. I'm really excited to share my favorite book with all of you.Reading is one of my biggest passions. I've loved books for as long as I can remember. When I was a little kid, my parents would read stories to me every night before bedtime. Those are some of my happiest childhood memories - snuggling up with my mom or dad, listening to their voices bring the characters to life.As soon as I learned how to read on my own, I was hooked. I would beg my parents to take me to the library or bookstore constantly so I could get new books to devour. I'd read anywhere and everywhere - at home on the couch, in the back seat of the car, hiding under my covers with a flashlight after bedtime. Books opened up entire new worlds for me to explore.My favorite books have always been picture books. I love how the beautiful illustrations make the stories even more vivid and magical. The pictures really bring the characters and settings to life in my imagination. When I read a picture book, I feel like I'm being transported right into the story myself.That's why I'm so thrilled to be part of this reading contest focused on picture books. The book I've chosen to read is one of my all-time favorites - "Where the Wild Things Are" by Maurice Sendak. This classic story about a young boy named Max and his imaginary adventures is so creative, fun and heartwarming.I've had my copy of "Where the Wild Things Are" for years. The pages are bent and creased from being read over and over again. Whenever I feel sad, scared or angry, I turn to this book. Reading about Max's journey to the land of the ferocious Wild Things and how he becomes king of their rumpus always cheers me up and makes me feel brave.The illustrations in this book are simply amazing. Maurice Sendak's drawings of the Wild Things themselves are so dynamic and expressive. Each creature looks completely unique and distinct with their own incredible features and personalities. My favorite is the bull-like Wild Thing with huge horns. I love the intricate crosshatched texture Sendak used to make his fur look shaggy and wild.The landscapes in the book are also breathtaking. Who could forget the iconic image of Max sailing across the ocean in his tiny boat under the glowing moon? Or the first glimpse of the misty night-time woods where the Wild Things dwell? By only using a few colors like dark greens, blues and oranges, Sendak makes the imaginary world feel both fantastical and deeply real.I've spent so much time studying and admiring each and every illustration in this book. In my reading, I'll do my best to capture all the magic, energy and emotion that the pictures convey. I want everyone in the audience to be transported to the land of the Wild Things just like Max was.While the pictures are a huge part of why this book is so special, the story itself is also incredible. There's a reason "Where the Wild Things Are" has become one of the most beloved and acclaimed children's books of all time. The writing is very simpleand straightforward, but also incredibly imaginative and profound.On the surface, it's a fun tale about a mischievous boy who gets sent to his room without dinner as punishment. But his room then transforms into an entire forest and ocean setting where he travels by boat and gets to be the ruler of the Wild Things. Kids can instantly relate to Max's feelings of anger, isolation and desire for more independence.At the same time, there are so many deeper themes and meanings woven throughout. It's a story about the power of imagination and harnessing emotions in a positive way. It touches on concepts of growing up, finding one's identity, and taming the "wild things" inside all of us. The tender ending where Max returns home to the comfort of his bedroom and a hot meal waiting for him represents the importance of family, even as we crave adventure."Where the Wild Things Are" means so much to me on both a surface level of pure fun and escapism, as well as exploring profound ideas about childhood, emotions and growing up. I've read this book hundreds of times and I always discover new insights and layers of meaning with each reading. That's the true mark of a classic.I can't wait to bring this wonderful book to life through my reading. I've been practicing giving each of the Wild Things their own unique voice and capturing the wild rumpus energy. I've worked hard on doing the iconic opening lines justice by shouting "I'LL EAT YOU UP!" with just the right mix of playfulness and intensity. Most importantly, I want to portray all the depth of emotion that Max goes through over the course of his journey.Reading this book out loud and sharing the joy of "Where the Wild Things Are" with all of you is a dream come true for me. Whether you've read it a million times before or this is the first time hearing it, I hope my performance lets you fall in love with this timeless story and brilliant artwork as much as I have.Getting lost in the pages of a picture book is one of life's simple but profound pleasures. For a brief window of time, we all get to visit remarkable imaginary worlds filled with unforgettable characters, heartwarming tales and dazzling visuals. I cherish every single chance I get to experience that sense of magic, wonder and adventure.Thank you all for being here today and letting me share my love for "Where the Wild Things Are." Reading this classic out loud is my own little way of keeping the spirit of childhoodimagination alive. So let's journey together to the land of the Wild Things - I'll eat you up, I love you so!