商务报告模版INTRODUCTION首句●The purpose of this report is to ……●The objective of this report is to ……●The aim of this report is to ……●This report aims to ……●Mr. X has asked me to report to investigate / evaluate / study / recommend / analyze /give feedback / estimate / assess 重复题目●As requested by 某人/某部门, I am submitting the following report about 重复题目中的目的。
●Upon request of 某人/某部门,●As you或者某人,某部门requested on November 12, I am submitting the followingreport on 重复题目●Here is the report concerning 重复题目要求●W e have done a survey showing that 重复题目要求,或者直接开始阐述数据或者信息。
FINDINGS首句●According to the recent market research / investigation / survey / the chart above / thetable above / undertaken, …… ,●The recent visit/investigation/survey showed that ……●The table/chart above tells us that ……●From the chart shown, we find/learn/notice that ……●The table/chart above is showing that……CONCLUSION首句●According to the findings above, it can be concluded that ……●Fr om the table shown, it can be concluded that……●Therefore,it can be concluded that ……RECOMMENDATION首句●The following are the recommendations ……●It is recommended that ……●Based on the conclusion / analysis above, we recommend that / it can concludedthat ……●With reference to the advantages stated above, the f ollowing recommendations can bemade…●With reference to the facts above, the following recommendations can be made…●On the basis of the analysis, it is reasonable to have the following recommendations:图标描述中的语言上升●to increase / an increase●to go up●to grow / a growth●to jump / a jump●to leap / a leap●to reach a peak / a peak●to soar / a soar●to rise / a rise●to upsurge / an upsurge●to upswing / an upswing下降●to collapse / a collapse●to decline / a decline●to drop / a drop●to decrease / a dec rease●to fall / a fall●to go down●to reach a low point / a low point ●to reduce / a reduction升降程度较大● a great deal /big/a lot●apparent / apparently●clear / clearly●considerable / considerably●important / importantly●dramatic / dramatically●great /greatly●much●obvious / obviously●quick / quickly●rapid / rapidly●remarkable / remarkably●sharp /sharply●significant / significantly ●strong / strongly●sudden / suddenly升降程度较小● a bit● a little●fractional / fractionally ●gentle / gently●gradual / gradually●hardly●little●slight / slightly●slow / slowly●small●steady / steadily平稳状态●to be hardly changed●to have little change●to keep steady●to level off●to remain constant●to remain unchanged 不平稳状态●Fluctuate/fluctuation ●Undulate/undulat ory ●ReboundCheck the report for:●Completeness.●Accuracy.●Layout.●Spelling.●Numbering of sections.●Illustrations.。
Writing a Report: A Detailed and Specific GuideCrafting a report is an essential skill in various academic and professional settings. It involves a meticulous process of gathering information, analyzing data, and presenting findings in a structured and coherent manner. This guide aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the steps involved in writing a high-quality report, emphasizing the use of professional terms and sentence structures to ensure a rigorous and professional output.The first step in writing a report is to define the purpose and scope of the report. This involves a clear understanding of the objectives of the report, the audience it is intended for, and the specific issues or questions it will address. For instance, if you are writing a report on the market trends of a particular industry, your purpose might be to analyze recent developments, identify key drivers and constraints, and provide recommendations for future strategies. Defining the scope ensures that your report remains focused and relevant to the intended audience.Once the purpose and scope are established, the next step is to conduct a thorough research. This involves collecting relevant information from various sources, such as academicjournals, industry reports, and government documents. It is crucial to ensure that the information collected is reliable, accurate, and up-to-date. During this stage, it is also important to note down any significant findings or quotes that could be used to support your arguments or analysis in the report.After collecting the necessary information, the next step is to organize and structure the report. A typical report follows a standard outline, which includes an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. The introduction should provide a brief overview of the topic, outline the purpose and scope of the report, and state