Fissler blue-point压力锅使用说明书

德国菲仕乐Fissler综合说明+菜谱德国菲仕乐Fissler 锅具使用过程中的注意事项在燃气上使用锅具,请不要让燃气的火焰超过锅底。
1.菲仕乐锅具采用18/10 医用不锈钢。
炒锅常见问题:*如何使锅具有不粘的功能?将锅放在热源上加热3 至5 分钟后,将少量水珠撒入锅内,如果水珠被吸干或者四处跳跃,则说明温度尚未达到。

a b c d fe gWhat’s in the box Apa saja isi kemasannya Хайрцагт юу байна вэApa dalam kotak iniTrong h 包装盒内物品HD2136HD21395 Tekan tombol jam ( ) untuk menyetel satuan jamdan tombol menit ( ) untuk menyetel satuanmenit.6 Tekan tombol mulai ( ) dan penanak bertekananlistrik akan mulai beroperasi dalam mode yangdipilih.7 Bila penanak bertekanan listrik mencapai tekananpengoperasian, indikator ( ) jaga tekanan akan menyala.»Penanak bertekanan listrik memasuki mode tetap tekan.8 Bila waktu tetap tekan selesai, penanak bertekananlistrik otomatis beralih ke mode tetap hangat.9 Putar katup regulator tekanan ke posisi ( ) lubang.»Penanak bertekanan listrik mulai melepaskan tekanan.»Floater jatuh saat tekanan sudah cukup keluar.10 Pegang gagang tutup atas dan putar tutupnyaberlawanan arah jarum jam hingga tidak dapatbergerak lagi, kemudian angkat.Catatan•Saat memasak sup atau cairan kental, jangan mengeluarkan tekanan dengan memutar katupregulator tekanan ke posisi lubang uap karena cairan bisa menyembur dari katup kontrol tekanan. Tunggu hingga tekanan keluar dengan sendirinya dan floater turun sebelum membuka tutupnya.•Waktu tetap tekan akan memulai bila tekanan yang tepat sudah dicapai.•Setelah memasak selesai dan tekanan dikeluarkan, cabut steker dari penanak bertekanan listrik untukmematikan fungsi tetap hangat atau jika tidakdigunakan.Tip•Anda juga dapat menyesuaikan waktu menjaga tekanan untuk jenis makanan berbeda sesuaipreferensi Anda. Waktu menjaga tekanan tidak dapat disetel untuk fungsi memasak nasi ( ).•Jika mode memasak dipilih melalui tombolpemanggang ( ), Anda dapat memasak makanantanpa menambahkan air dalam panci bagian dalam.Pastikan memutar katup kontrol tekanan ke posisi( ) panggang.Waktu preset untuk memasak yang ditundaAnda dapat mengatur waktu preset untuk memasak yang ditunda untuk fungsi memasak yang berbeda. Timer preset tersedia hingga 24 jam, tapi tidak dapat digunakan untuk fungsi memanggang kue ( ).1 Ikuti langkah persiapan dalam “Menggunakanpenanak bertekanan listrik”.2 Pilih mode memasak yang diinginkan, kemudiantekan tombol timer preset ( ).3 Tekan tombol jam ( ) dan tombol menit ( )untuk memilih waktu preset.4 Setelah waktu preset disetel, tekan tombol mulai( ) untuk masuk ke mode preset.5 Bila waktu preset telah terlewati, penanakbertekanan listrik mulai beroperasi secara otomatis.6 Bila selesai memasak, penanak nasi akan beralihke mode tetap hangat secara otomatis, dan fungsilampu fungsi tetap hangat akan menyala.Catatan•Jangan melebihi volume yang ditunjukkan atau melebihi batas air maksimum yang ditunjukkan dipanci bagian dalam, karena dapat menyebabkanpenanak bertekanan listrik meluap.Kisaran waktu menjaga tekanan yang dapat disesuaikanFungsi memasak Waktumenjagatekanandefault(menit)Waktumenjagatekananyang dapatdisesuaikan(menit)Ikan ( )1515-59 Ayam ( )1818-59 Kepiting ( )2020-59 Sayuran ( )31-59 Cacahan ( )2320-59 Lobster ( )2020-59 Beras ( )14N/A Sup ( )2020-59 Ayam/Bebek( )1512-59 Kacang-kacangan/Tendon( )3025-59Bubur ( )131-59 Kukus/Tanak( )205-59 Daging Sapi/DagingDomba( )3030-59 Kue ( )4545-59Memasang dan melepaskan katupregulator tekananPerhatian•Jangan melepaskan katup regulator tekanan saatmemasak. Selalu cabut steker penanak bertekananlistrik dan tunggu hingga tekanan sudah cukupkeluar.Untuk membongkar regulator tekanan:1 Putar sekrup bawah berlawanan arah jarum jamhingga lepas.2 Tarik ke atas dan lepaskan regulator tekanan.Untuk memasang regulator tekanan:1 Pasang sekrup bawah kembali ke regulator.2 Pastikan titik-titik regulator di posisi yang bersegeldan pasang kembali ke katup uap.3 Putar sekrup searah jarum jam hingga kencang.4 SpesifikasiNomor Model HD2136HD2139Peringkat masukan daya900 W1000 WKapasitas terukur 5.0 L 6.0 LDiameter22 cm22 cmSuhu tetap hangat60-80°C60-80°CCatatan•Selalu cabut steker alat jika tidak digunakan dalamwaktu lama.5 Membersihkan danPemeliharaanCatatan•Cabut steker penanak bertekanan listrik sebelummembersihkannya.•Tunggu sampai penanak bertekanan listrik sudahcukup dingin sebelum membersihkannya.Bagian dalamBagian dalam tutup luar dan badan utama:• Seka menggunakan kain yang sudah diperasdan lembap.• Pastikan untuk membersihkan semua sisamakanan yang menempel pada penanakbertekanan listrik.Elemen pemanas:• Seka menggunakan kain yang sudah diperasdan lembap.• Bersihkan sisa makanan dengan kain yangsudah diperas dan lembab atau tusuk gigi.Gelang penyegel:• Rendam di dalam air hangat dan bersihkandengan spons.Bagian luarPermukaan tutup luar dan bagian luar badan utama:• Seka dengan kain yang dibasahi air sabun.• Gunakan hanya kain lembut dan kering untukmenyeka panel kontrol.• Pastikan untuk membersihkan semua sisamakanan yang menempel pada katup regulatortekanan dan katup mengambang.Katup kontrol tekanan dan katup mengambang:• Lepaskan katup kontrol tekanan, rendam dalamair hangat dan bersihkan dengan spons.• Bersihkan sisa makanan yang menempel padakatup kontrol tekanan dan katup mengambangdengan tusuk gigi.AksesoriSendok nasi, sendok sup dan panci bagian dalam:• Rendam di dalam air panas dan bersihkandengan spons.6 Mendaur ulangJangan membuang alat bersama limbah rumahtangga biasa jika alat sudah tidak bisa dipakai lagi,tetapi serahkan ke titik pengumpulan atau daur ulangresmi. Dengan melakukan hal ini, Anda ikut membantumelestarikan lingkungan.Patuhi peraturan mengenai pengumpulan terpisahproduk-produk elektrik dan elektronik di negara Anda. Pembuangan produk secara benar akan membantumencegah dampak negatif terhadap lingkungan dankesehatan manusia.7 Garansi dan layananJika Anda memerlukan layanan atau informasi, kunjungisitus web Philips di atau hubungi PusatLayanan Pelanggan Philips di negara Anda. Anda bisamenemukan nomor telepon Philips di kartu garansiinternasional. Jika di negara Anda tidak terdapat PusatLayanan Pelanggan, kunjungi dealer Philips setempat.8 Mengatasi masalahJika penanak bertekanan listrik Anda tidak berfungsidengan benar atau jika kualitas memasak tidak memadai,perhatikan tabel di bawah ini. Jika Anda tidak dapatmengatasi masalah tersebut, hubungi pusat layananPhilips atau Pusat Layanan Konsumen di negara Anda.Masalah SolusiSaya kesulitanmenutuptutup atas.Gelang penyegel tidak terpasangdengan benar. Pastikan gelangpenyegel terpasang dengan benar disekeliling bagian dalam tutup atas.Floater memblokir pin pengunci. Tekanfloater sehingga tidak