高级英语第六课 从天窗中消失

第六课从天窗中消失1. How does the writer substantiate his statement that science is committed to the universal? There are broad agreemants about the basic concepts of science, for example, there is only a single science of thermodynamics whose basic concepts are accepted by all countries, including such diverse countries as China, Americaor the Soviet Union. For a short time there were two genetics, a Soviet genetics as proposed by Lysenko and a Western genetics. However, Soviet Lysenko' s theories were refuted and in 1956 the Soviet Union accepted the Western genetic concepts.2. How does technology exhibit this universalizing tendency?It makes the world look more and more uniform. Different styles in architecture, dress, music and eating that exist in various countries and among different people are tending to disappear. They are being replaced by more uniform styles or world styles. The houses the people live in, the cars they drive, etc. , are becoming more alike.3. How does the automobile illustrate this universalizing tendency?A technological innovation in the manufacture of automobiles like streamlining or all-welded body construction may be initiated by one company in one country, but when it proves to make cars more efficient and cheaper, it is soon adopted universally by all automobile manufacturers. Today, the basic features of an automobile are to be found in automobiles in general, no matter who makes them. Besides this feature, all large automakers are now international companies. Americans have auto plants in Europe, Asia and South America, and Europeans and Japanese have plants in America and South America, and so on.4. How has man become cosmopolitan?He drives cars that have the same basic features. When he goes shopping, he finds the climate in all the shops is the same because they are all similarly air-conditioned. When he travels he finds all the airports to be familiar because they are all constructed along similiar lines and the hotels to have the same amenities. In a word, he finds himself at home in all countries and places.5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of being a cosmopolitan?He no longer has a fixed home with all the emotional ties144 that are usually attached to such a home with its fixed location surrounded by well-known neighbors, etc. His home is now everywhere and he is always surrounded by all kinds of neighbors. He feels the old home limited his activities and his emotions.6. What does Madame Gabrille Buffet-Picabia say about "machine aesthetic"?She says in the past artists regarded machines and machinelike structures like the Eiffel Tower in Paris as ugly and irreverent. After 1949 the artists discovered a new beauty in machines which could now be shaped and moulded very easily into various artistic designs.7. What is the "real world" according to the writer?The writer doesn’t t directly answer the question. He says science has now thrown doubt on "the thingliness of things". It does not produce the material objects we see with our eyes but images, geometric and mathematical, of the reality underlying these things. It has made the world rather "insubstantial". The writer in his prologue states: "Today, nature has slipped, perhaps finally, beyond our field of vision. We can imitate it in mathematics -- we can even produce convincing images of it -- but we can never know it. We can only know our own creations.8. How is the playfulness of modern aesthetic displayed?. It is displayed in the architectural styles found in cities of the developed world -- styles thattypify collage city and urban adhocism. It is also displayed in the mosaic architecture of facadism and the playful theme parks and museum villages. It abounds in images and sounds and values utterly different from those of the world of natural things seen from a middle distance.9. Why do the banks appear to be disappearing through their own skylights?The banks are no longer the solid, ponderous buildings of the past but airy structures Of steel and glass. People need not go to the banks directly for many financial transactions which can now be carried out in stores or trailers with slot- machinelike terminals linked to the banks. Money is now recorded, erased, processed and reprocessed as digital signals by a computer.Ⅲ. Questions on appreciation:1. Sum up the main views of the writer and comment on how they are organized and presented.ment on the use of topic sentences.ment on the use of the present tense and universal statements.ment on the use of some figurative language. Cite examples.5.What stylistic features of scientific English are to be found in this piece.9 Cite examples.