新时代交互英语读写译2 答案




新时代交互英语第二册读写译答案Key to Unit 5 --- Level 2prehension of the Text1.Part 1: Jody-Anne, the 71st Scripps Howard Spelling Bee ChampParas 1—2: the last word with which Jody-Anne won the spelling bee. Paras 3: the significance of Jody-Anne’s winning the contestPart 2: Jody-Anne’s preparation for the spelling beePara. 4: preparation for the Jamaican national spelling beePara. 5: drilling for the 71st Scripps Howard Spelling BeePart 3: After the contestPara 6: the prizes Jody-Anne wonPara 7-8: the interview after the Spelling BeePara. 9: public recognition Jody-Anne got when she returned to Jamaica.2. discussion:1) Jody-Anne prepared for the spelling bee with a coach. She studied an entire dictionary, including root words and their original meanings.2) She might become a lawyer.3) A spelling bee is similar to a sporting event because it involves competition. It requires mental abilities, though not physical talent. Both events require stamina, patience, etc.II.Reciting.III.V ocabulary & Structureplete the sentences1)marvelous2)corporate3)prime4)via5)Championship6)Original7)Mounted8)Illusion2.Rewrite1)my signature is similar to yours;.2)Are working far apart3)He studied hard and his hard work paid off.4)Congratulating her on winning the Sports Trophy. IV.Banked Cloze1)congratulated2)mounted3)promised4)scholarship5)graduate6)proud7)combined8)benefit9)champion10)excusedV.Translation1.Chinese to English1)All the other spellers had been eliminated.2)She competed against (with) 248 spellers, aged nine to fifteen.3)National finals4)Fun, relaxed atmosphere2.English to Chinese1)这个“第一”可不仅仅是来自牙买加金斯敦的八年级女生乔迪.安妮的“第一”,而且还是牙买加人第一次在美国拼单词比赛中夺冠,是非美国本土选手第一次在该比赛中夺冠。



Unit1.1. 1) saw emigration as an option or staying on the brink of starvation and death athome.2). at rates much lower than other Americans3). wind up sweeping floors or working as night watchmen.2. 1) 那些出于经济原因移民的人常被误导。




Unit21. 1) I shouted to Ashley to get to higher ground and I linked arms with Ray. We started wading thr ough horrendous currents to the trees, clambeing up with Iona and Euan on our backs.2) Then I realized the water was rising and big waves were rolling in.3)Ferocious waves crashed around Stephen Boulton as he waded through swirling water toward his screaming wife and kids.4) Stephen helped the hotel manager find supplies in case no help came for a few days.5) Ray was crying her eyes out and begging me to get on with her. But I couldn’t do that because it wasn’t fair.2.1)这样他们才会安全---海浪已经卷走了很多人的生命,但他们的位置比海浪高些。



Keys to the exercises of the Unit 5III. Vocabulary & S tructure•1. 1) marvelous 2) interviewed 3) congratulate 4) prime•5) via 6) formula 7) Originally 8) mounted •9) destination 10) illusion•2.•1) Look, my signature is similar to yours; it’s really difficult to tell them apart.•2) She and her husband are working far apart with one in Paris and the other in Peru.•3) John made an A in the examination because he studied hard and his hard work paid off.•4) Because the scheme takes too much of my time, I’d like to be excused from further participation in it.•5) We sent Pat an email, congratulating her on winning the Sports Trophy.•IV. Banked Cloze• 1. C 2. L 3. H 4. B 5. M• 6. K7. F8. J9. O10. G•V. T ranslation• 1.•1) had been eliminated•2) competed against (with)•3) national finals•4) fun, relaxed atmosphere•5) The long hours of studying paid off•1)这个¡°第一¡±可不仅仅是来自牙买加金斯敦的八年级女生乔迪¡¤安妮的¡°第一¡±,而且还是牙买加人第一次在美国拼单词比赛中夺冠,是非美国本土选手第一次在该比赛中夺冠。