memblokir pinpengunci.Saya kesulitanmembukatutup atassetelahtekanandikeluarkan.Floater belum jatuh. Tekan floater kebawah.Makanantidak matang.Pastikan tidak ada endapan asing padaelemen pemanas dan di luar pancibagian dalam sebelum menghidupkanpenanak bertekanan listrik.Elemen pemanas rusak, atau pancibagian dalam sudah berubah bentuk.Bawalah penanak ke dealer PhilipsAnda atau ke pusat layanan resmiPhilips.Udara atauuap bocordari bawahtutup.Gelang penyegel tidak terpasangdengan benar. Pastikan gelangpenyegel terpasang dengan benar disekeliling bagian dalam tutup atas.Ada sisa makanan pada gelangpenyegel. Pastikan gelang penyegelbersih.Tutup atas tidak tertutup dengan benar.Pastikan tutup atas tertutup denganbenar.Tingkat tekanan di dalam perangkattidak normal. Dalam hal ini, katuppengaman akan melepaskan uap.Bawalah alat ke dealer Philips Andaatau ke pusat layanan resmi Philips.Udara atauuap bocordari katupmengambang.Ada sisa makanan di gelang karet katupmengambang. Bersihkan gelang karetkatup mengambang.Gelang karet katup mengambang rusak.Ganti gelang karet.Floater tidaknaik setelahalat mulaimenekan.Pastikan ada cukup makanan dan air dipanci bagian dalam.Tutup atas atau katup regulator tekananrusak. Bawalah alat ke dealer PhilipsAnda atau ke pusat layanan resmiPhilips.E3ditampilkanpada layar.Suhu di dalam panci bagian dalamterlalu tinggi. Tunggu hingga suhunyaturun ke suhu kamar.E1, E2, atau E4ditampilkanpada layar.Penanak bertekanan listrik gagalberfungsi. Bawalah alat ke dealer Philipsatau pusat servis resmi Philips.Монгол1 Таны цахилгаан битүү чанагчХудалдан авалт хийсэнд тань баярлалаа, Philips-д тавтай морилноуу!Philips-ийн санал болгож буй тусламж үйлчилгээний ашиг тусыгбүрэн хүртэхийн тулд бүтээгдэхүүнээ product at/welcome хаягаар бүртгүүлнэ үү.2 Хайрцагт юу дагалдах вэЦахилгаан битүү чанагчийн үндсэн хэсэг Будааны халбагаШөлний шанага Хэмжих аягаХэрэглэгчийн гарын авлагаАюулгүй байдлын таниулах хуудасБаталгааны карт Тэжээлийн утасЕрөнхий мэдээлэлaТагийн бариулhТэжээлийн оролтbТагiТүгжих шорcЖийргэвчjХөвөгчdДотор савkХөвөгч хавхлагаeУсны түвшинтодорхойлогчlДаралт зохицуулаххавхлагаfУдирдлагын самбарmАюулгүйн хавхлагаgХалаагч элементУдирдлагын ерөнхий мэдээлэлnДаралтын заалтvЦаг урьдчилантохируулах товчoХалууны заалтwХалуун барих/унтраахтовчpТэжээлийн заалтxЖигнэх товчqЦагийн товчyМинутын товчrЖигнэх функцүүдzДахин тохируулах заалтsЭхлэх товч{Халуун барих заалтtДаралт хадгалаххугацааны товч|Даралт хадгалах заалтuБитүү чанах функцАнх ашиглахын өмнө1 Төхөөрөмжөөс бүх баглаа боодлын материалыг гаргана уу.2 Бүх дагалдах хэрэгслийг дотор савнаас гаргаж авна уу.3 Цахилгаан битүү чанагчийн хэсгүүдийг анх удааашиглахаасаа өмнө сайтар цэвэрлэнэ үү ("Цэвэрлэх" хэсгийгүзнэ үү).Жич•Цахилгаан битүү чанагчийг ашиглаж эхлэхээсээ өмнө бүххэсгүүдийг бүрэн хуурай байгаа эсэхийг шалгаарай.3 Цахилгаан битүү чанагчийгашиглахЦахилгаан битүү чанагчийг хоол хийхдээ ашиглахын өмнө дараахбэлтгэлийг дагаж мөрдөх шаардлагатай:1 Тагийн бариулыг бариад цагийн зүүний эсрэг, дээд таг ньдахин хөдлөхгүй болтол эргүүлээд, дараа нь дээд тагийгдээш өргөнө үү.2 Цахилгаан битүү чанагчаас дотор савыг гаргаад, доторсаванд урьдчилж угаасан хүнсийг хийнэ үү.3 Дотор савны гадна талыг арчаад, цахилгаан битүү чанагчидбуцааж хийнэ үү.4 Цахилгаан битүү чанагч дээр дээд тагийг байрлуулаад,цагийн зүүний дагуу эргүүлнэ үү. Та дээд тагийг зөв түгжихүед “чаг” хийх дууг сонсох болно.5 Даралт удирдах хавхлагыг битүүмжилсэн байрлал ( ) рүүэргүүлнэ үү.Жич•Жийргэвчийг дээд тагийн дотор талд зөв угсарсан эсэхийгшалгаарай.•Даралт зохицуулах хавхлага болон хөвөгч хавхлага нь цэвэр,халхлагдаагүй байгаа эсэхийг шалгаарай.•Дотор савны гадна талыг хуурай, цэвэр байгаа эсэх, халаагчэлемент эсвэл соронзон унтраалга дээр гадны үлдэгдэлбайхгүй эсэхийг шалгаарай.•Дотор сав нь халаагч элементтэй зөв нийлсэн эсэхийгшалгана уу.Хоол хийхЖич•Дотор савыг 1/3-с бага эсвэл 2/3-с их хэмжээний хоол хүнс,шингэнээр дүүргэж болохгүй.•Хоол хийх явцад томордог хүнсний хувьд дотор савыг1/2-с их хэмжээний хоол хүнс, шингэнээр дүүргэж болохгүй.•Цагаан будаа агшаахад дотор савны усны түвшинтодорхойлогчийг мөрдөнө үү. Та өөр өөр төрлийн будааныусны түвшинг өөрийн хүссэнээр тохируулах боломжтой.Дотор саванд заасан хэмжээнээс хэтрүүлж болохгүй.•Хоол хийхээсээ өмнө хөвөгч доош унаж байгаа эсэхийгшалгаарай.1 "Цахилгаан битүү чанагчийг ашиглах" дээрх бэлтгэхалхмуудыг дагана уу.2 Залгуурыг тэжээлийн оролтод холбоно уу.3 Хоол хийх горимыг сонгохын тулд хүссэн хоол хийх товчэсвэл жигнэх товчийг ( ) дарна уу.»Сонгосон хоол хийх горимын заалт анивчина.»Үндсэн даралт хадгалах хугацаа нь дэлгэц дээр гарч ирнэ.4 Хэрэв та өөр даралт хадгалах хугацааг тохируулахыг хүсэжбайвал даралт хадгалах хугацааны товч дээр дарна уу ().»Даралт хадгалах хугацаа дэлгэц дээр анивчина.5 Цагийн нэгжийг тохируулахын тулд цагийн товчийг ( ),минутын нэгжийг тохируулахын тулд ( ) товчийг дарнауу.6 Эхлэх товчийг дарснаар ( ), цахилгаан битүү чанагч ньсонгосон горимд ажиллаж эхэлнэ.7 Цахилгаан битүү чанагч нь ажлын даралтад хүрэхэд даралтхадгалах ( ) заалт асна.»Цахилгаан битүү чанагч нь даралт хадгалах горимдорно.8 Даралт хадгалах хугацаа дуусахад цахилгаан битүү чанагч ньавтоматаар халуун барих горимд шилжинэ.9 Даралт зохицуулах хавхлагыг агааржуулалтын ( ) байрлалруу эргүүлнэ.»Цахилгаан битүү чанагч даралтын хийг гаргаж эхлэхболно.»Даралтын хийг хангалттай гаргах үед хөвөгч унана.10 Дээд тагийн бариулыг бариад, тагийг цагийн зүүний эсрэгдахин хөдлөхгүй болтол эргүүлээд, дараа нь үүнийг дээшөргөнө үү.Жич•Шөл эсвэл шингэн нь өтгөн хоол хийхдээ даралт зохицуулаххавхлагыг уурын хий гаргах байрлал руу эргүүлж даралтынхийг гаргаж болохгүй бөгөөд эс бөгөөс шингэн нь даралтудирдах хавхлагаас гарч ирэх болно. Дээд тагийг нээхийнтулд даралтын хийг өөрөө гарч, хөвөгч унах хүртэл хүлээнэүү.•Даралт хадгалах хугацааг ажлын даралтад хүрэх үеэс тоолжэхлэх болно.•Хоол хийж дуусаад даралтыг гаргасны дараа халуун барихфункцийг унтраахын тулд эсвэл ашиглахгүй байх үедээцахилгаан битүү чанагчийн залгуурыг салгана уу.Зөвлөмж•Та өөр өөр төрлийн хоолны даралт хадгалах хугацаагөөрийн хүссэнээр тохируулах боломжтой. Даралт хадгалаххугацааг будаа агшаах горимд тохируулах боломжгүй( ).•Хэрэв хоол хийх горимыг жигнэх товчоор ( ) сонговолта дотор саванд ус нэмэлгүйгээр хоол хийж болно. Даралтхянах хавхлагыг жигнэх ( ) байрлалд шилжүүлсэн эсэхийгшалгана уу.