Ⅲ.1.In the passage, the writer puts forward his central theme of "disappearance" -- nature disappears, history disappears and even the solid banks disappear. Besides expressing the central theme of the book, the metaphorical phrase, "Disappearing Through the Skylight", is used also specifically in this chapter to describe the changed appearance of modern banks which seem to be disappearing. The second important idea he puts forward is the universalizing tendency of science and technology. The basic concepts of science are understood, accepted and adopted by scientists all over the world. There is only one science of thermodynamics, genetics, etc. This universalizing effect is reflected in architectural styles, dress styles, musical styles, etc. They all tend to become world styles. The third concept is, "If man creates machines, machines in turn shape their creators. " The modern man is no longer a unique individual, the product of a special environment and culture. The homogeneous world he now lives in universalizes him. He becomes a cosmopolitan, a citizen of the world. Finally, the disappearance of history is a form of liberation and this feeling of liberation is often expressed through play. the playfulness of science has produced game theory and virtual particles, in art it has puoduced the paintings of Picasso and Joan Miro and so on.2. The writer' s views are generally clearly and succinctly presented as a topic sentence at the beginning of each paragraph and then developed or illustrated in the paragraph itself. or by succeeding paragraphs. For example, the first sentence in the opening paragraph is a topic sentence that presents a very important view of the writer, "Science is committed to the universal. " This idea of universality is developed and illustrated in the five paragraphs that follow and each paragraph that follows also has its own topic sentence. The organizational pattern is very clear and logical.3. The writer uses tha present tense and universal statements to attain the goal of objectivity.4. The writer uses figurative language freely to make his ideas more vivid and forceful. Readers can find many metaphors, analogies, rhetorical questions, repetition and balanced structure, etc. in this piece. The very title of this piece, " Disappearing Through the Skylight ", is a metaphorical phrase that immediately stirs the imagination of readers.5. A lot of scientific and technical terms are used in this piece, such as thermodynamics, genetics, genetic mutations, etc. Many sentences are complex and compound ones; some of them, though simple sentences, are complicated in structure, for example, "The skepticism of modern science "" from the soul. " "It surrounds its citizens with "-" and geodesic domes and lunar landers. " Allthese are stylistic features.。

Lesson sixBlackmailThe First Period (3 hours)I. Teaching Objectivesintroduction to the excerptfrom the beginning to the second paragraph on page 97II. Difficult and important pointbackground knowledgestylistic meaning of English vocabularywords for psychological statedifficult sentencesIII. Classroom Activitiesexplaininganswering questionstranslatingDetaild Study of the Text1. The chief house officer, Ogilvie, who had declared he would…took twice that lime: The chief house officer, Ogilvie, gave the Croydons a mysterious telephone call telling them he would pay lit an hour later,but actually he appeared 81 their suite1) chief house officer: Hotels in the U. S. employ detectives to take care of hotel security, celled ‘house dicks’, dignified appellation—house officer.2) suite: a set of rooms. A suite in a hotel is usually expensive. The suite the Croydons are staying in is St. Gregory Hotel's largest and most elaborate, called the Presidential Suite, which has housed, according to the book, a succession of distinguished guests, including visiting presidents and royalty.3) cryptic telephone call: The message over the phone was brief and with mysterious implications.4) actually took twice that time: He was slow in coming because he wanted to create the impression that he was a busy and important man and to keep the Croydons on tenterhooks.2. the Duke: (in Britain) a nobleman, whose rank is just below that of a prince. Below the duke are the marquis, earl, viscount and baron.3. the Duchess: wife or widow of a duke, or a woman with a rank equal to that of duke4. the nerves of both the Duke and Duchesswere excessively frayed: the nerves of both the duke and duchess were worn out by the long wait, were over-strained. Both the Duke and Duchess were extremely nervous. More examples with the word fray:Clothes frayed at the neck, knees, etc.Frayed cuffs, button-holes, etcTempers become frayed.the muted buzzer: muted to render the noise of the bell less harsh and stridentshe had dispatched her maid on an invented errand: they sent her out to get her out of the way; the ‘errand’ being just an excuse, a trip which was not necessary. Obviously the talk between Ogilvie and the Croydons had to be kept a secret.the moon-faced male secretary: The use of male before secretary is to avoid possibility of the reader’s assuming otherwise, for is to avoid possibility Note: male nurse, man servant, but woman doctors, woman pilot. ‘Moon-faced’ means having a round