中国文化概述 chapter 12 Major Tourist Cities
Mount Taishan
There are five sacred mountains in China: Mount Taishan (泰山), Mount Huashan (华山), Mount Hengshan (恒山), Mount Hengshan (衡山), and Mount Songshan (嵩山).
Huanglong is famed for its colorful pools, snow-capped mountains, deep forests, waterfalls and diversified cultures.
讨论 (10 minutes) 学生课件展示 (30 minutes)
World Cultural and Natural Heritages in China
China has a vast territories, abundant natural resources, with many wonderful landscapes and treasured historic sites. A number of these form part of the World Heritage List, a source of great national pride to the Chinese people.
the Lotus Peak
the Guangming peak
Mount Lushan
Mount Lushan was added to the list of World Cultural Heritage in 1996 by UNESCO WHC.
中国文化概况(修订版)Chapter 12 World Heritage Sites
These sites are the most essential part of China’s valuable and rich tourism resources. China also has rich non-material cultural heritage.
Cultural and Natural Heritage
World Heritage in China
The World Heritage List
established under terms of the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage(《保 护世界文化和自然遗产公约》) adopted in 1972 by UNESCO. China acceded to the Convention in 1987.
Discussion & Presentation
Lead-in Activity
Watch & Think Watch the video and discuss: Do you any World Heritage Site in China? Do you prefer a natural heritage or a cultural heritage? Why?
Natural Heritage
Natural Heritage
Huanglong Scenic and Historic Interest Area • Located in Songpan county, northwest of Sichuan province • Its most important feature is the outstanding karst formation. • tall arbours and shrubs, vines, herbs and moss, as well as rare and endangered plants that only China has. • enjoys the reputation of “Kingdom of Cold Temperate Plants”. • boasts more than 30 species of national Grade-A and Grade-B protected animals
中国文化强调仁爱思想,即关爱他人、尊重生 命、热爱和平。这种思想体现在儒家文化中, 如孔子的“仁爱”思想。
中国文化注重中和思想,即追求和谐、平 衡、中道。这种思想体现在道家文化中, 如老子的“无为而治”思想。
中国文化重视礼制观念,即注重礼仪、规矩、 秩序。这种观念体现在古代中国的政治制度 和社会生活中,如周礼的制定和实施。
中国传统建筑以木结构为主,注重建筑的空间布局和层次 感。同时,建筑的装饰也十分精美,包括雕刻、绘画等多 种艺术形式。
中国文化“走出去” 战略
积极推动中国文化走向世界,通 过文化交流、文化贸易等方式, 增强中国文化的国际影响力。
加强与世界其他文化的交流与对 话,促进文化多样性和文化包容 性的发展。
中国文化产业的国 际化发展
推动文化产业国际化发展,打造 具有国际竞争力的文化品牌和产 品。
05 中国文化的艺术层面
介绍书法的起源、发展、流派和特点,以及重要的书法作品和书 法家。
• 夏商周三代是中国文化的奠基时期,形成了以礼为核心的伦理道德体系。 • 夏朝的礼乐制度是中华文化的重要基石。 • 商朝的甲骨文是汉字的早期形式,体现了古代文化的传承。 • 周朝的礼乐制度更加完善,对后世产生了深远影响。
中秋节:中国传统节庆 的代表,强调团圆和思 念,是人们对亲人的思
• 放鞭炮:春节的习俗之一,象征 着驱邪避邪,带来好运。 • 拜年:春节的习俗之一,象征着 尊敬长辈,互致祝福。
• 赏月:中秋节的习俗之一,象征 着人们对团圆的向往和期盼。 • 吃月饼:中秋节的习俗之一,象 征着人们对亲人的思念和祝福。
• 道家思想对中国文化产生了深远影响,形成了独特的道家文化。 • 道家文化对中国古代科技、艺术等领域产生了重要影响。 • 道家思想对历代统治者的政治观念和道德修养产生了重要影响。
• 佛教思想起源于印度,自东汉时期传入中国,强调心灵解脱和慈悲为怀。 • 心灵解脱:佛教思想的核心,主张人们要通过修行来解脱世俗的痛苦。 • 慈悲为怀:佛教思想的重要组成部分,主张人们要关爱他人,行善积德。 • 因果报应:佛教思想的重要观念,主张人们要相信善恶有报,要行善避恶。
• 社会教育:中国传统文化传承的重要途径,通过文化活动和社 区教育,传承民间艺术和习俗。
中国传统文化在现代 社会的创新与发展
• 中国传统文化在现代社会需要不断创新和发展,以适应时代的发 展和人们的需求。
• 文化创新:中国传统文化创新的重要途径,通过挖掘传统文化 的内涵,创作新的艺术作品和文化产品。
Chinese Culture(中国文化概论)
III. Cultural Tips 文化点滴
3.4 Chinese Holidays Chinese New Year 春节 Lantern Festival 元宵节 Grave Sweeping Day 清明节 Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节
IV. Survival Chinese实用汉语
I want to go to: Wo yao qu: 我要去: Hotel jiu dian酒店 Airport fei ji chang飞机场 Train station huo che zhan火车站 I want to return home Wo yao hui jia. 我要回家
II. Xiamen in Brief 厦门简介
Average Lifespan人均寿命: 78. 23 Sister Cities姐妹城市: Cardiff Shire, UK, Sasebo, Japan, Cebu, Philippines, Baltimore, US, Wellington, New Zealand, Penang, Malaysia Maroochy Shire, Australia, Kanaus, Lithuania, Guadalajara, Mexico, Zoetermeer, Netherlands
IV. Survival Chinese实用汉语
