



复仇者联盟中让人印象深刻的台词复仇者联盟中让人印象深刻的台词的多篇精编范文,供大家学习参考!01Captain America: Ein groer Mann in einer Rüstung. Lassen Sie sie weg, was sind Sie dann?“Iron Man: Genie, Milliardr, Playboy, Philanthrop。


”【die Rüstung, -en】军备,装备;盔甲例句:Ein winzig kleiner ziemlich dicker Ritter in einer winzig kleinen Rüstung die in der Sonne funkel te. 一个极小极小的胖骑士穿着极小极小的盔甲,在太阳下闪闪发光。

02Thor: Hüte deine Zunge! Loki mag irrsinnig sein, aber er ist aus Asgard und er ist mein Bruder.“Black Widow: Er hat 80 Menschen in 2 Tagen gettet.“Thor: Er wurde adoptiert。



“【die Zunge, -n】舌头例句:Er hat das Herz auf der Zunge. 他心直口快。

Das Geheimnis brennt mir auf der Zunge. 我直想把秘密说出来。

Hüte deine Zunge! 说话注意点!03Falcon: Klingt nach ‘nem heien Kampf. Schade, dass ich n icht dabei war.“Captain America: Htte ich gewusst, dass es ‘ne Schieerei gibt, htte ich natürlich angerufen.“Falcon: Nein, nein, wirklich bedauern tu ich’s nicht. Ich wollt‘ eigentlich nur’n coolen Spruch machen.“猎鹰:“听起来是一场激战。



复仇者联盟语录中英复仇者联盟语录中英整个宇宙归您The universe, yours.至于人类除了灰飞湮灭还能有下场?And the humans, what can they do but burn?所有人员注意All personnel,疏散命令已确认the evacuation order has been confirmed.联合暗能量任务西区飞马计划到底什么情况?How bad is it?问题就是我们也不知道That's the problem, sir. We don't know.塞尔维格博士观测到四小时前宇宙魔方能量爆发一次Dr.Selvig read an energy surge from the Tesseract four hours ago.NASA没准许塞尔维格进入测试阶段NASA didn't authorise Selvig to go to test phase.他没在测试他根本就不在实验室里He wasn't testing it. He wasn't even in the room.这是魔方自发行为Spontaneous event.魔方自行启动?It just turned itself on?现在它的能量等级呢?Where are the energy levels now?不断上升塞尔维格控制不了我们就下令疏散了Climbing. When Selvig couldn't shut it down, we orderedevac.全部撤离还要多久?How long to get everyone out?全部撤出基地还要半小时Campus should be clear in the next half-hour.再快点儿Do better.长官疏散人群怕是徒劳Sir, evacuation may be futile.那难道让他们坐这儿等?We should tell them to go back to sleep?如果我们无法控制宇宙魔方的能量If we can't control the Tesseract's energy,逃到天涯海角也躲不了there may not be a minimum safe distance.我要你确保I need you to make sure所有第二阶段的原型机撤离the Phase 2 prototypes are shipped out.长官当务之急在此吗?Sir, is that really a priority right now?不到地球毁灭那一刻Until such time as the world ends,我们都得做好本职工作we will act as though it intends to spin on.把技术部全部撤走Clear out the tech below.所有第二阶段研究的设备全都装车运走Every piece of Phase 2 on a truck and gone.是长官Yes, sir.跟我来With me.博士情况说说吧Talk to me, Doctor.指挥官Director.我们现在知道些什么?Is there anything we know for certain?宇宙魔方处于异常状态The Tesseract is misbehaving.会是虚惊一场吗? - 不看起来不妙- Is that supposed to be funny? - No, it's not funny at all.宇宙魔方不单单是活跃它在反应The Tesseract is not only active, she's behaving.你试过给它断电了吧I assume you pulled the plug.它是个能量源She's an energy source.我们试图切断它总会重启的We turn off the power, she turns it back on.如果能量饱和...If she reaches peak level...这不正是我们需要的吗博士掌握宇宙的.能量We prepared for this, Doctor. Harnessing energy from space.可我们还无法掌控But we don't have the harness.我的计算还远没有完成My calculations are far from complete.它还不断发射干扰波辐射And she's throwing off interference, radiation.没什么大碍低强度的伽玛射线Nothing harmful, low levels of gamma radiation.这可能就是大碍That can be harmful.特工巴顿在哪?Where's Agent Barton?鹰眼?The Hawk?跟平时一样窝自己巢里Up in his nest, as usual.呼叫特工巴顿Agent Barton, report.我把你带来I gave you this detail是为了让你凑近看个究竟so you could keep a close eye on things.远点我看得更清楚Well, I see better from a distance.那你有没有看到这东西怎么启动的?Have you seen anything that might set this thing off? 博士能量又开始攀升了Doctor, it's spiking again.没有人进出No one's come or gone.塞尔维格也没做过手脚And Selvig's clean.没有外部联系也没有即时通讯No contacts, no IMs.。



