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补正气,疗虚损,抗衰老,本方适合内伤劳倦或老年体弱久病身瘦之人,伴有心 慌气短,体虚自汗,食欲不症等
Peach blossom whitening prescription(桃花白面方)
prescription(处方): Orange peel(橘皮)30g Chinesewaxgourd (冬瓜仁)30g Peach Blossom( 桃花)50g
Beauty & health
Today,we will show you show you some
knowlage about chinese medicine
Strengthening the spleen and replenishing qi porridge(健脾益气 粥)
prescription(处方): Chinese yam(山药) 20g Codonopsis pilosula(党参)10g Astragalus (黄芪)10g Coix Sead(薏仁)10g wheat(小麦)20g ormosia(红豆) 20g polished round-grained rice(粳米)50g The right amount of sugar(适量白糖)
preparation(制法): Section of astragalus, codonopsis, wrapped, yam slices, together with other medicine material and water, boil into porridge, remove the yam package need not, add rock sugar to taste
Cultivate one's morality breast enhancement of porridge(修身丰胸粥)
prescription(处方): Coix Seed(薏仁)50g medlar(枸杞)15g Chinese yam(山药) 15g the root of kudzu vine(葛根)30g polished round-grained rice(粳米 )50g
将黑豆洗干净,蒸熟后晒干,再蒸熟晒干,反复三次,储存备用,将黑豆加适量 清水,文火煮烂,熬成膏状,储存备用。
Uesage(用法): Steamed black beans with weak brine eat twice a day, three grams every time, every time when shampoo available black bean paste daub on the hair, towel wash after 10 minutes.
preparation(制法): Washed clean black beans and steamed dried, and then steamed dried, repeated three times, to store backup, black beans with right amount water, simmer, boil into a paste, store and set aside
Uesage(用法): Eating it with an empty stomach when it is warm
将黄芪,党参切片,用布包裹,山药切块,与其他药料一起加水,熬成粥,取出 山药包不用,加冰糖调味。
Uesage(用法): Eating on an empty stomach when it is warm every morning.
Effect(功效): Vital qi, cure is deficient, anti-aging, his own suitable for internal injuries LaoJuan fire frail elderly, thin body, long illness accompanied by flustered shortness of breath, body spontaneous sweating, loss of appetite, etc
蒸熟的黑豆用淡盐水一天吃两次,每次三克左右,每次洗头时可用黑豆膏涂抹在 头发上,毛巾包裹十分钟后洗去。
Effect(功效): Embellish hair black hair, suitable for young bald or weigh, early white, or the old man with white hair.
preparation(制法): Yam peel after cutting, and other raw materials adding water into the pot boiled together, yam boiled - brown.
preparation(制法): After the drugs baked-on, ground into a fine powder, mixed evenly
将上述药物焙干后,磨成细粉,混合均匀即可 Uesage(用法):
After meals with warm wine to eat a tablespoon at a time, one or two times a day饭后用温酒送服,每次一汤匙,每日1—2次
Effect(功效): Invigorate the circulation of expectorant and whitening raise color 祛痰活血,美白养颜
Black beans make hair black prescription(乌发 黑豆方)
prescription(处方): Black beans(黑豆)500g