篇6Hello everyone! My name is Emma and I'm 10 years old. I'm so excited to be here today for the English storybook reading competition! Reading is one of my biggest passions and I've been looking forward to this day for a long time.Ever since I was a tiny little kid, I've loved having books read to me. My mom and dad would snuggle up with me at bedtime and read my favorite stories over and over again. Some of my earliest memories are listening to the wonderful words and getting lost in the amazing make-believe worlds that books can create.As I got a bit older, I started reading more and more by myself. At first it was just simple picture books, but then I graduated to short chapter books and finally big thick novels! The first time I read a book all by myself from cover to cover, I felt such a huge sense of pride and accomplishment. Reading opened up a magical new world of adventures that I could explore any time I wanted.My favorite books to read are fantasy stories, especially ones with mythical creatures like dragons, unicorns, and talking animals. I love using my imagination to picture the extraordinary characters and settings. My dream is to one day write my own fantasy novel filled with brave heroes, evil villains, and mystical lands. Maybe I'll even get to see my book turned into a movie!But I also really enjoy reading books about kids like me doing regular everyday things. It's fun to read stories where I can relate to the main characters and imagine myself in their shoes. Some of my other favorite books are mysteries, because I love trying to solve the puzzle and figure out the secret before it's revealed at the end.More than anything though, I cherish the way that reading allows me to experience so many different lives and realities that I could never encounter in the real world. Through books I've been a boy living in ancient Greece, a brave warrior in medieval times, and a futuristic astronaut exploring strange new planets. I've learned so much about history, science, different cultures around the world, and more— all from the pages of books.Reading has taught me meaningful lessons about friendship, family, dealing with tough situations, and so many other important things. The characters I've read about have inspiredme to be a better person— braver, smarter, kinder, and more understanding of others. They've shown me examples of how to face obstacles and believe in myself. Books are powerful things!So that's why today's storybook reading competition means so much to me. Getting a chance to read one of my favorite stories out loud in front of others is an incredible honor. For me, reading isn't just words on a page— it's a chance to bring the characters and places to life and share them with the world. I can't wait to dive into the story and hopefully spark someone else's love of reading along the way.No matter how this competition goes, I already feel like a winner because of how much reading has enriched my life. It's a lifelong hobby that I'll never give up. As Dr. Seuss said, "The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go." With reading as my constant companion, I know that my journey will be filled with endless adventures, learnings, and enchanting destinations.So get ready, because I'm about to whisk you away to a whole new world! Once upon a time...。


The Berenstain Bears' New Kitten 贝贝熊家的新猫咪 1
The Berenstain Bears' New Pup 贝贝熊家的新狗狗 1
The Berenstain Bears Out West 贝贝熊一家去西部 1
The Berenstain Bears Play T-Ball 贝贝熊玩棒球 1
The Berenstain Bears and the Shaggy Little Pony 贝贝熊一家和
The Berenstain Bears and the Wishing Star 贝贝熊一家和流星许
The Berenstain Bears at the Aquarium 贝贝熊一家在水族馆 1
The Berenstain Bears' Class Trip 贝贝熊的班级旅游
The Berenstain Bears Clean House 贝贝熊一家清理房子 1
The Berenstain Bears Down on the Farm 贝贝熊一家去农场 1
The Berenstain Bears' Family Reunion 贝贝熊家的家庭聚会
Berenstain Bears, God Made the Seasons 贝贝熊一家,上帝制造了
Berenstain Bears: Honey Hunt Helpers 贝贝熊一家:帮助寻找蜂蜜
Berenstain Bears: Mama's Helpers 贝贝熊一家:妈妈的助手
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She took a very long time... brushing her teeth,
wa#34;You'd better come out of that bathroom!" shouted Brother, banging on the door.
But one gray morning Brother and Sister didn't get along well at all! Maybe it was the weather-or maybe it was because the mockingbird slept late. But whatever it was. Brother and Sister Bear got into a big fight....
They said "please" and "thank you" at breakfast.
They often sat together on the school bus.
And after school they worked together happily on their special project-their own backyard tree house.
But that morning Brother was not in a very good mood.
"Sister!" he shouted. "Get your dopey feet out of my face!"
"My feet aren't dopey, and they're not in your face!" she shouted back.
That afternoon they made a line down the middle of their backyard tree house to show which half was whose. It wasn't much fun sitting up there in their tree house not speaking.
"Brother Bear," said Papa, coming out of his bedroom, "you know better
than to shout at your sister." "But she's taking too long in the bathroom,"
complained Brother, "and she's doing it on purpose!"
Brother took back his trucks and planes and put them on the top shelf where Sister couldn't reach them.
Especially when it began to rain-hard!
Later they kept on being mean by taking back the things they usually shared.
Sister took back her modeling clay-which Brother had made into dinosaurs-and rolled it into one big lump.
Most mornings, in Bear Country, the sun rose to greet the day and the mockingbird sang its copycat songs outside an upstairs window of the bears' tree house.
Brother and Sister didn't say "please" and "thank you" that morning at breakfastbecause they weren't speaking to each other.
And they didn't sit together on the school bus. Sister sat in the front and Brother sat way in the back.
And inside the tree house Brother Bear and Sister Bear would wake up.
Brother and Sister usually got along very well.
They took turns nicely with the bathroom.
When Brother raised his fist to bang on the door again, it opened and out came Sister, all spruced up.
"Good morning, Papa," she said, as nice as you please. "Gr-r-r!" said Brother.
"Get your dopey face out of my face!" snarled Brother.
"You shut up!" snapped Sister...
and before Brother could answer, she skipped into the bathroom ahead of him.