the main arguments or findings. The body of the report should present the detailed analysis and discussion of the topic, with each section focusing on a specific aspect or sub-topic. The conclusion should summarize the main points, highlight key findings, and provide any recommendations or suggestions based on the analysis.Within each section of the report, it is important to use professional terms and sentence structures to ensure clarity and precision. For instance, when discussing market trends, you might use terms like "growth rate," "market share," and "competitive landscape" to describe the overall performance of the industry. Similarly, when analyzing data, you could employstatistical terms such as "correlation," "regression analysis," and "trend lines" to demonstrate patterns or relationships within the data.Another key aspect of writing a report is to ensure that it is well-written and easy to read. This means using clear and concise language, avoiding jargon or technical terms that might be unfamiliar to the audience, and using appropriate headings and subheadings to break up the text and make it easier to navigate. Additionally, it is important to proofread and edit the report thoroughly to eliminate any grammar or spelling errors that might detract from its professionalism.Finally, it is essential to present your report in a professional format. This involves using appropriate fonts, headings, and margins, as well as ensuring that all tables, charts, and images are clearly labeled and easy to understand. If your report requires citations or references, it is important to follow the appropriate citation style (e.g., APA, MLA) to ensure accuracy and consistency.In conclusion, writing a report is a complex process that requires careful planning, thorough research, and meticulous attention to detail. By following the steps outlined in this guide and employing professional terms and sentence structures, youcan produce a high-quality report that is both informative and engaging for your audience. With practice and experience, you will become more proficient in this skill and be able to produce increasingly impressive reports that demonstrate your knowledge and analytical abilities.。
英文报告写作指导(3000字)HowTo Wi te A ReportReports consi st of t he fol I ow ng el en®nts:1Execut i ve SunoryThe executi ve sumrary shoul d i ncl ude a sunmary of al I of the key poi nts, the i dea i s that an executi ve can read t he sunmairy and i f i t appears I ogi cal and i nl i ne w t h expect at i ons the recorwndati ons can be fol I ov\ed wthout the need to readfurther. Thi s i s i nfact the n©st i nportant part of the report and shoul d be wi tten I ast. The executi ve sunmary shoul d i ncl ude a sunory of al I parts of the report i ncl udi ng recorwndati ons.Wi ti ng Oder: Wi tten after the rest of the report (But before the contents page) Enaii I Ti p: If you are sendi ng the report vi a enai I, i ncl ude the executi ve sunmairy i n the nai n part of your Enai I, so t hat a busy execut i ve doesn7 t have to read an attachnent to read the nai n poi nts.2Cont ent sThe Cont ent s of the report shoul d be consi st ent I y I ai d out throughout the report and you shoul d i ncl ude bot h page nunbers and title nuntoers. I n t hi s exanpl e vve I ook at the transport requi ren®nts for sal es peopl e:3I nt roduct i on / Terns Of ReferenceThe i ntroducti on shoul d say v\hy the report i s bei ng wi tten. Reports are near I y al v\ays wi tten to sol ve a busi ness probl em Reports nay be connriissi oned because there i s a cri si s or they nay be routi ne. Near I y al I reports i n son® v\ay ansvver the age- ol d busi ness problem how can v\e i ncrease prof i ts?Wi ti ng Oder: Often wi tten f i rst, but nay be ref i ned at anyti n®. (I n Busi ness studi es courses thi s coul d be done I at er, because the exact busi ness probl em nay not be gi ven by the I ecturer.)4Fi ndi ngs / 洛i n BodySon®ti n®s reports don z t say Fi ndi ngs, but i t i s nornal I y assunrod that the nai n part of your report w 11 be the i nfornati on you have found.Thi s i nf ornait i on i s not al v\ays read by execut i ves, but t hat doesn7 t n®an i t i sn z t i nportant, because w t hout thorough research and anal ysi s t he aut hor w 11 not be a bl e to con® to effect i ve cone I usi ons and create recoimrondati ons. Al so i f anythi ng i n the executi ve sunmary surprises the executive, t hen t hey w 11 turn di recti y to the rel evant part of