


economic globalization(经济全球化)

sustainable development(可持续发展)

unfair competition(不正当竞争)

crack down on fake commodities (打假)


fierce competition(激烈竞争)

credit crisis(信用危机)

stabilize prices (稳定物价)


great and profound (博大精深的)

integration and interaction(融合交汇)




English fever(英语热)



threat of global warming(全球变暖的威胁)

promote fundamental shifts in the economic system and mode of economic growth(促进经济体制和经济增长方式的转变)

curb environmental pollution/ bring the pollution under control(治理环境污染)

develop renewable resources (开发可再生资源)

a low-carbon economy (低碳经济)


science and technology(科学技术)


computer crime(电脑犯罪)


virtual life (虚拟生活)

information era(信息时代)

cyber romance(网恋)

surf the Internet(网上冲浪)



position available/ vacant position(空缺职位)


be qualified for(合格的)


job arrangement and benefit(工作待遇和福利)

promotion (晋升)





further one’s study (深造)

quality education(素质教育)

foster abilities(培养能力)

relieve the burden on students(减轻学生负担)

be occupied with so much schoolwork(忙于功课)

place emphasis on(以…为重心)


practical capability(实际能力)




cause alarm and attention(引起了警惕和重视)

set good example for(为…树立榜样)


take action (采取行动)

ensure implementing activities(确保执行)


be supposed to(应该)












1. 随着经济的繁荣with the booming of the economy

2. 随着人民生活水平的显著提高with the remarkable improvement of people's living standard

3. 先进的科学技术advanced science and technology

4. 为我们日常生活增添了情趣add much spice / flavor to our daily life

5. 人们普遍认为It is commonly believed that…

6. 我同意前者(后者)观点I give my vote to the former / latter opinion.

7. 引起了广泛的公众关注sth. has aroused wide public concern. / sth has drawn great public attention.

8. 利远远大于弊The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.

9. 开阔眼界widen one's horizon / broaden one's vision

10. 考虑到诸多因素take many factors into consideration

11. 从另一个角度from another perspective

12. 致力于/ 投身于be committed / devoted to…

13. 日益激烈的社会竞争the increasingly keen social competition

14. …有其自身的优缺点… has its own merits and demerits / pros and cons

15. 对…有害do harm to / be harmful to / be detrimental to

16. 交流思想/ 情感/ 信息exchange ideas / emotions / information

17. 跟上…的最新发展keep pace with / keep abreast with the latest development of…

18. …的健康发展the healthy development of…

19. 把时间和精力放在…上focus one's time and energy on…

20. 导致很多问题give rise to / lead to / spell various problems

21. 可以替代think的词believe, claim, maintain, argue, insist, hold the opinion / belief / view that

22. 优先考虑/发展… give (top) priority to sth.