Correct / rightDui对 Incorrect / wrongBu dui不对 Don‘t wantBu Yao 不要 Don‘t haveMei you没有 I don't knowWo bu zhi dao我不知道
Chapter 1答案1. 1) c 2) b 3) a 4) d 5) c2. 6) Sumerian, Egyptian, Chinese characters7) red, rectangular, five stars8) form, sound, meaning9) family name, the given name, xing, shi, ming, zi3.10) a. the Imperial palace/the Forbidden City b. nature reserve c. autonomous region d. special administrative region11) a. the Han nationality b. ethical tradition c. social status d. Chinese character4. Explain the following in English.12) paper making, printing, the compass and gunpowder.13) 甲骨文,钟鼎文,小篆,隶书,楷书5. Answer the following questions.14) Chinese characters mainly have four ways of formation, namely pictographs, indicatives, ideatives and harmonics.15) A person‟s ming and zi were normally given by his or her elders. Hao was different from both min g and zi in that it waschosen by oneself rather than by others. A person often had more than one hao. Hao was not used to address one another but as a signature in one‟s poetic and artistic works. Hao usually revealed one‟s aspirations and moral values.16) A Chinese surname is generally composed of one character or syllable, such as Zhang, Wu, Li, or Yang. There are alsotwo-syllable, three-syllable or even four-syllable surnames, such as Ouyang, Zhuge, Sima, Gongsun, Zhukehun, Buliugu, Houmochen and Jingjiangliushi.Chapter 2答案1.Multiple choice (choose the best answer).1) c 2) d 3) a 4) d 5) a2. Fill in the blanks.6) 221 B.C.7) Silk Road, Chang'an, Xinjiang, Mediterranean Sea8) Opium War9) Sun Yat-sen, feudal monarchical system3. Translate the following terms into English.10) a. the Paleolithic Era b. the Neolithic Age c. slave society d. Dream of Red Mansions11) a. painted pottery b. the spring and Autumn Period c. socialist market economyd. Opium War4. Explain the following in English.12) During the reign of Emperor Wudi (Liu Che, r. 140-87 B.C.), the Han regime reached the period of its greatest prosperity:The emperor conquered the Xiongnu nomads, and sent Zhang Qian as envoy to the Western Regions (Central Asia), and in the process pioneered the route known as the "Silk Road" from the Han capital Chang'an (today's Xi'an, Shaanxi Province), through Xinjiang and onward, finally reaching the east coast of the Mediterranean Sea.13) During the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods, philosophy and other branches of scholarship wereunprecedentedly thriving, with the representatives of various schools vying with each other in writing books to discuss politics and analyze society. Hence the appearance of a situation in which "a hundred schools of thought contended."5. Answer the following questions.14) The Opium War was the turning point in Chinese history in that it marked the close of the ancient period and the beginningof the modern history.15) The reason why the construction of the Dujiang Dam was so important in Chinese ancient times is that it made possiblerationalized irrigation supply, flood diversion and sand discharge.16) During his reign, Qin Shi Huang standardized the script, currencies, and weights and measures, established the system ofprefectures and counties, and constructed the world-renowned Great Wall as well as a large palace, mausoleum and temporary regal lodges respectively in Xianyang, Lishan and other places. In addition, the life-size terracotta horses and armored warriors excavated from sites near the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang are known as the eighth wonder of the world.Chapter 3答案1.Multiple choice (choose the best