Хүлээлтийн хугацааг урьдчилан тохируулахТа өөр өөр төрлийн хоол хийх функц дээр хүлээлтийн хугацаагурьдчилан тохируулах боломжтой. Урьдчилсан цаг тохируулагчийг24 цаг хүртэлх хугацаанд ашиглах боломжтой боловч бялуужигнэх функцэд тохиромжгүй ( ).1 "Цахилгаан битүү чанагчийг ашиглах" дээрх бэлтгэхалхмуудыг дагана уу.2 Хүссэн хоол хийх горимоо сонгоод, дараа нь урьдчилсанцаг тохируулагчийн товчийг ( ) дарна уу.3 Цагийн товч ( ) ба минутын товчийг дарна уу ( )-гдарж урьдчилсан тохируулах цагийг сонгоно уу.4 Урьдчилан тохируулах цагийг тохируулсан бол эхлэхтовчийг дарна уу. ( )-г дарж урьдчилан тохируулахгоримд орно уу.5 Урьдчилан тохируулсан хугацаа дуусахад цахилгаан битүүчанагч автоматаар ажиллаж эхэлнэ.6 Хоол хийж дуусах үед будаа агшаагч нь автоматаар халуунбарих горимд шилжих бөгөөд халуун барих функцийн гэрэласах болно.Жич•Цахилгаан битүү чанагч хальж болзошгүй тул заасанхэмжээнээс хэтрүүлж, дотор савны хамгийн их уснытүвшний хэмжээг хэтрүүлж болохгүй.Тохируулах боломжтой даралт хадгалаххугацааны хязгаарХоол хийх функцҮндсэн даралтхадгалаххугацаа(минут)Тохируулахболомжтойдаралт хадгалаххугацаа (минут)Загас ( )1515-59Тахиа ( )1818-59Хавч ( )2020-59Ногоо ( )31-59Котлет ( )2320-59Голын хавч ( )2020-59Будаа ( )14N/AШөл ( )2020-59Тахиа/Нугас( )1512-59Шош/Шөрмөс( )3025-59Зутан ( )131-59Жигнэх/Шөл( )205-59Үхэр/Хонь ( )3030-59Бялуу ( )4545-59Даралт зохицуулах хавхлагыг угсрах басалгахСэрэмжлүүлэг•Хоол хийх үеэр даралт зохицуулах хавхлагыг салгажболохгүй. Цахилгаан битүү чанагчийн залгуурыг үргэлжсалгаж, даралтын хийг хангалттай гарах хүртэл хүлээгээрэй.Даралт зохицуулагчийг салгахын тулд:1 Доод эргийг сулрах хүртэл цагийн зүүний эсрэг эргүүлнэ үү.2 Үүнийг дээш өргөөд даралт зохицуулагчийг гаргана уу.Даралт зохицуулагчийг угсрахын тулд:1 Доод эргийг зохицуулагчид буцаж угсарна уу.2 Зохицуулагчийн цэгүүд нь битүүмжилсэн байрлалд байгааэсэхийг шалгаад уурын хавхлага руу буцааж тавина уу.3 Боолтыг чангарах хүртэл цагийн зүүний дагуу эргүүлнэ үү.4 Техникийн үзүүлэлтЗагварын дугаарHD2136HD2139Нэрийдсэн тэжээлийн оролт900В1000ВБагтаамж 5.0л 6.0лДиаметр22см22смХалуун барих температур60-80°C60-80°CЖич•Удаан хугацаанд ашиглахгүй бол гэр ахуйн цахилгаанхэрэгслийн залгуурыг үргэлж салгаарай.5 Цэвэрлэгээ ба Засвар үйлчилгээЖич•Цахилгаан битүү чанагчийг цэвэрлэж эхлэхээсээ өмнөзалгуурыг салгаарай.•Цэвэрлэхээсээ өмнө цахилгаан битүү чанагчийг хангалттайхөрөх хүртэл хүлээгээрэй.Дотор талГаднах таг ба үндсэн биеийн дотор тал:• Мушгисан чийгтэй алчуураар арчих.• Цахилгаан битүү чанагчид наалдсан бүх хоолныүлдэгдлийг арилгасан эсэхийг шалгаарай.Халаагч элемент:• Мушгисан чийгтэй алчуураар арчих.• Хоолны үлдэгдлийг мушгисан чийгтэй алчуур болоншүдний чигчлүүрээр арилгах.Жийргэвч:• Бүлээн усанд норгож, порлоноор цэвэрлээрэй.Гадна талГаднах таг ба үндсэн биеийн гадна тал:• Савантай усаар норгосон даавуугаар арчих.• Хяналтын самбарыг арчихын тулд ЗӨВХӨН зөөлөн,хуурай даавууг ашиглаарай.• Даралт зохицуулах хавхлага болон хөвөгч хавхлагынэргэн тойронд байгаа бүх хоолны үлдэгдлийг арилгасанэсэхийг шалгаарай.Даралт удирдах хавхлага болон хөвөгч хавхлага:• Даралт удирдах хавхлагыг салгаад, бүлээн усандноргож, порлоноор цэвэрлээрэй.• Даралт удирдах хавхлага ба хөвөгч хавхлагын хоолныүлдэгдлийг чигчлүүрээр арилгаарай.Нэмэлт хэрэгслүүдБудааны халбага, шөлний шанага болон дотор сав:• Халуун усанд норгож, порлоноор цэвэрлээрэй.6 Дахин боловсруулахЭдэлгээний хугацаа дуусахад энэ бүтээгдэхүүнийг энгийнгэр ахуйн хог хаягдалтай цуг хаяж болохгүй, харин дахинболовсруулахын тулд албан ёсны цуглуулах газарт өгнө үү. Таүүнийг хийснээр байгаль орчноо хамгаалахад тусална.Цахилгаан болон электрон бүтээгдэхүүнийг тусад нь цуглуулахулсынхаа дүрэм журмыг мөрдөнө үү. Хог хаягдлыг зохистой хаяхнь байгаль орчин болон хүний эрүүл мэндэд сөрөг үр дагаваручруулахаас сэргийлэхэд тустай.7 Баталгаат хугацаа ба засварүйлчилгээХэрэв танд засвар үйлчилгээ ба мэдээлэл хэрэгтэй байгаа, эсвэласуудал тулгарсан бол Philips-н веб сайт хаягаарзочлох эсвэл өөрийн улсын Philips-н Хэрэглэгчид туслах төвдхандана уу. Та үүний утасны дугаарыг олон улсын баталгаатхугацааны зурагт хуудаснаас авах боломжтой. Хэрэв танайулсад Хэрэглэгчид туслах төв байхгүй бол өөрийн орон нутгийнPhilips-н борлуулагчид хандана уу.8 Алдааг олж засварлахХэрэв таны цахилгаан битүү чанагч зөв ажиллахгүй эсвэл хоолхийх чанар нь хангалтгүй байвал доорх хүснэгтээс зөвлөгөөавна уу. Хэрэв та асуудлыг шийдэж чадахгүй байгаа бол өөрийнулсын Philips-н үйлчилгээний төв эсвэл Хэрэглэгчид туслах төвтэйхолбогдоно уу.АсуудалШийдэлБи дээд тагийгхааж чадахгүйбайна.Жийргэвчийг зөв байрлуулаагүй байна.Жийргэвчийг дээд тагийн дотор талд зөвугсарсан эсэхийг шалгаарай.Хөвөгч нь түгжих шорыг хаадаг. Түгжихшорыг хаахгүйн тулд хөвөгчийг доош дарнауу.Даралтынхийг гаргасныдараа дээдтагийг нээхэднадад асуудалтулгарлаа.Хөвөгч буугаагүй байна. Хөвөгчийг доошдарна уу.Хоол болоогүйбайх.Цахилгаан битүү чанагчийг асаахаас өмнөхалаах элемент болон дотоод савныгадна талд гадны үлдэгдэл байхгүй эсэхийгшалгаарай.Халаагч элемент гэмтсэн эсвэл дотор савгажсан байна. Чанагчийг өөрийн Philips-ндилер эсвэл Philips-н баталгаат үйлчилгээнийтөвд аваачина уу.Тагийн завсраархий эсвэл ууралдах.Жийргэвчийг зөв байрлуулаагүй байна.Жийргэвчийг дээд тагийн дотор талд зөвугсарсан эсэхийг шалгаарай.Жийргэвчид хоолны үлдэгдэл байна.Жийргэвчийг цэвэр байгаа эсэхийг шалгаарай.Дээд таг зөв хаагдаагүй байна. Дээд тагийгзөв хаасан эсэхийг шалгаарай.Гэр ахуйн цахилгаан хэрэгслийн доторхдаралтын түвшин хэвийн бус байна. Энэтохиолдолд аюулгүйн хавхлага уур гаргахболно. Гэр ахуйн цахилгаан хэрэгслийгөөрийн Philips-н дилер эсвэл Philips-нбаталгаат үйлчилгээний төвд аваачина уу.Хөвөгчхавхлагынзавсраар хийэсвэл уур алдах.Хөвөгч хавхлагын резинэн цагирагт хоолныүлдэгдэл байна. Хөвөгч хавхлагын резинэнцагаргийг цэвэрлэнэ үү.Хөвөгч хавхлагын резинэн цагираг гэмтсэнбайна. Резинэн цагаргийг солино уу.Гэр ахуйнцахилгаанхэрэгсэл даралтхуримтлуулжэхэлсний дараахөвөгч босохгүйбайх.Дотор саванд хангалттай хэмжээний хоол, усбайгаа эсэхийг шалгаарай.Дээд таг эсвэл даралт зохицуулах хавхлагаэвдэрсэн байна. Гэр ахуйн цахилгаанхэрэгслийг өөрийн Philips-н дилер эсвэлPhilips-н баталгаат үйлчилгээний төвдаваачина уу.Дэлгэц дээр E3харагдах.Дотор савны доторх температур хэт өндөрбайх. Тасалгааны хэмд буурах хүртэл хүлээнэүү.Дэлгэц дээрE1, E2 эсвэл E4харагдах.