

2、系统技术架构先进管理系统提供B/S为主C/S辅助的服务体系架构,提供文印中心服务器、打印站点、虚拟打印驱动,采用三层架构,客户端不连接数据库,客户端不直接输出到打印机,文印中心服务器是打印提交、计费、调度、管理、查询服务的中心平台,安全性及系统响应性能好,支持不限制文档格式、不限制软件的云打印管理模式,支持刷卡打印,支持师生通过WEB 查询、管理个人文印事务的服务。


安全要求规格书srs全文共四篇示例,供读者参考第一篇示例:安全要求规格书SRS(Safety Requirement Specification)是软件项目开发过程中必不可少的一份文档,它主要用于描述软件系统中的安全要求和需求。
二、安全要求规格书的编写内容1. 系统概述:对软件系统做一个简要的介绍,包括系统的功能、用途、目标用户等。
2. 安全需求:描述系统中的各种安全需求,包括机密性、完整性、可用性等方面的要求。
3. 安全策略:制定系统的安全策略,包括访问控制、身份认证、数据加密、安全审计等。
4. 安全风险评估:对系统进行安全风险评估,识别潜在的安全风险并提出相应的应对措施。
5. 安全测试计划:制定系统的安全测试计划,包括安全功能测试、安全性能测试等内容。
6. 安全验证与审计:对系统进行安全验证和审计,确保系统符合安全标准和规范。
7. 安全培训与意识:制定安全培训计划,提高项目团队成员和用户的安全意识,并加强安全培训。

信安之星iSecStar打印管理系统技术白皮书南京信安宝信息科技有限公司信安之星系列产品与解决方案南京市玉兰路86号 210012电话:+8625-84553463传真:+8625-84553463服务热线:400-0866595目录一、打印管理概述 (3)二、产品系统概述 (6)三、系统功能介绍 (10)四、系统特性说明 (18)五、安装与部署 (20)六、支持与服务 (23)七、南京信安宝信息科技有限公司简介 (24)一、打印管理概述1,传统打印现状随着现代办公条件与设备的快速提升与发展,打印、复印、扫描等文印事务与日常工作日趋紧密,文印量越来越大,文印设备、耗材、维护的成本不断上升,文印信息安全,机密信息的打印管理,都迫切的出现在管理层面前,而人工的传统管理模式又无法适应高度信息化、网络化、智能化的现代移动办公管理形势,专业而先进的文印管理系统是急需、必备的现代办公管理工具。

信安之星(iSecStar)打印管理系统的功能与特色:1,支持客户端多种自主打印方式,立即打印、私密打印、特殊打印(定时、空闲、紧急)等;2,打印内容智能监控,支持关键词过滤,支持多种处理机制;3,打印事件记录详尽,真实详细记录每次打印事件的用户名、计算机名、打印机名、服务器名、打印时间、打印字节数、打印页数、纸张大小、色彩、文档名称、类型、内容、费用、所属等信息;4,打印控制灵活,可分别针对打印机、打印服务器、用户、用户组进行控制设定:5,打印控制高度细分,可控制:打印用户、打印时间、文件类型、文件大小、每次任务最大页数、每次任务最大费用、计费标准、用户配额、配额透支等等;6,管理控制弹性大,管理者可以灵活定义监控范围和监控强度;监控范围:可以设定某些打印服务器、打印机、工作组、用户、计算机等是否需要监控;监控强度:可以设定监控时间、是否需要监控打印内容、是否需要打印配额限制、选择监控模板;7,数据维护功能强大,打印日志、系统日志、打印任务时效、打印内容等存储限制与自动删除周期;8,打印计费灵活多样:简单计费模式:即设定黑白、彩色打印的每页打印成本;高级模式计费:即可按照打印机、纸张大小、彩色黑白、单页双面分别设定每页单价;9,支持用户配额机制,且功能强大:支持按照年、季、月、周、日设定打印配额,支持配额透支功能及多种透支方式,支持按周期自动分配额策略;10,多种系统提醒与告警机制,提供邮件、手机短消息多种通知机制;11,提醒内容丰富,提醒内容包括:成功、失败、打印服务器、打印机、用户、文件名、页数、份数、色彩、打印结果、单价、扣费金额、账户余额等信息;12,多种告警条件与设置,预设条件包括:打印内容监控、打印服务器故障(打印机失去连接、打印机阻塞-无墨卡纸等、等)、打印任务超出、打印额度超出等等;13,多种认证与计费模式,支持按用户名或计算机名认证模式,支持域用户认证模式,支持刷卡认证与计费模式,支持与一卡通等各卡用户系统的对接认证;14,支持多种数据库类型,支持MS SQL Server、MS DE、ACCESS、MYSQL等,提供接口定制服务;15,打印内容保存,支持打印内容保存,提供灵活设置,可以按用户设定是否保存,方便快速重复打印;16,支持页眉打印,可以自定义页眉打印内容(如:用户名、打印机名、时间、页数、份数、标题等),便于资料分发,杜绝资料拿错或者丢失的可能!17,支持快速重复打印,调出保存的打印记录重复快速打印,支持多种快速重复打印方式;18,支持打印作业管理,用户可以管理自己的打印任务,管理员可以管理权限范围内的用户打印任务;19,支持项目打印管理,按照打印项目进行认证、监控和计费,满足工程项目分摊计费方式,可以轻松将不同的项目的打印计费并分摊计算,可以精确到具体项目,具体工作人员;20,支持自助终端打印服务,用户提交打印任务后,可以选择打印点完成并领取打印作业,如同在银行的自助终端一样,自助完成操作与计费,自助终端支持刷卡认证与计费模式;21,提供WEB服务,方便用户与管理需要,用户可以通过WEB服务管理打印任务,查询打印记录与个人账户信息等,管理员可以通过WEB服务进行系统管理与维护,可以查询统计分析;22,提供集中管理与远程管理,一台打印服务器可以管理若干台打印机,中心服务器可以管理所有的打印服务器和打印机,实现集中管理、集中认证计费,打印设备管理和成本控制一目了然;通过中心WEB服务器,远程配置与管理整个系统,不需要到机房不需要安装客户端,方便管理与维护;23,支持多级权限管理,依据行政或部门管理划分,可创建多个管理员,可分别赋予不同的管理权限,可管理不同的部门;24,提供查询与报表,提供丰富的统计分析报表,包括汇总、排名、负荷、时间等分析报表;25,系统架构先进适用各种环境,无网络限制,支持局域网、企业网、广域网等,支持服务的分布式配置,安区性好;26,支持打印/复印/扫描一体机管理与计费,支持自助终端模式的智能管理与计费,支持多种设备型号;27,支持打印审批,可灵活管理特定打印机设备、特定用户群的打印审核,控制成本,防护数据与打印安全;支持智能监控触发的打印审核;28,支持漫游打印、跟随打印、安全打印,支持网络接入范围内的漫游打印,支持打印机旁的守候打印,支持自助终端自主打印;29,系统打印备份,自动备份打印内容,保证数据安全,不怕断电,同时可用于数据安全与核查;30,提供高级安全与保密功能,从数据提交、传输、到存储全程严密的数据加密与安全控制,打印数据进行高强度加密,使用专有传输协议以密文传输,在服务器上进行私有存储管理与加密,确保技术管理与维护上的数据安全,特别特别适用于政府、军工、科研、金融、商务机密部门的打印安全;31,提供打印水印功能,在打印纸上自动印上水银背景图,严控打印资料安全,水印可灵活设置;32,提供虚拟组功能,方便跨部门、工作组、项目组等特殊打印与计费管理需要;33,特有的打印秘书功能,在这种模式下,值班秘书把打印资料及时送到目的人手中,打印人和资料接收人可以是不同的人,提供打印秘书管理、提醒、权限配置等;34,提供管理模板功能,系统自带多种常用模板,管理员可以创建并管理模板,极大地方便了管理工作;35,提供打印压缩,采用高效率无损压缩,让网络传输性能大大提高,特别适合大数据量大文档的打印;。

信息化软件项目产品需求规格说明书模板密级:产品需求规格说明书模板文件修订记录目录1 引言 (1)1.1 编写目的 (1)1.2 背景 (1)1.3 定义 (1)1.4 参考资料 (1)2 系统概述 (2)2.1 目标 (2)2.2 用户 (2)2.4 设计与实现的限制 (2)2.5 假设和依赖 (2)3 功能需求 (2)3.1包图 (2)3.2包1 (2)3.2.1用例图 (2)3.2.2用例1 (3)3.2.3用例2 (4)4 性能需求 (4)4.1时间特性要求 (4)4.2精度要求 (4)4.3业务量估算 (4)4.4灵活性 (4)4.5可用性 (5)4.6安全性 (5)5 接口需求 (5)9.1硬件接口 (5)9.2软件接口 (5)9.3通讯接口 (5)9.4用户接口 (5)6 其他需求 (6)7 运行环境 (6)7.1 操作系统 (6)7.2 应用服务器 (6)7.3 数据库系统 (6)8 系统约束 (6)9 验收标准 (7)9.1功能验收标准(示例): (7)9.2性能验收标准(示例): (7)附录A ××× (8)A.1××× (8)A.2××× (8)附录B ××× (8)附录C ××× (8)[产品需求规格说明书编写要求:关于封面、目录、正文等排版要求请参阅项目文件排版指导;正文的内容参照以下要求组织,本模板只提供参考,根据项目的不同特点,对有关章节可做必要的剪裁与调整。
]1 引言1.1 编写目的为了使用户与开发人员之间相互了解,对用户需求进行明确定义,使之成为整个开发工作的基础,并提供一个软件系统度量和遵循的基准。

半成品管理系统需求规格说明书1序言....................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
1.1 编写目标 ........................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
1.2 范围................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
1.3 参考资料 ........................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
2概述....................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
2.1 产品描述 ........................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
2.2 用户特点 ........................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
