PT486F-H 热敏打印机
TP UP-PH便携式热敏微型打印机 说明书
![TP UP-PH便携式热敏微型打印机 说明书](
TP UP-PH 便携式热敏微型打印机具有如下特点: Ø 易装纸结构,提供了非常容易的换纸方式 Ø 可更换的集成可充电电池,提供了极好的便携性能 Ø IrDA 红外接口,提供了极容易的接口连接方法 Ø 内装标准一、二级汉字库,提供了快速美观的汉字打印方式 Ø 黑标检测装置,提供了预印刷票据定位打印的可能 TP UP-PH 适用于各种便携式仪器设备的配套打印输出,例如掌
说明 换行 设置字符打印方式 选择自定义字符集 定义用户自定义字符 打印曲线 设定点图命令 设置默认字符行间距
ESC 3 n ESC @ ESC J n ESC c 5 n ESC c 7 n ESC R n GS FF GS * n1 n2 [d]k GS / n GS h GS k GS w FS & FS . ENQ
入纸仓,架在纸支架上。然后从纸卷中拉出一段纸放在机头上。 (4) 将上盖放下,向下轻按上盖,直至恢复原卡位,纸端从上盖出
纸口露出,即安装好打印纸,如图 2-3(d)。
图 2-3 打印机的装纸过程
2.4 接口选择
UP-PH 便携式打印机可选择使用 RS-232C 串行通讯接口或 IrDA 红外接口。
上电脑、PDA、手持 POS、抄表机、电子记事本、移动电话等各种具 有 RS-232 接口和红外接口的仪器设备。
第一章 性能与特点
1.1 打印性能
• 打印方法
: 行式直接热敏打印
• 打印纸宽 • 点密度
: 58 +0 mm
: 8 点/mm
• 有效打印宽度 : 48mm
• 打印速度
: 30mm/s(电池充满时)
NTC 热敏晶片在热敏打印机与热升华打印机打印头中的应用 热敏打印头用NTC 热敏电阻晶片产品图片 主要技术指标R25=30K ΩB25/50=3950R25=10K ΩB25/50=3550特點 FEATURES●精度高可達+/-0.1℃ ●良好的耐熱循環能力 ●穩定性好 ●工作溫度 -50 ℃ ~ +200 ℃ ●混合设计多功能模块 ●高精度NTC 温度传感器的制作●High accuracy tolerances to +/-0.1℃●Excellent thermal cycle endurance●High stability●Operating ranges from -50℃ ~ +200℃●Hybrid designs and construction●High Precision NTC Temperature sensorNTC 热敏芯片在打印头的安装 :NTC热敏电阻芯片在打印头的作用:(1) 监控IC的工作温度避免过热,传递型号给控制电路起到温度探测、温度补偿的作用。
(2) 监控半导体加热元件的工作温度,起到温度控制的感觉神经作用。
热敏打印机 标准 -回复
![热敏打印机 标准 -回复](
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1.0 2011.08.13
PT486F 技术手册
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2.3 步进马达的特性...........................................................................................................................................................9 2.3.1 步进马达的规格 ....................................................................................................................................................9 2.3.2 激励顺序 ................................................................................................................................................................9 2.3.3 步进马达驱动 ........................................................................................................................................................9
北京思普瑞特 SP-RMD6微型热敏打印机 说明书
![北京思普瑞特 SP-RMD6微型热敏打印机 说明书](
说 明 书
(VER 1.01)
目录...................................................................................................................................................2 简介...................................................................................................................................................3 第一章 特征与性能指标 ...........................................................................................................3 1.1 主要特征............................................................................................................................3 1.2 性能指标............................................................................................................................4 第二章 安装说明 ............
炜煌热敏打印机说明书 - 1 -第一部分 性能指示.................................................................................................- 3 - 第二部分 操作说明.................................................................................................- 5 -2.1 按键与指示灯..................................................................................................- 5 -2.1.1 打印机自检方法......................................................................................- 5 -2.1.2 改变打印浓度的方法..............................................................................- 5 -2.1.3 改变打印方向的方法..............................................................................- 6 -2.1.4 改变波特率及串口工作模式的方法.......................................................- 6 -2.2 并行接口连接..................................................................................................- 7 -2.2.1接口与引脚定义.......................................................................................- 7 -2.2.2 并行接口引脚信号时序..........................................................................- 7 -2.2.3 并口例程.................................................................................................- 9 -2.3 串行接口.......................................................................................................- 17 -N-0RF4-00EXXX 型打印机说明书 - 2 -2.3.1串行接口引脚定义.................................................................................- 17 -2.3.2 波特率和通讯模式.................................................................................- 19 -2.3.3 串口例程................................................................................................- 19 -2.4 电源连接........................................................................................................