Цахилгаан битүү чанагч эвдэрсэн байх. Гэрахуйн цахилгаан хэрэгслийг Philips-н дилерэсвэл Philips-н баталгаат үйлчилгээний төвдаваачина уу.Bahasa Melayu1 Periuk tekanan elektrik anda.Tahniah atas pembelian anda dan selamat menggunakanPhilips!Untuk mendapatkan manfaat sepenuhnya daripadasokongan yang ditawarkan oleh Philips, daftarkan produkanda di /welcome.2 Apa dalam kotak iniUnit utama periuk tekanan elektrik Sudu nasiSenduk sup Cawan penyukatManual pengguna Risalah keselamatanKad waranti Kord kuasaGambaran keseluruhana Gagang tudung h Soket Kuasab Penutup atas i Pin kuncic Gegelang kedap j Pengapungd Periuk dalam k Injap terapunge Penunjuk paras air lInjap pengaturtekananf Panel Kawalan m Injap keselamatang Elemen pemanasanGambaran Keseluruhan Kawalann Penunjuk penekanan vButang pemasapraseto Penunjuk pemanasan w Butang Panas/Matip Penunjuk kuasa x Butang bakarq Butang jam y Butang minitr Fungsi membakar z Penunjuk prasets Butang mula{Penunjuk panastButang masa simpantekanan|Simpan penunjuktekananu Fungsi masak tekananSebelum penggunaan pertama1 Tanggalkan semua bahan bungkusan dari perkakas.2 Keluarkan semua aksesori dari periuk dalam.3 Bersihkan bahagian periuk tekanan elektrik denganteliti sebelum menggunakannya buat kali pertama(lihat bab "Pembersihan").Catatan•Pastikan semua bahagian telah kering sepenuhnyasebelum anda mula menggunakan periuk tekananelektrik.3 Menggunakan periuk tekananelektrikSebelum menggunakan periuk tekanan elektrik untukmemasak makanan, anda perlu mengikut persediaan dibawah ini:1 Pegang pemegang penutup dan putarkannya lawanarah jam sehingga penutup atas tidak boleh bergeraklagi, kemudian angkat penutup atas.2 Keluarkan periuk dalam dari periuk tekanan elektrikdan letakkan makanan yang telah dicuci ke dalamperiuk dalam.3 Lapkan kering bahagian luar periuk dalam danletakkannya semula ke dalam periuk tekananelektrik.4 Letakkan penutup atas pada periuk tekanan elektrikdan putarkannya mengikut arah jam. Anda akanmendengar bunyi “klik” apabila penutup atas dikuncidengan betul.5 Putarkan injap kawalan tekanan pada kedudukankedap ( ).Catatan•Pastikan gegelang kedap dipasangkan dengan betulmengelilingi bahagian dalam penutup atas.•Pastikan injap pengatur tekanan dan injap terapungbersih dan tidak tersekat.•Pastikan bahagian luar periuk dalam kering danbersih serta tiada sisa asing pada elemen pemanasanatau suis magnet.•Pastikan periuk dalam bersentuhan dengan betuldengan elemen pemanasan.Memasak makananCatatan•Jangan isikan periuk dalam kurang dari 1/3 atau lebihdari 2/3 penuh makanan dan cecair.•Untuk makanan yang mengembang sewaktudimasak, jangan isikan periuk dalam dengan lebihdari 1/2 penuh makanan dan cecair.•Untuk memasak nasi, ikut penunjuk paras airdi bahagian dalam periuk dalam. Anda bolehmelaraskan paras air untuk beras jenis berlainan danmengikut keutamaan anda. Jangan melebihi kuantitiyang ditunjukkan di bahagian dalam periuk dalam.•Pastikan pengapung jatuh dahulu sebelummemasak.1 Ikuti langkah penyediaan dalam “Menggunakanperiuk tekanan elektrik”.2 Pasangkan plag ke soket kuasa.3 Tekan butang fungsi memasak yang dikehendakiatau butang membakar ( ) untuk memilih modmemasak.»Penunjuk mod memasak yang dipilih berkelip.»Masa menyimpan tekanan lalai dipaparkan padaskrin.4 Jika anda ingin menetapkan masa menyimpantekanan yang berbeza, tekan butang simpan masatekanan ( ).»Masa menyimpan tekanan berkelip pada skrin.5 Tekan butang jam ( ) untuk menetapkan unit jamdan butang minit ( ) untuk menetapkan unitminit.6 Tekan butang mula ( ) dan periuk tekanan elektrikmula berfungsi dalam mod yang dipilih.7 Apabila periuk tekanan elektrik mencapaitekanan yang sesuai, penunjuk simpan tekanan( ) menyala.»Periuk tekanan elektrik memasuki modmenyimpan tekanan.8 Apabila masa menyimpan tekanan tamat, periuktekanan elektrik bertukar ke mod simpan panassecara automatik.9 Putarkan injap pengatur tekanan ke kedudukanbolong ( ).»Periuk tekanan elektrik mula melepaskantekanan.»Pengapung jatuh apabila tekanan dilepaskandengan secukupnya.10 Pegang pemegang penutup atas dan putarkanpenutup melawan arah jam sehingga ia tidak bolehbergerak lagi, kemudian angkatkannya.Catatan•Apabila memasak sup atau cecair likat, jangankeluarkan tekanan dengan memutar injap pengaturtekanan ke posisi bolong stim, jika tidak, cecairmungkin memancut dari injap kawalan tekanan.Tunggu sehingga tekanan dilepaskan dengansendirinya dan pengapung telah terjatuh untukmembuka penutup atas.•Pemasa penyimpan tekanan akan mula membilangapabila tekanan yang sesuai dicapai.•Selepas selesai memasak dan tekanan dilepaskan,tanggalkan plag periuk tekanan elektrik untukmematikan fungsi simpan panas atau apabila tidakdigunakan.Tiếng Việt1Nồi điện áp suấtChúc mừng bạn đã mua hàng và chào mừng bạn đến với Philips!Để được hưởng lợi ích đầy đủ từ hỗ trợ do Philips cung cấp, hãy đăng ký sản phẩm tại /welcome.2Trong hộp có gìBộ phận chính của nồi điện áp suất Thìa cơmMôi xúp Cốc địn h lượngHướng dẫn sử dụng Tài liệu mỏng thông tin an toàn Thẻ bảo hành Dây điệnTổng quana Tay cầm nắp hỔ cắm điệnb Nắp trên i Chốt khóac Vòng đệm j Phaod Nồi trong k Van phaoe Chỉ báo mức nước l Van điều chỉnh áp suấtf Bảng điều khiển m Van an toàngĐế nhiệtTổng quan về bảng điều khiểnn Chỉ báo tăng cường ápsuất v Nút hẹn giờ đặt sẵno Chỉ báo làm nóng w Nút giữ ấm/tắt p Chỉ báo nguồn x Nút nướng bánh q Nút giờy Nút phútr Các chức năng nướngbánh zĐèn báo đặt sẵns Nút khởi động{Chỉ báo giữ ấmt Nút thời gian giữ áp suất|Chỉ báo giữ tăng cường áp suấtu Các chức năng nấu áp suấtTrước khi sử dụng lần đầu1 Loại bỏ toàn bộ vật liệu đóng gói ra khỏi thiết bị.2 Lấy toàn bộ phụ kiện ra khỏi nồi trong.3 Làm sạch thật kỹ các bộ phận của nồi điện áp suất trước khi sửdụng lần đầu (xem chương ‘Vệ sinh thiết bị’).Ghi chú•Đảm bảo tất cả các bộ phận khô hoàn toàn trước khi bắt đầusử dụng nồi điện áp suất.3Sử dụng nồi điện áp suấtTrước khi sử dụng nồi điện áp suất để nấu ăn, bạn cần thực hiện các bước chuẩn bịsau:1 Giữ tay cầm của nắp và xoay ngược chiều kim đồng hồ cho đếnkhi nắp không thể di chuyển nữa, sau đó nhấc nắp lên.2 Lấy nồi trong ra khỏi nồi điện áp suất và cho thức ăn đã rửasạch vào nồi trong.3 Lau mặt bên ngoài của nồi trong cho khô và đặt trở lại nồi điệnáp suất.4 Đặt nắp trên lên nồi điện áp suất và xoay nắp theo chiều kimđồng hồ. Bạn sẽ nghe thấy tiếng “click” khi nắp trên được khóađúng cách.5 Xoay van điều khiển áp suất đến vịtrí đóng kín ( ).Ghi chú•Đảm bảo rằng vòng đệm được lắp đúng cách xung quanh phần bên trong của nắp trên.•Đảm bảo rằng van điều chỉnh áp suất và van phao sạch vàkhông bịtắc.•Đảm bảo rằng mặt ngoài của nồi trong khô ráo và sạch sẽ, vàkhông có vật lạ bám trên đế nhiệt hoặc trên công tắc từ.•Kiểm tra xem nồi trong có tiếp xúc tốt với đế nhiệt không.Nấu thức ănGhi chú•Không cho thức ăn hoặc chất lỏng vào nồi trong ít hơn 1/3hoặc nhiều hơn 2/3 nồi.•Với thức ăn sẽ nở ra trong khi nấu ăn, không cho thức ăn vàchất lỏng vào nồi trong quá 1/2 nồi.