



新托福阅读真题详解范文2份新托福阅读真题详解 1The development of the modern presidency in the United States began with Andrew Jacksonwho swept to power in 1829 at the head of the Democratic Party and served until 1837. Duringhis administration, he immeasurably enlarged the power of the presidency. “The President isthe direct representative of the American people," he lectured the Senate when it opposedhim. "He was elected by the people, and is responsible to them." With this declaration, Jacksonredefined the character of the presidential office and its relationship to the people.During Jackson's second term, his opponents had gradually e together to form the Whigparty. Whigs and Democrats held different attitudes toward the changes brought about by themarket, banks, and merce. The Democrats tended to view society as a continuing conflictbetween "the people”-farmers, planters, and workers-and a set of greedy aristocrats. This"paper money aristocracy" of bankers and investors manipulated the banking system for theirown profit, Democrats claimed, and sapped the nation's virtue by encouraging speculationand thedesire for sudden, unearned wealth. The Democrats wanted the rewards of the marketwithout sacrificing the features of a simple agrarian republic. They wanted the wealth that themarket offered without the petitive, changing society; the plex dealing; thedominance of urban centers; and the loss of independence that came with it.Whigs, on the other hand, were more fortable with the market. For them, merce andeconomic development were agents of civilization. Nor did the Whigs envision any conflict insociety between farmers and workers on the one hand and businesspeople and bankers on theother. Economic growth would benefit everyone by raising national e and expandingopportunity. The government's responsibility was to provide a well-regulated economy thatguaranteed opportunity for citizens of ability.Whigs and Democrats differed not only in their attitudes toward the market but also about howactive the central government should be in people's lives. Despite Andrew Jackson's inclinationto be a strong President, Democrats as a rule believed in limited government. Government'srole in the economy was to promote petition by destroying monopolies' andspecialprivileges. In keeping with this philosophy of limited government, Democrats also rejected theidea that moral beliefs were the proper sphere of government action. Religion and politics, theybelieved, should be kept clearly separate, and they generally opposed humanitarianlegislation.The Whigs, in contrast, viewed government power positively. They believed that it should beused to protect individual rights and public liberty, and that it had a special role where individualeffort was ineffective. By regulating the economy and petition, the government couldensure equal opportunity. Indeed, for Whigs the concept of government promoting thegeneral welfare went beyond the economy. In particular, Whigs in the northern sections of theUnited States also believed that government power should be used to foster the moral welfareof the country. They were much more likely to favor social-reform legislation and aid toeducation.In some ways the social makeup of the two parties was similar. To be petitive in winningvotes, Whigs and Democrats both had to have significant support among farmers, the largestgroup in society, and workers. Neither party could win an election by appealing exclusively tothe rich or the poor. TheWhigs, however, enjoyed disproportionate strength among thebusiness and mercial classes. Whigs appealed to planters who needed credit to financetheir cotton and rice trade in the world market, to farmers who were eager to sell theirsurpluses, and to workers who wished to improve themselves. Democrats attracted farmersisolated from the market or fortable with it, workers alienated from the emergingindustrial system, and rising entrepreneurs who wanted to break monopolies and open theeconomy to ers like themselves. The Whigs were strongest in the towns, cities, andthose rural areas that were fully integrated into the market economy, whereas Democratsdominated areas of semisubsistence farmingthat were more isolated and languishingeconomically.Paragraph 1: The development of the modern presidency in the United States began withAndrew Jackson who swept to power in 1829 at the head of the Democratic Party and serveduntil 1837. During his administration, he immeasurably enlarged the power of the presidency. "The President is the direct representative of the American people," he lectured the Senatewhen it opposed him. "He was elected by the people, and is responsible to them." With thisdeclaration, Jackson redefined the character of thepresidential office and its relationship to thepeople.1. The word immeasurably in the passage is closest in meaning to○Frequently○Greatly○Rapidly○Reportedly2. According to paragraph 1, the presidency of Andrew Jackson was especially significant forwhich of the following reasons?○The President granted a portion of his power to the S enate.○The President began to address the Senate on a regular basis.○It was the beginning of the modern presidency in the United States.○It was the first time that the Senate had been known to oppose the President.Paragraph 2: During Jackson's second term, his opponents had gradually e together toform the Whig party. Whigs and Democrats held different attitudes toward the changesbrought about by the market, banks, and merce. The Democrats tendedto view society asa continuing conflict be tween "the people”-farmers, planters, and workers-and a set of greedyaristocrats. This "paper money aristocracy" of bankers and investors manipulated thebanking system for their own profit, Democrats claimed, and sapped the nation's virtue byencouraging speculation and the desire for sudden, unearned wealth. The Democrats wantedthe rewards of the market without sacrificing the features of a simple agrarian republic. Theywanted the wealth that the market offered without the petitive, changing society; plex dealing; the dominance of urban centers; and the loss of independence that camewith it.3. The author mentions bankers and investors in the passage as an example of which of thefollowing?○The Democratic Party's main source of support○The peopl e that Democrats claimed were unfairly ing rich ○The people most interested in a return to a simple agrarian republic○One of the groups in favor of Andrew Jackson's presidency Paragraph 3: Whigs, on the other hand, were more fortable with the market. For them,merce and economic development were agents of civilization. Nor did the Whigs envisionany conflictin society between farmers and workers on the one hand and businesspeople andbankers on the other. Economic growth would benefit everyone by raising national e andexpanding opportunity. The government's responsibility was to provide a well-regulatedeconomy that guaranteed opportunity for citizens of ability.4. According to paragraph 3, Whigs believed that merce and economic development wouldhave which of the following effects on society?○They would promote the advancement of society as a whole.○They would cause disagreements between Whigs and Democrats○They would supply new positions for Whig Party members.○They would p revent conflict between farmers and workers.5. According to paragraph 3, which of the following describes the Whig Party's view of the roleof government?○To regulate the continuing conflict between farmers and businesspeople○To restrict the changes brought about by the market○To maintain an economy that allowed all capable citizensto benefit○To reduce the emphasis on economic developmentParagraph 4: Whigs and Democrats differed not only in their attitudes toward the market butalso about how active the central government should be in people's lives. Despite AndrewJackson's inclination to be a strong President, Democrats as a rule believed in limitedgovernment. Government's role in the economy was to promote petition by destroyingmonopolies' and special privileges. In keeping with this philosophy of limited government,Democrats also rejected the idea that moral beliefs were the proper sphere of governmentaction. Religion and politics, they believed, should be kept clearly separate, and they generallyopposed humanitarian legislation.6. The word inclination in the passage is closest in meaning to○Argument○Tendency○Example○Warning7. According to paragraph 4, a Democrat would be most likely to support government action inwhich of the followingareas?○Creating a state religion○Supporting humanitarian legislation○Destroying monopolies○mending particular moral beliefsParagraph 5: The Whigs, in contrast, viewed government power positively. They believed that itshould be used to protect individual rights and public liberty, and that it had a special rolewhere individual effort was ineffective. By regulating the economy and petition, thegovernment could ensure equal opportunity. Indeed, for Whigs the concept of governmentpromoting the general welfare went beyond the economy. In particular, Whigs in the northernsections of the United States also believed that government power should be used to fosterthe moral welfare of the country. They were much more likely to favor social-reformlegislation and aid to education.8. The word concept in the passage is closest in meaning to○Power○Reality○Difficulty○Idea9. Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 5 about variations in political beliefswithin the Whig Party?○They were focused on issues of public liberty.○They caused some members to leave the Whig party.○They were unimportant to most Whigs.○They reflected regional interests.Paragraph 6: In some ways the social makeup of the two parties was similar. To petitive in winning votes, Whigs and Democrats both had to have significant supportamong farmers, the largest group in society, and workers. Neither party could win an electionby appealing exclusively to the rich or the poor. The Whigs, however, enjoyeddisproportionate strength among the business and mercial classes. Whigs appealed toplanters who needed credit to finance their cotton and rice trade in the world market, tofarmers who were eager to sell their surpluses, and to workers who wished to improvethemselves. Democrats attracted farmers isolated from the market or fortable with it,workers alienated from the emerging industrial system, and rising entrepreneurs who wantedto break monopolies and open the economy to ers like themselves. The Whigs werestrongest in the towns, cities, and those rural areas that were fully integrated intothe marketeconomy, whereas Democrats dominated areas of semisubsistence farming that were moreisolated and languishing economically.10. According to paragraph 6, the Democrats were supported by all of the following groupsEXCEPT○workers unhappy with the new industrial system○planters involved in international trade○rising entrepreneurs○individuals seeking to open the economy to ers11. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlightedsentence in the passage?Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.○Whigs were able to attract support only in the wealthiest parts of the economy becauseDemocrats dominated in other areas.○Whig and Democratic areas of influence were naturally split between urban and rural areas,respectively.○The s emisubsistence farming areas dominated by Democrats became increasingly isolated bythe Whigs' control of the market economy.○The Democrats' power was greatest in poorer areas while the Whigs were strongest in thoseareas where the market was already fully operating.Paragraph 2: During Jackson's second term, his opponents had gradually e together toform the Whig party. �Whigs and Democrats held different attitudes toward the changesbrought about by the market, banks, and merce. �The Democrats tended to view societyas a continuing conflict between "the people”-farmers, planters, and workers-and a set ofgreedy aristocrats. �This "paper money aristocracy" of bankers and investors manipulatedthe banking system for their own profit, Democrats claimed, and sapped the nation's virtue byencouraging speculation and the desire for sudden, unearned wealth. �The Democrats wantedthe rewards of the market without sacrificing the features of a simple agrarian republic. Theywanted the wealth that the market offered without the petitive, changing society; plex dealing; the dominance of urban centers; and the loss of independence that camewith it.12. Look at the four squares II that indicate where the following sentence can be added to thepassage.This new party argued against the policies of Jackson and hisparty in a number of importantareas, beginning with the economy.Where would the sentence best fit?13. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided plete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the mostimportant ideas in the passage. Some answer choices do not belong in the summary becausethey express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage.This question is worth 2 points.The political system of the United States in the mid-nineteenth century was strongly influencedby the social and economic circumstances of the time.●●●Answer Choices1. The Democratic and Whig Parties developed in response to the needs of petingeconomic and political constituencies.2. During Andrew Jackson's two terms as President, he served as leader of both the Democraticand Whig Parties.3. The Democratic Party primarily represented the interests of the market, banks, merce.4. In contrast to the Democrats, the Whigs favored government aid for education.5. A fundamental difference between Whigs and Democrats involved the importance of themarket in society.6. The role of government in the lives of the people was an important political distinctionbetween the two parties.参__:1. ○2This is a Vocabulary question. The word being tested is immeasurably. It is highlighted in thepassage. Iiznzeasurab2y means "in a manner too big to be measured." So if Jackson enlargedthe president's powers so much that the results can't be measured, he enlarged them"greatly."2. ○3This is a Factual Information question asking for specific information that can be found inparagraph 1. The correct answer is choice 3 because the first sentence of the paragraphexplicitly states that this was when the development of the modern presidency began. Theremainder of the paragraph is devoted toexplaining the significant changes in governmentthat this development involved. The result, as stated in sentence 5, was that the nature of thepresidency itself was redefined. Choice 1 is contradicted by the paragraph; Jackson didn't givepresidential power away, he increased it. Choice 2 is not mentioned in the paragraph: it saysJackson addressed the Senate, but not that this was the beginning of regular addresses.Choice 4, which says that this was the first time the Senate opposed the President, is notstated in the passage.3. ○2This is a Rhetorical Purpose question. It is asking you why the author mentions "bankers andinvestors" in the passage. The phrase being tested is highlighted in the passage. The correctanswer is choice 2. The author is using bankers and investors as examples of people that theDemocrats claimed were "manipulating" the banking system for their own profit. That meansthat they were unfairly ing rich. Choices 1, 3, and 4 are all incorrect because, based uponthe passage, they seem unlikely to be true. Therefore, the author would not use them asexamples.4. ○1This is a Factual Information question asking for specificinformation that can be found inparagraph 3. Choice 1 is the correct answer. The paragraph says that Whigs merce and economic development "would benefit everyone." That means essentially thesame thing as choice 1, which says that Whigs believed economic growth would "promote theadvancement of society as a whole." "Society as a whole" is another way of saying "everyone."Choices 2 and 3 are not mentioned in the paragraph. Choice 4, about conflict between groups,is mentioned but in a different context, so it is not a belief held by Whigs.5. ○3This is a Factual Information question asking for specific information that can be found inparagraph 3. The correct answer is choice 3: the Whigs viewed government as responsible formaintaining an economy that allowed all capable citizens to benefit. This is a restatement ofparagraph 3, sentence 5. The paragraph states that Whigs did not envision continuing conflictbetween farmers and business people, so choice 1 is wrong. Whigs favored changes broughtabout b) the market, so choice 2 is wrong. Whigs were in favor of increased emphasis oneconomic development, so choice 4 is incorrect.6. ○2This is a Vocabulary question. The word being tested is inclination. It is highlighted in thepassage. The fact that Jackson had an inclination to be a strong President means that hepreferred being strong to having limited powers. In other words, his "tendency" was to favora strong presidency, so choice 2 is the correct answer.7. ○3This is a Factual Information question asking for specific information that can be found inparagraph 4. The correct answer is choice 3, which is explicitly stated in sentence 3 of theparagraph. Sentences 4 and 5 explicitly refute the other choices.8. ○4This is a Vocabulary question. The word being tested is concept. It is highlighted in thepassage. The passage says that "for Whigs the concept of government was . . ." In otherwords, "the way Whigs thought about government was." That process of thinking representsideas, so choice 4 is the correct answer here.9. ○4This is an Inference question asking for an inference that can be supported by paragraph 5. Thecorrect answer is choice 4: variations in Whigs' political beliefs reflected regional differences.Th__ supported by sentence 5 of the paragraph which says that certain beliefs "particularly"reflected the views of northern Whigs. That suggests that Whigs in other regions of thecountry had beliefs that varied from this view and implies that such differences were regional.The other three choices are not mentioned in the passage in connection with "variations" inWhig beliefs, so there is no basis for inferring any