



高中英语高考复习必修二语法句型转换试题专项练习1.The man pulled out a gold watch, and its hands were made of small diamonds. (同义句转换)→The man pulled out a gold watch ________ ________ were made of small diamonds.→The man pulled out a gold watch ________ ________ ________ ________ were made of small diamonds.2.It was an actor, of whom the name escaped me for the moment. (同义句转换)=______________=______________3.He was trapped in a traffic jam, so he had to be patient, waiting.→____________________, he had to be patient, waiting. (用过去分词短语做状语改写) 4.The writer and his novel are really well-known. You have just talked about them. (改为定语从句)________________5.Mr Smith once hired a young worker who was called John Hill. (用过去分词(短语)替换定语从句)6.The agreement will be beneficial to both parties. (同义句转换)→The agreement will be ________to both parties.7.The latest models are on display at the motor show. (同义句转换)→The latest models are___________ ___________at the motor show.8.Jessica lay on the sofa and she was absorbed in her book. (用分词改写)Jessica lay on the sofa, ________ ________ ________ ________.9.Can you think of a situation where this word is used?(同义句转换)→Can you think of a situation ______________this word is used?10.In ancient China lived an artist. His paintings were almost lifelike. (合成定语从句)________________11.I have no time to engage in the debate. (同义句转换)→I have no time to_________ _________ _________the debate.12.This is a factory that is run by our school. (用过去分词(短语)替换定语从句)13.Do you know the number of the books which have been ordered? (改为简单句)→________________14.We’ll reach the sales targets in a month. We set them at the beginning of the year.(改为定语从句)________________15.The way my cousin told me proved to be a good one. (同义句转换)The way________ proved to be a good one.16.The suggestion which had been made by the foreign expert was adopted by the manager. (用过去分词(短语)替换定语从句)17.The trees which were planted by the foreign visitors are growing well. (用过去分词(短语)替换定语从句)18.After the operation was performed, the doctor had a rest.(用with的复合结构改写)→________ ________ ________ ________, the doctor had a rest.19.Girls looking after small children get 3,000 yuan a month.(同义句转换)Girls ________ ________ ________ small children get 3,000 yuan a month.20.We are going to talk about the problem which was discussed at the last meeting. (用过去21.Students should involve themselves in community activities.They can gain experience for growth in the activities. (用定语从句改写成一个句子)________________22.The girl arranged to have piano lessons at the training centre with her sister.She would stay in the center for an hour. (用定语从句改写成一个句子)________________23.She is an excellent student. She speaks English very well.(合并为复合句)________________24.He is likely to set a world record again in the coming year. (同义句转换)________ ________ ________ ________ he will set a world record again in the coming year. 25.I’ve always longed for the days. I should be able to be independent then. (用定语从句合并句子)26.We must adapt our thinking to the conditions which have been changed. (用过去分词(短语)替换定语从句)27.This is a high mountain. Its top is always covered by snow.(合并为含非限制性定语从句的复合句)________________28.My mother often goes to the gym. She works out to keep fit there. (合并为含非限制性定语从句的复合句)________________29.Success is something. It is only earned after much labor. (改为定语从句)________________30.Unless she was spoken to, the little girl kept silent. (同义句转换)→Unless _________ _________, the little girl kept silent.答案:1.whose hands the hands of which【解析】1.考查限制性定语从句。

第15讲 句型转换(课件)中考英语一轮复习(全国通用)

第15讲 句型转换(课件)中考英语一轮复习(全国通用)

Club”表示俱乐部的名称,应用what club来提问,注意首字母大写
4.(2023·重庆·统考中考真题)The students planted trees in
the park last week.(对划线部分提问)
第15讲 句型转换
知识梳理 题型归纳
1.掌握肯定句改成否定句 2.掌握陈述句改一般疑问句 3.掌握对划线部分提问和同义句改写 4.掌握简单有效的解题策略和正确的解题步 骤
1.(2023·新疆·中考真题)My father takes me to the Old People’s Home once a month. (对划线部分提问) ___________does your father take you to the Old People’s Home? 【答案】 How often 【详解】句意:我父亲每个月带我去一次老人之家。划线部分表示频率, 对此提问用疑问词how often稿“定多PP久T 一次”,故填How;often。