•Để nấu cơm, thực hiện theo các chỉ báo mức nước phía bêntrong của nồi trong. Bạn có thể điều chỉnh mức nước cho cácloại gạo khác nhau và theo sở thích của riêng bạn. Không nấunhiều hơn số lượng được ghi ở trong nồi.•Đảm bảo rằng phao hạ xuống trước khi nấu.1 Hãy thực hiện theo các bước chuẩn bịtrong mục “Sử dụng nồiđiện áp suất”.2 Cắm phích cắm vào ổ cắm điện.3 Bấm nút chức năng nấu ăn mong muốn hoặc nút nướng bánh( ) để chọn chế độ nấu ăn.»Đèn chỉ báo chế độ nấu ăn đã chọn nhấp nháy.»Thời gian giữ áp suất mặc địn h được hiển thịtrên màn hình.4 Nếu bạn muốn đặt thời gian giữ áp suất khác, bấm nút thời giangiữ áp suất ( ).»Thời gian giữ áp suất nhấp nháy trên màn hình.Không khí hoặc hơinước rò rỉ ra khỏiphía dưới nắp.Vòng đệm được lắp không đúng cách. Đảmbảo rằng vòng đệm được lắp đúng cáchxung quanh phần bên trong của nắp trên.Có thức ăn đọng lại ở vòng đệm. Đảm bảorằng vòng đệm sạch.Nắp trên đóng không đúng cách. Đảm bảorằng nắp trên đóng đúng cách.Mức áp suất bên trong thiết bịkhông bìnhthường. Trong trường hợp này, van an toànsẽ nhả ra hơi nước. Mang thiết bịđến đại lýPhilips của bạn hoặc trung tâm dịc h vụ doPhilips ủy quyền.Không khí hoặc hơinước rò rỉ ra khỏi vanphao.Có thức ăn đọng lại trên vòng cao su củavan phao. Làm sạch vòng cao su của vanphao.Vòng cao su của van phao bịhỏng. Thay thếvòng cao su.Phao không nâng lênsau khi thiết bịbắtđầu tăng áp suất.Đảm bảo rằng có đủ thức ăn và nước trongnồi trong.Nắp trên hoặc van điều chỉnh áp suất bịhỏng. Mang thiết bịđến đại lý Philips củabạn hoặc trung tâm dịc h vụ do Philips ủyquyền.E3 được hiển thịtrênmàn hình.Nhiệt độ bên trong nồi trong quá cao. Đợicho đến khi nhiệt độ hạ thấp xuống nhiệtđộ phòng.E1, E2 hoặc E4 đượchiển thịtrên mànhình.Nồi điện áp suất bịhỏng. Hãy mang thiết bịđến đại lý của Philips hoặc trung tâm dịc h vụđược Philips ủy quyền.简体中文1 您的电压力煲感谢您的惠顾,欢迎光临飞利浦!为了您能充分享受飞利浦提供的支持,请在/welcome 上注册您的产品。

篇一:《双立人》双立人、WMF、Fissler三大德系厨房用具品牌使用简版心得(2012-06-08 09:53:44)转载▼标签德国高压锅双立人304不锈钢厨具分类生活艺术【前言】目前,这三个德国品牌几乎瓜分了中国高端厨房用具市场,在中国市场上和消费者中间具有极高的知名度。
目前在国内销售的双立人刀具最好是TWIN OLYMP系列,8件套刀带旋转刀架专柜价格在6000元以上。

(参照“烹饪指引”设定保压时间)*附:烹饪指引食物鱼/稀饭煮饭肉类煮粥煲汤豆/蹄筋保压时间(分钟) 7 10 15 20 25 30*旋钮上标注了不同食物所对应的保压时间范围,用户可根据食物及个人烹饪经验,适当调整保压时间。

1. 压力锅使用方法:
- 将配料放入压力锅内。
- 关紧锅盖并确保密封。
- 打开炉具,将压力调节阀调至高压位置。
- 等待压力上升至设定值,锅内的压力锁定。
- 根据食谱要求,控制火力大小和时间来进行烹饪。
- 完成烹饪后,将压力锅从炉上取下,等待压力降至安全值。
- 打开锅盖前,确保所有压力已经释放。
2. 不粘煎锅和汤锅使用方法:
- 在锅中加入适量的食用油或黄油,并加热至适当温度。
- 将食材放入锅中,适当搅拌或翻转。
- 根据食谱要求,控制火力大小和时间来进行烹饪。
- 完成烹饪后,关火并将食材取出。
3. 蒸锅使用方法:
- 在锅底部放入适量的水,并加热至沸腾。
- 将食材放入蒸篮中,将蒸篮放入锅内。
- 盖上锅盖,控制火力大小和时间来进行蒸煮。
- 完成后,小心打开锅盖以避免受热蒸汽烫伤。
4. 快煮锅使用方法:
- 在锅中加入适量的水,并加热至沸腾。
- 将食材放入锅中,控制火力大小和时间进行烹饪。
- 完成后关火,将食材取出。

Fissler 的压力锅是“菲仕乐”家族中很具有代表性的产品,一般洋人都用来烹煮肉类,又快又好,不过到了中国也要适合中国的国情,除了肉类,其实用Fissler压力锅来煮大米饭也是一绝,口感和粘性都属上层,但是如果掌握不好大米和水的比例,水温和烹煮火力的话说不定就要烧焦了。



德国菲仕乐Fissler综合说明+菜谱德国菲仕乐Fissler 锅具使用过程中的注意事项在燃气上使用锅具,请不要让燃气的火焰超过锅底。
1.菲仕乐锅具采用18/10 医用不锈钢。
炒锅常见问题:*如何使锅具有不粘的功能?将锅放在热源上加热3 至5 分钟后,将少量水珠撒入锅,如果水珠被吸干或者四处跳跃,则说明温度尚未达到。

Congratulations on your new Fissler wok. Your wok unites the centuries-old tradition enjoyed by this Far Eastern piece of cooking equipment with modern design and the technologies used in Western stoves.It opens up a whole new world of cooking to you – with a thousand delicacies drawn from an exotic gastronomic culture.You can also use your wok for Western dishes and for Wester ways of preparing foods.You will see that this is actually an all-purpose cooking device in which you can cook many things more simply and more gently.And there is another characteristic of your Fissler wok that you will soon learn to love:It is conducive to social gatherings. Just put it in the middle of the table and serve right out of it.It is sure to quickly be surrounded by happy ,satisfied faces.What dishes can you cook in your wok?Since your wok is both a pot and a pan,you can cook a lorge variety of dishes in it:●Asian dishes●Stir-fry,noodle or rice dishes●Meat dishes,such as aliced or diced meats●Deep-fried meats,vegetables,fruit and pasta●SoupsGeneral instructions for all woks●As a rule,woks with plastic handles should not be used in theoven.For woks with metal handles,we recommend always using suitable potholders or mitts to protect your hands,especially with a gas stove or oven.●When using the wok,make sure that you place it safely in the meddleof the burner.●In order to prevent burns as the result of fat foaming over orspattering when deep-frying,never fill the wok more than one-third full of oil.Only use high-heat cooking oils or vegetable fats.Do not usea lid when deepfrying,and do not overheat the fat;never exceed200℃.●You can save energy by making use of the heat stored in thehigh-quality Fissler bases,simply by turning down the heat source early and turning it off even before the end of the cooking period.The diameter of the burner should be the same as or smaller than the diameter of the wok base.Effective base diameter and burner sizeWhile the work is cooling off,it is possible for the tightly closing lid to be ,,suked”onto it .To prevent this,wipe off the edges of the wok and the lid so that they are dry before permitting them to cool.If the lid should still be difficult to remove,you can release the pressure by reheating the wok.Please do not use the glass lid in the oven.Do not cool the hot glass lid with cold water,for the temperature shock could damage the lid.Once the wok has been used several times,the plastic handle may become loose.For your own safety,you should immediately tighten the loosened screw with a suitable screwdriver.For your own safety,you should immediately replace cracked handles with original Fissler replacement parts.Never add salt to cold water.Always wait and add it to boiling water,then stir.Adding salt to cold water can result in an extremely high concentration of salt on the bottom of the wok,which can cause corrosion spots to form.These changes in the stainless steel can no longer be removed,but they will not impair the wok’s functional and cooking properties.When using the wok in the oven(only if it has stainless steel handles), do not heat the pan to over 220℃.Do not use the oven’s grill feature with sealed woks.Glass ceramic cooking surface:To prevent scratches on the glass ceramic cooking surface,always lift the wok before changing its position on the cooking surface.Fissler is not liable for damage which could otherwise result.When pans with an exposed aluminum base are moved back and forth on ceramic surfaces,this can leave marks.These can generally be removed with a commercially available glass ceramic cleaning product. Never overheat the wok.If the wok is overheated,its base can take on a golden