新时代交互英语2答案目录新时代交互英语2答案 (1)unit 1 (2)unit 2 (3)unit 3 (4)unit 4 (4)unit 6 (6)unit 7 (7)unit 8 (9)unit 9 (10)unit 10 (11)unit 11 (13)unit 12 (14)unit 13 (15)新时代交互英语level2答案(test C) (23)UNIT 1 23 132213 312 32211 drink ice lemon start think going have salad side back BAEDC 1324 221312 11211 1223123 13133312 1131131 vacation fantastic island beach beautiful mile expensive anyone along stayed EDCBA 2413 231322322 11212 213211122212122232113DABEC3122133123122211213212UNIT 4313212333222333feelingcoldnosethroatcoughbreathechesthomesoupdayBCAED12121213311123121131211121213212UNIT5:b-ab-a-a-a-c-a-a-ca-b-a---------------------------------a-c-astaydinnerstoreplacedriveturnstraightmissfinde-d-b-a-cb-aatatondowncloseina-b-a-bb-a-bUNIT 6--------------------------b-b-b-c-apartyfunlookoutfitvampirespeopledresscandydanceplayerc-e-d-b-ab-c-b-b-ab-a-b-b-aa-b-b-a-ab-b-b-a-c-b-a-bUNIT 7a-c-b-c-a-aa-c-c-----------------------------------------c-a-c-c-cnavigatestoressidelookbestcompareskywalkrestaurantspizzasclothesb-d-e-c-ac-a-c-b-canysomesomesomesomea-a-b-b-ba-b-c-c-b-a-c-aUNIT 8b-cc-c-b-a-a-ac-c-b--------------------------b-a-a-a-adifficultwrongdressedwearingschoolnakedcoveredshortshoesd-a-b-c-ec-a-b-aspendingto speakto goenoughshould applytry to goto ask aboutto find outverytooa-a-b-a-ba-b-aUNIT 9b-ab-b-b-c-b-c---------------------------------------a-b-a-c-bgoodhorriblefoodtriprudeculturegroupmuseumsexperienceboringb-c-d-e-aa-b-c-b-cb-c-a-c-aa-a-a-a-ac-a-b-b-b-aUNIT 10c-c-b-b-b-cb-b-c----------------------a-a-c-b-cplace apartment bedrooms distancefloors decorate monthutilitiesPetswasherd-a-e-b-cc-c-b-b-cb-a-b-c-aa-b-a-b-aa-b-b-c-b-aUNIT 11c-aa-a-a-c-a-a-ac-c-b-------------------------------b-a-b-a-ahouseapartmentparentsbornareafromgrewcornercollegemoneyb-c-a-e-da-c-a-b-ayouryourstheirthemb-a-a-a-ba-a-a-a-b-bUNIT 12a-bc-a-c-b-a-cb-c-c-----------------------------------b-a-a-a-afavoriteAmericanforeignChineseItalianMexicanspicyeatenchickenb-a-d-e-ca-b-c-c-cb-b-c-c-aa-b-a-b-ab-b-b-b-c-aUNIT 13cbbcbcbcbacaaccadegreejobfamilybusinesscommutesalarymoneymaybeimportantadbecbcbacacbaaabbabccbaca阶段测试:新时代交互英语level2答案(test A) Sam Says,....a-c-b-a-bHi,Chris,....wasweredidhavespentmuchKevin:....Super Math...Well,I'm...What do you...We need...All you...Mm-hmmm...Then you...Kate asks...b-c-a-b---------------------------------At the airpot... reservebrowsedeletefaresRob:Jenny...waitressnervousresponsiblepunctualIt sounds...c-a-a-a-b---------------------------------Doctor....canhave toTakemake sure Dave....a slice of tomato Someiced tea Dave....a-b-a-----------------------------I saw you....a-b-b-aLOS-an-ge-les....Which....a-b------------------------------Nurse:....c-b-b-c-c-aCan I....a-b-a-b新时代交互英语level2答案(test B) Kevin:Super....How canadddoclickWhereVoice:Thank....attoisWhat does....a-b-c-a-b Luis:....meanhavegetonGot---------------------------------Kate:Ana....have a data nauseousachesfeverpharmacyto get dressedsingleAre you coming....b-a-b-a-c-bLaura....supermarketcakefloristblocksTake a rightintersection------------------------------------------------Nurse:Hello....am callingneedfeelmakewilltooTheshould comeWheretaketurnonEmi:I am....should takePardomam packingLaura:....to helpmakeenoughgetmight----------------------------------DRIVE away....b-a-----------------------------------------------Gil:I think....a-a-bWhat are....b-b-b-b-a---------------------------------------------新时代交互英语LEVEL2答案(TESTC)Ana:What....happenforgotbaggage claimwasWhat is....c-b-aThank you....aretwoviewfurnishedLuis's....b-a-c-a-b------------------------------------Dr.Han....interviewdelayedluggagebaggage claimLet's meetb-b-b-c-a-a-aNeed a....oceanmountainstoursriverconvenient-------------------------------------told understood methavedecidedamMax:hello.... werewas studying metweren'tdidn't have FirstThenfinallywere you living Two children.... NoNoYesNoYesNoYesYesNo------------------------------------"talked"b-aWhere's your....b-a-b"apartments"c-a absoLUTEly....a-a-b-b-a-------------------------------------Where's....a-c-cb-c-a-b-c期末测试:新时代交互英语LEVEL2答案(LEVE L TES T)Dave tells....a-b-a-cSo,Rick....weirdestsnailthingforeigncuisinemeateatervegetarianstufffavoriteChinesefoodisgreat Dave:.... lettuce goIt'llI really.... really niceofyou makearight out there fabulous bakery keep goingIloveitthatdoesn'tsoundtoohardDoes the....a-c-------------------------------------Richard:....responsiblebrowsingdownloadedfarereserveThe little....c-a-c-aTwo high....odersmealssmall business owner talentedTwo friends....feverprescriptionpharmacyTake a rightblocks--------------------------------------The friends....Happy BirthdayWhat did you sayOh,noI'm sorryatSee you soon Answering....YesNoNoNoYes----------------------------注意,此章节答案仅为原作者做的答案!请注意题目是否相配!"suit"....c-bHere you....NoNoYesNoShirt....b-a-a"takes"....-ccproJECT....noyesyesThose areyesnono-----------------------------------------Rearrange the sentences....The general manager is expected to give a speech at the annual meetingSarah got three good job offers so that she can't decide which on e to take upI was running late and missed my boyfriend by five minutesA good economy will help to bring the const of living down agai nMarry: a-b-a-b-c。


