商务英语写作(修订版) 第七章


商务英语写作实务课件Unit 7

商务英语写作实务课件Unit 7
Carl Read was appointed as the Finance Manager because of the retirement of the former Finance Manager. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 a.m. . Recorder Lucy Lee, Secretary
I. Format
Date Venue Chairman Present Absent
Name of the organization Title of the meeting
Body (items of discussion)
Adjournment Recorder
II. Tips
Try to be very accurate, clear and complete about the items discussed at the meeting.
Peter Fang Absent: Mary Lin The regular monthly meeting of Guangzhou Roaring Trading
Co., Ltd. was held at the meeting room, 9:00 a.m. June 29, 2011. The meeting was presided over by John Smith, President. Minutes The minutes of the last meeting were approved.
Section One General Introduction
The meeting minutes are a kind of written record of formal brief summary or record of what has been said and decided at a meeting.

商务英语写作unit 7

商务英语写作unit 7

Business Situation
You are a sales manager of Shenzhen Dongfang Real Estate(房地产) Co.,Ltd, and you try to produce a leaflet for the new villa—Queen’s Garden Villa.
Unit 7 Leaflet and Advertisement
Learning Objectives By the end of this unit you should be able to have a good command of the form and structure of a leaflet and an advertisement; use Writing Techniques in this unit comfortably in your Business English Writing; practise writing leaflets and advertisements by using words in the miniword lists; acquire the ability to write leaflets and advertisements with the help of dictionaries and the Internet.
Task Two:
After finishing Task one, you are to do a group work—find out the steps for writing a leaflet or an advertisement and the essential parts of it, and then check your findings with your teacher.



外贸常见合同商务英语2024年合同目录第一章:前言1.1 定义与解释1.2 合同构成1.3 适用法律与管辖第二章:合同主体2.1 甲方(买方)信息2.2 乙方(卖方)信息2.3 法定代表人与授权代表第三章:合同标的3.1 产品描述3.2 服务范围3.3 质量标准第四章:价格条款4.1 价格确定4.2 价格条款(Incoterms)4.3 货币汇率与支付条件第五章:支付方式5.1 付款条件5.2 付款货币与汇率5.3 付款方式与期限第六章:交货6.1 交货时间6.2 交货地点6.3 交货方式第七章:运输与保险7.1 运输安排7.2 运输成本7.3 保险责任第八章:检验与验收8.1 检验标准8.2 验收程序8.3 异议与索赔第九章:保证与担保9.1 质量保证9.2 性能保证9.3 担保条款第十章:知识产权10.1 知识产权归属10.2 使用权许可10.3 知识产权保护第十一章:违约责任11.1 违约定义11.2 违约责任11.3 违约补救措施第十二章:不可抗力12.1 不可抗力定义12.2 通知与证明12.3 不可抗力后果第十三章:合同变更与解除13.1 变更条件13.2 解除条件13.3 变更与解除程序第十四章:合同的签署与生效14.1 签署方14.2 签署时间14.3 签署地点14.4 生效条件与合同文本以上为外贸常见合同的商务英语目录,具体合同内容需根据实际情况进行详细制定。

第一章:前言1.1 定义与解释本合同中所有术语和表达的定义应根据合同末尾的术语表进行解释。

1.2 合同构成本合同由本前言、各章节条款、附件及双方通过书面形式确认的其他文件构成。

1.3 适用法律与管辖本合同的订立、解释、履行及争议解决均适用______国法律,并受其管辖。

第二章:合同主体2.1 甲方(买方)信息甲方名称:______注册地址:______法定代表人:______2.2 乙方(卖方)信息乙方名称:______注册地址:______法定代表人:______2.3 法定代表人与授权代表各方法定代表人或授权代表的签字对本合同具有法律效力。

现代商务英语第7章订货及其履行(Orders and Execution)

现代商务英语第7章订货及其履行(Orders and Execution)