answer).1) d 2) b 3) a 4) b 5) d2. Fill in the blanks.6) 3000, 727) li, yi, yi8) Mo Zi9) Xun Zi, nature, materialism, atheism3. Translate the following terms into English.10) a. Confucianism b. (Sun Wu‟s) the Art of War c. Confucian analects d. Second Sage11) a. the feudal landlord class b. conservatism c. the policy of benevolence d. the nine-square field system4. Explain the following in English.12) The six documents (The Six Classics) under Confucius compilation include Shi (The Book of Songs), Shu (Collection ofAncient Texts), Li (The Rites), Yue (The Music), Yi (I Ching, or The Classic of Changes), and Chun Qiu (The Spring and Autumn Annuals), which are considered as the classics of Confucianism.13) Mencius believed that human beings are good by nature. He held that this goodness is innate and can be acquired withoutlearning or thinking; one‟s natural goodness is presented by the exercise of benevolence, righteousness, proprieties and prudence. Evil comes into being when one rejects their natural goodness.5. Answer the following questions.14) According to Mencius, the ideal moral personality is that one should never be “corrupted by neither riches nor honors,shaken by neither poverty nor adversity, faltered by neither threats nor force”.15) Han Feizi argued that human nature is basically selfish, and thus the social order can be maintained only when the rulerimposes rules and his subjects must obey without questioning and enforces them with strict punishments. As a moral and ethical system, “ren” is the central theme of Confucius Analects, which focuses on human love that is hierarchical and differentiated. Thus Confucius created his version of humanism. In his idea, human nature is partially good and partially evil. Based on “ren”, Confucius objected to the fantastic powers that confused the human spirit.16) As one of the greatest thinkers and educators in the history of China, Confucius‟ contributions lie in the following thre easpects. Firstly, he compiled and preserved literary works of three generations. The six documents (The Six Classics) under his compilation, including Shi (The Book of Songs), Shu (Collection of Ancient Texts), Li (The Rites), Yue (The Music), Yi (I Ching, or The Classic of Changes), and Chun Qiu (The Spring and Autumn Annuals), are considered as the classics of Confucianism. Secondly, Confucius established a system of philosophical thoughts with “ren”(benevolence) as its fundamental virtue. Thirdly, Confucius established private schools and founded a systematic educational framework.Chapter 4答案1.Multiple choice (choose the best answer).1) d 2) d 3) b 4) b 5) c2. Fill in the blanks.6) naturalistic, primitive7) the simplicity, true nature, selfishness, desire8) Old Master9) the social order, individual freedom3. Translate the following terms into English.10) a. prehistoric times b. pessimism c. Taoism d. men-cosmos correspondence11) a. Chinese martial arts b. astrology c. Chinese alchemy d. social order4. Explain the following in English.12) compassion, moderation, and humility13) Mount Longhu (Mount Dragon and Tiger) in Jiangxi Province, Mount Qingcheng in Sichuan Province, Mount Wudang inHubei Province, and Mount Qiyun in Anhui Province.5. Answer the following questions.14) The core of Lao Zi‟s thought is “Tao” (the Way), by whi ch he refered to the condition of the universe before the creation ofthe heaven and the earth. Therefore, it is from Tao that all the elements of the universe are derived. Reversal enables Tao to have a circular movement, that is, when the development of