3/3 1.help=home 2.homework=who
5文档来源为 :从网络收集整理 .word 版本可编辑 .
文档来源为 :从网络收集整理 .word 版本可编辑 .欢迎下载支持 . 6文档来源为 :从网络收集整理 .word 版本可编辑 .
文档来源为 :从网络收集整理 .word 版本可编辑 .欢迎下载支持 .
文档来源为 :从网络收集整理 .word 版本可编辑 .欢迎下载支持 . 15文档来源为 :从网络收集整理 .word 版本可编辑 .
文档来源为 :从网络收集整理 .word 版本可编辑 .欢迎下载支持 . 16文档来源为 :从网络收集整理 .word 版本可编辑 .
文档来源为 :从网络收集整理 .word 版本可编辑 .欢迎下载支持 . 17文档来源为 :从网络收集整理 .word 版本可编辑 .
12文档来源为 :从网络收集整理 .word 版本可编辑 .
文档来源为 :从网络收集整理 .word 版本可编辑 .欢迎下载支持 . 13文档来源为 :从网络收集整理 .word 版本可编辑 .
文档来源为 :从网络收集整理 .word 版本可编辑 .欢迎下载支持 . 14文档来源为 :从网络收集整理 .word 版本可编辑 .
文档来源为 :从网络收集整理 .word 版本可编辑 .欢迎下载支持 .
Unit 1 Unite2 Unite3 Unite4 Unite5 2/4 的答案为 was,were,did,have,spent,much
1文档来源为 :从网络收集整理 .word 版本可编辑 .
文档来源为 :从网络收集整理 .word 版本可编辑 .欢迎下载支持 . 2文档来源为 :从网络收集整理 .word 版本可编辑 .



Level 2 Unit 1第一部分第1.2小节不做。

第3小节 1.rough 2.exceeding 3.stand out 4.Witnesses 5.rejected 6. adopted 7.flowed in 8.emerged 9.To seek out 10.resolve第4小节不做。

第5小节 1.inclined 2.refugees 3.establishment 4.exclusively 5.rescued 6.abandoned 7.sought 8.exceed 9.matched 10.nourish第6.7.8小节不做第二部分不做。

第三部分第1小节 1.itness 2.esolved 3.dopted 4.escued 5.xceed 6.rief 7.elatively 8.ray 9.wist 10.rgan第2小节 1.sought out 2.As for 3.died from 4.go through 5.recovering from 第3小节 1.slums 2.care 3.proved 4.revered 5.saint 6.specifically 7.reject 8.emerged 9.cheerfulness 10.dignity第4小节(此部分每个人做都会有不同的顺序,记得要好好看题) 1.D(with):after 2.C(implore):imploring 3.B(after):since 4.D(be offered):offer 5.C(choke up):choking up 6.D(talk):talk to 7.B(keeping):keep 8.A(how):what 9.C(so):neither 10.C(collecting):collected第5.6节不做。