11月备考必用:PET/BETS-2句型转换狂练[标签:PET BETS句型备考]小学精华资讯免费订阅1.词语替代法。


如:Mary borrowed a picture-book from the boy just now.The boy _______ a picture-book _______ Mary just now.[答案:lent,to]2.词类转换法。



如:The rain was very heavy last night.It _______ _______ last night.[答案:rained heavily]3.句型、句式转换法。


如:I spent the whole day(in)repairing the TV set.It _______ _______ the whole day _______ _______ the TV set.[答案:took me,to repair]4.简化从句法。

此法是将复合句变为简单句,常见的转换方法有:用不定式替换,用介词短语替换,用名词短语替换,用分词短语替换,用“疑问词+不定式”替换,以及将s o...that(such...that)引导的状语从句简化为含有too...to(或enough to)的简单句。

如:(1)I hope that I can see you soon.I hope _______ _______ you soon.(2)I take back what I said.I take back _______ _______ .[答案:(1)to see(2)my words]5.合并分句法。

第09讲 句式变换(讲义)(教师版) 2025年高考语文一轮复习讲练测(新教材新高考)

第09讲 句式变换(讲义)(教师版) 2025年高考语文一轮复习讲练测(新教材新高考)
鲁迅和胡适最后分道扬镳,原因在于两人革新中国的理想不同,鲁迅主张对现实社会作最彻底的抨击, 而胡适则更多地关注社会现实。
【答案】鲁迅和胡适革新中国的理想不同,鲁迅主张对现实社会作最彻底的抨击,而胡适则更多地关 注社会现实,因而两人最后分道扬镳。
【解析】原句为因果复句,先说结果,后说原因,重组时则要先说原因,后说结果,使全句形成“鲁 迅和胡适革新中国的理想不同……因而两人最后分道扬镳”的结构。
考点四 语体转换
语体转换主要将不同风格的语言进行互换。语体转换主要包括:口语与书面语转换、生动语与平实语 转换。语体之间的转换,关键在于准确而全面地甄选出需要转换语体的词句,按照题目要求,结合语体特 点,作出恰当而合理的转换。
1.审清题目要求,明确做题的“方向”。 2.分析原句,把握句式特点、分句间关系、句子结构等,再根据重组的要求改变原句句式。 3.检验重组后的句子,看是否通畅,是否改变了原意,是否符合题目要求等。
1.请以“鲁迅和胡适革新中国的理想不同”开头,将下面的句子组合成一个语意通顺的单句。不超过 80 个字。(4 分)
第三步:整合答案。将上述提取后的成分进行整合,并依照事理或逻辑顺序,或充当定语,或充当 状语,与主干恰当组合,得出准确答案。
考点二 整散句变换
结构相同或相似的一组句子叫整句;相反,结构不整齐,各式各样的句子交错运用的一组句子叫散句。 整句主要有排比句、对偶句等,散句主要有长句短句交错、非排比句、非对偶句等。整句的特点是节奏鲜 明、音韵和谐、易于上口、语势强烈,散句的特点是富于变化、错落有致、形式灵活、使用面广。整散句 变换的基本方法是:

高考语文一轮复习:句式变换(详细分析 例题典型)

高考语文一轮复习:句式变换(详细分析 例题典型)

●变换句式,就是根据题目的要求在不改变句子意 义的前提下,改变句子的表达方式。简言之,就是 内容不变,形式变化。变换句式,实际上是根据语 境要求,追求一种更好的表达效果。变换句式是高 考常考点之一,属于“语言运用”的范畴。
依句子语气类型 依句子结构形式
长句变短句技巧三:内部层次多(陈说分解法) 多个主谓短语层层套装而成、句意绕来绕去的主谓句,可用这
解题步骤: 第一步,确定陈述对象。
现在许多国家都已经能够 生产可以独立操作机床、可以 在病房细心照料病人、可以在 危险区域进行作业的机器人。
(1)现在许多国家都能够生产 这样的机器人:它们可以独立操 作机床,可以在病房细心照料病 人,可以在危险区域进行作业。
(2)有的机器人可以独立操 作机床,可以在病房细心照料 病人,可以在危险区域进行作 业。现在许多国家都已经能够 生产这样在
“礼”构成社会生活里的秩序条理。“乐”涵润着群体内心的和 谐与团结力。礼和乐是中国社会的两大柱石。礼乐的最后根据在 于形而上的天地境界。
2.把下面这个长句改写成4个较短的句子,可以改变语序,增删词语, 但不得改变原意。
日前国防科工局发布的玉兔号月球车在第二个月昼机构控制出现 了异常的消息,让无数国人在产生了第三个月昼它能否正常自主唤 醒的忧虑的同时,献上了希望它能经受住第二个月夜超低温考验的 祝福。
【参考答案】 我在这次比赛中出现了严重失误,
赛后分析会上, 教练对我比赛中的表现进行了深入剖析, 我进一步认识到失误的原因在于我骄傲自大、轻视对手,