复仇者联盟美句摘抄英文一、英雄无畏,胜利无悔This is our story of courage. We are the Avengers, and wefight to protect our world with every ounce of our being. Victory is not a reward, but a just reward.二、团结就是力量Strength in numbers, unity is power. We are stronger together, and we will prevail.三、勇往直前,不畏困难With courage, we will break through any obstacle. Fear is the enemy of progress, and we will not be defeated.四、信任是战斗的基石In battle, trust is everything. Without trust, we are lost.But with trust, we can overcome anything.五、爱与牺牲并存In battle, there is no greater sacrifice than love. We will never forget those who have sacrificed for us, and we will never give up.以上是几个在复仇者联盟电影、电视剧中出现的一些具有代表性的美句,它们体现了复仇者们的精神风貌和价值观。

下面我们来摘抄一些具有代表性的复仇者联盟美句的英文版本:一、Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.二、Nothing worth having comes easy. You have to work for it.三、When you know better, you do better. You can always be better than you were the day before.四、The world needs heroes, and heroes don't come cheap. They pay the price every day, but it's a price they're willing to pay for the world they believe in.这些美句不仅体现了复仇者们坚韧不拔的精神,也体现了团队合作、勇往直前、信任和爱等重要的价值观。



复仇者联盟经典台词精选1. "I am Iron Man."- Tony Stark/Iron Man (Iron Man)2. "I can do this all day."- Steve Rogers/Captain America (Captain America: The First Avenger)3. "I recognize the council has made a decision, but given that it's a stupid-ass decision, I've elected to ignore it."- Nick Fury (The Avengers)4. "I'm always angry."- Bruce Banner/The Hulk (The Avengers)5. "I am Groot."- Groot (Guardians of the Galaxy)6. "Earth's mightiest heroes... pulled us apart like cotton candy." - Clint Barton/Hawkeye (Avengers: Age of Ultron)7. "I'm just a kid from Brooklyn."- Steve Rogers/Captain America (Captain America: The First Avenger)8. "I have nothing to prove to you."- Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel (Captain Marvel)9. "Dread it. Run from it. Destiny still arrives."- Thanos (Avengers: Infinity War)10. "I'm with you till the end of the line."- Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier (Captain America: The Winter Soldier)复仇者联盟是一部让全世界观众为之疯狂的系列电影。



复仇者联盟24经典名句摘抄1.“复仇者联盟,汇集一切!”——Tony Stark《复仇者联盟》2.“我们不是超级英雄,只是普通人最后的希望。

”——Steve Rogers《复仇者联盟》3.“我们必须站在一起,互不相抗,拯救世界。




”——Black Widow《复仇者联盟》7.“看着恐惧,我们一起变得更强大。


”——Nick Fury《复仇者联盟》9.“我们要带领世界实现光明的终结。

” ——Captain America《复仇者联盟》10.“你们必须站在一起,才能战胜危机。


” ——Scarlet Witch《复仇者联盟》12.“只有当我们团结一致,只有当我们听从命令,我们才能避免死亡。


” ——Ant-Man《复仇者联盟》15.“力量来自于团结,危机不会对你们有任何胜算。

”——War Machine《复仇者联盟》16.“使用我们共同的力量,我们可以保护世界!”——Spider-Man《复仇者联盟》17.“我们要去拯救世界,但我们也是要被拯救。

” ——Mantis 《复仇者联盟》18.“只有把危害消除,才能让这个世界安宁。






复仇者联盟名句大全英语复仇者联盟名句大全英语如下:1、Failure is the fog through which we glimpse triumph失败是迷雾,穿过它,我们就可以瞥见光明。