If, having given further thought to the matter, you feel you cannot accept our offer, we hope it will not prevent you from approaching us on some other occasions. We shall always be very happy to hear from you and will carefully consider any proposals likely to lead to business between us. Yours faithfully, (signature)
7.1 Order Letters Dear Sirs, Your samples of HengYuanXiang woolen swe aters received satisfactory reaction from our custo mers, so we are pleased to enclose our order No. 178.We hope that you may make prompt delivery. Yours faithfully,
7.4 Declining Ordered Price
Sept. 20, 2006 Dear Sirs, We have carefully considered your counterpropo sal of 15th September to our offer of woolen underwear, b ut very much regret that we cannot accept it. The prices w e quoted in our letter of 13th September leave us with onl y the smallest of margins, they are in fact lower than those of our competitors for goods of similar quality. The wool used in the manufacture of our product undergoes a special process that prevents shrinkage and increases durability. The fact that we are the largest suppli ers of woolen underwear in this country is in itself evidenc e of the good value of our products.

《商务英语翻译》第7章 第三节 商务合同的翻译

《商务英语翻译》第7章 第三节 商务合同的翻译
正式合同 Contract 协议书 Agreement 确议书 Confirmation 备忘录 Memorandum 意向书 Letter of intent
首部 (Preamble of Contract )
3. 说明签约时间: This Contract is made and signed in Guangzhou on July 21,2011, by and between (A) (hereinafter referred to as the Seller) and (B)(hereinafter refered to as the Buyer). The Buyer hereby orders from the Seller the following goods subject to the following conditions: 本合同由(甲)(以下称卖方)和(乙) (以下称买方)于2011年7月21日在广州签 订,买方向卖方订购下列商品,条件如下:
Translate the Contract of Employing an
Foreign Expert on Page 198-200.
常用合同条款的翻译: 1. 签约的目的和背景: Whereas the first Party is willing to employ the second Party and the second Party agrees to do as first Party’s Engineer in Encomo Dam Project, it is hereby mutually agreed as follows: 鉴于甲方愿聘乙方,乙方同意应聘为甲方 在Encomo 大坝工程的工程师。双方特此 协议如下:

商务英语写作Chapter 7

商务英语写作Chapter 7

Don’t ballyhoo. Thunder is only a big noise; a bolt of lightning gets attention. Don’t speak ill of your competitors. Show the readers what you can do, not what others cannot do.

Notes: In preparing sales letter, you should first of all determine the central selling points and benefits. Selling point means the most attractive features of a product or service Customer benefits mean particular advantages buyers will realize from those features. Selling points and benefits can be identified by analyzing the product and the potential buyers.
Four steps of writing sales letter
To get the customers’ attention or curiosity. You need to think about in what logical, appropriate way you can win a little favor with reader at the start—enough that he or she is willing to read on. To arouse interest. You need to present convincing evidence of the value of the product, service, or idea so that your audience will develop a deeper and more sustained interest that he or she had at the start. In this stage, you are not trying to make the sale—simply paving the way. .




























第一章:第二章:1、商品交换与贸易:exchange or terms into English 1、独资企业sole proprietorship2、世界经济舞台the world economic scene 2、普通合伙企业general partnership3、国外直接投资foreign direct investment 3、法人legal person4、多国企业multinational enterprises 4、合股公司joint-stock company5、商业或投资银行commercial and investment banking 5、董事会board of directors6、有价证券投资portfolio investments 6、国有公司public corporation7、金融风险financial risk 7、资本摊缴capital contribution8、法律文件 a legal document 8、多数股权controlling interest9、支付差额balance-of-payments 9、优先股股东权preferred stockholders10、有效经营effective operation or operate effectively 10、公司章程articles of incorporation第三章:第四章:1、最终消费者ultimate consumer 1、总体运行overall operation2、增值价值value added 2、宏观经济学macroeconomics3、批发商merchant wholesaler 3、微观经济学microeconomics4、产品花色品种product assortment 4、通货膨胀inflation5、地方效用place utility 5、扩张性的货币政策an expansionary monetary policy6、邮售mail-order selling 6、紧缩性的货币政策an restrictive monetary policy7、专业商店specialty store 7 、货币流通currency circulation or circulation of money8、现金流量cash flow 8、货币投放量the size of money supply9、存货控制inventory control 9、经济萧条stagnant economy or economy depression10、市场分区market segment 10、均衡数量equilibrium quantity第六章:第五章:1、市场经济market economy 1、私营企业制度private enterprise system2、计划经济planned economy 2、垄断性竞争monopolistic competition3、股市stock market 3、垄断monopoly4经济力economic market 4、供求规律the law of supply and demand5、供给力supply force 5、市场价格market price6、需求力demand force 6、零售商店retail store7、经济体系economic system 7、公用事业public utility8、市场价格market price 8、寡头垄断oligopoly9、购买力buying power 第七章10、供求均衡the equilibrium of supply and demand 1、商品交易会commodity fair11、供给量quality supply 2、银行资信证明bank reference12、价格体系price system 3、商会chamber of comer 4、4、大使馆的参赞counselor 5、信用调查所credit agency6、不可抗力force majeure7、胁迫、束缚duress8、磋商、议付negotiation 9、租船、订船chartering10、海关放行,结关customs clearance 11、保险单、保单insurance policy。