OVERLEVEL 2 UNIT 23/16:1.numerous 2.diverse 3.immense 4.transform 5.maintain6.ambition7.tremendously8.crucial4/16:1.transfering 2.previous 3.style 4.miserable 5.unique6.convincing7.notion8.adaptedponents 10.goals5/16:munity 2.diverse 3.transfer municate 5.pursue6.integrate7.obtaining8.significant9.encountered 10.maintain11/16:1.diminished 2.convinced 3.diverse 4.previous 5.transferred 6.effect 7.rate 8.mood 9.performed 10.motivate12/16:1.take ( into account) 3.familiar with 4.result in 5.participate more in 6.prior to13/161.obstacle2.transform3.frustrated4.curiosity5.place6.appreciate7.notions 8.elements 9.suggest 10.send14/161.C(adapted):be adapted2.A(On):At2.B(tap):tapping 4.C(was):were 5.A(to preserve):preserving6.B(perform):to perform7.A(on):about8.C(structuring):structured9.D(earns):earned 10.C(with):toLEVEL 2 UNIT3/3第一节:1.ortune 2.ommitting 3.ooted 4.nspired 5.ooked ined 7.eans 8.ssumed 9.ntense 10.eputation第二节:1.as long as 2.make a difference 3.showing off 4.take,up 5.workingout第三节:1.optimist 2.toughest 3.possible 4.deadly 5.diagnostic 6.paid -7.possibilities 8.creativity 9.solve 10.achievements第四节:(此部分每个人做都会有不同的顺序,记得要好好看题)1.B:watching 2.B:whose 3.B:as 4.A:improving 5.C:the death of a child 6.C:as 7.C:alive 8.C:being 9.C:beneficial 10.B:givingUNIT 41/3 第三节 1.hung around 2.discouraged 3.recalled 4.essential5.curiosity6.kept in touch7.resist8.qualify9.addition 10.came out -第五节 1.cleaing 2.essential 3.resistance 4.discouraged 5.through 6.single-minded 7.Naturally 8.lift 9.so es3/3 第一节 1.essestial 2.curious 3.recall 4.discouraged 5.qualifies 6.postponed 7.embraced 8.further 9.confine 10.prejudice第二节 1.hanging around 2.started out 3.keep in touch 4.leave for 5.make something of yourselves第三节 1.identify 2.addition 3.conducted 4.broaden 5.beyond 6.out 7.apply 8.scientific 9.profound 10.affect第四节(此部分每个人做都会有不同的顺序,记得要好好看题)1.C:beyond 2.D:had attended 3.A:As 4.C:that 5.C:willing 6.D:uneducated 7.C:that 8.A:had been given 9.D:fleeing 10.B: takingUNIT 51/3 第三节 1.marvelous 2.interviewed 3.congratulate 4.prime 5.via 6.formuma 7.Originally 8.mounted 9.destination 10.illusion第四节 1.my signature is similar to yours 2.are working far apart 3.he studied hard and his hard work paid off 4.takes too much of my time ,I'd like to be excused from further participation5.congratulating her on winning the Sports Trophy第五节 1.congratulated 2.mounted 3.promised 4.scholarship 5.graduate 6.proud bined 8.benefit 9.champion 10.excused3/3 第一节 1.hampion 2.ongratulate 3.ormula 4.llusion 5.riginally 6.enerate 7.erived 8.riority 9.espite 10.mposed第二节 1.are similar to 2.excused from 3.pay off 4.in other words 5.related to第三节 1.advice 2.lose sight of 3.plus m4.arvelous 5.formula 6.encouraged 7.favorite 8.finals 9.relaxed 10.atmosphere第四节(此部分每个人做都会有不同的顺序,记得要好好看题)1.A:In the case of 2.D:off 3.B:in 4.B: staged 5.D:satisifying 6.D:that 7.A:graduated 8.C:were 9.B:blame 10.B:toUNIT 61/3 第三节1.controversy 2.proposed 3.implement 4.varies 5.renewed6.critical7.maintain8.opposing9.fav or 10.burden第四节1.proven 2.literate 3. second 4.native 5.more 6.cou rses 7.argue 8.opposed 9.work 10.immigrants3/3 第一节1.transitional 2.maintaining 3.concepts 4.proponents 5.pr oposing 6.fascinated 7.lump 8.swarm 9.union 10.scared 第二节1.other than 2.serve ..as 3. point out 4.slipped out of 5.banded together第三节1.immersed 2.effective 3.concepts 4.controversial5.variety6.critics7.burden8.immigrants9.addition 10.bilingual第四节(此部分每个人做都会有不同的顺序,记得要好好看题)1.B: be given 2.C: should take/take 3.B: was told 4. B:more likely to 5. D: should be spent 6. C: were required 7. A: in which 8.C: during which 9.C: should be considered/be considered 10.A: having been worked out UNIT 71/3第三节 1.norms 2.proof 3.viewpoint 4.inherit 5.outlook ck 7.particular 8.undertook 9.prompted 10.response第五节 1.measure 2.有事要忙,这几天补上,后面的测试也会发到这里!开始补了:(5月16了,唉)第五节 1.measure 2.statements 3.helpless 4.depressing 5.suffer 6.extreme 7.trait 8.undertake 9.generally10.researchers3/3第一节 1.nteracts 2.esponse 3.ack 4.iewpoint 5.redicted 6.haracteristic 7.onservative 8.riented 9.lexible 10.eeking第二节 1.lead to 2.backed up ck of 4.figure out 5.search for第三节 1.personality 2.passed 3.interacting 4.contribute 5.factors 6.particular 7.involved 8.control 9.associated 10.depression第四节(顺序有所不同,认真看题啊)1.C:rather than 2.A:with 3.C:half of whom 4.D:to which 5.D:that 6.B:compared to 7.D:leading 8.D:no matter where 9.C:that it 10.D:inUNIT 81/3第三节: 1.supportive 2.emerged 3.conveyed 4.intended plaints6.romantic7.misinterpreting8.positively9.emotional 10.engage[B]第四节: 1.he put it in his pocket instead of his mouth2.as a means of imparting and receiving information3.lead to job cuts in public schools4.on the verge of starvation5.assuming you're by the sea i assuming you are by the sea第五节:1.seldom 2.expect 3.factual 4.various 5.intended plaints -7.respond 8.mislead 9.conveying 10.argument3/3第一节:1.conveyed plaints 3.intended 4.emotional 5.ignored 6.illustrate 7.typical 8.collapsed 9.insight 10.professional第二节:1.in contrast to 2.as a means of 3.on the verge of 4.looks you straight in the eye 5.give them away第三节:municated 2.assistance 3.conflict 4.instead 5.full y 6.similar 7.emphasis 8.emerged 9.misunderstandings 10.acceptance第四节:(顺序有所不同,注意认真看题)1.A:Sensitizing 2.C:is used to using speech 3.B:misinterpreted 4.D:a little 5.D:delivered 6.D: what 7.C:comes 8.A:in which 9.C:is focused on 10.D:positively[/B] level test1/1第一节:1.resolve 2.miracles 3.adapt 4.hooked 5.intense 6.postponed 7.generate 8.proposed 9.response 10.typical第二节:municate with 2.in favor of 3.watched out for 4.made a big differance 5.stood out第三节:1.variety 2.critics 3.places 4.money 5.immigrants 6.reason 7.have 8.addition 9.programs 10.successful第四节: 1.Tell...A:information 2.The...B:that 3.They...D:understood puters...B:giving 5.After...D:did we hear 6.I am...B:it 7.Is...C:whose 8.That's...A:what 9.The job...D:get used to 10.The reason...C:that。



