



浅谈法语对英语词汇与语法的影响-法语论文-语言学论文——文章均为WORD文档,下载后可直接编辑使用亦可打印——摘要:英语在其发展历史中经历了许多变化, 而法语对英语的发展, 尤其是英语词汇的发展, 有着不可忽视的影响。

本文对英语发生变化的社会历史背景进行了阐述, 并且对英语词汇受法语影响的四个方面进行了具体分析。

关键词:英语词汇; 法语影响; 语言变化;1 引言像世界上的其它语言一样, 英语在其发展历史中经历了许多变化, 有些是因为语言本身的发展需要, 有些则是与其他语言接触的结果。

对英语发展影响最大的一门语言当属法语了, 它使得英语从一门几乎纯粹的语言发展成为一门相当复杂的语言。

诺曼征服之后, 英国被诺曼法国人统治了将近两个世纪, 数以千计的法语单词涌入英语词汇, 使得英语这门语言更加多样化和复杂化。

Baugh (1963) 表示:在中世纪英语时期, 英语中的法语单词几乎达到了10, 000词左右, 而其中75%的单词仍然在频繁被使用。

2 社会历史背景2.1 英语法语的早期接触法语对英语的影响并非是从诺曼征服才开始的, 早在盎格鲁-撒克逊时代后期, 英国就同法国有着密切的联系。

1042年, 爱德华继承了英国王位, 由于其母亲是一位法国公主, 他的统治使得英语和法语的有了最早的接触。

在他统治期间, 他的诺曼底朋友在各个重要政府和教堂机关都占据了重要的职位, 法语单词开始进入英语词汇。

爱德华死后, 哈罗德继承王位, 但很快诺曼底公爵威廉在1066年入侵了英国, 打败了哈罗德, 成为了新的统治者, 这就是着名的诺曼征服。

1066年的诺曼征服不仅使盎格鲁诺曼人成为英国的统治阶级, 而且他们使用的语言也开始渗透到英国的各个领域, 盎格鲁法语也成为了除传统的拉丁语以外国家法庭和商业事务使用的官方语言(Singh, 2005, p.107) 。

诺曼征服以后, 上至统治阶级, 下到他们的仆人都是诺曼法国人, 与此同时, 大批的下层诺曼法国人也来到英国定居, 并使用他们自己的语言, 即诺曼法语, 这持续了将近200年。



- 222 -校园英语 /语言文化浅析英语中的法语外来词甘肃政法学院/辛瑞【摘要】如今,英语成为了国际交流的重要语言,并且,英语语言逐渐成为更多国家的第二语言。


【关键词】英语 法语 外来词 影响高校逐渐开始开设英语专业,并为其他专业的学生开设一些英语的选修课程。









无论是哪一种语言对于突然的外来词汇都会存在相互抵触的情况,如果英语加入了大量的法语词汇,这就需要吸收这些词语中两个重要的辅音音位,具体为[•][v],发展到后来,由于各种不同的法语外来词会出现[v],并将这个音作为单词的开头,例如“feel ”,于是这种[v]就逐渐演变成了一个单独存在的音位。



例如,“holy ”以及法语中的“sacred ”,还有“feart ”以及法语中的“error ”。











1 词性法语和英语的每种词性中都存在共用和互借现象,既有完全共用的词汇,也有部分词汇因二者不同的语音规则体系而导致拼写有轻微的变化。


1.1 名词完全共用的如:chef、souvenir、job、week-end、force、chan-ce、situation 等;另有部分词汇在两种语言中词尾有所演变,如下表;1.2 动词英语动词无特殊词尾,而法语动词的词尾则大部分为-er、-ir,因此很多法语动词相比英语动词多了字母r 或er,主要义素仍相同。

如arrive(英)、arriver(法);oblige(英)、oblige(r法);accep(t 英)、accepte(r法)等。

1.3 形容词英语与法语的形容词词尾不尽相同。

英语形容词的词尾-al 对应法语中的-el,如forma(l英)、forme(l法);cultural(英)、culture (l法);英语中的-cal 或-c 对应法语的-que,如physica(l英)、physique(法);fantastic(英)、fantastique(法)等。

1.4 副词英语中的副词多以-ly 结尾,而法语中对应的副词词尾则为-ment,如essentially(英)、essentiellemen(t法);certainly(英)、certainemen(t法)等。






一、欧洲早期的文艺复兴运动13 世纪初,法兰西走向强盛,其经济、法律、教育和文艺蓬勃发展,展现了自罗马人东来后史无前例的繁荣昌盛局面:工业迅猛发展;农奴制度彻底消失;知识勃兴,巴黎、奥尔良等地相继出现一批着名大学;文学成就也层出不穷;经院哲学兴起;哥特式建筑与雕刻日臻完美。


法国历史上第一所大学-索邦大学(la Sorbonne)成为中世纪欧洲大学的典范,英国的牛津大学和剑桥大学都是按照它的模式创办的。

巴黎大学的学生不仅来自法国各地,还有许多来自其他欧洲国家,是13 世纪欧洲学生人数最多和最着名的学术研究中心,西欧各地的着名学者都云集到巴黎大学执教。


从11 世纪末起,法语作为一种已经发展成熟的文学语言享誉欧洲。

虽然这一时期法语在英国广泛使用得益于上的便利(1066 年法国诺曼底公爵入侵英国开始了在英国的诺曼王朝统治),但是如果没有文化上的优越和吸引,英国人对法语的使用不可能长达三个世纪,也不会在英语中使用如此多的法语借词并把它们当中的70% 都保留了下来。


英语中的烹饪词汇几乎都源于法语(以下为现代法语拼写),例如:cuisine(烹调)cuisine;biol(煮)bouillir;fry(炸)frire;roast(烤)r?tir;griller(灸烧)griller;mince(剁肉)mincer;braise(焖)braiser;sauce (加调料)saucer;broach(用铁叉串肉)brocheter;toast(烘烤)toster 等。



浅析法语对英语语法的影响-法语论文-语言学论文——文章均为WORD文档,下载后可直接编辑使用亦可打印——法语本科论文(毕业范文8篇)之第八篇摘要:历史上法语对英语有着重大影响, 这种影响不仅仅是在词汇层面更是在语法层面。

语言接触引发的演变可以分成语法借用与语法复制两类, 而法语对英语语法的影响主要属于语法复制, 主要的类型包括形容词后置现象、比较级与最高级、介词短语、复合句结构四个方面。