根据“I’m going to be a”可知,空格处应填职业或者身份,所给词“science”为名词“科学”,应变为表示职业的“科学家”一词。故填scientist。
12.They have to give this machine some oilevery month.(对画线部分提问)
______ ______ do they have to give this machine some oil?
13.The engineer will finish repairing the washing machinein two hours. (对划线部分提问)
22.How wonderful
23.Does have
25.It is really a pleasant time to have a picnic on a warm sunny day.(改为感叹句)
________ ________ pleasant time it is to have a picnic on a warm sunny day!
26.I had a party with my classmates



2.把文段中画横线的长句改写成三个短句,可适当增删词语,但不能改变原 意。
拆字法是一种利用汉字可以分析拆拼的特点,对谜面或谜底的文字形 状、笔画、偏旁进行增损变化或离合归纳,使原来的字形发生变化的字形 分拆或增损离合的方法。这类谜面往往虚实结合,需仔细推敲斟酌,才能求 出谜底。用拆字法来阐释字义,常常会产生有趣的联想,让人悟出哲理。比 如“功”,只有出“力”下“工”夫,才能走向成“功”的彼岸。
把相关的信息按照多层定语的顺序进行排列,填入“丝绸之 路是……的商业贸易路线”或“丝绸之路是……的统称”的语 句。
点拨关键 1.变换步骤 (1)弄清一系列短句的内在联系,从中找出可做长句主干的一句,作为主 干句。 (2)将其他短句改作主干句的修饰成分,并按一定的语法或语意关系放在 相应的位置上。 (3)检查变后的句子是否为一个单句,切不可为复句甚至句群。 2.特别提醒 下定义题在压缩语段和变换句式中均有出现。所不同的是:压缩语段所 给的是一个完整的语段,要求从中提取信息,组成定义,可以舍弃一些次要 信息;变换句式所给的是几个编组句子,可以增删词语,一般不能改变原意。
年份 卷别
①长句变短句连考两年, 且命题表述基本不变, 体现命题的连续性。
文中画波浪线处是个长句, 长句变短句 统式命题。未来要坚持
01启航课 从三年高考真题探究命题规律 02基础课 句群 复句 单句 句子主干 句式 03任务一 正确使用词语(虚词) 04任务二 辨析并修改病句 05任务三 正确使用标点符号 06任务四 正确使用修辞手法 07任务五 语言表达的连贯 08任务六 句式运用与语段压缩 09任务七 句式变换及表达效果 10任务八 句式仿写与语句扩展 11任务九 图文转换



