


Unit1 、重点词词形变换

1. He has studied Chinese for five years and visited many relics in China. (culture)

2. I eat peacocks(孔雀) for they are becoming than before. I wonder what causes the of this kind of birds. (rare)

3. I received a from Lang Lang, who is a pianist. (gift)

4. As is written down in the law, personal______ _______ to the person himself. (belong)

5. He an announcement that the rooms will be turned into offices. He accepted it for he was to new ideas. (receive)

6. We all know that Jennifer entered the room and took the photo. It is an open . (secret)

7. There is no that Catherine is of her future for she whether she can continue to work. (doubt)

8. You must try your best to your innocence. It’s really a hard job, for up till now we still

can’t find any , so from now on you can ask for leave to find some evidences. (prove)

9. Please give this matter a careful . his age, Dane is quite .(consider)

10. During the time, they in the dining room with the on the table. (remain)


1. , I’m really confident in his for he is always with everything. (honest)

2. Our school will send you to in the election. We are sure you will be than the other . (compete)

3. He seems to have the power that all the children like to watch his very much. They all think he is the most wonderful in the world. (magic)

4. Up till now to college is by exam only. If you cannot pass the exam, you will not into college. (admit)

5. I’m afraid nothing can the mother love. Unlike the of anything in the world, it is not .(replace)

6. will be taught by Professor Molecule, who is a world famous major in force. (physical)

7. It’s difficult to these results to any known cause. We seem unable to find the between them, but we still must try our best to search for the facts this problem. (relate) 8. Bill made a that he would support Henry. He thought him to be a young man. (promise)

9. The man shouted, “You want to me out of my money? of you to think so. One day you will answer for your . ” (fool)

10. are to be honest with your . If you your goods in a dishonest way, you will be fined up to 50,000 yuan. (advertise)


1. The is a machine which can help us do a lot of . (calculate)

2. Nowadays the of computers improves very fast. Many problems have been solved by the . (technology)

3. The use of atomic energy will the lives of coming generations. It will bring changes and it is considered one of the greatest in this century. (revolution)

4. We were surprised that she was in ignorance of the coming car. (total)

5. Although he was not to be a boy of little , he answered the question , which in fact showed that he was than we thought. (intelligence)

6. The baby weighed 15 pounds at so that some relatives joked that he was for judo. (bear)

7. If you can take full of the mistakes made by your rivals and avoid your own , it will be for your competition. (advantage)

8. There seemed not much to between those two, but he still made a careful . (choose)

9. , I think it is his matter. We’d better not interfere in it. We are not that sort of . (person)

10. You have done useful and work. You have a new way to do it. What a . (create)


1. The laptop must have a covering which can the computer against water. I’m sure this can make the computer runs well under the .(protect)

2. of health is more serious than anything else. When you our health, you will everything. So I think the most serious is the person who has lost his health. (lose)

3. His remarks that we perhaps could ask John for his . (suggest)

4. The tiger was to resist any attack for his were failing, even though he wanted to rebell . (power)

5. Any who wants to for this position must hand in your before June the first. (apply)

6. All of you must be to your studies. If you pay to your studies, you will listen to your teachers in class. (attend)

7. The affair for you to do is to find a good job . (recent)

8. A dog barked at me when I got to the front door. Its made me frightened. (fierce)

9. It’s of you to treat him like that. Your surely will cause you some trouble some day. You’d better treat everybody . (kind)

10. I’m really tired of your . You are always doing things . When can you be not that ? (lazy)

Unit 5、重点词词形变换

1. Cui Jian is a who is good at Rock’n Roll which mainly uses the instrument like electric guitar. (music)

2. Darkell was with his master and he did all the things for him, but many people thought that his was just a pretence. (honest)

3. Air is a matter. Sometimes it can a storm. The of a storm depends mainly on the speed of the wind. (form)

4. This medicine may your cough, but you can’t let your appetite, because your

appetite may affect your health. (loose)

5. The of this city is that the scenery here people from all over the world. (attract)

6. The government say that they can’t always rely on the government us all the time. When the government meets the citizens, it will give them some ______ help. (support)

7. The doctor the operation quite well and the director was very satisfied with his and praised him as a real of difficult operations. (perform)

8. He is the who the world famous song. (compose)

9. Everybody that Yao Ming is a ________basketball player and that is important for us all. (know)

10. On the street now there are lots of boards which a kind of weight-loss tea. The uses some unique way to attract people’s attention. (advertise)