其中比较级与最高级属于语法意义复制, 而另外三类都属于语法结构复制。

通过语言接触, 英语的主要句法结构从并列结构逐渐过渡到了主从结构, 这对现代英语的整体风格有了很大影响。

关键词:法语,语法演变,语言接触,语法复制一、引言英语在历史发展的过程中曾与很多语言发生过接触, 其中尤以法语为甚。

法语对英语的影响是全方面的, 其中主要是词汇的借用:英语中的法语借词占的比例大约有30%, 其中包括了很多现代英语的常用词, 尤其是在艺术、法律、学术、饮食等方面的词汇。

然而, 词汇借用并不仅仅是英法语言接触的唯一结果, 法语对英语的影响也体现在语法方面, 而相关的研究尚未得到足够的重视。


二、语言接触与语法演变语言接触(language contact) 是语言学中经常被研究的现象, 托马森(Thomason) [1]1对其的定义为在同一时间与同一地点超过一种语言同时使用的现象。

语言接触往往会带来语言的演变, 其主要形式是语言特征的迁移(transfer) , 即某种语言(即源语, source language) 的某个特征迁移到了另一种语言(即受语, recipientlanguage) 之中。

接触程度的不同, 语言演变的程度也会有所差异。

需要指出的是, 不同类型的语言特征, 其在语言接触中发生迁移的可能性及先后顺序也是有区别的。

一般而言, 对于偶然的接触, 语言迁移主要是实意词(尤其是名词) ;而对于强度不高的接触, 语言迁移在词汇上开始出现功能词, 而结构上, 一方面新词的借入会带来新的音位, 一方面在句法上旧有的结构会产生新的功能;当接触强度更高时, 更多的功能词会被借入, 甚至包括基本词汇也可能被借, 而在结构方面, 更多的音系特征会得到迁移, 句法上语序会发生改变, 形态上屈折词缀和范畴可能会被借入受语;当接触达到最高强度之时, 词汇会得到更大量的借入, 而结构也会有更多的成分被借入, 甚至对受语的语言形态产生根本性的变化[1]。



- 196-校园英语 / 语言文化浅谈法语和英语中的互借词曲靖师范学院外国语学院/何怡【摘要】由于英法两国地理位置毗邻,两国间有着频繁的政治和经济往来。



【关键词】英语 法语 借词语言是一个民族或国家社会和文化生活的反映,两种不同的语言间产生借词现象的前提是两个国家或民族在政治、经济、军事和文化等方面的接触。




















【关键词】法语借词;英语词汇;法语词汇;文化交流【中图分类号】H315.9 【文献标识码】A引言英语和法语两种语言有着千丝万缕的联系,在英语的学习中,学习者常常会遇到一些如salade 一类的单词,在接触了法语相关的知识后,更加清晰地了解这些词是英语对法语的借词。










