- 27 -2.5 扩展纸将尽信号接口....................................................................................- 27 - 第三部分 打印命令祥解.......................................................................................- 28 - 第四部分 西文字符集1、2...................................................................................- 47 - 第五部分 命令速查表...........................................................................................- 48 -炜煌热敏打印机说明书 - 3 -第一部分 性能指示1、打印方法: 直接热敏打印2、打印纸宽: 57.5±0.5mm3、打印密度: 8点/mm,384点/行4、打印头寿命: 6×106字符行5、有效打印宽度: 48mm6、走纸速度: 70mm/秒7、打印速度: 25%的字符率的情况下为50mm/秒8、打印字符: 6*8点阵西文字符集1、2;20h —7fh 间的标准ASCII 码半角字符;国标一、二级汉字(16*16点阵、24*24点阵两种,可根据需要选用不同点阵类型N-0RF4-00EXXX 型打印机说明书 - 4 -的打印机)9、接口形式: 并行接口 IDE 26针插座,TTL 电平串行接口 IDE 10针插座,232电平或TTL 电平10、操作温度: 5~50℃11、操作相对湿度: 10~80%12、储存温度: -20~60℃13、储存相对湿度: 10~90%14、电源: DC 9V-- 24V 25W炜煌热敏打印机说明书 - 5 -第二部分 操作说明2.1 按键与指示灯打印机有两个功能按键:LF 键和SET 键,两个指示灯:红灯与绿灯。
TP UP-NH 行式热敏打印机 操作指南
![TP UP-NH 行式热敏打印机 操作指南](
TP UP-NH行式热敏打印机操作指南(试用版)生产商有权修改说明书的内容而不做事先声明 !安全信息为有效、安全地使用您的打印机,请遵守以下规定。
目录1.开封 (3)2.打印机构造及说明 (4)2.1 打印机外形 (4)2.2 安装打印纸 (5)2.3 指示灯和键操作 (8)2.4 接口连接 (9)2.4.1并行接口 (9)2.4.2串行接口 (11)3.连接操作 (12)4.打印头的清洗方法及注意事项 (12)1 23 41.开封打开包装箱后,请马上检查以下各项。
图1-1 整机2.打印机构造及说明 2.1 打印机外形TP UP-NH 打印机面板上有两个按键和两个指示灯,其外形如图所示:图2-1 TP UP-NH 打印机外形图1-2电源适配器图1-3热敏纸5 62.2 安装打印纸TP UP-NH 打印机装纸过程如下:1)接通电源图2-2 接通电源2)如图2-3所示,按机壳上箭头指示方向,用双手水平向前推动活动盖板,推开后,轻轻取下,图2-4的用力方向是不对的。
图2-3 正确推动活动盖板图2-4 错误推动活动盖板3)将纸端剪成如图2-5的式样,先将纸卷放在纸卷槽内,纸端在下,如图2-6,抬起机头抬杆,如图2-8,将纸端对准机头入口处插入,直至纸端从上端露出,放下抬杆,图2-7纸端在上是不对的。
山东新北洋信息技术 BTP-1000PT 标签 条码打印机 说明书
![山东新北洋信息技术 BTP-1000PT 标签 条码打印机 说明书](
3.1 外观和组件 .................................... 6 3.2 主要组件功能介绍 ...................................................... 8 3.3 电源(告警)指示灯和蜂鸣器 ...................................10
9—色带压力调整旋钮 12— 色带传感器 15— 右侧逼纸块 17— 压纸组件扳手 20— 纸卷侧板
11— 色带回收轴
13— 打印头组件
14— 左侧逼纸块
18— 打印头微动开关 19— 纸卷支撑架
21— 压纸组件
22— 纸卷轴
6. 打印机的日常维护 ............................................................. 18
6.1 打印头清洁 ................................................................18
1) 打印机应安装在一个平整、稳固的地方。 2) 不要在高温,湿度大以及污染严重的地方使用和保存打
印机。另外,还应该避免阳光、强光和热源的直射。 3) 避免将打印机放在有振动和冲击的地方。 4) 不允许潮湿的空气在打印机的表面结露,如果已经形成,
Thermal Printer User’s ManualCatalogue1 Introduction (2)1.1 Brief introduction (2)1.2 Main features (2)2 Specification (3)2.1 Specification (3)2.2 Printing material requirements (5)2.2.1 Paper parameters (5)2.2.2 Mark paper parameters (5)2.2.3 Paper using attention (5)2.3 Printing and paper cutting position (6)2.3.1 Printing position (6)2.3.2 Paper cutting position (6)3 Appearance and components (7)3.1 Appearance and components (7)3.2 Indicator and buzzer instruction (8)4 Printer installation (9)4.1 Open the package (9)4.2 Requirements of installation position (9)4.3 Connect to power adapter (9)4.4 Connect Communication cables (9)4.5 Connect to cash drawer (9)4.6 Paper roll loading (10)4.6.1 Printing paper type confirmation (10)4.6.2 Loading or change paper roll (10)4.7 DIP switch setting (12)4.8 Printing self-test page (12)4.9 Set Ethernet port IP Address. (12)5 Interface pin definitions (14)5.1 Parallel interface pin definition(DB25M) (14)5.2 USB interface pin definition(standard B type female base) (14)5.3 Power interface pin definition(MPC-3-001B) (15)5.4 Cash drawer interface pin definition(RJ11-6P6C) (15)5.5 Serial port pin definition(DB9F) (16)5.6 Ethernet interface pin definition(RJ45) (16)6 Faults handling (17)6.1 Printer does not work (17)6.2 Indicator error and buzzer warning (17)6.3 Problems when it is printing (17)6.4 Problems when cutting paper (18)6.5 Paper jam and cutter retraction troubles removal (18)1 Introduction1.1 Brief introductionCB821 is a thermal POS printer with auto-cutter. It has good printing quality, high printing speed and high stability, which is widely used in POS system, food service industry and many other fields.CB821 connects other devices via USB, Serial, Ethernet port. It offers drivers for WINDOWS and LINUX operating systems.The supported operating systems are as below:WINDOWS XPWINDOWS 7 32/64WINDOWS 8WINDOWS 10UBUNTU 12.04 32/64UBUNTU 14.04 32/64MAC OS1.2 Main features·Low noise, high-speed printing, 250mm/s·With auto-cutter·With cash drawer interface·USB, Serial, Ethernet port communication, Bluetooth optional.Long-life, high print quality, durable performance.Support mark paper and continuous paper printing.Easy paper loading design, widely used in various industries2 Specification2.1 SpecificationItem ParameterPrinting parameter Printing method