of them.10. ○ 2This is a Negative Factual Information question asking for specific information that can befound in paragraph 6. Choice 2 is the correct answer. Sentence 5 says that it was Whigs, notDemocrats, who had the support of planters involved in international trade. The next sentence,sentence 6, says that in contrast, Democrats had the support of the groups mentioned inchoices 1, 3, and 4 ("workers," "entrepreneurs," and certain other "individuals"). Therefore, allof the groups described in the answer choices, EXCEPT the planters of choice 2, did support theDemocrats.11. ○ 4This is a Sentence Simplification question. As with all of these items, a single sentence in thepassage is highlighted:The Whigs were strongest in the towns, cities, and those rural areas that were fully integratedinto the market economy, whereas Democrats dominated areas of semisubsistence farming thatwere more isolated and languishing economically. The correct answer is choice 4. Choice"contains all of the essential information in the tested sentence but the order in which it ispresented is reversed. The highlighted sentence describes areas of Whig strength first, andthen the areas where Democrats were strong. The correct answer, choice 4, describesDemocrat strongholds first, and then Whig areas. No meaning has been changed, and noinformation has been left out. Choice 1 is incorrect because it states that Whigs were able toattract support only in the wealthiest areas. The highlighted sentence does not say that; it saystheir support came from places integrated into the market, which can include areas of alleconomic levels.Choice 2 is incorrect because it says that the two parties were split between rural and urbanareas. However, the highlighted sentence says that Whigs were strong in rural areas that wereintegrated into the market economy. In other words, the split between the parties was basedon the degree to which an area was integrated into the market, not whether it was urban orrural.Choice 3 is incorrect because the highlighted sentence makes no mention of how (or if)the Whigs' control of the market economy affected the areas dominated by the Democrats.12. ○ 1This is an Insert Text question. You can see the four black squares in paragraph 2 thatrepresent the possible answer choices here.During Jackson's second term, his opponents had gradually e together to form the Whigparty. ■ Whigs and Democrats held different attitudes toward the changes brought about bythe market, banks, and merce. ■ The Democrats t ended to view society as a continuingconflict between "the people “farmers, planters, and workers-and a set of greedy aristocrats. ■This "paper money aristocracy" of bankers and investors manipulated the banking systemfor their own profit, Democrats claimed, and sapped the nation's virtue by encouragingspeculation and the desire for sudden, unearned wealth. ■The Democrats wanted the rewardsof the market without sacrificing the features of a simple agrarian republic. They wanted thewealth that the market offered without the petitive, changing society; the plexdealing; the dominance of urban centers; and the loss of independence thatcame with it.The sentence provided, "This new party argued against the policies of Jackson and his party in anumber of important areas, beginning with the economy," is best inserted at square 1. Square1 is correct because the phrase "This new party" refers directly and only to the Whigs, who arefirst mentioned (as a recently formed party) in sentence 1 of this paragraph. Square 2 isincorrect because the sentence before is not limited to the new Whig party. It discusses bothWhigs and Democrats. Squares 3 and 4 are both incorrect because the sentences precedingthem refer to the Democrats (the old party), not the Whigs.13. ○1 5 6This is a Prose Summary question. It is pleted correctly below. The correct choices are 1, 5,and 6. Choices 2, 3, and 4 are therefore incorrect.新托福阅读真题详解 2When one animal attacks another, it engages in the most obvious example of aggressivebehavior. Psychologists have adopted several approaches to understanding aggressivebehavior in people.The Biological Approach. Numerous biological structuresand chemicals appear to be involved inaggression. One is the hypothalamus, a region of the brain. In response to certain stimuli,many animals show instinctive aggressive reactions. The hypothalamus appears to beinvolved in this inborn reaction pattern: electrical stimulation of part of the hypothalamustriggers stereotypical aggressive behaviors in many animals. In people, however, whose brainsare more plex, other brain structures apparently moderate possible instincts.An offshoot of the biological approach called sociobiology suggests that aggression is naturaland even desirable for people. Sociobiology views much social behavior, including aggressivebehavior, as genetically determined. Consider Darwin's theory of evolution. Darwin held thatmany more individuals are produced than can find food and survive into adulthood. A strugglefor survival follows. Those individuals who possess characteristics that provide them with anadvantage in the struggle for existence are more likely to survive and contribute their genesto the next generation. In many species, such characteristics include aggressiveness. Becauseaggressive individuals are more likely to survive and reproduce, whatever genes are linked toaggressive behavior are more likely to betransmitted to subsequent generations.The sociobiology view has been attacked on numerous grounds. One is that people's capacityto outwit other species, not their aggressiveness, appears to be the dominant factor inhuman survival. Another is that there is too much variation among people to believe that theyare dominated by, or at the mercy of, aggressive impulses.The Psychodynamic Approach. Theorists adopting the psychodynamic approach hold that innerconflicts are crucial for understanding human behavior, including aggression. Sigmund Freud,for example, believed that aggressive impulses are inevitable reactions to the frustrations ofdaily life. Children normally desire to vent aggressive impulses on other people, including theirparents, because even the most attentive parents cannot gratify all of their demandsimmediately. Yet children, also fearing their parents' punishment and the loss of parental love,e to repress most aggressive impulses. The Freudian perspective, in a sense: sees us as"steam engines." By holding in rather than venting "steam," we set the stage for futureexplosions. Pent-up aggressive impulses demand outlets. They may be expressed towardparents in indirect ways such as destroying furniture, orthey may be expressed towardstrangers later in life.According to psychodynamic theory, the best ways to prevent harmful aggression may be toencourage less harmful aggression. In the steam-engine __ogy, verbal aggression mayvent some of the aggressive steam. So might cheering on one's favorite sports team.Psycho__ysts, therapists adopting a psychodynamic approach, refer to the venting ofaggressive impulses as "catharsis." Catharsis is theorized to be a safety valve. But researchfindings on the usefulness of catharsis are mixed. Some studies suggest that catharsis leadsto reductions in tension and a lowered likelihood of future aggression. Other studies,however, suggest that letting some steam escape actually encourages more aggression lateron.The Cognitive Approach. Cognitive psychologists assert that our behavior is influenced by ourvalues, by the ways in which we interpret our situations and by choice. For example, peoplewho believe that aggression is necessary and justified-as during wartime-are likely to actaggressively, whereas people who believe that a particular war or act of aggression is unjust,or who think that aggression is never justified, are less likely to behave aggressively.One cognitive theory suggests that aggravating and painful events trigger unpleasantfeelings. These feelings, in turn, can lead to aggressive action, but not automatically.Cognitive factors intervene. People decide whether they will act aggressively or not on thebasis of factors such as their experiences with aggression and their interpretation of otherpeople's motives. Supporting evidence es from research showing that aggressive peopleoften distort other people's motives. For example, they assume that other people mean themharm when they do not.Catharsis: In psychodynamic theory, the purging of strong emotions or the relieving oftensions.Paragraph 2: The Biological Approach. Numerous biological structures and chemicals appear tobe involved in aggression. One is the hypothalamus, a region of the brain. In response tocertain stimuli, many animals show instinctive aggressive reactions. The hypothalamusappears to be involved in this inborn reaction pattern: electrical stimulation of part of thehypothalamus triggers stereotypical aggressive behaviors in many animals. In people, however,whose brains are more plex, other brain structures apparently moderate possibleinstincts.1. According to paragraph 2, what evidence indicates that。