关键词:英语;法语;借词;借用On English Loan Words in FrenchMAI HuameiAbstract: Lexicology,as a branch of linguistics, is becoming even more important than in the past. English and French have influenced each other in terms of their mutual word borrowing and enrichment over history. At present, as English is widely used all over the world, its influence on French is still on the rise. Nevertheless, there are few English works about French vocabulary, let alone those about English loan words in French. This paper focuses on the history, social background, general methods of word borrowing by French from English, and the learning and teaching of English loan words in French in an attempt to help English learners who take French as their second foreign language to make full use of English vocabulary to enlarge their French vocabulary and improve their reading skill. The research has opened a new area for the further study of English loan words in French and will be helpful to both the learners and the teachers.Key words: English; French; loan words; borrowing1. Introduction1.1 Significance of the studyAt present, an increasing number of English learners are taking French as their second foreign language. However, due to the similarities and differences between English and French, the English knowledge they have learned will inevitably exert both positive and negative influences on their French learning in which vocabulary plays a significant role. The value of the study is vividly indicated in the following remark by Wallace (1982: 9; cited in Zhang 2004: preface), “… there is a sense in which learning a foreign language is basically a matter of learning the vocabulary of that language. Not being able to find the words you need to express yourself is the most frustrating experience in speaking another language”. Just as a building can not be constructed without the building materials, no language is conceivable without vocabulary. As vocabulary plays such an important role in language, it is important to have some knowledge of it.As English and French have influenced each other in terms of their mutual word borrowing and enrichment over history, English loans play a very important role in French. Moreover, lexicology, a branch of linguistics concerned with the vocabulary of the language with respect to words and word equivalents (an idiom or a set phrase), is becoming even more important than in the past. This paper focuses on the social backgrounds and general methods of English loans in French in an attempt to facilitate the learning of French language. Hopefully, the English learners who take French as their second foreign language can take advantage of English vocabulary to enlarge their French vocabulary and improve their reading speed and skills.1.2 Literature reviewIn French, lexicology as “a new science” occurred in the 1960s. Since then, this science has fulfilled great achievements in France, and there are a large number of works about vocabulary in French (Cheng 2002: 9). Nevertheless, there are few Chinese studies on French vocabulary, and English works less. Worse still, among those few works, the researches the authors have done are superficial and lack of supporting and guiding theories. That is, those papers are simply the accumulations of some English loans in French in certain fields, but few suggestions are given to the learning of English loans in French, though they have covered the social backgrounds, the causes and the uses ofEnglish loans in French.1.3 Structure of the paperThis paper is divided into four parts. Part 1 is an overview of the loan words in French. Part 2 focuses on the causes of English loans in French, which include the communication between English and French and the influences from England as well as America. Part 3 discusses the methods of borrowing based on the relevant theories. Part 4 discusses the English loans in French language learning. Part 5 makes some suggestions and concludes the thesis.2. History of English loan words in French2.1 Two definitionsBefore a further discussion on the topic, it is important to have a clear understanding of the following definitions.2.1.1 Definition of Loan WordsLoan words are words adopted by the speakers of one language from a different language (the source language). A loan word can also be called a borrowing. The abstract noun borrowing refers to the process of speakers adopting words from a source language into their native language. "Loan" and "borrowing" are of course metaphors, because there is no literal lending process. There is no transfer from one language to another, and no "returning" words to the source language. The words simply come to be used by a speech community that speaks a different language from the one they originated in (Kemmer 2001-2007).2.1.2 Definition of borrowingBorrowing is a consequence of cultural contact between two language communities. Borrowing of words can go in both directions between the two languages in contact, but often there is an asymmetry, such that more words go from one side to the other. In this case the source language community has some advantage of power, prestige and/or wealth that makes the objects and ideas it brings desirable and useful to the borrowing language community (Kemmer 2001-2007).2.2 Loan words in other aspectsTo have a better understanding of loan words, it is of vital importance to get some knowledge of the origin of French language and loan words from other languages.2.2.1 The origin of French languageIt is generally believed that the French language was established in the 9th century with the publication of Strasbourg Declaration which is the first document to be written in French. The French language originally consisted of Crow, Celtic, and French words. Hence, some words, such as boilean, fauteuil, etc, originated from Celtic, can not be taken as loan words, and the year 842 AD is the dividing line of those words and loan words.2.2.2 Loan Words from other languagesFrench has adopted words from a great number of languages, the major ones being Latin, Old Greek, Italian, Arabic, Portuguese, Spanish, German, English and Eastern languages. Throughout its history, the French language has adopted a vast number of words from various sources.From Latin (Latin on the left, French on the right): corium ~ cuir (leather), præfati ~ preface (preface), fabrica ~ fabrique (factories);From Greek (Greek on the left, French on the right): oikonomia ~ économie (economy), polus+glôtta~polyglott (multilingual), mêkanê ~ mécanique(mechnical);From Italian (the italic words are Italian ) : un maestro (master), à cordes (string), des confettis.From Arabic (the italic words are Arabic ) : smala (families, portable property).le souk (the market)From Spanish (the italic words are Spanish) : sieste(nap), sierra(mountains), picarnos (comedies)From German (the italic words are German) : bocks (beer), kitsch (drama), schuss (straightforward).2.2.3 Stages of borrowing by FrenchThere are three climaxes of loan words in the course of French historical development.The first one is the Renaissance, during which French borrowed a substantial number of words from Latin, Greek and Italian.The second climax is the Enlightenment (period in the 18th century in Europe when some thinkers and writers believed that reason and science, not religion, would advance human progress). At that time, French people were attracted by English monarchy and extremely admired the bourgeois political reforms and industrial revolution. Therefore, the French language imported a large number of English words.The third climax is the 20th century, especially after World War I, when French borrowed a considerable amount of vovabulary from English, especially American English.2.3 Significance of loan words from English2.3.1 English in Modern FrenchEnglish has shown the greatest influence on contemporary French, and English vocabulary accounts for the largest proportion of all loan words in French. According to French lexicographer Jean Dubois, about 50% of the loan words in Modern French Dictionary are from English (Cheng 2002: 92). Nevertheless, V oir, who teaches French lexicology in Grenoble Literary University, holds that 50% is a little conservative, and that English loan words take up 80% to 90% of the loan words in French. Obviously, their estimations are quite different, but there is something in common: English loan words are of vital importance in modern French, and it is necessary to do some research on them.2.3.2 Large numbers of English loan words in FrenchHow many English loan words have actually been adopted by modern French? Until now, there is no exact statistics to show it. Because different lexicographers have different standards for loan words, it is very difficult to count the number of English loan words which have been adopted by dictionaries.Someone did a survey in 1959, and found that French borrowed 369 English words from 1900 to 1939 (Cheng 2002: 94).A linguist named Strikla had a research on the Americanization of the language of French commercials from 1910 to 1961, and estimated that the frequently used English words in French were as many as 1300 (Cheng 1982: 32).Based on the French lexicographer Louis Guilb ert’s estimation, in 1949 to 1960, LePetit Larousse Dictionary adopted 191 loan words, of which 105 derived from English (about 55%) (Cheng 2002: 94).In fact, as long as one pays attention, he will find English loan words almost everywhere in France, such as in the newspapers, magazines, broadcasts, fictions and so forth, especially in news, commercials and scientific publications.The issue of Le Nouvel Observateur (a newspaper named Observer) published on August, 1, 1980, was read and about twenty English loan words appeared in less than ten pages. Besides, the new commercial center called La Grande Place (the large market) in Grenoble city was surveyed on the names of its shops. Among the 50 new shops, English names were used in 17 of them. All these show that English plays an important impact on the language of French commercial advertisements.J. Thevenot once mentioned that, “Due to self-defect and going after fashion, French people speak, write and draft advertisements in English even more than in the past” (Cheng 1982: 31-36). Those examples are related to daily life. Actually, English words are even more common in the fields of science and technology, especially in the fields which Americans get the upper hand. For instance, most of the technical terminology in oil industry is from English, and almost all the French sport vocabulary comes from English :match,tennis,software,sonar,boxing ~boxe,packet-boat ~ paquebot, detective ~ detective (English on the left, French on the right), etc.3. Causes for loan words in French3.1 Communication between French and English in historyThe study of the historical development of the French vocabulary should not be treated in isolation from the growth of the French language itself. The development of science, the rapid changes in society, the receptive and flexible nature of French with regard to the influence of other cultures and languages -- all these have resulted in a dramatic increase in vocabulary, a growth which in turn contributes to the richness and resourcefulness of the French language. Just as Paul Lafargue who had done research on the French language during the French Revo lutionary in 1789, said that, “In order to look for the cause of linguistic phenomenon, it is essential to know and understand the social and political phenomena. Linguistic change is simply the result of social and political changes” (Cheng 2002: 92-99). Historically, the English language and the French language have borrowed a considerable number of words from each other.The French language began to have an effect on the English language in the 11th century. Under William of Normandy (known as William the Conqueror), Norman invaders from north France crossed the English channel in 1066, and defeated the English army. William took the English throne, controlled all the lands, churches and power of England, and the English language was looked down upon. Since the French-peaking Normans were the ruling class, French was used for all state affairs and for most social and cultural matters, and became the official language. According to the statistics, about ten thousand French words were imported into English in the whole medieval century (1100-1400) (Zhao 1999: 47).In the early Middle English period (from 1066 to 1250), the French loans in English were principally from the Norman dialect in Northern France, concerning with governmental administration, military, religions, laws and chivalry.In the late Middle English period (from 1250 to 1400), the French loan words directly came from the central region of France. Because of the trade exchange and the war between England and France for about more than one hundred year (from 1337 to 1453), the two peoples had a closer contact with each other, so French loans were found in every section of English vocabulary.During the Renaissance (from 14th to 16th centuries), English borrowed a lot of French words used in ar t and fashion. In the 1640s, Charles I’s attempt to overrule parliament led to a civil war, and he was executed. In 1660, Charles I’s son who escaped to France for more than ten years was restored to the throne as Charles II. He brought the popularity of the French language and even the Gallicizing Movement in both language and thinking.3.2 Influences from EnglandAt the end of the 17th century, a revolution broke out and a constitutional monarchy was established in England. Marx regarded the revolution as the emergence of a new political system in European society as well as the victory of the fight against