高中英语高考复习选择性必修四(人教2019版)语法句型转换试题专项练习1.I was buried in the book, so I didn’t notice him. (请用非谓语结构改写)2.Do you know the number of the books which have been ordered? (改为简单句)→________________3.He was sitting folding his arms. (同义句转换)→He was sitting with _________ _________ _________.4.You may find it was astonishing that Charlie was taught to sing as soon as he could speak and dance as soon as he could walk.(转换成“动词+it+宾语补足语”结构)(句型转换)→________________ that Charlie was taught to sing as soon as he could speak and dance as soon as he could walk.5.A person begins to look sick only when the disease has progressed to AIDS. (转换成强调句) (句型转换)→_____________________________ a person begins to look sick.6.The experience which has been gained will be of great value to us. (用过去分词(短语)替换定语从句)7.Zhou Yang will never forget his first assignment at the office of a popular English newspaper. (转换成倒装句) (句型转换)→________________ his first assignment at the office of a popular English newspaper.8.The student who is dressed in white is my daughter. (用过去分词(短语)替换定语从句)9.He decided that he would buy a digital camera online.(改为简单句)________________10.The suggestion which had been made by the foreign expert was adopted by the manager. (用过去分词(短语)替换定语从句)11.Mr Smith once hired a young worker who was called John Hill. (用过去分词(短语)替换定语从句)12.The manager was satisfied to see many new products which had been developed after great effort. (用过去分词改写句子)→The manager was satisfied to see many new products ________after great effort.13.The proposal is now under negotiation. (同义句转换)→The proposal is now _________ _________.14.Because I was deeply moved by what he said, I promised to give him some help. (用过去分词形式改写句子)→________________,I promised to give him some help.15.Many questions are under discussion. (同义句转换)→Many questions are___________ ___________.16.This will be the best novel of its kind that has ever been written. (用过去分词(短语)替换定语从句)17.The trees which were planted by the foreign visitors are growing well. (用过去分词(短语)替换定语从句)18.She failed the exam. She still didn't give up. (合并成一个复合句或并列句)________________19.This is a factory that is run by our school. (用过去分词(短语)替换定语从句)problems. (请用非谓语结构改写)21.The doctor is trying to persuade him to give up smoking because of his poor health. (同义句转换)→The doctor is trying to persuade him __________________ smoking because of his poor health.22.Tom saved money in order that he might buy a car. (同义句转换)→Tom saved money in order___________ ___________a car.23.I am so honored. I am here to give a speech on behalf of our school. (将句子合并成一句)24.I’m not going to put up with their smoking any longer. (同义句转换)→I’m not going to ________ their smoking any longer.25.We are going to talk about the problem which was discussed at the last meeting. (用过去分词(短语)替换定语从句)26.The fish that was caught yesterday is still alive. (用过去分词(短语)替换定语从句)27.He sat there silently, and he was lost in thought. (请用非谓语结构改写)28.He was trapped in a traffic jam, so he had to be patient, waiting.→____________________, he had to be patient, waiting. (用过去分词短语做状语改写)29.So by the 1600’s Shakespeare was able to make use of a wider vocabulary than he had ever done before. (转换成状语从句的省略形式) (句型转换)→So by the 1600’s Shakespeare was able to make use of a wider vocabulary________________.30.Who were the so-called guests that were invited to your party last night? (用过去分词(短语)替换定语从句)答案解析:1.Buried in the book, I didn’t notice him.【解析】考查句型转换。