有几个原因在当时影响了原住民,第一个是气温升高后迫使他们要改变一些捕鱼方式;还有就是爱莫斯基人移民进来,他们有更为发达的捕鱼业所以人数暴增...不过没有证据表明他们和原住民有战争活动.. 然后他们可能有和原住民接触,因为他们的工具和房屋都是一样的。

先讲了reef以前的reef和现在的reef的形成不同 (此处有题)
第四篇:说专家以为小孩子要到7、8岁才能有认知水平但是其实4岁就有然后说了两个协助他们make conclusions的理论一个是specific 一个是general。



9月8日托福真题:新托福阅读机经考试日期2012.09.08Passage 1Title:Wildfire in the Forest大致内容关于大火对森林的影响。








可是人为干预后被控制了,地面上枝叶树干堆积很多,一旦燃烧就很难控制,举例1988年美国黄石公园森林大火,由于人工防火从1940年起没有过火灾,48年地面积累了很多的树干,枝叶,加上干旱炎热的天气和大风,大火很快蔓延无法控制,很大面积的森林被破坏(except题,policy、wind、weather condition都提到了)。


Passage 2Title:Geological Isolation大致内容关于地理环境造成的基因进化。


这种地理屏障(geological barrier)可以是山脉,也可以是峡谷,也可能是海里面的陆地,因物种而异,比如鸟儿就不会被山脉或峡谷隔断等等。




机经分享:9月20日新托福阅读考题回顾考试日期2009.09.20Passage 1Title:Soil Research内容第一段说科学家研究土壤时,首先能辨别的是土壤的颜色,而土壤的颜色之所以重要是因为它能反映出土壤的成分等。





土壤颗粒根据大小可以分为 sand,clay和另外一种。


三种成分中clay 对土壤性质的影响最大,所以clay的含量超过27%时这种土壤就被称clay。


Passage 2Title:Domestication内容先讲了植物的domestication,有两种,提了人为驯化,改变植物的生长习惯,比如香蕉因为人类干预的缘故已经不能离开人类帮助而自己繁殖(考为什么提香蕉);还有一种是只改变生长的地方,不改变植物自身的特点,这种情况下人养的植物和野生的植物很难辨别(考为什么难辨别)。





最后说怎么确定古人又没有成功驯养动物,说精确的定义目前是没有的,但是有一个working standard,两个条件。




新托福考试真题精选及详解(一)【圣才出品】新托福考试真题精选及详解(一)Reading SectionDirectionsThe Reading section tests your ability to understand reading passages like those in college textbooks. The passages are about 700 words in length.This is the short format for the Reading section. On the short format, you will read three passages. After each passage, you will answer 12-14 questions about it. You may take notes while you read, but notes are not graded. You may use your notes to answer the questions. Some passages may include a word or phrase that is underlined in blue. Click on the word or phrase to see a glossary definition or explanation.Choose the best answer for multiple-choice questions. Follow the directions on the page or on the screen for computer-assisted questions. Most questions are worth 1 point, but the last question in each passage is worth more than 1 point.The Reading section is divided into parts. Click on Next to go to the next question. Click on Back to return to previous questions. You may return to previous questions for all of the passages in the same part, but after you go to the next part, you will not be able to return to passages in the previous part. Be sure that you have answered all of the questions for the passages in each part before you click on Next at the end of the passage to move to the next part.You can click on Review to see a chart of the questions youhave answered and the questions you have not answered in each part. From this screen, you can return to the question you want to answer in the part that is open.You will have 20 minutes to read each passage and answer the questions for that passage. You will have 60 minutes to complete all of the passages and answer all of the questions on the short format. A clock on the screen will show you how much time you have to complete the Reading section.THE DEVELOPMENT OF REFRIGERATION[1] Cold storage, or refrigeration, is keeping food at temperatures between 32 and 45 degrees F in order to delay the growth of microorganisms—bacteria, molds, and yeast—that cause food to spoil. Refrigeration produces few changes in food, so meats, fish, eggs, milk, fruits, and vegetables keep their original flavor, color, and nutrition. Before artificial refrigeration was invented, people stored perishable food with ice or snow to lengthen its storage time. Preserving food by keeping it in an ice-filled pit is a 4,000-year-old art. Cold storage areas were built in basements, cellars, or caves, lined with wood or straw, and packed with ice. The ice was transported from mountains, or harvested from local lakes or rivers, and delivered in large blocks to homes and businesses.[2] Artificial refrigeration is the process of removing heat from a substance, container, or, enclosed area, to lower its temperature. The heat is moved from the inside of the container to the outside. A refrigerator uses the evaporation of avolatile liquid, or refrigerant, to absorb heat. In most types of refrigerators, the refrigerant is compressed, pumped through a pipe, and allowed to vaporize. As the liquid turns to vapor, it losesheat and gets colder because the molecules of vapor use energy to leave the liquid. The molecules left behind have less energy and so the liquid becomes colder. Thus, the air inside the refrigerator is chilled.[3] Scientists and inventors from around the world developed artificial refrigeration during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. William Cullen demonstrated artificial refrigeration in Scotland in 1748, when he let ethyl ether boil into a partial vacuum. In 1805, American inventor Oliver Evans designed the first refrigeration machine that used vapor instead of liquid. In 1842, physician John Gorrie used Evans’s design to create an air-cooling apparatus to treat yellow-fever patients in a Florida hospital. Gorrie later left his medical practice and experimented with ice making, and in 1851 he was granted the first U.S. patent for mechanical refrigeration. In the same year, an Australian printer, James Harrison, built an ether refrigerator after noticing that when he cleaned his type with ether it became very cold as the ether evaporated. Five years later, Harrison introduced vapor-compression refrigeration to the brewing and meatpacking industries.[4] Brewing was the first industry in the United States to use mechanical refrigeration extensively, and in the 1870s, commercial refrigeration was primarily directed at breweries. German-born Adolphus Busch was the first to use artificial refrigeration at his brewery in St. Louis. Before refrigeration, brewers stored their beer in caves, and production was constrained by the amount of available cavespace. Brewing was strictly a local business, since beer was highly perishable and shipping it any distance would result inspoilage. Busch solved the storage problem with the commercial vapor-compression refrigerator. He solved the shipping problem with the newly invented refrigerated railcar, which was insulated with ice bunkers in each end. Air came in on the top, passed through the bunkers, and circulated through the car by gravity. In solving Busch’s spoilage and storage problems, refrigeration also revolutionized an entire industry. By 1891, nearly every brewery was equipped with mechanical refrigerating machines.[5] The refrigerators of today rely on the same basic principle of cooling caused by the rapid evaporation and expansion of gases. Until 1929, refrigerators used toxic gases—ammonia, methyl chloride, and sulfur dioxide—as refrigerants. After those gases accidentally killed several people, chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) became the standard refrigerant. However, they were found to be harmful to the earth’s o zone layer, so refrigerators now use a refrigerant called HFC 134a, which is less harmful to the ozone.1. What is the main reason that people developed methods of refrigeration?(A) They wanted to improve the flavor and nutritional value of food.(B) They needed to slow the natural processes that cause food to spoil.(C) They needed a use for the ice that formed on lakes and rivers.(D) They wanted to expand the production of certain industries.2. The word perishable in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to(A) capable of spoiling(B) uncooked(C) of animal origin(D) highly nutritious3. What can be inferred from paragraph 1 about cold storage before the inventionof artificial refrigeration?(A) It kept food cold for only about a week.(B) It was dependent on a source of ice or snow.(C) It required a container made of metal or wood.(D) It was not a safe method of preserving meat.4. Artificial refrigeration involves all of the following processes EXCEPT(A) the pumping of water vapor through a pipe(B) the rapid expansion of certain gases(C) the evaporation of a volatile liquid(D) the transfer of heat from one place to another5. Which sentence below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in paragraph 2? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.(A) It takes a lot of energy to transform a liquid into a vapor, especially when the vapor loses heat.(B) Some gases expand rapidly and give off energy when they encounter a verycold liquid.(C) When kinetic energy is changed to heat energy, liquid molecules turn into vapor molecules.(D) During evaporation, the vapor molecules use energy, andthe liquid becomes colder.6. According to the passage, who was the first person to use artificial refrigerationfor a practical purpose?(A) William Cullen(B) Oliver Evans(C) John Gorrie(D) Adolphus Busch7. The word it in paragraph 3 refers to(A) printer(B) refrigerator(C) type(D) ether8. Why does the author discuss the brewing industry in paragraph 4?(A) To compare cave storage with mechanical refrigeration(B) To describe the unique problems that brewers faced(C) To praise the accomplishments of a prominent brewer(D) To show how refrigeration changed a whole industry。



