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Product Training -In troduct ion to IAG Loudspeakers

Baffle 障板,enclosure (cabinet)箱体-

Sealed box / Infinite baffle 密闭式/ 无限障板式

Bass reflex 低音反射式

Tune port / reflex port 调谐器管

Auxiliary Bass Radiator (ABR)辅助低音辐射器(俗称假低音)Tran smission line 传输线式(俗称迷宫式)

Drive units 驱动单元(喇叭)-

Dyn amic (Movin g-coil) Loudspeakers 电动(动圈)式扬声器Electrostatic Loudspeakers 静电式扬声器

Treble un it / tweeter 高音单元

Midra nge driver 中音单元

Midbass driver 中低音单元

Bass driver / woofer 低音单元subwoofer


Crossover n etwork 分频网路

Comp onen tsi n a crossover n etwork - in ductor 电感器,capacitor 电容器,resistor 电阻,choke扼流圈

Crossover frequency 分频点/ 交越点

Full range 全音域or Multi-way 多路2⑶N/.5 : "" usually in dicates the additi on of a sec ond woofer that plays the same bass range

as the main woofer but rolls off far before the main woofer does.

Filter slopes 衰减斜度of crossover networks —

1st order 一阶分频(6dB/octave)

2nd order 二阶分频(12dB/octave)

3rd order 三阶分频(18dB/octave)

4th order 四阶分频(24dB/octave)

Frequency 频率 -expressed in Hz (Hertz) 周,kHz (kilo Hertz) 千周,MHz (Mega Hertz) 兆周,etc.

Frequency spectrum 频谱

Audio frequency 音频covers range from 20Hz ~ 20kHz

Sound pressure level (SPL) 声压电平

Efficiency 效率and Sensitivity 灵敏度

Sensitivity is expressed in decibels (dB) 分贝.

Is one filter slope superior to another?

Theoretically a steeper filter slope results in a more uniform frequency response, which is vital in the reproduction of

classic music. Nevertheless, this can be achieved by adopting the much gen tler (1st order) filter slope with appropriate correct ing circuit (equalizati on).

Curre nt IAG loudspeakers

Classic Series -

Li ncol n HCP -

Richmond Anniversary

Twin-Pipe Tech no logy (TPT) bass load ing -

A meld of quarter wave length 四分之一波长 and

Mission EX-800 Series -

MX Series -

79 Series -

Active subwoofers -


Quad Electrostatic loudspeakers (ESL)

2905, ESL 2805

Dynamic loudspeakers -

L Series, L2 Series

Studio monitors

11 L Classic

Wharfedale Airedale Classic Heritage -

Neo -

Opus Series —

Evo Series - Castle Knight Series

reflex loadings

Models ESL

Diamond 10 -

Diamond 9 -

Obsidian HCP -

Active subwoofers -

SPC Series - SPC 8, SPC 10, SPC 12

Multi-channel versus Stereo (2-channel)

何谓,,,声道? “.1 ”代表超低音声道( LowFrequency Effect )。

Front speaker (main speaker) 前置扬声器

Centre speaker 中置扬声器

Surround speakers 环绕扬声器

Rear speaker 后置扬声器

Side speaker 旁置扬声器

Subwoofer 超低音箱for low frequency effect (LFE)

What does a subwoofer do? Why active subwoofers?

.1/.2 一个或两个超低音何者较优?