anything brings it to one extreme, a reversal to the other extreme takes place.15) Taoism is one of the most important religions in China, which refers to a variety of related philosophical and religioustraditions and concepts. These traditions have influenced East Asia for over two thousand years and some have spread to the West. As the native religion of China, Daoism, together with Confucianism and Buddhism, comprises the main body of traditional Chinese culture. Daoists, in pursuit of the ideal of becoming immortals by practicing Dao, made great efforts to transcend conventional wisdom about life and knowledge and thus helped both to define ancient science in China and to advance it through a great number of inventions. Chinese alchemy, astrology, cuisine, several Chinese martial arts, Chinese traditional medicine, fengshui, and many styles of qigong breath training disciplines have been intertwined with Daoism throughout history.16) Lao Zi‟s “ruling by non-action or inaction” reflects the exploration of an intellectual for the ultimate solution of the socialorder and individual freedom. His pursuit of vacuity and action through non-action echoes the reality of his time, a period torn by ceaseless wars among states. Lao Zi used the term broadly with simplicity and humility as key virtues, often in contrast to selfish action. On a political level, it means avoiding wars, harsh laws and heavy taxes. For him, it was more important to “see the simplicity, to realize one‟s true nature, to cast off selfishness, and to temper desire”.Chapter 5答案1. Multiple choice (choose the best answer).1) c 2) c 3) a 4) a 5) d2. Fill in the blanks.6) the Han Dynasty, the Sui and Tang7) Confucianism, Taoism8) Wutai, the “roof of northern China”9) Buddhist temples, 76 temples, first3. Translate the following terms into English.10) a. Buddhism b. meditation c. Confucianism d. Buddhist temple11) a. the Great Buddha Hall b. Buddhist scripture c. joss stick d. summer resort4. Explain the following in English.12) The Four Wonders of Mount Emei are the “Golden Summit Sunrise”, “Sea of Clouds”, “Buddha‟s Halo” and the “Holy Lamp”.13) The Ten Schools of Chinese Buddhism are as follows:a. Reality School or Kosa School or Abhidharma School.b. Satysiddhi School or Cheng-se School.c. Three Sastra School or San-lun School.d. The Lotus School or T'ien-t'ai School.e. The Garland School or Hua-yen.f. Intuitive School or Ch'an School or Dhyana School.g. Discipline School or Lu School or Vinaya School.h. Esoteric School or Chen-yien School or Mantra School.i. Dharmalaksana School or Ch'u-en School or Fa-siang School.j. Pure-land School or Sukhavati School or Ching-t'u School.5. Answer the following questions.14) The cornerstone of Buddhist philosophy is the view that all life is suffering.15) the doctrine of Four Noble Truths refers to: life is suffering, the cause of suffering is desire, the answer is to quench desire,and the way to this end is to follow the Eight-Fold Path, which consists of right knowledge, right thought, right speech, right behavior, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness and right concentration.16) When Li Bai, famous Chinese poet of the Tang Dynasty, was invited to Mount Jiuhua, he was overwhelmed by the scene ofnine peaks that look like lotus blooms from heaven. Out of admiration he composed the lines: “Two forces preserve between the World and the Heaven; Nine lotuses blossom on the Jiuhua Mountain.” Since then the mountain has been attracting men of letters throughout the ages, and thus Jiuhua obtained its