大学核心商务英语写作教程unit 7 Insurance and Agency

大学核心商务英语写作教程unit 7 Insurance and Agency
Unit Seven Insurance and Agency
To know the different kinds of risks of insurance
acquiring knowledge of writing letters concerning transportation insurance
premium to be paid. • 3) The insured pays the premium and the
insurance becomes valid. • 4) If a damage or loss is suffered, the insured
files a claim for compensation. • 5) The claim is investigated, and if reasonable,
II. How to Write Letters Related to Insurance?
• When writing letters related to insurance, the writer ought to bear the following points in mind:
What are the three kinds of insurances? • 1. Marine transportation insurance • 2. Land transportation insurance • 3. Air transportation insurance
Pattern Model I: Importer Asks Exporter to Cover Insurance


University of International Business and Economics Press
第三节 商务名片中职务、职称、职衔、学衔的汉译 chancellor大学名誉校长 chief accountant首席会计师 chief designer总设计师 chief engineer总工程师 chief executive officer(CEO)首席执行官 chief executive总裁 chief finance officer (CFO)财务总监/首席财务官 chief impresario艺术总监 chief information officer(CIO)信息总监 /资讯主管 chief inspector质量总监 chief operating officer (COO)首席运营官(指译文在形式与内容上都与原文非常接近的一种 译法。采用直译法的先决条件是原文与 译文在词汇意义 、句法结构、文体风格等方面完全一致或基本一致。即 原文中的词语用法、词序排列、句式结构等各个方面均 与译入语非常相似的句子才能采用直译法。
University of International Business and Economics Press
University of International Business and Economics Press
第二节 商务名片中公司名称、 部门名称、通讯地址的翻译
1 2
一、英文中“公司”的表达及汉译 二、英文中“部门”的表达及汉译
University of International Business and Economics Press

实用商务英语写作Chapter 7

实用商务英语写作Chapter 7

HSBC, however, prefers its customers to use car loans when purchasing new cars. A loan allows customers to pay for the car over a longerhedule gives customers a clear picture of their financial commitments for the period of the loan. In addition, a loan enables customers to use their overdraft facility to meet unexpected expenses.
Difficult Letter #1: Persuading a Customer
• THE SITUATION • An HSBC customer in Thailand has decided to purchase a new car. As a result, he has requested an increase in his overdraft facility to pay for the new car.
Evaluate the tone of the first draft:. Dear Mr Khomson Thank you for your letter requesting an increase in your overdraft facility. We, however, do not recommend using your overdraft facility to purchase a new car. Therefore, we suggest that you apply for a car loan instead. I have enclosed a brochure on car loans. Please read the brochure and complete the application form. As soon as I receive your application, I will help you process the loan. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely



The ability to write effectively is a valuable
business asset.
Three reasons: 1) business is transacted in writing; 2) writing effectively helps increase company sales and profit; 3) proficiency in writing gives a personal advantage
Course Outline
Text Book
胡英坤 车丽娟 主编 外语教学与研究出版社 2013.8
1 An Overview of Business W商务ri写tin作g概述 2 Structure and Style of Bus商in务e信s函s 的Le结t构te与rs格式 3 Sales-related Inquiries and询R盘e与p回li复es 4 Orders and Confirmation L订e单tt与er确s认函 5 Letters about Shipment 装运函
The writer should have an acquaintance with the particular interest and, if possible, the emotions of the reader.