the recorwndati ons.Wi ti ng Oder: Thi s i s nornail I y wi tten after t he 1st draft of t he i ntroducti on. 5 Cone I usi onsThe cone I usi ons shoul d sunmari ze t he Fi ndi ngs secti on, do not i ncl ude di agrans or graphs i n t hi s area. Thi s area shoul d be short, cl earl y fol I owthe order of the fi ndi ngs and I ead natural I y i nto the recoimrondati ons.You shoul d never i ncl ude new i nf ornat i on i n t he cone I usi ons!Wi ti ng Oder: Wi tten after the Fi ndi ngs6 Reconmendati onsAl I reports shoul d i ncl ude reconmendati ons or at I east suggest! ons. It i s i nportant to nake sure that t here i s at I east an i ndi cat or of Wiat the Ret ur n on I nvest n®nt v\oul d be. It i s al 帕ys best i f t hi s can be di recti y I i nked, but nay not al v\ays be possi bl e.洛ke sure t hat your reconnrandati ons cl earl y fol IowWiat i s sai d i n t he cone I usi ons Ti p: i f you don z t have any i deas suggest a brai nstornii ng neeting and i nvi t e t he rel evant peopl e.W i t i ng Oder: After the Cone I usi ons荐毕业实习报告写作指导荐整改报告格式荐财务报告格式荐分析报告格式荐论文开题报告格式。
1. 理解题目要求:首先,你需要仔细阅读题目,确保理解了所有要求。
2. 确定结构:一个好的report应该有一个清晰的结构,包括引言、主体(可能包括方法和结果)、结论和可能的建议。
3. 编写引言:在引言中,简要介绍研究主题、研究目的和研究的重要性。
4. 方法和结果:这是report的主体部分,需要详细介绍所采用的方法,以
5. 讨论和结论:在这部分,你需要分析结果,解释其含义,并基于这些结果得出结论。
6. 使用学术语言:避免使用主观语言和情绪化表达,保持客观和专业的语言风格。
7. 引用和引用格式:确保你所有的观点、数据和信息都来自可靠的来源。
8. 校对和编辑:完成初稿后,一定要仔细检查和编辑你的报告。
9. 图表和可视化:如果可能的话,使用图表或图片来可视化数据或概念。
10. 反馈和修订:如果可能的话,让一个同学或老师阅读你的报告,并获取反馈。
英语报告怎么写Writing an English report can be a challenging task, but with the right approach, it can also be a rewarding experience. In this document, we will discuss the key steps and considerations for writing an effective English report.1. Understand the Purpose and Audience。
Before you start writing your English report, it is important to understand the purpose of the report and the audience it is intended for. Consider what information the reader needs to know, and what action or decision the report should lead to. This will help you tailor your language and content to the specific needs of your audience.2. Research and Gather Information。
Once you have a clear understanding of the purpose and audience, it's time to gather the necessary information for your report. This may involve conducting research, collecting data, and organizing your findings in a logical and coherent manner. Make sure to use credible sources and to properly cite any references used in your report.3. Structure Your Report。
英语report作文结构Sure, I can help you with that. Here's a structured outline for writing a report in English:1. Title Page:Title of the report。
Your name。
Date of submission。
Any other relevant information like the course name or instructor's name。
2. Abstract:A brief summary of the report's purpose, methods, findings, and conclusions.Typically, this should be around 150-250 words.3. Introduction:Provide background information on the topic of your report.Clearly state the purpose and objectives of the report.Highlight the significance of the topic and its relevance.4. Literature Review:Review existing literature related to your topic.Summarize key theories, concepts, and findings from previous studies.Identify any gaps or controversies in the literature that your report aims to address.5. Methodology:Describe the methods you used to collect data or information for your report.Explain why you chose these methods and how they were implemented.Include details about participants, materials, procedures, and data analysis techniques.6. Findings:Present the results of your research or investigation.Use tables, charts, graphs, or other visual aids to illustrate your findings.Organize the findings logically and discuss them in relation to your research questions or objectives.7. Discussion:Interpret and analyze the findings in the context of your research objectives.Discuss any patterns, trends, or relationships observed in the data.Compare your findings with previous research and explain any discrepancies.Address the implications of your findings and their significance for the field.8. Conclusion:Summarize the main findings of the report.Restate the significance of the topic and its implications.Suggest any recommendations for future research or practical applications.9. References:Provide a list of all the sources cited in your report.Follow a consistent citation style (e.g., APA, MLA) and include all necessary bibliographic information.10. Appendices (if necessary):Include any additional materials or informationthat supports your report but is too detailed or lengthy to include in the main text.This could include raw data, survey instruments, interview transcripts, etc.Remember to maintain a formal tone throughout thereport, use clear and concise language, and ensure that your writing is well-organized and coherent.。