23. 与…比较compared with…/ in comparison with

24. 提供就业机会offer job opportunities


、accident n. 意外事件, 事故 2、achievement n. 成就, 功绩 3、activity n. 活跃, 活动性, 行动, 行为 4、adopt vt. 采用, 收养 5、advantage n. 优势, 有利条件, 利益 6、Afford vt. [常与can, could, be able to 连用]担负得起费用(损失、后果等), 花费得起, 经受得住; 抽得出(时间) 7、ambition n. 野心, 雄心 8、approach n. 接近, 逼近, 走进, 方法, 步骤, 途径, 通路vt. 接近,动手处理vi. 靠近 9、attract vt. 吸引vi. 有吸引力, 引起注意 10、bribe [braib] n. 贿赂vt. 贿赂, 向...行贿 11、chance n. 机会, 可能性, 偶然性, 运气 12、cheat n. 欺骗, 骗子v. 欺骗, 骗取 13、client n. [计]顾客, 客户, 委托人 14、Communication n. 传达, 信息, 交通, 通讯 15、compare v. 比较, 相比, 比喻n.比较 16、compete vi. 比赛, 竞争 17、Concentrate v. 集中, 浓缩 18、Consequently adv. 从而, 因此 19、contribution n. 捐献, 贡献, 投稿 20、Convenient adj. 便利的, 方便的 21、decline vi. 下倾, 下降, 下垂v. 拒绝, 衰落 22、decrease n. 减少, 减少之量v. 减少 23、demand n. 要求, 需求(量), 需要v.要求, 需要, 要求知道, 查询 24、Depict vt. 描述, 描写 25、Duality n. 二元性 26、Economy n. 经济, 节约, 节约措施, 经济实惠, 系统, 机体, 经济制度的状况 27、education n. 教育, 训导, 训练, 培养, 教育学 28、effect n. 结果, 效果, 作用, 影响, (在视听方面给人流下的)印象 29、Efficiency n. 效率, 功效 30、Emphasis n. 强调, 重点 31、enjoy vt. 享受...的乐趣, 欣赏, 喜爱 32、Enrich vt. 使富足, 使肥沃, 装饰, 加料于, 浓缩 33、ensure vt保证, 担保, 使安全, 保证得到v. 确保, 确保, 保证 34、Entertain vt. 娱乐, 招待, 接受, 怀抱vi. 款待 35、Environment n. 环境, 外界 36、Expense n. 费用, 代价, 损失, 开支, 费钱之物 37、fee [fi:] n. 费(会费、学费等), 酬金 38、figure n. 外形, 轮廓, 体形, 图形, 画像, 数字, 形状, 身份 39、finance n. 财政, 金融, 财政学vt. 供给...经费, 负担经费vi.筹措资金 40、fulfill vt. 履行, 实现, 完成(计划等) 41、GDP abbr. 国内生产总值(gross domestic product)


一、类型词 1.经济: economic globalization(经济全球化), sustainable development(可持续发展),unfair competition(不正当竞争),crack down on fake commodities (打假),boom(繁荣),fierce competition(激烈竞争),credit crisis(信用危机),stabilize prices (稳定物价),virtual economy(虚拟经济) 2.文化: great and profound (博大精深的),integration and interaction(融合交汇),crash(碰撞),charming(极具魅力的),splendid(壮丽辉煌的),English fever(英语热) 3.环保: environment- friendly(生态型的,环保的),threat of global warming(全球变暖的威胁), promote fundamental shifts in the economic system and mode of economic growth(促进经济体制和经济增长方式的转变),curb environmental pollution/ bring the pollution under control(治理环境污染),develop renewable resources (开发可再生资源),a low-carbon economy (低碳经济) 4.科技: science and technology(科学技术),web-addiction(沉迷网络),computer crime(电脑犯罪),e-commerce(电子商务),virtual life (虚拟生活),information era(信息时代),cyber romance(网恋),surf the Internet(网上冲浪),因特网the Internet (一定要由冠词,字母I 大写),artificial intelligence(人工智能) 5.就业: applicant(申请人),position available/ vacant position(空缺职位),competent(能胜任的), be qualified for(合格的), proficiency(熟练程度),job


考研英语作文必备19 个经典话题素材 好的考研英语作文表达,重在平时的点滴积累,下面为大家整理了一些考研英语作文的经典话题素材,助力你的考研英语作文备考,赶快get 起来 ~ ▲正直诚实 好处 : 1、 enable honest person to succeed in work and life. (获得成功) 2、to work honestly to attain one’s life goal. (实现人生目标) 3、 to enhance reputation of a country. ▲坚持: ( 成功 ) 1、 No accomplishment can be achieved in a short time, and success needs efforts. 2、 Success is founded on the basis of patient pursuit +定语从句 Olympic game 好处: 1、it can be a tremendous momentum pushing the country’s development 2、Whenequipped with willingness, spurring people to overcome any difficulty and conquer any challenge. ▲献爱心 好处、意义: 1、 Contributing money and other necessities to people in need is a goal way to express human love. It reflects the sense of social responsibility. 2、It also expresses a feeling from deep with one’s heart. ▲人生价值


