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附近那家电影院可容纳一千名观众。(副词) She is staying at a nearby hotel.
(1) Do you get along well? We have known each other…
(2) How long have you known each other? (3) Did they live far away from you? (4) Do you meet each other very often? (5) How often do you see each other?
Where do you live? Do you like your neighborhood?
Do you live alone or with your family? Do you have any sisters or brothers?
Where are our parents from?
Lishuo’s name means happy and prosperous. She has three brothers, but her parents love her most.
Preview the new words and phrases
1. cope with problems _____处__理__问__题___________ 2. How well do you know···?_______有_多__了__解__________ 3. live alone or with your family ___独__住__还_是__跟__家__人__一_起__住___ 4. get together ____聚__会__,__见_面___________ 5. every three years ____每_三__年_______________ 6. get along well ____相__处__融__洽____________ 7. know each other for a long time _______相_识__已__久__________ 8. at Spring Festival _____在__春__节_____________ 9. How long have you known each other? _____你__们_认__识__多__久__了______ 10. live far away from _____住__得__很__远___________ 11. meet each other very often ____经_常__见__面_____________ 12. the circle of friends _____朋__友__圈_____________ 13. would rather __宁__愿__,__宁__可______
A. My aunt is coming to visit us!
cousin:1.同辈兄弟姐妹 2.表亲 3.堂兄弟姊 妹,表兄 弟姊妹
get along (with sb.)与get on (with sb.):
Do you get along well?
get along (with sb.) 与 get on (with sb.) 同义, “与某人和睦相处,关系良好”。
Use the questionnaire to interview your partner about his/her family and friends. Write down your partner’s answers. Then tell the class the interesting things about him/her. (p20)
questionnaire: 问卷调查 neighborhood: 邻居 nearby:在附近,不远 prosperous: 繁荣的,昌盛的 circle: 圈子,阶层;圆 occasionally: 偶尔,有时候 seldom:罕见,难得 loner:独来独往的人 network:网络,关系网
Listening and Speaking
e.g. She has never really got along/on with her cousin. 她从来没有跟她表妹和睦相处过。
I wish my cousins lived nearby but they don’t. nearby可用作副词或形容词。 e.g. The cinema nearby can seat 1000 people.
Ask your partner about his/her friends/ relatives with the above expressions. Then complete the table below. (p22,3)
Work in pairs and complete the conversation below.
Family and Friends
wk.baidu.com How well do
Your Name
What’s your name? What does your name mean? Are you named after someone?
Your Family
Your Friends
family Do you have a lot of friends?
Are your friends from school, or your neighborhood? What are your friends like?
friends? Do you and your friends get together a lot? What do you do when you get together?