3运行环境 .............................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
4功效需求 .............................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
4.1 顶层................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
4.2 第0层............................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

{项目名称} 系统需求规格说明书版本历史文档信息分发控制版本控制目录1引言 (5)1.1 编写目的 (5)1.2 范围 (5)1.3 定义 (5)1.4 参考资料 (5)1.4.1标准依据 (5)2整体说明 (5)2.1 产品前景 (6)2.2 功能概要 (6)2.3 用户特点 (6)2.4 运行环境 (6)2.5 假定和依赖关系 (6)2.6 约束 (6)3外部接口需求 (7)3.1 用户界面 (7)3.2 硬件接口 (7)3.3 软件接口 (7)3.4 通信接口 (7)4系统功能特性 (8)4.1 功能规定 (8)4.1.1Feature M (8)4.1.2Feature M+1 (9)5其他非功能性需求 (9)5.1 性能规定 (9)5.2 安全设施需求 (10)5.3 安全性需求 (10)5.4 软件质量属性 (10)5.5 灵活性 (10)5.6 输人输出总体要求 (11)5.7 数据管理能力要求 (11)5.8 故障处理要求 (11)5.9 可支持性 (11)5.10 兼容性 (11)5.11 设计约束 (11)5.12 购买的构件 (11)5.13 联机用户文档和帮助系统需求 (12)5.14 可测试性 (12)5.15 其他要求 (12)6部署和运行要求 (12)6.1 运行环境 (12)6.2 系统部署 (12)7许可需求 (12)8法律、版权及其他声明 (12)1引言1.1 编写目的说明编写这份软件需求说明书的目的,软件需求说明书是对系统或系统的一部分的完整软件需求。
1.2 范围[简要说明此文档适用的软件应用程序、特性或其他子系统分组、与其相关的用例模型,以及受到此文档影响的任何其他事物。

四川托普集团技术文档卷号:卷内编号:V1.0版多层体系政务框架平台之一行政服务中心政务平台软件产品需求规格说明书Software Product Requirements Specification项目承担部门:中央研究院应用产品开发中心撰写人(签名):完成日期:本文檔使用部门:■主管领导■项目组□客户(市场)■维护人员□用户文档验交组(签名):验交日期:评审负责人(签名):评审日期:软件产品需求规格说明书Software Product Requirements Specification 1.引言1.1.目的本节描述软件产品需求规格说明书(SRS)的目的是:定义软件总体要求,作为用户和软件开发人员之间相互了解的基础;提供性能要求、初步设计和对用户影响的信息,作为软件人员进行软件结构设计和编码的基础;作为软件总体测试的依据。

文件制定/修订/废止履历表版本日期制定/修订内容制定核准V0.92016.03.04首次制定杨小飞V1.02019.10.29资料更新谢一骥目录一、产品概述 (5)二、电气参数 (8)三、外观尺寸 (10)四、管脚定义 (11)五、原理图 (12)六、设计指导 (13)七、回流焊曲线图 (15)八、包装信息 (16)九、联系我们 (16)一、产品概述ESP-07S是由安信可科技开发的Wi-Fi模块,该模块核心处理器ESP8266在较小尺寸封装中集成了业界领先的Tensilica L106超低功耗32位微型MCU,带有16位精简模式,主频支持80MHz和160MHz,支持RTOS,集成Wi-Fi MAC/BB/RF/PA/LNA。

一般情况下抓包口是审计设备的eth0和eth1,具体抓包口1.1.网卡流量确认1)tcpdump:tcpdump –i eth0 可以看到是否有流量进来2)ifconfig, 查看是否有丢包或者“RX packets:11180”收到包的数据是否有变化。
11.2.网卡驱动确认1)审计端的内核包编译过后,一般网卡驱动会有改变,如下图所示:2)目前使用的编译驱动下需确认已将网卡注释掉:审计端vi /etc/modprobe.conf #表示已注释【备注】一般设备能都正常起来情况下,网卡驱动只需进行前面两步骤即可。
a)查看本机的内核版本:uname -rb)进入到对应的文件下面看配置文件:cd /usr/seentech/drivers/2.6.18-274ng.el5PAE/one_cp/conf打开驱动配置文件:cat zrcp.conf3----看这个原始驱动的配置大小,如果是>=100的,那么就直接升级。
----如果是<100的,那么继续一下操作:C.查看机器本身内存信息:free -lm看一下这个数字:如果这个数字加上上面配置文件里面的一起还是<100,或者是刚超出100的,那么就暂停升级,41.3.进程确认1)审计进程说明如下:./NetGet:网页访问审计()./NetPost:网页发帖审计,BBS审计,微博审计(POST)./NetOther:邮件审计,远程登录审计,文件传输审计(SMTP/POP3,TELNET,FTP),图片审计2)进程正常情况下,审计将会读写入库,需确认读写指针正常进入cd /usr/seentech/netguard/tools执行./zero_tools -m1 -b32 -mfnf_post(以POST为例)下图中的rp标号每隔几秒会进行更新,没有进行更新时需要重启该进程。

华途文档安全管理系统产品白皮书华途文档安全管理系统产品白皮书杭州华途软件有限公司版权所有杭州华途软件有限公司第 1 页华途文档安全管理系统产品白皮书版权声明杭州华途软件有限公司©2007-2015版权所有,保留一切权力。
版权所有杭州华途软件有限公司第 2 页华途文档安全管理系统产品白皮书1.产品简介华途文档安全管理系统(Document Security Management System,简称Vamtoo-DSM),它采用动态文档透明加密技术、虚拟化技术、身份认证技术及硬件绑定技术,结合多维密级和权限管理,针对内部员工和部门差异化及自主管理需求,在透明加密基础上对重要数据进行精细化细粒度权限管理。
Fortinet FortiSIEM安全信息与事件管理系统产品介绍说明书

Five and a half years ago, Secure Cyber Defense started up with the sole purposeof ratcheting down customers’ cybersecurity practices. The managed securityservice provider (MSSP) located outside of Dayton, Ohio, provides Fortinetsolutions as a service to industry sectors such as government, manufacturing,finance, education, and healthcare. Its flagship offerings include a managedfirewall using FortiGate next-generation firewall (NGFW) appliances and virtualmachines (VMs), as well as managed FortiMail email security systems. Thoseproducts proved to be highly effective and easy to manage, yielding a valuableand profitable set of managed security services.However, as the cyber threat landscape continued to evolve with moresophisticated attacks, customers came back to Secure Cyber Defense askingfor more expert security monitoring services. To meet this demand, SecureCyber Defense turned to the Fortinet FortiSIEM security information and eventmanagement (SIEM) system—and more recently to the FortiEDR advancedendpoint detection and response (EDR) solution—to deliver higher-value securityoperations center (SOC) services, all the way through to incident response.