2、Soul,for soul.灵魂换灵魂。

3、To feel desperately that you're right,yet to fail nonetheless.即使你们如此绝望,最后还是失败了。

4、Fun isn't something one considers when balancing the universe. But this, does put a smile on my face.在平衡宇宙的过程中,乐趣并不是一件值得考虑的事情。


5、I ask you to what end. Dread it ,run from it. Destiny arrives all the same. And now it's here,or I should say……I am.结局是什么?恐惧,逃避……命运终会降临。


6、I assure you.Brother. The sun will shine on us again.我向你们保证,哥哥。


7、Stark,you are not the only one cursed by knowledge.斯塔克,你不是唯一被知识诅咒的人。

8、My only curse is you.我唯一诅咒的是你。

9、You ask it for a prize,and he refuses.Because you love nothing .No one.你问他要礼物时,他拒绝了。


10、You kill,you,torture. And you called mercy.你杀人,折磨人,你叫它怜悯。




2、这是人类没有道破的真理,自由的诱惑剥夺了你们生活中的快乐,你们渴望被奴役,你们疯狂地追求权势,追求地位,其实你们骨子里,充满了奴性,早晚…会屈从…你们的统治者3、Maybeyourarmyesandmaybeit'stoomuchforus,butit'sallonyou.Bec auseifwecan'tprotecttheEarthyoucanbedamnwellsurewe'llavenge it.或许你的军队会来,或许我们打不过,不过我们都会来找你。





8、DrBarnett,youcanintheelectroniccollisiondomainachievementno body,I'myourbiggestfan,especiallywhenyou'reangryturnedgreen monster!班纳博士,你在电子碰撞领域成就无人能及,我是你的头号粉丝,特别是你一生气变成绿色大怪物的时候!9、Withdrawalmaybeofnouse!Theyhavetogobacktosleep?撤离可能是没有用的!难道要他们回去睡大觉吗?10、那一群与众不同的人集合在一起,看看我们能成就什么,当人们需要我们时,我们可以打赢他们打不赢的仗。




复仇者联盟17经典名句摘抄1. “We have one shot, and it’s gonna work. Because I am Iron Man.” — Tony Stark/Iron Man2. “Avengers... assemble.” — Captain America3. “If we can't protect the Earth, you can be damn sure we'll avenge it.” — Tony Stark/Iron Man4. “You don’t have to do this alone.” — Black Widow5. “We don’t trade lives.” — Hawkeye6. “I understand if you don’t want to go. But I think you should.” — Steve Rogers/Captain America7. “The only measure of a hero is if they are willing to make the sacrifice.”— Thor8. “No amount of money ever bought a second of time.” —Tony Stark/Iron Man9. “It’s not about how much we lost, it’s about how much we have left.” —T’Challa/Black Panther10. “We’re in the endgame now.” —Thor11. “This is not the end, this is the beginning.” — SteveRogers/Captain America12. “No matter how small, no matter how few, we fight.” —Loki13. “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.” —Steve Rogers/Captain America14. “The measure of a hero is not how big they are, but how big they play.” —Steve Rogers/Captain America15. “Heroes are made by the path they choose, not the powers they are graced with.” —Iron Man16. “No matter what happens today, we must remain united. United we stand, divided we fal l.” —Captain America17. “This is the fight of our lives. Whatever it takes.” —Tony Stark/Iron Man作为复仇者联盟宇宙最受欢迎的电影,复仇者联盟17不但带给了观众最好的视听体验,也为大家带来了深刻的思想内涵。





我明白这种感觉,我的孩子I understand ,my child.比任何人都明白Better than anyone.今天,我失去的比你知道的还多Today,I lost more than you know.——灭霸《复仇者联盟3》结局是什么I ask you to what end.恐惧,逃避……Dread it ,runfrom it命运终会降临Desting arrives all the same.现在,他来了,或者我应该说命运And now it's here,or I should say……就是我I am.——灭霸《复仇者联盟3》灵魂换灵魂Soul,for soul.——灵魂之石守护者《复仇者联盟3》微笑面对死亡Smile,for even in death.——乌木喉《复仇者联盟3》宇宙审判了你The universe had judged you.你问他要礼物时,他拒绝了You ask it for a prize,and he refuses.因为你什么都不爱Because you love nothing .No one.——卡魔拉《复仇者联盟3》你弟弟和你说的最后一句话是什么?他看着我说,相信我哥哥,阳光会再次照耀我们那你和他说的最后一句话呢?我怎么有你这样的兄弟“这将会是瓦坎达的灭绝。