Thermal printingResolution 203DPI,8 dots/mmPrinting width 72mm(576 dots)Printing speed About 250 mm/sInterfacesStandard: cash drawer / USB/ serial/ EthernetOptional Wireless Communication: BluetoothPage mode / SupportCommand set / ESC/POS compatible commandsStorageRAM RAM 8M bytes, receive buffer area 1M bytes FLASH FLASH 4M bytes, NV bitmap 256K bytescharactersChinese GB18030 24×24Words, figures ASCII 9×17,12×24User-defined SupportCode pagesOptional international character sets 45TRADITIONAL CHINESECHINESECP437 [U.S.A., Standard Europe]KatakanaCP850 [Multilingual]CP860 [Portuguese]CP863 [Canadian-French]CP865 [Nordic]WCP1251 [Cyrillic]CP866 Cyrillic #2MIK[Cyrillic /Bulgarian]CP755 [East Europe,Latvian 2]IranCP862 [Hebrew]WCP1252 Latin IWCP1253 [Greek]CP852 [Latina 2]CP858 Multilingual Latin Ⅰ+Euro)Iran IILatvianCP864 [Arabic]ISO-8859-1 [West Europe]CP737 [Greek]WCP1257 [Baltic]ThaiCP720[Arabic]CP855CP857[Turkish]WCP1250[Central Europe] CP775WCP1254[Turkish]WCP1255[Hebrew]WCP1256[Arabic]WCP1258[Vietnam]ISO-8859-2[Latin 2]ISO-8859-3[Latin 3]ISO-8859-4[Baltic]ISO-8859-5[Cyrillic]ISO-8859-6[Arabic]ISO-8859-7[Greek]ISO-8859-8[Hebrew]ISO-8859-9[Turkish]ISO-8859-15 [Latin 3] Thai2CP856Chart / Supports different density dots and images printingsSupports grating bitmap printingSupports download bitmap printing, every bitmap size should less than 256K, and the total capacity of download bitmap is 256K.Bar codes 1DUPC-A、UPC-E、EAN-8、EAN13、CODE39、ITF、CODEBAR、CODE128、CODE932D PDF417、QR CodeDetection function Sensor Paper out, cover opened, un-take out printed paper(optional)LED indicatorPower indicator Green Paper out indicator Red Error indicator RedPaper RequirementType Standard thermal receipt paper Width 79.5±0.5mmThickness 0.056~0.1mmDiameter 80mm(Max.)Physical characteristicsPaper loading Easy paper loadingPaper cutting Manual or automatically cut paper Operating condition -10℃~ 50℃,25% ~ 80%RH Storage condition ~40℃~ 70℃,≤93%RH(40℃)Outline dimension 145mm×195mm×144mm(W×L×H)Weight 1.8KgReliabilityTPH life 100kmCutter life 1,000,000 times Motor life 360,000 hoursSoftware function Driver procedure Windows(WIN7/WIN8/WIN10/Vista/XP/2000)Ubuntu 12.04 32/64, Ubuntu 14.04 32/64 MAC OS2.2 Printing material requirements2.2.1 Paper parameters1)Paper type: thermal receipt paper/thermal black mark paper2)Paper width:80±0.5 mm3)Paper roll diameter: 80 mm (Max.)4)Paper thickness:0.065 ~ 0.10mm2.2.2 Mark paper parametersBlack mark imprint position is on the front side of the receipt when using mark paper. The black mark reflectivity is no more than15%, the other parts of paper reflectivity should be more than 85%.There are not any patterns in black mark area, such as ad, and the mark size shall be satisfied with requirements as below:2.2.3 Paper using attentionNote:1)Please use good quality paper, otherwise, it will effect printing quality and even reduce printer head life.2)Don’t make the paper stick on axis.3)Paper will be fading out or reduced thermal sensitivity if it is polluted by chemical or oil, which will affectprinting effects.4)Don’t use nail or hard things to clash printing paper, otherwise, it will be fade out.5)Paper will be fading out if the environment temperature exceeds 70°C. So please take note the temperature,humidity and illumination effects.2.3 Printing and paper cutting position2.3.1 Printing positionL1-Paper storehouse’s width: 82±0.5mmL2-Effective printing width: 80mmL3-Distance between print head to paper storehouse’s left edge (fixed width): 3±0.3mmL4-Distance between print head to paper storehouse’s right edge (fixed width): 3±0.3mmL5-Left margin: Default is 4mmL6-Printing area width: it is set by commands (refer to programming manual). Default is 72mm. L7-Right margin: Default is 4mm.2.3.2 Paper cutting positionThe distance between print head to cutter: 12.5mm3 Appearance and components 3.1 Appearance and componentsFunction instruction of components1)Power switchPress “O” side to power off, press “I” side to power on.2)Power indicator(green)The indicator is on when power on, and it is off when power off.3)Error indicator (Red)Error indicator is on when it detects error. Such as: paper out, upper cover is open and cutter is stocked. 