discoloration,although this discoloration will not affect how well the wok functions.In the case of extreme overheating,the base can be damaged.If this should happen ,never remove the wok from the burner.In extreme cases of overheating the aluminum in the base can melt and liquefy.If the wok should overheat,never try to remove it from the burner,to prevent risking burns from hot aluminum spillage.Turn off the burner,allow the wok to cool off,and air out the room.Base:Your wok can basically be used on all conventional electric and gas stoves.The base will lie flat on your glassceramic cooking zone or burner and has the best cooking properties.During the cooking process,your wok absorbs the heat quickly,distributes it evenly on the base,and stores it well.If you own a wok with the cookstar all-stove base,or if the word”Induction”is embossed is the base stamp,you can use it on all types of stoves,even induction.Induction cooking:To prevent overheating of the wok due to the high power of induction stoves,be sure to follow the directions provided by the manufacturer of your stove.Never heat the wok unattended,empty or at the highest heat setting.A humming sound may be heard when you are using your wok.This sound has technical reasons and does not indicat that your stove or cookware is defective.Always place the pot in the middle of the cooking zone.Always use a wok that is the same size as the cooking zone or larger(see table),for otherwise the cooking zone may not react to the bottom of the wokInstructions for sealed woksBefore using your wok for the first time,wash it thoroughly and boil some water in it for tow minutes.When using it again:1.Rub a little oil into the wok(using 3-4 drops on a paper towel).2.Heat the wok at a medium setting (2/3 of your stove’s maximumheat).Place the food to be fried in the wok, and brown it on all sides.If the wok has a nonstick sealing ,never cut in it with a knife,and never use sharp-edged instruments in it to turn foods.To prevent overheating,never heat the sealed wok unattended or at the highest heat setting.If you are using your wok in the oven,never heat the oven to over 220℃,and do not use the grill.Overheating will damage the nonstick property of the sealing and can cause it to burn and smoke to form.If this should happen,turn off the heat source,open the oven door if you are using the oven ,and air the room out completely.So that you can enjoy your pan for a long time to come,we recommend washing it by hand with warm water,using dishwashing liquid and a soft sponge.Never sue abrasive or scouring cleaning agents.You should not place your wok in the dishwasher,as the dishwasher detergent could damage the nonstick sealing and corrode the material.After you clean the wok and before you use it ,rub a little vegetable oil into it.Do not store foods in the wok,especially those that contain salt or acid.Store them separately in appropriate bowls orcontainers.Failure to do so can result in damage to the sealing.\Instructions for the non-sealed wokBefore using your wok for the first time,wash it thoroughly and then boil some water in it with a dash of lemon juice. Woks made of stainless steel can be placed in the dishwasher.In doing so,use common household products in the amounts recommended by the manufacturer,but no industrial detergents or highly concentrated cleaning products.Discolorations that may appear on the handles or the base in the course of time will not affect how well the wok functions.When cleaning the wok by hand,simply use hot water and conventional dishwashing liquid and a cloth,sponge,or soft brush.Do not use hard objects,steel wool, or scouring powder.Dry it immediately,so that water spots cannot form.Any stubborn food resdues can be removed with Fissler Stainless Steel Cleaner.You can ensure a lasting shine with the Fissler Stainless Steel Care.It is also outstanding for removing white or iridescent spots.How to cook in your wokQuick stir-frying:Cut the ingredients into thin sticks,slices or cubes.Add some oil to the wok,and then cook the ingredients in it,turning them constantly with the turner.If your wok has a concave inner surface,it will be very easy to turn the ingredients,and you will need very little oil.You can add the ingredients to the wok little by little,first those that need longer to cook,then those that cook more quickly.Or else you can remove individual ingredients from the wok when they are finished and then mix them all together at the end.add pastes or dried and soaked mushrooms right to the hot oil for the fullest aroma.Deep-fryingFor deep-frying,fill the wok at most one-third full with oil and heat it.Only use high-heat cooking oil or vegetable fats.Place the food to be deep-fried in the hot fat-but not too much at one time.Turn the pieces during the deep-frying rack,place them on it.If not ,use paper towels.Never use a lid when deep-frying,and neverheat the fat to a temperature of over 200℃.Frying at high temperatures(stainless steel wok):Heat the wok up empty,then sprinkle a few drops of cold water into it.If they form clear beads that”dance”around the pan,the right temperature has reached for frying meat.The meatwill adhere to the surface to begen with.After a few minutes,however,it will separate from the surface by itself and can then be turned.If you have a wok with the novogrill frying surface,you can fry your meat with or without fat,as you wish,and still enjoy good fat distribution and a grill effect. WarrantyIf you should have a complaint within the current legal warranty guidelines,if not otherwise indicated,please return the entire unit,together with your receipt,to your dealer,or send the product,well packed,to:Fissler Customer Service,Harald-Fissler-Strasse 10,55768 Hoppstadten-Weiersbach,Germany,Phone:+49(0)6781-403-556 or Fissler GmbH,Kefergasse 2,1140 Vienna,Austria.Phone:+43(0)222-91 47 62 20.Our warranty does not cover damage caused by improper use or non-observance of the instructions for use,e.g.overheating,discoloration,scratches,being dropped on the floor,or improper cleaning or cleaning in the dishwasher.Also excluded are purely visual signs of use.恭喜你购买了新的菲仕乐锅具。

Fissler.Perfect every time.
感谢您购买菲仕乐味达维高速快锅以及对它的信任.最新一代的高速快 锅基于超过55年经验研发页成这款高速快锅能在快速京调美味佳肴的 同时.保留其应有的营养.而且在使用的便利性以及设计感方面做了进 一步改进:
请不要对高速快锅进行改适・尤其针对一些安全装直.除了进行使用说明书上的保养操作外.请不要进行多 余的改造’井且不要在控制阀上滴油A
当您使用本产品超过400次或者2年左右.需要定期更换遭受磨损的雪部件.比如硅胶圈或者其他橡胶部分「 需要更换零部件时.请使用菲仕乐的正品•:当肉眼即可看到一些詹损时(晋如出现裂口.变色.变形)或者 不匹配.请立即更换 否则.它会影响到锅的工作性能和安全性
加压时如果移动高速快锅.要注意防止破烫伤请童看锅身把手与辅助把手.根据需要使用锅夹.以免手 直接接触受热的表面.