” ?你杀人,折磨人You kill,you,torture.你叫它怜悯And you called mercy.——卡魔拉《复仇者联盟3》斯塔克先生,我不想走,对不起——蜘蛛侠《复仇者联盟3》我知道失去亲人的感觉。



复仇者联盟14经典名句摘抄1. “There was an idea… to bring together a group of remarkable people, so when we needed them, they could fight the battles that we never could.”(有一个想法......聚集一群杰出的人,当我们需要他们时,他们可以为我们打不止的战斗。

)2. “Sometimes the best we can do is start over.”(有时候,我们能做的最好的事就是重新开始。

)3. “Some people move on. But not us. Not us.”(有些人继续前进。


)4. “Avengers, assemble!”(复仇者联盟,集合!)5. “Heroes are made by the path they choose, not the powers they are graced with.”(英雄是由他们选择的道路而不是赐予他们的力量而创造的。

)6. “If we can’t protect the world, you can be damn sure we’ll avenge it.”(如果我们不能保护这个世界,你可以确定地知道我们会为它报仇。

)7. “We have one advantage. Fury. He’s got red in his ledger and he doesn’t mind painting it redder.”(我们有一个优势。



)8. “The measure of a hero is not how much they keep but how much they give.”(衡量一个英雄的标准不是他们保留多少,而是他们给予多少。



复仇者联盟名⾔英语1.复仇者联盟台词原发布者:汉普森英语《复仇者联盟》中英⽂台词 “Ananthasnoquarrelwithaboot.”–Lokiremindsusthateffectiveleadersrecognizethingstheycancontrolvs.thingstheycannot. 要有⾃知之明:“靴⼦和蚂蚁没有⽠葛。


“Warisn'twonbysentiment.It'swonbysoldiers.”–AlCaponeoncesaid,“Youcangetfartherwithakindwordandagunthanakindwordalone.” 带上枪与玫瑰:“战争不能感情⽤事,是战⼠们的献⾎换来的。

”-阿尔·卡彭曾经说过,“你带着⼀把枪和⼀张嘴⽐你只带着⼀张嘴要⾛得远”“LookslikeEarthmightneedsomethingalittleold-fashioned.”–Whentryingtimescome,areturntothefundamentalsisoftenthebestcourseofaction. 回归传统:“看来地球可能需要⼀些传统的东西。


“Weneedaplanofattack.”–Rogers“Ihaveaplan–ATTACK!”respondsTonyStarkplayedbyRobertDowneyJr.Leadersarepeopleofactionandmakethingshappen. 要制定计划:“我们需要进攻计划。