4)Paper indicator(red)Paper out indicator is on when it detects the paper is out. Please put a new paper roll to printer inside then.3.2 Indicator and buzzer instruction1)Function instruction of indicators and buzzerName Status InstructionPower indicator (Power) On Printer is power on Off Printer is power offError indicator (Error) On Printer is in error status Off Printer is in normal statusPaper out indicator (Paper)On Printer is in paper out status Off Printer is in normal statusDescription Power Indicator Error Indicator Paper Indicator Buzzer Open printer cover On On On It rings 6 times by 1.5s.Paper is enough On Off Off Silent Paper out On On On It rings 3 times by 1.5s.Note: Printer detects printer head temperature via thermal resistance. It will cut off print head powerand stop printing if print head is overheat. The print head protection temperature is 80℃.4 Printer installation4.1 Open the packagePlease make sure everything is in good status when you open the package. Otherwise, please contact to distributor in time.4.2 Requirements of installation position1)Put the printer on a stably place.2)Let the printer far away from water, fire, and sunlight.3)Avoid to put it on oscillatory and impassive place.4)Make sure to connect printer with ground safety4.3 Connect to power adapter1)Make sure the printer is power off.2)Connect power adapter’s DC output plug to the printer.3)Connect power adapter’s AC input plug to a power outlet.4)Please be careful to operate correctly when plug out the plug of power cord to avoid damage.4.4 Connect Communication cables1)Make sure the printer is power off.2)Connect communication cable to the printer’s port, and fix it as plug lag spike (or snap spring).3)Connect communication cable to the other side host.4.5 Connect to cash drawer1)Make sure the printer is power off.2)Connect cash drawer to cash drawer port behind the printer.Warning: The Voltage of cash drawer port is 24V. (It cannot connect to telephone cable.)4.6 Paper roll loading4.6.1 Printing paper type confirmationYou can load paper roll to print after connecting power adapter and communication cables. Please make sure the printing paper type before printing. The default paper type is continuous thermal receipt paper.4.6.2 Loading or change paper roll1)Power off the printer.2)Slide or press paper roll storehouse button, and then open storehouse cover.3)Draw out paper roll tap, and load paper roll as below.4)Draw out a printing paper, and leave some on the paper out month, then close the storehouse cover.Warning: Please make sure the paper roll in tense status, if not, it maybe cause paper jam or other problems.5)The status after paper loading4.7 DIP switch settingDIP switch Switch Function On Off Default 1 Cutter Forbidden Enable Off 2 Buzzer Enable Forbidden On 3 Printing density DarkLight Off 4 Multi-byte encoding Single-byte encodingmulti-byte encodingOff 5 Max. number of Printing characters in each line42 48 Off 6 Cash drawer EnableForbiddenOn 7 Baud rate options (bps)Ref. Chart 1Off 8OffChart 1:Baud rate optionsBaud rate Switch 7 Switch 8 Default9600 On Off 19200 19200 Off Off 38400 On On 115200Offon4.8 Printing self-test page1) Make sure the printer loaded paper roll correctly.2) Press down [FEED] button and hold on, then power on the printer, the printer will print a self-test page.4.9 Set Ethernet port IP Address.The printer ’s Ethernet IP address can be set directly via printer inserted web setting page. The operation steps are as below:1. Connect printer and PC in a same Ethernet LAN.2. Print a printer self-test page to get printer recent IP address (self-test page printing operation method refers to “4.8 printer self-test ” instruction):You can find the printer ’s IP address is same as in self-test page “IP address:” 3. Set network card IP address in PC and printer IP address as different IP address in the same networksegment.(Such as, xxx is a number among 1 to 254);4. Please enter address “http://printer IP address ” in browse of PC after making sure that printer connects with Ethernet.(e.g.: If printer IP address is “”, please enter “”), then press Enter key,open Ethernet port setting page in browser as below:5. Click “Configure Interface” link in the left side, then enter the modified target IP and click “save” button tosave setting. Click “Reboot” button to reset printer if you want the setting to take effect.6. Enter the new IP address as the above step 4 procedure, and re-open printer Ethernet port setting web page, then click “Printer Status” link in the left side. And click “Printer Test Page” button to print self-test page, andcheck the IP Address contents in the self-test page is right or not.5 Interface pin definitionsThe printer has a cash drawer driver interface and many kinds of communication interfaces: parallel, serial (RS-232), USB