



Refrigeration System Performance using Liquid-Suction HeatExchangersS. A. Klein, D. T. Reindl, and K. BroWnellCollege of EngineeringUniversity of Wisconsin - MadisonAbstractHeat transfer devices are provided in many refrigeration systems to exchange energy betWeen the cool gaseous refrigerant leaving the evaporator and Warm liquid refrigerant exiting the condenser. These liquid-suction or suction-line heat exchangers can, in some cases, yield improved system performance While in other cases they degrade system performance. Although previous researchers have investigated performance of liquid-suction heat exchangers, this study can be distinguished from the previous studies in three Ways. First, this paper identifies aneW dimensionless group to correlate performance impacts attributable to liquid-suction heat exchangers. Second, the paper extends previous analyses to include neW refrigerants. Third, the analysis includes the impact of pressure dropsthrough the liquid-suction heat exchanger on system performance. It is shoWn that reliance on simplified analysis techniques can lead to inaccurate conclusions regarding the impact of liquid-suction heat exchangers on refrigeration system performance. From detailed analyses, it can be concluded that liquid-suction heat exchangers that have a minimal pressure loss on the loW pressure side are useful for systems using R507A, R134a, R12, R404A, R290, R407C, R600, and R410A. The liquid-suction heat exchanger is detrimental to system performance in systems usingR22, R32, and R717.IntroductionLiquid-suction heat exchangers are commonly installed in refrigeration systemsWith the intent of ensuring proper system operation and increasing system performance.Specifically, ASHRAE(1998) states that liquid-suction heat exchangersare effective in:1) increasing the system performance2) subcooling liquid refrigerant to prevent flash gas formation at inlets to expansion devices3) fully evaporating any residual liquid that may remain in the liquid-suction prior toreaching the compressor(s)Figure 1 illustrates a simple direct-expansion vapor compression refrigeration system utilizing a liquid-suction heat exchanger. In this configuration, high temperature liquid leaving the heat rejection device (an evaporative condenser i n this case) is subcooled prior to being throttled to the evaporator pressure by an expansion device such as a thermostatic expansion valve. The sink for subcooling the liquid is loW temperature refrigerant vapor leaving the evaporator. Thus, the liquid-suction heat exchanger is an indirect liquid-to-vapor heat transfer device. Thevapor-side of the heat exchanger (betWeen the evaporator outlet and the compressor suction) is often configured to serve as an accumulator thereby further minimizingthe risk of liquid refrigerant carrying-over to the compressor suction. In cases Where the evaporator alloWs liquid carry-over, the accumulator portion of the heatexchanger Will trap and, over time, vaporize the liquid carryover by absorbing heatduring the process of subcooling high-side liquid.BackgroundStoecker and Walukas (1981) focused on the influence of liquid-suction heat exchangers in both single temperature evaporator and dual temperature evaporator systems utilizing refrigerant mixtures. Their analysis indicated that liquid-suction heat exchangers yielded greater performance improvements When nonazeotropic mixtures Were used compared With systems utilizing single component refrigerants or azeoptropic mixtures. McLinden (1990) used the principle of corresponding states to evaluate the anticipated effects of neW refrigerants. He shoWed that the performance of a system using a liquid-suction heat exchanger increases as the ideal gas specific heat (related to the molecular complexity of the refrigerant) increases. Domanski and Didion (1993) evaluated the performance of nine alternatives to R22 including the impact of liquid-suction heat exchangers. Domanski et al. (1994) later extended the analysis by evaluating the influence of liquid-suction heat exchangers installed in vapor compression refrigeration systems considering 29 different refrigerants in a theoretical analysis. Bivens et al. (1994) evaluated a proposed mixture to substitute for R22 in air conditioners and heat pumps. Their analysis indicated a 6-7% improvement for the alternative refrigerant system When system modifications included a liquid-suction heat exchanger and counterfloW system heat exchangers (evaporator and condenser). Bittle et al. (1995a) conducted an experimental evaluation of a liquid-suction heat exchanger applied in a domestic refrigerator using R152a. The authors compared the system performance With that of a traditional R12-based system. Bittle et al. (1995b) also compared the ASHRAE method for predicting capillary tube performance (including the effects of liquid-suction heat exchangers) With experimental data. Predicted capillary tube mass floW rates Were Within 10% of predicted values and subcooling levels Were Within 1.7 C (3F) of actual measurements.This paper analyzes the liquid-suction heat exchanger to quantify its impact on system capacity and performance (expressed in terms of a system coefficient of performance, COP). The influence of liquid-suction heat exchanger size over a range of operating conditions (evaporating and condensing) is illustrated and quantified using a number of alternative refrigerants. Refrigerants included in the present analysis are R507A, R404A, R600, R290,R134a, R407C, R410A, R12, R22, R32, and R717. This paper extends the results presented in previous studies in that it considers neW refrigerants, it specifically considers the effects ofthe pressure drops,and it presents general relations for estimating the effect of liquid-suction heat exchangers for any refrigerant.Heat Exchanger EffectivenessThe ability of a liquid-suction heat exchanger to transfer energy from the Warm liquid to the cool vapor at steady-state conditions is dependent on the size and configuration of the heat transfer device. The liquid-suction heat exchanger performance, expressed in terms of an effectiveness, is a parameter in the analysis. The effectiveness of the liquid-suction heat exchanger is defined in equation (1):Where the numeric subscripted temperature (T) values correspond to locations depicted in Figure 1. The effectiveness is the ratio of the actual to maximum possible heat transfer rates. It is related to the surface area of the heat exchanger. A zero surface area represents a system Without a liquid-suction heat exchanger Whereas a system having an infinite heat exchanger area corresponds to an effectiveness of unity.The liquid-suction heat exchanger effects the performance of a refrigeration system by in fluencing both the high and loW pressure sides of a system. Figure 2 shoWs the key state points for a vapor compression cycle utilizing an idealized liquid-suction heat exchanger on a pressure-enthalpy diagram. The enthalpy of the refrigerant leaving the condenser (state 3) is decreased p rior to entering the expansion device (state 4) by rejecting energy to the vapor refrigerant leaving the evaporator (state 1) prior to entering the compressor (state 2). Pressure losses are not shoWn. The cooling of the condensate t hat occurs on the high pressure side serves to increase the refrigeration capacity and reduce the likelihood of liquid refrigerant flashing prior to reaching the expansion device. On the loW pressure side, the liquid-suction heat exchanger increases the temperature of the v apor entering the compressor and reduces the refrigerant pressure, b oth of Which increase the specific volume of the refr igerant and thereby decrease the mass floW rate and capacity. A major benefit of the liquid-suction heat exchanger is that it reduces the possibility of liquid carry-over from the evaporator Which could harm the compressor. Liquid carryover can be readily caused by a number of factors that may include Wide fluctuations in evaporator load and poorly maintained expansion devices (especially problematic for thermostatic expansion valves used in ammonia service).(翻译)冷却系统利用流体吸热交换器克来因教授,布兰顿教授, , 布朗教授威斯康辛州的大学–麦迪逊摘录加热装置在许多冷却系统中被用到,用以制冷时遗留在蒸发器中的冷却气体和离开冷凝器发热流体之间的能量的热交换.这些流体吸收或吸收热交换器,在一些情形中,他们降低了系统性能, 然而系统的某些地方却得到了改善. 虽然以前研究员已经调查了流体吸热交换器的性能, 但是这项研究可能从早先研究的三种方式被加以区别. 首先,这份研究开辟了一个无限的崭新的与流体吸热交换器有关联的群体.其次,这份研究拓宽了早先的分析包括新型制冷剂。



Chemical Engineering Science62(2007)1948–1957/locate/cesStructure and rate of growth of whey protein deposit from in situ electrical conductivity during fouling in a plate heat exchanger Romuald Guérin,Gilles Ronse,Laurent Bouvier,Pascal Debreyne,Guillaume Delaplace∗UR638,Génie des Procédés et Technologie Alimentaires,INRA,F-59651,Villenueve d’Ascq,FranceReceived7August2006;received in revised form13December2006;accepted15December2006Available online30December2006This paper is dedicated to the memory of Dr Jean-Claude LeulietAbstractThe influences of calcium concentrations(70.88mg/l),Reynolds number(2000–5000)and temperature(60.96◦C)upon the deposit structure and the rate of growth deposition have been investigated in a plate heat exchanger.This was done from in situ measurements of the deposit electrical conductivity via implementation of stainless steel electrodes in channels combined with assessments of deposit thickness.Calcium ions affect structures of deposits and increase the rate of deposit growth upon heated surfaces.This was attributed to the formation of weaker size aggregates at higher calcium concentrations and a higher number of calcium bindings,which reinforce adhesion forces between protein aggregates.Structures and appearances of deposits also were affected byflow rates whatever the calcium concentrations.Deposit growth rate was enhanced by increasingflow rate below a critical Reynolds number comprised between3200and5000.On the contrary,above the critical Reynolds number,a limitation of the deposit and/or an escape of the deposit from the fouled layer into the corefluid occurred,caused by the predominance of particle breakage on the deposit formation.Fouling tended to be reduced at higherflow rate.It was noteworthy that rates of growth decrease during fouling experiments which may be explained by an increase in local shear stresses leading to particle breakage.᭧2007Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.Keywords:Fouling;Whey protein;Calcium ions;Reynolds number;Shear stress;Deposit structure;Plate heat exchanger;Electrical conductivity1.IntroductionPlate heat exchangers(PHEs)are widely used in food indus-tries.Several advantages in using PHEs have been discussed elsewhere(Corrieu,1980;Bond,1981).The main problems en-countered by users of heat exchangers are linked to fouling,cor-rosion or mechanical resistance.Bott(1992)shows that fouling of heat exchangers,classically observed with dairy products, is in the front row of the industrial preoccupations.Fouling of heated surfaces directly contributes toward increased costs in production and energy losses,cleaning,and hinders a constant product quality and overall process efficiency(Yoon and Lund, 1989;Delplace et al.,1994;Jeurnink and de Kruif,1995;Visser and Jeurnink,1997).∗Corresponding author.E-mail address:delapla@lille.inra.fr(G.Delaplace).0009-2509/$-see front matter᭧2007Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.ces.2006.12.038In dairy industries,deposits consist of a layer of protein aggregates and minerals(Tissier and Lalande,1986).Among all milk proteins, -lactoglobulin has been identified as one of the major contributors to fouling as it undergoes thermal denaturation(Lalande et al.,1985;Lalande and Rene,1988; Gotham et al.,1989).Consequently,whey protein concentrate (WPC)solutions often have applied as a modelfluid to mimic fouling reactions during pasteurisation of milk both in the bulk and in the deposit at heat surfaces.There has been a considerable amount of work showing that fouling affects hydrodynamic and thermodynamic perfor-mances of heat exchangers.These studies,carried out with different dairy product compositions and process conditions, put forward the main parameters which interfere upon the foul-ing deposit mass(De Jong et al.,1992;Belmar-Beiny et al., 1993;Delplace et al.,1994;Delplace and Leuliet,1995;Fryer et al.,1996;Changani et al.,1997;Visser and Jeurnink,1997;R.Guérin et al./Chemical Engineering Science62(2007)1948–19571949Christian et al.,2002;Prakash et al.,2006).The main param-eters were for instance wall temperatures andflow rate as pro-cess parameters and ionic force,type of ions,pH and protein concentration as chemical composition parameters.All these works represent an important step forward in the generation of predictive models both on -lactoglobulin denatu-ration or global thermal performance degradation for the whole heat exchangers(Fryer and Slater,1985;De Jong et al.,1992; Delplace et al.,1994;Fryer et al.,1996;Visser and Jeurnink, 1997).Unfortunately,these models are not powerful enough to explain the distinct cleaning behaviours experimentally ob-served.For instance,Christian et al.(2002)showed that overall cleaning times and cleaning rates,under standard conditions, were dependant on the deposit composition.There is a lack of knowledge concerning the influence of deposit structure and kinetic of deposit mass upon the cleaning efficiency to get rid off the total mass deposit.To overcome these difficulties,stud-ies that report the effect of process parameters and composi-tion upon the structure of the fouled layer are required.The aim of this work was partly to contribute to thisfield.In par-ticular,various controlled conditions offlow rate and calcium concentration of a WPC solution in a PHE were carried out to determine the influence of these parameters upon the structure and the kinetic of fouled layers.The structure and the growth of the fouled layer were estimated in-line from in situ measurements of the electrical conductivity of the fouled deposit.This was done by the im-plementation of two opposite stainless steel electrodes in PHE channels.In the last section,the electrode system was imple-mented in various channels to determine the influence of the temperature upon the deposit.2.Materials and methods2.1.ModelfluidThe modelfluid used in this study was reconstituted from WPC75supplied by Armor Proteines(France).The compo-sition of the powder as given by the manufacturer is shown in Table1.Proteins are the main components of the WPC pow-der(76%w/w)in which -lactoglobulin and -lactalbumin represent63%(w/w)and11%(w/w),respectively.Minerals represented less than4%(w/w)of the total dry weight of the powder.To produce solutions with higher mineral concentra-tion,the powder was dispersed in controlled quality water. Water consisted of a mixture of tap water of Lille(France)and soft water using a water softener(HI-FLO1,Culligan, Purolite C100E resin,France).The calcium and sodium con-tents of tap water,determined by atomic absorption spectropho-tometry(Philips,Pye Unicam),varied in the range170–200 and44–64mg/l,respectively.The range of calcium and sodium contents of the soft water were1.0–3.0and304–341mg/l, respectively.The desired content of calcium of the fouling fluid was obtained by mixing raw water,soft water and afixed amount of powder(1%w/w).Water electrical conductivity var-ied from0.113to0.116S/m at20◦C for calcium concentration varying from35to55mg/l.The product electrical conductivity Table1Composition of WPC powder(Armor Protéines,France)and1.0%WPC solutionComponent WPC75powder(%w/w)1.0%WPC75solution(%w/w) Water 5.599.05Lactose100.1Lipids 3.70.037Protein760.76Casein––-lactoglobulin480.48-lactalbumin8.40.084Other19.80.198Minerals40.04Calcium0.450.007–0.00875 Sodium0.700.0277–0.0472 Potassium0.33N.D.Chloride0.40N.D. Phosphorus0.30N.D. Magnesium0.045N.D.Iron0.008N.D.Other 1.77N.D.Other0.8N.D.:Not determined.Fig.1.Schematic of the experimental setup.varied from0.142to0.146S/m at20◦C for a range of calcium of70–90mg/l.The addition of protein powder to the mixing of water modified the electrical conductivity value of20%. The pH of the modelfluid remained between7.3and7.7.2.2.Fouling experimentThe experimental set-up of pilot plant scale is shown in Fig.1.Although there are two heat exchangers(model V7 plates,Alfa-Laval Vicarb,France)in the setup,the fouling1950R.Guérin et al./Chemical Engineering Science 62(2007)1948–1957ELECTRICAL CONDUCTIVITY SENSOR TEMPERATURE PROBE Pi PLATE NUMBERCi RODUCT CHANNEL NUMBERHOT WATER HOT WATER Fig.2.Heating plate heat exchanger flow arrangement and implementation of stainless steel electrodes inside channels.observations were focused on the second.The first one was used only to pre-heat the model fluid up to 60◦C where fouling was negligible.Water was used as the heating medium.The model fluid was heated from 60to 96◦C in a countercurrent mode.The choice of temperatures was made taking into account the value of the denaturation temperature of the -lactoglobulin protein.Temperature value for the denaturation of -lactoglobulin is 74.76◦C (Matsudomi et al.,1991;Xiong,1992;Gotham et al.,1989;Liu et al.,1994).PHE setup consisted of 13plates form-ing six passes of one channel for the two sides (Fig.2).The equivalent space between two consecutive plates was 3.93mm.In order to keep the feed composition constant,the fluid was not re-circulated once it was heated through PHEs.During ex-periments,the inlet temperature of hot water was adjusted to ensure a constant outlet model fluid temperature close to 96◦C and a constant profile of product temperature along the PHE as a function of time (i.e.,constant heat flux).The fluid foul-ing layer interface temperature in each channel was assumed constant during fouling runs.In the beginning,the PHE was brought to thermal equilibrium and desired process temperature using reverse osmosis (RO)water.The feed was switched from RO water to model fluid and the experimental run was contin-ued for 330min.After the fouling experiment,model fluid was replaced by cold RO water to bring the temperature of PHE and deposits to ambient temperature.Experiments were performed for various calcium concentrations and Reynolds numbers as shown in Table 2.Reynolds numbers were computed based on physical properties of water,assuming that the presence of 1%WPC in water does not modify them significantly.Average Reynolds number for the clean heat exchanger was determined from the distribution of Re along the PHE (Re =2 Q/ w ).Inlet and outlet model fluids and hot water temperatures were measured with platinum resistance probes (type pt100)with a precision of 0.1◦C.Bulk and wall temperatures in chan-nels were measured from J-type thermocouples with a preci-sion of 0.5◦C.Flow rates were measured using electromag-netic flowmeters (Krohne IFM,Germany).All parameters were collected via a data acquisition system (Agilent Technologies 34970A,USA)with an acquisition period of 30s.2.3.Measurements of fouled layer thicknessDeposit thickness on the different plates was obtained by two ways:•Using a pneumatic lifting device of a uniaxial compres-sion machine (DY30Model,Adamel Lhomargy,TMI,USA)which allows to determine the distance between the support of the device and the upper of the fouled or cleaned plate as shown in Fig.3.The precision of the measurement was 0.01mm.The assessments were performed at nine positions on the plate surface.The average value of the deposit thick-ness was computed from the nine positions.•By weighing plates before and after fouling runs using a Mettler apparatus (PM3000,Switzerland)with a preci-sion of 0.1g.From a wet deposit density value equal to 1000kg /m 3(Lalande et al.,1985),the average deposit thick-ness upon each plate was obtained.Of course,this method assumes that the deposit occurs uniformly upon the plate surface.2.4.Electrical conductivity of the depositTwo AISI 304L stainless steel electrodes 0.015×0.01m were implemented in channels C3,C5and C6(Fig.2).Elec-trodes were connected to a commercial conditioning system (STRATOS 2402Cond,Knick,Germany).Electrodes were electrically insulated from metal plates using an insulating stick (Araldite A V138M-HV998,USA).The cell constant of the de-vice was determined with salt solutions whose electrical con-ductivity value was known with precision.The stainless steel electrodes provide an indication of the equivalent electrical resistance R eq through the channel (Fig.4).For fixed operating conditions,the Kirchhoff’s rule allows decoupling the equivalent electrical resistance in terms of fouling fluid electrical resistance (R p )and deposit electrical resistance (R d )as follows:R eq =R p +2R d .(1)R.Guérin et al./Chemical Engineering Science 62(2007)1948–19571951T a b l e 2S u m m a r y o f m e a s u r e d a n d c a l c u l a t e d p a r a m e t e r s d u r i n g h e a t t r a n s f e r t o s t u d y f o u l i n g b e h a v i o u r o f 1%W P C s o l u t i o nR u n M e a n R e (–)C a 2+(m g /l )N a +(m g /l )i ,p (◦C ) o ,p (◦C ) i ,h w (◦C ) o ,h w (◦C )M a s s o f d e p o s i tt =0t ft =0t f t =0t f t =0t fi n c h a n n e l 5(g )A 200072.9344.062.360.096.897.2102.5104.572.873.471.9B 200378.9303.260.059.796.596.6102.6107.771.976.0118.6C 204082.2280.061.561.397.196.3102.7107.973.479.1147.1D 204085.6277.460.461.595.896.9102.0109.271.980.4180.6E 339470.0323.663.863.995.595.7102.0107.475.080.8100.3F 322076.3472.061.361.395.795.5101.7115.973.489.1170.0G 321478.0364.962.662.295.095.0100.0112.374.083.9201.2H 323286.5331.262.763.694.694.6101.4121.773.293.2240.6I 493874.6329.060.861.495.495.2103.4110.974.383.490.2J 492077.4303.061.360.896.296.0103.1113.574.084.994.2K 494277.8340.063.263.995.495.1103.0111.875.286.8116.6L 492687.4306.061.261.495.995.7103.5121.374.393.3190.5R u n¯e d (M D -5)(m m )¯e d (U C M )(m m )w *(◦C ) b (◦C ) e q *(S /m ) p a t b (S /m ) p a t 100◦C (S /m ) d *a t w (S /m )d *a t 100◦C (S /m )k ×104(S /m m i n )A 0.480.4097.991.10.3030.3600.3880.2080.2101.90B 0.800.61101.990.60.3030.3730.4030.2630.2612.33C 0.980.92102.491.60.3070.3710.3980.2850.2832.82D 1.201.16105.490.10.2970.3720.4040.2750.2703.57E 0.670.69103.689.70.2480.3610.3940.1700.1673.96F 1.201.28112.289.70.2840.4720.5040.2510.2408.19G 1.341.42108.889.30.2320.3750.4090.2240.2166.50H 1.601.55118.789.80.3320.4770.5090.3370.3206.88I 0.600.59105.289.80.2460.3910.4230.1470.1425.67J 0.630.63108.590.10.2250.3600.3920.1410.1335.60K 0.780.75106.889.50.2130.3690.4020.1510.1454.75L 1.271.37121.189.80.2730.3790.4110.2280.2096.70p , d a n d e q :f o u l i n g p r o d u c t ,d e p o s i t a n d e q u i v a l e n t e l e c t r i c a l c o n d u c t i v i t y ,r e s p e c t i v e l y ; i ,p a n d o ,p :i n l e t a n d o u t l e t t e m p e r a t u r e o f t h e p r o d u c t ; i ,h w a n d o ,h w :i n l e t a n d o u t l e t t e m p e r a t u r e o f t h e h o t w a t e r ; w a n d b :w a l l a n d b u l k t e m p e r a t u r e i n c h a n n e l 5;¯ed (U C M ):a ve r a g e d e p o s i t t h i c k n e s sf r o m t h e u n i a x i a l c o m p r e s s i o n m a c h i n e ;e d (M D -5):d e p o s i t t h i c k n e s s f r o m m a s s d e p o s i t i n c h a n n e l 5;k :r a t e o f c h a ng e o f th e e q ui v a l e n t e l e c t r i c a l c o n d u c t i v i t y .∗A t330m i n .1952R.Guérin et al./Chemical Engineering Science 62(2007)1948–1957Based on the general relationship linking the electrical resis-tance to the electrical conductivity for a pair of electrodes [ =e E /(AR)with e E the length between the electrodes,A the cross-section and R the electrical resistance]and assuming that (i)the cross-section A is a constant value and (ii)the space of the fluid flow (e fl)is defined as the difference between thespace0.000 N0.005 N e 10.000 N0.005 N e 2Fouling layerStainless steel plateacbdFig.3.The thickness measurement technique using a pneumatic lifting device of a uniaxial compression machine (DY30Model,Adamel Lhomargy,TMI,USA).P 8P 9Isolating materia l Stainless steel electrodes Fluid flow Fouling layer R eqR dR dRp ABFlow directioneEFig.4.Schematic of the fouling layer and equivalent electric resistance diagram.separating the two electrodes (e E )minus the total deposit thick-ness (2e d )(Eq.(2)),the deposit electrical conductivity (DEC, d )can be expressed as a function of model fluid ( p )and equivalent ( eq )electrical conductivities as shown in Eq.(3).e fl=e E −2e d ,(2)d (t =t f )=e E2e d (t =t f ) 1eq (t =tf )−1p+1p−1.(3)At the beginning of the fouling experiment (i.e.,clean PHE),the value of the equivalent electrical conductivity,measured by the device,corresponded to the electrical conductivity of the model fluid ( p )at the product temperature.The electrical con-ductivity of the model fluid was invariant during fouling runs since the inlet temperature of hot water was adjusted to ensure a constant product temperature inside channels as a function of time.At the end of fouling runs (i.e.,fouled plates,t =t f )the deposit thickness was measured and the measurement of the equivalent electrical conductivity allowed to obtain the electri-cal conductivity of the deposit.In order to compare electrical conductivity values of each run,all conductivities were deter-mined at 100◦C as follows (Ayadi,2005): d(100◦C )= d( w )+0.0009×(100− w ), p(100◦C )= p( b )+0.0032×(100− b ),(4)where d(100◦C )represents the DEC value at 100◦C, d( w )is the DEC determined from Eq.(3)at the end wall tempera-ture w , p(100◦C )is the electrical conductivity of the fouling product at 100◦C, p( b )represents the value of the electrical conductivity of the product at the bulk temperature b .Considering a deposit temperature nearly constant and an invariant viscosity value for the product,the only parametersR.Guérin et al./Chemical Engineering Science 62(2007)1948–195719530., (min )E q u i v a l e n t e l e c t r i c a l c o n d u c t i v i t y , (S m -1)Fig.5.Equivalent electrical conductivity during fouling run using 1.0%WPC solution with calcium concentration 78.0mg /l at Re =3200.which affect DEC values are mobility and concentration of ions (Benoıˆt and Deransart,1976).However,considering a poor mobility and diffusion of ions from the bulk fluid through the fouled layers due to protein networks,the DEC values are affected in the majority by the concentration of ions embedded inside the protein structure.Thus,these values constitute a good indicator of the deposit structure.3.Results and discussion3.1.Effect of calcium content on foulingTypical equivalent electrical conductivity change as a func-tion of time,measured in-line from the electrodes in the fifth channel,is illustrated in Fig.5.After the switch from RO water to fouling fluid,the equivalent electrical conductivity reaches a maximum value at t =15min.This value corresponds to the electrical conductivity of the product at the bulk temperature.Data reported in Table 2show that product electrical conduc-tivity values at 100◦C are little affected by the modification of the ionic concentration (i.e.,calcium and sodium in the tested range of concentration)of the solution.At the beginning of fouling stages,very slow decreases in equivalent electrical conductivity are recorded with an initial rate k ∗(Fig.5).This region may be attributed to a homogeneous thin layer of irreversibly adsorbed individual protein molecules on clean metal surfaces (Arnebrant et al.,1985;Visser and Jeurnink,1997).Tissier and Lalande (1986)showed that this sublayer had a thickness of 0.02 m after only few minutes of contact;0.4and 1 m after 10and 30min of fouling run.This weak thickness may explain the slight decrease of the slope between t =15and 30min.The slightly decreasing slope (k ∗)indicates that the fouling mechanism starts immediately when fouling product is present in the heating zone,for a temperature higher than unfolding temperature of -lactoglobulin.After this period,the equivalent electrical conductivity decreases24681060657075808590Calcium content, (mg/l)k x 104, (S .m -1.m i n -1)parison of rates of deposit growth (k )as a function of calcium concentration in WPC solution for Re =2000,3200and 5000.(The trend lines represent the curve fit of data .)linearly with time.The rate of electrical conductivity changes k is relatively high (Fig.5).The second decrease in eq may be attributed to the growth and structure changes of fouled layers.Indeed,whatever the Reynolds number,it is observed that the rate of electrical conductivity changes k rises with in-creasing calcium concentrations (Fig.6).This observation is in agreement with Li et al.(1994)observing that calcium induces conformational changes of the -lactoglobulin,facilitating the protein denaturation,but also increases the kinetic of the aggregate formation.A small change in the calcium concen-tration has an important impact upon the kinetic parameter k ,i.e.,the formation of the fouled layer.Fig.7a illustrates the electrical conductivity values of the fouled layer (DEC)obtained at a wall temperature of 100◦C in the fifth channel for varying calcium concentrations at three Reynolds numbers.Whatever the Reynolds number,the DEC increases with the calcium concentration.Considering a low mobility of ions inside the deposit due to protein networks and a constant temperature in C5,this indicates that the DEC1954R.Guérin et al./Chemical Engineering Science 62(2007)1948–19570. concentration,(mg.l -1)E l e c t r i c a l c o n d u c t i v i t y o f t h e d e p o s i t , (S .m -1) concentration, (mg.l -1)F o u l e d l a y e r t h i c k n e s s e d , (m m )05001000150020002500300035004000Calcium content, (mg/l)A m o u n t o f d e p o s i t i n c h a n n e l 5, (g /m 2)parison of (a)deposit electrical conductivity at 100◦C,(b)fouled layer deposit and (c)amount of deposit in channel 5after 5.5h of heat transfer in PHE as a function of calcium concentration in WPC solution for Re =2000,3200and 5000.(The trend lines represent the curve fit of data.)is affected by the deposit thickness and its structure which depends on the calcium concentration (Fig.7b).A small change in the calcium concentration has an important impact upon the fouling behaviour.Figs.6and 7indicate that calcium ions (i)are essential in the growth of fouled layers as suggested by Xiong (1992)since amounts of deposit increase with calcium concentration (Fig.7c),(ii)modify the rate of protein aggregation and (iii)lead to a greater cohesion between protein aggregates modify-ing the deposit structure.Indeed,visual analysis of the deposit after fouling runs at Re 3200using 1.0%WPC solutions revealed that fouled layers formed with low calcium content(78mg/l)have a spongy and soft texture whereas deposits formed at higher calcium content (86.5mg/l)are denser and elastic.This observation is in agreement with Pappas and Rothwell (1991)who showed that -lactoglobulin completely aggregated to form compact structures when heated with cal-cium.Simmons et al.(2007)also showed that increasing the levels of calcium had a dramatic effect on the size of the aggre-gates produced,which decreased with increasing mineral con-centration.An explanation for the difference in structure and kinetic is that calcium ions,essentially present in the deposit solid (Tissier and Lalande,1986),lead to lower size aggregates in the range of calcium concentration (70–88mg/l)and favour the growth of fouled layers by formation of bridges between adsorbed proteins and the protein aggregates formed in the bulk (Fig.8).Bridges may be formed via carboxyl groups of amino acids of -lactoglobulin as suggested by Xiong (1992).In-creasing the level of calcium would lead in a higher number of bridges resulting in a bigger stabilisation of protein aggregates as interpreted by Daufin et al.(1987)and Xiong (1992),forming a narrow network which embed other ions present in the solution (i.e.,sodium,magnesium,phosphate,calcium,…),and reinforce the adhesion forces between proteins.3.2.Effect of hydrodynamics conditions on foulingFig.5shows that rates of equivalent electrical conductivity changes are not constant as function of time since the slope of equivalent electrical conductivity decreased after t =180min.This slope modification in eq may be due to a decrease of the aggregate deposit and/or an escape of the deposit from the fouled layer into the core fluid caused by particle breakage.This can be a consequence of an additional local shear stress as deposit thickness evolved (Fig.9).Indeed,shear stress in a channel is a function of channel section which is reduced with the growing fouled layer [ = .¯u. /(2(e E −2e d ))].This confirms the assumption of Kern and Seaton (1959)who were the first to underline that the formation of a fouled layer is a consequence of the rate of aggregate entry and the rate at which they escape.Fig.10illustrates the evolution of the kinetic parameter k during fouling with a 1.0%WPC solution at calcium concen-tration of 78mg /l as a function of Reynolds number.The in-crease of k between Re 2000and 3200can be explained by a weaker size of aggregates at higher shear rate for a fixed tem-perature (Simmons et al.,2007)favouring the growth of the deposit and resulting in a different deposit structures (Fig.8).Deposit masses in channel 5confirm this trend namely for a fixed calcium concentration,the amount of deposit in C5in-creases between Re 2000and 3200(Fig.7c).Nevertheless,the k parameter decreases between Re 3200and 5000at a fixed calcium concentration.Thus,the decrease of the rate of deposit is due to the increase of Reynolds number which may limit the deposit,compact the structure upon the heated surface and increase the rate of particle breakage.Visual analysis of the appearance of the deposit as a function of Reynolds number confirm the trends.Deposit formed after fouling with a calcium concentration close to 78mg /l at Re 2000has a granular aspectR.Guérin et al./Chemical Engineering Science 62(2007)1948–19571955Adsorbed protein AggregatesStainless steel electrodes Stainless steel plate With lower calcium concentraionEmbedded ionsCalcium bindingsWith higher calcium concentraionFig.8.Schematic illustration of the proposed formation of the deposit with lower and higher calcium concentrations of the WPC solution. concentration, (mg/l)L o c a l s h e a r s t r e s s , (P a )20406080100120140160180200Shear stress for fouled channel (C5)Shear stress for cleaned channel (C5)Increase of shear stressI n c r e a s e o f s h e a r s t r e s s , (%)Fig.9.Increase in shear stresses due to fouled layer growth as a function of calcium concentrations in 1.0%WPC solutions at Re =3200.probably due to higher size aggregates whereas deposit formed at Re 3200appears more denser (i.e.,lower aggregates size).Finally,the deposit obtained after fouling at Re 5000appears more smooth and compact which may be the consequence of the increase of the local shear stress (Fig.9).Another way to underline the influence of shear stress upon the structure of the deposit is the measurement of the electri-cal conductivity of deposits according to Reynolds numbers for a fixed calcium content and temperature (Fig.7a–c).Fig.7a shows that DEC values are similar at Re 2000and 3200while amounts of deposit in C5,and so the thickness of the deposit (Figs.7b and c),are completely different with a scatter close to 35%.In the same order,amounts of deposit in C5are similar for Re 2000and 5000while the correspondingvalues of DEC1234567200032005000Reynolds number, (-)k x 104, (S m -1 m i n -1)Fig.10.Rates of deposit growth (k )as a function of Reynolds number during fouling runs with a 1.0%WPC solution with calcium concentration comprised between 76.0and 78.0mg /l.differ each other.Moreover,for a fixed calcium concentration,DEC values increase with a variation of Reynolds number from 2000to 3200while a decrease in DEC values can be observed above a critical Reynolds number,which could be comprised between 3200and 5000.Since calcium concentration and tem-perature are invariant and considering a poor mobility of ions due to protein networks,differences in the structure and/or the composition of the deposit can be explained by DEC variations.This indicates that shear stress has a dramatic effect upon the structure and the appearance of the deposit whatever the cal-cium concentrations.The differences in the structure of these。