1:01:31洛基一把博士带走As soon as Loki took the doctor,我们就把简•福斯特转移了we moved Jane Foster.特罗姆瑟有一个很好的天文台They've got an excellent observatory in Troms.昨天突然有人叫她去做顾问She was asked to consult there very suddenly yesterday. 可观的薪酬私人飞机非常偏僻Handsome fee, private plane, very remote.她会安全的She'll be safe.谢谢Thank you.洛基抓走艾瑞克•塞尔维格并不是意外It's no accident, Loki taking Erik Selvig.我怕他完事后会灭口I dread what he plans for him once he's done.艾瑞克是个好人Erik is a good man.他常谈起你He talks about you a lot.你改变了他的生活You changed his life.你改变了周围的一切You changed everything around here.可以说他们很好They were better as they were.我们假装在阿斯加德神域高人一等We pretend on Asgard that we're more advanced但是我们来到这儿的时候像比指鹬一样作战but we come here, battling like bilge snipe.像什么? - 俾施泰姆Like what? - Bilge snipe.你知道巨大有鳞的长着鹿角的怪物You know, huge, scaly, big antlers.地球上没有那些? - 没有吧- You don't have those? - I don't think so.好吧他们令人厌恶Well, they are repulsive.他们无恶不作毁灭一切And they trample everything in their path.我第一次来地球的时候洛基的愤怒也跟着我When I first came to Earth, Loki's rage followed me here,人类付出了代价and your people paid the price.现在又开始了And now, again.我年轻时英勇好战In my youth, I courted war.战争还没打响呢War hasn't started yet.你能逼洛基说出You think you could make Loki tell us宇宙魔方在哪儿吗?where the Tesseract is?我不知道洛基的思想难以捉摸I do not know. Loki's mind is far afield.他不仅渴望权力还想报复我It's not just power he craves, it's vengeance, upon me.任何磨难都不能让他低头There's no pain would prise his need from him.许多家伙遭受折磨后A lot of guys think that都不这么想了until the pain starts.你叫我做什么?What are you asking me to do?我想问你你准备做什么?I'm asking, what are you prepared to do?洛基是个囚犯Loki is a prisoner.那为什么我觉得他是这艘航母上Then why do I feel like he's the only person on this boat唯一想留下来的人呢?that wants to be here?还没有多少人可以偷偷接近我There's not many people who can sneak up on me.可你想到了我会来But you figured I'd come.来早了After.在弗瑞想方设法折磨我之后After whatever tortures Fury can concoct,你才会出现假情假意来安慰我you would appear as a friend, as a balm.我也会跟你合作的And I would cooperate.我想知道你对鹰眼侠做了什么I want to know what you've done to Agent Barton.我扩展了他的思想I would say I've expanded his mind.一旦你赢了And once you've won,一旦你称王了once you're king of the mountain,他的心智会怎样?what happens to his mind?这就是爱吗黑寡妇?Is this love, Agent Romanoff?小孩子才谈情说爱我欠他一个人情Love is for children. I owe him a debt.跟我说说Tell me.在我进神盾局之前... 我...Before I worked for S.H.I.E.L.D... I...嗯我之前已经小有名气Well, I made a name for myself.我会特定的技能组合I have a very specific skill set.我不在乎谁为此丧命I didn't care who I used it for, or on.我被神盾局的雷达跟踪了I got on S.H.I.E.L.D.'s radar in a bad way.鹰眼侠被派来杀我Agent Barton was sent to kill me.他放了我He made a different call.如果我放了他你会怎么做?And what will you do if I vow to spare him?我不会放你出去的Not let you out.我知道但我喜欢这样No, but I like this.你们的世界悬而未定你却在为了一个男人讨价还价Your world in the balance, and you bargain for one man.1:05:05Regimes fall every day.I tend not to weep over that. I'm Russian.Or I was.And what are you now?It's really not that complicated.I got red in my ledger, I'd like to wipe it out.Can you?Can you wipe out that much red?Dreykov's daughter,St Paulo,the hospital fire?Barton told me everything.Your ledger is dripping. It's gushing redand you think saving a man no more virtuous than yourself will change anything?This is the basest sentimentality.This is a child at prayer.Pathetic!You lie and killin the service of liars and killers.You pretend to be separate, to have your own code, something that makes up for the horrors.But they are part of you.And they will never go awayI won't touch barton, not until I make him kill you. Slowly, intimately,in every way he knows you fear.And then he'll wake just long enough to see his good work and when he screams, I'll split his skull.This is my bargain, you mewling quim.You're a monster.实用文档Oh, no.You brought the monster.So, Banner.That's your play.What?Loki means to unleash the Hulk.Keep Banner in the lab. I'm on my way Send Thor as well.Thank youfor your cooperation.文案大全。

复仇者联盟里的名句英文 -回复

复仇者联盟里的名句英文 -回复

复仇者联盟里的名句英文-回复1. "I am Iron Man." (Tony Stark/Iron Man)2. "I can do this all day." (Steve Rogers/Captain America)3. "I'm always angry." (Bruce Banner/Hulk)4. "I'm only alive because Fate wants me that way." (Thor)5. "I'm always picking up after you boys." (Black Widow)6. "I understood that reference." (Captain America)7. "I have nothing to prove to you." (Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel)8. "It's not about how much we lost, it's about how much we have left." (Tony Stark/Iron Man)9. "I can do the job, I just can't do it if I have to handle the bureaucracy." (Peter Parker/Spider-Man)10. "Puny god." (Thor)11. "We have a Hulk." (Tony Stark/Iron Man)12. "I have nothing to lose. I'm not afraid of you." (Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow)13. "Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist." (Tony Stark/Iron Man)14. "I can do anything. I’m unstoppable. I can crush any man in my path." (Drax the Destroyer)15. "Whatever it takes." (Multiple characters)16. "Thanos will have nothing but dust and blood!" (T'Challa/BlackPanther)17. "I'm Mary Poppins, y'all!" (Yondu)18. "We're in the endgame now." (Doctor Strange)19. "I am Groot." (Groot)20. "I can do the same trick, but better." (Loki)。