Key to Exercises of Unit 1Reading 1III. Vocabulary & Structure1.rough 2) exceeding 3) stand out 4) Witnesses 5) rejected6) adopted 7) flowed in 8) emerged 9) To seek out 10) (should) resolve2.1) founded in the slums of Calcutta an order that grew into an international movement.2) was already resolved to become a nun.3) what she said was without doubt a call from God4) more strict than in other orders because, in Mother Teresa’s view, “to be able to love the poor and know the poor we must be poor ourselves.”5) a familiar figure at scenes of disaster.IV. Banked ClozeJ C F B O M G A N IV. Translation1.1) to reject a human soul in need2) the love and cheerfulness that permeated the wards3) forced her to announce her retirement4) giving cause for concern5) adopted the religious name2.1) 身着修女袍的她证明了“信仰诚,大山移”这一真理。



新时代交互英语第二册读写译答案Unit 8I.Comprehension of the Text1.1) They didn’t start judging or fighting. Instead, they pulled out their phrase dictionaries to understand each other more fully. If that didn’t work they went to a translator for help.2) They had the same words, but the way they were used was different, with different connotations or emotional emphasis.3) The use of various superlatives, metaphors and generalizations distinguishes women’s talk.4) Men often misinterpret women by mistakenly taking the expressions of them literally.5) Unclear and unloving communication.. 6) Men’s misunderstanding of the intended meaning of women might make them respond unsupportively to women’s expressing their feelings.7) Men and women use different languages and such a fact leads to misunderstanding and misinterpretation between them. It’s important to properly understand and interpret each other’s language for better communication and relationship. Students’ thoughts on this argument may vary.III. Vocabulary & Structure (P.153)1.1) supportive 2) emerged 3) conveyed 4) intended5) complaints 6)conflict 7) misinterpreting 8) quit9) misleading 10) ignore2.1)When he offered the young man some chocolate, he observed thathe put it in his pocket instead of his mouth.2) I don’t talk for long on the phone, I regard it as a means ofimparting and receiving information.3) He warned yesterday that a pay rise for teachers would lead to jobcuts in public schools.4) Every $20 you give can help provide aa day’s emergency rationsof grain and oil for 300 African Children on the verge ofstarvation.5) When you are on holiday, assuming you’re by the sea, you canmake the best of natural marine elements.IV.1. O2. H3. D4. K5. G6. L7. J8. C9. A 10. BV. Translation1. 1) They pulled out their phrase dictionaries to understand each other more fully.2) invalidate and argue with woman3) on the verge of arguing4) they had different connotations or emotional emphasis5) quit their jobs2. 1) 母女俩还是朋友,她在其他母女关系中可没见过这种独特的友谊。