feudalism. Under such historical background, French imported a considerable number of English words which were related to parliament and political life.In the 1760s, the Industrial Revolution first broke out in England. At that time, the economy and the politics of England were strengthened, so the English language occupied a dominant place in French. As the Industrial Revolution enhanced the crazy growth ofEnglish loans in French, many words imported were related to industry, sports, fashions, and so on. For instance: vote, bill, rifle, tank, raid, jeep, automation, festival, etc.3.3 Influences from AmericaAt the end of the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th century, England lost its dominant place in industry, while America ranked the first in the field of electricity, automobile, petrol, chemistry, and rubber.Since World War II, the United States has become literally the leader of the western world and one of the superpowers contending for world hegemony. At the same time, it is involved in endless political, economic, and military strives. At home the country has seen rapid progress in science and technology, and startling alterations in modes of life, while social problems have kept cropping up. As a result, thousands of new expressions and new meanings for existing words have come into existence (Zhang 2004:215).Especially, when America carried out the Marshall Plan in France, some French industries and companies were attached to American financial groups, and the French market was full of American products and works of art. In this case, the “English Craze” occurred at the beginning of the 20th century was much more widely spread, and English loans occurred in every field.Moreover, many people in European countries admired and were looking forward to the American life style. As the American life style became popular in France, many words expressing the life style were also introduced to French, such as snack-bar, fruit, bar, banquet, job, etc. French linguist P. Guiraud said that, “The Americanization of our language is the result of our following Americanization.” The status of a language depends on the status and influence of the language-speaking country in the international politics, economy, culture, science and technology, etc, not only related to the language itself. American linguist Bloomfield had analyzed this phenomenon, and pointed out that, “The cultural loan words tell us what one nation learns from another nation” (Cheng, 2002: 92-99).4. Methods of borrowingThe French vocabulary consists of different kinds of loan words, which may be classified by different criteria: by the degree of adoption, the necessity of borrowing, the ways of borrowing. In this section we will concentrate on the ways of borrowing, such asdirect borrowing, semantic translation, and borrowed word-formation.The English loan words have to adjust to French rules after they are adopted. That is, they have also experienced the course of Francisation. Some loan words change their pronunciations or spellings, while others borrow the meanings or word-formation.4.1 Direct borrowing4.1.1 English spellings with French pronunciationAt the beginning, most English loan words were directly introduced into French through newspapers, books, broadcast, and television. As for these words, French people made no change in the spellings, but would pronounce them in the French way. The examples are as follows (English pronunciation on the left, French pronunciation on the right):computer[kɔmpju:tə] ~ [kɔp yte], log[lɔg] ~ [lɔʒ] , budget[bʌdʒit] ~ [bydʒε], commercial [kəmə:ʃəl] ~ [kɔmεrsjal], album [ælbəm] ~ [albɔm], etc.4.1.2 English pronunciation, but spellings modified to FrenchThere are some words borrowed from English with little modification in spellings, but their pronunciations are also similar to English pronunciations. The examples are illustrated as follows (English on the left, French on the right): committee[kəmiti] ~ comité[kɔmite], journalist[dʒə:nəlist] ~journaliste[ʒurnalist], beef-steak[bi:fsteik]~ bifteck[biftεk], roast-beef [rəustbi:f] ~ rosbif[rɔzbif], cheque[tʃek] ~chèque[ʃεk], bowling-green[bəu liŋgri:n] ~boulingrin[bu lεg rε], boule-dogue[buldɔg] ~ bulldog [buldɔg].4.2 Semantic translationSometimes, French borrows neither English pronunciations nor spellings, but just its meanings. There are three ways to borrow the meanings.4.2.1 Semantic extensionFirstly, French people endow the original French words with new meanings borrowed from English. For instance, French word réaliser which originally only meant “to know” borrowed the meaning of “realize” from the English word realize (Cheng 1982:34); French valable originally only had the meaning of “acceptable”, but later it borrowed the meaning of “valuable” from English (Zhang 1992:41); contrôle only meant “to examine”in French, but now it has the meaning of “to control” from the loans of control in English (Zhao 1999: 50).4.2.2 New words for new conceptsSecondly, some English loan words are introduced into French directly in case of emergency, but later they are replaced by new French words created according to English meanings. The people who insist on the purification of the French language highly recommend this way to resist the direct borrowing from English. These newly created words and their corresponding English words appear at the same time in the dictionaries. For instance (English on the left, French on the right) (Zhao 1999: 50):(1) Industry: trimmer ~ garnisseur/ajusteur/dégrossieur, pipeline ~ oléoduc,padding ~ rembourrear, bull-dozer ~ excavatrice, pick-up ~ capteur,lash ~ nouvelle-brève/nouvelle-éclair, pressing ~ repassage/nettoyage, etc.(2) People: supporter ~ partisan, gangster ~ bandit, brain trust état-major,leader ~ chef, staff ~ service d’état-major, etc.(3) Action: score ~ cote, kidnapping ~ rapt, standing ~ niveau de vie,shopping ~ emplette, strip-tease ~ déshabillage, club ~ cercle,planning ~ programme/ plan, etc.4.2.3. Borrowing both meanings and inner structuresWith the French materials, the French language borrows both meanings and the inner structures from English. For instance (English on the left, French on the right): parking~ parcage, skyscraper~ gratte-ciel, businessman~ homme d’affaires, honermoon~ lune de miel, brain washing~ lavage de cerveall,birth-control~ contrôle des naissances, cover-girl ~ fille-couverture, man in the street ~ homme de rue, table tennis ~ tennis de table, and so forth.By this means, the French Science and Technology Association organized the French Research Center of Terminology to coin a large number of these words as follows (English on the left, French on the right):marker~ marqueur, reforming~ reformage, tracking rader~ rader depoursuite, check coil ~ bobine d’étouffement, jet-plane ~ avion à réaction, data processing ~traitement de données, launching base ~ base de lancement, etc.4.3 Borrowed word-formation4.3.1 Borrowed suffixesAs English loan words occupy a great percentage of loans in French, the rules of word-formation, which define the scope and methods whereby speakers of a language may create new words, also permeate the system of the French language. Consequently, the English methods of word-formation were also borrowed. For example, French coined words with English characteristics through borrowing the suffix -ing. Based on the survey done by Micro Roper Dictionary and Small Hu Rafah Dictionary(Zhang 1992: 42)published in 1972 and other magazines, there were 160 English loan words with the suffix -ing concerning daily life, industry, agriculture, medical care, teaching: baby-sitting, briefing, punching-ball, starting-block, dumpling, marketing, quick-freezing, dry-farming, water flooding, recording, landing, etc.Those loan words with the suffix of -ing usually indicate that an action is in progress, or it can not be finished until a series of procedures, or it is the result of an action or the name of a machine(Zhang 1992: 42). Nevertheless, as time goes by, the English suffix -ing was given new meanings by French, as in pressing, camping, dancing, parking, sleeping which also mean the places where those actions take place. Besides, some words which do not exist in English are coined with the English suffix -ing, for example, caravaning (travel trailing), footing (walking), training (clothing for training), and so forth (Zhao 1999: 50).4.3.2 Borrowed word order of compound wordsGenerally, French compound words are in the order of the main word followed by the restrictive constitutes. For example,porte-plume,salle àmanger, maison de campagne. However, English compound words are in the order of the restrictive constitutes followed by the center word. Just take the English words corresponding to the above French words as an example, pen holder, dining-room, country house. However, as French compound words are influenced more or less by their English counterparts that permeate French in a considerable number, some fashionable compound words with English word order appeared, such as, auto-école(school of automobiles), autoroute (express way), Paris-Transport (Paris Transport Company), etc (Zhang 1992: 42).5. English loans in French language learning5.1 Attitude of French governmentAs more and more English loan words are introduced into French, some people in France are against their use. An organization called l’Academie Française (French Academy) was set up in 1635 to protect the purification of the French language. In the 18th century, those who insisted on the purification of French were against the English craze. Until the 20th century, some French scholars still opposed the invasion of English loan words, and attacked American linguistic imperialism. Among their activities, the most influential one was Parlez-vous franglais (Do you say Anglicisms?) written by famous French linguist Rene Etiemble on January 4th, 1976.Under the pressure from those who insisted on the purification of French, the French Parliament enacted a law “to defend the French language”, which definitely set the following rule: French must be used in the naming of shops, job-interviews, the instructions of products, written or oral advertisements. Since the ordinance No.72-19 had already approved some terminologies to enrich the French language on January 7th, 1972, loan words must not be used any more. The rule is in force to all except the programs and commentaries intended for the foreigners on the TV, radio broadcast, or some special products with the household name, which must be called by loan words (Zhang 1992: 39).Out of national self-esteem and the maintenance of the French purification, the rule was decreed. It played some role in stopping the use of English loan words, but it could not prevent the fusion of French and loan words. Moreover, in the French society which carried out the policy of national independence, the French language would not be assimilated by the large number of English borrowings. Just as Stalin put it “Th e fusion of language can not be taken as a result from a fatal activity, but it is the long-time process which extended for several hundred years” (Zhang 1992: 39-40).5.2 Inevitable use of English words in FrenchIndeed, the interference with language from the government or official administration is often in vain, because language simply follows its own rules. For example, although the official administration once suggested to use restauration rapide to take place of fast-food, telecopie for fax, parquage or parc de stationnement for parking, camprisme for camping, pressage for pressing, etc, the efforts were in vain,because manypeople prefer to use the latter words from English. Borrowing is a very normal phenomenon, and it must follow its own rules. Although other non-language factors may play an important role on borrowing, the administrative measures can not control the fate of loan words. In addition, nowadays, as English is widely used all over the world, its influence to French is still on the rise.5.3 English loans in French learning5.3.1 English loans in learning French vocabularyBecause both English and French belong to the Indo-European Family and borrow from each other, their vocabularies are similar in spellings and meanings. Hence, their similarities provide a favorable condition for Chinese learners to enlarge their French vocabulary. Many books on French vocabulary also take advantage of the English loan words to facilitate the learning of French words. Take these two books Vocabularie de Tef AccéléréSurhumainement and Vocabulaire de Français Universitaire Niveau I-IV AccéléréSurhumainement as examples, they offer the shortcut to help learners to remember French words by means of their similarities to English.Moreover, as for some French words borrowed from English without any change in spellings and meanings, one can consult an English dictionary and understand them in the English way, such as the words used in high technology which may not be found in a French dictionary.5.3.2 English loans in improving readingBesides vocabulary, making full use of English loan words can also be of great use to learner’s reading. With their imagination and the association of English vocabulary, they can easily guess the meaning of French new words. This training of vocabulary comparison can not only activate learner’s interest and improves their reading speed as well as study efficiency, but also enlarges their vocabulary and scope of knowledge.6. Suggestions and conclusionAccording to the recent study done by French linguist Henriette Walter in his book L’Aventure des mots français venus d’ailleurs, “Among th e 60,000 words in French vocabulary 8,600 are loan words. If the number of words is cut in 35,000, then there are。






