2009年1月10日托福机经1月10日托福机经阅读:第一篇: functionism(忘了是这个词还是functional) culture第一段先举了生物学的例子,这里有题,问为什么要举生物学的例子。




第一个人的意思是每一个文化主要取决于大众的需要,并且大众的需要分两层,第一是basic demand,衣食住行,第二层是宗教,政治还是什么的。













加试:电报电话在欧洲和美国的发展,鸟类学说话1月10日托福机经听力:1. 学生放假忘了cancel电话服务,暑假的时候貌似他的宿舍有人住,电话打爆了,她的电话费就奇高无比。













阅读词汇:fabricate=producepledge=promieecrete=produceephemeral=hort-livedinherently=eentiallyconjecture=concluionprominent=outtandingforage=erachforfoodthu=conequentlyunophiticated=imple听力部分:Converation1:男童鞋VS学校工作人员(欧巴桑)有关campubu的topic童鞋询问大妈campubu能不能提供学校到airport的服务大妈说noproblem需要StudentID而且免费然后立刻发觉不对改口说到airpoert有pecialfee一天两个班次早上一班,晚上一班对话后面确认了时间早上9:00晚上19:00童鞋询问回程问题大妈说也有不过错过的话要等下一班会很久童鞋担心因为自己航班特别晚大妈提议train(我觉得是有题)线路正好符合经过学校的童鞋问butop在哪儿大妈说:我就知道你会问!(有题因为很重要)说就在library前面大体是这样欢迎补充Lecture1:女profeor介绍coldblood动物也就是Ectotherm说这种动物其实就是蜥蜴什么的是靠外界环境维持体温的比如阳光等有一种动物体温可以维持在37度左右和人差不多所以说它们是冷血动物其实不太准确(此处有题)然后介绍一种动物应该是某种蜥蜴记不清了生活在一个小岛上(具体在哪儿忘了好像是南美不过没题无所谓了)此岛环境极为恶劣没有plant 可以吃它们每天起来先啥日光浴吸收热量会很惬意的tretch四肢充分吸收太阳越来越毒持续暴晒它们到后来姿势也有所收敛并且也会找阴凉地方休息它们需要跳到海中进食吃eaweed等东西但是海水温度很低会严重影响他们的生理状态(有题)等它们上岸的时候热量丧失很严重机能下降无法进行正常新陈代谢甚至无法消化食物会一直休息到太阳落山到dark的时候才能缓过来用保存起来的仅有的热量混过去后面讲Endotherm也就是warm-blood动物但是民以食为天这种不吃肯定不行所以生存能力相比Ectotherm有时还差一点吃进去的东西80%的卡路里都用于维持自身热量了虽然Ectotherm给人感觉比较原始初级但是少量进食可以urvive其实比较高效Lecture2:男profeor讲filmtudyilentfilm的历史(有题)profeor先说现在的技术很牛了blabla然后说不妨看看最初的情况吧切到ilentfilm时代问问大家对这时代电影有啥看法点名前面坐着的黑大个黑大个说:啊Idon'tknow倒是挺intereting的(有题应该选c吧不能显得批判太狠)profeor说至少你说了实话不过也承认takeeffort才能看得进去然后介绍ilentfilm虽然受到很多技术局限但和现在的人们不搭调主要还是tate问题不同时代的人欣赏角度不同么走出真人表演就是很重要的一步了介绍了一部叫battlehip某某的电影说拍了船舰的技术在当时算不错了(有题)但是演员都不是专业的所以显得糙又说film和muicdancing的不同后者都是从一开始就挺牛的最初就发展了但film的优点或者说独特的地方就是现代人还可以欣赏到最初的作品比如ilentfilm(有题)我们觉得那个时代表演太夸张太滑稽问原因(有题)是因为他们是从戏院出来的(我个人观点)介绍了一个那时很牛的女演员演了很多各种各样的角色一些技术很出色(有题)Converation2:男童鞋VS女profeor有关童鞋的文学termpaper教授先问他自己怎么看他说自己写完后看过一遍觉得没写出自己想写的东西(有题)他的题目是Dicken的一部著作好像是catleof某某教授说你这写得确实不怎么样这是问题之一学生的文章一定要和aignment的要求对应你跑题了另外重大问题就是完全没有中心思想就是堆砌了很多知识看不出purpoe(以上双选)然后教授讲了讲应该怎么写举例说明比如要写Dicken的朋友就从一个他具体的朋友开始写(有题)一个女他俩关系很复杂既是iterinlaw又是朋友总之女人在他生命中扮演多重角色可以写这种relationhip在他作品里的体现童鞋问需不需要重写paper教授说你想重写我不拦你但是也可以把精力放在下一个paper上讨论的著作不一样但用的方法应该是差不多的童鞋怕分数最后受影响还是想重写教授说可以重写不过你至于么还有4-5个paper最后分数最低的一个可以去掉的童鞋恍然大明白说也是啊多谢了Lecture3:男profeor(眼镜男)讲collagraphy也就是拼贴画技术挺有意思的之前他让同学做了一个collage的project比较imple现在要教新的东西了collagraphy是collage的进阶要复杂一点然后开始讲制作的步骤首先是material:collage只是magazine的photo的拼接collagraphy什么都能用最好能用各种不同te某ture的当然如果用flowerleave什么的比较容易腐烂最好能用omething:thintrongdurable(有题)还举了个他觉得很好的作品一个人选urbanetting为背景做collagraphy使用了分layer设计houe是一层window在不同层还用了teelwire (有题)选好材料之后就是具体的制作流程了(有排序题)裁剪之后glueintoplate(这个plate的材料选择也提到了其实很方便有题)eal起来然后涂上ink这个应该dry得很快20min但是要wipeplate的为了让ink显示明暗差异等然后装进pre(这里要小心用printer就一个profeor和学校抗议一年了也没多买有题)然后coverpaper在上面(这个不是100%确定是不是最后一步)最后说这次只能做单色的以后有机会再多色Lecture4:profeor(不好意思忘了这位性别)讲ga冰箱为啥不如电冰箱流行(有题)product的推广其实不仅仅看产品的质量和很多其他因素有关比如ga冰箱相对于电冰箱是有很多优势的很委屈的却输掉了竞争优势包括比较quiet然后不是movable就是液态ammonia灌进去蒸发以后会冷却储藏的食物这样反复循环讲了一下大致的原理但没出题但是ga冰箱没有用电如何使得蒸发及冷却进行的呢?此时有同学接茬:gaoline教授说正是又说了ga冰箱是怎么通过gaoline工作的这个原理为懒得说了因为没题还是比较清楚简单的电线比较容易leak那时电路还不稳很容易breakdown所以ga稳定一些noie还小而且不会轻易动其实相对于电冰箱是有优势的为啥输掉市场竞争呢切回开头话题了因为电气公司大啊富啊有钱生产特别多电冰箱价格就便宜而且你不买电冰箱也得从他们那儿买电不是?而生产ga冰箱的公司就没有这种实力了不多的公司要是当初能好好投资就不至于这么被淘汰了后面介绍的这部分有题。