Unit 2 DisastersI. Comprehension of the text1.discuss the following questions with your partners and then fill in the blanks with theinformation from the text.1). Thanks to Stephen’s heorism, his wife and three children managed to survive the Asiantsunami disaster.2). He suddenly remembered the black and white movie he had seen as a kid. There had beena tidal wave and people tied themselves to the trees on the shore.3). Because Stephen had lost his job and had a stomach operation, they needed a break.4). Yes. It was for three reasons: a) It was Christmas Day; b) Three kids got their presents; c)It was Stepehn’s birthday.5). There had been a tremor that morening but they hardly noticed it except Ray.6). He saw a white wave rising and rolling in.7). He grabbed his family’s wet beach towels and straped each of them into the branches ofthe trees. They were sitting in a tree until the wave swept out.8). He tried to help surviors find supplies in case no help came for a few days.9). She said that he was their hero and that she and the kids would have died if it weren’t forStephen.2.1) Stephen was regarded as a hero by his family for his bravery in the tsunami.2) When they arrived on the island of Kandooma they were so tired because of the long flightthat they went straight to bed.3) When Stephen knew these were no ordinary waves, he told Ashley to head back to thebeach and move their bags to higher ground.4) As soon as Stephen worked out it was a tsunami, he managed to get his family to higherground and strap them into the branches of trees.5). The Boultons catch the first available flight back to Britain the following day after itbecame clear that the giant wave wasn’t coming back.3. Work in a group of four and complete the following table.III. vocabulary & Structure1. 1) religious d. 2) tsunami e. 3) heroism a. 4) surround b.5) mode c. 6) dash i. 7) recede k. 8) freezing l.9) tense f. 10) hysterical j. 11) coordinate h. 12) panic g.2. 1) rather than clear (并非那么清澈)2)either of them had fallen(两个人中有一个跌倒)3)did he realize the scale of the disaster(他才意识到这场灾难的程度)4)they were giving up hope(他们快要绝望之时)5)should have seen Euran’s face(真该看看尤安的表情)6)It was only after we’d flown back to Glasgow(只有飞回到格拉斯哥以后)7)would have died(可能就没命了)3.Replace the underlined words or expressions in the following sentences with words orexpressions from the box that best keep the original meanings. Change the form where necessary. There are two extra words or expressions which you do not need to use.1)Thanks to2)work out3)stricken4)survived5)Before we knew it6)did a head count7)slept through8)let go of9)available10)thrilledIV. Translation1.Translate the following sentences into english, using the phrases and expressions fromReading 1.1)我大声喊着让阿什利到更高的地方去,同时我和瑞挽着手,背上背着爱奥纳和尤安,在惊涛骇浪里艰难地向岸上的树的方向走去。


many assume the United States is a melting pot because many people from different nationalities live there and share one common culture. In reality, the United States is more of a mosaic than a melting pot.
7) sacrifice
8). Insulting
1. 那些出于经济原因移民的人常被误导。他们可能听说过无数发财 致富的故事,但事实绝非如此简单。 2. 那些出于冒险移居国外的人对此不以为然,但学一门新的语言要 占用他们为过上好生活挣钱的时间。 3. 不论一个人出于什么原因移民,都会给新的国家带来比手艺和 工作热情更重要的东西:勇气。



Level 2 Unit 1第一部分第1.2小节不做。

第3小节 1.rough 2.exceeding 3.stand out 4.Witnesses 5.rejected 6. adopted 7.flowed in 8.emerged 9.To seek out 10.resolve第4小节不做。

第5小节 1.inclined 2.refugees 3.establishment 4.exclusively 5.rescued 6.abandoned 7.sought 8.exceed 9.matched 10.nourish第6.7.8小节不做第二部分不做。

第三部分第1小节 1.itness 2.esolved 3.dopted 4.escued 5.xceed 6.rief 7.elatively 8.ray 9.wist 10.rgan第2小节 1.sought out 2.As for 3.died from 4.go through 5.recovering from 第3小节 1.slums 2.care 3.proved 4.revered 5.saint 6.specifically 7.reject 8.emerged 9.cheerfulness 10.dignity第4小节(此部分每个人做都会有不同的顺序,记得要好好看题) 1.D:after 2.C:imploring 3.B:since 4.D:offer 5.C:choking up 6.D:talk to 7.B:keep 8.A:what 9.C:neither 10.C:collected第5.6节不做。