1. 相似词汇法语和英语之间存在很多相似词汇,这对于学习者来说是一种优势。


2. 词汇借用法语和英语在历史上互相借用了很多单词,例如:beige(米色)、chic(时尚)、deja vu(曾经发生过的感觉)等等。




1. 人称代词英语的人称代词分为主格和宾格两种,而法语则不同。


2. 时态法语和英语的时态系统各有特点。





1. 发音差异法语和英语在发音方面存在很大的差异,例如:法语中的元音音素比英语发音的要多;法语语音中有很多的鼻音,英语中则较少等等。


2. 重音法语和英语的重音系统有所不同。
























2、常用词汇英语中的法语借词多为常用词汇,如“delicieux”(美味的)、“premi ère”(第一的)等。






















[中图分类号]:H313.1 [文献标识码]:A[文章编号]:1002-2139(2013)-35--011.引言1066年,诺曼底公爵威廉召集大量法国封建主,一起发兵侵入英国。












2. 英语词汇中的法语字母组合英语有26个字母,法语同样有26个字母,且单个字母的写法与英语相同,但发音不同。




法语词汇的发音除了要注意单个字母之外,还有一些字母组合的发音有其独有的特征,例如ch, qu, gn,am, an, au, ou, eu, oin等。


英语字母中的五个元音字母a, e, i, o, u在词汇中主要起辅助发音的作用。











首先,这些词汇通常保留了法语的发音和拼写方式,比如châtea u(城堡)、résumé(摘要)、entrepreneur(企业家)等。




比如在法语中,形容词通常位于名词之后,而在英语中则是位于名词之前,比如le livre intéressant(有趣的书)在英语中则是an interesting book(一个有趣的书)。