一、单词 1、经济: economic globalization(经济全球化) sustainable development(可持续发展) unfair competition(不正当竞争) crack down on fake commodities (打假) boom(繁荣) fierce competition(激烈竞争) credit crisis(信用危机) stabilize prices (稳定物价) 2、文化: great and profound (博大精深的) integration and interaction(融合交汇) crash(碰撞) charming(极具魅力的) splendid(壮丽辉煌的) English fever(英语热) 3、环保: environment-friendly(生态型的,环保的) threat of global warming(全球变暖的威胁) promote fundamental shifts in the economic system and mode of economic growth(促进经济体制和经济增长方式的转变) curb environmental pollution/ bring the pollution under control(治理环境污染) develop renewable resources (开发可再生资源) a low-carbon economy (低碳经济) 4、科技: science and technology(科学技术) web-addiction(沉迷网络) computer crime(电脑犯罪) e-commerce(电子商务) virtual life (虚拟生活) information era(信息时代) cyber romance(网恋) surf the Internet(网上冲浪) 5、就业: applicant(申请人) position available/ vacant position(空缺职位) competent(能胜任的) be qualified for(合格的) proficiency(熟练程度) job arrangement and benefit(工作待遇和福利) promotion (晋升) gender-biased(性别歧视的) appearance-biased(相貌歧视的)


考研英语写作常用词汇 1. accident n. 意外事件,事故 2. achievement n. 成就,功绩 3. activity n. 活跃,活动性,行动,行为 4. adopt vt. 采用,收养 5. advantage n. 优势,有利条件,利益 6. afford vt. [常与can,could,be able to连用]担负得起费用(损失,后果等),花费得起,经受得住;抽得出(时间) 7. ambition n. 野心,雄心 8. approach n. 接近,逼近,走进,方法,步骤,途径,通路 ①vt. 接近,动手处理②vi. 靠近 9. attract vt. 吸引 vi. 有吸引力,引起注意 10. bribe n. 贿赂 vt. 贿赂,向. . . 行贿 11. chance n. 机会,可能性,运气 12. cheat n. 欺骗,骗子 v. 欺骗,骗取 13. client n. [计]顾客,客户,委托人 14. communication n. 传达,信息,交通,通讯 15. compare v. 比较,相比,比喻 n. 比较 16. compete vi. 比赛,竞争 17. concentrate v. 集中,浓缩 18. consequently adv. 从而,所以

19. contribution n. 捐献,贡献,投稿 20. convenient adj. 便利的,方便的 21. decline vi. 下倾,下降,下垂 v. 拒绝,衰落 22. decrease n. 减少,减少之量 v. 减少 23. demand n. 要求,需求(量),需要 v. 要求,需要,要求 知道,查询 24. depict vt. 描述,描写 25. duality n. 二元性 26. economy n. 经济,节约,节约措施,经济实惠,系统,机体,经济制度的状况 27. education n. 教育,训导,训练,培养,教育学 28. effect n. 结果,效果,作用,影响,(在视听方面给人流 下的)印象 29. efficiency n. 效率,功效 30. emphasis n. 强调,重点 31. enjoy vt. 享受. . . 的乐趣,欣赏,喜爱 32. enrich vt. 充实,使丰富;使富裕,使富有 32. ensure vt. 保证,担保,使安全,保证得到 v. 确保,确保,保证 34. entertain vt. 娱乐,招待,接受,怀抱 vi. 款待 35. environment n. 环境,外界 36. expense n. 费用,代价,损失,开支,费钱之物


考研英语作文热点词汇 一、个人品质类 (一)成功相关的品质 自信:self-confidence 乐观:optimism 合作:cooperation 坚持不懈:perseverance/persistence 奋斗:make arduous efforts 拼搏:a determined spirit 毅力:willpower 设定目标:set a goal 进取精神:a striving spirit 心胸开阔:open-mindedness 采取行动:take initiatives 积极的态度a positive attitude 正确的方向a right way 脚踏实地:keep your feet on the ground 理想:ambition;dream 信念:belief 承担责任:undertake the responsibility (二)成功道路上的困难 逆境:adversity 困境:dilemma 坎坷:obstacle 挫折:frustration/setback 困难:difficulty/trouble 压力:stress/pressure (三)成功相关建议 提高综合素质:enhance comprehensive quality 树立全局观:adopt an overall point of view