OVERLEVEL 2 UNIT 21/3第三节:1.numerous 2.diverse 3.immense 4.transform 5.maintain6.ambition7.tremendously8.crucial第四节:1.transfering 2.previous 3.style 4.miserable 5.unique6.convincing7.motion8.adaptedponents 10.goals第五节:munity 2.diverse 3.transfer municate 5.pursue6.integrate7.obtaining8.significant9.encountered 10.maintain3/3第一节:1.diminished 2.convinced 3.diverse 4.previous 5.transferred 6.effect 7.rate 8.mood 9.performed 10.motivate第二节:1.take into account 3.familiar with 4.result in 5.participate more in 6.prior to就这么多了,关键的2节没有,真不好意思1/3第三节:1.fortune 2.In a way mitted 4.creativity 5.make a difference6.on my own7.For all8.hooked9.inspired 10.diagnostic第五节:1.grade 2.hooked 3.barely pared 5.changed 6.vision 7.souned 8.optimisic 9.size 10.personalLEVEL 2 UNIT3/3第一节:1.ortune 2.ommitting 3.ooted 4.nspired 5.ooked ined 7.eans 8.ssumed 9.ntense 10.eputation第二节:1.as long as 2.make a difference 3.showing off 4.take,up 5.working out第三节:1.optimist 2.toughest 3.possible 4.deadly 5.diagnostic 6.paid -7.possibilities 8.creativity 9.solve 10.achievements第四节:(此部分每个人做都会有不同的顺序,记得要好好看题)1.B:watching 2.B:whose 3.B:as 4.A:improving 5.C:the death of a child 6.C:as 7.C:alive 8.C:being 9.C:beneficial 10.B:givingUNIT 41/3 第三节 1.hung around 2.discouraged 3.recalled 4.essential5.curiosity6.kept in touch7.resist8.qualify9.addition 10.came out -第五节 1.cleaing 2.essential 3.resistance 4.discouraged 5.through 6.single-minded 7.Naturally 8.lift 9.so es3/3 第一节 1.essestial 2.curious 3.recall 4.discouraged 5.qualifies 6.postponed 7.embraced 8.further 9.confine 10.prejudice第二节 1.hanging around 2.started out 3.keep in touch 4.leave for 5.make something of yourselves第三节 1.identify 2.addition 3.conducted 4.broaden 5.beyond6.out7.apply8.scientific9.profound 10.affect第四节(此部分每个人做都会有不同的顺序,记得要好好看题)1.C:beyond 2.D:had attended 3.A:As 4.C:that 5.C:willing 6.D:uneducated 7.C:that 8.A:had been given 9.D:fleeing 10.B: takingUNIT 51/3 第三节 1.marvelous 2.interviewed 3.congratulate 4.prime 5.via 6.formuma 7.Originally 8.mounted 9.destination 10.illusion第四节 1.my signature is similar to yours 2.are working far apart 3.he studied hard and his hard work paid off 4.takes too much of my time ,I'd like to be excused from further participation5.congratulating her on winning the Sports Trophy第五节 1.congratulated 2.mounted 3.promised 4.scholarship 5.graduate 6.proud bined 8.benefit 9.champion 10.excused3/3 第一节 1.hampion 2.ongratulate 3.ormula 4.llusion 5.riginally 6.enerate 7.erived 8.riority 9.espite 10.mposed第二节 1.are similar to 2.excused from 3.pay off 4.in other words 5.related to第三节 1.advice 2.lose sightof 3.plus m4.arvelous 5.formula 6.encouraged 7.favorite 8.finals 9.relaxed 10.atmosphere第四节(此部分每个人做都会有不同的顺序,记得要好好看题)1.A:In the case of 2.D:off 3.B:in 4.B: staged 5.D: satisifying 6.D:that 7.A:graduated 8.C:were 9.B: blame 10.B:toUNIT 61/3 第三节1.controversy 2.proposed 3.implement 4.varies 5.renewed 6.critical 7.maintain 8.opposing 9.favor 10.burden第四节1.proven2.literate3. second4.native5.more6.courses7.argue 8.opposed 9.work 10.immigrants3/3 第一节1.transitional 2.maintaining 3.concepts 4.proponents 5.proposing 6.fascinated 7.lump 8.swarm 9.union 10.scared第二节 1.other than 2.serve ..as 3. point out 4.slipped out of 5.banded together第三节 1.immersed 2.effective 3.concepts 4.controversial 5.variety 6.critics 7.burden 8.immigrants 9.addition 10.bilingual第四节(此部分每个人做都会有不同的顺序,记得要好好看题)1.B: be given 2.C: should take/take 3.B: was told 4. B:more likely to 5. D: should be spent 6. C: were required 7. A: in which 8.C: during which 9.C: should be considered/be considered 10.A: having been worked outUNIT 71/3第三节 1.norms 2.proof 3.viewpoint 4.inherit 5.outlook ck 7.particular 8.undertook 9.prompted 10.response第五节 1.measure 2.有事要忙,这几天补上,后面的测试也会发到这里!开始补了:(5月16了,唉)第五节 1.measure 2.statements 3.helpless 4.depressing 5.suffer 6.extreme 7.trait 8.undertake 9.generally10.researchers3/3第一节 1.nteracts 2.esponse 3.ack 4.iewpoint 5.redicted 6.haracteristic 7.onservative 8.riented 9.lexible 10.eeking第二节 1.lead to 2.backed up ck of 4.figure out 5.search for 第三节 1.personality 2.passed 3.interacting 4.contribute 5.factors 6.particular 7.involved 8.control 9.associated 10.depression第四节(顺序有所不同,认真看题啊)1.C:rather than 2.A:with 3.C:half of whom 4.D:to which 5.D:that 6.B:compared to 7.D:leading 8.D:no matter where 9.C:that it 10.D:inUNIT 81/3第三节: 1.supportive 2.emerged 3.conveyed 4.intended plaints6.romantic7.misinterpreting8.positively9.emotional 10.engage[B]第四节: 1.he put it in his pocket instead of his mouth2.as a means of imparting and receiving information3.lead to job cuts in public schools4.on the verge of starvation5.assuming you're by the sea i assuming you are by the sea第五节:1.seldom 2.expect 3.factual 4.various 5.intended plaints -7.respond 8.mislead 9.conveying 10.argument3/3第一节:1.conveyed plaints 3.intended 4.emotional 5.ignored 6.illustrate 7.typical 8.collapsed 9.insight 10.professional第二节:1.in contrast to 2.as a means of 3.on the verge of 4.looks you straight in the eye 5.give them away第三节:municated 2.assistance 3.conflict 4.instead 5.full y 6.similar 7.emphasis 8.emerged 9.misunderstandings 10.acceptance第四节:(顺序有所不同,注意认真看题)1.A:Sensitizing 2.C:is used to using speech 3.B:misinterpreted 4.D:a little 5.D:delivered 6.D: what 7.C:comes 8.A:in which 9.C:is focused on 10.D:positively[/B] 期末过关检测1/1第一节:1.resolve 2.miracles 3.adapt 4.hooked 5.intense 6.postponed 7.generate 8.proposed 9.response 10.typical第二节:municate with 2.in favor of 3.watched out for 4.made a big differance 5.stood out第三节:1.variety 2.critics 3.places 4.money 5.immigrants 6.reason 7.have 8.addition 9.programs 10.successful第四节: 1.Tell...A:information 2.The...B:that 3.They...D:understood puters...B:giving 5.After...D:did we hear 6.I am...B:it 7.Is...C:whose 8.That's...A:what 9.The job...D:get used to 10.The reason...C:that。