西南交通大学学报(社会科学版) 2005年11月JOURNAL OF S OUT H W EST J I A OT ONG UN I V ERSI TYNov .2005第6卷 第6期(Social Sciences )Vol .6 No .6[收稿日期] 2004212216[作者简介] 徐友香(1954-),女,浙江江山人,副教授。

中期英语词汇中法语借词的特征及社会影响徐友香,王 茜(西南交通大学外国语学院,四川成都610031)[关键词] 中期英语;法语借词;特征;社会影响[摘 要] 11世纪初到14世纪中叶,英法两国之间战争不断,在社会变革的同时,语言词汇也发生了相应的变化。





[中图分类号] H31/H32[文献标识码] A[文章编号] 1009-4474(2005)06-0029-04On Fea tures and Soc i a l I nfluence of Borrowed W ords from French i n M i ddle EnglishXU You 2xiang,WANG Q ian(College of Foreign L anguages,S ou thw est J iaotong U n iversity,Chengdu 610031)Key words :M iddle English;borr owed words fr om French;hist orical backgr oundAbstract :The continuous war bet w een B ritain and France fr om the beginning of the 11th century t o the m iddle of the 14th century resulted in not only the revoluti on of s ociety but als o the changes of language and vocabulary .The features of borr o wed words fr o m French in M iddle English include:(1)borr owed words fr om French and native English have both si m ilarities and differences;(2)thereappeared borr o wed words with English affixes or French affixed with English r oot;(3)there appeared the changes of meaning such as extensi on,s pecializati on,elevati on and degradati on .Due t o the borr owed words fr om French,B ritish peop le fr om different s ocial classes used English in a different manner . 一、中期英语中法语借词的涌入1066年诺曼底公爵征服了英国,并成为英国国王。



关键词: 本族词; 法语借词; 英语文体 分类号: H 313 文献标识码 : A 文章编号 : 1000- 5218( 2010) 03- 0145- 04 量的法语和拉丁语词汇进入英语词汇 ( 拉丁语词
一、 英语中法语借词的基本状况
历史上由于英法两国的密切接触 , 法语对英 语产生了巨大的影响 , 这主要体现在词汇方面 , 即 大量的法语词汇进入 到英语中以及 受法语的影 响, 一些英语词汇的用法亦发生了变化。 在古英语( 500- 1150) 时期, 法语几乎没对英 语产生影响。古英语是由四种方言汇合而成 , 即 盎格鲁人( Ang les) 的墨尔西亚方言 ( M ercian) , 诺 散伯利亚 方言 ( Nor thumbrian) , 撒克 逊人 ( Sax o ns) 的 西 撒 克逊 方 言 ( West Sax on) 和 朱 特 人 ( Jut es) 的肯特方言( Kent ish) 。由于盎格鲁人、 撒 克逊人、 朱特人所使用方言属于西日耳曼语的三 种不同的且能够互相听懂的方言, 所以古英语的 基本 词 汇 几 乎 都 属 于 西 日 耳 曼 语 的 共 同 词 汇。
文体有广义狭义之分。狭义的文体专指文学 文体 , 包括个别作家的风格。广义的文体指一种 语言中的各类文体, 例如口语体和书面体, 正式用 语与非正式用语。
[ 3] ( 1)
体。文体分析一般包含四要素: 语音、 词汇、 句法 和篇章。换言之, 确定一份语言材料属于某种文 体风格要基于该材料在上述四方面所形成的特征 而定 , 而词汇的选择运用对文体风格的形成起到 了重要的作用。本文主要论述法语借词对英语文 体产生的影响。 一般说来 , 法语借词多为多音节的长词、 大 词 、 体现着逻辑思维的严密, 属 正式用词 或 书





