Floating-head heat exchangersThe present invention relates to an improvement in floating-head type heat exchangers and particularly to means for providing fluid-tight contact between a floating tube sheet and a head flange such exchangers. More particularly, this invention is concerned with a special packing joint which provides an effective seal between the shell side and the tube side and the tube side of a floating-head type heat exchanger. The use of so-called”shell and tube”heat exchangers has gained widespread commercial acceptance. Such exchangers are useful in transferring heat between two liquids, such as for example, in oil refining operation, or between a liquid and a vapor, such as for example in steam power plants. The relative thermal expansions or contraction which frequently result from differences in the temperatures of the fluids flowing through the tubes and the shell, or from differences in the materials of construction of the tubes and the shells, have led to the development and use of the so-called”floating-head”heat exchangers. In this type of exchanger the tubes are rigidly attached to a stationary tube sheet which is fixed relative to the shell of the exchanger at one end,and are attached to a floating tube sheet at the other end. Hence, in operation,slidable movement obtains between the floating tube sheet and the shell and other fixed parts as the expanding and contracting tubes cause movement of the floating tube sheet, and stress and strains which may otherwise cause wear and failure in the exchanger are therefore avoided.In the shell and tube heat exchangers, one fluid usually enters the shell at one end and discharges from the opposite side of the shell at the other end, or at the same end, depending upon whether a singer-pass or a double-pass arragement of tubes is employed. The other fluid flows through the tubes from one end and is discharged at the other end(single pass flow), or the fluid may flow through part of the tubes at one end,re-routed through another part of the tubes, in which case such arrangement is referred to as multiple pass flow. Indouble-pass flow, for example, the liquid enters half the tubes at one end and flows, say from right to left, discharges into a receiving chamber, and then re-routed to the remaining half of the tubes through which it flows from left to right, and finally discharges from the heat exchanger.It can be readily appreciated that in this type of heat exchanger, provisions must be made to prevent leakage of fluid from the shell side to the tube side or vice versa. Several suchprovisions have been suggested and adapted to these exchanger but they are all disadvantageous in one way or another. Most frequently, the floating-head is either bolted or clamped onto the floating tube-sheet and the entire assembly is then mounted in the shell by means of conventional expansion rings or packing joints. This arragement, however, is expensive, cumbersome and difficult to install and to disassemble.Accordingly, this invetion comprehends and resides in the discovery of novel means for providing fluid-tight contact between the floating tube-sheet and the head flange protion of the floating head heat exchanger. The novel means employed herein comprises two rings, preferably metallic, with packing materials thereon, said rings being separated by compressible and resilient members, such as, for example, spring washers. These washers are arranged each over one of a multiplicity of circumferentially arranged pins extending longitudinally between the rings, fixed to one ring and slidably movable through aligned holes in the other ring. The pins serve to keep the washers in position.The novel means employed in the present invention and its adaptation to the floating-head heat exchanger are more readily comprehended with reference to the attached drawings wherein:FIGURE 1 is a partially sectionalized side elevation of a floating-head type heat exchanger embodying this invention;FIGURE 2 is an enlarged section showing the detials of a floating-head joint of FIGURE 1, and FIGURE 3 is an isometric free-body view of the two rings showing their relative positions with the washers.In these drawings, like numerals designate like parts.Referring to the drawings,there is shown, on thefloating-head side of the heat exchanger, a shell flange 11, gasket 13 and head flang 15, all connected together via bolt 17. Also shown on this side of the exchanger is a floating tube-sheet 19 to which is attached a multiplicity of tubes 21 through which one fluid madium flows. The other fluid medium enters the shell 23 of the exchanger at enrance 25, flows through the shell in contact with the outer surface of tubes 21 and leave the shell at exit 27.Forming a liquid-tight contact between the floating bute-sheet 19, the shell flange 11 and head flange 15 there is shown a unitary structure comprising two metallic rings 29 and 31 which are connected via two or more pins 33. There pins are attached at one end to one of said rings, say,ring 31 by welding or any other suitable means, and at the other end the pins areinserted in apertures in the ring 29 through which the pins are free to move in axial direction. A resilient and compressible member 35, such as,for example, a spring wsaher, is set over each pin, which member is responsive to the relative movements and expansions and contractions at the floating-head joints. Pins 33, apart from their function of connecting the two metal rings, also serve to hold the spring washers in the circumferential array shown.The unitary structure referred to above is placed in a recess 37(or a groove, or a notch) specially cut in the flanges, and the remaining space on either side of the rings is filled with packing materials 39 and 41 to fill up the recess. The diameter of the packing materials is preferably slightly larger than the outside diameter of the two metal rings to provide an effective seal as will hereinafter be explained.Rings 29 and 31 can be of metallic or plastic materials capable of withstanding the compressive forces exerted thereon by the spring washers 39 during the operation of the heat exchanger. The washers 35 may be of any suitable resilient and compressible materials capable of responding to the thermal expansions and contractions resulting from the differences in the temperatures of the fluids flowing through the shell andthe tube, or to differences in the materials of construction of the shell and the tubes. The number washers can very depending upon the compressive forces exerted in the floating-head joint.In assembling the heat exchangher, when bolts 17 are tightened, gasket 13 is compressed between the surfaces of the shell flange 11 and head flange 15. The compressive forces so set up are transmitted to the packing material 39 and 41 which packing material are therefore compressed away from each other as well as against the floating tube-sheet 19 the shell flange 11 and the head flange 15. Thus a fluid-tight contact is provided between the shell side and the tube side of the heat exchanger at floating-head joint. The compressive forces which are so transmitted to the packing matreial are in turn absorbed by the spring washers 35 which remain compressed in response to these compressive forces and which can return to their normal uncompressed position upon the removal of these forces.Thermal expansions and contractions at the floating-head joint,resulting from differences in temperature or differences in the materials of construction, as was previously discussed, cause relative movement of the floating tube-sheet 19 with respect to the shell flange 11 and head flange 15. The noveldevice permits the tube sheet to slide against the surfaces of the shell flange and the head flange and at the same time provides a seal between the shell side and the tube side of the exchanger.The device of this invention can be employed in single-pass as well as multiple-pass heat exchangers. It offers simplicity of installation as well as disassemblement of the exchanger and is less costly than the heretofore common types of installations.What is claimed is:1.In a floating-head heat exchanger having a flanged shelland a flanged head cover for said shell providingtherewith an annular recess at the juncture of the shelland cover, a tube bundle in said shell, a floating tubesheet slidably supporting one end of said tube bundleand having an annular surface facing said recess, a fluidtight sealing means disposed in said annular recesscomprising a pair of sealing ring members, spring meansbetween said sealing ring menbers resiliently biasingthe same apart and into engagement with the end wallsof said annular recess, said sealing ring members eachbeing in sealing engagement with the annular surface ofsaid tube sheet and the bottom of said recess andproviding a seal between the same and the shell and said spring means permitting said sealing rings to react resiliently in response to longitudinal movement of said floating tube sheet.2.In a floating-head heat exchanger having a flanged shelland a flanged head cover for said shell providingtherewith an annular recess at the juncture of the shell and cover, a tube bundle in said shell, a floating tube sheet slidably supporting one end of said tube bundle and having an annular surface facing said recess, a fluid-tight sealing means disposed in said recesscomprising a pair of oppositely disposed spaced rings, resilient means mounted by and between said rings urging the same axially apart, packing members between each of said rings and the adjacent surfaces of said recess ,said packing members being of slightly larger diameter than the rings and bearing on the floating tube sheet and the opposed suefaces of said recess to provide a seal between the tube sheet and the shell and to provide a seal between the tube sheet and the shell and to permit said sealing members to react resiliently responsive to longitudinalmovement of said floating tube sheet.。



毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译文献、资料中文题目:热扩散涂料换热器材料文献、资料英文题目:文献、资料来源:文献、资料发表(出版)日期:院(部):专业:过程装备与控制工程班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:翻译日期: 2017.02.14毕业设计(论文)翻译外文题目:DIFFUSION COATINGS FOR HEATEXCHANGER MATERIALS中文题目:热扩散涂料换热器材料DIFFUSION COATINGS FOR HEAT EXCHANGER MATERIALS热扩散涂料换热器材料V.Rohr和M.Schutze有一个需要发展清洁电力系统,以降低排放污染物。





然而,需要加热,目前正在执行步骤最低温度为750 - 800摄氏度。




摘要本文为P91对应铁素体钢和HCM12A,奥氏体钢合金800H和347型钢与17 Cr / 13镍、镍基合金IN617是温度低于以上提到的范围。



Rohr先生(rohr@dechema.de)和Schutze教授在这个DECHEMAKarl-Winnacker-Institut电动汽车,Theodor-Heuss-Allee 25岁,D - 60486 Frankfurt amMain,德国。