“FortiSIEM is the foundation of our managed services,” says Shawn Waldman, CEOof Secure Cyber Defense. “And FortiEDR, which feeds into FortiSIEM, providesessential threat detection and validation in real time.”This business model has turned out to be an especially good fit for Secure Cyber Defense’s small to midsize client base in 2020. “The automation capabilities of FortiSIEM and FortiSOAR have allowed us to maximize the efforts of our team and to better serve our growing client base,” says Waldman. “Automation is helping usgrow, and we are hiring people to keep up with the demand.”Staffing Challenges and Alert Fatigue Challenged Business GrowthLike many cybersecurity companies, Secure Cyber Defense was having difficulty finding enough qualified security staff to evaluate and respond to the overwhelming number of alerts generated across all its client networks. “Anywhere from 150 to 300 alerts would come in each day,” Waldman says. “They would automatically create tickets in our ticketing system, and the team would have to investigate each and every one of those by the end of the day. The next day, it would start all over again. Our staff was suffering from alert fatigue, which was thesame challenge for our larger enterprise clients.”With an overwhelming number of alerts pouring in, some low-level alerts were getting passed over during the busiest days. “MSSPs cannot humanly process all the alerts coming from all the systems they are monitoring, without the aid of automation,” Waldman says. “Our team excels when we triage alerts. So, they had the ability to see attacks in progress, for example, but there was some risk that they might not spot the reconnaissance phase of an attack right away. The CASE STUDY“Having such robust automation in our case management system, facilitated by our FortiSOAR playbooks, makes us comfortable our analysts are investigating everything that truly needs a human look—our team is no longer waking up in the middle of the night unless it is absolutely necessary.”– Shawn Waldman, CEO, Secure Cyber Defense Business Soars When MSSP Leverages FortiSOAR for Threat-alert Case ManagementDetails Customer: Secure Cyber Defense Industry: MSSP/Service Provider Location: Miamisburg, Ohio Business Impact n n Enabled seven-figure revenue stream with new, value-add SOC services n n Rapid time to market with complete multi-tenancy solution for managed detection and response n n Accelerated response to perceived threats (from 45 minutes to 2 minutes in some cases)n n Improved efficiency by automating low-level alert response, freeing up team to pursue more strategic workSolutions n n FortiSOAR n n FortiSIEM n n FortiGate n n FortiMail n n FortiEDR n n FortiWeb n n FortiManager n n FortiAnalyzer “I have used all of Fortinet’s competitors over the course of my career, and Fortinet security is just the best. Now, FortiSOAR has advanced our threat detection and response capabilities by five years. It gives us this tremendous Swiss Army knife of functionality that we are excited to capitalize on.”– Shawn Waldman, CEO, Secure Cyber Defensefact that we were already dealing with alert fatigue compounded the issue.” Tostreamline detection and response processes and free up staff time for morecritical activities, the company began developing a custom security orchestration,automation, and response (SOAR) solution based on the FortiAnalyzer platform. ASOAR system is an automated framework that pulls all the tools used by the SOCtogether into a unified case management system.Plans changed when Secure Cyber Defense discovered that Fortinet had begunoffering the FortiSOAR solution. “We decided it did not make sense to build aninternal solution, even one based on the powerful FortiAnalyzer platform, when wecould just buy the same capabilities in FortiSOAR,” Waldman says.Automated Case Management Improves Threat Response EfficiencySecure Cyber Defense launched a FortiSOAR proof-of-concept (POC). “Our analysts dropped everything to do this POC for three months,” Waldman says. “It went so well that at the end of three months, we started using the FortiSOAR case management functionality and turned off our ticketing system on the same day. Now, three months later, we are using FortiSOAR for 100 percent of our threat detection and response case management.”Out-of-the-box connectors enable FortiSOAR to receive alerts from more than350 non-Fortinet security products, so all of a company’s security events can beinvestigated and processed within the centralized case management solution.Because Secure Cyber Defense is a Fortinet-focused MSSP, its FortiSOARdeployment pulls in alerts from clients’ FortiGate NGFWs, FortiEDR solution,FortiWeb web application firewall (WAF) and FortiMail installations, and the SecureCyber Defense FortiSIEM system.All these inflowing events become cases in FortiSOAR. The solution automaticallytriages alerts, prioritizing them based on content and correlating