国际商务英语写作Chapter 7公司规章

国际商务英语写作Chapter 7公司规章
Termination of employment may be put forth by either the Company or the employees.
句法特征 规章制度中的语言具有法规语言的一般特点, 其中的句子句法力求严谨,以求表达准确明晰。 而长句、复合句在规章制度中也极为常见,以 完整表达较为复语态 在规章制度的撰写中,常常使用被动语态以 体现其客观性和约束性。被动语态的使用 使得语言更加正式。例如:
3.多使用shall, will, must, can, may等情态动词 情态动词能被用来描述权利和义务。但不 同的情态动态表示的范围或程度有所不同, 因此在选用时应有所区别。
(1) “must”表示 “必须”、“应当”,常 指员工有义务、有必要遵照某指令行事, 一般无妥协、商量的余地。例如:
All employees are expected to perform their duties conscientiously, diligently, ethically and responsibly.
The working hours in the Company are stipulated in accordance with the regulations of labour laws of the People's Republic of China.
The relevant Department Head will make additional explanations about policies or procedures that may apply to the employee concerning his or her roles and responsibilities. A letter of appointment will be issued by the HR Department before or on the day when the new employee starts to work.

7.商务英语写作(修订版) 第七章

7.商务英语写作(修订版) 第七章

Routine Claims and Adjustments
2. Adjustments
When you get a claim, you may either grant an adjustment or reject it, depending on the situation. When you grant an adjustment, your customer will surely welcome it, so a letter of adjustment talking about the issue directly is appropriate.
Routine Claims and Adjustments
II. Sample Analysis
Questions for comprehension: 4. Is the tone of each letter polite and considerate? 5. How do the authors end the two letters? 6. Can you sum up the writing principles of routine claims and adjustments?
主 编:胡英坤 车丽娟 外语教学与研究出版社
Chapter 7
Routine Claims and Adjustments
Routine Claims and Adjustments
Contents of this chapter
I. Introduction II. Sample Analysis III. Sample Contrast IV. Useful Patterns and Sentences

商务英语写作教程Unit 7

商务英语写作教程Unit 7

商务英语写作教程Unit 7Unit 7: Writing Business EmailsIn this unit, we will focus on writing effective business emails. Email communication is an essential part of modern business, and it is important to convey your message clearly and professionally. Whether you are writing to a colleague, a client, or a business partner, following the guidelines below will help you write successful business emails.1. Subject Line:The subject line should be concise and specific, summarizing the content of the email. This allows the recipient to quickly understand the purpose of the email and prioritize their response.2. Greeting:Begin your email with a polite and professional greeting, such as "Dear Mr./Ms./Dr. [Last Name]," or simply "Hello [First Name]." Avoid using informal greetings unless you have a close relationship with the recipient.3. Introduction:In the opening paragraph, introduce yourself and state the reason for writing the email. Be clear and concise, providing any necessary background information. This sets the context for the rest of the email.4. Body:The body of the email should contain the main message or request. Use clear and direct language, breaking up the text into paragraphs for better readability. Keep the email focused and avoid including unrelated information.5. Politeness and Tone:Maintain a polite and professional tone throughout the email. Use appropriate language and avoid using slang or informal expressions. Be careful with your choice of words to ensure that your message is received positively.6. Closing:In the closing paragraph, summarize the main points of the email and suggest any necessary actions or next steps. Thank the recipient for their time and consideration. End the email with a polite closing, such as "Sincerely" or "Best regards," followed by your full name and contact information.7. Proofreading:Before sending the email, take the time to proofread it for any spelling or grammatical errors. Check that the email is clear, concise, and free from any ambiguities. A well-written and error-free email reflects professionalism and attention to detail.8. Attachments:If you need to include any attachments, mention them in the body of the email and make sure they are properly labeled and easy to access. Be mindful of the file size, as large attachments may be difficult to send or receive.Remember, effective business emails are concise, clear, and professional. By following these guidelines, you can enhance your communication skills and make a positive impression on your recipients. Practice writing business emails regularly to further improve your skills.。


that you’ll stay in that company for a whole life, or just stay there for a short time. What you need at this moment is to restructure your answer. It would be smart to first tell the recruiters the reasons why you want to work here, and then move to such topics as how this job appeals to you and how it stimulates your potentials.
Human Resource Management
What Is Human Resource Management?
— The human resource management (HRM) process is an ongoing procedure that tries to keep the organization supplied with the right people in the right positions.
Human Resource Management
What Is Human Resource Management?
Additional Info
— HRM is based on the efficient utilization of employees to achieve two main goals within a company.