- 1 -。
How To Write A ReportReports consist of the following elements:1 Executive SummaryThe executive summary should include a summary of all of the key points, the idea is that an executive can read the summary and if it appears logical and inline with expectations the recommendations can be followed without the need to read further. This is in fact the most important part of the report and should be written last. The executive summary should include a summary of all parts of thereport including recommendations.Writing Order: Written after the rest of the report (But before the contents page)Email Tip: If you are sending the report via email, include the executive summary in the main part of your Email, so that a busy executive doesn’t have to read an attachment to read the main points.2 ContentsThe Contents of the report should be consistently laid out throughout the report and you should include both page numbers and title numbers. In this example we look at the transport requirements for sales people:3 Introduction / Terms Of ReferenceThe introduction should say why the report is being written. Reports are nearly always written to solve a business problem. Reports maybe commissioned because there is a crisis or they maybe routine. Nearly all reports in some way answer the age-old business problem, how can we increase profits?Writing Order: Often written first, but maybe refined at anytime. (In Business studies courses this could be done later, because the exact business problem may not be given by the lecturer.)4 Findings / Main BodySometimes reports don’t say Findings, but it is normally assumed that the main part of your report will be the information you have found.This information is not always read by executives, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t important, because without thorough research and analysis the author will not be able to come to effective conclusions and create recommendations. Also if anything in the executive summary surprises the executive, then they will turn directly to the relevant part of the recommendations.Writing Order: This is normally written after the 1st draft of the introduction.5 ConclusionsThe conclusions should summarize the Findings section, do not include diagrams or graphs in this area. This area should be short, clearly follow the order of the findings and lead naturally into the recommendations.You should never include new information in the conclusions!Writing Order: Written after the Findings6 RecommendationsAll reports should include recommendations or at least suggestions. It is important to make sure that there is at least an indicator of what the Return on Investment would be. It is always best if this can be directly linked, but may not always be possible.Make sure that your recommendations clearly follow what is said in the conclusionsTip: if you don’t have any ideas suggest a brainstorming meeting and invite the relevant people.Writing Order: After the Conclusions。
1. 首先,选择一个明确的主题。
2. 在开始写报告之前,进行充分的研究。
3. 结构化你的报告。
4. 注意语法和拼写。
5. 使用适当的术语和格式。
6. 使用恰当的句式和连词。
7. 确保你的报告逻辑清晰。
8. 注意段落结构。
9. 不要忽视细节。
10. 最后,在完成报告之后,花一些时间进行审查和编辑。
1. 标题Report的标题应该精简明了,用尽量少的字汇概括报告内容。
例如:Progress Report on Advertising Campaign2. 报告人姓名和单位在标题下方应该写上报告人的姓名和所在单位,这表明你的信息来源和资格。
例如:Submitted by:John SmithABC Advertising Co.3. 日期加上日期可证明这是一份最新的报告,也方便读者知道报告的时效性。
例如:Date:October 1, 20224. 目录如果报告较长,可以加上目录,方便读者查看和导航。
例如:Table of ContentsIntroduction (2)Key Findings (5)Recommendations (10)Conclusion (12)5. 摘要摘要是对整个报告的简介,包括问题背景、目的、方法、主要发现和结论等。
例如:This report outlines the findings and recommendationsfor the advertising campaign's progress. The report analyzes the effectiveness of the campaign and provides recommendations for adjustments in order to reach our target audience more successfully.6. 正文正文应包括问题的背景、目的、方法、主要研究结果和结论等。
比如 people don not-定不能写成 people don't每个小节都必须有TOPIC SENTENCE,SUPPORT SENTENSE,SUMMARY。
具体格式如下:1. 封面:封面要求纸张干净,字迹清楚,无划痕和折痕。
2. 定制介绍:定制介绍主要包括研究问题的来源和意义、研究方法、研究目的和研究过程。
3. 正文:正文分为三个部分:引言、主要内容和结论。
1. 学术性要求:四级report的学术性要求体现在三个层面。
2. 规范性要求:四级report撰写上还需要符合一定的规范性要求。
1. 研究题目的选择:题目应该能够吸引读者,同时能够体现研究的实际意义。
2. 研究方法的选择:选择合适的方法对研究的结果具有重要的影响。