them with otheralerts that represent similar threats in different areas of the network or acrossmultiple clients.In addition to leveraging threat intelligence from FortiGuard Labs, Secure CyberDefense has an internally developed system that consolidates data from awide range of external sources. Secure Cyber Defense integrated FortiSOARwith FortiGuard Labs and built a custom connector to its internal intelligencedatabase. If a threat detected in one client environment matches certain criteriain the intel databases, FortiSOAR can send out a companywide block commandwithin minutes, so that FortiGate NGFWs at any Secure Cyber Defense client sitedeny entry to traffic from a specific IP address, country, or other characteristicidentified as problematic.Secure Cyber Defense has long taken advantage of the multitenancy capabilitieswithin its FortiGate and Fortinet security-management solutions. “Obviously, wedo not want to stand up a separate device on the back end for every client if wedo not need to,” Waldman says. “FortiAnalyzer, FortiManager, FortiSIEM, FortiEDR,and FortiSOAR enable us to give each customer their own virtual domain that issegmented from other customers.” Waldman’s team has used FortiSOAR to buildon this capability to create proprietary custom dashboards through which clientscan view security information about their own environment.In addition, FortiSOAR uses application programming interfaces (APIs)—some ofwhich came with the solution, while others were custom built by Secure CyberDefense—to query external sources for information used by the automatedprioritization and response workflows. Waldman explains how FortiSOAR respondswhen a FortiGate NGFW goes down: “We have a playbook for that,” he says. “First, FortiSOAR takes the latitude and longitude of the FortiGate. We have an API to a national power grid database, which FortiSOAR will query to determine whether the firewall fell victim to a power outage. If not, the next thing it does is query our National Weather Service [NWS] API to check the current conditionsof the weather station closest to the FortiGate.” FortiSOAR will receive data on temperature, sky conditions, and wind speed, as well as NWS severe weather warnings. If those data points indicate a storm in the area, FortiSOAR will determine that the alert is likely weather-related.“For a firewall outage caused by a broader power outage, we will not wake upthe analyst on call,” Waldman says. “The customer will receive an automated email letting them know that the problem is weather-related and that the analysts will contact them the next business day. We have always been up-front with our customers that our facilities are not manned 24x7x365. Having such robust automation in our case management system, facilitated by our FortiSOAR playbooks, makes us more comfortable that our analysts are investigating everything that truly needs a human look—our team is not waking up in the middle of the night unless it is absolutely necessary.”Automation Makes FortiSOAR a Security “Force Multiplier”Secure Cyber Defense has had FortiSOAR in production for about three months. Not surprisingly, staff reaction was immediately positive. “The outcome is going to be much bigger than I imagined,” Waldman reports. “Our team are in it all day, everyday—they are so excited to have this here. Its capabilities are far beyond what we realized when we first installed it.” He cites the fact that FortiSOAR can integrate with Microsoft Active Directory (AD). “If we come to the conclusionthat someone’s account has been compromised, we can reach right into AD from FortiSOAR and lock the account, or we can reset the password.”When a threat arises, Secure Cyber Defense staff can now respond more quickly, both because FortiSOAR reviews, sorts, and prioritizes alerts faster than a human can, and because Secure Cyber Defense analysts and engineers now have more time to dedicate to the tasks that require manual intervention. “For instance,” Waldman says, “the average ticket for a phishing scheme might have taken 45 minutes to resolve with our legacy process. With FortiSOAR, it takes two minutes—or less.”Accelerated threat response improves overall security and it enables staff to more efficiently address alerts that receive lower-level priority, enhancing long-term threat protection. Moreover, FortiSOAR case management automation has helped Secure Cyber Defense overcome the skills gap that is the bane of many MSSPs that might have impeded the company’s ability to grow if it were heavily relianton manual workflows. “It is hard to find senior-level talent right now,” Waldman says. “FortiSOAR is a force multiplier that makes our small staff more effective.It eliminates the alert fatigue that was plaguing our team enabling them to focus only on the problems that actually require human intervention.”