增强相互合作:strengthen mutual cooperation 增长见识:widen one’s knowledge 坚守目标:stay with an obxxxxjective 争取机会:strive for a good opportunity 减压:relieve/reduce pressure/stress 保持身心健康:stay physical and psychological health 激发自我潜能 sti mulate one’s potential 有效管理自己的时间manage one’s time effectively 不抱怨:make no complaints 二、文化类 传统文化:traditional culture 民族文化:national culture 中华文明的象征:a symbol of Chinese civilization 文化习俗:cultural customs 文化遗产:cultural heritage 文化传承:cultural inheritance 文化交流:cultural exchange 文化融合:cultural integration 文化冲突:cultural conflict/shock 弘扬民族文化:promote national culture 传统节日:traditional Chinese Festivals including the Spring Festival the Lantern Festival the Dragon Boat Day and the 三、社会热点 生态文明:ecological civilization 公共秩序:social orders 和谐:living in harmony with others/nature; a harmonious society 平等:equality 法治:abide by laws 敬业:dedicate oneself to work 诚信:honesty/integrity 友善:friendliness/kindness 幸福感:happiness;fulfillment;achievement;self-realization


英语一 话题范围具体话题英文核心词 a 社会效率、经济发展、人口需求、产品质量、满意度、文化、环境efficiency, revolution, culture, economic development, population, ne eds, quality, price, tension, natural resources financial, efficient, envir onmental recycle, protect b 生活健康类、新通讯工具类、节约和浪费、交通、食品安全 internet, cell phone, vigor, simplicity, organic food energetic, exhaus ted cherish, thrift, waste, squander c品质创新、奋斗、关爱、人生选择、责任、抗挫折、公正感 honesty, fairness, self-discipline, fidelity, responsibility, belief, equality, perseverance, obligation, moral standard independent, considerate, confident, creative, selfish, isolated, conservative d 人际教育儿童,照顾老人,帮助他人、合作、人际关系、沟通cooperation, communication, harmony, humanity, assistanc e reciproc al, harmonious educate, encourage, understand 英语二 话题范围具体话题英文核心词 a 社会效率、经济发展、人口需求、产品质量、满意度等


2020考研英语作文常用八大类型词汇集锦第一篇:词汇篇 1、经济: economic globalization(经济世界化), sustainable development(可持续发展),unfair competition(不正当竞争), crack down on fake commodities (打假), boom(繁荣), fierce competition(激烈竞争), credit crisis(信用危机), stabilize prices (稳定物价) 2、文化: great and profound (博大精深的),integration and interaction(融合交汇),crash(碰撞),charming(极具魅力的),splendid(壮丽辉煌的),English fever(英语热) 3、环保: environment- friendly(生态型的,环保的),threat of global warming(世界变暖的威胁), promote fundamental shifts in the economic system and mode of economic growth(促动经济体制和经 济增长方式的转变),curb environmental pollution/ bring the pollution under control(治理环境污染),develop renewable resources (开发可再生资源),a low-carbon economy (低碳经济) 4、科技: science and technology(科学技术),web-addiction(沉迷网络),computer crime(电脑犯罪), e-commerce(电子商务), virtual life (虚拟生活),information era(信息时代),cyber romance(网恋),surf the Internet(网上冲浪) 5、就业:


考研英语作文高分词汇 1. ambiguity 歧义 2. denotation 字面意思 3. connotation 暗含意思 4. impractical 不切实际的 5. intellectual development 智力开展 6. interaction 交流 7. thinking capacity 思考能力 8. universal language 世界语 9. linguistic studies 语言学研究 10. a means of munication 一种交流工具 11. mechanical translation 机械翻译 12. untranslatable 不宜翻译的 13. develop linguistic skills 培养语言技能 14. verbal munication 口头交流 15. grammatical rules 语法规那么 16. context 语境 17. core 核心 18. translation 笔译 19. interpretation 口译 20. a plex progress 一个复杂过程 21. cream 精华 22. cultivate logical thinking 培养逻辑思维 23. obscure 晦涩的 24. readability 朗朗上口