Company Logo
Principles of a Routine Claim: Direct Writing Style
Come straight to the problem at the beginning. Tell what is wrong.
2 Describe the problem clearly and provide any necessary information (invoice number, product information, etc.)
beginning. Tell what is wrong. samples you sent us, we were surprised
Sample letter 2—Claim on the wrong component
other. The quality of the clothing materials seems inferior to that of the samples, so they do not meet our customers’ requirements. We have arranged for the production of customized suits and planned Describe the problem clearly and to 2 the start as soon as the materials arrive. We provide any necessary information will, however, have to postpone the (invoice number, product information, etc.) order from our customers owing original to the poor quality of the clothing Present enough facts to help 3 materials you sent us. This is the company to make a decision. bringing us much inconvenience.



3). The Closing
Make the reader act !
Money-back guarantees Free samples Trial periods Payment plans
3). The Closing
If you are not completely satisfied, then return the alarm clock with no obligation. Remember, this offer is only open for two days. By sending the card before May 24, you will obtain a special discount of 5% at our introductory stage.
2). The Body: Satisfy the wants
to be healthy to be wealthy to have a safe future to be comfortable to be better than others to be attractive to the opposite sex
1) clearly state what action you wish the reader to take.
Should the reader order your product or service? Call your office to set up an appointment? Fill out a form? Visit a local dealership or store to see a demonstration? Invite the visit of a sales representative? On finishing your letter, your reader should know just exactly what you want done and how it should be done. At times, you may have to name two actions and ask the reader to take one or the other. If you possibly can, avoid doing so. Some people faced with a choice resolve their dilemma by doing nothing.
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
I called Mr. Windsor that same day, June 28. He said he was busy negotiating with another client in another city. He promised to arrange
Routine Claims and Adjustments
1. Routine claims
Writing Principles:
• Come straight to the problem at the beginning. Tell what is wrong.
• Describe the problem clearly and provide any necessary information (invoice number, product information, etc.).
Routine Claims and Adjustments
I. Introduction
1. Routine claims 2. Adjustments
Routine Claims and Adjustments
1. Routine claims
Claim letters can be divided into two groups: routine claims and persuasive claims.
On June 14, we purchased the office communication system XP5645 from your sales representative John Windsor. As your file may show, we paid $4,500 for it, which is $200 more than XP5030. That payment includes free installment and a six-month trial period.
Routine Claims and Adjustments
II. Sample Analysis
Letter A: A claim on the wrong component
Dear Mr. Phillips:
Would you immediately replace the visual software for XP5030 with that for XP5645 which we have paid for?
The software you sent us operated well at the beginning, but the system refused to work after two weeks. After careful examination, we found what you sent us is for XP5030, not for XP5645 we purchased.
• End with positive, friendly but firm words.
Routine Claims and Adjustments
2. Adjustments
When you get a claim, you may either grant an adjustment or reject it, depending on the situation. When you grant an adjustment, your customer will surely welcome it, so a letter of adjustment talking about the issue directly is appropriate.
主 编:胡英坤 车丽娟 外语教学与研究出版社
Chapter 7
Routine Claims and Adjustments
Routine Claims and Adjustments
Contents of this chapter
I. Introduction II. Sample Analysis III. Sample Contrast IV. Useful Patterns and Sentences
Routine claims (usually backed by a contract, a guarantee, or the company’s reputation) assume that a requillingly, so such letters are very effective if the problem is directly stated.
Routine Claims and Adjustments
2. Adjustments
Writing Principles:
• Begin directly with the good news. • Identify the correspondence that you are answering. • Avoid negatives that recall the problem. • Regain lost confidence through explanation or action. • End with a friendly, positive comment.
• Present enough facts to help the company to make a decision.
• Name specific actions to deal with the problem, and politely mention strong terms if you fail to get a satisfactory reply.