《复仇者联盟》剧本中英对照:探索英语学习的全新途径一、剧情简介二、剧本片段中英对照1. 钢铁侠(Tony Stark)台词:中文:我是钢铁侠,有话直说,别藏着掖着。

English: I'm Iron Man. Speak directly, don't beat around the bush.2. 美国队长(Captain America)台词:中文:我们必须团结一致,才能战胜敌人。

English: We must stand united if we are to defeat the enemy.3. 雷神(Thor)台词:中文:为了阿斯加德,为了地球,战斗吧!English: For Asgard, for Earth, fight!4. 黑寡妇(Black Widow)台词:中文:我从不逃避战斗,因为我知道,逃避不能解决问题。

English: I never run from a fight, because I know that running won't solve anything.5. 绿巨人(Hulk)台词:中文:浩克砸!English: Hulk smash!三、英语学习要点提炼1. 学会表达直接观点:如钢铁侠的台词“有话直说,别藏着掖着”,我们可以学习如何用英语表达直接观点。

2. 团结协作的表达:美国队长的台词“我们必须团结一致,才能战胜敌人”,让我们学会如何在英语中表达团结协作的重要性。

3. 英雄气概的展现:雷神的台词“为了阿斯加德,为了地球,战斗吧!”展现了英雄的勇敢与担当,我们可以从中学习如何在英语中表达豪情壮志。

4. 坚定信念的表达:黑寡妇的台词“我从不逃避战斗,因为我知道,逃避不能解决问题”,让我们学会如何在英语中表达坚定的信念。

5. 简洁有力的表达:绿巨人的台词“浩克砸!”虽然简短,但充满力量,我们可以学习如何在英语中运用简洁有力的表达。



复仇者联盟里的名句英文1、Everybody wants a happy ending,But it doesn't always roll that way.每个人都渴望美好的结局,但现实总是不尽人意。

——铁人2、I love you three thousand.我爱你三千遍。

——铁人&铁人闺女3、I am Iron man.我就是钢铁侠。

——铁人4、I am inevitable.我就是天命。

——灭霸5、Avengers,Assemble!复仇者们,集合!——美队6、Whatever it takes.不惜一切代价!——寡姐7、Part of the journey is the end.死亡也是人生经历的一部分。

——铁人8、When I drift off, I will dream about you. It’s always you.在我离开之际,我会在梦中见到你。


——铁人9、I keep telling everybody they should move on. Some do, but not us.我一直告诉大家应该向前走,有些人做得到,但我们决不。

——美队10、We lost. All of us. We lost friends. We lost family. We lost a part of ourselves. This is the fight of our lives.所有人都损失惨重,我们失去了朋友,失去了家人,也感到十分迷茫,这是我们的存亡之战。

——美队11、Natasha Romanoff: Even if there's a... small chance, we owe this to everyone who's not in this room to try.无论希望多么渺茫,为了逝去的战友,我们都要竭尽全力。




















复仇者联盟4英语经典句子1. "Whatever it takes." - Captain America2. "I love you 3000." - Tony Stark3. "I am Iron Man." - Tony Stark4. "I can do this all day." - Captain America5. "I'm always angry." - Bruce Banner6. "I can't control their fear, only my own." - Scarlet Witch7. "I'm just a kid from Brooklyn." - Captain America8. "I'm with you till the end of the line." - Bucky Barnes9. "I'm not a hero. I'm a high-functioning sociopath." - Tony Stark10. "I'm Groot." - Groot11. "I can't save the world alone." - Batman12. "I'm not a hero. I'm a high-functioning sociopath." - Tony Stark13. "I'm always angry." - Bruce Banner14. "I can't control their fear, only my own." - Scarlet Witch15. "I'm just a kid from Brooklyn." - Captain America16. "I'm with you till the end of the line." - Bucky Barnes17. "I'm not a hero. I'm a high-functioning sociopath." - Tony Stark18. "I'm Groot." - Groot19. "I can't save the world alone." - Batman20. "I'm not a hero. I'm a high-functioning sociopath." - Tony Stark21. "I'm always angry." - Bruce Banner22. "I can't control their fear, only my own." - Scarlet Witch23. "I'm just a kid from Brooklyn." - Captain America24. "I'm with you till the end of the line." - Bucky Barnes25. "I'm not a hero. I'm a high-functioning sociopath." - Tony Stark26. "I'm Groot." - Groot27. "I can't save the world alone." - Batman28. "I'm not a hero. I'm a high-functioning sociopath." - Tony Stark。