25. an unrealistic dream 一个不切实际的梦想 26. prehensive knowledge 全面的知识 27. municate with others directly, and freely 与他人直接自由交流 28. face-to-face munication 面对面交流 29. stimulate one’s interest 激发了…的兴趣 30. artificial intelligence 人工智能 31. help children learn a foreign language in a more vivid and interactive way帮助孩子更生动,互动地一门外语 32. miraculous 令人惊叹的 33. increase efficiency 提高效率 34. easy aessibility 易于操作 35. make astounding advances 突飞猛进 36. enrich the teaching and learning methods 丰富了教学手段 37. expertise 知识 38. flourishing 繁荣兴旺的 39. speedy munication 快速的交流 40. read between the lines 读懂暗含的意思 41. language acquisition 语言习得 42. term 术语 43. implication 含义 44. be fully aware of… 充分意识到… 45. optimistic 乐观的 46. pessimistic 悲观的


从无到有 开始 Begin, start, begin with, spring, start up, set off on, break out, strike up, originate from,; Initiate, launch, originate, sprout; unfold; unleash outset, onset, Rudimentary, elementary, 出现 Appear, appear to be, emerge, arise, loom, turn out, show up, com out, come into sight/view, come forth 发生 Happen, occur, take place, come about, Happening occurrence 产生,创造 create, produce, bring about, yield, give birth to, bear, bring into being, generate, beget,germinate; Invent, innovate, renovate, plan, design, imagine, conceive, devise, formulate, imagine, envision, 建立 Found, set, built up, construct, institute, constitute, set up, establish 制造,组成 Make, make up, produce, construct, turn out, manufacture, form, shape, compose, compile, concoct, fabricate 生长壮大 复制,繁殖58 Copy, duplicate, reproduce, multiply. 发育,发展


考研英语写作最常用的95个词汇 2.achievement n.成就,功绩 3.activity n.活跃,活动性,行动,行为, 4.adopt vt.采用,收养 5.advantage n.优势,有利条件,利益 6.afford vt.[常与can,could,be able to 连用]担负得起费用(损失. 后果等),花费得起,经受得 住;抽得出(时间) 7.ambition n.野心,雄心 8.approach n.接近,逼近,走进,方法, 步骤,途径,通路 ①vt.接近,动手处理 ②vi.靠近 9.attract ③vt.吸引 ④vi.有吸引力,引起注意 10.bribe ①n.贿赂 ②vt.贿赂,向...行贿 11.chance n.机会,可能性,运气 12.cheat n.欺骗,骗子

v.欺骗,骗取 13.client n.[计]顾客,客户,委托人 https://www.360docs.net/doc/7219324753.html,munication n.传达,信息,交通,通讯 https://www.360docs.net/doc/7219324753.html,pare v.比较,相比,比喻 n.比较 https://www.360docs.net/doc/7219324753.html,pete vi.比赛,竞争 17.concentrate v.集中,浓缩 18.consequently adv.从而,因此 19.contribution n.捐献,贡献,投稿 20.convenient adj.便利的,方便的 21.decline vi.下倾,下降,下垂 v.拒绝,衰落 22.decrease n.减少,减少之量 v.减少 23.demand n.要求,需求(量),需要 v.要求,需要,要求知道,查询 24.depict vt.描述,描写 25.duality n.二元性 26.economy n.经济,节约,节约措施,经 济实惠,系统,机体,经济 制度的状况 https://www.360docs.net/doc/7219324753.html,cation n.教育,训导,训练,培养,教育学