The Impacts of the Global climate and the Growth of Population on the Agriculture
1. Ice Age是让原来的谷物限种于某些地方,warmer climate of the Ice Age让更多地方种植成为可能,导致农业发展
2. 人口上涨导致农业发展的证据:
1. 证据住到其他Arctic semi Arctic region因为人口
2. 不怎么杀大型哺乳动物,吃其他的alternative food涨
3. 扯了个为什么一个种族evenly distributed,因为他们解决人口压力的办法就是跑到人少的地方(考了)
Shaker Basket
1. 第一段intro: Shaker住在美国,高冷的不与外界接触。


2. 第二段:Shaker汲取了当时外界的物品因素去改善自己的篮子。

材料还是Ash wood,但是form就不一样,细节也不一样。

比如:1. 编篮子加点皮革,耐脏,耐用。




3. 第三段:Shakers 如何与其他部落交流
1. religious leader
2. members
3. new coverts to shaker。







首先它们是一种fair-weather forager,在气温低或是下雨时它们是不会去传粉的;其次,它们自身的嘴非常短,使得它们不能为一些花蕾比较深的植物传粉,譬如说red clover。


有人曾经见到过大黄蜂在气温达到零下时依然能够forage flowers,下雨也不会间断。



历史上有过一些教训:当疫病发生或是外来物种入侵(africanized honeybees)时,蜜蜂有可能会急剧减少,如果只依靠蜜蜂传粉那时很危险的,会使得传粉无法正常进行。


接下来讲到Bumblebee如何区分rewarding和unrewarding的花束,主要通过之前蜜蜂所留下的痕迹,除此之外还有气味(scent),flower size和形状的对称性。

历年托福真题阅读题材:植物学S/P1 树叶为何变颜色82/11 海藻83/1 地衣S1/P12386/1 植物演化86/5 藤蔓植物,86/10 地衣S1/P788/1 树的防御机理S1/P1788/5 植物形成层和树皮结构S1/P99S/P69 植物的根90/8 浮游生物P3291/8 植物学P54 普样题192/8 树的重要性P71P89/ 植物拟态的性质和作用P138/ 沙漠植物的生存95/10 植物内部运水的机理96/1 植物的防御机理北美题96/5 兰花96/10 一种野草和牛的传说98/5 赤扬和森林环境的关系99/8 菌类和植物的区别及破坏性和用途托福阅读机经之植物篇—植物的开花与日照前段时间我一直在写托福阅读中有关历史话题的文章,有天不经意的抬头看向窗外,发现树木冒出了绿绿的小芽,又过一天发现窗外已经到处都是绿油油的了。





French President Nicolas Sarkozy married former model Carla Bruni on Saturday at the Elysee Palace, tying the knot less than three months after they reportedly first met.In a terse statement, the couple said only that they "were married this morning in the presence of their families in the strictest privacy." The official statement followed an announcement of the wedding several hours earlier from the official who had performed the ceremony at the presidential Elysee Palace."The bride wore white; she was ravishing, as usual," Francois Lebel, mayor of Paris' eighth arrondissement, or neighborhood, told Europe-1 radio. "The groom wasn't bad either."Sarkozy, 53, and Bruni, 40, were married in the presence of about 20 close family and friends, Lebel said. He called the ceremony "a moment of family intimacy for the young newlyweds, of great simplicity and apparently a lot of affection between the spouses."I wished them a lot of happiness," he said.Under French law, couples must tie the knot before a mayor to make their union official. Sarkozy was not the first French president to marry in office: Gaston Doumergue tied the knot at the Elysee Palace in 1931.Sarkozy's openness about his private life has surprised many French, accustomed to presidents who keep their love lives under wraps.At a news conference in January, Sarkozy revealed that the relationship was "serious" and hinted that wedding plans were in the works. But he refused to reveal the date for a wedding, saying only that France might learn about the nuptials once they had already taken place.The couple went public with their relationship during a visit to Disneyland Paris, and they carried out their brief but highly publicized courtship in such places as the ruins of Petra, Jordan. The tabloids even showed the couple at an Egyptian beach resort, Bruni in a tiny black bikini, Sarkozy in orange trunks and Ray-Ban sunglasses in photos.Sarkozy's approval ratings dropped during their courtship —in part, analysts say, because many older, more traditional voters were put off by his glitzy, jet-setting style.The wedding was the third for Sarkozy, who has three children. He ended his 11-year marriage with Cecilia in October last year.上周六,法国总统萨科奇与相识不到三个月的前超级模特卡拉·布鲁尼在爱丽舍宫完婚。


