第 24 卷第 6 期 2010 年 1 2 月
河南财政税务高等专科学校学报 J ou rnal of Hen an Col leg e of F i nan ce & Taxat i on
V ol. 24 .No. 6 Dec. 2010
浅 析 法 语 借 词 对 英 语 词 汇 的 影 响
( 河南工程学院 外语系, 河南 郑州 4 5 1191 ) [ 摘 要] 在世界上的各种语言体系中, 英语语言中的借词是最多的 , 而其中又以法语词汇对英语语 言的影响最大� 英语词汇中的法语借词对英国社会的影响涉及宗教 � 政治 � 军事 � 法律� 科技 � 文化和社会 生活等各个领域 �英语通过直接借用, 重读� 发音 � 拼写的变化, 词义变化等形式借用法语词汇 �虽然有 大量的法语借词进入英语 , 对英语产生了一定的影响 , 但英语在不断地从其他语言中吸收精华发展自己 的同时, 仍然保持着自身的特点并持续发展� [ 关键词] 英语; 法语 ; 法语借词 [ H3 13 ; H3 23 [ A 中图分类号] 文献标识码]
[ 1 008 - 5793 ( 2010) 06 - 008 1 - 04 文章编号]
� 英语是世界 上词 汇最 为丰 富的 语言 �现代 的英 语词 了诺 曼王朝( 1 066 1 13 5) , 史称 诺曼征 服�在此 后的 3 00 典大多收词在 65 万 7 5 万�据专家估计, 英语词 汇有 100 多年 中, 英国实 际上 被法 国人 统治, 随 之有 大量 的法 国人 移居 英国, 法语 理所 当然 地成 为英 国的 官方 语言, 强 烈地 冲击 了这一时期 的英 语�诺 曼征 服是 英国 社会 发展 的一 次重 大转 折, 它使 英国的 政治� 经 济� 阶级结 构� 民族 关系 和文化习俗等方面 都发生了巨大 的变化 , 法 语对英 语的渗 透自 此开始并出 现了 第一 次借 入高 潮�以 诺曼 征服 为起 点的 中古英 语时期, 约有 10 000 多法语 词汇进 入英语, 其 中约 有 7 5% 的法语借词沿用至今�此后 约 3 00 年间, 由于 法国移民迁入 英国 以及 英法 两国 国民 之间 通婚 � 混居, 使 得英法两个民族的 交往日益 频繁�经 过 12 世纪法 语词汇 数量 的积累, 到了 13 世 纪后, 诺曼人 和英国 人已逐 渐融合 法语对英语词 汇的 影响, 在 历史 上从 未停 止 过, 本文 拟从词汇学的角度, 研究英 语中法 语借词对 英语词 汇的影 响� 一� 法语借词产生的原因 ( 一) 历史原因 法语最初侵入 英语 是从 历史 上著 名的 诺曼 征服 开始 的�诺曼征服即以 诺曼 底公 爵威 廉为 首的 法国 封建 主对 英国的征服�1 066 年初, 英王 爱德 华死 后无 嗣, 诺曼 底公 爵威廉以亲属关系要求继承英 国王位, 遭 到拒绝后 威廉在 教皇的支持下, 以武力进攻英国�当年 12 月 25 日, 威廉在 伦敦威斯敏斯特 教堂 加冕 为英 国国 王, 即威 廉一 世, 建立 为一 个民族�法语作为征服者 的语言, 已成 为英国 上层社 会的 社交语言和文学语言�在 当时的英 国, 会讲法 语被视 为是 一种社会身份� 地位的象征� 16 世 纪和 1 7 世纪欧 洲盛 行文 艺复 兴运 动, 揭开 了现 代欧洲历史的 序幕 , 开启 了科 学与 革命 的新 篇章, 推 动着 英国 资产阶级接 受古 希腊 和古 罗马 的文 化洗 礼�为 了表 达新 事物� 新思想� 新感情, 英 国作家 和学者 们在他 们的文 艺作 品中 大量 使用希 腊语� 拉 丁语� 意大 利语� 法 语� 西班 牙语等的词汇 , 出现 了法 语借 入英 语的 第二 次高 潮, 借入 的法 语词汇 有 cou rt� acc u se� p en al ty� pl ai nt i f � heri t ag e� archi tect u re� l i t erat ur e 等� 万之多�英语词汇之所以如此 丰富, 主要缘 于它的 开放性 和包容性�一种语言向外借词 是其充 满生命力 的表现 , 也 是一种语言丰富 自己 词库 常采 用的 积极 方式 �在英 语发 展� 演变的历史 长河 中, 它汲 取了 世界 上几 乎所 有主 要语 言的大量词 汇, 如 古 希腊 语� 拉丁 语� 法 语� 德语� 西 班牙 语� 葡萄牙语� 阿拉伯语甚至包 括汉语 的词汇, 各种 语言在 现代英语中都能 看到 它们 的身 影�而 在英 语的 众多 外借 词汇中, 以法语词汇的数量 最多, 涉及 面最广, 给英 语语言 注入了新鲜血液, 对英语的 形成和 发展具有 不可替 代的作 用�
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英语是世界上词汇最为丰富的语言。现代的英语词 典大多收词在65万一75万。据专家估计,英语词汇有100 万之多。英语词汇之所以如此丰富,主要缘于它的开放性 和包容性。一种语言向外借词是其充满生命力的表现,也 是一种语言丰富自己词库常采用的积极方式。在英语发 展、演变的历史长河中,它汲取了世界上几乎所有主要语 言的大量词汇,如古希腊语、拉丁语、法语、德语、西班牙 语、葡萄牙语、阿拉伯语甚至包括汉语的词汇,各种语言在 现代英语中都能看到它们的身影。而在英语的众多外借 词汇中,以法语词汇的数量最多,涉及面最广,给英语语言 注入了新鲜血液,对英语的形成和发展具有不可替代的作 用。 法语对英语词汇的影响.在历史上从未停止过,本文 拟从词汇学的角度,研究英语中法语借词对英语词汇的影 响。 一、法语借词产生的原因 (一)历史原因 法语最初侵入英语是从历史上著名的诺曼征服开始 的。诺曼征服即以诺曼底公爵威廉为首的法国封建主对 英国的征服。1066年初,英王爱德华死后无嗣,诺曼底公 爵威廉以亲属关系要求继承英国王位,遭到拒绝后威廉在 教皂的支持下,以武力进攻英国。当年12月25日,威廉在 伦敦威斯敏斯特教堂加冕为英国国王。即威廉一世,建立
【收稿日期]20lo一08—20 [基金项目】河南省科技厅软科学项目(102400440060)
