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Nurse:Do you want to see a doctor? 你要看病吗?

Patent:Yes,where shall I register? 是的,在哪儿挂号?

N:Here, have you been here before? 这儿,你从前来过吗?

P:Yes,a year age./NO,this is my first visit.


N:Have you a registration card?


P:Yes here it is./NO,I forgot to bring it.

有,在这儿呢./ 没有,我忘记带了.

N:Do you remember your card number?


P:Yes,it is C dash one,five,zero, eight,four, three./No.I can't remember it.


N:When did you come last? 上次你什么时侯来的?

P:About a week ago. 大约在一周以前.

N:Then I'11 find out for you. 那么,我给你查查.

Are you working in the Embassy? 你在大使馆工作吗?

P:Yes I'll be here for three to five years.


I'm a teacher at…我是…的教师.

N:Pleas show me your identity card . 请出示你的身份证。

P:I'm a tourist. 我是一个旅游者.

N:How long do you intend to stay here? 你准备在这里呆多久? P:About one week. 大约一周。

Till the end of this year. 到今年年底。

I'm leaving tomorrow morning. 我明天早晨就走。

N:I'll make a file for you. 我要给你做一份病历.

Please write down your full name in block letters.


How old are you? 你的年龄?

When were you born? 你是哪年生的?

P:I was burn on the fifteenth of February nineteen fifty two.


N:What is your position in the Embassy? 你在大使馆做什么工作? P: I'm the ambassador . 我是大使.

N:What is your work here? 你在这里做什么工作?

P: I'm a delegate .


N:Are you married or single? 你结婚了,还是独身?

P:Yes,I'm married. 是的,我结婚了.

NO,I'm single. 没有,还是独身.

I'm divorced. 离婚了。

N:What's your address,pleas. 请告诉我你的住址。

P:I live in …hotel.


N:Your telephone number, please. 请告诉我你的电话.

P:Five, two, two, one, three. Extension one five six.


N:Is your baby a boy or a girl? 你的孩子是男孩还是女孩?

Who is your host? 谁接待你?

P:I am a delegate of…delegation. 我是……代表团的团员。

N: who is paying? 谁替你付款?

Can you charge it to your organization? 你能在你的单位报销吗?

Will they reimburse you? 他们给你报销吗?

P: I pay for myself. 我自己付款。

I think they will reimburse me. 我想他们会给我报销。

I think they will give me the money back. 我想他们会把钱还给我的.

N: Please pay for the registration. 请交挂号费。

P:How much? 多少钱?

N:Here is your receipt and change. 这是收据和找回的钱.

Have you any small change? 你有零钱吗?

This is your registration card. Please don't lose it and bring it whenever you



P:Yes,I will. 好,照办.

N:What's wrong with you today? 你今天哪里不舒服?

Which department do you want to register with? 你要挂哪科的号?

P:I want to see a physician我要看内科.

P:I don't know which clinic. I have a rash all over my body.It ches badly.


N:I think you should see a dermatoloist first. If necessary we'll transfer you to the physician.


P:I would like to see a dentist. 我想见一位牙科医生。

N: For a filling? a denture? or a cleaning?


P:I want to have a denture fitted ,please make an appointment for me. 我要镶牙,请给我约个时间.

N:OK! Next Wednesday,do you prefer 8 o'clock or 10 o'clock?


P:Ten o'clock suits me better. 十点钟对我更合适。

N:Please come with me. 请随我来.

P: How long must I wait? 我还需要等多久?

N:Your turn is next. 下一个就轮到你了.
