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1.The thing that _______ is not whether you fail or not, but whether you try or not.

2.Many countries are increasing their use of natural gas, wind and other forms of


3.They had to prepare for the winter because the coal could only _____ a week.

4.We can't have such a big table in this room. It ________ too much room.

5.All the leading newspapers _______ the trade talks between China and USA.

6.After the fire, very little of the house _______ standing.

7.The storm has _____ much damage to the region.

8. A quarrel _______ between them, but no one knew why.

9. If no one _____ the phone at home, ring me at work.

10. Careless driving _____ a lot of highway accidents.

11. Seeing the sun ______ above the surface of the sea, we let out a shout of joy.

12. It was a great pity. His carelessness ____ him the first place in the competition.

13. Students here are treated equally no matter what _____ they are of, white, black or yellow.

14. --- Do you think the Stars will beat the Bulls?

--- Yes. They have better players, so I ______ them to win.

15. Roses are quite _______ flowers in gardens in Britain.

16. A person's _____ body temperature is about 37'C.

17. --- How about the book you're reading?

---Good indeed. It _____ many problems we have come across in our study.

18. The teacher told the boys to ____ all the waste paper lying about and burn it.

19. You look pale. You'd better go to hospital to have a blood _____.

20. Kindness is the most important ________ a man can have.

21. Although no one lived in the forest with the old man, he never felt ______ .

22. The new medicine for headache has a very good _______ on the patient.

23. My parents always let me have my own ______ of living.

24. I'm afraid Mr. Brown isn't in. Would you like to _____ a message?

25. I asked him to _____ me a few minutes so that we could go over all the problems.

26. I would like to _____ your attention to the following facts.

27. The rescue team made every _____to find the missing mountain climber.

28. V oices were _____ when the discussion became more heated.

29. While reading a novel, you'd better not stop to ________ every new word you meet with. Try to guess its meaning.

30. We ______ each other the best of luck in the examination.


1. Only a few modern artists are as internationally successful as the sculptor Carl Andre.

A. Only a few modern artists are successful

B. Carl Andre is an artist

C. Carl Andre is known around the world.

D. Carl Andre is more internationally successful than most modern artists.

E. Many modern artists are more successful than Carl Andre.

2. Unlike women’s clothes, menswear styles don’t usually undergo dramatic changes.

A. Women’s clothing styles often change dramaticall y

B. Men’s clothing styles often change dramatically

C. Men who style women’s clothes dislike women

D. Men’s underwear, unlike women’s clothes, is likely to undergo dramatic changes.

E. Men’s clothes don’t change as much as women’s style

3. In spite of the fact that women everywhere give birth and care for children, there is surprisingly little evidence to support the idea that women are better parents than men.

A. Women are better parents than men.

B. There is surprisingly little evidence that women everywhere care for children

C. Women are naturally better parents than men.

D. The fact that women everywhere give birth and care for children supports the idea that nature makes women better parents.

E. There is not very much evidence that women are better parents than men.

4. It is not an overstatement to say that most people in the US are close to being obsessed with their physical appearance.

A. Most people in the US are very concerned with how they look.

B. It is too strong to say that most people in the US are very concerned with their physical appearance.

C. Most people in the US are obsessed with their physical appearance.

D. Obviously, obsessed means much too concerned.

5. Despite what many people believe, writing is not only a matter of putting one’s ideas into words.

A. Writing is only a matter of putting one’s ideas into words.

B. Writing requires putting one’s ideas into words.

C. Many people believe that writing is only a matter of putting one’s ideas into words.

D. Many people be lieve that writing is not only a matter of putting one’s ideas into words.

E. Writing is more than just putting one’s ideas into words.