) 第三段农业发展的另一个原因是因为外人的入侵,让大家联合起来,住到了一起,从而可以shareexperience,从而促进了农业发展。

(有一题问大家住在一起本来是为了什么,我选的是forsafer) 第四段大家住到一起后渐渐形成了village,lord得到了legalpower(有题问lord保护村民,但他们要求什么,我选的是要legalpower)。




新托福阅读真题机经还原(1)新托福阅读真题机经还原(第一期)老郑博客/doc/751757747.html,101210NAHow Plants Survive Freezing TemperatureIf a plant is to survive it must be able to fit in with the environmental conditions which occur in its habitat. This fitting in is called adaptation. Every living thing is adapted to enable it to cope with a particular habitat’s environmental factors such as the air, water, soil, light and temperature. For example, cacti plants are adapted specially to be able to withstand the dry conditions of a desert, whereas seaweeds are designed specially to live in salty water –neither would survive if they changed places.Many plants live in climates where the temperature never drops too low, so they don’t have to worry about surviving extreme cold. Plants that live in permanently cold areas (such as Polar Regions) however, need special adaptations which allow them to survive in their harsh environment.An adaptation for many plants is to make the most of a blanket of snow. Air is trapped amongst the snowflakes as they fall and this provides good insulation. The temperature under a layer of snow does not usually fall below freezing. Many plants survive in warm pockets under the snow, waiting for the snow to melt so they can then burst into growth. If winds blow the snow away they may become frozen. A local name for the familiar snowdrop is the ‘snow-piercer’. The tip of the flowering stem is covered by a special protective leaf and this allows thesnowdrop flower to force its way up through the snow.Land plants lose water through their leaves by a process called transpiration. Apart from the problem of a shortage of available water during the winter, photosynthesis in the leaves would also be difficult because there are only a few hours of very weak sunlight. Many plants therefore, overcome these problems by ‘shutting down’ almost completely. Perennials, plants which continue growing for several years, may lose all their leaves and stems, relying on the food stored in their underground roots to get them through the winter. Annuals are plants which flower in the summer and then die off completely, leaving only their seeds to survive the winter and germinate the following spring. Some plants produce seeds which actually need to be frozen in the winter before they are ready to germinate. This ensures that they do not germinate during a spell of warm autumn weather.Evergreen trees, such as many conifers, often have narrow, needle-like leaves and a thick waxy coating and these adaptations help them to conserve water during winter. Deciduous trees, such as oak, ash and beech, shed their leaves in the autumn. On frosty winter days, thewater in the soil is frozen, so it cannot be taken up by the roots; the air temperature may be quite warm if the sun is shining, so if leaves were still on the trees they would lose a lot of water and wilt. This would result in the death of the tree. So dropping the leaves before winter sets in is the most sensible thing a deciduous tree can do! They can ‘tick over’ during the winter months using stored energy in their roots. In the autumn a corky layer forms at the base of deciduous leaves, cutting off water supplies. This causes the green color (chlorophyll) to fade, revealing shades of yellow, orange or red beneath.Reading 2The History of Jade and BronzeAlthough only fragments and traces of items created in ephemeral materials remain from the prehistoric and early historic periods, numerous ancient Chinese objects of jade, earthenware, and metal have survived in relatively good condition, many of them preserved in ancient burial sites. These ancient burials and their contents provide invaluable information related to social structure, cultural development, and religious beliefs. The ordered arrangement of the cemeteries together with the grave goods found in them clearly indicates a belief in an afterlife. Items for everyday use were placed in the tombs along with those made specifically for internment. Grave goods were made of a wide range of materials and include large numbers of earthenware storage jars, bone and jade objects for personal adornment, and objects for ritual also made of jade and subsequently of bronze. The grandeur of a burial and value of its contents bear a direct relationship to the social status of the individual, with the more elaborate burials containing works of the finest and most technically sophisticated craftsmanship.During the latter part of the Stone Age or Neolithic period polished stone implements were developed. There can be little doubt that the use of and appreciation for the tonalities and lustrous qualities of jade evolved from a selective process within a highly developed lithic industry. The visual sensibility to and high regard the ancient Chinese had for jade is clearly attested by the surprising number of finely cut and polished jade ceremonial tools, ritual objects, and ornaments produced by some of China's earliest Neolithic cultures. Prismatic tubes (cong), and discs (bi) together with weapons and tools of jade and otherhard stones have been found in large numbers in burials of the Liangzhu culture (c. 3300 --2250 BCE). Given the age of these and other early examples, it is not possible to define precisely the symbolic content or uses of these jade tools, weapons, and ritual objects such as cong and bi. However, as the tools, weapons, cubes, and discs evidence none of the typical characteristics of usage, such as scaring and chipping, it is reasonable to suggest that they served ceremonial and possibly protective functions.Cut and polished ornaments of jade, which had become part of the decorative tradition for clothing and furnishings during the Neolithic period, continued to be used throughout the early historic periods of the Shang and Zhou Dynasties. The use of jade in burials, includingplaques sewn onto shrouds or other coverings for corpses during the Han dynasty period, can be traced back to these Neolithic beginnings. Undoubtedly, ritual objects as well as small ornamental pieces, with their geometric and zoomorphic forms and motifs, held potent meanings for those responsible for their creation. It is also probable that they served as emblems of rank, as in many other early societies.Although initially employed primarily for weapons, bronze, like jade, was also selected early in China's history as a material for the society's most precious objects. Inherently appealing, this alloy was chosen for special ritual or ceremonial versions of standard, everyday items with visual and physical distinctions employed to separate the ceremonial from the everyday. Differences can be seen in scale, attention to ornamental detailing, and the technical skills of the craftsmen. By the middle of the second millennium BCE in the central northern plains area of China, bronze had become the material of choice for thehighest-quality cooking pots and wine vessels. In this region during the Shang and Zhou dynastic eras (c. 1500 -- 221 BCE), large sets of bronze vessels were used in ancestral temples or offering halls for ritual offerings and sacrifices to the ancestors. As these practices were thought to continue after death, the deceased were buried with the requisite sets of vessels. Over time, with the ascendancy of human relationships, bronze vessels assumed secular commemorative functions.Most bronze ritual vessels are highly ornamented. The earliest and most frequently occurring motifs, or the patterns derived from them, are called taotie (monster mask), a term first used more than two thousand years after the motif was introduced. Characteristically presented in a bilateral symmetrical manner, taotie appear as composite creature motifs. A great many speculations and deductions by analogy have been advanced about the symbolic and magical significance of the taotie and other patterns in Shang and subsequently in Zhou art. The universal application of these zoomorphic designs on ritual objects leaves little doubt that these creatures were of religious significance and not purely decorative.The number of bronze vessels produced in ancient China is remarkable. Thousands of vessels survive today; recently excavated, intact tombs of the wealthy and influential from the late thirteenth century BCE have revealed that more than four hundred bronzes might be interred with a single member of a royal family.22 The willingness to use such large quantities of bronze for this purpose clearly suggests that the Chinese considered ritual vessels fundamental to the well-being of their society, ranking them in importance equal to or even above weapons.。