2021年考研英语:作文重要词汇汇总 1、经济: economic globalization 经济全球化, sustainable development 可持续发展,unfaircompetition 不正当竞争, crack down on fake commodities 打假, boom 繁荣, fiercecompetition激烈竞争, credit crisis信用危机, stabilize prices 稳定物价 2、文化: great and profound 博大精深的,integration and interaction 融合交汇,crash 碰撞,charming极具魅力的,splendid壮丽辉煌的,English fever 英语热 3、环保: environment- friendly 生态型的,环保的,threat of global warming全球变暖的威胁, promote fundamental shifts in the economic system and mode of economic growth促进经济体制和经济增长方式的转变,curb environmental pollution/ bring the pollution under control治理环境污染, develop renewable resources 开发可再生资源, a low-carbon economy 低碳经济 4、科技: science and technology 科学技术,web-addiction沉迷网络, computer crime 电脑犯罪, e-commerce 电子商务, virtual life 虚拟生活, information era信息时代,cyberromance网恋,surf the Internet网上冲浪 5、就业: applicant申请人, position available/ vacant position空缺职位, competent 能胜任的,be qualified for合格的, proficiency熟练程度,job arrangement and benefit工作待遇和福利, promotion 晋升, gender-biased性别歧视的, appearance-biased相貌歧视的 6、大学生活/教育: cultivate培养,further one‘s study 深造, quality education素质教育,foster abilities培养能力, relieve the burden on students 减轻学生负担, be occupied with so muchschoolwork 忙于功课 place emphasis on 以… 为重心,comprehensive 的,广泛的,practical capability实际能力,duck-stuffing填鸭式



考研英语作文:5类热点话题必背词语 来源:智阅网 在最后不到一个月的复习时间里,日复一日的背诵和重复背诵是大多数考研儿的常态。考研英语备考到今天,作文经典词汇、语句和段落应该要重点整理记忆了。下面为大家整理了当下热点话题,希望考研儿能灵活运用到考研英语的写作中去。 一、社会问题 1.最近,我们经常听到贫富差距扩大了的说法。一些人认为发达世界完全忽略了这个问题。 These days we often hear about the widening gap between the rich and poor. Some argue that developed world has totally ignored the problem. 2.也许当今困扰国家的最危险的现象是遍布各级政府的官员……。 Perhaps the most dangerous phenomenon gripping the nation today is official corruption, which is pervasive in all levels of government. 3.现在,中国面临的两大挑战是保持持续的经济增长和靠世界上仅仅百分之七的可耕地养活仍在增长的12亿人口。尽管遇到的困难很大,中国人无疑会表现出不知疲倦的活力,在两方面都取得巨大成功。

The two major challenges facing China today center on maintaining sustained economic growth and feeding its growing population of over 12 billion people with only seven percent of the world's cultivable land. Despite the monumental difficulties involved, Chinese people will undoubtedly exhibit their indefatigable resilience and achieve great success in both regards. 4.历史上,人口过剩的问题从来没有比现在更加突出。 Never before in history has the issue of over population been more evident than now. 5.事实上,我们达到最终的目标还有很长的路要走,但是,取得一些成绩还是可能做到的。 We do, in fact, have a long way to go to reach our final goal, but achieving some remains well within the realm of possibility. 6.一位著名的思想家曾经写道:“对人类最大的威胁是人类自身!”如果事实确实如此,那么,现状应该促使我们对我们未来的生存进行思索了。 A famous thinker once wrote that "the greatest threat to mankind is mankind itself!" If this is indeed the case, then the current situation should make us ponder our future existence.


考研英语中常用的120个"高大上"升级版写作词汇 我们都知道,在写作考试中,用词是很重要的一部分,学会使用不同的替换词是提高写作的一个小技巧。 以下是小编为大家整理的120组高大上的词汇替换表,希望能对大家有所帮助!一起来学习一下吧~ 1. Important=crucial a.至关紧要的(extremely important), significant (amount or effect large enough to be important) 2. Common=universal a.普遍的, ubiquitous adj.普遍存在的(if something is ubiquitous, it seems to be everywhere) 3. Abundant=ample (enough and usually extra), plentiful (enough for people’s needs and wants) 4. Stick=adhere a.粘附, cling (hold on something tightly) 5. Neglect v.忽视=ignore. (Difference: neglect means someone has not paid enough attention to something; ignore means no attention.) 6. Near=adjacent (two things next to each other), adjoin (the same as adjacent) 7. Pursue=woo (man woos woman, old-fashioned), seek (if you seek sth, you try to obtain it. FORMAL) 8. Accurate=precise (precise is exact and accurate in all details), exact (correct in every detail) 9. Vague a.含糊的=obscure (unknown or known by only a few people) 10. Top=peak, summit 11. Competitor=rival, opponent (especially in sports and politics) 12. Blame n. /vt.责备,过失=condemn (if you condemn something, you say it is very bad and unacceptable) 13. Opinon=perspective, standpoint (means looking at an