高三英语一轮复习《句型转换》专项练习题(含答案)1.I didn’t discover the beauty of English until I finished reading the first English novel.(强调句:对句中划线部分进行强调)2.Henry had the ability to create original compositions at an early age. (同义句转化)Henry was _________ _________ writing original compositions as a little boy.3.Mary became a lawyer ten years later. Her mother used to be a movie star.(用非限制性定语从句合并)4.My father has to support my family by working hard in a leather factory.(同义句转换)My father has to _______ ________my family by working hard in a leather factory.5.I can think of nothing better than a nice cold beer on a hot summer afternoon.(释义这个句子)A nice cold beer is________ I can think of on a hot summer afternoon.6.In fact, each country has its own unique culture. (同义转换)__________ __________ __________ __________ __________, each country has its own unique culture.7.The scientist is collecting endangered wild animals for future study.(改为被动句)________________8.Whatever you meet with in the future, I will spare no effort to help you. (句型转换)_______ _________ _________ you meet with in the future, I will spare no effort to help you. 9.It is important for us to learn a foreign language well. (感叹句)(同义句转换)10.London is an ancient port city with a history which can be traced back to Roman times. (同义句转化)As an ancient port city, London has a history _______ _______ _______ Roman times. 11.People find that it is convenient for us to pay a bill with mobile payment. (同义句转换)People________ ________ ________ for us to pay a bill with mobile payment.12.You will make greater progress only when you devote yourself to your work. (倒装句) (同义句转换)13.They have found out a way. It can deal with the problem. (运用定语从句合成一个句子)14.Camping popularity increases among young people. Most of them are nature lovers. (用非限制性定语从句合并)15.To the excitement of Huawei fans, Huawei issued its new operating system -HarmonyOS.(同义句改写)_______________made Huawei fans_______________ was its newly-released operating system - HarmonyOS.16.He hurried to the school, but he only found there was nobody on campus. (用不定式作状语改写句子)17.They occupied themselves by staring out of the window or up at the ceiling, holding their chins on their hands.(用with的复合结构改写)________their hands, they occupied themselves by staring out of the window or up at the ceiling.18.Practice may not make perfect. Deliberate practice has been shown to lead to significant improvement.(用并列句连接两个句子)19.You must be Jack,___________ __________?(改为反意疑问句)20.He worked in a car factory for four years. Then he founded his own company in his hometown.(用非限定性定语从句连接两个句子)He worked in a car factory for four years, ________he founded his own company in his hometown.21.Science fiction is regarded by many people as a mirror. Our future can be freely imagined and explored through science fiction.(用定语从句合并句子)22.Lucy wasn’t at school last week, so she missed an important test.(同义句转换)Lucy wasn’t at school last week. _______ ______ ______, she missed an important test. 23.Many hotels have emergency doors. The guests can escape from them. (同义句转换) Many hotels have emergency doors ________ ________ the guests can escape.24.I don't know how to solve this problem. So I am writing to ask for your advice.(用现在分词合并句子)25.We can stop being a threat to wildlife and to the earth only when we learn to exist in harmony with nature. (改为倒装句)______ ______ we learn to exist in harmony with nature ______ ______ stop being a threat to wildlife and to the earth.26.“Can I apply to be a volunteer in the coming marathon?”Mary asked (改为间接引语)Mary asked________ ________ ________apply to be a volunteer in the coming marathon. 27.His mother is thought to have been writing a report on the new treatment all morning. (同义句转换)It is thought that his mother_________a report on the new treatment all morning. 28.Jessica lay on the sofa and she was absorbed in her book. (用分词改写)Jessica lay on the sofa, ________ ________ ________ ________.29.Don’t worry. We are taking effective measures to stop such a thing from happening again. (同义句转换)Don’t worry. Effective measures _______ _________ ________to stop such a thing from happening again.30.I made an apology for not being able to take part in your activity. (同义句转换换)I ________ for not being able to take part in your activity.31.Scientists worked diligently to rescue the bronze object because they wanted to preserve it for the next generation. (同义句转换)The reason _____ ______ ______ diligently to rescue the bronze object is that they wanted to preserve it for the next generation.32.In 2012, Liu Yang became China’s first female a stronaut who travelled into space. (用不定式改写)In 2012, Liu Yang became China’s first female astronaut __________ __________ __________ space.33.I have tried to learn Arabian but failed, despite my best efforts. (同义句转换)I have tried to learn Arabian but failed ______ ______ ______my best efforts.34.You’d better take this device so that you can get in touch with others.(同义转换)You’d better take this device __________ __________ __________ __________in touch with others.35.She not only achieved her dream but also set a good example for us. (句型转换)Not only ______ ______ ______ her dream but also she set a good example for us.36.Sam has finished his homework.(改为过去完成时)37.The visitors can feast their eyes on the peaceful landscape of the “Emerald Isle”. (同义句转化)T he peaceful landscape of the “Emerald Isle” is ______ ______ ______ ______ _____ of the visitors.38.They are testing out the new system to see if it works well. (用被动语态改写)________________39.To tell the truth, we have no option but to put off the meeting. (同义句转换)_______ ________ _________, we have no option but to put off the meeting.40.To be invited to witness the flag-raising ceremony at the square is an honour.(改为用it作形式主语)It is________ invited to witness the flag-raising ceremony at the square.41.In conclusion, the sweet wormwood apparently destroyed its medical properties.(同义句转换)_______ __________ _________, the sweet wormwood apparently destroyed its medical properties.42.He attached importance to safe driving only when he witnessed the accident. (用倒装句改写)Only when he witnessed the accident __________ __________ __________ importance to safe driving.43.There are ten good English programs. They are broadcast on TV or the radio in China. (改为定语从句)There are ten good English programs ______ ______ broadcast on TV or the radio in China. 44.He addicted himself to drinking. (改为同义句)He ______ ______ to drinking.45.It is highly important to make sure that the Internet is accessible to everyone.(同义句转化) It is of great importance to make sure that everyone _______ ______ ______ the Internet. 46.He turned on the alarm clock so that he could get up on time.(同义句转换)He turned on the alarm clock_______ ________ _______ get up on time.47.Rose spent four hours in Egypt. His father worked on this project.(用非限制性定语从句合并) 48.I don’t believe she has done it on purpose,___________ ___________?(改为反意疑问句) 49.You should in no sense lose heart; a great cause is worth trying many times.(同义句改写)In no sense_______________ lose heart; a great cause is_______________ being tried many times.50.As I don’t know his phone number, I can’t get in touch with him.(用动词-ing形式作状语改写句子)参考答案1.It was not until I finished reading the first English novel that I discovered the beauty of English. 2.capable of3.Mary became a lawyer ten years later, whose mother used to be a movie star.4.raise up5.the best6.As a matter of fact7.Endangered wild animals are being collected for future study (by the scientist).8.No matter what9.How important it is for us to learn a foreign language well!10.dating back to11.find it convenient12.Only when you devote yourself to your work will you make greater progress.13.They have found out a way that/which can deal with the problem.14.Camping popularity increases among young people, most of whom are nature lovers. 15.What excited##thrilled16.He hurried to the school, only to find there was nobody on campus.17.With their chins on18.Practice may not make perfect, but deliberate practice has been shown to lead to significant improvement.19.aren't you20.after which21.Science fiction is regarded by many people as a mirror, through which our future can be freely imagined and explored.22.In this case23.from which24.Not knowing how to solve this problem, I am writing to ask for your advice.25.Only when can we26.whether##if she could27.has been writing28.absorbed in her book29.are being taken30.apologized31.why scientists worked32.to travel into33.in spite of34.in order to get35.did she achieve36.Sam had finished his homework.##Sam had finished his homework by then.37. a feast for the eyes38.The new system is being tested out by them to see if it works well.39.To be honest40.an honor to be##an honour to be##honored to be##honoured to be41.To sum up42.did he attach43.that##which are44.was addicted45.has access to46.so as to47.Rose, whose father worked on this project, spent four hours in Egypt. 或Rose, the father of whom worked on this project, spent four hours in Egypt.48.has she49.should you worthy of50.Not knowing his phone number, I can’t get in touch with him。