外文文献:Design and Implementation of Heat Exchange Station Control SystemKeywords:Heat exchange station, Control system, PLC, Inverter, Configuration software.Abstract.This paper introduces a design and implementation of heat exchange station control systembased on PLC and industrial configuration software, which includes the contr ol scheme and principle,hardware selection and software design, etc. The circulating pumps and re plenishing pumps in thesystem can all be driven automatically by PLC and inverter. Main process parameters, such as steampressure and measurement temperature and so on,can all be shown on the industrial PC runningconfiguration software, and instructions could be sent by the engineer and operator on-the-spot via theHuman Machine Interface as well. The automatic pressures adjustment of stea m supply of the heaterby advanced PID algorithm has been realized finally. It is verified that the system is highly reliableand stable, and it greatly enhances the level of automation and pressure control accuracy of the heatexchange station and meets all the equipments running demands well. IntroductionWith the rapid development of economy and society, heat supply systems are the key power source inthe communities and plants in China. As a media between heat sources and heat loads in the systems,a heat exchange stations plays a very important role for the heat supplyquality. Traditionally, most ofthe pumps in the heat supply systems are operated by valves manually, s o it could bring about thepower energy consuming, high labor intensity and low operation automation. I n this paper a design ofcontrol system for heat exchange station based on PLC, inverter and indust rial configuration softwarewas proposed,accordingly the aim for power energy saving,high heat efficiency and operationautomation has been achieved.Process outline and Control demandsProcess outline.The process outline and control demands were put forward at first before the schemeand design of heat exchange station control system were proposed.Heat exchange station consists of a steam-driven heater,plus3ci rculating pumps,2replenishingpumps and electric control valve. By adjusting the steam flux into the mixture of water and steamaccording to the temperature sensors mounted indoors and outdoors, the pr ocess of heat exchangecould be completed. Among these equipments, the steam-driven heater, a heat exchanger containingmixture of steam-and-water, is the key appliance for heat supply system.Control demands.Major control demands for the control system were listed a s follows [1]:(a)Pumps driving.Pumps include3circulating pumps(2in operation,1for backup)and2replenishing pumps (1 in operation, 1 for backup). Among circulating ones one is driven by powerfrequency, the others are driven by variable frequency, with 75KW power ea ch; among replenishingones one is driven by power frequency, the other is driven by variable frequency, with 3KW powereach. The control signal should be originated from the pressure difference between the supply waterand return water.Pumps could be driven in stepless speed regulating when connecting variablepower;(b)Parameters Showing.The showing parameters contain temperatureshowing-temperature ofsupply water, return water, the indoor, the outdoor and steam - and pre ssure showing - pressure ofsupply water, return water and pre-valve and post-valve of the steam etc;(c) Butterfly valves driving.Two butterfly valves can be on or of f automatically when the wholesystem start or stop;(d) Motor-driven valves control. By continuously adjusting the opening of t he valves according to thesignal from the temperature sensors indoors and outdoors, the supply wate r temperature should bestabilized in the presetting values;(e) HMI (Human Machine Interface) Demands. The process flow chart of heatexchange station andmain process parameter can be shown in HMI, and instructions can be trans mitted via this interface;(f) Safeguard Function. The circulating pumps should be out of running when heat exchange system isin water needing, and steam should be kept out of the heater when the pumps are not revolving.Hardware Selection of the Control SystemFrom the control demands mentioned above, the controller of the control s ystem can process signalsboth relay and analog, having the ability of loop adjustment of analog q uantity. At the meantime thepumps could run in the working condition of variable frequency, so the hardware selection of thecontrol system for heat exchange station should be made deliberately.PLC Serving as Main Controller.As some experienced electrica l engineers known,PLC/PC(Program Controller) is a kind of popular industrial computer, and it can not only accomplish logiccontrol, but also complete many advanced functions, such as analog quanti ty loop adjustment, andmotion control, etc. According to the component amounts of input and outpu t and the needs of controlsystem, FX1N-60MR micro PLC of MITSUBISHI FX series is selected, which hav ing 36 inputs and24 outputs, and doing analog adjustment by using advanced instruction likePID instruction [2].Because of the sampling and driving of the analog signal necessarily, P LC should be extended toanalog input/output function module like FX2N-4AD (4AD) and FX2N-4DA (4DA) or somethinglike.On one hand,4AD adopted is an analog input module having4channels with12bit highresolution, which could receive 0~+10V voltage signal, 0~20mA or 4~20mA cu rrent signal. On theother hand, 4DA chosen could send standard voltage signal and/or current signal, having 4 channelswith 12 bit high resolution also. It is something to be mentioned here , the wiring form of currentinput/output (4~20mA) must be adopted in order to avoiding the strong elec tromagnetism disturbancein the working field [3].Inverter completing Stepless Speed Regulating.At present, inverter, as an im port power electronicconverter, can convert constantly power frequency into continually variable frequency. Thus, energysaving, cost consuming and noise reduction can be easily reached by this equipment.In this control system inverter of ACS510 series of ABB Corporation were elaborately chosen, whichhas many advantages, such as Direct Torque Control (DTC) and advanced appl ying macro and so on.Its main good points and characteristics are illustrated as follows: it can acquire maximum startingtorque (200% normal torque) by using direct excitation; it can be applied to multiple driving systemsby using master-slave function;input and output programmable function;high precision of speedregulating, perfect safeguard and alarming steps. Owing to these highlights of this inverter, pumpsdriving of stepless speed regulating can be easily obtained.There are many applying macro inACS510 series, but we should only choose manual/automatic macro here as we need.IPC Acting as Monitor&Control Interface.IPC(Industrial Personal Computer)has strongcompatibility,extensibility and reliability,which can connect PLC by RS-232serial portconveniently. In the hardware configuration we select IPC H610 series of A DVANTECH as HMI.MCGS(Monitor Control Generated System),fashionable home-mad e industrial configurationsoftware, is running on the ADVANTECH IPC. Using this HMI, the visualizati on process of Monitorand Control is realized easily, intuitively and vividly.With the sensor/transducer,analog input/output modules,PLC a nd actuators,.inverter andmotor-driven valve, the loop adjustment of steam pressure can be precisely attained, and temperatureof all measure points could be measured also[4].The overall hardware configuration of heatexchange station control system see Fig. 1.Fig. 1 The overall hardware configuration of heat exchange station control systemSoftware Design of the Control SystemLAD Diagram Programming.Out of the thoughts of modular programming, the whole programstructure can be divided into such several modules as Initialization Function,upper IPCCommunication Function, Relay Control Function, Analog Sampling, Fuzzy PID Adjust Functionand Safeguard Function, etc. The flow chart of LAD diagram programming of PLC is shown in Fig. 2.Among these modular functions, it is something worthy to mention of Fuzzy PID Adjust Function.Under some circumstances the using of PID instruction of PLC was not so good at what we expected;therefore, the self-made program of Fuzzy PID adjustment of steam pressure was done from deviationand deviation acceleration of temperature between the indoor and the outdoo r in accordance with theFuzzy Control Theory and its application [5].HMI Configuration.For the sake of the appearance beauty and personalizati on between machineand human, the MCGS- Monitor Control Generated Software of Beijing MCGS Tech Co. Ltd wasadopted. This industrial configuration software has very quick, easy devel opment of configurationprocess, which can build bi-directional and high speed communication betwee n PLC and upper IPCthru RS422/232 serial port.In the development environment of MCGS, all needed windows and pictures we re created, includingMain Window of Process Flow, Process Parameters Showing Window, and Key P arameters SettingWindow, etc. Vivid and readily interaction between human and machine can be completed by suchbeautiful pictures and animations when IPC running MCGS.ConclusionsThis design of heat exchange station control system based onFX series PLC,MCGS,and ABBinverter has been realized the pressure automatic adjustment of steam-driven heater as originallyexpected.More over,design demands of power energy savi ng,high heat efficiency and lowequipments noise can all be well met. Finally, the practical operation ver ifies that the system is highlyreliable and stable, and it greatly enhances the level of automation and pressure control accuracy ofheat exchange station and meets equipments requirements of energy saving an d green driving.BEGINInitializationFuzzy PIDAdjust FunctionCommunicationFunctionAnalog OutputNoRelay ControlFunctionAnalog FilteringFunctionCall AnalogSample FunctionSample OverYesAnalog InputLinear TransferLinear TransferAnalog OutputDrivingSafeguard FunctionFailure OccurNoYesFailure HandlingRelated MemoryResetENDFig. 2 The flow chat of LAD diagram programming of PLCAcknowledgementComposition of this paper was with the help and under the direction ofSenior Engineer Nian-huiZhang of Qingdao Wellborn Automation Corporation.References[1]Information on H. Zhang, . Li:The Principle of PLC with itsApplications to Process Control(China PowerPress, Beijing 2008).[3]H. Zhang:The Design and Development of MITSUBISHI FX Series PLC( China Machine Press,Beijing 2009).[4]H. Zhang: Process Automation Instrumentation, Vol. 31(4) (2010), p. 34-36, in Chinese.[5]. Zadeh:Fuzzy Sets and their Applications(Academic Press, New Yor k 1975).Progress in Civil Engineeringand Implementation of Heat Exchange Station Control System外文翻译:换热站控制系统的设计和实现关键词:换热站、控制系统、PLC、变频器、配置软件。



One of the most effective methods of increasing the rate of heat transfer in heat exchangersis using tubes with lengthwise corrugations (Fig. i). Among the different methodsknown here and abroadfor making such tubes (longitudinal and rotary rolling, welding, drawing,forging), cold drawing occupies an important position. This is because of the highproductivity of this method, the accuracy of the tube dimensions, the good surface finish,and the fact that the tool is relatively simple to fabricate. A technology has been developedand introduced at several nonferrous metallurgical plants for drawing copper-alloy tubeswith lengthwise corrugations.The Pervouralsk New Tube Plant is developing a technology for drawing such tubes madeof carbon steel. Trial lots of tubes with a corrugated outer surface have been made andstudies are being conducted to determine the optimum geometry of the die.There are certain distinctive features of drawing stainless steel tubes that owe to theproperties of the material. The cold working of alloy steels -- thus, stainless steels -- ischaracterized by a high susceptibility to work hardening, low thermal conductivity, and thepresence of a hard and strong film on the surface which is passive to lubricants. The presenceof the film leads to seizing of the tube in the die. Existing lubricants and prelubricantcoatings do not provide a plasticized layer that will prevent the metal from adheringto the die and ensure a uniform strain distribution over the tube wall thickness.The Ural Polytechnic Institute and the Institute of Electrochemistry of the Ural ScienceCenter under the Academy of Science of the USSR have developed a technology for applying acopper coating to the surface of tubes made of corrosion-resistant steels. The coating isapplied in the form of a melt containing copper salts at 400-500~ and allowed to stand fori0 min. The layer of copper 10-40 ~m thick formed on the surface by this operation is stronglybound to the base metal. The copper coating makes it possible to draw tubes of stainlesssteel on a mandrel.The sector metallurgical-equipment laboratory at the UralPolytechnic Institute studiedthe process of drawing stainless steel tubes using the copper coating on short(stationary)and long (movable) mandrels. The study showed that the metal does not adhere to the die, thecoating is strongly bound to the base metal, and large reductions can be made in one pass.These results suggested that stainless-steel tubes with lengthwise corrugations could beproduced by cold drawing. Thus, the laboratory prepared trial lots of corrugated steel12KhI8NIOT tubes.其中一个最有效的办法来增加率换热器的传热利用管corrugations与纵向(Fig.我)。



武汉工程大学邮电与信息工程学院毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译原文题目: Effectively Design Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchangers 原文来源: Chemical Engineering ProgressFebruary 1998文章译名:管壳式换热器的优化设计姓名: xxx学号: xx指导教师(职称):王成刚(副教授)专业:过程装备与控制工程班级: 03班所在学院:机电学部管壳式换热器的优化设计为了充分利用换热器设计软件,我们需要了解管壳式换热器的分类、换热器组件、换热管布局、挡板、压降和平均温差。












换热器用字母编码描述三个部分,例如, BFL 型换热器有一个阀盖,双通的有纵向挡板的壳程和固定的管程后端封头。




毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译文献、资料中文题目:U形管换热器文献、资料英文题目:文献、资料来源:文献、资料发表(出版)日期:院(部):专业:过程装备与控制工程专业班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:翻译日期: 2017.02.14毕业设计(论文)外文翻译毕业设计(论文)题目: U形管式换热器设计外文题目: U-tube heat exchangers译文题目:指导教师评阅意见U-tube heat exchangersM. Spiga and G. Spiga, Bologna1 Summary:Some analytical solutions are provided to predict the steady temperature distributions of both fluids in U-tube heat exchangers. The energy equations are solved assuming that the fluids remain unmixed and single-phased. The analytical predictions are compared with the design data and the numerical results concerning the heat exchanger of a spent nuclear fuel pool plant, assuming distinctly full mixing and no mixing conditions for the secondary fluid (shell side). The investigation is carried out by studying the influence of all the usual dimensionless parameters (flow capacitance ratio, heat transfer resistance ratio and number of transfer units), to get an immediate and significant insight into the thermal behaviour of the heat Exchanger.More detailed and accurate studies about the knowledge of the fluid temperature distribution inside heat exchangers are greatly required nowadays. This is needed to provide correct evaluation of thermal and structural performances, mainly in the industrial fields (such as nuclear engineering) where larger, more efficient and reliable units are sought, and where a good thermal design can not leave integrity and safety requirements out of consideration [1--3]. In this view, the huge amount of scientific and technical informations available in several texts [4, 5], mainly concerning charts and maps useful for exit temperatures and effectiveness considerations, are not quite satisfactory for a more rigorous and local analysis. In fact the investigation of the thermomechanieal behaviour (thermal stresses, plasticity, creep, fracture mechanics) of tubes, plates, fins and structural components in the heat exchanger insists on the temperature distribution. So it should be very useful to equip the stress analysis codes for heat exchangers withsimple analytical expressions for the temperature map (without resorting to time consuming numerical solutions for the thermal problem), allowing a sensible saving in computer costs. Analytical predictions provide the thermal map of a heat exchanger, aiding in the designoptimization.Moreover they greatly reduce the need of scale model testing (generally prohibitively expensive in nuclear engineering), and furnish an accurate benchmark for the validation of more refined numerical solutions obtained by computer codes. The purpose of this paper is to present the local bulk-wall and fluid temperature distributions forU-tube heat exchangers, solving analytically the energy balance equations.122 General assumptionsLet m, c, h, and A denote mass flow rate (kg/s), specific heat (J/kg -1 K-l), heat transfer coefficient(Wm -2 K-l), and heat transfer surface (m2) for each leg, respectively. The theoretical analysis is based on classical assumptions [6] :-- steady state working conditions,-- equal flow distribution (same mass flow rate for every tube of the bundle),-- single phase fluid flow,-- constant physical properties of exchanger core and fluids,-- adiabatic exchanger shell or shroud,-- no heat conduction in the axial direction,-- constant thermal conductances hA comprehending wall resistance and fouling.According to this last assumption, the wall temperature is the same for the primary and secondary flow. However the heat transfer balance between the fluids is quite respected, since the fluid-wall conductances are appropriately reduced to account for the wall thermal resistance and thefouling factor [6]. The dimensionless parameters typical of the heat transfer phenomena between the fluids arethe flow capacitance and the heat transfer resistance ratiosand the number of transfer units, commonly labaled NTU in the literature,where (mc)min stands for the smaller of the two values (mc)sand (mc)p.In (1) the subscripts s and p refer to secondary and primary fluid, respectively. Only three of the previous five numbers are independent, in fact :The boundary conditions are the inlet temperatures of both fluids3 Parallel and counter flow solutionsThe well known monodimensional solutions for single-pass parallel and counterflow heat exchanger,which will be useful later for the analysis of U-tube heat exchangers, are presented below. If t, T,νare wall, primary fluid, and secondary fluid bulk temperatures (K), and ξ and L represent the longitudinal space coordinate and the heat exchanger length (m), the energy balance equations in dimensionless coordinate x = ξ/L, for parallel and counterflow respectivelyread asM. Spiga and G. Spiga: Temperature profiles in U-tube heat exchangersAfter some algebra, a second order differential equation is deduced for the temperature of the primary (or secondary) fluid, leading to the solutionwhere the integration constants follow from the boundary conditions T(0)=T i , ν(0)≒νifor parallel T(1) = Ti ,ν(0) = νifor counter flow. They are given-- for parallel flow by - for counterflow byWishing to give prominence to the number of transfer units, it can be noticed thatFor counterflow heat exchangers, when E = 1, the solutions (5), (6) degenerate and the fluidtemperatures are given byIt can be realized that (5) -(9) actually depend only on the two parametersE, NTU. However a formalism involving the numbers E, Ns. R has been chosen here in order to avoid the double formalism (E ≤1 and E > 1) connected to NTU.4 U-tube heat exchangerIn the primary side of the U-tube heat exchanger, whose schematic drawing is shown in Fig. 1, the hot fluid enters the inlet plenum flowing inside the tubes, and exits from the outlet plenum. In the secondary side the fluid flows in the tube bundle (shell side). This arrangement suggests that the heat exchanger can be considered as formed by the coupling of a parallel and a counter-flow heat exchanger, each with a heigth equal to the half length of the mean U-tube. However it is necessary to take into account the interactions in the secondary fluid between the hot and the cold leg, considering that the two flows are not physically separated. Two extreme opposite conditions can be investigated: no mixing and full mixing in the two streams of the secondary fluid. The actual heat transfer phenomena are certainly characterized by only a partial mixing ofthe shell side fluid between the legs, hence the analysis of these two extreme theoretical conditions will provide an upper and a lower limit for the actual temperature distribution.4.1 No mixing conditionsIn this hypothesis the U-tube heat exchanger can be modelled by two independent heat exchangers, a cocurrent heat exchanger for the hot leg and a eountercurrent heat exchanger for the cold leg. The only coupling condition is that, for the primary fluid, the inlet temperature in the cold side must be the exit temperature of the hot side. The numbers R, E, N, NTU can have different values for the two legs, because of thedifferent values of the heat transfer coefficients and physical properties. The energy balance equations are the same given in (2)--(4), where now the numbers E and Ns must be changed in E/2 and 2Ns in both legs, if we want to use in their definition the total secondary mass flow rate, since it is reduced in every leg to half the inlet mass flow rate ms. Of course it is understood that the area A to be used here is half of the total exchange area of the unit, as it occurs for the length L too. Recalling (5)--(9) and resorting to the subscripts c and h to label the cold and hot leg, respectively, the temperature profile is given bywhere the integration constants are:M. Spiga and G. Spiga: Temperature profiles in U-tube heat exchangersIf E, = 2 the solutions (13), (14) for the cold leg degenerate into4.2 Full mixing conditionsA different approach can be proposed to predict the temperature distributions in the core wall and fluids of the U-tube heat exchanger. The assumption of full mixing implies that the temperaturesof the secondary fluid in the two legs, at the same longitudinal section, are exactly coinciding. In this situation the steady state energy balance equations constitute the following differential set :The bulk wall temperature in both sides is thenand (18)--(22) are simplified to a set of three equations, whose summation gives a differential equation for the secondary fluid temperature, withgeneral solutionwhere # is an integration constant to be specified. Consequently a second order differential equation is deduced for the primary fluid temperature in the hot leg :where the numbers B, C and D are defined asThe solution to (24) allows to determine the temperaturesand the number G is defined asThe boundary conditions for the fluids i.e. provide the integration constantsAgain the fluid temperatures depend only on the numbers E and NTU.5 ResultsThe analytical solutions allow to deduce useful informations about temperature profiles and effectiveness. Concerning the U-tube heat exchanger, the solutions (10)--(15) and (25)--(27) have been used as a benchmark for the numerical predictions of a computer code [7], already validated, obtaining a very satisfactory agreement.M. Spiga and G. Spiga: Temperature profiles in U-tube heat exchangers 163 Moreover a testing has been performed considering a Shutte & Koerting Co. U-tube heat exchanger, designed for the cooling system of a spent nuclear fuel storage pool. The demineralized water of the fuel pit flows inside the tubes, the raw water in the shell side. The correct determination of the thermal resistances is very important to get a reliable prediction ; for every leg the heat transfer coefficients have been evaluated by the Bittus-Boelter correlation in the tube side [8], by the Weisman correlation in the shell side [9] ; the wall material isstainless steel AISI 304.and the circles indicate the experimental data supplied by the manufacturer. The numbers E, NTU, R for the hot and the cold leg are respectively 1.010, 0.389, 0.502 and 1.011, 0.38~, 0.520. The difference between the experimental datum and the analytical prediction of the exit temperature is 0.7% for the primary fluid, 0.9% for the secondary fluid. The average exit temperature of the secondary fluid in the no mixing model differs from the full mixing result only by 0.6%. It is worth pointing out the relatively small differences between the profiles obtained through the two different hypotheses (full and no mixing conditions), mainly for the primary fluid; the actual temperature distribution is certainly bounded between these upper and lower limits,hence it is very well specified. Figures 3-5 report the longitudinal temperaturedistribution in the core wall, τw = (t -- νi)/(Ti -- νi), emphasizing theeffects of the parameters E, NTU, R.As above discussed this profile can be very useful for detailed stress analysis, for instance as anM. Spiga and G. Spiga: Temperature profiles in U-tube heat exchangersinput for related computer codes. In particular the thermal conditions at the U-bend transitions are responsible of a relative movement between the hot and the cold leg, producing hoop stresses with possible occurrence of tube cracking . It is evident that the cold leg is more constrained than the hot leg; the axial thermal gradient is higher in the inlet region and increases with increasing values of E, NTU, R. The heat exchanger effectiveness e, defined as the ratio of the actual heat transfer rate(mc)p (Ti-- Tout), Tout=Tc(O), to the maximum hypothetical rateunder the same conditions (mc)min (Ti- νi), is shown in Figs. 6, 7respectively versus the number of transfer units and the flow capacitance ratio. As known, the balanced heat exchangers E = 1) present the worst behaviour ; the effectiveness does not depend on R and is the same for reciprocal values of the flow capacitance ratio.U形管换热器m . Spiga和g . Spiga,博洛尼亚摘要:分析解决方案提供一些两相流体在u形管换热器中的分布情况。