fame.Chapter 6答案1 Multiple choice (choose the best answer).1) d 2) d 3) d 4) d2 Fill in the blanks.5) Feng, Ya, Song, Fu, Bi, Xing6) The Classic of Poetry; The Classic of History; The Classic of Rites; The Classic of Rites; The Classic of Changes; The Spring and Autumn Annals.7) Feng (Ballads); Ya (Odes); Song (Sacrificial Songs)3 Translate the following terms into English8) a. The Great Learning b. The Analects of Confucius9) a. The Doctrine of the Mean b. The Classic of History10) a. The Classic of Changes b. The Four Books and Five Classics4 Explain the following in English.11) “Confucius Way of the Heart” means if everyone makes strict demands on himself/herself, and does everything according to the Confucian rites, then the relations between the king and the minister, the father and the son will eventually be harmonized, and the society will go smoothly.12) “To know something is not so good as to like it; to like it is not so good as to delight in it.” It means a person who pr efers it can learn better than one who merely understands it; but a person who delights in it learns even better than one who only prefers it.5. Answer the following questions.略Chapter 7答案1 Multiple choice (choose the best answer).1) a 2) b 3) a 4) a2 Fill in the blanks.5)controlling flood, Yv the Great, Shun6)Pan Gu, Nv Wa, her own modal, yellow clay3 Translate the following terms into English7)a. the descendants of Yan and Huang b. Yv the Great controlling the flood8)a. the Eight Immortals crossing the sea. b. Nv Wa creating man9)a. Pan Gu creating the world b.Kua Fu chasing the Sun4 Answer the following questions.10)Huang Di is resourceful in invention as well as in war and is credited with the invention of many things, like carts and boats, clothes, houses, writing and silkworm breeding and Silk weaving. Yan Di is credited with the invention of farming and medicine. He invented the wooden plow and taught people how to treat diseases. Wars urged the mixture and the assimilation of different tribes and eventually formed a tribal alliance of Huang Di and Yan Di. Traditions has it that Chinese civilization originated from the era of Huang Di and Yan Di, for they are the ancestors of the Chinese people. That is why the Chinese call themselves the descendants of Yan and Huang.11)略5 Retell the stories with the help of the following pictures.略Chapter 8答案:1 Multiple choice (choose the best answer).1) a 2)d 3)d 4) a2 Fill in the blanks.5) the guti verse forms, jinti verse forms, classical, verse form, moder6) Shijing7) Li Sao8) Sage Poet, the greatest realist poet9) Su Shi, Li Qingzhao3 Translate the following terms into English10) a. Tang Poems b. Songci11) a. yuanqu b. Chuci4 Explain the following in English12) Yuefu originally referred to the “music bureau” in the Han Dynasty, responsible for collecting or writing poems, folk son gs and ballads, and having them set to music. Later, poems, folk songs and ballads collected and compiled by yufu were given the name Yuefu.13) Ci is a kind of poetry written to certain tunes with strict tonal patterns and rhyme schemes, in fixed numbers of lines and words, originated in Tang Dynasty and fully developed in Song Dynasty.14) Apart from the above verse forms, there is also Fu, it‟s something between poetry and prose, similar to rhapsody: a descriptive poem, and much cultivated from Han times to the Six Dynasties. Examples are Su Shi's “Fu on the Red Cliff”, Ban Gu‟s Rhapsody on Two Capitals”, etc.5 Answer the following questions略Chapter 9答案:1 Multiple choice (choose the best answer).1) b 2)d 3)c 4) d 