. . . . . 考研作文词汇部分 考研作文基本上分为图画作文和图表作文,而近年来只考了图画作文,因此我们已总结图画作文为重点,对图表作文只做一般介绍处理。此部分主要总结作文常用的词汇,包括作文中常应用的连词、以及常用的热点词汇 (纵观今年来的作文,主要涉及文化教育、健康、环保等问题)。 一、图表作文常用词汇: 表格图 table ; 图表 chart; diagram graph column 描述:show;describe;illustrate;reveal;represent 数字figure; 数据statistic; 百分比 percentage; 比例 proportion 上升: increase rise ascend core surge go up climb mount level up 下降 : decrease fall drop descend decline reduce lessen level down 平稳 : stable steady remain/maintain/keep/be the same as/similar to 波动:fluctuate fluctuation rise and falls up and down 占 : occupy take up account for gain 而:while however whereas on the other hand actually/in fact 相比 : by contract on the contrary likewise compared with 最高点 : the highest the top the summit the peak the most 最低点 : bottom less least rock bottom 平均 : mean average 趋势: tendancy trend inclination 预见 : prediction 达到顶峰 : mount to 由…组成: consist of/be made up of /be composed of 占 44%比例: account for /make up 44 percent 位居第一: rank the first 仅次于 is second to


2023考研英语:作文主题词汇一 2023考研英语:作文主题词汇一 1.改革产业构造 reform the structure of industries 2. 亏损企业 loss-making enterprises 3. 搞活企业 enliven enterprises 4. 加快现代化步伐 quicken the modernization drive 5. 跨国公司 transnational corporation / multinational corporation 6. 乡镇企业 township enterprises 7. 国有企业 state-owned enterprises 8. 合资企业 joint ventures 9. 解放消费力 emancipate/ liberate productivity 10.振兴国家经济 invigorate our state economy 11.实行股份制 introduce the shareholding system 12.深化改革 deepen reform all round 13.进步经济效益 improve economic results 14.增进效益 increase economic returns 15.宏观经济调控 macro-economic control and management

16. 经济实力 economic strength 17. 经济转轨 economic transformation 18. 经营机制 operative mechanism 19. 整顿经济秩序 rectify economic order 20. 引进竞争机制 introduce a petitive mechanism 21. 建立技术密集型企业 set up technologically-intensive enterprises 22. 招商引资 canvass business and introduce investment 23. 房地产 real estate 24. 经济特区 special economic zone 25. 根底设施 infrastructure facilities 26. 豆腐渣工程 jerry-built projects 27. 投资热点 investment hot spot 28. 外向型经济 export-oriented economy 29. 按劳分配 distribute according to the work performance 30. 打破平均 break / abandon equalitarian 31. 沿海开放城市 open coastal cities 32. 保税区 bonded zone/ area 33. 金融改革 banking system


2023考研英语:写作高频词汇大总结 2023考研英语:写作高频词汇大总结 一、近义词汇 1.完全:absolute, unconditional, unlimited, plete, unrestricted, u____ixed, perfect, entire 3.小:small, diminutive, puny, little, pocket-sized, petit, minute, tiny 6.真的:True, truthful, veracious, faithful, accurate, loyal, staunch, genuine, honest, real, trustworthy, constant. 7.全,都:all, whole, entire, plete, perfect, total, the whole number of , unbroken , gross 二、常见的连接词 连接词根据其本身的意思和文章连接所需要的逻辑意义可分为几类: a.表示开始to begin with , in the first place , in general , generally speaking b.表示总结to summarize , to sum up , to conclude , in conclusion , finally

c.表示举例a case in point , a good illustration / exle of … is …, d.表示原因because , since , for , the cause of , the reason for , now that e.表示结果as a result , as a consequence , consequently f.表示比拟both , like , likewise , similarly , in mon , in the same way g.表示对照on the contrary , on the other hand , despite , in spite of , however h.表示列举first , firstly , in the first place , first of all , to begin with i.表示强调especially , particularly , certainly , surely , chiefly , actually j.表示让步even though , although , in spite of , however , but , yet