请轻轻晃动后再打开锅盖以"保蒸汽不会飞溅出来烫伤您。这衽快速减压或者冷却高速快锅时非常垂要 请确保泄压时您在危险区域以外.因为蒸汽可能会飞渡岀来伤害到您衽使用释放锁钮时要格外小心。
排除锅内多余的空气和缩减京饪时间使这款高速快锅烹饪岀来的食物非常鲜嫩 它比传统烹饪方式更大程 度地保留了食物的维他命.矿物质和香味,亲自品尝味道•您会发现食物岀乎意料地保持原汁原味"

• Always keep and eye on heat level. If too much pressure builds, the pressure regulator will rock rapidly and release too much steam. Reducing heat will protect the food from losing too much liquid and burning.
swell due to the effects of pressure, do not pierce the skin after cooking if it appears swollen: you could get burnt. Pierce it before cooking. • When cooking food with a thick texture, the pressure cooker should be shaken slightly before opening to ensure that the food does not spurt out. • Leave the safety system alone, except for cleaning and maintenance in accordance with instructions. In particular, never open the control panel. • Use only appropriate IMUSA spare parts for your model. • Not dishwasher safe.



1. 将菲乐仕高压锅放在平稳的台面上,并确保锅底清洁干净。
2. 打开锅盖,将食材放入锅内。
3. 关上锅盖,确保盖子完全封闭并且锁紧。
4. 找到加压开关,将其拧紧,锁住锅盖。
5. 将锅体插入电源插座,并打开电源开关。
6. 选择合适的烹饪模式和时间,通过控制面板上的按钮进行调节。
7. 等待一段时间,压力锅开始加热,并建立高压。
8. 在烹饪结束后,等待一段时间,使锅内的压力缓解。
9. 打开锅盖时,确保锅内没有压力。
10. 小心打开锅盖,避免被热气和蒸汽烫伤。
11. 将食物转移到碗或盘子中,即可享用。

a. Red ON/OFF push-button (pressed, un-pressed, lit, unlit);i. If the button un-pressed, then most likely there is nothing inside the autoclave,and it is available for use.ii. If the button is pressed in and lit, then the previous cycle is still running or it is finished but the user has not returned to turn the autoclave off and remove theload.iii. If the button is pressed in and unlit, then most likely the previous user did not un-press the button at the end of the run, and instead simply opened the door killingpower by virtue of the door safety interlock switch. Using the door switch to turnoff the machine is not appropriate because as soon as the door is closed andonly partially sealed the autoclave restarts a new cycle and lets steam rush intothe chamber. This is true if the previous cycle was Fast or Dry, and possibly trueif it was Liquid.1. The button may be pressed in and unlit if there the machine is unpluggedelectrically or power has been lost to the building outlet for the autoclave.iv. Most importantly, pressing this button is the last thing to do when initiating a run, and un-pressing this button is the first thing to do after the sterilization/exhaustcycles have evidently ended. The button is lit when pressed in, and unlit whenun-pressed, BUT it is also unlit when it is pressed in but the door is not fullytightened. This is so because a microswitch in the door serves as a safetyinterlock. The interlock must not be used as the on/off switch, in part becausesteam will escape past the door before the door is adequately tightened.b. Timer panel (zero time, non-zero time, sterilize/exhaust LEDs);i. If the panel countdown timer reads “000”, then the sterilization and if applicablethe drying times have elapsed, BUT this doesn’t mean the autoclave is ready tobe opened. In fact, it is one indicator of overall status. It is more informative interms of how many more minutes of sterilizing and if applicable drying isremaining.ii. The Sterilizing LED comes on when the temperature reading (the green pointer on the chart controller) reaches setpoint (the red pointer). A microswitch closessending a signal to the timer that 1) illuminates the Sterilizing LED and 2) beginscounting down from the set time entered on the dial wheel. If for any reason thegreen pointer falls below the setpoint (steam supply, valving, or trap failure), thenthe LED will go out, the timer will reset to the original set time, and will remain sountil the temperature reading gets back to setpoint. This ensures that you do nothave a compromised sterilization.iii. The Drying LED comes on when the Sterilizing time has elapsedc. Chamber and jacket pressure gages (<1psi, 16 psi, 22 psi, other);d. Jacket Steam Reset green light;e. Single-handle door lever;f. Triple-handle door lever;g. Chart recorder temperature indicator (green pointer);h. Chart trace line showing process history; and,i. The “zero-pressure” end-of-cycle indicator (buzzer currently out of service, but may bereplaced by lamp in the future).2. Log sheet entries: Completely fill out log sheet. If you insist on not providing a phone numberor other contact info, you forfeit some control of your load in case of issues.3. Chamber rack and bottom:and remove any loose pieces the steam condensate trap, and affect sterilization. USE PLIERS, FORCEPS, ETC.4. Chamber drain:Is there any crud in the chamber drain? Crud will block the drain orcontaminate the temperature probe or thermostatic steam condensate traps downstream AND potentially affect your sterilization. The strainer screws out easily by hand (USE GLOVES) if you need to remove crud.5. Jacket Steam:If the jacketjacket steam at this time, or wait until you close and secure the door. Note that the jacket may already be pressurized if the previous cycle was a “Fast” or “Dry” rather than “Fluids.” Also, it may be pressurized because the previous user performed a reset after removing their load aftera “Fluid” cycle. Jacket pressures quickly reach >20 psi, or temperature equivalents of well over121C (250F).6. Check distribution of items in tub: Make sure the items are not right up against each other orthe tub’s sides.7. Load your tub(s): Wearing PPE, place your tub(s) inside on the rack or racks. Leave a fewinches between adjacent tubs. Leave a few inches between any tub and the chamber walls.The entire rack may be removed with the cart to provide extra room for an oversize load, but the load should not be overly heavy as the weight may cause the tub to deform or possibly fail;polypropylene will eventually get brittle after many cycles.8. Close and secure the door:Verify single-handle lever is at about “11 o’clock”. Shut doorwithout slamming. Move single-handle lever to “2 o’clock” or until it stops. Turn the triple-handle lever clockwise until it stops and then give it a rather firm final move; you may need to tighten more later after the cycle starts and steam or water come out past the door seal.9. Jacket steam:If the jacket is already at pressure (~20 psi) due to Step 16 above, then donothing other than notice this pressure reading and verify that the green Jacket Steam Reset lamp is not lit. ….If the pressure reading is less than 18 psi and not climbing at all, then notify Kameron or Victor. …If there is no pressure and the green light is on, proceed with pressing thered Jacket Steam Reset button, which will turn the green light off and allow steam to enter the jacket slowly building up pressure. …If there is not pressure, and the green light is off, then check the white/red rocker switch on the right side of the control panel. If there is no red light lit inside the switch, the switch may be off; push the side corresponding to the adjacent ON label (to be added soon). …DO NOT CONTINUE TO STEP 21 UNTIL JACKET PRESSURE REACHES AT LEAST 10 PSI, in part to ensure that steam is pressurizing the jacket. This is important because the jacket supplies steam to the chamber through a solenoid valve during sterilization. Preferably, wait until the pressure reaches at least 18 psi before continuing, but you may continue as long as the pressure reaches at least 18 psi before doing Step 25.10. Choose exhaust cycle:11. “Sterilizing” time:This will be determined by overall load, physical distribution within thechamber, type of secondary containment, amount of liquid in any one container, etc. See training materials or PI for guidance. Some general guidance is provided here from Judelson 2004:a.Some general guidelines. Here are some recommended times for autoclaving liquids of the followingvolume per container:i.75-200 ml 20 minutes ii.200-500 ml 25 minutes iii.500-1000 ml 30 minutes iv.1000-1500 ml 35 minutes v.1500-2000 ml 40 minutesRemember to modify these times as needed!!!!! For example, more time is required if the flasks ina plastic tray (which is the standard method); if many bottles are close to each other in the tray; ifthe chamber is full of several trays; if the liquid contains microbes; if you are using plastic insteadof glass containers; etc. Therefore, you probably need to go longer than the times indicatedabove.12. “Drying” time:Our machine’s Operators Manual shows a generic example of 15 minutes ofsterilization plus 20 minutes of drying. See PI for project-specific guidance.13. Temperature setpoint: It is critical that you check this temperature because sometimes usersadjust it down to 110C/230F and leave it there. The lower temperature is used by some people who need to autoclave media containing sugars. …Usually, the desired setpoint for sterilizing is 121C/250F. This is also the highest that our machine can be adjusted to by the regular user. If you adjust the setpoint to 252F you may never reach that temperature and thus never begin the sterilizing countdown timer. …For