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1. 国际标准
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)ISO 8124-1:2000 Safety of Toys - Part 1: Safety Aspects Related to Mechanical and Physical Properties ISO 8124-2:1994Flammability ISO 8124-3:1997Migration of Certain Elements ISO 8098:1989 Cycles - Safety Requirements for Bicycles for Young Children
16. 泰国标准
Thai Industrial Standard for Toys TIS 685-2540 Part1: General Requirements (1997)Compulsory Stnd. (effective date 5 January 1999) Part 2: Packages and Labeling (1997) Part 3: Methods of Test & Analysis(1997)
ISO 8124-1:2000 玩具安全-第 1 部分:机械和物理性能相关的安全 要求 ISO 8124-2:1994 玩具安全-第 2 部分:阻燃 ISO 8124-3:1997 玩具安全-第 3 部分:某些元素的转移 ISO 8098:1989+Amdt 1:1992 儿童自行车的安全要求
Intended for Use by Children Under Three Years of Age
13. 阿拉伯标准
SSA 765-1994 Playground Equipment Part I: General Safety Requirements SSA 1063-1994 Toys and General Safety Requirements SSA 1064-1995 Method of Testing Part 1: Mechanical and Chemical Tests SSA 1065-1995 Method of Testing Toys Part 2: FlammabilitySSA 1322-1997 Low Power Radio Frequency Devices
EN71: Part 1; 1998 Safety of Toys Part 1. Specification for Mechanical and Physical Properties EN71: Part 2: 1993 Safety of Toys Part 2,Specification for Flammability Requirements EN71: Part 3: 1994 Safety of Toys Part 3. Speicfication for Migration of Certain Elements EN71part 4:1990 Safety of Toys Part 4. Specification for Experimental Sets for Chemistry and Related Activities and Amendment 1998 EN71part 5:1993 Safety of Toys Part 5. Chemical Toys (sets) other Than Experimental Sets
1Baidu Nhomakorabea. 南非标准
SABS ISO 8124-1:2000 Safety of Toys - Part 1: Safety Aspects Related to Mechanical and Physical Properties SABS ISO 8124-2:1994 Flammability SABS ISO 8124-3:1997Migration of Certain Elements
10. 马来西亚标准
Safety of ToysMS EN71 Part 1:1995 (P)Mechanical and Physical PropertiesMS ISO 8124-2:1999FlammabilityMS EN71 Part 3: 1998Migration of Certain ElementsMS EN71 Part 4:1998Experimental Sets for Chemistry and Related ActivitiesMS EN71 Part 5: 1998Chemical Toys (Sets) Other than Experimental Sets
12. 新西兰标准
NZS 5820:1982 Specification for the Safety of ToysAmendment No. 1 to NZS 5820NZS 5820:1982 CORR1NZS 5822:1992 The Prevention of Ingestion and Inhalation Hazards in Toys
8. 香港标准 Toys and Children's Products Safety Regulation (in compliance with ASTM F963, ICTI or EN-71)
9. 日本标准
The Japan Toy Association Toy Safety Standard Part 1 - Mechanical and Physical Properties Part 2 - FlammabilityPart 3 - Chemical Properties
2. 阿根廷标准
Instituto Argentino de Racionalization de Materials 3583arte 1:1986 Seguridad de los juguetes, marcado, Rotulado y embalaje Parte 2: 1988 Propiedades meconicasy fisicas Parte 3:1988 Inflamabilidad Parte 4:1991 Requisitos toxicologicos Parte 5:1996 Juegos de experimentos quimicos y actividades relacionadas
6, 中国标准
GB 6675-86 Toy Safety Standard GB 9832-93 Safety and Quality of Sewn, Plush and Cloth Toys GB 5296.5-96 Labeling and Instructions for Toys
7. 欧洲标准
11. 墨西哥标准
NOM 015/10-SCFI/SSA-1994Toy Safety and Commercial Information - Toy and School Material Safety. Limits on the Bioavailability of Metals used on Articles with Paints and Dyes. Chemical Specifications and Test Methods.
3. 澳大利亚标准
AS 1647.1-1990 Children's Toys (safety requirements) Part 1: General requirements AS 1647.2-1992 Children's toys (safety requirements) Part 2: Constructional requirements AS1647.2-1992/Amdt. 1-1995 Children's Toys (safety requirements) - Constructional RequirementsAS 1647.3-1995 Children's toys: (safety requirements) Part 3: Toxicological requirements AS 1647.4-1980 Children's toys (safety requirements) Part 4: Flammability requirementsAS 1900-1991 Flotation toys and swimming aids for childrenAS 1900-1991/Amdt. 1-1993 Flotation Toys & Swimming Aids for Children
4. 巴西标准
ABNT (Brazilian Association of Technical Standards)NBR 11786/1998 - Toy Safety
5. 加拿大标准
Technical Standards Safety Act and Upholstered and Stuffed Articles RegulationHazardous Products Act R.S. c.H-3Hazardous Products (Toys) Regulations C.R.C., c. 931Hazardous Products (Pacifiers) Regulations: "Knob-Like" Pacifiers PolicyRegulations Respecting the Advertising, Sale and Importation of Hazardous Products (Pacifiers) under Hazardous Products ActA Guide to Safety Requirements for ToysToys: Age Classification Guidelines
14. 新加坡标准
Safety of Toys:SS 474 PT. 1:2000 Part 1: Mechanical and Physical Properties SS 474 PT. 2: 2000 Part 2: Flammability SS 474 PT. 3: 2000 Part 3: Migration of Certain Elements SS 474 PT. 4: 2000Part 4: Experimental Sets for Chemistry and Related Activities SS 474 PT. 5: 2000Part 5: Chemical Toys (sets) Other Than Experimental Sets SS 474 PT. 6: 2000Part 6: Graphical Symbol for Age Warning labeling
EN71 art 6:1995 Safety of Toys Part 6, Graphical Symbol for Age Warning Labeling European Standard EN50088:1996 on the Safety of Electric Toys
EN 50088/AI Amendment TO EN50088:1996 HD271 SI:1982 Safety of Electrical Toys Council Directive (88/378/EEC) Approximation of the Laws of the Member States Concerning the Safety of Toys Council Directive (87/357/EEC) Dangerous Imitations Directive Council Directive (93/68/EEC) Rules for Affixing and Use of the CE Conformity Marking