一、Report格式之一——文字格式1、字体:Times New Roman, 字号:小四,行距:1.5倍。
第一:标题页:包括标题和executive summary(总结)。
在Executive summary中是对文章的摘要,它是对整篇report的总结,主要写你的研究内容,研究对象,研究目的,研究意义等等。
三、Report格式之三——重中之重的主体部分的写作要求:Abstract (序)Abstract的目的就是让读者知道你的在你的文章里写了些什么。
1-2段字数为文章的的10-15%,例如,一篇文章2000字,那么abstract 一般写200-300字,除非特殊要求。
report怎么写作文天气预报weather forecast1开头语·Welcome to listen to the weatherforecast for tomorrow/the following week.·Here's the weather forecast/report for…2. 结束语:That's all for today. Thanks forwatching/ listening to today'sweather forecast.常用句子:•Here is the weather forecast for…•Here is some cities'weather for…•This is a weather report for the city of…•Let's look at the weather in…Province for the next 24 hours.•It will be rainy, snowy, sunny, windy…•There will be rain, snow, a storm…•It will rain, snow…•The temperature will be…to …•The highest / lowest temperature will be …•It will stay hot the whole week.•The temperature will drop by 5-8. 适当增加一些话来增加文章色彩:It's perfect for a walk/a picnic.You'd better put on more clothes.Don't forget to take your umbrellawith you when you go out这是我中考时英语老师总结的,,,希望对你有用!!!选我的好么!报告文A specific problem AAA, suggest possible solutions (A,B,。
如何写英文作文reportHow to Write an English Report。
Writing a report in English can be a challenging task, especially if you are not familiar with the language. However, with some guidance and practice, you can learn to write an effective report that will impress your readers. In this article, we will provide you with some tips on how to write an English report.1. Understand the Purpose of the Report。
Before you start writing your report, it is important to understand its purpose. A report is a document that presents information in a structured format, usually with the aim of informing or persuading its readers. The purpose of your report will depend on the context and the audience. For example, you may be writing a report to:Inform your boss about the progress of a project。
Analyze the results of a survey。
Evaluate the performance of a product。
五、如何提高商务英语报告的可读 性
为报告提供小标题; 使用小段落,尽量做到每个小话题都用一
个段落来阐述; 段落与段落之间空一行; 提供段落的小标题; 使用列举符号罗列具体信息; 使用星号或下划线强调重点内容。
Example Report
Title “Report on Improving the Training Methods of HDC” “Report on the Proposed Incentive Scheme” “Report on the Adoption of Flex-time Working Systems” Introduction The report examines/explains… The purpose of this report is to… investigate/evaluate/study… The objective of this report is to… recommend/analyze/give… The aim of this report is to… feedback/estimate/asses… Enclosed is a report about… Methodology/Proceedings A sample of workers was individually asked for their opnions. A questionnaire was completed by those who were surveyed in this project. The information was mainly achieved with a number of telephone calls to
英文作文report格式英文:Report Format。
When it comes to writing a report, there are certain guidelines that need to be followed in order to ensure that the report is well-structured and easily understandable. In this report, I will be discussing the format that should be used when writing a report.Firstly, it is important to have a clear and concise title that accurately reflects the content of the report. This title should be placed at the top of the report and should be in bold and/or underlined to make it stand out.Next, the report should have an introduction that provides background information on the topic being discussed. This introduction should be brief and to the point, and should include a thesis statement that outlinesthe main points that will be discussed in the report.Following the introduction, the body of the report should be divided into sections or chapters, each of which should focus on a specific aspect of the topic being discussed. These sections should be clearly labeled and should be organized in a logical and coherent manner.Within each section, it is important to include supporting evidence and examples to back up any claims or arguments that are being made. This evidence should be properly cited using the appropriate referencing style.Finally, the report should have a conclusion that summarizes the main points that have been discussed in the report. This conclusion should be brief and should not introduce any new information that has not already been discussed in the body of the report.中文:报告格式。
英文报道写作指导 Reporting
• 世界上的一队小小的漂泊者呀,请留下你 世界上的一队小小的漂泊者呀, 们的足印在我的文字里。 们的足印在我的文字里。 A troupe of little vagrants of the world, leave your footprints in my words.