DESIGN OF HEAT EXCHANGER FOR HEAT RECOVERY IN CHP SYSTEMSABSTRACTThe objective of this research is to review issues related to the design of heat recovery unit in Combined Heat and Power (CHP) systems. To meet specific needs of CHP systems, configurations can be altered to affect different factors of the design. Before the design process can begin, product specifications, such as steam or water pressures and temperatures, and equipment, such as absorption chillers and heat exchangers, need to be identified and defined. The Energy Engineering Laboratory of the Mechanical Engineering Department of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette and the Louisiana Industrial Assessment Center has been donated an 800kW diesel turbine and a 100 ton absorption chiller from industries. This equipment needs to be integrated with a heat exchanger to work as a Combined Heat and Power system for the University which will supplement the chilled water supply and electricity. The design constraints of the heat recovery unit are the specifications of the turbine and the chiller which cannot be altered.INTRODUCTIONCombined Heat and Power (CHP), also known as cogeneration, is a way to generate power and heat simultaneously and use the heat generated in the process for various purposes. While the cogenerated power in mechanical or electrical energy can be either totally consumed in an industrial plant or exported to a utility grid, the recovered heat obtained from the thermal energy in exhaust streams of power generating equipment is used to operate equipment such as absorption chillers, desiccant dehumidifiers, or heat recovery equipment for producing steam or hot water or for space and/or process cooling, heating, or controlling humidity. Based on the equipment used, CHP is also known by other acronyms such as CHPB (Cooling Heating and Power for Buildings), CCHP (Combined Cooling Heating and Power), BCHP (Building Cooling Heating and Power) and IES (Integrated Energy Systems). CHP systems are much more efficient than producing electric and thermal power separately. According to the Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey, 1995 [14], there were 4.6 million commercial buildings in the United States. These buildings consumed 5.3 quads of energy, about half of which was in the form of electricity. Analysis of survey data shows that CHP meets only 3.8% of the total energy needs of the commercial sector. Despite the growing energy needs, the average efficiency of power generation has remained 33% since 1960 and the average overall efficiency of generating heat and electricity using conventional methods is around 47%. And with the increase in prices in both electricity and natural gas, the need for setting up more CHP plants remains a pressing issue. CHP is known to reduce fuel costs by about 27% [15] CO released into the atmosphere. The objective of this research is to review issues related to the design of heat recovery unit in Combined Heat and Power (CHP) systems. To meet specific needs of CHP systems, configurations can be altered to affect differentfactors of the design. Before the design process can begin, product specifications, such as steam or water pressures and temperatures, and equipment, such as absorption chillers and heat exchangers, need to be identified and defined.The Mechanical Engineering Department and the Industrial Assessment Center at the University of Louisiana Lafayette has been donated an 800kW diesel turbine and a 100 ton absorption chiller from industries. This equipment needs to be integrated to work as a Combined Heat and Power system for the University which will supplement the chilled water supply and electricity. The design constraints of the heat recovery unit are the specifications of the turbine and the chiller which cannot be altered.Integrating equipment to form a CHP system generally does not always present the best solution. In our case study, the absorption chiller is not able to utilize all of the waste heat from the turbine exhaust. This is because the capacity of the chiller is too small as compared to the turbine capacity. However, the need for extra space conditioning in the buildings considered remains an issue which can be resolved through the use of this CHP system. BACKGROUND LITERATUREThe decision of setting up a CHP system involves a huge investment. Before plunging into one, any industry, commercial building or facility owner weighs it against the option of conventional generation. A dynamic stochastic model has been developed that compares the decision of an irreversible investment in a cogeneration system with that of investing in a conventional heat generation system such as steam boiler combined with the option of purchasing all the electricity from the grid [21]. This model is applied theoretically based on exempts. Keeping in mind factors such as rising emissions, and the availability and security of electricity supply, the benefits of a combined heat and power system are many.CHP systems demand that the performance of the system be well tested. The effects of various parameters such as the ambient temperature, inlet turbine temperature, compressor pressure ratio and gas turbine combustion efficiency are investigated on the performance of the CHP system and determines of each of these parameters [1]. Five major areas where CHP systems can be optimized in order to maximize profits have been identified as optimization of heat to power ratio, equipment selection, economic dispatch, intelligent performance monitoring and maintenance optimization [6].Many commercial buildings such as universities and hospitals have installed CHP systems for meeting their growing energy needs. Before the University of Dundee installed a 3 MW CHP system, first the objectives for setting up a cogeneration system in the university were laid and then accordingly the equipment was selected. Considerations for compatibility of the new CHP setup with the existing district heating plant were taken care by some alterations in pipe work so that neither system could impose any operational constraints on the other [5]. Louisiana State University installed a CHP system by contracting it to Sempra EnergyServices to meet the increase in chilled water and steam demands. The new cogeneration system was linked with the existing central power plant to supplement chilled water and steam supply. This project saves the university $ 4.7 million each year in energy costs alone and 2,200 emissions are equivalent to 530 annual vehicular emissions.Another example of a commercial CHP set-up is the Mississippi Baptist Medical Center. First the energy requirement of the hospital was assessed and the potential savings that a CHP system would generate [10]. CHP applications are not limited to the industrial and commercial sector alone. CHP systems on a micro-scale have been studied for use in residential applications. The cost of UK residential energy demand is calculated and a study is performed that compares the operating cost for the following three micro CHP technologies: Sterling engine, gas engine, and solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) for use in homes [9].The search for different types of fuel cells in residential homes finds that a dominant cost effective design of fuel cell use in micro – CHP exists that is quickly emerging [3]. However fuel cells face competition from alternate energy products that are already in the market. Use of alternate energy such as biomass combined with natural gas has been tested for CHP applications where biomass is used as an external combustor by providing heat to partially reform the natural gas feed [16]. A similar study was preformed where solid municipal waste is integrated with natural gas fired combustion cycle for use in a waste-to-energy system which is coupled with a heat recovery steam generator that drives a steam turbine [4]. SYSTEM DESIGN CONSIDERATIONSIntegration of a CHP system is generally at two levels: the system level and the component level. Certain trade-offs between the component level metrics and system level metrics are required to achieve optimal integrated cooling, heating and power performance [18]. All CHP systems comprise mainly of three components, a power generating equipment or a turbine, a heat recovery unit and a cooling device such as an absorption chiller.There are various parameters that need to be considered at the design stage of a CHP project. For instance, the chiller efficiency together with the plant size and the electric consumption of cooling towers and condenser water pumps are analyzed to achieve the overall system design [20]. Absorption chillers work great with micro turbines. A good example is the Rolex Reality building in New York, where a 150 kW unit is hooked up with an absorption chiller that provides chilled water. An advantage of absorption chillers is that they don’t require any permits or emission treatment [2]Exhaust gas at 800°F comes out of the turbine at a flow rate of 48,880 lbs/h [7]. One important constraint during the design of the CHP system was to control the final temperature of this exhaust gas. This meant utilizing as much heat as required from the exhaust gas and subsequently bringing down the exit temperature. After running different iterations on temperature calculations, it was decided to divert 35% of the exhaust air to the heat exchanger whilethe remaining 65% is directed to go up the stack. This is achieved by using a diverter damper. In addition, diverting 35% of the gas relieves the problem of back pressure build-up at the end of the turbine.A diverter valve can also used at the inlet side of the heat exchanger which would direct the exhaust gas either to the heat exchanger or out of the bypass stack. This takes care of variable loads requirement. Inside the heat exchanger, exhaust gas enter the shell side and heats up water running in the tubes which then goes to the absorption chiller. These chillers run on either steam or hot water.The absorption chiller donated to the University runs on hot water and supplies chilled water. A continuous water circuit is made to run through the chiller to take away heat from the heat input source and also from the chilled water. The chilled water from the absorption chiller is then transferred to the existing University chilling system unit or for another use.Thermally Activated DevicesThermally activated technologies (TATs) are devices that transform heat energy for useful purposed such as heating, cooling, humidity control etc. The commonly used TATs in CHP systems are absorption chillers and desiccant dehumidifiers. Absorption chiller is a highly efficient technology that uses less energy than conventional chilling equipment, and also cools buildings without the use of ozone-depleting chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). These chillers can be powered by natural gas, steam, or waste heat.Desiccant dehumidifiers are used in space conditioning by removing humidity. By dehumidifying the air, the chilling load on the AC equipment is reduced and the atmosphere becomes much more comfortable. Hot air coming from an air-to-air heat exchanger removes water from the desiccant wheel thereby regenerating it for further dehumidification. This makes them useful in CHP systems as they utilize the waste heat.An absorption chiller is mechanical equipment that provides cooling to buildings through chilled water. The main underlying principle behind the working of an absorption chiller is that it uses heat energy as input, instead of mechanical energy.Though the idea of using heat energy to obtain chilled water seems to be highly paradoxical, the absorption chiller is a highly efficient technology and cost effective in facilities which have significant heating loads. Moreover, unlike electrical chillers, absorption chillers cool buildings without using ozone-depleting chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). These chillers can be powered by natural gas, steam or waste heat.Absorption chiller systems are classified in the following two ways:1. By the number of generators.i) Single effect chiller –this type of chiller, as the name suggests, uses one generator and the heat released during the absorption of the refrigerant back into the solution is rejected to the environment.ii) Double effect chiller –this chiller uses two generators paired with a single condenser, evaporator and absorber. Some of the heat released during the absorption process is used to generate more refrigerant vapor thereby increasing the chiller’s efficiency as more vapor is generated per unit heat or fuel input. A double effect chiller requires a higher temperature heat input to operate and therefore its use in CHP systems is limited by the type of electrical generation equipment it can be used with.iii) Triple effect chiller –this has three generators and even higher efficiency than a double effect chiller. As they require even higher heat input temperatures, the material choice and the absorbent/refrigerant combination is limited.2. By type of input:i) Indirect-fired absorption chillers –they use steam, hot water, or hot gases from a boiler, turbine, engine generator or fuel cell as a primary power input. Indirect-fired absorption chillers fit well into the CHP schemes where they increase the efficiency by utilizing the otherwise waste heat and producing chilled water from it.ii) Direct-fired absorption chillers –they contain burners which use fuel such as natural gas. Heat rejected from these chillers is used to provide hot water or dehumidify air by regenerating the desiccant wheel.An absorption cycle is a process which uses two fluids and some heat input to produce the refrigeration effect as compared to electrical input in a vapor compression cycle in the more familiar electrical chiller. Although both the absorption cycle and the vapor compression cycle accomplish heat removal by the evaporation of a refrigerant at a low pressure and the rejection of heat by the condensation of refrigerant at a higher pressure, the method of creating the pressure difference and circulating the refrigerant remains the primary difference between the two. The vapor compression cycle uses a mechanical compressor that creates the pressure difference necessary to circulate the refrigerant, while the same is achieved by using a secondary fluid or an absorbent in the absorption cycle [11].The primary working fluids ammonia and water in the vapor compression cycle with ammonia acting as the refrigerant and water as the absorbent are replaced by lithium bromide (LiBr) as the absorbent and water (H2O) as the refrigerant in the absorption cycle. The process occurs in two shells - the upper shell consisting of the generator and the condenser and the lower shell consisting of the evaporator and the absorber.Heat is supplied to the LiBr/H2O solution through the generator causing the refrigerant (water) to be boiled out of the solution, as in a distillation process. The resulting water vapor passes into the condenser where it is condensed back into the liquid state using a condensing medium. The water then enters the evaporator where actual cooling takes place as water is passes over tubes containing the fluid to be cooled.Heat ExchangerA very low pressure is maintained in the absorber-evaporator shell, causing the water to boil at a very low temperature. This results in water absorbing heat from the medium to be cooled and thereby lowering its temperature. The heated low pressure vapor then returns to the absorber where it mixes with the LiBr/H2O solution low in water content. Due to the solution’s low water content, vapor gets easily absorbed resulting in a weaker LiBr/H2O solution. This weak solution is pumped back to the generator where the process repeats itself.The heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) is primarily a boiler which generates steam from the waste heat of a turbine to drive a steam turbine. The heat recovery boiler design for cogeneration process applications covers many parameters. The boiler could be designed as a fire-tube, water tube or combination type. Further for each of these parameters, there is a variety of tube sizes and fin configurations. For a given boiler, a simplified method that determines the boiler performance has been developed [8].The shell and tube heat exchanger is the most common and widely used heat exchanger in different industrial applications [13]. It is compared to a classic instrument in a concert playing all the important nodes in different complex system set-ups and can be improved by using helical baffles. There are other ways to augment the heat transfer in a shell and tube exchanger such as through the use of wall-radiation [25].The design of a shell and tube heat exchanger fora combined heat and power system basically involves determining its size or geometry by predicting the overall heat transfer coefficient (U). The process of obtaining the heat transfer coefficient values is obtained from literature by correlating results from previous findings in the determination of heat exchanger designs.This involves listing assumptions at the beginning of the procedure, obtaining fluid properties, calculation of Reynolds number and the flow area to obtain the shell and tube sizes. Once U is calculated, the heat balances are calculated. This study also compares the theoretical U values with the actual experimental ones to prove the theoretical assumptions and to obtain the optimum design model [18].A mathematical simulation for the transient heat exchange of a shell and tube heat exchanger based on energy conservation and mass balance can be used to measure the performance. The design of the heat exchanger is optimized with the objective function being the total entropy generation rate considering the heat transfer and the flow resistance [20].Once a heat exchanger is designed, a total cost equation for the heat exchanger operation is deduced. Based on this, a program is developed for the optimal selection of shell-tube heat exchanger [24].The heat exchanger to be used in the CHP system in the end needs to be tested for its performance. A heat recovery module f orcogeneration is tested before use for CHP application through a microprocessor based control system to present the system design and performance data [19].The basis of a CHP system lies in efficiently capturing thermal energy and using it effectively. Generally in CHP systems, the exhaust gas from the prime mover is ducted to a heat exchanger to recover the thermal energy in the gas. The commonly used heat recovery systems are heat exchangers and Heat Recovery Steam Generators depending on whether hot water or steam is required.The heat exchanger is typically an air-to-water kind where the exhaust gas flows over some form of tube and fin heat exchange surface and the heat from the exhaust gas is transferred to make hot water. Sometimes, a diverter or a flapper damper is used to maintain a specific design temperature of the hot water or steam generation rate by regulating the exhaust flow through the heat exchanger.The HRSG is essentially a boiler that captures the heat from the exhaust of a prime mover such as a combustion turbine, gas or diesel engine to make steam. Water is pumped and circulated through the tubes which are heated by exhaust gases at temperatures ranging from 800°F to 1200°F. The water can then be held under high pressure to temperatures of 370°F or higher to produce high pressure steam [21].The Delaware method is a rating method regarded as the most suitable open-literature available for evaluating shell side performance and involves the calculation of the overall heat transfer coefficient and the pressure drops on both the shell and tube side for single-phase fluids [12]. This method can be used only when the flow rates, inlet and outlet temperatures, pressures and other physical properties of both the fluids and a minimum set of geometrical properties of the shell and tube are known. Emission ControlEmission control technologies are used in the CHP systems to remove SO2 (sulphur dioxide), SO3 (sulphur trioxide) NOx (nitrous oxide) and other particulate matter present in the exhaust of a prime mover. Some common emission control technologies are:1、Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC) –They are know to reduce emissions of carbon monoxide by 70 percent, hydrocarbons by 60 percent, and particulate matter by 25 percent (Emissions Control : CHP Technologies Gulf Coast CHP 2007) when used with the ultra-low sulfur diesel (ULSD) fuel. Reductions are also significant with the use of regular diesel fuel.2、Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) - DPF can reduce emissions of carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, and particulate matter by approximately 90 to 95 percent (Emissions Control : CHP Technologies Gulf Coast CHP 2007). However, DPF are used only in conjunction with ultra-low sulfur diesel (ULSD) fuel.3、Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) – They have a great potential for reducing NOx emissions.4、Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) –SCR cuts down high levels of NOx by reducing NOx to nitrogen (N2) and oxygen (O2).5、NOx absorbers –catalysts are used which adsorb NOx in the exhaust gas and dissociates it to nitrogen.CONCLUSIONSThe various components needed in a CHP system have been presented. Important parameters such as the mass flow rates of the exhaust gas and water can then be defined. The CHP system has been integrated by the use of a heat recovery unit, the design of which has been discussed. A shell and tube configuration is commonly selected based on literature survey. The pressure drops at both the shell and the tube side can be calculated after the exchanger has been sized.Integrating equipment to form a CHP system generally does not always present the best solution. In our case study, the absorption chiller is not able to utilize all of the waste heat from the turbine exhaust. Approximately 65% goes is left to go out the stack. This is because the capacity of the chiller is too small as compared to the turbine capacity. However, the need for extra space conditioning in the buildings considered remains an issue which can be resolved through the use of this CHP system.The heat exchanger designed can either be constructed following the TEMA standards or it can be built and purchased from an industrial facility. The design that is used is based on the methodology of the Bell-Delaware method and the approach is purely theoretical, so the sizing may be slightly different in industrial design. Also the manufacturing feasibility needs to be checked.After the heat exchanger is constructed, the CHP equipment can be hooked together. Again since the available equipment is integrated to work as a system, the efficiency of the CHP system needs to be calculated. Some kind of co ntrol module needs to be developed that can monitor the performance of the entire system. Finally, the cost of running the set-up needs to be determined along with the air-conditioning requirements.。



最新精品文档,知识共享!化学工程与工艺102(2016)1–8Contents lists available at ScienceDirect化学工程与工艺:增强过程期刊主页: /locate/cepT.Srinivas,A.VenuVinod*化学工程技术研究所,瓦朗加尔506004,印度文章信息文章历史:收到 2015年10月10日收到修订版 2016年1月8日 接收 2016年1月11日 可在线2016年1月14日 关键字: Dean 数 增强 传热率 螺旋形线圈 纳米流体ã2016ElsevierB.V.Allrightsreserved.1.引言* 作者通讯地址.E-mail address: ****************(A. VenuVinod)./10.1016/j.cep.2016.01.005 0255-2701/ã2016Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 采用水性纳米流体在壳侧和螺旋管换热器的传热强化摘要纳米流体已被报道为能够加强热的交换。




三种纳米流体的浓度为0.3,0.6,1,按重量计 1.5至2%的制备。

使用十六烷基三甲基溴(CTAB )用作稳定剂。



当与水进行对比时发现Al2O3,CuO 和纳米TiO2 /纳米水的浓度在30.37%,32.7%和26.8%时有最大增加率。





应用计算数值的方法来研究流体的粘度变化对板式换热器性能的影响M.A. Mehrabian and M. KhoramabadiDepartment of Mechanical Engineering, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman,Kerman, Iran摘要目的--本文的目的是在逆流和稳态条件下,通过数值计算,研究流体粘度的变化对板式换热器热特性的影响。












术 语2:m A 板传热面积,m b 板间距,:等式常数:CC ︒W/:C 热容,C kg J C p ︒⋅/:定压比热容,m D e 当量直径,:Cm W h ︒⋅2/:对流传热系数, 指定轴截面:jC m W k ︒⋅/:板传导率,m L 板长度,:粘度修正系数:ms kg m /:质量流量,•之间的斜率与e r R NuP n 31:-NTU: 传热单元数Nu: 努塞尔数Pr: 普朗特数Q: 传热速率, WRe: 雷诺数r: 方程指数 (8)t: 时间, sT: 温度, ℃u: 流速, m/sC m W U ︒⋅2/:总传热系数,C m W U ︒-⋅2/:平均传热系数,3:m V 通道体积,w: 流动宽度, mx: 横向坐标y: 轴向坐标sm kg m ⋅/:流体动粘度系数, 3/:m kg r 流体密度,l: 换热器有效性d: 板厚度, mf: 板投影面积的比值下标c : 冷流体Cv: 控制体h : 热流体m : 平均值min:最小值w : 板壁介绍板式换热器在不同产业发展进程中的贡献日益增加。



毕业设计(论文)外文翻译外文题目New plate heat exchanger optimization Sel ection译文题目新型板式换热器的优化选型系部机械工程系换热器的优化选型W. Lub 和 S.A. Tassoub英国米德尔塞克斯,布鲁内尔大学机械设计工程部【摘要】板式换热器的优化选型是根据换热器的用途和工艺过程中的参数和NTU=KA/MC=△t/△tm,即传热单元数NTU和温差比(对数平均温差—换热的动力)选择板片形状、板式换热器的类型和结构。

【关键词】平均温差 NTU 板式蒸发器冷凝器1 平均温差△tm从公式Q=K△tmA,△tm=1/A ∫A(t1-t2)dA中可知,平均温差△tm是传热的驱动力,对于各种流动形式,如能求出平均温差,即板面两侧流体间温差对面积的平均值,就能出换热器的传热量。


1.1 对数平均温差的计算当换热器传热量为dQ,温度上升为dt时,则C=dQ/dt,将C定义为热容量,它表示单位时间通过单位面积交换的热量,即dQ=K(th -tc)dA=K△tdA,两种流体产生的温度变化分别为dth =-dQ/Ch,dtc=-dQ/Cc,d△t=d(th-tc)=dQ(1/Cc -1/Ch),则dA=[1/k(1/Cc-1/Ch)]·(d△t/△t),当从A=0积分至A=A0时,A=[1/k(1/Cc-1/Ch)]·㏑[(tho-tci)/(thi-tco)],由于两种流体间交换的热量相等,即Q=Ch (thi-tho)=Cc(tco-tci),经简化后可知,Q=KA0{[(tho-tci)-(thi-tco)]/㏑[(tho-tci)/(thi-tco)]},若△t1=t hi -tco,△t2=tho-tci,则Q=KA[(△t1-△t2)/㏑(△t1/△t2)]=KA△tm,式中的△tm=(△t1-△t2)/㏑(△t1/△t2)。

case studies in thermal engineering参考文献缩写

case studies in thermal engineering参考文献缩写

case studies in thermal engineering参考文献缩写案例研究在热工程中的应用引言:热工程是一个涉及热能转化和传递的学科领域,涵盖了从热机、热泵到能源系统等广泛的应用。



案例一:热交换器的优化设计引用文献:Wankhede A, Marathe A, Puntambekar P N. Thermal optimization of double pipe heat exchanger[J]. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 2019, 14.热交换器是热工程领域中广泛应用的一种设备,用于热能传递和能量效率的提高。












案例二:热泵空调系统的性能改进引用文献:Li J, Chen C, Zou X. Performance improvement of a heat pump air-conditioning system: A case study[J]. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 2020, 16.热泵空调系统在提供舒适的室内温度的同时,还能有效地提高能源利用率。