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新托福阅读真题机经还原(第一期)老郑博客101210NAHow Plants Survive Freezing TemperatureIf a plant is to survive it must be able to fit in with the environmental conditions which occur in its habitat. This fitting in is called adaptation. Every living thing is adapted to enable it to cope with a particular habitat’s environmental factors such as the air, water, soil, light and temperature. For example, cacti plants are adapted specially to be able to withstand the dry conditions of a desert, whereas seaweeds are designed specially to live in salty water – neither would survive if they changed places.Many plants live in climates where the temperature never drops too low, so they don’t have to worry about surviving extreme cold. Plants that live in permanently cold areas (such as Polar Regions) however, need special adaptations which allow them to survive in their harsh environment.An adaptation for many plants is to make the most of a blanket of snow. Air is trapped amongst the snowflakes as they fall and this provides good insulation. The temperature under a layer of snow does not usually fall below freezing. Many plants survive in warm pockets under the snow, waiting for the snow to melt so they can then burst into growth. If winds blow the snow away they may become frozen. A local name for the familiar snowdrop is the ‘snow-piercer’. The tip of the flowering stem is covered by a special protective leaf and this allows the snowdrop flower to force its way up through the snow.Land plants lose water through their leaves by a process called transpiration. Apart from the problem of a shortage of available water during the winter, photosynthesis in the leaves would also be difficult because there are only a few hours of very weak sunlight. Many plants therefore, overcome these problems by ‘shutting down’ almost completely. Perennials, plants which continue growing for several years, may lose all their leaves and stems, relying on the food stored in their underground roots to get them through the winter. Annuals are plants which flower in the summer and then die off completely, leaving only their seeds to survive the winter and germinate the following spring. Some plants produce seeds which actually need to be frozen in the winter before they are ready to germinate. This ensures that they do not germinate during a spell of warm autumn weather.Evergreen trees, such as many conifers, often have narrow, needle-like leaves and a thick waxy coating and these adaptations help them to conserve water during winter. Deciduous trees, such as oak, ash and beech, shed their leaves in the autumn. On frosty winter days, thewater in the soil is frozen, so it cannot be taken up by the roots; the air temperature may be quite warm if the sun is shining, so if leaves were still on the trees they would lose a lot of water and wilt. This would result in the death of the tree. So dropping the leaves before winter sets in is the most sensible thing a deciduous tree can do! They can ‘tick over’ during the winter months using stored energy in their roots. In the autumn a corky layer forms at the base of deciduous leaves, cutting off water supplies. This causes the green color (chlorophyll) to fade, revealing shades of yellow, orange or red beneath.Reading 2The History of Jade and BronzeAlthough only fragments and traces of items created in ephemeral materials remain from the prehistoric and early historic periods, numerous ancient Chinese objects of jade, earthenware, and metal have survived in relatively good condition, many of them preserved in ancient burial sites. These ancient burials and their contents provide invaluable information related to social structure, cultural development, and religious beliefs. The ordered arrangement of the cemeteries together with the grave goods found in them clearly indicates a belief in an afterlife. Items for everyday use were placed in the tombs along with those made specifically for internment. Grave goods were made of a wide range of materials and include large numbers of earthenware storage jars, bone and jade objects for personal adornment, and objects for ritual also made of jade and subsequently of bronze. The grandeur of a burial and value of its contents bear a direct relationship to the social status of the individual, with the more elaborate burials containing works of the finest and most technically sophisticated craftsmanship.During the latter part of the Stone Age or Neolithic period polished stone implements were developed. There can be little doubt that the use of and appreciation for the tonalities and lustrous qualities of jade evolved from a selective process within a highly developed lithic industry. The visual sensibility to and high regard the ancient Chinese had for jade is clearly attested by the surprising number of finely cut and polished jade ceremonial tools, ritual objects, and ornaments produced by some of China's earliest Neolithic cultures. Prismatic tubes (cong), and discs (bi) together with weapons and tools of jade and other hard stones have been found in large numbers in burials of the Liangzhu culture (c. 3300 --2250 BCE). Given the age of these and other early examples, it is not possible to define precisely the symbolic content or uses of these jade tools, weapons, and ritual objects such as cong and bi. However, as the tools, weapons, cubes, and discs evidence none of the typical characteristics of usage, such as scaring and chipping, it is reasonable to suggest that they served ceremonial and possibly protective functions.Cut and polished ornaments of jade, which had become part of the decorative tradition for clothing and furnishings during the Neolithic period, continued to be used throughout the early historic periods of the Shang and Zhou Dynasties. The use of jade in burials, includingplaques sewn onto shrouds or other coverings for corpses during the Han dynasty period, can be traced back to these Neolithic beginnings. Undoubtedly, ritual objects as well as small ornamental pieces, with their geometric and zoomorphic forms and motifs, held potent meanings for those responsible for their creation. It is also probable that they served as emblems of rank, as in many other early societies.Although initially employed primarily for weapons, bronze, like jade, was also selected early in China's history as a material for the society's most precious objects. Inherently appealing, this alloy was chosen for special ritual or ceremonial versions of standard, everyday items with visual and physical distinctions employed to separate the ceremonial from the everyday. Differences can be seen in scale, attention to ornamental detailing, and the technical skills of the craftsmen. By the middle of the second millennium BCE in the central northern plains area of China, bronze had become the material of choice for the highest-quality cooking pots and wine vessels. In this region during the Shang and Zhou dynastic eras (c. 1500 -- 221 BCE), large sets of bronze vessels were used in ancestral temples or offering halls for ritual offerings and sacrifices to the ancestors. As these practices were thought to continue after death, the deceased were buried with the requisite sets of vessels. Over time, with the ascendancy of human relationships, bronze vessels assumed secular commemorative functions.Most bronze ritual vessels are highly ornamented. The earliest and most frequently occurring motifs, or the patterns derived from them, are called taotie (monster mask), a term first used more than two thousand years after the motif was introduced. Characteristically presented in a bilateral symmetrical manner, taotie appear as composite creature motifs. A great many speculations and deductions by analogy have been advanced about the symbolic and magical significance of the taotie and other patterns in Shang and subsequently in Zhou art. The universal application of these zoomorphic designs on ritual objects leaves little doubt that these creatures were of religious significance and not purely decorative.The number of bronze vessels produced in ancient China is remarkable. Thousands of vessels survive today; recently excavated, intact tombs of the wealthy and influential from the late thirteenth century BCE have revealed that more than four hundred bronzes might be interred with a single member of a royal family.22 The willingness to use such large quantities of bronze for this purpose clearly suggests that the Chinese considered ritual vessels fundamental to the well-being of their society, ranking them in importance equal to or even above weapons.。