• 是大地的泪点,使她的微笑保持着青 是大地的泪点, 春不谢。 春不谢。 It is the tears of the earth that keep here smiles in bloom.
• 她的热切的脸,如夜雨似的,搅扰 她的热切的脸,如夜雨似的, 着我的梦魂。 着我的梦魂。 Her wishful face haunts my dreams like the rain at night.
• 忧思在我的心里平静下去,正如暮 忧思在我的心里平静下去, 色降临在寂静的山林中。 色降临在寂静的山林中。 Sorrow is hushed into peace in my heart like the evening among the silent trees.
• •
Australian Teachers Ten people from Australia will soon arrive in Tianjin, Melbourne's sister city, for an English training program for the city's middle school teachers. The Australian guests will spend six weeks working with Tianjin Experiment Middle School teachers to help increase their English Language proficiency. The program is sponsored by some Australian companies.
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
●The purpose of this report is to ……
●The objective of this report is to ……
●The aim of this report is to ……
●This report aims to ……
●Mr. X has asked me to report to investigate / evaluate / study / recommend / analyze /
give feedback / estimate / assess 重复题目
●As requested by 某人/某部门, I am submitting the following report about 重复题目中
●Upon request of 某人/某部门,
●As you或者某人,某部门requested on November 12, I am submitting the following
report on 重复题目
●Here is the report concerning 重复题目要求
●We have done a survey showing that 重复题目要求,或者直接开始阐述数据或者信息。
●According to the recent market research / investigation / survey / the chart above / the
table above / undertaken, …… ,
●The recent visit/investigation/survey showed that ……
●The table/chart above tells us that ……
●From the chart shown, we find/learn/notice that ……
●The table/chart above is showing that……
●According to the findings above, it can be concluded that ……
●Fr om the table shown, it can be concluded that……
●Therefore, it can be concluded that ……
●The following are the recommendations ……
●It is recommended that ……
●Based on the conclusion / analysis above, we recommend that / it can concluded
that ……
●With reference to the advantages stated above, the following recommendations can be
●With reference to the facts above, the following recommendations can be made…
●On the basis of the analysis, it is reasonable to have the following recommendations:
●to increase / an increase
●to go up
●to grow / a growth
●to jump / a jump
●to leap / a leap
●to reach a peak / a peak
●to soar / a soar
●to rise / a rise
●to upsurge / an upsurge
●to upswing / an upswing
●to collapse / a collapse
●to decline / a decline
●to drop / a drop
●to decrease / a decrease
●to fall / a fall
●to go down
●to reach a low point / a low point
●to reduce / a reduction
● a great deal /big/a lot
●apparent / apparently
●clear / clearly
●considerable / considerably
●important / importantly
●dramatic / dramatically
●great /greatly
●obvious / obviously
●quick / quickly
●rapid / rapidly
●remarkable / remarkably
●sharp /sharply
●significant / significantly
●strong / strongly
●sudden / suddenly
● a bit
● a little
●fractional / fractionally
●gentle / gently
●gradual / gradually
●slight / slightly
●slow / slowly
●steady / steadily
●to be hardly changed
●to have little change
●to keep steady
●to level off
●to remain constant
●to remain unchanged
Check the report for:
●Numbering of sections.