作者:Mariya A. Chernysheva*, Vladimir G. Pastukhov , Yury F. Maydanik (俄罗斯科学院的乌拉尔分支,热物理研究所)
参考文献 [2] Chernysheva, M. A., V. G. Pastukhov, et al. (2013). "Analysis of heat exchange in the compensation chamber of a loop heat pipe." Energy 55(0): 253-262 Keywords: Loop heat pipe, Flat evaporator, Compensation chamber, Heat-and-mass transfer
液体 管 线
蒸汽 管 线
图1 环路热管的工作原理
关键技术: 在空间飞行平台中用作热控制系统(TCS)的标准硬件。 造价昂贵: 目前在美国符合太空飞行标准的环路热管的标准价格大约为100万美元。 降低成本: 在满足技术性能要求条件下降低成本为环路热管研究方向。
图2 (a)分形层堆放示意图 (b) 三层分形层结构的圆形通道照片
分型环路热管测试系统 包括:蒸发器、蒸汽管线、冷凝 器、过冷器、液体回流管线和补 偿器。 各部分材料 蒸发器 热流密度探针 冷凝器、过冷器 和补偿器 蒸汽管线、液体 回流管线 铜 铜 不锈钢 不锈钢
图3 分形环路热管实物照片
图2 水平方向不同热负荷下蒸发器温度分布 a)100W b)300W c)500W



A Survey on a Heat Exchangers Network to Decrease EnergyConsumption by Using Pinch TechnologyB.Raei and A.H.TarighaleslamiChemical Engineering Faculty,Mahshahr Branch,lslamic Azad University,Mahshahr 63519,lranReceived:April27,2011/Accepted:July7,2011/Published:December20,2011 Abstract:There are several ways to increase the efficiency of energy consumption and to decrease energy consumption.In this paper.The application of pinch technology in analysis of the heat exchangers network(HEN)in order to reduce the energy consumption in a thermal system is studied.Therefore,in this grass root design,the optimum value ofΔTmin is obtained about10℃and area efficiency(α)is0.95.The author also depicted the grid diagram and driving force plot for additional analysis.In order to increase the amount of energy saving,heat transfer from above to below the pinch point in the diagnosis stage is verified for all options including re-sequencing,re-piping,add heat exchanger and splitting of the flows.Results show that this network has a low potential of retrofit to decrease the energy consumption,which pinch principles are planned to optimize energy consumption of the unit.Regarding the results of pinch analysis,it is suggested that in order to reduce the energy consumption.No alternative changes in the heat exchangers network of the unit is required.The acquired results show that the constancy of network is completely confirmed by the high area efficiency infirmity of the heat exchanger to pass the pinch point and from of deriving force plot.Key words:Pinch technology,heat exchangers network,energy consumption,composite curve,grand composite curve1.At the end of1970s,Umeda and his co-workers in Chiyoda established new technology for optimization of process.During1978to1982,this team by presenting of the concept of processes analysis and composite curve showed how the utility consumption can be evaluated and heat recovery and reduction can be done with using this method.At the same time,Linnhoff and his co-workers considered the analysis of heat exchangers network(HEN)for energy consumption reduction and introduced the concepts such as composite curve as an important tool for heat energy recovery.But contrary to Chiyoda team,they emphasized on a pinch point as a key point for heat recovery and by this reason they chose the name of pinch technology for this method.When the time passed,pinch technology has been developed.As the same as HEN,it is used for optimization of energy consumption in distillation towers,furnaces,evaporators,turbines and reactors.Pinch technology is a systematic method based on first and second laws of thermodynamic,which is used for analysis of chemical processes and utilities.Pinch analysis of an industrial process is used for definition of energy and capital costs of HEN before design and also definition of pinch point.In this method,before design,minimum consumption of utility,minimum demanded network area and minimum number of demanded heat unit at pinch pointare targeted for given process.At next stage,design of HEN will be done to satisfy performed target.Finally,minimum annual cost is obtained with comparison between energy cost and capital cost and trade of them.Therefore,the main goal of pinch analysis is the optimization of process heat integration,increase the process-process heat recovery,and decrease the amount of utility consumption.For analysis,at first,shifted temperature is obtained then temperature and enthalpy plot draw(half of amount of minimum temperature are deducted from hot stream and added to cold stream).Fig.1shows the composite curve and grand composite curve as tools for pinch Analysis.The composite curves(CCs)present the relationship between cumulative enthalpy flow rate and temperature for the HEN hot and cold streams.In practice,CCs are generated by a cumulative process over a temperature range,and the resulting hot and cold CCs are labelled CCh and CCc,respectively.2.Methods and Data2.1Presentation of a Heat Exchanger NetworkIn a heat exchanger network,arrangement of exchangers in the network is important.For representing such arrangement,the concept of“stage"is used.In every stage,the input and output heat of the stage is equal for the entire exchangers that settled on special stream,whereas the number of stages is not too many in an optimal network.In this part,stages of heat exchanger networks analysis for reduction of energy consumption using pinch technology were explained.Since targeting and design is based on extracted data any mistake and careless in data assembling can lead to completely unreal results.In pinch analysis,design data such as supply and target temperature of streams,flow and heat capacity of stream was used and on the other hand,heat exchangers design was related to heat transfer coefficient directly.In Table1,the necessary extracted information and a sample network is represented.In this research,Aspen pinch software has been used.Fig.1Tools for pinch analysis:composite curve(CC)and grand composite curve(Gee).Table1Extracted data.2.2Economical DataCorrect economic data including operation time ,interest rate and equipment life have an important role on successful execution ofretrofit and preparation .The values are shown in Table 2.The condition of utilities which includes steam and cooling water is shown in Table 3.Capital cost and energy cost of network can be calculated with respect to the shells number and the cost of any exchanger calculates with using Eq .(1):c Area b a t CapitalCos )(+=(1)In this equation ,a ,b and C are constant .So that ,“a”is function of pressure intensity .“b”is function of exchanger material and “c”is function of type of exchanger that is different for various exchangers ;SO 0<C <1.Types of exchanger are defined by designer based on nature of chemical materials ,pressure of flows ,pressure condition and ability of corrosion .For carbon-still exchanger ,cost equation is as follow :81.0)(75030800Area t CapitalCos +=。



Heat transfer intensi fication in a shell and helical coil heat exchanger using water-based nano fluidsT.Srinivas,A.Venu Vinod *Department of Chemical Engineering,National Institute of Technology,Warangal 506004,IndiaA R T I C L E I N F OArticle history:Received 10October 2015Received in revised form 8January 2016Accepted 11January 2016Available online 14January 2016Keywords:Dean number Intensi fication Heat transfer rate Helical coil Nano fluidA B S T R A C TNano fluids have been reported to be capable of heat transfer intensi fication.Performance of an agitated shell and helical coil heat exchanger has been experimentally investigated using three water based nano fluids (Al 2O 3,CuO and TiO 2).The studies were carried out at different concentrations of nano fluid,nano fluid temperatures,stirrer speeds and coil-side fluid flow rates.Nano fluids of three concentrations 0.3,0.6,1,1.5and 2%by weight have been prepared for this purpose.Cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB)was used as stabilizer.Nano fluid was used as heating medium (shell-side)and water was used as coil-side fluid.It was found that heat transfer rate increases with increase in nano fluid concentration.Higher values of nano fluid concentration,stirrer speed and shell-side fluid temperature resulted in greater effectiveness of heat exchanger.A maximum increase of 30.37%,32.7%and 26.8%in effectiveness of heat exchanger was observed for Al 2O 3,CuO and TiO 2/water nano fluids respectively,when compared to water,indicating intensi fication of heat transfer.ã2016Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionHeat transfer intensi fication in heat exchangers can be achieved by active,passive and compound heat transfer techniques.The active techniques require external forces,e.g.,electric field,surface vibration,etc.The passive techniques require fluid additives (e.g.,nanoparticles)or special surface geometries (e.g.,helical coil).The widely used conventional intensi fication techniques in process industries are internal and external tube fins,twisted-tape inserts,coiled-wire inserts,helical baf fles and fluid additives.Helical coiled tubes are used in many engineering applications,such as heating,refrigeration and HVAC systems [1–3].Helical coiled tubes are also used in steam generators,nuclear reactors and condensers in power plant due to their large surface area per unit volume.Many researchers have experimentally investigated the heat transfer in the helical coil heat exchanger [4–9].They reported that the heat transfer coef ficients obtained from the coiled tube were higher than those obtained from a straight tube.Wongwises and Polsongkram [10]have experimentally inves-tigated the heat transfer coef ficient and pressure drop of refrigerant HFC-134a during evaporation inside a smooth helically coiled concentric tube-in-tube heat exchanger.They reported that the average heat transfer coef ficient of HFC-134a duringevaporation increased with increasing average quality,mass flux,heat flux and saturation temperature.Naphon [11]experimentally investigated the thermal performance of helical coil heat exchanger,which consisted of thirteen turns of concentric helically coiled tubes with and without helically crimped fins.He reported that the cold water outlet temperature,heat exchanger effective-ness and average heat transfer rate increased with increase in hot water mass flow rate.Mixed convection heat transfer in helical coiled tube heat exchanger was investigated experimentally by Ghorbani et al [12].They found that the convection heat transfer coef ficient of shell-side increased when the coil pitch was increased,and the overall heat transfer coef ficient of heat exchanger increased with increase in heat transfer rate.Chen et al.[13]have studied the heat transfer coef ficients and wall temperature distribution in a helically coiled tube under low mass flux and low pressure conditions.It was found that the wall temperatures in descending segments of coiled tube were higher than those of climbing ones and the heat transfer coef ficient increased with increasing mass flux,vapor quality and heat flux.Moawed [14]has studied forced convection from outside surfaces of helical coiled tubes with a constant wall heat flux.It was observed that the average Nusselt number increased with increase in diameter ratio and pitch ratio.It has been found from the literature that there is a signi ficant increase in heat transfer rate using nano fluids due to their higher thermal conductivity compared to base fluid [15,16].Many researchers have experimentally investigated heat transfer*Corresponding author.E-mail address:avv122@ (A.Venu Vinod)./10.1016/j.cep.2016.01.0050255-2701/ã2016Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.Chemical Engineering and Processing 102(2016)1–8Contents lists available at ScienceDirectChemical Engineering and Processing:Process Intensi ficationj o u rn a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /c epintensification due to different types of nanoparticles such as metallic particles(Ag,Au,Cu,and Fe)[17–20].non-metallic particles(Al2O3,CuO,Fe3O4,SiO2,TiO2and ZrO2)[21–27]. Kannadasan et al.[28]experimentally investigated the effect of CuO/water nanofluid in a helically coiled tube heat exchanger with horizontal and vertical positions under turbulent condition.The experimental results showed that the heat transfer intensification was more in vertical position than in horizontal.They also reported that the friction factor of nanofluid increased while increasing particle volume concentration in turbulentflow conditions.Jamal-Abad et al.[29]have experimentally investigated the performance of a spiral coil heat exchanger using Cu/water and Al/ water nanofluids.It was found that the maximum thermal performance factor was4.27for2.23%vol.of Cu/water nanofluid. The thermal performance factor is the ratio of the Nusselt number ratio(Nu NF/Nu BF)to the friction factor ratio(f NF/f BF)at the same pumping power.Jamshidi et al.[30]have experimentally investigated the performance of shell and helical tube heat exchangers by changing the coil diameter and pitch.Their experimental results indicated that heat transfer rate increased with increase in coil diameter,coil pitch and massflow rate.Kahani et al.[31]have experimentally investigated the heat transfer behavior between metal oxide nanofluid(Al2O3/water and TiO2/ water)flows through helical coiled tube with uniform heatflux boundary condition.They reported that the maximum thermal performance factor was found to be3.82for1.0%vol.concentration of Al2O3/water nanofluid through helical coiled tube heat exchanger.Khairul et al.[32]have investigated the performance of a helically coiled heat exchanger using different types of nanofluids(CuO/water,Al2O3/water and ZnO/water).Their experi-mental results showed that the maximum enhancement heat transfer coefficient was7.14%for4%vol.of CuO/water.There have not been many studies in literature involving nanofluids on shell-side in shell and helical coil heat exchanger.In the literature cited above,researchers[12,30]have used continuousflow of nanofluid on the shell-side.In the present study,there was no continuousflow of shell-sidefluid(water and subsequently nanofluid).Further,stirrer was used to promote heat transfer to coil-sidefluid.Heat transfer intensification was determined in terms of enhancement in heat transfer rate and effectiveness of heat exchanger involving nanofluids.Al2O3,CuO and TiO2/water nanofluids were used on shell-side and water on the coil-side.The effect of Dean number and shell-side tempera-ture(40,45and50 C)at stirrer speeds(500,1000and1500rpm) on the forced convection heat transfer from the shell-sidefluid to coil-sidefluid was investigated.2.Materials and methods2.1.Nanofluid preparationPreparation of nanoparticle suspension in water is thefirst step in applying nanofluid for heat transfer enhancement.In this study, Al2O3,CuO and TiO2/water nanofluids were prepared separately by dispersing nanoparticles into the base liquid,water.Details of Al2O3,CuO and TiO2nanoparticles are listed in Table1.Stability of nanofluid was increased by adding surfactant(Cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide(CTAB)1%wt.of nanoparticle).Addition of surfactant did not affect the properties of nanofluid.A similar observation was made by Aguiar et al.[33].In order to break down the large agglomerates,ultrasonic processer(Hielscher,UP200H) was used at200W and24kHz for3h to mix a preset amount of nanoparticles with water to give required nanoparticle concentra-tion.Nanofluids withfive different nanoparticle concentrations (0.3%,0.6%,1%,1.5%and2%wt.)were prepared to measure the thermal conductivity of nanofluids.The thermal conductivity of Al2O3,CuO and TiO2/water nanofluids was measured with KD2Pro thermal property analyzer.2.2.Experimental set-upFig.1shows the schematic diagram of the experimental set-up used in the present work[34].Dimensions of helical coil tube and shell are given in Table2.The shell is insulated with glass wool and shell-sidefluid temperature was maintained constant using a temperature controller.Two5kW electrical heaters were used to heat the shell-sidefluid,and temperature measurements were made using PT-100type RTD sensors.An axial turbine type stirrer (Make:Remi Laboratory Instruments,model:RQ-121/D)was used to(i)promote heat transfer from the shell-sidefluid to the coil-side fluid(water)by forced convection and(ii)maintain uniform temperature in the shell.Flow rate of the water through the coil was measured using rotameter(0.5–5lpm).The set-up is provided with a data acquisition system to record all temperatures.As water flows through the coil,heat is transferred from the shell-sidefluid to water in the coil.2.3.Experimental studiesStudies were carried out with water(basefluid)and subsequently nanofluid on the shell-side.The effect of coil-side flow rate(0.5–5lpm),nanofluid concentration(0.3%,0.6%,1%,1.5%Table1Details of nanoparticles.S.No.Nanoparticle Manufacturer Size(nm)1Al2O3Sisco Research Laboratories Pvt.,Ltd.,India20–302CuO Sisco Research Laboratories Pvt.,Ltd.,India403TiO2MKnano,USA102T.Srinivas,A.Venu Vinod/Chemical Engineering and Processing102(2016)1–8and 2%wt.)of Al 2O 3,CuO and TiO 2nano fluids,stirrer speed (500,1000and 1500rpm)and shell-side fluid temperature (40,45and 50 C)on heat transfer from shell-side to coil-side was investigat-ed.2.4.Experimental procedurei.The shell was filled with base fluid,ultrapure water (deionizedand demineralized water,(conductivity <0.056m S/cm)from Millipore Ultrapure water system).ii.Stirrer was switched on and the speed was set at a particular value (500,1000and 1500rpm).iii.Heaters were switched on to heat the shell side fluid torequired temperature (40,45and 50 C).iv.Pump was switched on and the flow rate of water through the helical coil was set at 0.5lpm using rotameter.v.Shell side temperature was maintained constant using temperature controller and the experiment was allowed to run in steady state (as indicated by constant shell-side fluid temperature).vi.At steady state,outlet temperature of coil-side fluid (water)was noted.vii.The flow rate of the water through the coil was increased to1lpm and steps (v)and (vi)were repeated up to 5lpm in the increments of 0.5lpm.viii.Now the steps from (ii)to (vii)were repeated with nano fluidof different concentrations on shell-side.ix.The experiment was repeated for other stirrer speeds,shell-side fluid temperatures and nano fluids.3.Theory/calculation procedure3.1.Heat exchanger effectiveness (e )Heat transfer in the present study occurred from the hot fluid in the agitated vessel to the cold water flowing in the helical coil.The thermo-physical properties of coil-side fluid (water)were evalu-ated at average temperature of the inlet and outlet.The heat transferred to the coil-side fluid is equal to the heat gained by the fluid,which is calculated from the following equation.Q ¼_mCp D T ð1ÞQ max ¼_mCp ðT s ÀT ci Þð2Þwhere,_m=mass flow rate,C p =speci fic heat,T ci =coil-side fluid inlet temperature,T co =coil-side fluid outlet temperature,D T =temperature difference =(T co –T ci ),T s =shell-side fluid tempera-ture.The effectiveness of the heat exchanger is de fined as the ratio of the actual heat transfer rate to the maximum possible heat transfer rate.Effectiveness of heat exchanger is calculated from equatione ¼Q maxð3Þ3.2.Dean number and Reynolds numberDean number was calculated using the following equation:De ¼Red i2R c0:5ð4ÞRe ¼d i v rmð5ÞFig.1.Schematic diagram of the experimental set-up [36].Table 2Details of shell and helical coil tube.Dimensions of helical coil tube and shellInternal coil diameter (m)0.165External coil diameter (m)0.190Coil height (m)0.305Inner diameter of the tube (m)0.00982Outer diameter of the tube (m)0.01262Coil pitch (m)0.0325Length of the coil tube (m)6Number of turns 10Shell height (m)0.42Shell diameter (m)0.275T.Srinivas,A.Venu Vinod /Chemical Engineering and Processing 102(2016)1–83where,d i is inner diameter of the coil tube,R c is curvature radius of the coil and v velocity of thefluid through the coil.Viscosity(m) and density(r)of thefluid have been evaluated at the average of the inlet and outlet temperatures of the coil-sidefluid.3.3.Uncertainty analysisUncertainty analysis was carried out by calculating error in measurements in temperature andflowrate(Eq.(6)).Subsequent-ly,the uncertainty analysis was carried out[35].The uncertainty in heat transfer rate was obtained from the errors in the measure-ment of the massflow rate and temperature(Table3).The uncertainties in heat transfer rate are within1%.D Q Q ¼D_m_mÞ2þD TT2#0:524ð6Þ4.Results and discussionThe experiments were carried-out for both laminar(De<1900) and turbulentflow(De>2100),of water(coldfluid)through helical coil.Ultrapure water and subsequently nanofluids were used as the hotfluid on shell-side.The effect of different nanomaterials, nanofluid concentration,shell-sidefluid temperature and stirrer speed on performance of the helical coil heat exchanger was evaluated in terms of heat transfer rate and heat exchanger effectiveness.4.1.Thermal conductivity of nanofluidsFigs.2–4show the variation of thermal conductivity(Al2O3, CuO and TiO2/water nanofluid)with nanoparticle concentration (0.3,0.6,1,1.5and2%by weight)at different temperatures(40,45 and50 C).From thefigures it can be observed that the thermal conductivity increases with increase in nanoparticle concentra-tion.Among the three nanofluids,the thermal conductivity was found to be highest for CuO/water.For the CuO/water nanofluid,of 2%wt.(the highest concentration used in the study),the thermal conductivity(k)increased by10.2%when compared to the base fluid at50 C.The study has been reported in terms of effective thermal conductivity(k eff is the ratio of the thermal conductivity of the nanofluid to the basefluid(water)at the same temperature) [36].4.2.Heat transfer rate(Q)In the present work heat transfer occurred from the hotfluid on the shell-side to the coldfluidflowing through the coil.Heat transfer rate(Q)was calculated using Eq.(1).Heat transfer rates for three different nanofluids at various concentrations have been shown in Figs.5–7Use of nanofluid as heating medium resulted in higher heat transfer rates compared to basefluid,water.Fig.5 shows the effect of Dean number on heat transfer rate(Q)at different concentrations of Al2O3/water nanofluid,shell-sidefluid temperature of50 C and stirrer speed of1500rpm.From thefigure it can be seen that there is an enhancement in heat transfer rateTable3Details of accuracy of instruments and uncertainty.Accuracy Uncertainty in measurementKD2Pro thermal properties analyzer5%Heat transfer rate(Q)<1% Rotameter2%Data acquisition system0.3%0.620.640.660.680.700.7200.51 1.52ThermalconducƟvity,W/mKNanoparƟcle concentraƟon (% wt.)NanofluidTiO2Al2O3CuOFig.2.Effect of nanoparticle concentration on thermal conductivity of nanofluid at 40 C.0.620.640.660.680.70.720.7400.51 1.52ThermalconducƟvity,W/mKNanoparƟcle concentraƟon (% wt.)NanofluidTiO2Al2O3CuOFig.3.Effect of nanoparticle concentration on thermal conductivity of nanofluid at 45 C.0.620.640.660.680.70.720.740.7600.51 1.52ThermalconducƟvity,W/mKNanoparƟcle concentraƟon (% wt.)NanofluidTiO2Al2O3CuOFig.4.Effect of nanoparticle concentration on thermal conductivity of nanofluid at 50 C.4T.Srinivas,A.Venu Vinod/Chemical Engineering and Processing102(2016)1–8when nano fluid is used instead of water.At low flow rates,i.e.,laminar flow regime in coil (De <1900),the enhancement is less.The enhancement is found to increase as the Dean number increases,due to enhanced convection on tube-side.Further,it can be observed that the heat transfer rate (Q )increases with increase in concentration of Al 2O 3/water nano fluid.The maximum en-hancement in hear transfer rate was found to be 30.4%when compared to water,at 2%wt.of nano fluid.This can be attributed to the increased thermal conductivity of fluid due to the addition of nanoparticles.Figs.6and 7show the results obtained for CuO/water and TiO 2/water nano fluids respectively.In both the figures,a trend similar to that of Al 2O 3/water nano fluid can be observed.Maximum heat transfer rate enhancement was 32.7%and 26.8%for CuO/water (Fig.6)and TiO 2/water (Fig.7)nano fluids respectively,corre-sponding to 2%wt.of nano fluid.At other stirrer speeds and shell-side fluid temperatures,the enhancement was lower.Fig.8shows the comparison of heat transfer rates for three nano fluids (Al 2O 3,CuO and TiO 2/water)at maximum concentra-tion of 2%ed in the study.Among all the three nano fluids,CuO/water nano fluid performed the best as indicated by higher heat transfer rates.Figs.9and 10show the effect of stirrer speed and shell-side fluid temperature on the heat transfer rate for 2%wt.of CuO/water nano fluid.Increase in the stirrer speed (rpm)willresult in more agitation leading to greater heat transfer by convection.Increasing the stirrer speed from 500to 1500rpm resulted in an enhancement of 11.3%,whereas when shell-side fluid temperature is increased from 40 C to 50 C,the heat transfer100 02000300 0400 0500 0600 0700 00 1000200 030004000H e a t t r a n s f e r r a t e (W )Dean numberAl 2O 3nanopowderconcentraƟonWater 0.3% wt.0.6% wt.1% wt.1.5% wt.2% wt.Fig.5.Effect of Al 2O 3nanoparticle concentration on heat transfer rate.(Shell-side fluid temperature =50 C,stirrer speed =1500rpm).010002000300040005000600070008000010002000 300 04000H e a t t r a n s f e r r a t e (W )Dean nu mberCuO nanopowderconcentraƟonWater 0.3% wt.0.6% wt.1% wt.1.5% wt.2% wt.Fig.6.Effect of CuO nanoparticle concentration on heat transfer rate.(Shell-sidefluid temperature =50 C,stirrer speed =1500rpm).01000200 03000400 0500 0600 0700 001000200030004000H e a t t r a n s f e r r a t e (W )Dean nu mberTiO 2nanopowderconcentraƟonWater0.3% wt.0.6% wt.1% wt.1.5% wt.2% wt.Fig.7.Effect of TiO 2nanoparticle concentration on heat transfer rate.(Shell-side fluid temperature =50 C,stirrer speed =1500rpm).0100020003000400050006000700080000100 0200030004000H e a t t r a n s f e r r a t e (W )Dean nu mber2% wt. nanofluidconcentraƟonCuO Al2O3TiO2Fig.8.Variation of heat transfer rate of three nano fluids.(Stirrer speed =1500rpm and shell-side fluid temperature =50 C).01000200 03000400 0500 0600 07000800 00100 020003000 400 0H e a t t r a n s f e r r a t e (W )Dean numberSƟrrer speed500 rpm 100 0 rpm 150 0 rpmFig.9.Effect of stirrer speed on heat transfer rate.(2%wt.of CuO nanoparticle,shell-side fluid temperature =50 C).T.Srinivas,A.Venu Vinod /Chemical Engineering and Processing 102(2016)1–85rate increased by 64.3%,indicating that temperature of the shell-side fluid has more in fluence on heat transfer rate compared tostirrer speed,due to greater driving force.4.3.Effectiveness of heat exchanger (e )Effectiveness of heat exchanger was calculated using Eq.(3).Fig.11shows the effectiveness values for water and Al 2O 3/water nano fluid.For a given fluid,the effectiveness decreases with increase in flow rate of cold fluid (Dean number of coil-side fluid),though heat transferred (Q )is more (Figs.5–11).This is due to decrease in outlet temperature of cold fluid when its flow rate increases.However,addition of nanoparticles to the fluid (water)increases the outlet temperature of cold fluid resulting in greater effectiveness.For Al 2O 3/water nano fluid,at conditions other than those of Fig.11,effectiveness was lower.It was observed that a maximum increase of 30.37%in effectiveness of heat exchanger for the 2%wt.Al 2O 3/water nano fluid was observed at 50 C and 1500rpm.Figs.12and 13show the effectiveness results for CuO and TiO 2/water nano fluids respectively.They show a trend similar to Al 2O 3nano fluid.A maximum increase in effectiveness of 32.7%and 26.8%was observed for CuO and TiO 2respectively.Fig.14shows the comparison of the effectiveness for the three nano fluids.CuO/water nano fluid has more effectiveness than the other two types of nano fluids.Figs.15and 16show the effect of shell-sidetemperature and stirrer speed on the effectiveness,respectively.Maximum effectiveness was obtained at 40 C for CuO/water nano fluid.Increasing the stirrer speed from 500to 1500rpm increases the effectiveness by 11.4%.In all the figures,at low flow01000200030004000500060007000800001000200 0 300 0 400 0H e a t t r a n s f e r r a t e (W )Dean numberShell-side fluid temperature40°C 45°C 50°CFig.10.Effect of shell-side fluid temperature on heat transfer rate.(2%wt.of CuOnanoparticle,stirrer speed =1500rpm). 100 0200030004000E ffe c Ɵv e n e s s (ε)Dean numberAl 2O 3nanopowder concentraƟonWater 0.3% wt.0.6% wt.1% wt.1.5% wt.2% wt.Fig.11.Effect of Al 2O 3/water nano fluid concentration on effectiveness (e ).(Shell-side fluid temperature =50 C,stirrer speed =1500rpm). 100 0200030 00 400 0E ffe c Ɵv e n e s s (ε)Dean nu mberCuO nanopowder concentraƟonWater 0.3% wt.0.6% wt.1% wt.1.5% wt.2% wt.Fig.12.Effect of CuO/water nano fluid concentration on effectiveness (e ).(Shell-sidefluid temperature =50 C,stirrer speed =1500rpm). 100 0 200 0 30004000E ffe c Ɵv e n e s s (ε)Dean numberTiO 2nanopowder concntraƟonWater 0.3% wt.0.6% wt.1% wt.1.5% wt.2% wt.Fig.13.Effect of TiO 2/water nano fluid concentration on effectiveness (e ).(Shell-side fluid temperature =50 C,stirrer speed =1500rpm). 1000200 0 300 0 400 0E ffe c Ɵv e n e s s (ε)Dean number2% wt nanofluid concentraƟonAl2O3CuOTiO2Fig.14.Variation of effectiveness (e )of three nano fluids.(Shell-side fluidtemperature =50 C,stirrer speed =1500rpm).6T.Srinivas,A.Venu Vinod /Chemical Engineering and Processing 102(2016)1–8rates of coil-side fluid (lower Dean number)effectiveness is higher due to higher outlet temperature of the coil-side fluid.The study has shown that intensi fication of heat transfer can be obtained using nano fluids.This has tremendous potential for design of for compact heat exchangers and faster operation.5.ConclusionsThe performance of a helical coil heat exchanger using Al 2O 3,CuO and TiO 2/water nano fluid was evaluated in terms of intensi fication of heat transfer rate and effectiveness of heat exchanger.Thermal conductivity of nano fluids increases with increase in concentration and temperature for all three nano fluids com-pared to base fluid (water).Among the three nano fluids,the thermal conductivity was found to be highest for 2%wt.CuO/water nano fluid.For 2%wt.CuO/water nano fluid the thermal conductivity increased by 10.2%at 50 C when compared to base fluid.Heat transfer rate increases with increase in nano fluid concen-tration,temperature and stirrer speed compared to base fluid (water).Among the three nano fluids,the heat transfer rate was found to be highest for 2%wt.CuO/water nano fluid.For CuO/water nano fluid the heat transfer rate increased by 32.7%when compared to base fluid.Heat exchanger effectiveness can be improved by the addition of nanoparticles to water.Maximum effectiveness was obtained for 2%wt.CuO/water nano fluid.References[1]M.Moawed,Experimental investigation of natural convection from verticaland horizontal helicoidal pipes in HVAC applications,Energy Convers.Manage.46(2005)2996–3013.[2]E.Firouzfar,M.Soltanieh,S.H.Noie,S.H.Saidi,Energy saving in HVAC systemsusing nano fluid,Appl.Therm.Eng.31(2011)1543–1545.[3]H.Mirgolbabaei,H.Taherian,G.Domairry,N.Ghorbani,Numerical estimationof mixed convection heat transfer in vertical helically coiled tube heat exchangers,Int.J.Numer.Methods Fluids 66(2011)805–819.[4]D.G.Prabhanjan,G.S.V.Raghavan,T.J.Rennie,Comparison of heat transfer ratesbetween a straight tube heat exchanger and a helically coiled heat exchanger,mun.Heat Mass Transfer 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换热器外文翻译 (2)