special situations, Victor can raise the pressure supply to reach 260F or 270F, but this will require department chair approval. …Use the knob in the lower left corner of the chart recorder. It is stiff, so you may need to use more force than you think is right. DO NOT TOUCH THE GREEN AND RED POINTERS!14. Start sterilization: Depress red ON/OFF push-button, and see this red push-button illuminatealong with the previously pressed exhaust cycle pushbutton, as well as the timer with the minute you set.15. Wait for sterilization:It will take at least 10 minutes for the chamber to come up totemperature, resulting in the “Sterilizing” LED to light, which signifies the beginning of the countdown timer. The chamber pressure will reach or even slightly overshoot 16 psi (for 121C/250F setpoint) much sooner than the temperature indicator (green pointer) reaches setpoint (red pointer).16. If temperature falls below setpoint: If temperature (green pointer) falls below the setpoint (redpointer) after the “Sterilizing” LED has lit and the time has started counting down, then sterilization has been interrupted and the timer will automatically reset to the originally entered time. When/if the temperature ever rises back up to the setpoint, the “Sterilizing” LED will turn on again and countdown will begin from the originally set time. …This kind of failure can be due to building power outages or blips, a stuck steam valve, low house steam pressure, and any number of other faults.17. End of cycle: If the temperature never falls below setpoint, then the timer will count down tozero, and the machine will switch to exhaust mode. When the chamber pressure reaches <1 psia buzzer alarm should go off (not working), and continue to buzz until the red ON/OFF push-button is un-pressed, which shuts the buzzer and shuts down the machine.18. Removing your load: Even after the buzzer sounds, the temperatures inside may be near orabove 100C/250F. It is recommended that the load continue to sit undisturbed for up to 10 minutes, either with the door remaining secured or with the door unsealed but still closed with the single-handle lever. When you open the door completely, stand well back to ensure you don’t get covered with steam or shattering glass ware and its liquid contents. Handle load gingerly to avoid too much agitation while everything is still very hot, to avoid shattering glassware.19. Check for debris:L ook at the chamber’s bottom as well as into the drain to ensure that nodebris has been created by your load. Remove any debris very carefully while wearing gloves and if possible using pliers or forceps or any other appropriate tool.20. Close autoclave door but do not tighten:Close the door to keep the chamber closed todebris or other contaminants that might enter the chamber, and to maintain a clear path past the autoclave.21. Reset Jacket Steam:If you have completed a Fluids exhaust cycle, and it is still morning,afternoon, or if it’s evening and you know there will be other users, then reset the jacket steam.Otherwise, leave it off for the night. The first user the next day will have a longer rise-time since so much heat energy will need to first go into heating the metal mass of the jacket and chamber walls.22. Log out: Make notations on the log sheet as to any problems (YES/NO) and any comments orconcerns. Do not hesitate to call/text either Victor or Kameron day or evening if there is any problem especially if it is safety related. When in doubt, post a sign on the door and make a note on the log sheet.。

菲仕乐高压锅使用说明Fissler vitavit Edition 菲仕乐味达维高压锅使用说明请把锅盖上的红点与锅体上的红点对齐,盖上锅盖,向左转动,听到锁扣的声音后锅就安全的盖上了。
菲仕乐最新款的vitavit edition高压锅配有“电子烹饪助手”---vitacontrol,不但可以设定烹饪时间,还可以根据锅内的温度变化,通过变换提示灯的颜色、发出不同的提示音,来提醒您锅内温度和压力的变化情况,是您贴心的烹饪助手。
“电子烹饪助手”---vitacontrol使用小贴士:1. 安装电池。
:关闭提示音2. 请把“烹饪助手”平行于高压锅压力阀,然后向前轻轻一推,听到锁扣的声音,说明牢固了。
3. “电子烹饪助手”的设置。

2.取出内锅,将食物和水放入内锅中,食物和水不得超过内锅高度的4/5;水中易膨胀食物不得超过内锅高度的3/5;食物和水不得少于内锅高度的1/5. *4L、5L、6L最大煮米量分别为8杯、10杯、12杯。
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Fissler blue-point压力锅使用说明书1.安全介绍●初始使用我们的压力锅前仔细阅读此介绍。
如果打开详见(详见章节8)2.压力锅的描述①. 安全手柄②. 生物学设计的划片,用于确定烹饪方法、释放气体、打开锅③. 欧标安全阀,位于锅盖方面前部④. 颜色标记位于锅柄、标在锅盖上⑤. 带有安全装置的随时关注的控制阀部件⑥. 指示器指示温度、速度,位于控制阀部件⑦. 阀的封印⑧. 硅膜,用于保护指示器⑨. Screw for removing the control value unit⑩. Rubber gasket⑪. Side handle,for safe handling⑫. Flame protection zone for handles,for cooking on gas stoves⑬. Base with integrated base stamp.Base for optimum heat absorption,distribution and storageThe super thermic base is suited for use on gas and electric stoves(solid burners or glass ceramic cooking surfaces)The fissler cookstar all-stove base can also be used on gas and electric stoves,as well as induction stoves.The base stamp contains the information below:See fig.Ba-nominal capacity(not equal to usable capacity)b-maximum permissible steam release pressure on the control valuec-date manufactured(calendar week/year)d-CE mark⑭. Steamer set,with the perforated inset and tripod stand.(pressure cookers are also available without steamer sets.steamer sets can be purchased separately in stores.)3.the blue-point pressure cooker safety systems●control valve unit:1.with the indicator rod with markings for the gentle setting and the speedsetting2.with pressure limitation function(if the speed setting is exceeded,thecontrol vale automatically shuts off,at a maximum of 1.5 bar.)●fissler euromatic:1.for automatic depressurizing of the a residual pressure block(when the safety slide is under pressure,itis blocked by the valve gate and the pressure cooker cannot be opened.the pressure can only be opened when it is completely pressureless.)3.with a safety function if the lid has been closed incorrectly(the valvedoes not seal the opening in the lid and thus does not permit pressure tobuild.)4.with a pressure limitation function(if there is a defect in the safety valvein the control valve unit,the Euromatic automatically expels steam.)●rubber gasket●safety slide in the lid handle(works with Euromatic) determine the cooking method(with or without pressure) reduce pressure by releasing unlock the lid before it is removed●lid with bayonet locking system:ensure secure closure under operating pressure ●safety handle for safe handling4.about the pressure cookerthe blue-point pressure cooker makes perfect cooking results can choose between cooking under pressure and conventional cooking without pressure.the marking on the lid handle makes this easy:for pressure cooking,after closing the cooker,you set the safety slide at the closed this position ,steam can build up.The cooking process begins automatically with the fissler euromatic,which expels the air from the pressure cooker.this means that the oxygen in the air,which can destroy important vitamins during cooking,cannot affect the vitamin content and aroma.The extra large indicator rod shows the cooking setting:at the gentle setting(1st ring),for vegetables and other delicate foods,the temperature is approximately 109·C(about 0.8 bar).at the speed setting(2nd ring),for stews or meat dishes,it is approximately 116·C(about 0.8 bar).if the operating pressure for the speeding setting in the pressure cooker is exceeded,steam is released automatically,at a maximum of 1.5 bar.If vegetables are cooked in the perforated inset in steam instead of in water,most of the water-soluble vitamins are preserved.For conventional cooking without pressure,after closing the cooker,set the safety slide at the open position the pressure cooker workssteam is formed in the closed cooker,which must always contain a certain amount of liquid.air is expelled through the fissler euromatic,which then closes automatically.The pressure in the cooker is built up,the temperature increases,and the indicator rod you have to turn down the burner.When the desired cooking setting has been reached,the actual cooking time begins.the indicator rod tells you how high the pressure is in the cooker at any given moment.After the cooking time has elapsed,the pressure cooker must be depressurized completely(see chaper 8).only then can it be opened.6.before using for the first timewash the cooker and the lid thoroughly with dishwashing liquid.then fill the cooker about halfway with water and boil at the speed setting(2nd ring),as described in these instructions.7.basic informationopening the cookersee fig.C●push the safety slide forward to the open position andsee fig.D●turn the lid in the opposite direction to that shown by the arrow,until thered dot on the pot handle and the circle on the lid are lined up.then lift the lid.Before cookingsee fig.Echeck to see that the valve gate in the control valve unit can move freely,by gently pushing it upward from the inside of the lid through the valve base seal with a suitable object.if it springs back easily,it will function properly.see fig.Fcheck to see that the indicator rod can move freely,by gently pushing it upward.if it springs back easily,it will function properly.。