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Metonymy is a figure of speech that has to do with the substitution of the name of one thing for that of another. This substituted name may be an attribute of that other thing or be closely associated with it. In other words, it involves a change of name.
She was a girl who excited the emotions, but I was not one to let my heart rule my head.
He took to the bottle.
...little old Japan adrift amid beige concrete skyscrapers ...struggle between kimono and the miniskirt
I thought that Hiroshima still felt the impact
Metonymy can be derived from various sources:

a. Names of persons
Uncle Sam: the USA
Lu Xun: all the books written by him
I am recently reading Lu Xun.

b. Animals
the bear: the Soviet union
the dragon: the Chinese

c. Parts of the body
heart: feelings and emotions
head, brain: wisdom, intelligence, reason
grey hair: old age

d. Profession:
the press: newspapers, reporters etc.
He met the press yesterday evening at the Grand Hotel.
the bar: the legal profession

e. Location of government, business etc.
Downing Street: the British Government
the White House: the US president and his government
the Capital Hill: US Congress
Wall Street: US financial circles
Hollywood: American film-making industry

Just as the Industrial Revolution took over an immense range of tasks from MEN's MUSCLES and enormously expanded
productivity, so the microcomputer is rapidly assuming huge burdens of drudgery from HUMAN BRAIN and thereby expanding the minds capacities...


Synecdoche (ti yu) has often been confused with Metonymy, and sometimes even treated synonymously. This is not surprising, as both figures of speech involve substitution. The distinction lies in the fact that while metonymy involves the substitution of the name of one thing for that of another, synecdoche involves the substitution of the Part for the WHOLE or

vice versa.

a. Part for the Whole:
...eat your humble BREAD and CHEESE...
All HANDS on deck.
All of a sudden, I saw a SAIL in the distance.
...eye-ball to eye-ball consultations with...on the TUBE...
The computer revolution is ...liberating LIMBS...

cf: metonymy
take over from HUMAN MUSCLES and assume burdens of drudgery from the HUMAN BRAIN

b. Whole for the Part:
China beat Japan at the game.
He cut me open and took out the appendix and stitched me up again.

c. The species for the genus or vice versa
Alas, that Spring should vanish with the ROSE! (flowers in general)
What a tricky CREATURE he is! (man)

d. Name of material for the thing made
She was dressed in silks and satins.

...eye-ball to eye-ball consultations with...on the TUBE...
The computer revolution is ...liberating LIMBS...

Antonomasia (huan cheng)

1. the substitution of another designation for a common obvious, or normal one,

a. the use of an official title or an epithet in place of a proper name

一个指称来代替一个普通明白的,或标准的说法,但第一是实指,因此给了Judge Doe,即用“大人”代替“张(或王、李等)法官”,有如用“先生”、“阁下”指代“张省长”,“邱首相”等,
his honour for Judge Doe
his / her majesty: king or queen
your honour / highness / mightiness

而第二种是虚指,因此没有给姓氏,也没有大写,如用“首席行政长官”来代替“总统”,用“首长”,“中央领导”来代替“市长”,“省长”或“部长”“副总理”等。但这两种替代必须是官方正式头衔或称号(an official title or an epithet), chief executive for the president

b: the use of a proper name to designate a member of a class

b也有两个方面,第一点的重点在proper name两个词的理解上,冯说antonomasia与metonymy的区别在于: the proper name must denote some idea or characteristic of a well-known person, either history or fiction, 而王也说:The main difference between antonomasia and metonymy lies in that in the former the proper nouns have biblical, mythological, historical or literary origins Solomon a wise ruler
Daniel a wise and fair judge
Judas a traitor
Hitler a tyrant
Shylock an extortionate usurer
Romeo romantic young lover
Don Juan a lady-killer
Quisling traitor
Helen beautiful woman
Rockefeller is a Napoleon of finance.
He is the Napoleon of crime.
John / He is the Newton of our school / this century.
the latter-day Aladdin
Alice A

also the making of a common noun or verb from a proper name
pasteurize from Pasteur
Wellsian fantasy
Smithsonian antic

2. the giving of proper name (as to a character in fiction) that names or suggests a leading quality

至于antonomasia的2,谢已经给了很好的说明:“…使人物的姓(名)本身就包括一个对其特点的简短说明。…如拜伦的Miss Reading,Miss Knowman;狄更斯的Mr. Murderstone, 萨克莱的Becky Sharp等。”其要害仍然是proper name必需传递某种特性,有如汉语中的卜世仁,高大全等。

Squire Allworthy, Doctor Sawbones


...everything from automobile engines to universities and hospitals, from farms to banks and corporate offices, from outer space to a baby's nursery


alarm clock burrs
percolator starts burbling

Parody: a literary or music work in which the style of an author or work is closely imitated for comic effects, for amusement or ridicule.
Using the words, thoughts, or style of an author, but by a slight change so as to adapt them to a new purpose or ridiculously inappropriate subject, bitter irony, biti

ng sarcasm


Never ventured, never gained (lost).
...and that government of (off) the people, by (buy) the people, for (foe) the people shall not perish from the earth.

Twinkle, twinkle, little bat,
How I wonder what you’re at,
Up above the world you fly,
Like a tea tray in the sky.

A judge to a witness: "Do you swear that you will tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? A dentist to a patient: "... pull the tooth, the whole tooth, and nothing but the tooth?"

Never put off till tomorrow what can be done today (can be put off till day after tomorrow just as well).
Never put off till tomorrow what can be (done today) put off till the day after tomorrow just as well. (Mark Twain)

the ultimate applications ...are still around the bend of a silicon circuit.


Next to health, heart and home, happiness for mobile Americans depends upon the automobile.