新时代交互英语读写译2单词整理各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢篇一:新时代交互英语读写译2答案新时代交互英语读写译2级答案(此文档系列由幻化的光影整理)Level 2 Unit 1第一部分第小节不做。

第3小节out 6. adopted in seek out第4小节不做。


第三部分第1小节第2小节out for form through from 第3小节第4小节(此部分每个人做都会有不同的顺序,记得要好好看题):after :imploring :since :offer :choking up :talk to :keep:what :neither :collected第节不做。

OVERLEVEL 2 UNIT 21/3第三节:第四节:第五节:3/3第一节:第二节:into account with in more in to就这么多了,关键的2节没有,真不好意思1/3第三节: a way a differencemy own all第五节:LEVEL 2 UNIT 3/3第一节:第二节:long as a difference off ,up out第三节:-第四节:(此部分每个人做都会有不同的顺序,记得要好好看题):watching :whose :as :improving :the death of a child :as :alive:being :beneficial :givingUNIT 41/3 第三节aroundin touch out -第五节3/3 第一节第二节around out in touch forsomething of yourselves第三节第四节(此部分每个人做都会有不同的顺序,记得要好好看题):beyond:had attended :As :that :willing :uneducated :that:had been given :fleeing : takingUNIT 51/3 第三节第四节signature is similar to yours working far apart studied hard and his hard work paid off too much of my time ,I’d like to be excused from further participationher on winning the Sports Trophy第五节3/3 第一节第二节similar to from off other words to第三节sight第四节(此部分每个人做都会有不同的顺序,记得要好好看题):In the case of :::::that ::::toUNIT 61/3 第三节第四节3. second3/3 第一节第二节..as 3. point out out of together第三节第四节(此部分每个人做都会有不同的顺序,记得要好好看题): be given : should take/take : was told 4. B:more likely to 5. D: should be spent 6. C: were required 7. A: in which : during which : should be considered/be considered : having been worked outUNIT 71/3第三节第五节 2.有事要忙,这几天补上,后面的测试也会发到这里!开始补了:(5月16了,唉)第五节3/3第一节第二节to up of out for第三节第四节(顺序有所不同,认真看题啊):rather than :with :half of whom :to which :that :compared to :leading :no matter where :that it :inUNIT 81/3第三节:[B]第四节:put it in his pocket instead of his moutha means of imparting and receiving informationto job cuts in public schoolsthe verge of starvationyou’re by the sea i assuming you are by the sea第五节:-3/3第一节:第二节:contrast to a means of the verge of you straight in the eye them away第三节:y第四节:(顺序有所不同,注意认真看题):Sensitizing :is used to using speech :misinterpreted :a little :delivered : what :comes:in which :is focused on :positively[/B] 期末过关检测1/1第一节:第二节:with favor of out for a big differance out第三节:第四节:..A:information ..B:that..D:understood ..B:giving ..D:did we hearam...B:it ..C:whose ‘s...A:what job...D:get used to 10.The reason...C:that篇二:新时代交互英语读写译2网络版答案第一单元福利来了,前面略过,直接上练习答案。

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