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Camping Adventure














1. 导入(Lead-in):观看视频,引出故事主题


Peppa’s family went camping. Did they like camping

Do you like camping

Did you go camping with your parents

Where did you camp


Wilma’s family went camping too. Where did they camp What happened Let’s learn

the story Camping Adventure.(板书故事标题)

2. 看图讲故事(Storytelling):理解故事情节,观察全家人一起野营的乐趣


(Picture 1) One day, Mum and Dad went camping. They took the children.

Where did they go (BQ: Did they go to a farm or a zoo)

They went to a farm.

(Picture 2) Mum and Dad had a new tent. They put it up. Wilf helped.

Wilma got some water.

“I like it here,” she said. “I like camping.”

(Picture 3) Mr Jones was the farmer.

Look! What did he do

He milked the cows.

“Come and watch,” he said.

“What a lot of cows!” said Wilf.

Mr Jones laughed. “We milk them every day,” he said.

(Picture 4) Mum wanted some milk. Where did she go

She went to the farmhouse.

“I want some eggs too,” said Mum.

Mrs Jones was at the farmhouse.

She was expecting a baby. She was expecting it soon.

“It may come today,” she said.

(Picture 5) Dad cooked supper.

Did the family like it in the tent

Yes. “I like it here,” said Wilf. “It’s fun in this tent.”

(Picture 6) It was time to sleep.

Everyone went to bed but there was a storm.

Could they sleep

No. They couldn’t sleep.

(Picture 7) Look! What happened

Oh no! The wind blew.

Everyone had to get up.

(Picture 8)The wind blew the tent down.

The family had to go.

Look! Where they go

They went to the farmhouse.

(Picture 9)Suddenly, Mr Jones called Mum.

“The baby is coming,” he said.

(Picture 10)Mr Jones had to go to hospital.

She got in the car.

Mum helped her.

(Picture 11)The storm got worse. The wind blew and blew.

It blew a big tree down.

Could the car get past

No. The car couldn’t get past.

So Mr and Mrs Jones went back to the house.

(Picture 12)Mr Jones called for help.

He called the hospital.

“A helicopter’s coming,” he said.

(Picture 13)Mr Jones pointed to a field.

Why did he point to the field

He wanted the helicopter to land there.

“The helicopter can land there,” he said.

(Picture 14)They got some bags and stones.

Look, what did they do

They made a big cross out of the bags.

They put stones on the bags. Why

They didn’t want the bags to be blown away.

(Picture 15)Finally, the helicopter came. It landed near the cross.

“At last!” said Mr Jones.

There was a doctor in the helicopter.

“Come on!” said Mr Jones.

(Picture 16)The doctor ran to the house but Mum came to the doctor.

She was laughing.

“Too late!” said Mum. “Mrs Jones has had the baby. She’s had a baby boy.”

(Picture 17)Everyone looked at the baby.

“He’s very sweet,” said Wilma. “Will he like camping”


3. 听录音模仿(Listening and Imitating):听懂录音并模仿出标准的语音语调



(2)放录音,全班学生齐声模仿1-2遍。要求学生逐句跟读,鼓励学生大胆开口,读出戏剧化效果,读出人物情感。另外,尤其要注意引导学生用欣喜的语气读“I like it here.

I like camping.”,用惊讶的语气读“What a lot of cows!”,用兴奋的语气读“The baby is coming.”,用释怀的语气读“At last!”。

4. 朗读故事(Reading Dramatically):读懂故事并能够绘声绘色地独立朗读故事