“FortiSIEM is the foundation of our managed services. And FortiEDR, which feeds into FortiSIEM, provides essential threat detection and validation in real time.”– Shawn Waldman, CEO,Secure Cyber DefenseNew Line of Business With Seven-Figure Revenue StreamPerhaps most important, FortiSOAR, in combination with FortiSIEM and FortiEDR, has enabled Secure Cyber Defenseto pursue new business opportunities that would not have been possible if the firm were still more reliant on manual investigations. “Historically, we have found that large enterprises are typically not interested in using an MSSP,” Waldman says. “They have internal staff who want to manage most aspects of their security solutions. However, FortiSOAR gives us the ability to co-manage the firewall with an internal security team. We provide a managed detection and response [MDR] service, processing and responding to security events, while the client continues to manage the FortiGate firewall on a day-to-day basis.”Another option for large customers is to engage Secure Cyber Defense as a FortiSOAR consultant. “Providing professional services around FortiSOAR is already generating more consulting revenue than we have had in the past,” Waldman says. “We are installing the SOAR, writing playbooks and APIs, and integrating the solution with our proprietary intelligence databases. All told, FortiSOAR has created a new, seven-figure revenue stream for our firm.”Since its inception, Secure Cyber Defense has focused exclusively on Fortinet security solutions. Waldman believes strongly in the Fortinet product line, and FortiSOAR further bolsters his confidence. “I have almost 30 years in IT,” he says. “I have used all of Fortinet’s competitors over the course of my career, and Fortinet security is just the best. Now, I feel like FortiSOAR has advanced our threat detection and response capabilities by five years. It gives us this tremendous Swiss Army knife of functionality that we are excited to capitalize on.” Copyright © 2021 Fortinet, Inc. All rights reserved. Fortinet, FortiGate, FortiCare and FortiGuard, and certain other marks are registered trademarks of Fortinet, Inc., and other Fortinet names herein may also be registered and/or common law trademarks of Fortinet. All other product or company names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Performance and other metrics contained herein were attained in internal lab tests under ideal conditions, and actual performance and other results may vary. Network variables, different network environments and other conditions may affect performance results. Nothing herein represents any binding commitment by Fortinet, and Fortinet disclaims all warranties, whether express or implied, except to the extent Fortinet enters a binding written contract, signed by Fortinet’s General Counsel, with a purchaser that expressly warrants that the identified product will perform according to certain expressly-identified performance metrics and, in such event, only the specific performance metrics expressly identified in such binding written contract shall be binding on Fortinet. For absolute clarity, any such warranty will be limited to performance in the same ideal conditions as in Fortinet’s internal lab tests. Fortinet disclaims in full any covenants, representations, and guarantees pursuant hereto, whether express or implied. Fortinet reserves the right to change, modify, transfer, or otherwise revise this publication without notice, and the most current version of the publication shall be applicable. Fortinet disclaims in full any covenants, representations, and guarantees pursuant hereto, whether express or implied. Fortinet reserves the right to change, modify, transfer, or otherwise revise this publication without notice, and the most current version of the publication shall be applicable.February 19, 2021 1:53 AM。

2、产品主要功能模块∙基础管理∙费率管理∙数据库管理∙报警预警∙一卡通等对接∙信息查询∙无人值守∙日志系统∙打印设备管理∙预约打印∙复印扫描∙信息发布∙用户操作∙报表中心∙配额补助∙打印控制∙安全机制∙审批打印∙WEB服务∙部署与维护3、产品架构拓扑图4、用户操作流程图-打印、复印、扫描二、产品使用操作指南1、环境部署简介本演示环境软件部署说明,系统中心服务器、WEB 服务器安装在一台普通的计算机上,打印站点管理程序安装在自助终端机上,多功能打印一体机与打印站点的自助终端相连。