改为:出生于小资产阶级家庭,与歌德生活在同一时代的 德国著名作家,“穷人的歌者”里克特的散文《两条路》
①先找好基准句; ②再仿照基准句改写其他句子,注意结构一致,句式整 齐,构成排比句;最后组织答案,根据要求作答。
例1:有些东西触动你的心,使你激昂、 欢乐、忧愁、深思。
散句变整句要注重两点:一是找到基准句,“让人们看到了…… 由……而……的……”句式整齐,意思表达完整,可作为基准句; 二是分析其余的语句,仿照基准句的句式结构改写,如“中国文化 由古韵流长……让人们看到了” 可改写为“让人们看到了中国文化由古韵流长而奔涌不息的文化传 承”“中国文化由……让人们看到了”可改写为“让人们看到了中 国文化由‘青绿笔绘’而‘声光舞美’的当下升华”。
2.把下面的长句改为四个短句。要求:可以增删个别词语, 但不得改变原意。(4分)
常设展厅包括主要展示西藏独特的自然风貌和丰富的 生物物种等的自然馆和主要展示古老的西藏科技智慧、最 新科技成就和基础科学知识等的科技馆两大板块的位于拉 萨的西藏首家自然科技类博物馆西藏自然科学博物馆于10 月1日结束试运营并正式免费向公众开放。
4.“海内存知己,天涯若比邻”表达的是对朋友的关爱,“慈母手中 线,游子身上衣”体现的是对亲人的牵挂,“何当共剪西窗烛,却话巴 山夜雨时”浓缩的是对恋人的思念。
中国古典诗歌的意蕴可谓丰厚,几乎每一种情感,都能从中找 到对应的诗句。表达对朋友的关爱可以用“海内存知己,天涯若 比邻”,“慈母手中线,游子身上衣”则体现的是对亲人的牵 挂,“何当共剪西窗烛,却话巴山夜雨时”浓缩了对恋人的思念。 每一个生命都走不出情感的射程,是那些情感让人们好好生活, 好好工作,好好珍惜属于自己的分分秒秒。





