and Ethernet ports. USB port and cash drawer interfaces are standard interfaces, and it has Ethernet, serial and parallel ports as optional.5.1 Parallel interface pin definition(DB25M)Number Signal Function Number Signal Function1 /STROBE Gate. Low level is10 /ACK Confirm. Low level is effectiveeffective2 DATA0Data bit is 011 BUSY Busy3 DATA1Data bit is 112 PE Paper out4 DATA2Data bit is 213 SEL Choose5 DATA3Data bit is 314 /AUTOFEED Change line automatically. Lowlevel is effective6 DATA4Data bit is 415 /ERROR Error. Low level is effective7 DATA5 Data bit is 516 /INIT Initialize. Low level is effective8 DATA6 Data bit is 617 /SELIN Choose input. Low level iseffective9 DATA7 Data bit is 718-25 GND Ground wire5.2 USB interface pin definition(standard B type female base)1)Pin definitionPin Number Signal name Typical wire color1 VBUS Red2 D- White3 D+ Green4 GND Black5.3 Power interface pin definition(MPC-3-001B)1)Pin definitionPin number Signal name1 +24V2 GND3 N.CSHELL F.G5.4 Cash drawer interface pin definition(RJ11-6P6C)1)Electrical specificationDriver voltage: DC24VDriver current: Max. 0.8A (within 510ms)Cash drawer status tests signal: “L” = 0~0.5 V ; “H” = 3~5 V2)Cash drawer interface socket uses RJ-11 6P type connector;3)Interface signal definitionPin number Signal function1 FG Printer cover2 DRAWER 1 Cash drawer 1 driver signal3 DRSW Cash drawer status detection signal4 VDR Cash drawer driver power5 DRAWER 2 Cash drawer 2 driver signal6 GND Common ground circuitNotes:1) Prohibit socket with power to pull out communication wire plug.2) Please avoid to parallel with strong power when wring communication cables av通讯线布线时应避免和强电并行;3) Communication cables use with shielded cables.5.5 Serial port pin definition(DB9F)Printer serial port is compatible with RS-232, the interface socket is DB9 female socket.User can check interface setting status via printing setting self-test page. Printer default serial interface is set as: baud rate 19200bps, 8 bit data bits, no parity,1 bit stop bit, and the handshakes method is DTR/DSR。
SP-POS586 热敏打印机使用说明书
SP-POS586 热敏打印机
(Ver 1.02)
SP-POS586 热敏打印机使用说明书
简介................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
第三章 打印驱动安装................................................................................................................................................................... 9 附录一 性能指标....................................................................................................................................................................... 10
SP-POS586 热敏打印机使用说明书
SP-POS586 打印机是一种新型行式热敏打印机,打印速度快,噪声低,可靠性好,打印质量高。无需色带,免除 了日常维护的烦恼。
FUJITSU Component Thermal Printer FTP-62GMCL173/173#01FTP-62GMCL473/473#01Fujitsu 2” high speed (200mm/s)thermal printer mechanism with cutter option OverviewThe compact, ultra low profile design FTP-62GMCL series thermal printer (driven by 12VDC or 24VDC) provides high speed printing (120mm/s at 12VDC or 200mm/s at 24VDC) for 2-inch wide paper.The series is suitable for a variety of applications, such as POS/ECR, kiosk terminals, ticket machines, label printers, banking machines, measuring devices, medical equipment, etc.■High-speed printingIt can print at 200mm/s (1,600 dotlines/s) at 24V power supply, 120mm/s(960 dotlines/s) at 12V power supply maximum by using Fujitsu Components’ unique head drive control■Rear paper insertion mechanism with lock typeFujitsu Components’ unique platen release mechanism allows for a straightpaper path and easy head maintenance■Auto cutterUltra-low profile auto cutter (full/partial cut) mounted at the factory(FTP-62GMCL473 / 473#01)■Multi-featuring metal frameThe rugged metal frame provides excellent ESD performance, is shock/vibration resistant and the heat-sink allows for continuous printing■Compact sizeWithout cutter:Width: 76.2mm, depth: 20.4mm, height: 36.3mm(FTP-62GMCL173 / FTP-62GMCL173#01)With cutter:Width: 80.5mm, depth: 34.8mm, height: 45.6mm(FTP-62GMCL473 / FTP-62GMCL473#01)■High resolution8 dots/mm head provides clear print■UL recognized, file # E171434■RoHS compliantFTP-62GMCL173#01 FTP-62GMCL473/473#01ItemPart NumberPrinter mechanismWithout cutter, back insertion FTP-62GMCL173 (58mm paper width)FTP-62GMCL173#01(60mm paper width)With cutterFTP-62GMCL473 (58mm paper width)FTP-62GMCL473#01(60mm paper width)LSI for driving FTP-62GCU121-RInterface board 12VSerial (RS232C, USB)FTP-62GDSL121#01 (Japanese font)Serial (RS232C, USB)FTP-62GDSL121#02 (Traditional Chinese font)Interface cable Serial FTP-62GY302USBFTP-62GY311#01Power