●本次演示环境使用的多功能一体机设备是FUJI XEROX DC3007 一体机。

Brochure Information Security, Privacy, andComplianceReduce Risk, Complexity, and Cost with theSecure Content Management SuiteBrochureInformation Security, Privacy, and ComplianceInformation Security, Privacy, and Compliance Reduce risk, complexity, and cost with the Secure Content Management SuiteThree Key Axioms of Managing RiskMost organizations today have content stored in business applications and system databases. This content can contain confidential informa-tion that pertains to future strategy, forecast figures and partnership plans, or sensitive data such as personally identifiable, personal credit or personal health information. The sensitivity and privacy needs of this data is often overlooked when content becomes inactive and only referred to for reporting purposes, or is buried in file shares and SharePoint sites that remain ungoverned.Successfully addressing this challenge starts with a clear understand-ing of the three key axioms of managing risk:1. Y ou can’t manage/protect what you don’t understand. Sensitive and confidential information can reside in many different business systems including databases for HR, Finance, Customer and Sales as well as file shares, SharePoint sites and email servers. These systems don’t have to be active either,they may be retired applications or abandoned SharePoint sites. The problem is, if you don’t know what information resides inthese systems and you don’t have the tools to identify PII, PCI, PHI, and corporate records you run the very real risk of this information being exposed, lost, or stolen and your organization being in breach of various regulations including privacy.2. Y ou can’t protect everything, all the time (nor should you). Organizations must understand and determine how they value information and what value looks like for the organization, stakeholders, and customers. For some it might be through better insight and decision making, others might see it as reducing the cost to hold and manage information while others might want to adopt a user pay information service. Regardless, you need to understand the business you are in, what information you have, where it lives and the purpose it serves. Once content is identified and analyzed, you can organize the data by business value, context, and relevance. Organizing the data requires an understanding of business requirements, policies, inherent information categoriesand prepared classification categories. Content that has been analyzed and categorized and then had policy applied to it can help drive the desired actions and outcomes for your organization.3. A proactive approach to protecting your data and organization with modern IT and analytics makes better business sense. Proactive information classification powered by rich analyticscan allow organizations to bridge formerly distinct data silosand deliver granular insight into information. You can surfaceonly the most valuable, critical, and relevant data to facilitate business activities while protecting sensitive data from misuseor exposure. By automating and removing costly and error-prone manual processes for accessing, understanding, and applying policy to this information, classification technologies simplifythe critical first step of risk mitigation which have historically served as a barrier to accomplishing this task. Understanding and addressing these three axioms can provide a solid foundation upon which your organization can approach the rapidly evolving regulatory requirements which are driving complexity globally.Global Regulations Are Driving Complex Requirements With an increasing number of publicized data breaches for organizations around the world, information security and data privacy are rapidly grow-ing priorities. The complexity of addressing these needs has increased with the creation of global regulations such as GDPR that require compli-ance across multiple jurisdictions and many types of content.The risk of exposing sensitive data increases when applications are retired, databases are duplicated for development, and training envi-ronments or SharePoint sites and File Shares are abandoned at the conclusion of a project. For retired applications with no suitable upgrade or migration path, this inactive but sensitive data often needs to be maintained for regulatory and business continuity reasons so it must be secure, accessible, and usable. Similarly unstructured content such as email, spreadsheets and