换热器外文翻译 (2)

Heat ExchangersKey Terms Baffles—evenly spaced partitions in a shell and tube heat exchanger that support the tubes, prevent vibration, control fluid velocity and direction, increase turbulent flow, and reduce hot spots. Channel head—a device mounted on the inlet side of a shell-and-tube heat exchanger that is used to channel tube-side flow in a multipass heat exchanger.Condenser—a shell-and-tube heat exchanger used to cool and condense hot vapors.Conduction—the means of heat transfer through a solid, nonporous material resulting from molecular vibration. Conduction can also occur between closely packed molecules.Convection—the means of heat transfer in fluids resulting from currents. Counterflow—refers to the movement of two flow streams in opposite directions; also called countercurrent flow.Crossflow—refers to the movement of two flow streams perpendicular to each other.Differential pressure—the difference between inlet and outlet pressures; represented as ΔP, or delta p.Differential temperature—the difference between inlet and outlet temperature; represented as ΔT, or delta t.Fixed head—a term applied to a shell-and-tube heat exchanger that has the tube sheet firmly attached to the shell.Floating head—a term applied to a tube sheet on a heat exchanger that is not firmly attached to the shell on the return head and is designed to expand (float) inside the shell as temperature rises. Fouling—buildup on the internal surfaces of devices such as cooling towers and heat exchangers, resulting in reduced heat transfer and plugging.Kettle reboiler—a shell-and-tube heat exchanger with a vapor disengaging cavity, used to supply heat for separation of lighter and heavier components in a distillation system and to maintain heat balance. Laminar flow—streamline flow that is more or less unbroken; layers of liquid flowing in a parallel path.Multipass heat exchanger—a type of shell-and-tube heat exchanger that channels the tubeside flow across the tube bundle (heating source) more than once.Parallel flow—refers to the movement of two flow streams in the same direction; for example, tube-side flow and shell-side flow in a heat exchanger; also called concurrent.Radiant heat transfer—conveyance of heat by electromagnetic waves from a source to receivers.Reboiler—a heat exchanger used to add heat to a liquid that was onceboiling until the liquid boils again.Sensible heat—heat that can be measured or sensed by a change in temperature.Shell-and-tube heat exchanger—a heat exchanger that has a cylindrical shell surrounding a tube bundle.Shell side—refers to flow around the outside of the tubes of ashell-and-tube heat exchanger. See also Tube side.Thermosyphon reboiler—a type of heat exchanger that generates natural circulation as a static liquid is heated to its boiling point.Tube sheet—a flat plate to which the ends of the tubes in a heat exchanger are fixed by rolling, welding, or both.Tube side—refers to flow through the tubes of a shell-and-tube heat exchanger; see Shell side.Turbulent flow—random movement or mixing in swirls and eddies of a fluid. Types of Heat Exchangers换热器的类型Heat transfer is an important function of many industrial processes. Heat exchangers are widely used to transfer heat from one process to another.A heat exchanger allows a hot fluid to transfer heat energy to a cooler fluid through conduction and convection. A heat exchanger provides heating or cooling to a process. A wide array of heat exchangers has been designed and manufactured for use in the chemical processing industry. In pipe coil exchangers, pipe coils are submerged in water or sprayed with water to transfer heat. This type of operation has a low heat transfer coefficient and requires a lot of space. It is best suited for condensing vapors with low heat loads.The double-pipe heat exchanger incorporates a tube-within-a-tube design. It can be found with plain or externally finned tubes. Double-pipe heat exchangers are typically used in series-flow operations in high-pressure applications up to 500 psig shell side and 5,000 psig tube side.A shell-and-tube heat exchanger has a cylindrical shell that surrounds a tube bundle. Fluid flow through the exchanger is referred to as tubeside flow or shell-side flow. A series of baffles support the tubes, direct fluid flow, increase velocity, decrease tube vibration, protect tubing, and create pressure drops.Shell-and-tube heat exchangers can be classified as fixed head, single pass; fixed head, multipass; floating head, multipass; or U-tube.On a fixed head heat exchanger (Figure 7.1), tube sheets are attached to the shell. Fixed head heat exchangers are designed to handle temperature differentials up to 200°F (93.33°C). Thermal expansion prevents a fixed head heat exchanger from exceeding this differential temperature. It is best suited for condenser or heater operations.Floating head heat exchangers are designed for high temperature differentia is above 200°F (93.33°C).During operation, one tube sheet is fixed and the other “floats” inside the shell.The floatingend is not attached to the shell and is free toexpand.Figure 7.1 Fixed Head Heat ExchangerReboilers are heat exchangers that are used to add heat to a liquid that was once boiling until the liquid boils again. Types commonly used in industry are kettle reboilers and thermosyphon reboilers.Plate-and-frame heat exchangers are composed of thin, alternating metal plates that are designed for hot and cold service. Each plate has an outer gasket that seals each compartment. Plate-and-frame heat exchangers have a cold and hot fluid inlet and outlet. Cold and hot fluid headers are formed inside the plate pack, allowing access from every other plate on the hot and cold sides. This device is best suited for viscous or corrosive fluid slurries. It provides excellent high heat transfer. Plate-and-frame heat exchangers are compact and easy to clean. Operating limits of 350 to 500°F (176.66°C to 260°C) are designed to protect the internal gasket. Because of the design specification, plate-and-frame heat exchangers are not suited for boiling and condensing. Most industrial processes use this design in liquid-liquid service.Air-cooled heat exchangers do not require the use of a shell in operation. Process tubes are connected to an inlet and a return header box. The tubes can be finned or plain. A fan is used to push or pull outside air over the exposed tubes. Air-cooled heat exchangers are primarily used in condensing operations where a high level of heat transfer is required.Spiral heat exchangers are characterized by a compact concentric design that generates high fluid turbulence in the process medium. As do otherexchangers, the spiral heat exchanger has cold-medium inlet and outlet and a hot-medium inlet and outlet. Internal surface area provides the conductive transfer element. Spiral heat exchangers have two internal chambers.The Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association (TEMA) classifies heat exchangers by a variety of design specifications including American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) construction code, tolerances, and mechanical design:●Class B, Designed for general-purpose operation (economy and compactdesign)●Class C. Designed for moderate service and general-purpose operation(economy and compact design)●Class R. Designed for severe conditions (safety and durability) Heat Transfer and Fluid FlowThe methods of heat transfer are conduction, convection, and radiant heat transfer (Figure 7.2). In the petrochemical, refinery, and laboratory environments, these methods need to be understood well. A combination of conduction and convection heat transfer processes can be found in all heat exchangers. The best conditions for heat transfer are large temperature differences between the products being heated and cooled (the higher the temperature difference, the greater the heat transfer), high heating or coolant flow rates, and a large cross-sectional area of the exchanger.ConductionHeat energy is transferred through solid objects such as tubes, heads,baffles, plates, fins, and shell, by conduction. This process occurs when the molecules that make up the solid matrix begin to absorb heat energy from a hotter source. Since the molecules are in a fixed matrix and cannot move, they begin to vibrate and, in so doing, transfer the energy from the hot side to the cooler side.ConvectionConvection occurs in fluids when warmer molecules move toward cooler molecules. The movement of the molecules sets up currents in the fluid that redistribute heat energy. This process will continue until the energy is distributed equally. In a heat exchanger, this process occurs in the moving fluid media as they pass by each other in the exchanger. Baffle arrangements and flow direction will determine how this convective process will occur in the various sections of the exchanger.Radiant Heat TransferThe best example of radiant heat is the sun’s warming of the earth. The sun’s heat is conveyed by electromagnetic waves. Radiant heat transfer is a line-of-sight process, so the position of the source and that of the receiver are important. Radiant heat transfer is not used in a heat exchanger.Laminar and Turbulent FlowTwo major classifications of fluid flow are laminar and turbulent (Figure 7.3). Laminar—or streamline—flow moves through a system in thin cylindrical layers of liquid flowing in parallel fashion. This type of flow will have little if any turbulence (swirling or eddying) in it. Laminar flow usually exists atlow flow rates. As flow rates increase, the laminar flow pattern changes into a turbulent flow pattern. Turbulent flow is the random movement or mixing of fluids. Once the turbulent flow is initiated, molecular activity speeds up until the fluid is uniformly turbulent.Turbulent flow allows molecules of fluid to mix and absorb heat more readily than does laminar flow. Laminar flow promotes the development of static film, which acts as an insulator. Turbulent flow decreases the thickness of static film, increasing the rate of heat transfer. Parallel and Series FlowHeat exchangers can be connected in a variety of ways. The two most common are series and parallel (Figure 7.4). In series flow (Figure 7.5), the tube-side flow in a multipass heat exchanger is discharged into the tubeside flow of the second exchanger. This discharge route could be switched to shell side or tube side depending on how the exchanger is in service. The guiding principle is that the flow passes through one exchanger before it goes to another. In parallel flow, the process flow goes through multiple exchangers at the same time.Figure 7.5 Series Flow Heat ExchangersHeat Exchanger EffectivenessThe design of an exchanger usually dictates how effectively it can transfer heat energy. Fouling is one problem that stops an exchanger’s ability to transfer heat. During continual service, heat exchangers do not remain clean. Dirt, scale, and process deposits combine with heat to form restrictions inside an exchanger. These deposits on the walls of the exchanger resist the flow that tends to remove heat and stop heat conduction by i nsulating the inner walls. An exchanger’s fouling resistance depends on the type of fluid being handled, the amount and type of suspended solids in the system, the exchanger’s susceptibility to thermal decomposition, and the velocity and temperature of the fluid stream. Fouling can be reduced by increasing fluid velocity and lowering the temperature. Fouling is often tracked and identified usingcheck-lists that collect tube inlet and outlet pressures, and shell inlet and outlet pressures. This data can be used to calculate the pressure differential or Δp. Differential pressure is the difference between inlet and outlet pressures; represented as ΔP, or delta p. Corrosion and erosion are other problems found in exchangers. Chemical products, heat, fluid flow, and time tend to wear down the inner components of an exchanger. Chemical inhibitors are added to avoid corrosion and fouling. These inhibitors are designed to minimize corrosion, algae growth, and mineral deposits.Double-Pipe Heat ExchangerA simple design for heat transfer is found in a double-pipe heat exchanger.A double-pipe exchanger has a pipe inside a pipe (Figure 7.6). The outside pipe provides the shell, and the inner pipe provides the tube. The warm and cool fluids can run in the same direction (parallel flow) or in opposite directions (counterflow or countercurrent).Flow direction is usually countercurrent because it is more efficient. This efficiency comes from the turbulent, against-the-grain, stripping effect of the opposing currents. Even though the two liquid streams never come into physical contact with each other, the two heat energy streams (cold and hot) do encounter each other. Energy-laced, convective currents mix within each pipe, distributing the heat.In a parallel flow exchanger, the exit temperature of one fluid can only approach the exit temperature of the other fluid. In a countercurrent flowexchanger, the exit temperature of one fluid can approach the inlet temperature of the other fluid. Less heat will be transferred in a parallel flow exchanger because of this reduction in temperature difference. Static films produced against the piping limit heat transfer by acting like insulating barriers.The liquid close to the pipe is hot, and the liquid farthest away from the pipe is cooler. Any type of turbulent effect would tend to break up the static film and transfer heat energy by swirling it around the chamber. Parallel flow is not conducive to the creation of turbulent eddies. One of the system limitations of double-pipe heat exchangers is the flow rate they can handle. Typically, flow rates are very low in a double-pipe heat exchanger, and low flow rates are conducive to laminar flow. Hairpin Heat ExchangersThe chemical processing industry commonly uses hairpin heat exchangers (Figure 7.7). Hairpin exchangers use two basic modes: double-pipe and multipipe design. Hairpins are typically rated at 500 psig shell side and 5,000 psig tube side. The exchanger takes its name from its unusual hairpin shape. The double-pipe design consists of a pipe within a pipe. Fins can be added to the internal tube’s external wall to increase heat transfer. The multipipe hairpin resembles a typical shell-and-tube heat exchanger, stretched and bent into a hairpin.The hairpin design has several advantages and disadvantages. Among its advantages are its excellent capacity for thermal expansion because of its U-tube type shape; its finned design, which works well with fluids that have a low heat transfer coefficient; and its high pressure on the tube side. In addition, it is easy to install and clean; its modular design makes it easy to add new sections; and replacement parts are inexpensive and always in supply. Among its disadvantages are the facts that it is not as cost effective as most shell-and-tube exchangers and it requires special gaskets.Shell-and-Tube Heat ExchangersThe shell-and-tube heat exchanger is the most common style found inindustry. Shell-and-tube heat exchangers are designed to handle high flow rates in continuous operations. Tube arrangement can vary, depending on the process and the amount of heat transfer required. As the tube-side flow enters the exchanger—or “head”—flow is directed into tubes that run parallel to each other. These tubes run through a shell that has a fluid passing through it. Heat energy is transferred through the tube wall into the cooler fluid. Heat transfer occurs primarily through conduction (first) and convection (second). Figure 7.8 shows a fixed head,single-pass heat exchanger.Fluid flow into and out of the heat exchanger is designed for specific liquid–vapor services. Liquids move from the bottom of the device to the top to remove or reduce trapped vapor in the system. Gases move from top to bottom to remove trapped or accumulated liquids. This standard applies to both tube-side and shell-side flow.Plate-and-Frame Heat ExchangersPlate-and-frame heat exchangers are high heat transfer and high pressure drop devices. They consist of a series of gasketed plates, sandwiched together by two end plates and compression bolts (Figures 7.20 and 7.21). The channels between the plates are designed to create pressure drop and turbulent flow so high heat transfer coefficients can be achieved.The openings on the plate exchanger are located typically on one of the fixed-end covers.As hot fluid enters the hot inlet port on the fixed-end cover, it is directed into alternating plate sections by a common discharge header. The header runs the entire length of the upper plates. As cold fluid enters the countercurrent cold inlet port on the fixed-end cover, it is directed into alternating plate sections. Cold fluid moves up the plates while hot fluid drops down across the plates. The thin plates separate the hot and cold liquids, preventing leakage. Fluid flow passes across the plates one time before entering the collection header. The plates are designed with an alternating series of chambers. Heat energy is transferred through the walls of the plates by conduction and into the liquid by convection. The hot and cold inlet lines run the entire length of the plate heater and function like a distribution header. The hot and cold collection headers run parallel and on the opposite side of the plates from each other. The hot fluid header that passes through the gasketed plate heat exchanger is located in the top. This arrangement accounts for the pressure drop and turbulent flow as fluid drops over the plates and into the collection header. Cold fluid enters the bottom of the gasketed plate heat exchanger and travels countercurrent to the hot fluid. The cold fluid collection header is located in the upper section of the exchanger.Plate-and-frame heat exchangers have several advantages and disadvantages. They are easy to disassemble and clean and distribute heat evenly so there are no hot spots. Plates can easily be added or removed. Other advantages of plate-and-frame heat exchangers are their low fluid resistance time, low fouling, and high heat transfer coefficient. In addition, if gaskets leak, they leak to the outside, and gaskets are easy to replace.The plates prevent cross-contamination of products. Plate-and-frame heat exchangers provide high turbulence and a large pressure drop and are small compared with shell-and-tube heat exchangers.Disadvantages of plate-and-frame heat exchangers are that they have high-pressure and high-temperature limitations. Gaskets are easily damaged and may not be compatible with process fluids.Spiral Heat ExchangersSpiral heat exchangers are characterized by a compact concentric design that generates high fluid turbulence in the process medium (Figure 7.22). This type of heat exchanger comes in two basic types: (1) spiral flow on both sides and (2) spiral flow–crossflow. Type 1 spiral exchangers are used in liquid-liquid, condenser, and gas cooler service. Fluid flow into the exchanger is designed for full counterflow operation. The horizontal axial installation provides excellent self-cleaning of suspended solids.Type 2 spiral heat exchangers are designed for use as condensers, gas coolers, heaters, and reboilers. The vertical installation makes it an excellent choice for combining high liquid velocity and low pressure drop on the vapor-mixture side. Type 2 spirals can be used in liquid-liquid systems where high flow rates on one side are offset by low flow rates on the other.Air-Cooled Heat ExchangersA different approach to heat transfer occurs in the fin fan or air-cooled heat exchanger. Air-cooled heat exchangers provide a structured matrix of plain or finned tubes connected to an inlet and return header (Figure 7.23). Air is used as the outside medium to transfer heat away from the tubes. Fans are used in a variety of arrangements to apply forced convection for heattransfer coefficients. Fans can be mounted above or below the tubes in forced-draft or induced-draft arrangements. Tubes can be installed vertically or horizontally.The headers on an air-cooled heat exchanger can be classified as cast box, welded box, cover plate, or manifold. Cast box and welded box types have plugs on the end plate for each tube. This design provides access for cleaning individual tubes, plugging them if a leak is found, and rerolling to tighten tube joints. Cover plate designs provide easy access to all of the tubes. A gasket is used between the cover plate and head. The manifold type is designed for high-pressure applications.Mechanical fans use a variety of drivers. Common drivers found in service with air-cooled heat exchangers include electric motor and reduction gears, steam turbine or gas engine, belt drives, and hydraulic motors. The fan blades are composed of aluminum or plastic. Aluminum blades are d esigned to operate in temperatures up to 300°F (148.88°C), whereas plastic blades are limited to air temperatures between 160°F and 180°F(71.11°C, 82.22°C).Air-cooled heat exchangers can be found in service on air compressors, in recirculation systems, and in condensing operations. This type of heat transfer device provides a 40°F (4.44°C) temperature differential between the ambient air and the exiting process fluid.Air-cooled heat exchangers have none of the problems associated with water such as fouling or corrosion. They are simple to construct and cheaper to maintain than water-cooled exchangers. They have low operating costs and superior high temperature removal (above 200°F or 93.33°C). Their disadvantages are that they are limited to liquid or condensing service and have a high outlet fluid temperature and high initial cost of equipment. In addition, they are susceptible to fire or explosion in cases of loss of containment.。