5)a 6)d2 Fill in the blanks.7) A Dream of Red Mansions, The Pilgrim to the West, Romance of theThree Kingdoms, and Outlaws of the Marsh.8) Monkey King9) Cao Xueqin , Gao E10) Wei, Shu, Wu11) Jin Ping Mei12) The Family, The Spring and The Autumn3 Translate the following terms into English13) a. vernacular novel b. Grand View Garden14) a. trilogy Torrent b. Three Kingdoms4 Explain the following in English.15) Hua Ben is actually a kind of monologue for actors to tell stories to the lower-class audience who were unable to read forthemselves.16) The Grand View Garden is a large landscaped interior garden in the classic Chinese novel Dream of the Red Chamber, builtwithin the compounds of the Rongguo Mansion. It is the setting for much of the story. When the Jia family estates are confiscated, the Garden is ransacked. Being farther from the inner apartments, it is also destroyed by the Imperial Guards.5. Answer the following questions.略6. Group Discussion略Chapter 10答案:1 Multiple choice (choose the best answer).1) b 2)a 3)b 4) a2 Fill in the blanks.5) Qin-Han6) Four Great Playwrights of Yuan Dynasty7) The Midsummer Snow, Raindrops on Phoenix Tree , Autumn in the Han Palace and The Orphan of the Zhao‟s3 Translate the following terms into Chinese8) a. 《牡丹亭》b. 《窦娥冤》9) a. 《梧桐雨》b. 《汉宫秋》10) a. 《赵氏孤儿》b. 《雷雨》4 Explain the following in English.11) Kunqu is one of the oldest and most refined styles of Chinese opera. It is regarded as the …mother‟ of Chinese theatre, having spawned many other forms, and is listed as one of UNESCO‟s Masterpieces of t he Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity.12) The Peony Pavilion is the most frequently piece played in Chinese Kunqu Opera by Tang Xianzu. The story takes place in the Southern Song period: Du Liniang, a sheltered, lonely girl of sixteen, dreams of a handsome young scholar. Saddened that he was only a dream, she pines away. Before she dies, she paints a self-portrait and hides it in the garden. Her mother buries her under a plum tree, and a shrine is erected to her memory.Liu Mengmei, an impoverished scholar, and dreams of a beautiful young woman under a plum tree who prophesies that only she will bring him happiness. While traveling, he finds Du Liniang's portrait, and falls in love with the image. Liniang‟s ghost appears. Convinced of Mengmei's love, s he reveals that she is a ghost, but that she can be revived. Braving his own fears, Mengmei opens the grave. Liniang returns to life.5. Answer the following questions.略。
March of the Volunteers 义勇军进行曲the Grand Canal between Beijing and Hangzhou 京杭descendants of Yan and Huang 炎黄子孙special administrative region 特别行政区one country , two systems 一国两制banning all schools of thought except Confucianism 罢黜Buddhist scriptures 佛经three obediences and four virtues 三从四德the Koran 古兰经When the Eight Immortals cross the sea ,each demonstrates their divine power .八仙过海philosophical prose 诸子散文literary criticism 文学评论Soft and Tuneful School 婉约派Four Great Classical Novels 四大名著the Nobel Price for Literature 诺贝尔文学奖regular script 楷书Four Treasures of the Study 文房四宝crosstalk 相声shadow play 皮影戏plucked instrument 弦乐器Preliminary Eve 小年Golden Week 黄金周Spring Festival Gala 春节联欢晚会Double Seventh Festival 七夕节autonomous prefecture 自治州eight regional cuisines 八大菜系double-stewed soup 老火靓汤oolong tea 乌龙茶arm-crossed wine 交杯酒A Bite of China 舌尖上的中国Silk Road 丝绸之路paddy-field costume 稻田装batik or wax painting 蜡染Chinese tunic suit 中山装betrothal gift 订婚礼物中国位于亚洲东部,太平洋西岸。
中国传统文化概述 课件
传文 统化
5 一、文化的概念
(1) (2)
物质文化是指人类通过加工自然创造的各种器物,是人的物质生 产活动及其产品的总和,属于实体文化。物质文化以满足人类的衣食 住行等基本生存需要为目标,反映了人类认识、利用和改造自然的程 度,同时也反映了社会生产力的发展水平。