documents that may be left ungoverned in less secure environments such as SharePoint sites, files shares andFigure 1. Regulation and complexityexchange must be identified, analyzed and protected to reduce risk of loss or theft.Risk Management: A Catalyst to Value CreationDespite risk mitigation often being the trigger for most information man-agement projects, it is important to understand that correctly address-ing management of risk can provide huge opportunities and true market differentiation for organizations across the globe.This isn’t about just doing what you must to avoid large fines, it is about ensuring that you have the tools, systems and processes in place that support a holistic approach to the management and governance of your information. It is about transparency, information insight and control-ling information in a way that drives value. Using the OpenT ext™ Secure Content Management Suite gives you access to detailed analysis, busi-ness context and enterprise policy to help your organization:■Gain strategic insights■Identify under-invested areas of the business■Learn more about your customers■Drive greater productivity■Improve training & HR■Attain greater competitive advantageInformation Insight with Secure Content Management Understanding how to address the information challenge, how to suc-cessfully address risk mitigation and understanding that this can lead to positive differentiation and value creation is critical but so too is un-derstanding the huge benefits organizations can receive from having deep insight into their information. Powered by advanced analytics and machine learning the SCM Suite provides actionable insights that pow-ers efficiency and control.The Secure Content Management Suite bridges the gap between the Records and Compliance Officers and IT, we have a great story to tell for both parties which is mutually beneficial. Also, the modular nature of the SCM suite means that we can address a specific area of concern and expand from there—so if the cost of managing legacy applications is a key issue for an organization and IT have a mandate to address this, we can propose SDM and Content Manager for application retirement and intelligent archiving of the data.Our secure content management suite helps our customers reduce the risk, complexity, and cost of managing content across the enterprise—structured, unstructured, active or inactive.Figure 2. The SCM Suite powered by advanced analytics and machine learningBrochureInformation Security, Privacy, and ComplianceAchieving greater information insight using the Secure Content Man-agement Suite can also lead to:Cost Savings■Reduce data footprint by 40-70%■Retire applications that are no longer required, which can lead to added cost and risk if not addressed■Leverage cloud-based repositories and applications for economies of scaleOperational Efficiency■Automate global compliance, with expertise■Streamline migrations, application usability, and records declaration ■Enhance application performance and SLAsRisk Mitigation■Improve visibility into the data that matters, assess, and take action to manage risk■Identify data classes and sensitivity to meet regulatory and data sovereignty requirements in the cloud■Leverage a trusted, proven foundation for evolving privacy and compliance demands■Proactively prepare for litigation■Respond quickly (<24 hours) to investigations Putting the “Secure” into Content ManagementIt is important to understand how and why secure content management differs from traditional enterprise content management. Fundamentally it is about putting the “Secure” into content management by adopting an approach that is:Holistic■Broad-based solution allows organizations to understand,classify and control virtually all types of enterprise data■Benefits: Secure your most important data within a single ecosystemIntegrated■Interconnectivity between file analysis, structured data archiving, and content management reduces manual handoffs■Benefits: Automate governance for legacy and live information to lower risk and cost + drive valueAnalytics Based■Ability to disambiguate information delivers deep information insight and granular, intelligent data classification■Benefits: Reduce costly overly inclusive and risky underly inclusive retention strategiesThis automated, secure, and analytical approach to the management of information is what allows customers to successfully balance or-ganizational requirements for collaboration with