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他从来没有去过北京。 He has never been to Beijing. 你以前去过北京吗? Have you ever been to Beijing?
GEORGE: Pairs in the spring, eh? KEN: It was spring, but the weather was awful. It rained all the time. GEORGE: Just like London!
Just like 就像, 正如
all the time 一直,始终
• Just like London! = The weather in Paris in spring is just like the weather in London in spring.
5. city /'siti/
n. 城市Paris
6. never /'nevə/
adv. 从来没有
7. ever Fu/n'neyvə/ adGvr.am在m任ar 何时候
New words and expressions
★ Paris /'pæ ris/ n.巴黎 Paris is the capital of France. Paris in the spring 巴黎之春
never & ever
never 从来没有,决不
I will never give up.
ever 在任何时候,曾 经
Have you ever been to Paris?
Lesson 85 Paris in the spring
At what time of year did Ken visit Paris?
KEN: 'Paris in the spring'.
GEORGE: Oh, I've already
seen it. I saw it on
be on 上演
television last year.
It's an old film,
but it's very good.
in spring / summer / autumn / winter 在季节前不用加任 何冠词‘Paris in the spring
Have you ever been there, Ken? KEN: Yes, I have. I was there in April.
in April 月份前面不用冠词
never: 表否定,表示绝不,从来没有。 ever: 用于疑问句,表示曾经,在任何时候 never 和 ever 都是完成时态的标志词。
LFersasonnce85法-86国Paris in the spring CFhercek nch 法国人、法语 Phonetics
巴黎 Vocabulary
建于 1889年 高:324米
仿照例句: 我已经读了这本书。我是在昨天读 的。这是本旧书,但是很有趣。
I have already read this book. I read it yesterday. It’s an old book, but it’s interesting.
KEN: Paris is a beautiful city. GEORGE: I've never been there.
GEORGE: Hello, Ken. KEN: Hi, George.
GEORGE: Have you just been to the
KEN: Yes, I have.
have/has been to 去过已回 have/has gone to 去了未回
Have you just been to the cinema? 你刚刚去过电影院吗? 这是一个现在完成时态的一般疑问句。
② My father isn’t in. He has gone to Beijing.
have been to 与 have gone to 的区别:
have been to 表示曾经去过某地, 已经回来了
have gone to 表示去了某地,还没有回 来(可能在路上,可能还在那里)
GEORGE: What's on?
★ cinema /'sinimə/ n.电影院 theatre /'θiətə/ n.剧院,戏院
We go to the__ci_n_e_m__a_to see a film. We go to the__th_e_a_t_r_e_to see a play.
★ film n. (1)n.电影 film (英式英语) movie (美式英语)
本课是特指巴黎的一个春天 ,所以加了定冠词 the。
I saw her on TV.
---Where is your book? ----It’s on the TV
I’ve already seen it. I saw it on television last year. It’s an old film, but it’s good.
just : 刚刚,刚才,现在完成时态的标志 词之一
Have you just been to the cinema? 把这句话变为肯定句: You have just been to the cinema.
I have just been to the library.
① My father has been to Beijing many times.
Lesson 85-86 Paris in the spring
1. CPhaerckis /'pæ ris/ Phonnet.ic巴s 黎
2. cinema /'sinimə/ n. 电影院
3. film /film/
n. 电影
4. beautiful /'bjVuo:ctaibfuulal/ry adj. 漂亮的