制度文化是指人类在社会实践中建立的各种社会规范和社会组织,是 人们为了处理和解决各种社会矛盾、调整人与人之间的社会关系而制定的 各种法律、规范、准则、条例等, 是以社会制度形式呈现的文化现象。
传文 统化
6 一、文化的概念
行为文化是指由人们在人际交往中约定俗成的习惯性定势构成的文化,是以民风民俗形式 出现的,存在于日常起居中的具有鲜明民族特色的行为模式。如《汉书·王吉传》中所说:“是 以百里不同风,千里不同俗”,就明确指出了人类行为文化的存在,并说明其具有民族性和 地域性的特点。
(一) (二) (三)
农耕经济与“重农抑商”政策 春秋时期,农为“本”,商为“末”的观念迅速形成 战国时期的李悝提出“尽地力之教” 秦通过法律形式确定了发展农业生产的政策
16 三、中华传统文化形成的政治环境
(一)宗法制度 宗法制度是中国古代维护贵族世袭的一种制度,这种制度确立于夏朝,发展于商朝,完备
传文 统化
7 一、文化的概念
心态文化是指由人类社会实践和意识活动发展演化而来的价值观念、审美情趣、思 维方式等。心态文化层属于文化的核心,可以划分为社会心理和社会意识形态两个层 次。社会心理是指人们的要求、愿望、情绪等日常的精神状态和思想面貌,是尚未经 过理论加工和艺术升华的大众心态。而社会意识形态则是指经过系统加工的社会意识, 这些社会意识大多是由文化专家对社会心理进行理论归纳、逻辑整理、艺术完善,并 以著作、艺术作品等形式固定下来,流传后世的。
《三国演义》、《水浒传》、《西游记》、《红楼梦》,代表了 中国古代小说的最高成就。
通过人物形象、故事情节、戏剧冲突等手法,展现了中国古代社会 的风貌和人民的生活状态。
包括提亲、订婚、迎亲、拜堂、入洞房等步骤,以及哭嫁、闹洞 房等特殊习俗。
包括停尸、报丧、守灵、出殡、下葬等步骤,以及做七、周年祭 等特殊习俗。
包括催生、报喜、洗三朝、满月酒等步骤,以及抓周、取名等特 殊习俗。
以汉字为表现对象的艺术, 包括篆书、隶书、楷书、 行书、草书等五种书体。
中国画以线条为造型的主 要手段,讲究用笔用墨, 注重意境的营造。
中国传统音乐以五声音阶 为基础,注重旋律的优美 和节奏的和谐,具有鲜明 的民族特色。
《中国文化概论》PPT课 件
目 录
• 中国文化概述 • 中国语言文字 • 中国哲学思想 • 中国文学艺术 • 中国传统节日与习俗 • 中国古代科技与发明 • 中国饮食文化
文化是一个国家或民族的历史、地理、 风土人情、传统习俗、生活方式、文 学艺术、行为规范、思维方式、价值 观念等的总和。
中国文化概述 中国传统艺术 中国传统节庆 中国传统习俗 中国传统思想与哲学 中国传统科技与发明
• 《礼记》是一部儒家关于各种礼仪的论著、 杂说汇编,内容庞杂。 • “记”可以理解为对《仪礼》进行阐释和 补充的笔记、记录。
• 《礼记》的成书及流传:
Байду номын сангаас
先秦时期,儒家学者们在传习《仪礼》的同时, 也传授一些有关的参考资料。这些资料可以进一 步解释《仪礼》经文、阐发经义,人们称之为 “记”。当时这种《记》很多,作者也不只一两 个人。至西汉时期,礼学家们也都各自选取一些 《记》作为讲授《仪礼》的辅助教材。
• 《礼记》的行文特点:
• 言简意赅、意味隽永。有时气势磅礴、逻辑谨 严;有时用短小的故事阐明道理,生动形象; 有时闪现深刻而警策的格言,耐人寻味,给人 启迪。
• 第十一篇丧服:记载的是人们对死去的亲属,根据亲 疏远近而在丧服和服期上有种种差别的制度。 • 第十二篇士丧礼、第十三篇既夕,这两篇记载的是一 般贵族从死到埋葬的一系列的详细仪节。 • 第十四篇士虞礼:记载的是一般贵族埋葬其父母后, 回家所举行的安魂礼。 • 第十五篇特牲馈食礼:记载的是一般贵族定期在家庙 中祭祀祖祢的礼节。 • 第十六篇少牢馈食礼、第十七篇有司彻:这两篇记载 的是大夫一级的贵族在家庙中祭祀祖祢的礼节。
• 这些《记》 流传到东汉中期,只剩下了两种:一种是相传为 戴德选辑的 85 篇本的“大戴礼”;另一种是相传为戴圣选辑 的 49 篇本,称为“小戴礼”。 • 班固在《汉书· 艺文志》中并没有记载“小戴礼记”。
• 东汉学者郑玄为其中的 49 篇本作了注解,从而使它的影响越 来越大,由原来从属于《仪礼》 的地位转变为独立成书,人 们称它为《礼记》。 • 最早在史传目录中记载“小戴礼记”的是《隋书· 经籍志》。
• 《周礼》的内容:
记载了三百多种周朝的职官,并对其职责做了介绍,其中也涉 及周代的一些典章制度。 全书分六大部分: 《天官冢宰》《地官司徒》《春官宗伯》 《夏官司马》《秋官司寇》《冬官司空》。 《冬官司空》早已佚失,西汉学者将先秦古籍《考工记》补进去。
介绍中国传统音乐的种类、特点和代表作品,如古琴、古筝、二胡 等演奏的音乐。
概述中国各民族民间舞蹈的风格、特点和表演形式,如汉族的秧歌、 藏族的锅庄舞等。
阐述音乐和舞蹈在中国文化中的地位和作用,以及它们所体现的审美 观念和文化精神。
介绍中国戏曲的起源、发展、剧种和表演特点,包括京剧、昆曲、 豫剧等。
汉服、唐装、旗袍等是中 国传统服饰的代表,体现 了古代中国的审美观念和 文化内涵。
各地民间服饰丰富多彩, 如苗族的银饰、壮族的绣 花鞋等,展示了中国多元 民族文化的魅力。
随着时代的发展,中国现 代服饰不断吸收西方元素, 形成了独特的时尚风格。
中国古代建筑以木结构为主,注重空 间层次和和谐统一,如故宫、颐和园 等建筑杰作。
概述中国电影和电视剧的发展历程、代表作品和特点,以及影视艺 术在中国文化中的影响。
二、中国传统文化(儒、道、佛、文学、艺术等) 三、传统文化与现代化 四、考查:平时成绩(20)+考勤(10)+期末 成绩(70)
4)心态文化层:指价值观念、审美情趣、思 方式、心理活动等等。这是文化的核心。 维
2、狭义的文化指人类所创造的一切观念意识形态 成果,是人类精神文明的一个组成部分。狭义文化 专注于精神创造活动及其成果,所以又称“小文 化”。
1、全球文化:整个人类共同具有的符号、价值观或规范 2、民族文化:一个民族共同具有的文化
2、中国传统文化 6千年前的文化至鸦片战争(1840年;1949 年)时期的中国文化。
1)中国文化的源头:语言的产生;火的使用(旧石器文化) 2)农业文明的诞生(新石器文化)
最早的耕作 稻谷
虎被中国人视为百兽之王。它 是力量和威严的象征,被彝族 先民敬奉为原始图腾,成为吉 祥与幸福的象征。
识的初步觉醒,中国传统文化中的人文精神真肇端于此。 《周礼》—“尊礼文化”:“经礼三百、曲礼三千”,礼 乐制成为周代文化的集中体现 周人的人本思想,礼乐文化冲淡了殷商时期的神本文化, 为春秋时期思想界的“百家争鸣”奠定了基础,具有决定中 国文化模式转换的重要意义。
中国文化概论课件中国文化概论课件中国文化概论·第八章·第二节中国文化概论·第八章·第三节中国文化概论·第八章·第四节中国文化概论·第八章·第一节中国文化概论·第二章·第二节中国文化概论·第二章·第三节中国文化概论·第二章·第四节中国文化概论·第二章·第一节中国文化概论·第九章·第..中国文化概论·第九章·第.. 中国文化概论·第九章·第.. 中国文化概论·第九章·第.. 中国文化概论·第九章·第二节中国文化概论·第六章·第二节中国文化概论·第六章·第三节中国文化概论·第六章·第四节中国文化概论·第六章·第一节中国文化概论·第七章·第二节中国文化概论·第七章·第三节中国文化概论·第七章·第一节中国文化概论·第三章·第二节中国文化概论·第三章·第一节中国文化概论·第十二章·..中国文化概论·第十二章·..中国文化概论·第十二章·..中国文化概论·第十六章·..中国文化概论·第十六章·..中国文化概论·第十六章·..中国文化概论·第十三章·..中国文化概论·第十三章·..中国文化概论·第十三章·..中国文化概论·第十三章·..中国文化概论·第十三章·..中国文化概论·第十三章·..中国文化概论·第十四章·..中国文化概论·第十四章·..中国文化概论·第十五章·..中国文化概论·第十五章·..中国文化概论·第十五章·..中国文化概论·第十一章·..中国文化概论·第十一章·..中国文化概论·第十一章·..中国文化概论·第十章·第二节中国文化概论·第十章·第一节中国文化概论·第四章·第二节中国文化概论·第四章·第一节中国文化概论·第五章·第二节中国文化概论·第五章·第三节中国文化概论·第五章·第四节中国文化概论·第五章·第一节中国文化概论·第一章·第二节中国文化概论·第一章·第三节中国文化概论·第一章·第一节中国文化概论·绪论·第二节中国文化概论·绪论·第一节。