换热器的书籍换热器(Heat Exchanger)是化工、制冷、暖通空调等行业中用于热量交换的关键设备。

关于换热器设计、操作和维护的专业书籍有很多,以下是一些推荐的书籍:1. 《换热器技术手册》(Handbook of Heat Transfer Equipment)- Michael Jensen, Tusher Ghosh & Sreedhar Kodituwakku- 这本综合性手册详细介绍了各种类型的换热器设计和工程应用。

2. 《换热器设计手册》(Perry's Chemical Engineers' Handbook)- Robert H. Perry- 这是一本经典的化学工程手册,其中包括了换热器设计的章节,提供了大量的设计数据和计算方法。

3. 《换热器设计基础》(Fundamentals of Heat Exchanger Design)- John Zimmerman- 这本书适合初学者,系统地介绍了换热器设计的基本概念和步骤。

4. 《传热》(Heat Transfer: A Practical Approach)- Yun Wang- 虽然这本书不专门针对换热器设计,但它提供了传热学的基础知识,这是进行换热器设计的必备知识。

5. 《制冷与空调装置中的换热器》(Heat Exchangers for Refrigeration and Air Conditioning)- Alberto Lamberti- 这本书专注于制冷和空调领域的换热器应用,讨论了相关的设计和优化问题。

6. 《换热器分析与设计》(Analysis and Design of Heat Exchangers)- N. P. Choudhuri- 本书提供了换热器分析和设计的全面指导,包括理论和实践两方面的内容。

7. 《换热器维修与故障排除手册》(Heat Exchanger Maintenance and Troubleshooting Guide)- David F. Van Gorp- 这本手册专注于换热器的维护和故障诊断,对于保持设备有效运行非常有帮助。

换热器外文翻译 (2)

换热器外文翻译 (2)

Heat ExchangersKey Terms Baffles—evenly spaced partitions in a shell and tube heat exchanger that support the tubes, prevent vibration, control fluid velocity and direction, increase turbulent flow, and reduce hot spots. Channel head—a device mounted on the inlet side of a shell-and-tube heat exchanger that is used to channel tube-side flow in a multipass heat exchanger.Condenser—a shell-and-tube heat exchanger used to cool and condense hot vapors.Conduction—the means of heat transfer through a solid, nonporous material resulting from molecular vibration. Conduction can also occur between closely packed molecules.Convection—the means of heat transfer in fluids resulting from currents. Counterflow—refers to the movement of two flow streams in opposite directions; also called countercurrent flow.Crossflow—refers to the movement of two flow streams perpendicular to each other.Differential pressure—the difference between inlet and outlet pressures; represented as ΔP, or delta p.Differential temperature—the difference between inlet and outlet temperature; represented as ΔT, or delta t.Fixed head—a term applied to a shell-and-tube heat exchanger that has the tube sheet firmly attached to the shell.Floating head—a term applied to a tube sheet on a heat exchanger that is not firmly attached to the shell on the return head and is designed to expand (float) inside the shell as temperature rises. Fouling—buildup on the internal surfaces of devices such as cooling towers and heat exchangers, resulting in reduced heat transfer and plugging.Kettle reboiler—a shell-and-tube heat exchanger with a vapor disengaging cavity, used to supply heat for separation of lighter and heavier components in a distillation system and to maintain heat balance. Laminar flow—streamline flow that is more or less unbroken; layers of liquid flowing in a parallel path.Multipass heat exchanger—a type of shell-and-tube heat exchanger that channels the tubeside flow across the tube bundle (heating source) more than once.Parallel flow—refers to the movement of two flow streams in the same direction; for example, tube-side flow and shell-side flow in a heat exchanger; also called concurrent.Radiant heat transfer—conveyance of heat by electromagnetic waves from a source to receivers.Reboiler—a heat exchanger used to add heat to a liquid that was onceboiling until the liquid boils again.Sensible heat—heat that can be measured or sensed by a change in temperature.Shell-and-tube heat exchanger—a heat exchanger that has a cylindrical shell surrounding a tube bundle.Shell side—refers to flow around the outside of the tubes of ashell-and-tube heat exchanger. See also Tube side.Thermosyphon reboiler—a type of heat exchanger that generates natural circulation as a static liquid is heated to its boiling point.Tube sheet—a flat plate to which the ends of the tubes in a heat exchanger are fixed by rolling, welding, or both.Tube side—refers to flow through the tubes of a shell-and-tube heat exchanger; see Shell side.Turbulent flow—random movement or mixing in swirls and eddies of a fluid. Types of Heat Exchangers换热器的类型Heat transfer is an important function of many industrial processes. Heat exchangers are widely used to transfer heat from one process to another.A heat exchanger allows a hot fluid to transfer heat energy to a cooler fluid through conduction and convection. A heat exchanger provides heating or cooling to a process. A wide array of heat exchangers has been designed and manufactured for use in the chemical processing industry. In pipe coil exchangers, pipe coils are submerged in water or sprayed with water to transfer heat. This type of operation has a low heat transfer coefficient and requires a lot of space. It is best suited for condensing vapors with low heat loads.The double-pipe heat exchanger incorporates a tube-within-a-tube design. It can be found with plain or externally finned tubes. Double-pipe heat exchangers are typically used in series-flow operations in high-pressure applications up to 500 psig shell side and 5,000 psig tube side.A shell-and-tube heat exchanger has a cylindrical shell that surrounds a tube bundle. Fluid flow through the exchanger is referred to as tubeside flow or shell-side flow. A series of baffles support the tubes, direct fluid flow, increase velocity, decrease tube vibration, protect tubing, and create pressure drops.Shell-and-tube heat exchangers can be classified as fixed head, single pass; fixed head, multipass; floating head, multipass; or U-tube.On a fixed head heat exchanger (Figure 7.1), tube sheets are attached to the shell. Fixed head heat exchangers are designed to handle temperature differentials up to 200°F (93.33°C). Thermal expansion prevents a fixed head heat exchanger from exceeding this differential temperature. It is best suited for condenser or heater operations.Floating head heat exchangers are designed for high temperature differentia is above 200°F (93.33°C).During operation, one tube sheet is fixed and the other “floats” inside the shell.The floatingend is not attached to the shell and is free toexpand.Figure 7.1 Fixed Head Heat ExchangerReboilers are heat exchangers that are used to add heat to a liquid that was once boiling until the liquid boils again. Types commonly used in industry are kettle reboilers and thermosyphon reboilers.Plate-and-frame heat exchangers are composed of thin, alternating metal plates that are designed for hot and cold service. Each plate has an outer gasket that seals each compartment. Plate-and-frame heat exchangers have a cold and hot fluid inlet and outlet. Cold and hot fluid headers are formed inside the plate pack, allowing access from every other plate on the hot and cold sides. This device is best suited for viscous or corrosive fluid slurries. It provides excellent high heat transfer. Plate-and-frame heat exchangers are compact and easy to clean. Operating limits of 350 to 500°F (176.66°C to 260°C) are designed to protect the internal gasket. Because of the design specification, plate-and-frame heat exchangers are not suited for boiling and condensing. Most industrial processes use this design in liquid-liquid service.Air-cooled heat exchangers do not require the use of a shell in operation. Process tubes are connected to an inlet and a return header box. The tubes can be finned or plain. A fan is used to push or pull outside air over the exposed tubes. Air-cooled heat exchangers are primarily used in condensing operations where a high level of heat transfer is required.Spiral heat exchangers are characterized by a compact concentric design that generates high fluid turbulence in the process medium. As do otherexchangers, the spiral heat exchanger has cold-medium inlet and outlet and a hot-medium inlet and outlet. Internal surface area provides the conductive transfer element. Spiral heat exchangers have two internal chambers.The Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association (TEMA) classifies heat exchangers by a variety of design specifications including American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) construction code, tolerances, and mechanical design:●Class B, Designed for general-purpose operation (economy and compactdesign)●Class C. Designed for moderate service and general-purpose operation(economy and compact design)●Class R. Designed for severe conditions (safety and durability) Heat Transfer and Fluid FlowThe methods of heat transfer are conduction, convection, and radiant heat transfer (Figure 7.2). In the petrochemical, refinery, and laboratory environments, these methods need to be understood well. A combination of conduction and convection heat transfer processes can be found in all heat exchangers. The best conditions for heat transfer are large temperature differences between the products being heated and cooled (the higher the temperature difference, the greater the heat transfer), high heating or coolant flow rates, and a large cross-sectional area of the exchanger.ConductionHeat energy is transferred through solid objects such as tubes, heads,baffles, plates, fins, and shell, by conduction. This process occurs when the molecules that make up the solid matrix begin to absorb heat energy from a hotter source. Since the molecules are in a fixed matrix and cannot move, they begin to vibrate and, in so doing, transfer the energy from the hot side to the cooler side.ConvectionConvection occurs in fluids when warmer molecules move toward cooler molecules. The movement of the molecules sets up currents in the fluid that redistribute heat energy. This process will continue until the energy is distributed equally. In a heat exchanger, this process occurs in the moving fluid media as they pass by each other in the exchanger. Baffle arrangements and flow direction will determine how this convective process will occur in the various sections of the exchanger.Radiant Heat TransferThe best example of radiant heat is the sun’s warming of the earth. The sun’s heat is conveyed by electromagnetic waves. Radiant heat transfer is a line-of-sight process, so the position of the source and that of the receiver are important. Radiant heat transfer is not used in a heat exchanger.Laminar and Turbulent FlowTwo major classifications of fluid flow are laminar and turbulent (Figure 7.3). Laminar—or streamline—flow moves through a system in thin cylindrical layers of liquid flowing in parallel fashion. This type of flow will have little if any turbulence (swirling or eddying) in it. Laminar flow usually exists atlow flow rates. As flow rates increase, the laminar flow pattern changes into a turbulent flow pattern. Turbulent flow is the random movement or mixing of fluids. Once the turbulent flow is initiated, molecular activity speeds up until the fluid is uniformly turbulent.Turbulent flow allows molecules of fluid to mix and absorb heat more readily than does laminar flow. Laminar flow promotes the development of static film, which acts as an insulator. Turbulent flow decreases the thickness of static film, increasing the rate of heat transfer. Parallel and Series FlowHeat exchangers can be connected in a variety of ways. The two most common are series and parallel (Figure 7.4). In series flow (Figure 7.5), the tube-side flow in a multipass heat exchanger is discharged into the tubeside flow of the second exchanger. This discharge route could be switched to shell side or tube side depending on how the exchanger is in service. The guiding principle is that the flow passes through one exchanger before it goes to another. In parallel flow, the process flow goes through multiple exchangers at the same time.Figure 7.5 Series Flow Heat ExchangersHeat Exchanger EffectivenessThe design of an exchanger usually dictates how effectively it can transfer heat energy. Fouling is one problem that stops an exchanger’s ability to transfer heat. During continual service, heat exchangers do not remain clean. Dirt, scale, and process deposits combine with heat to form restrictions inside an exchanger. These deposits on the walls of the exchanger resist the flow that tends to remove heat and stop heat conduction by i nsulating the inner walls. An exchanger’s fouling resistance depends on the type of fluid being handled, the amount and type of suspended solids in the system, the exchanger’s susceptibility to thermal decomposition, and the velocity and temperature of the fluid stream. Fouling can be reduced by increasing fluid velocity and lowering the temperature. Fouling is often tracked and identified usingcheck-lists that collect tube inlet and outlet pressures, and shell inlet and outlet pressures. This data can be used to calculate the pressure differential or Δp. Differential pressure is the difference between inlet and outlet pressures; represented as ΔP, or delta p. Corrosion and erosion are other problems found in exchangers. Chemical products, heat, fluid flow, and time tend to wear down the inner components of an exchanger. Chemical inhibitors are added to avoid corrosion and fouling. These inhibitors are designed to minimize corrosion, algae growth, and mineral deposits.Double-Pipe Heat ExchangerA simple design for heat transfer is found in a double-pipe heat exchanger.A double-pipe exchanger has a pipe inside a pipe (Figure 7.6). The outside pipe provides the shell, and the inner pipe provides the tube. The warm and cool fluids can run in the same direction (parallel flow) or in opposite directions (counterflow or countercurrent).Flow direction is usually countercurrent because it is more efficient. This efficiency comes from the turbulent, against-the-grain, stripping effect of the opposing currents. Even though the two liquid streams never come into physical contact with each other, the two heat energy streams (cold and hot) do encounter each other. Energy-laced, convective currents mix within each pipe, distributing the heat.In a parallel flow exchanger, the exit temperature of one fluid can only approach the exit temperature of the other fluid. In a countercurrent flowexchanger, the exit temperature of one fluid can approach the inlet temperature of the other fluid. Less heat will be transferred in a parallel flow exchanger because of this reduction in temperature difference. Static films produced against the piping limit heat transfer by acting like insulating barriers.The liquid close to the pipe is hot, and the liquid farthest away from the pipe is cooler. Any type of turbulent effect would tend to break up the static film and transfer heat energy by swirling it around the chamber. Parallel flow is not conducive to the creation of turbulent eddies. One of the system limitations of double-pipe heat exchangers is the flow rate they can handle. Typically, flow rates are very low in a double-pipe heat exchanger, and low flow rates are conducive to laminar flow. Hairpin Heat ExchangersThe chemical processing industry commonly uses hairpin heat exchangers (Figure 7.7). Hairpin exchangers use two basic modes: double-pipe and multipipe design. Hairpins are typically rated at 500 psig shell side and 5,000 psig tube side. The exchanger takes its name from its unusual hairpin shape. The double-pipe design consists of a pipe within a pipe. Fins can be added to the internal tube’s external wall to increase heat transfer. The multipipe hairpin resembles a typical shell-and-tube heat exchanger, stretched and bent into a hairpin.The hairpin design has several advantages and disadvantages. Among its advantages are its excellent capacity for thermal expansion because of its U-tube type shape; its finned design, which works well with fluids that have a low heat transfer coefficient; and its high pressure on the tube side. In addition, it is easy to install and clean; its modular design makes it easy to add new sections; and replacement parts are inexpensive and always in supply. Among its disadvantages are the facts that it is not as cost effective as most shell-and-tube exchangers and it requires special gaskets.Shell-and-Tube Heat ExchangersThe shell-and-tube heat exchanger is the most common style found inindustry. Shell-and-tube heat exchangers are designed to handle high flow rates in continuous operations. Tube arrangement can vary, depending on the process and the amount of heat transfer required. As the tube-side flow enters the exchanger—or “head”—flow is directed into tubes that run parallel to each other. These tubes run through a shell that has a fluid passing through it. Heat energy is transferred through the tube wall into the cooler fluid. Heat transfer occurs primarily through conduction (first) and convection (second). Figure 7.8 shows a fixed head,single-pass heat exchanger.Fluid flow into and out of the heat exchanger is designed for specific liquid–vapor services. Liquids move from the bottom of the device to the top to remove or reduce trapped vapor in the system. Gases move from top to bottom to remove trapped or accumulated liquids. This standard applies to both tube-side and shell-side flow.Plate-and-Frame Heat ExchangersPlate-and-frame heat exchangers are high heat transfer and high pressure drop devices. They consist of a series of gasketed plates, sandwiched together by two end plates and compression bolts (Figures 7.20 and 7.21). The channels between the plates are designed to create pressure drop and turbulent flow so high heat transfer coefficients can be achieved.The openings on the plate exchanger are located typically on one of the fixed-end covers.As hot fluid enters the hot inlet port on the fixed-end cover, it is directed into alternating plate sections by a common discharge header. The header runs the entire length of the upper plates. As cold fluid enters the countercurrent cold inlet port on the fixed-end cover, it is directed into alternating plate sections. Cold fluid moves up the plates while hot fluid drops down across the plates. The thin plates separate the hot and cold liquids, preventing leakage. Fluid flow passes across the plates one time before entering the collection header. The plates are designed with an alternating series of chambers. Heat energy is transferred through the walls of the plates by conduction and into the liquid by convection. The hot and cold inlet lines run the entire length of the plate heater and function like a distribution header. The hot and cold collection headers run parallel and on the opposite side of the plates from each other. The hot fluid header that passes through the gasketed plate heat exchanger is located in the top. This arrangement accounts for the pressure drop and turbulent flow as fluid drops over the plates and into the collection header. Cold fluid enters the bottom of the gasketed plate heat exchanger and travels countercurrent to the hot fluid. The cold fluid collection header is located in the upper section of the exchanger.Plate-and-frame heat exchangers have several advantages and disadvantages. They are easy to disassemble and clean and distribute heat evenly so there are no hot spots. Plates can easily be added or removed. Other advantages of plate-and-frame heat exchangers are their low fluid resistance time, low fouling, and high heat transfer coefficient. In addition, if gaskets leak, they leak to the outside, and gaskets are easy to replace.The plates prevent cross-contamination of products. Plate-and-frame heat exchangers provide high turbulence and a large pressure drop and are small compared with shell-and-tube heat exchangers.Disadvantages of plate-and-frame heat exchangers are that they have high-pressure and high-temperature limitations. Gaskets are easily damaged and may not be compatible with process fluids.Spiral Heat ExchangersSpiral heat exchangers are characterized by a compact concentric design that generates high fluid turbulence in the process medium (Figure 7.22). This type of heat exchanger comes in two basic types: (1) spiral flow on both sides and (2) spiral flow–crossflow. Type 1 spiral exchangers are used in liquid-liquid, condenser, and gas cooler service. Fluid flow into the exchanger is designed for full counterflow operation. The horizontal axial installation provides excellent self-cleaning of suspended solids.Type 2 spiral heat exchangers are designed for use as condensers, gas coolers, heaters, and reboilers. The vertical installation makes it an excellent choice for combining high liquid velocity and low pressure drop on the vapor-mixture side. Type 2 spirals can be used in liquid-liquid systems where high flow rates on one side are offset by low flow rates on the other.Air-Cooled Heat ExchangersA different approach to heat transfer occurs in the fin fan or air-cooled heat exchanger. Air-cooled heat exchangers provide a structured matrix of plain or finned tubes connected to an inlet and return header (Figure 7.23). Air is used as the outside medium to transfer heat away from the tubes. Fans are used in a variety of arrangements to apply forced convection for heattransfer coefficients. Fans can be mounted above or below the tubes in forced-draft or induced-draft arrangements. Tubes can be installed vertically or horizontally.The headers on an air-cooled heat exchanger can be classified as cast box, welded box, cover plate, or manifold. Cast box and welded box types have plugs on the end plate for each tube. This design provides access for cleaning individual tubes, plugging them if a leak is found, and rerolling to tighten tube joints. Cover plate designs provide easy access to all of the tubes. A gasket is used between the cover plate and head. The manifold type is designed for high-pressure applications.Mechanical fans use a variety of drivers. Common drivers found in service with air-cooled heat exchangers include electric motor and reduction gears, steam turbine or gas engine, belt drives, and hydraulic motors. The fan blades are composed of aluminum or plastic. Aluminum blades are d esigned to operate in temperatures up to 300°F (148.88°C), whereas plastic blades are limited to air temperatures between 160°F and 180°F(71.11°C, 82.22°C).Air-cooled heat exchangers can be found in service on air compressors, in recirculation systems, and in condensing operations. This type of heat transfer device provides a 40°F (4.44°C) temperature differential between the ambient air and the exiting process fluid.Air-cooled heat exchangers have none of the problems associated with water such as fouling or corrosion. They are simple to construct and cheaper to maintain than water-cooled exchangers. They have low operating costs and superior high temperature removal (above 200°F or 93.33°C). Their disadvantages are that they are limited to liquid or condensing service and have a high outlet fluid temperature and high initial cost of equipment. In addition, they are susceptible to fire or explosion in cases of loss of containment.。