information security, privacy, and compliance.What Are the Advantages ofSecure Content Management?An advanced analytics ecosystem allows organizations to proactively prepare, respond and take action to prevent risk on what matters most. Fully integrated suite of products that manages the automated iden-tification, classification, protection, management, and defensible dis-position of most types of data by policy with support for existing IT investments. Global Policy Management (Policy Center) automates and centralizes application of up-to-date laws and regulations from 160+ jurisdictions into the retention management of data. Built in support for a wide range of regulations and privacy requirements such as GPPR, Dodd-Frank, FDA Title 21, and many other federal and state regulations. Integration with OpenT ext™ Security solutions (Secure Data) allow for the automated application of format preserving encryption to PII andother personal data. Figure 3. Information insight with Secure Content ManagementThe OpenT ext™ Secure Content Management suite helps you balance the requirements for collaboration and productivity with information se-curity, privacy, and compliance across enterprise systems. Authorized access, reporting, and ongoing use of content from business applica-tions such as MS Outlook and SharePoint/ O365 and database appli-cations such as PeopleSoft and SAP ERP are managed in a uniform manner with reduced risk, complexity, and cost.Secure Content Management can help you:■Preserve data and security through application retirement■Balance requirements for collaboration, productivity, security,and privacy at a lower total cost by leveraging existing investments through:–Interoperability with business systems–Integration with MS SharePoint/O365–Automation■Lower data security and privacy risks with data identification, masking, access controls, redaction, and defensible disposal■Reduce the cost of managing applications and data by:–Removing the need for legacy applications to provide secureaccess and reporting on data–Simplifying the process for reporting across archived data–Centralizing control and access to archived data■■Reduce the cost and complexity of securely managing unstructured content with automation and integrationIn simple terms the Secure Content Management suite allows you to get control, enhance compliance, and improve productivity at a lower cost for structured and unstructured content in both active and inactive systems. Address Y our Information Challenge with OpenT extThe Secure Content Management Suite helps you balance collabo-ration and productivity needs with information security, privacy, and compliance across enterprise systems with reduced risk, complexity, and cost. Content analysis identifies sensitive and high-risk data. It is categorized and policy applied to govern access and retention. Powerful search coupled with policy-based management makes it easier to find the permissible data you are after. Unstructured content can be man-aged in-place or moved to a secure repository while structured data extracted from database applications has security and access controls applied prior to intelligent archiving. Real time access and reporting are supported without the legacy application.The Secure Content Management SuiteEnterprise Content ManagementSimplify the capture and management of paper and electronic records from enterprise systems within a single solution. Facilitate compliance with regulatory requirements such as Privacy, Freedom of Information, Dodd Frank and HIPPA with policy-based security, access, and reten-tion. Learn more about OpenT ext™ Content Manager.File AnalysisIdentify, connect, and control information across enterprise systems; clean up legacy data, automate records declaration, and migrate enter-prise information to the Cloud with OpenT ext™ ControlPoint. Structured Data ArchivingSimplify application retirement and optimize structured data across the lifecycle by relocating inactive data from expensive production sys-tems and legacy databases, while preserving data integrity and access. Voltage Structured Data Manager by OpenT ext™ helps retire outdated applications through an automated process of extracting, validating, and deleting data.Learn more at/securecontent/opentextFigure 4. Balance the requirements for collaboration and productivity with information security, privacy, and compliance across enterprise systems.。
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