《复仇者联盟》中英文台词“An ant has no quarrel with a boot.” – Loki reminds us that effective leaders recognize things they can control vs. things they cannot.要有自知之明:“靴子和蚂蚁没有瓜葛。

”(蚂蚁暗指人类,靴子指天神,说的是人类的渺小) - 洛基提醒我们,有效力的领导者能认识到自己的可控因素和不可控因素。

“War isn’t won by sentiment. It’s won by soldiers.” –Al Capone once said, “You can get farther with a kind word and a gun than a kind word alone.”带上枪与玫瑰:“战争不能感情用事,是战士们的献血换来的。

”- 阿尔·卡彭曾经说过,“ 你带着一把枪和一张嘴比你只带着一张嘴要走得远”“Looks like Earth might need something a little old-fashioned.” – When trying times come, a return to the fundamentals is often the best course of action.回归传统:“看来地球可能需要一些传统的东西。

” - 在艰难时期来临时,回归到根本往往是最佳行动方案。

“We need a plan of attack.” –Rogers “I have a plan –ATTACK!” responds Tony Stark played by Robert Downey Jr. Leaders are people of action and make things happen.要制定计划:“我们需要进攻计划。

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“An ant has no quarrel with a boot.” – Loki reminds us that effective leaders recognize things they can control vs. things they cannot.

”(蚂蚁暗指人类,靴子指天神,说的是人类的渺小) - 洛基提醒我们,有效力的领导者能认识到自己的可控因素和不可控因素。

“War isn’t won by sentiment. It’s won by soldiers.” –Al Capone once said, “You can get farther with a kind word and a gun than a kind word alone.”

”- 阿尔·卡彭曾经说过,“ 你带着一把枪和一张嘴比你只带着一张嘴要走得远”
“Looks like Earth might need something a little old-fashioned.” – When trying times come, a return to the fundamentals is often the best course of action.

” - 在艰难时期来临时,回归到根本往往是最佳行动方案。

“We need a plan of attack.” –Rogers “I have a plan –ATTACK!” responds Tony Stark played by Robert Downey Jr. Leaders are people of action and make things happen.

” - 罗杰斯“我有一个计划- 进攻!”回应了小罗伯特·唐尼扮演的托尼·斯塔克。


“We’re (not) a team…We’re a time bomb.” – Leaders understand that chemistry is just as important as competence.

” - 领导人明白,人与人之间的化学反应和个人能力都很重要。

“You people are so petty…and tiny.” – Thor, played by Chris Hemsworth, reminds leaders that they are rendered small when they act petty.

” - 克里斯斯沃思扮演雷神,提醒领导要清楚自己的能力有限。

Skill To Task –Because of his military background, Captain America handles all logistics and assignments when the climatic battle with alien forces takes place in New York City. When operating in a team environment, always assign tasks based upon skill.
按个人技能分配工作任务- 因美国队长有军事背景,所以在纽约与外星人打气候战时委以处理一切后勤任务。


The Value Of A Team – No single Avenger could have stopped Loki and his army. However, collectively they were able to achieve their objective.
团队价值- 势单力孤的复仇者可能无法阻止洛基和他的军队,不过,在集体的力量下还是实现了自己的目标。

Humor – Near the end of the movie, The Hulk twice did something absolutely hysterical. There are very few things leaders can do to endear themselves to others more than use humor。

领导者要有幽默感- 影片接近结尾处,绿巨人两次歇斯底里发了飙。


Leadership Is Earned –People follow accomplishment. The NYPD did not want to follow Captain America’s instructions until he easily dismantled four aliens. Then they quickly carried out his plans.


Opportunities Are Often Disguised As Problems –The use of a nuclear bomb by Iron Man, which had the potential for massive damage, was used for good. Great leaders see great opportunity where others see a lack of options.
机会往往伪装成麻烦呈现在你面前- 钢铁侠利用具有大规模破坏的威力的核弹是出于好的目的。