1.2. Basic Heat Exchanger Equations1.2.1. The Overall Heat Transfer CoefficientConsider the situation in Fig. (1.18). Heat is being transferred from the fluid inside (at a local bulk or average temperature of T i ), through a dirt or fouling film, through the tube wall, through another fouling film to the outside fluid at a local bulk temperature of T o . A i and A o are respectively inside and outside surface areas for heat transfer for a given length of tube. For a plain or bare cylindrical tube,i o i o i o r r L r L r A A ==ππ22 (1.13)The heat transfer rate between the fluid inside the tubeand the surface of the inside fouling film is given by anequation of the form Q/A = h(T f - T s ) where the area isA i and similarly for the outside convective processwhere the area is A o . The values of h i and h o have to becalculated from appropriate correlations.On most real heat exchanger surfaces in actual service, afilm or deposit of sediment, scale, organic growth, etc.,will sooner or later develop. A few fluids such as air orliquefied natural gas are usually clean enough that thefouling is absent or small enough to be neglected. Heattransfer across these films is predominantly by conduc-tion, but the designer seldom knows enough about eitherthe thickness or the thermal conductivity of the film to treat the heat transfer resistance as a conductionproblem. Rather, the designer estimates from a table of standard values or from experience a fouling factor R f .R f is defined in terms of the heat flux Q/A and thetemperature difference across the fouling ΔT f by theequation:A Q T R ff /Δ= (1.14)From Eq.1.14, it is clear that R f is equivalent to a reciprocal heat transfer coefficient for the fouling, h f :f f f T A Q R h Δ==1 (1.15)and in many books, the fouling is accounted for by a "fouling heat transfer coefficient," which is still an estimated quantity. The effect of including this additional resistance is to provide an exchanger somewhat larger than required when it is clean, so that the exchanger will still provide the desired service after it has been on stream for some time and some fouling has accumulated.The rate of heat flow per unit length of tube must be the same across the inside fluid film, the inside dirt film, the wall, the outside dirt film, and the outside fluid film. If we require that the temperature differences across each of these resistances to heat transfer add up to the overall temperature difference, (T i - T o ), we obtain for the case shown in Fig.1.18 the equation()o o o fo w i o i fi i i o i A h A R Lk r r A R A h T T Q 12/ln 1++++−=π (1.16)In writing Eq. (1.16), the fouling is assumed to have negligible thickness, so that the values of r i , r o , A i and A o are those of the clean tube and are independent of the buildup of fouling. Not only is this convenient – we don't know enough about the fouling to do anything else.Now we define an overall heat transfer coefficient U * based on any convenient reference area A *:(o i T T A U Q −≡∗∗) (1.17)Comparing the last two equations gives:()o o o fo w i o i fi i i A h A A A R Lk r r A A A R A h A U ******2/ln 1++++=π (1.18)Frequently, but not always , A * is chosen to be equal to A o , in which case U * = U o , and Eq. (1.18) becomes:()o fo w i o o i o fi i i o o h R Lk r r A A A R A h A U 12/ln 1++++=π (1.19)If the reference area A * is chosen to be A i , the corresponding overall heat transfer coefficient U i is given by:()o o i o i fo w i o i fi i i A h A A A R Lk r r A R h U ++++=π2/ln 11 (1.20)The equation as written applies only at the particular point where (T i - T o ) is the driving force. The question of applying the equation to an exchanger in which T i and T o vary from point to point is considered in the next section.The wall resistance is ordinarily relatively small, and to a sufficient degree of precision for bare tubes, we may usually write()()()()w i o i w i o i w i o o w i o o k r r X r Lk r r n A k r r X r Lk r r n A +Δ≅+Δ≅212/;212/ππl l (1.21)Inspection of the magnitudes of the terms in the denominator of Eqs. 1. 19 or 1.20 for any particular design case quickly reveals which term or terms (and therefore which heat transfer resistance) predominates. This term (or terms) controls the size of the heat exchanger and is the one upon which the designer should concentrate his attention. Perhaps the overall heat transfer coefficient can be significantly improved by a change in the design or operating conditions of the heat exchanger. In any case, the designer must give particular attention to calculating or estimating the value of the largest resistance, because any error or uncertainty in the data, the correlation, or the calculation of this term has a disproportionately large effect upon the size of the exchanger and/or the confidence that can be placed in its ability to do the job.1.2.2. The Design IntegralIn the previous section, we obtained an equationthat related the rate of heat transfer to the localtemperature difference (T-t) and the heat transferarea A, through the use of an overall heat transfercoefficient U. In most exchanger applications,however, one or both of the stream temperatureschange from point to point through the flow pathsof the respective streams. The change intemperature of each stream is calculated from theheat (enthalpy) balance on that stream and is aproblem in thermodynamics.Our next concern is to develop a method applyingthe equations already obtained to the case in whichthe temperature difference between the two streamsis not constant. We first write Eq. (1. 17) indifferential form()t T U dQ dA −=** (1.22)and then formally integrate this equation over the entire heat duty of the exchanger, Q t :∫−=t Q o t T U dQ A ** (1.23)This is the basic heat exchanger design equation, or the design integral.U * and A * may be on any convenient consistent basis, but generally we will use U o and A o . U * may be, and in practice sometimes is, a function of the amount of heat exchanged. If 1/U *(T-t) may be calculated as a function of Q , then the area required may be calculated either numerically or graphically, as shown in Fig. (1.19).The above procedure involving the evaluation of Eq. (1.23) is, within the stated assumptions, exact, and may always be used. It is also very tedious and time consuming. We may ask whether there is not a shorter and still acceptably accurate procedure that we could use. As it happens, if we make certain assumptions, Eq. (1.23) can be analytically integrated to the form of Eq. (1.24)()MTD U Q A t**= (1.24)where U * is the value (assumed constant) of the overall heat transfer coefficient and MTD is the "Mean Temperature Difference," which is discussed in detail in the following section.。

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Reliability and Integrity Analysis of an Air-Cooled Heat Exchanger Case Study02.2.2012Air-cooled heat exchangers are used extensively throughout the entire oil and gas industry from upstream production to refineries and petrochemical plants, under difficult conditions including high pressures and temperatures, as well as corrosive fluids and environments. This article presents a reliability and integrity process analysis of an air-cooled heat exchanger for hydrocarbon service. This process as part of an AIMP (Asset Integrity Management Program) including, Risk Based Inspection Strategy (RBIS), Acoustic Pulse Reflectometry (APR) inspection and degradation analysis to perform the remaining life assessment (RLA), helping to engineers, maintenance manager and plant manager to makethe right decision even in an uncertainty environment.Some defects and discontinuities can be introduced during the heat exchanger manufacturing process and may not necessarily be detected by non-destructive testing processes. Other damage mechanisms, like erosion-corrosion, sulfide stress corrosion cracking, thermal fatigue, and pitting corrosion due to CO2 or because of chloride content in the process stream could come up while heat exchangers are in-service.Due to the equipment complexity, an asset integrity management programme should be developed and applied on-site. An asset integrity management programme seeks to ensure that all equipment and particularly those physical assets that are subject to internal pressure, are designed, constructed, inspected and maintained to the appropriated standards and best practices. This is in order to pursue the maintenance efforts, optimization and cost-effective maintenance decisions, guaranteeing a sustainable and safe operation.Figure 1. Asset Integrity Management Model.Figure 1. Asset Integrity Management Model.The issue of ageing plant, leading to an increased risk of loss of containment and other failures due to plant and equipment deterioration, has been shown to be an important factor in incidents and accidents. Recent research shows that 50 % of European major hazard “Loss ofContainment” events arising from technical plant failures were primarily due to ageing plant mechanisms such as erosion, corrosion and fatigue. This data analysis for HSE (Ageing Plant Study Phase 1) has shown that across Europe, between 1980 and 2006 there have been 96 major accidents and potential loss of containment incidents reported in the EU Major Accident database (MARS), which are estimated to be primarily caused due to ageing plant mechanism. This demonstrates the significant extent and impact of ageing plantrelated failures on safety and business performance. Ageing is not about how old your equipment is; it is about its condition, and how that is changing over time. Ageing is the effect whereby a component suffers some material degradation and damage (usually, but not necessarily associated with time in service) with and increasing probability of failure over the lifetime.The grade of deterioration and damage relates to the potential effect on the equipment’s functionality, availability, reliability and safety, and it is for this reason that a good asset integrity programme should be developed for that equipment that can be susceptible to ageing mechanisms.Asset Integrity Management ProgrammeThe objectives of an Asset Integrity Management (AIM) system are the delivery of business requirements maximizing return on assets whilst maintaining stakeholder value and minimizing business risks associated with accidents and loss of production.Asset Integrity is the ability of an asset to perform its required function effectively and efficiently whilst safeguarding life and the environment. The related management activities ensure that the people, systems, processes and resources that deliver integrity are in place, in use and fit for purpose over the whole lifecycle of the asset.AIM ensures that the assets stay fit for purpose – safe and operational –under all circumstance.Asset integrity management delivers:∙safety improvement∙reliability improvement∙optimization of maintenance and inspection activities to meet safety and business targets.A complete Asset Integrity Management programme incorporates design, maintenance, monitoring, inspection, process, operations, and management concepts, since all these disciplines impact the integrity of infrastructure and equipment. Figure 1 shows a typical AIM model. In this article an air-cooled heat exchanger case study shows how just two sections of this model (Risk assessment and Inspection strategy) are applied in an effective and easy way.Asset Integrity Strategy for Air-Cooled Heat ExchangerThe outline process in figure 2 is the risk management process developed for an aircooled heat exchanger for a hydrocarbon process. This process is based on the standard continual improvement cycle PDCA (Plan – Do –Check – Act), similar to the cycle presented in the specification PAS-55 1:2008. The seven steps process shown could be applied to any physical asset whose relative risk value is considered high for the organization. For this particular case, an aircooled heat exchanger has been considered critical for the process, not only for the risk of loss of containment, but for the business performance impact in case of equipment failure.Gathering InformationAll information related to P&ID, layout process, process data (ph, gas type, contaminant content, stream temperature, cool and heat cycles), mechanical design data and construction details, material type, welding process etc. This kind of information will be useful to understand the heat exchanger behaviour during operation and what type of flaw could have been introduced during the manufacturing process and what damage mechanisms could be developed in-service.The information gathered for the ACHE (Air-Cooled Heat Exchanger) case study presented in this article is summarized in the Tables 1 and 2. The purpose of this equipment is to cool down the gas stream that come from the gas regeneration process (removing water content in the gas stream), taking gas at 285 °C and cooling it to 35 °C at every 16 hours. Figure3shows the mechanical design details of the ACHE.RBI assessmentA RBI (Risk Based Inspection) is a risk assessment and management process that is focused on inspection planning for loss of containment of pressurized equipment in processing facilities, which considers both the probability of failure and consequence of failure due to material deterioration. These risks are managed primarily through inspection in order to influence the probability of failure.Risk = Likelihood * ConsequenceThe probability assessment is in accordance with API 580 and is based on all forms of damage that could reasonably be expected to affect equipment in any particular service. Additionally, the effectiveness of the inspection practices, tools, and techniques used for finding the potential damage mechanisms is evaluated.The consequence of a release is dependent on the type and amount of process fluid contained in the equipment. The consequence assessment is in accordance with API 580 and considers the potential incidents that may occur as a result of fluid release, the size of a potential release, and the type of potential release (includes explosion, fire, or toxic exposure). The assessment should also determine the potential outcomes that may occur as a result of fluid release or equipment damage, which include: health effects, environmental impact, and process downtime.After an RBI assessment is conducted, the results may be used to establish the inspection plan and better define the following:∙the most appropriate inspection and NDE methods, tools andtechniques∙the extend of NDE (percentage of heat exchanger tubes forinspections)∙the interval for internal, external and on-stream inspections∙the prevention and mitigation steps to reduce the probability and consequence of the air-cooled heat exchanger.Table 1. Process stream data.Table 3 shows the most probable damage mechanisms that could be expected in the ACHE equipment.Figure 4 shows the risk matrix results from the RBI assessment for theACHE (Air- Cooled Heat Exchanger). For the ACHE under study the risk is “Medium High”, so a good inspection strategy should be developed to reduce the probability of failure.Table 2. Design construction information.Inspection of Air-Cooled Heat ExchangersThe primary purposes of inspection are to identify active deterioration mechanism and to specify repair, replacement, or future inspections for affected equipment. These purposes require developing information about the physical condition of the heat exchanger, the causes of any deterioration, and the rate of deterioration. These actions should result in increased operation safety, reduced maintenance costs, and more reliable and efficient operations.Tubes that are enclosed in fins cannot be inspected from the exterior. The best methods for inspecting the tubes are internal-rotary, UTthickness-testing devices, Eddy current, remote field ET or APR (Acoustic Pulse Reflectometry). These methods work from the interior of the tubes. With competent operators and clean tubes, thickness and defects can be found with these methods. The external fins of the tubes should be checked for cleanliness. If the fins need cleaning, washing with clean water alone or clean water with soap may be sufficient. The fins are made of aluminium and they could be harmed if the wrong cleaning medium is used.Figure 3. Plug header design construction details. Table 3. Damage mechanisms and NDE techniques for ACHE.Figure 4. Risk result from RBI assessment for the ACHE under study.Figure 5. Remote Visual Inspection of ACHE header.Figure 6. APR inspection results.For the ACHE under study, internal inspection was carried out fulfillingthe RBI outcomes. Remote Visual Inspection (RVI) has been performed using a fibre optic device on the header, looking for erosion-corrosion signal and thermal fatigue indication on the header weld seam. The header of the air-cooler has been inspected using the same techniques as recommended for a pressure vessel. In addition, the sharp change direction caused by its rectangular construction was carefully checked for cracking. Figure 5 shows some pictures of the internal condition of the header. From pictures, a good physical condition can be appreciated.Following the RBI assessment for the ACHE, 10 % of finned tubes (113 tubes) have been inspected using the APR (Acoustic Pulse Reflectomery), looking for localized corrosion and Stress Corrosion Cracking. APR is based on the measurement of one-dimensional acoustic waves propagating in tubes. Any change in the cross sectional area in the tubular system creates a reflection, which is then recorded and analyzed in order to detect anomalies. The benefits of this NDE technique is that it utilizesnon-invasive APR technology, which can navigate bends, coils, elbows, fittings, etc. without difficulty. This technology allows inspection personnel to test any tube from a single point outside the tube in less than 10 seconds, saving considerable time and resources.After the inspection, 22 tubes out of 113 tubes were reported with thickness reduction. Figure 6 shows the tubes map inspection result. The blue colour represent tubes with thickness reduction.Tube degradation analysisWith the purpose of estimating the “tubes life”, a degradation analysiswas carried out using Weibull commercial software. The Degradation Analysis allows you to estimate the failure of a product based on its performance over time. This kind of analysis uses basic mathematical models to extrapolate the performance measurements over time to the point where failure is said to occur.For this case, degradation analysis had permitted to extrapolate to an assumed failure time based on the tubes thickness measurement, using a linear model. Considering that maximum degradation permitted in thetubes is 0,59 mm (1,65 mm–1,06 mm being the minimum requiredthickness to support internal pressure) the tubes MTTF (Mean Time To Failure) data were extrapolated. Table 4 shows wall thickness reduction in tubes and MTTF data extrapolated from the degradation analysis. The remaining life is acquired by subtracting the MTTF value the heat exchanger service time (11 years).It is clear that tube M1F1T32 is below the minimum thickness required, and a fitness for services assessment for this tube should be performed. In this case, the tube was blocked. This table is very useful in developing future inspection and in developing a plan to block those tubes that are very close to reaching the minimum allowable thickness.Reliability Analysis of Air-Cooled Heat ExchangerWith time to failure data, a reliability analysis of heat exchanger was performed using the mixed Weibull distribution. The mixed Weibull distribution (also known as a multimodal Weibull) is used to model data that do not fall on a straight line on a Weibull probability plot. Data of this type, particularly if the data points follow an S-shape on the probability plot, may indicate more than one failure mode at work in the population of failures time. Depending on the number of subpopulation chosen, reliability is defined by the following equation.R1 .,,,. s (t) = sΣ i = 1 Ni / N e - (T /ni) βiwhere:R(t) = Reliability valueT = Mission time (hours)b i = Weibull Shape parameterh i = Weibull Scale parameter (hours)S = Number of subpopulation (2,3 or 4)N = Identical components from a mixed populationNi = Number of components that failed from each population.Table 4. APR inspection results. Thickness reduction data.Figure 7. Weibull probability plot with confidence bound at 90 %.Figure 7 shows the Weibull probability plot for life data extrapolated from degradation analysis for the air-cooled heat exchanger.From the Weibull probability plot, it is clear that there are at least two damage mechanisms acting on the tubes (two slopes). These could be one of two corrosion mechanisms, one being “localized corrosion” (pitting)and the other “Chloride Stress Corrosion Cracking”. Both have the same behaviour; wear out. This is confirmed by the beta value that is much bigger than 1. For the subpopulation 1 the beta value is 5 and for the subpopulation 2 the beta value is 2,5; these values are typical for a corrosion process. This type of plot is very important in terms of knowing what failure mechanism could be acting on the equipment with such little data. The red line shows the confidence bound at 90 %. Figure 8 shows the aircooled heat exchanger reliability curve.The reliability curve is a very important plot that can be used to know what the probability of failure is over time. This is particularly useful to developstrategy inspection based on the heat exchanger risk. Multiplying both the POF (Probability Of Failure) and the consequence of failure (in term of cost), a risk graph can be developed to know what the risk optimum value is for the next inspection.Figure 8.Heat exchangers reliability curve with confidence bound at 90 %.Figure 9. Inspection strategy for ACHE based on business risk.Based on the Figure 9, the best optimum frequency for the next internal inspection should be at 17 years to keep the business risk below the business risk target.ConclusionsA good mechanical integrity programme for air-cooled heat exchangers and other pressure vessels is crucial for those plants that need to reduce turnaround time and inspection costs within safety standards. Due to the world financial crisis, companies are forced to reduce maintenance costs, so this type of strategy presented in this article is a powerful tool for engineers and managers to optimize inspection, turnarounds and maintenance cost through risk and reliability strategies.For this particular case study, the two most probable mechanisms are acting on the internal side of tubes, pitting corrosion and Chloride Stress Corrosion Cracking, due to gas stream that condensates water with chlorides contaminant. Both damage mechanisms should be corroborated through radiography inspection. The APR methodology is a very useful NDT to assess thickness reduction in an air-cooled heat exchanger, reducing time and inspection resources.The gas plant data has been explored using new tools to solve reliabilityproblems and to help managers to make the right decisions from the business point of view and applying the risk management decision support. This kind of reliability tool is very important and useful for the top management because the problem can be described in terms of business risk ($) and can be explained on a piece of paper. This makes the process to make the right decisions easier and efforts can be focused on avoiding important and critical problems that OEM’s and End-Users could be facing in their own process plant.»»References [1] API RP- 580: Risk Based Inspection, 1st edn, Washington, D.C, May 2002 [2] API PUBL.581: Risk Based Inspection Based Resource Document, 1st edn, Washington, D.C, May 2000 [3] API 510: Pressure Vessel Inspection Code: In-Service Inspection, Rating, Repair, and Alteration, 9th ed, Washington, D.C, June 2006. [4] API 661: Air-Cooled Heat Exchangers For General Refinery Services, 6th edn, Washington, D.C, February 2006. [5] Life Data Analysis, Weibull++7. Reliasoft.。