supply cableLogic, head, motorFTP-629Y603Item Specifications Part number FTP-62GMCL173FTP-62GMCL173#01FTP-62GMCL473FTP-62GMCL473#01Printing method Thermal sensitive line dot methodDot structure 432 dots/linesDot pitch (horizontal)0.125mm (8 dots/mm) - Dot density Dot pitch (vertical)0.125mm (8 dots/mm) - Line feed pitch Effective printing area 54mmNumber of columns ANK 36 columns/line Paper width 58mm +0/-160mm +0/-158mm +0/-160mm +0/-1Paper thickness 60-150µm*160-150µm*160-100µm*160-100µm*1Printing speed 12VDC 120mm/s (960 dot lines/s) 24VDC200mm/s (1600 dot lines/s)Character typesAlphanumeric KANA International and special OCRI OCRIII OCRIVExtended numericJIS KANJI level 1, 2, non-Kanji Traditional Chinese159 types 195 types 103 types 23 types 103 types 12 typesJIS KANJI: approx. 6800 (FTP-628GDSL121#01)13, 503 (FTP-62GDSL101#02)Character dimensions (W x H), number of characters8 x 16 dots, 54 columns, ANK 12 x 24 dots, 36 columns, ANK 16 x 16 dots, 27 columns, ANK 24 x 24 dots, 18 columns, ANK24 x 40 dots, 18 columns, OCRI 24 x 48 dots, 18 columns, OCRII 36 x 60 dots, 12 columns, OCRIV24 x 48 dots, 18 columns, extended numeric*1: there may be exceptions■ Part numbers■ SpecificationsItem SpecificationsPart number FTP-62GMCL173FTP-62GMCL173#01FTP-62GMCL473FTP-62GMCL473#01 Power For head10.8 to 26.4VDC (current 2.6A at 12V power supply, 5.3A at 24V power supply, concurrent ap-plied dot number: 128dots)For printer motor10.8 to 26.4V, 1.5A maximumFor logic 3.3 or 5VDC ±5% 75mA maximumDimensions (WxDxH)Printer mechanism76.2 x 36.3 x 20.4mm80.5 x 45.6 x 34.8mm Interface board (DSL)70 x 37mmWeight Printer mechanism70g135gInterface board (DSL)15gExpected life Head Pulse durability: 100 million pulse/dot (using Fujitsu Components’ standard driving method)Wear resistance: 100km (at 12.5% print ratio)Environmental conditions Operating temperature+5°C to +40°C (guarantee) Operating humidity20 to 85% RH (no condensation) Storage temperature-40°C to +70°C (excluding paper) Storage humidity 5 to 95% RH (no condensation)Detection functions Head temperature By thermistorPaper out/Mark detect By photointerrupterPlaten open By slide switchRecommended thermal sensitive paper High sensitive paper TF50KS-E45 (Nippon paper) Standard paper TF-60KS-E (Nippon paper)PD150R (Oji paper) Medium term paper TF-60KS-F1 (Nippon paper)P220VBB-1 (Mitsubishi paper) Long term paper PD160R (Oji paper)TP50KJ-R (Nippon paper)HA220AA (Mitsubishi paper)*2: Under conditions of 20±5°C, 40 to 60% RH, cut cycle: min. 3 sec., max. 20 cuts per min.■ Dimensions• Printer mechanism: 2-inch Note: 1. Dimensions are nominal value )tolerance ±0.5mm unless otherwise specified. 2. Dimensions in ( ) is reference value.FTP-62GMCL173/173#0136.376.220.4Feed motorPlaten release lever(At platen release)■ Dimensions• Printer mechanism: 2-inch, with cutter■Connector pin assignments of printer mechanism (FPC)Recommended connector of head FPC: 54104-5031 (Molex ) or equivalentNo Signal Content I/O 1VSEN Paper sensor power IN 2PHK Cathode for photo interrupter OUT 3PHE Emitter for photo interrupter OUT 4N.C.Not connected-5VH Head drive power IN 6VH Head drive power IN 7VH Head drive power IN 8VH Head drive power IN 9VH Head drive power IN 10VH Head drive power IN 11DI Data in IN 12/STB2/Strobe2IN 13/STB3/Strobe3IN 14VDD Logic power IN 15GND Head ground-16GND Head ground-17GND Head ground-18GND Head ground-19GND Head ground-20GND Head ground-21GND Head ground-22GND Head ground-23GND Head ground-24GND Head ground-25GND Head ground-26GND Head ground-27TM Thermistor OUT 28N.C.Not connected-29/STB1/Strobe1IN 30/LAT/Data latch IN 31CLK Clock IN 32VH Head drive power IN 33VH Head drive power IN 34VH Head drive power IN 35VH Head drive power IN 36VH Head drive power IN 37VH Head drive power IN 38N.C.Not connected-39SW Platen switch release OUT 40SW Platen switch release OUTContactCopyrightAll trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Fujitsu Components America or its affiliates do not warrant that the content of datasheet is error free. In a continuing effort to improve our products Fujitsu Components America, Inc. or its affiliates reserve the right to change specifications/datasheets without prior notice. Copyright ©2020 Fujitsu Components America, Inc. All rights reserved. Revised December 22, 2020.JapanFUJITSU COMPONENT LIMITED Shinagawa Seaside Park Tower 12-4, Higashi-shinagawa 4-chome,Tokyo 140 0002, JapanTel: (81-3) 3450-1682Fax: (81-3) 3474-2385Email:***************** Web: /jp/group/fcl/en/North and South AmericaFUJITSU COMPONENTS AMERICA, INC.1230 E. Arques Ave., M\S 160 Sunnyvale, CA 94085 U.S.A.Tel: (1-408) 745-4900Fax: (1-408) 745-4970Email:*********************.com Web: /components/EuropeFUJITSU COMPONENTS EUROPE B.V.Diamantlaan 252132 WV Hoofddorp NetherlandsTel: (31-23) 5560910Fax: (31-23) 5560950Email:*****************.comWeb: /components/Asia PacificFUJITSU COMPONENTS ASIA, Ltd.102E Pasir Panjang Road#01-01 Citilink Warehouse Complex, Singapore 118529Tel: (65) 6375-8560 / Fax: (65) 6273-3021Email:***************.com/sg/products/devices/components/ChinaFUJITSU ELECTRONIC COMPONENTS (SHANGHAI) CO., LTD.Unit 4306, InterContinental Center100 Yu Tong Road, Shanghai 200070, China Tel: (86 21) 3253 0998 /Fax: (86 21) 3253 0997Email:***************.com/cn/products/devices/ components/Hong KongFUJITSU COMPONENTS HONG KONG Co., Ltd.Room 06, 28/F, Greenfield Tower, Concordia Plaza, No.1 Science Museum Road, Tsim Sha Tsui East, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2881 8495 Fax: (852) 2894 9512Email:***************.com/sg/products/devices/components/KoreaFUJITSU COMPONENTS KOREA, LTD.Alpha Tower #403, 645 Sampyeong-dong, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, 13524 Korea Tel: (82 31) 708-7108Fax: (82 31) 709-7108Email:***************.com /sg/products/devices/components/No Signal Content I/O 41MTM Motor thermistor OUT 42MTM Motor thermistor OUT 43MT_/A Excitation signal /A SINK/SOURCE 44MT_/A Excitation signal /A SINK/SOURCE 45MT_A Excitation signal A SINK/SOURCE 46MT_A Excitation signal A SINK/SOURCE 47MT_/B Excitation signal /B SINK/SOURCE 48MT_/B Excitation signal /B SINK/SOURCE 49MT_B Excitation signal B SINK/SOURCE 50MT_BExcitation signal BSINK/SOURCENo Signal ContentI/O1MT_B Excitation signal B SINK/SOURCE 2MT_B Excitation signal B SINK/SOURCE 3MT_/B Excitation signal /B SINK/SOURCE 4MT_/B Excitation signal /B SINK/SOURCE 5MT_A Excitation signal A SINK/SOURCE 6MT_A Excitation signal A SINK/SOURCE 7MT_/A Excitation signal /A SINK/SOURCE 8MT_/A Excitation signal /A SINK/SOURCE 9N.C.Not connected -10VSEN Paper sensor power IN 11PHE Emitter for photo interrupter OUT 12PHKCathode for photo interrupterOUT■ Connector pin assignments of cutter (FPC) - For FTP62GMCL473/473#01 only Recommended connector of cutter motor FPC: 52745-1297 (Molex) or equivalent。
便携热敏打印机开发手册V1.2本手册适用于:M07,M08,M09,M102016-12-29版本控制信息目录版本控制信息 0目录 (I)第1章安全信息............................................................................................................ V I1.1 读者 (vi)1.2 关于本手册 (vi)1.3 安全上的注意事项 (vi)1.3.1 人身伤害 (vi)1.3.2 无线电波管制 (vi)1.3.3 纸卷规格 (vi)1.3.4 开纸仓 (vi)1.3.5 专用配件 (vi)1.3.6 拆卸 (vi)第2章概述 (7)2.1 特点 (7)2.2 性能指示 (7)第3章操作说明 (9)3.1 结构图 (9)3.2 开机 (9)3.2.1 电源键开机 (9)3.3 关机 (9)3.3.1 电源键关机 (9)3.3.2 超时自动关机 (9)3.4 休眠 (10)3.5 唤醒 (10)3.6 走纸 (10)3.7 自检 (10)第4章打印机参数设置 (11)4.1 自检 (11)4.3 设置向导 (11)第5章状态指示 (14)5.1 开机提示 (14)5.2 关机提示 (14)5.3 工作状态指示 (14)5.4 少纸状态指示 (14)5.5 参数设置状态指示 (14)5.6 电池电量显示 (14)5.7 充电指示 (15)5.8 打印头过热提示 (15)5.9 电池电量低提示 (15)第6章USB接口 (16)6.1 USB接口打印机 (16)6.2 USB+为打印机供电 (16)第7章RS232接口 (17)7.1 配置参数 (17)7.2 缓冲区大小 (17)7.3 奇偶校验 (17)7.4 自适应波特率 (17)第8章蓝牙接口 (18)8.1 直接通过COM口控制打印机 (18)8.2 通过打印机驱动程序控制打印机 (18)8.3 蓝牙开关 (18)第9章WIFI接口 (19)9.1 AP模式wifi连接打印机 (19)9.3 通过打印机驱动程序控制打印机 (19)9.4 WIFI开关 (19)第10章打印指令 (20)10.1 基本控制指令 (20)10.1.1 【初始化打印机1B 40】 (20)10.1.2 【唤醒打印机00】 (20)10.1.3 【回车0D】 (20)10.1.4 【换行0A】 (20)10.1.5 【执行n点行走纸1B 4A n】 (20)10.1.6 【打印并走纸到黑标处0C】 (20)10.2 选择字符集命令 (20)10.2.1 【选择字库1B 38 n】 (20)10.3 字符参数设置命令 (21)10.3.1 【灰度打印1B 6D n】 (21)10.3.2 【横向放大1B 55 n】 (21)10.3.3 【纵向放大1B 56 n】 (21)10.3.4 【等比放大1B 57 n】 (21)10.3.5 【允许/禁止下划线打印1B 2D n】 (21)10.3.6 【允许/禁止上划线打印1B 2B n】 (21)10.3.7 【允许/禁止反白打印1B 69 n】 (21)10.3.8 【允许/禁止反向打印1B 63 n】 (21)10.3.9 【字符旋转打印1C 49 n】 (22)10.4 打印排版参数设置命令 (22)10.4.1 【设置n点行间距1B 31 n】 (22)10.4.2 【设置字符间距1B 70 n】 (22)10.4.3 【设置行对齐方式1B 61 n】 (22)10.4.4 【设置垂直造表值1B 42 d1 d2...dn 00】 (22)10.4.5 【执行垂直造表0B】 (22)10.4.6 【设置水平造表值1B 44 d1 d2 ... dn 00】 . (23)10.4.7 【执行水平造表09】 (23)10.4.8 【设置右边距1B 51 n】 (23)10.4.9 【设置左边距1B 6C n】 (23)10.5 图形/图象打印命令 (23)10.5.1 【打印点阵图形1B 4B nL nH d1...dn】 (23)10.5.2 【打印点行图形1C 4B M n d1...dn】 (24)10.5.3 【打印模式位图1B 2A M nL nH d1...dn】 .. (24)10.5.4 【打印光栅位图1D 76 30 M yL yH Xl xH d1...dn】. (25)10.5.5 【打印散点行1B 27 nL nH l1 h1 l2 h2 l3 h3 ...ln hn】 .. (25)10.5.6 【打印坐标曲线1B 2C nL nH l1 h1 l2 h2 l3 h3 ...ln hn】 . (25)10.6一维条码打印命令 (26)10.6.1 【打印一维国标条形码1D 6B n m [d]】 (26)10.6.2 一维条码编码规则简介 (26)10.6.3 条形码例子 (26)10.6.4 【允许/禁止打印HRI字符1D 48 n】 (27)10.6.5 【设置条形码高度1D 68 n】 (27)10.6.6 【设置条形码宽度1D 77 n】 (27)10.7打印二维条码 (27)10.7.1 【打印PDF417条码1D 28 6b ml mh c e [d]】 (27)10.7.2 【打印QR矩阵码1D 28 31 ml mh v e [d]】 (28)第11章扩展指令 (29)11.1 【马达转速1F 55 20 K】 (29)11.2 【高速打印1F 55 21 K】 (29)11.3 【指令禁能1F 55 22 K】 (29)11.4 【退纸轴系数1F 55 23 K】 (29)11.5 【休眠1F 55 24 K】 (29)11.6 【关机1F 55 25 K】 (29)11.7 【指令容错1F 55 26 K】 (29)11.8 【设置波特率1F 55 27 BL BH P】 (29)11.9 【下载字库1F 55 28 nL nH v1...v4】.. (30)11.10 【退纸1F 55 29 K】 (30)11.11 【回车符扩展1F 55 2A K】 (30)11.12 【测试蜂鸣器1F 55 2B K】 (30)11.13 【删除线1F 55 2C K】 (30)11.14 【图文混排模式1F 55 2D K】 (30)11.15 【设置时间1F 55 2E D1...D5】 (31)11.16 【打印时间1F 55 2F M】 (31)11.17 【等宽字符1F 55 30 K】 (31)11.18 【固件升级1F 55 31 v1...v4】. (31)11.19 【纸传感器参数1F 55 32 d1...d3】 . (31)11.20 【保存配置1F 55 33 K M】 (32)11.21 【打印样张1F 55 34 K】 (32)11.22 【加重打印1F 55 35 K】 (32)11.23 【U盘开关1F 55 36 K】 (32)11.24 【黑标检测开关1F 55 37 K】 (32)11.25 【无线通信开关1F 55 38 K】 (32)11.26 【自动休眠设置1F 55 39 K】 (32)11.27 【自动关机设置1F 55 3A K】 (32)11.28 【接口模块配置1F 55 3B M n d1...dn】 (32)字库预览 (33)附录 (34)1.字符样式设置命令 (34)2.黑标印刷 (34)3.联系我们 (35)第1章安全信息为有效、安全地使用您的打印机,请遵守以下规定。
PT486F 技术手册
第一章 产品特点及使用注意事项........................................................................................ 5
1. 特点.................................................................................................................................................................................5 2. 机芯使用注意事项.........................................................................................................................................................6
PT486F 技术手册
产品名称:48mm 热敏打印机芯 产品型号:PT486F
编制 曾永生
供方 审核 沈宏斌
2011.09.26 2011.09.26
承认 林锦毅
公司电话:0592-5932525 传真:0592-5930505 地址:福建省厦门市崎南 12 路 8 号 (艾德航空工业园)4、5 楼 联系人:任小薇
整个过程中,请不要对“默认打印机” 选项进行任何操作!“默认打印机”仍 应为原来的针式打印机!
1、打印机的摆放 为方便员工操作,热敏打印机请摆放在前台台面上,与目前的针式打印机并排摆放,如图所示
注意: 成功连接并设置好打印机后,尚不能使用新的打印机
打印单据,需等待PMS软件系统升级后才可以使用。 PMS软件系统升级前,切不可将原针式打印机断开,
4、设置打印机 步骤六:点击“打印测试页”后,如果打印机没有打印出测试页,且弹出如图所示的提示时
单击“确定”,并双击屏幕右下角红框所示的打 印机图标,弹出如下窗口
4、设置打印机 步骤七:点击“打印机”,选择“取消所有文档”
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为提升宾客体验、提高酒店服务 效率、有效降低酒店运营成本,现将 酒店原对客服务针式打印机调整为热 敏打印机。
新更换的热敏打印机用来打印对 客服务类单据,保留下来的针式打印 机用来打印各类报表。
请将您酒店打印机的连接及设置结果按照如下格式邮件反馈至城区运营助理 并由城区运营助理汇总提交区域运营经理
是否设置成功 未成功原因
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升级前仍使用针式打印机 请保持成功打印测试页时的连接及设置状态,以备
佳能 多功能打印一体机 PIXMA MP486 说明书
![佳能 多功能打印一体机 PIXMA MP486 说明书](
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1. 特点 ......................................................................................................................................................................................3
第二章 规格说明 .................................................................................................................5
2.1 总体规格说明 .....................................................................................................................................................................5
第三章 机身设计指导 ........................................................................................................16
3.1 机芯的结构尺寸 ...............................................................................................................................................................16 3.1.1 易装纸结构参考设计尺寸........................................................................................................................................16 3.1.2 纸卷安装位置............................................................................................................................................................18 3.1.3 安装尺寸....................................................................................................................................................................19
2.3 走纸特性 ............................................................................................................................................................................6
2. 机芯使用注意事项 ..............................................................................................................................................................4
2.6 引脚定义 ...........................................................................................................................................................................14
2.7 光电传感器规格 ...............................................................................................................................................................15
第 1 页 共 20页
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PT486F-H 技术手册
第一章 产品特点及使用注意事项 ..........................................................................................3