中国文化概论课件contents •中国文化概述•中国语言文字文化•中国传统艺术文化•中国古代科技文化•中国传统节日习俗文化•中国现代文化创新与发展目录01中国文化概述文化的定义与特点文化的定义文化是一个国家或民族在长期历史发展过程中所创造并传承下来的精神财富和物质财富的总和,包括语言、文字、艺术、科学、技术、哲学、宗教、风俗习惯等方面。
中国文化的核心价值观02中国语言文字文化1 2 3介绍汉字的起源,包括结绳记事、八卦、图画等早期记事方式,以及仓颉造字的传说。
中国文化概述 chapter 12 Major Tourist Cities
The Great Wall
The first major wall was built during the reign of the First Emperor of Qin in the 3rd century BC. This wall was not constructed as a single endeavor, but rather was created by the joining of several regional walls built by some states in the Warring States Period.
The most magnificent buildings from south to north are the Circular Mound Altar, the Imperial Vault of Heaven and the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest.
A Glimpse of Chinese Culture
Chapter 12 Major Tourist Cities
1. 北京的旅游景点介绍 2. 西安的旅游景点介绍 3. 南京的旅游景点介绍
教师课堂讲解 (60 minutes) 1. Beijing (15 minutes) 2. Shanghai, Hangzhou (10 minutes) 3. Guilin (5 minutes) 4. Xi’an (15 minutes) 5. Kunming, Lhasa (10 minutes) 6. Nanjing (5 minutes)
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Chapter 12 Major Tourist Cities
本. 西安的旅游景点介绍 3. 南京的旅游景点介绍
教师课堂讲解 (60 minutes) 1. Beijing (15 minutes) 2. Shanghai, Hangzhou (10 minutes) 3. Guilin (5 minutes) 4. Xi’an (15 minutes) 5. Kunming, Lhasa (10 minutes) 6. Nanjing (5 minutes)
Surrounded by a sixmeter-deep moat (护 城河) and a tenmeter-high wall are 9,999 rooms.
Opposite the Tian’anmen Gate, to the north is the Gate of Divine Might (神武门), which faces Jingshan Park.
Tian’anmen Square
The symbol of New China, is one of the largest squares in the world, large enough to hold 1 million people.
The Tian’anmen Gate tower stands imposingly at the northern end of the square.
There are unique and exquisitely structured watchtowers on each of the four corners of the curtain wall (宫墙).
Listed by UNESCO as a World Cultural Heritage Site in 1987, the Forbidden City is now one of the most popular tourist attractions in the world.
Additional structures include the Three Echo Stones and the Echo Wall.
The most magnificent buildings from south to north are the Circular Mound Altar, the Imperial Vault of Heaven and the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest.
讨论 (10 minutes)
学生课件展示 (30minutes)
Beijing, China’s capital city, is located in the northern part of the North China Plain. This teeming modern city and its surroundings abound with cultural relics, historic sites, and captivating landscapes. Cultural events and theatrical performances are also a great attraction here.
Forbidden City
The Forbidden City is a vast ancient architectural complex located in the center of Beijing, covering an area of 72 hectares. It is regarded as the finest example of traditional Chinese architecture.
The Chairman Mao Memorial Hall and the Qianmen Gate sit to the south of the square.
Temple of Heaven
The Temple of Heaven, a masterpiece of architecture and landscape design, is situated in the southern part of Beijing. It stands as the finest of all China’s temples. It was once the place where the Ming and Qing emperors worshipped Heaven and prayed for good harvests. A long wall encloses the Temple of Heaven. The northern wall is semicircular (半圆形) symbolizing Heaven and the southern section of the wall is square symbolizing Earth.
The Five-Star Red Flag flies high above with the Monument to the People's Heroes dominating the center of the square.
The Great Hall of the People flanks the east, while the National Museum of China is to the west.