实战演练 针对训练,提能力
参考答案 5.【参考答案】 没有一点闯的精神,没有一点“冒”的精神,没有一股气呀,劲呀,就走不出一条好路,走不出一条新 路,干不出一番新的事业。 【解题思路】 画线的句子可以分为两组排比句,以“没有……就……”的结构联结。第一组,参考“没有一点‘冒’ 的精神”,前后句改为“没有一点闯的精神”和“没有一股气呀,劲呀”。第二组,参考“走不出一条新路”,将后两句改为 “走不出一条好路”“干不出一番新的事业”。其中,按照事理逻辑,应当是先走“好路”再走“新路”,后干“新的事业”, 所以要调整语序。
实战演练 针对训练,提能力
参考答案 4.【参考答案】 以仰韶文化为代表的中原文化,在黄河岸边郁郁葱葱地生长;以大汶口文化为代表的黄淮流域 文化,在红陶黑陶器物中散发出幽幽陈香;以湘楚文化和巴蜀文化为代表的南方文化,在长江上中游地区遍地开花; 以河姆渡文化为代表的江南文化,在长江下游以南的田野水乡馥郁芳香。 【解题思路】 首先确定整句的句子形式应为“以……文化为代表的……文化,在……(地点)……(状态)”,然后将 画线部分的句子内容按照此句式调整即可。
实战演练 针对训练,提能力 1. 请将下面的句子改成一个长单句,可以改变语序、少量增删词语,但不得改变原意。
王泽山院士长期从事含能材料方面的教学与研究,他建立了发射装药理论,发明了低温感技术,研究和开发了 废弃火炸药再利用的理论和综合处理技术,是我国著名的火炸药专家。
参考答案 1.【参考答案】 长期从事含能材料方面的教学与研究,建立了发射装药理论,发明了低温感技术,研究和开发了 废弃火炸药再利用的理论和综合处理技术的王泽山院士是我国著名的火炸药专家。 【解题思路】 首先将原句的主谓宾找出来,主语是“王泽山院士”,而他的一系列活动中,前面“长期从事含能材料 方西的教学与研究”是他的活动过程,而“建立了发射装药理论,发明了低温感技术,研究和开发了废弃火炸药再利 用的理论和综合处理技术”是活动所取得的成绩。所以,可以把这两者结合起来,把它们作为“王泽山院士”的定语。 “是我国著名的火炸药专家”可以作为句子的谓语和宾语。最后整合即可。
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。

姓名:任丽丽学科:语文_______ 年级:九 _____ 班级:____________ 掌握句型转换的方法。








这次血腥事件,使越南战争变成了美国的一场使数十万美国士兵横渡太平洋前 来参战并使其屮数万人丧失性命的战争。

4、 提取下列材料的要点,整合成一个单句,对“二十四史〃作一解说。

(可适 当增删词语,不得改变原意)
① 为封建统治阶级提供历史借鉴是二十四史的编撰口的。

② 封建统治者称二十四史为“正史” o
③ 纪传体是二-1 •四史采用的体例。

④ 对屮国四「多年来的历史,二十四史所作的记录是比较系统的。


反问句与陈述句,表达的语意可以相同,但反问句比陈述句更肯定有力,往往 既能强调,又能表达强烈感情。

5、 把下面一个陈述句改写成反问句

常式句是正常语停的句子,变式句是句子成分倒装的句子,常见的有:主谓倒 装、状语后置、状语前置、定语后置等。

常式句屮颠倒了次序的部分,往往有 强调作用,增强了表达的效果。



(常式句)—— 进来吧,你。


结构相同或相近的一组句子叫整句(包括对 比、排比或二者Z 外结构相近的句子)。

结构不整齐,长、短句交错运用的一 组句子叫散句。


整句结构齐整,音节和 谐,渲染气氛、加强语势。

无可否认,整句有其特殊的修辞功能,但如果滥用, 则会造成语言的呆板,而克服因此造成的呆板的一种方法就是整散结构。

在考 试中,经常考查的是整句与散句进行互换。

13、把F 面句了中画横线部分变为整句:
度过了讨饭的童年生活和在财东马房睡过觉的童年时代,青年时候又在深山老 林
7、 我们今天下午在礼堂开会。

①—— 我们今天下午开会,在礼堂。


8、 他吃了一个红苹果。

9、主谓倒装句——起來,饥寒交迫的奴隶! 状语倒装句——他离去了,在依依不舍之中。

定语倒装句——大家都注视着这位新同学,高高的, 因果变式句——这果子吃不了,太硬了。

(状语前置) (定语后10、 11、 12、 六、 瘦瘦的。