斯图亚特王朝复辟时期,英王查理二世掀起了一股法 国热,出现了法语词汇借入英语的第三次高潮。这次借入 的法语词汇主要是军事用语,虽然有很多借入词随着热潮 消退而消失,但还是有部分借入词被保留下来,有的至今 没有被完全同化而仍保留着法语的一些特点。 19世纪出现了法语借人英语的最后一个高潮。这一 次英语中的法语借词在读音上不像前几次那样被同化了, 许多词在借入英语后仍保持着法语的读音,而且这次借入 的词汇主要集中于文学、艺术、饮食、家居等领域。这一阶 段的借入,使法语和法国文明在社会生活的各个方面完成 了对英语的渗透,在英语里留下了深刻的法国文化烙印。 (二)文化原因 语言与社会文化密不可分,特定的语言反映特定的文 化。地理位置和自然环境的不同,决定了人们认知世界的 思维方式不同,因而也决定了不同民族拥有不同的文化。 语言作为文化的载体,反映着民族文化。法国是一个拥有 灿烂艺术和悠久历史文化遗产的文明古国,法语被世人称 为“最美丽的语言”。法国文化对欧洲各国产生了深远的 影响.尤其影响与法国有着独特的地缘关系的英国。大量 法语单词涌入英国,再加上文艺复兴运动的推波助澜,掀 起了人们追求人文主义的热潮,人们纷纷从事对古罗马、 古希腊文化以及当时欧洲大陆文明的研究。 二、法语借词对英国社会的影响 由于英语借入的法语词汇几乎涵盖了日常生活的各 个方面,加上英法两国特殊的地理位置,决定了两国在各 个方面必然发生密切的联系,使法语词汇能够顺利地进入 英语。这些借入的法语词汇主要集中在以下几个方面。 (一)宗教 1066年威廉公爵经过诺曼征服,建立了诺曼底王朝, 英国本土不得不接受了征服者的语言、宗教和他们的政治 制度。此后在英国的宗教事务中出现了诸如absolution(宣 布赦罪)、、riJfgin、saint、p田'RdiM、cardinal(红衣主教)、clergy (牧师)、preach、baptism、mercy、passion(耶稣的受难)、reli- gion等词。 (二)政治 由于当时的英国上层社会盛行使用法语作为社交语 言,所以在官方语言中法语借词的使用频率相当高,尤其
Ⅱmss∞糟这些词则出现于现代英语中。 (四)科技 科技的进步。使电影和无线电广播事业以及汽车工业
rage来源于法语,意思是蒙太奇、混合画。芭蕾(Ballet)一 词,来源于意大利语的Ballare(即跳舞)和古拉丁语的Bal- Io,最后以法语的拼写Ballet确定下来。作为一门综合性 的舞台艺术,芭蕾最早出现在17世纪的法国宫廷。1661 年,法国国王路易十四下令在巴黎创办了世界上第一所皇 家舞蹈学校,确立了芭蕾的5个基本脚位和12个手位,使 芭蕾有了一套完整的动作和体系。这5个基本脚位一直沿 用至今。因此大量关于芭蕾舞的舞姿、舞步的法语词汇被 借入英语中。例如。ballon(弹跳)、assemble(合并舞姿)、 ballonne(巴隆奈舞姿)、chasse(快滑步)。 architecture(建筑)这个词也来源于法语。在文艺复兴 运动的影响下,法国的建筑艺术璀璨夺目,影响着同时代 英国的建筑艺术。因此。英语中有关建筑的法语借词有 has—relief(浅浮雕)、baroque(巴洛克建筑风格)、arch(拱、 拱门)、pillar(柱、栋梁)、porch(门廊)、chancel(高坛)等。 (七)法律 英语中还有一些与法律有关的法语借词,如judse、ju. ry、jail、crime、prison、punishment、fine、award、justiceo 三、英语借用法语词汇的方式 (一)直接借用 这种情况是出于语言交际的需要,因为有些事物或现 象以前在本民族语言中是不存在的,在无法被翻译时,往 往就直接借用。在1970—1995年,伴随着全球信息化程度 的不断提高以及各种文化的不断交流融合.英语中出现了 大量未加任何变化就被直接借用的法语词汇。这里所说 的未加任何变化,是指法语的发音和拼写都未向英语转 化,完全保留了法语的原貌。这类外来借词也可被称为未 本土化的法语借词,如resum6(简历)、d6cor(装饰)、cin6ma (电影)、6lite(杰出人物)、fianc6(未婚夫、未婚妻)、ballet (芭蕾)。 (二)法语单词在重读、发青、拼写等方面发生变化 重读。如上所述,虽然部分法语借词保持着自身的独 特标志.但是也有相当一部分法语词被借入英语后,呈现 出不同形式、不同程度的改变,我们称其为法语借词的英 国本土化。在法语的发音规则里,几乎所有单词的重音都 在词尾.而英语的重读位置比较灵活,在单词的任何音节 都可能出现重读。为了使被借人的法语词在读音上与英 语更相近。法语单词的首音节变成了重读音节。例如couro age,orange,message,这几个词就是很好的例证。 发音。与英语的发音规则完全不同,在法语的发音规 则中所有在词尾出现的“g”都发[3]。例如rouge一词,由 于在英语中的广泛使用,人们倾向于将这个单词结尾的辅 音发成[电].而不是法语读音[5]。此外,在法语中以“一 tion”结尾的词,都发[8j6],借入英语后都发[.fan]。在法语 中以“一oi”组合的发音,则由原来的[wa]转变为[3i],如 法语choisir借入英语后变为choice,发音则由[』wazir]变为 [10is]。 拼写。虽然法语词汇在借人英语后在拼写上的变动 不是很大。但仍然在以下几个方面有所改变。首先。一般
为一个民族。法语作为征服者的语言,已成为英国上层社 会的社交语言和文学语言。在当时的英国,会讲法语被视 为是一种社会身份、地位的象征。 16世纪和17世纪欧洲盛行文艺复兴运动,揭开了现 代欧洲历史的序幕,开启了科学与革命的新篇章,推动着 英国资产阶级接受古希腊和古罗马的文化洗礼。为了表 达新事物、新思想、新感情.英国作家和学者们在他们的文 艺作品中大量使用希腊语、拉丁语、意大利语、法语、西班 牙语等的词汇,出现r法语借人英语的第二次高潮,借入 的法语词汇有court、aceu舱、penalty、plaintif、heritage、archi- teeture、literature等o
ernment/法:gonvemement)和。行政”(英:adminislration/法: administration)这两个词都是来源于法语,此外还有如e1]ill- pire、realm、treaty、revenue等o (三)军事 自诺曼征服以来,法语中的军事用语在不同的历史时 期,不断地向英语词汇渗透。例如在中古英语时期,有ar-
蛋奶冻)、huⅡ商SOUS 菜猪肉锅)、massale
法国酿造葡萄酒的历史源远流长,可以追溯到公元前 6世纪。法国葡萄酒品质优良,被公认为是世界葡萄酒中 的精品。葡萄酒具有独特的历史和文化内涵,体现着葡萄 种植者对生活对浪漫主义艺术的追求。收获并酿造葡萄 之后,人们的杯中除了酒香,还有法国的优雅文化。葡萄 酒与香水、时装一样象征着法兰西的浪漫情调,英语接纳 了很多与葡萄酒相关的法语词汇,尽管有些词汇在英语中 已经存在独立的表达方法,但法语的表达方式仍然为人们 所熟知并运用,如“红葡萄酒”(英:red wine/法:vin rouge)。 英语和法语的表达方式都被接纳并广泛使用。其他法语 词汇如vin
了诺曼王朝(1066一1135),史称诺曼征服。在此后的300 多年中,英国实际上被法国人统治,随之有大量的法国人 移居英国,法语理所当然地成为英国的官方语言,强烈地 冲击了这一时期的英语。诺曼征服是英国社会发展的一 次重大转折,它使英国的政治、经济、阶级结构、民族关系 和文化习俗等方面都发生了巨大的变化,法语对英语的渗 透自此开始并出现了第一次借入高潮。以诺曼征服为起 点的中古英语时期。约有10 000多法语词汇进入英语,其 中约有75%的法语借词沿用至今。此后约300年间,由于 法国移民迁入英国以及英法两国国民之间通婚、混居,使 得英法两个民族的交往日益频繁。经过12世纪法语词汇 数量的积累。到了13世纪后,诺曼人和英国人已逐渐融合
生活等各个领域。英语通过直接借用,重读、发音、拼写的变化,词义变化等形式借用法语词汇。虽然有 大量的法语借词进入英语,对英语产生了一定的影响,但英语在不断地从其他语言中吸收精华发展自己