face. The young man’s appearance is in keeping with his timid character( fear of pet animals).cruelly instructed: ‘cruel’ because they knew the secretary was terrified of dogs. They could easily have found some other errand for him.to exercise the Bedlington terriers: to walk the dogs, to take the dogs out and give them some exercise. The bedlington terrier is a breed of blur or liver-colored, woolly-coated, active, typically small dogs. The terriers are a status symbol showing that that the Duchess is no ordinary dog owner. And the fact that they can keep dog in a hotel suite proves they are very important people.10. Her own tension was not lessened…: Ogilvie had telephoned to say that he would be at the suit in an hour. The Duchess made arrangement for the maid and the secretary to be away when he called. But he was an hour late, and the maid and the secretary might return at any moment. The Duchess knew this and it made her nerveous.11. A wave of cigar smoke accompanied Ogilvie in: to smoke a cigar in the presence of a lady without asking for permission is impolite and the being familiar. He comes into the room smoking his cigar. Ogilvie is a coarse, vulgar, and uneducated fellow and because he thinks he has the Croydons under his thumb theDuchess ‘looked pointedly’, that is, directly and sharply at the cigar, trying to intimidate him with her superior social position.12. Would you kindly put that out.: a period in stead of a question make, indicating it is said in a falling tone, meant to be a command, not a polite request13. piggy eyes: small, narrow eyes lost in the mass of flesh. Ogilvie is one if the ‘bad guys’ in this novel. He has piggy eyes, a gross jowled face, an obese body, speaks in falsetto, is vulgar, unscrupulous, ill-mannered, to the point of throwing his cigar on the carpet. Some examples, to the point of throwing his cigar on the carpet. Some examples with the word pig: Don’t be a pig. ( Don’t be greedy.)He is a pig. ( He is a dirty, greedy or ill-mannered person.)I’ve made a pig of myself. (I’ve eaten too much)14. surveyed her sardonically: He looked her up and down scornfully because he had evidence of their crime up his sleeve and felt sure that in moment he would be able to humble her and bring her to her knees. Note the different meanings of the following words:sardonic: being scornful, cynicalsardonic: intending to hurt the feelings, to inflict pain by deriding, tauntingsardonic: intending to make a person or thing appear foolish or absurdironical: a humorous or sarcastic form of expression in which the intended meaning of what is said is directly opposite to the usual sense.15. to sweep the spacious, well-appointed room: His glance passes swiftly over the big, excellently furnished and arranged room.16. who faced them uncertainly: Besides having a weak character, the Duke is over fond of liquor and other men’s wives, and so is submissive to the Duchess, herself a woman of strong character, a known public figure and cousin of the queen. After the road accident, it was the Duchess who masterminded the cover-up and the Duke wasn’t quite sure of what to say to Ogilvie or what to do, he was afraid of messing things up.17. “Pretty neat set-up you folks got: Ogilvie’s language is ungrammatical, vulgar and slangy. Neat is slangy, meaning nice fine;a general term of approval. Set-up, a noun,meaning arrangement of furniture, etc. A better educated person might say: “This is a pretty nice room that you have got.”For Ogilie’s ungrammatical language, see Note 4 to the text.Here are some more examples form the text: Whether they got fancy titles neither-whether they had fancy title or notI seen you come in –I saw you come inthe kid and the woman was hit—were hit‘f she’d have drove—if she had driven, etc.18. an ornamented fireplace: a fake one, not for use. It is there to add to the decor of the suite.cf. an ornamented fireplace: a highly decorated one19. He missed: His cigar butt did not fall inside the fireplace as he had intended it to.20. I imagine you did not come here to discuss decor: I suppose you did not come here merely to discuss the arrangement of the furniture and other decorations of this suite, what she meant was “Speak your mind. Don’t waste time.” She purposely used the word decor, imagining Ogilvie would be awed. Unlike Ogilive, the Duchess always speaks the Queen’s English, using strictly grammatical structures and shoosing her words carefully, sometimes to the extent of being pompous.21. an appreciative chuckle: mainly self appreciative. When hotel employee goes to a guest’s room, usually he goes there on business and no familiarity is allowed. But here Ogilvie was enjoying the fact that he could afford to do whatever he liked. He love being in a position of temporary supremacy. Also he appreciated the fact that the Duchess was no fool. She knew why he had come.22. He lowered the level of his incongruous falsetto voice: He had an unnaturally high-pitched voice. When he spoke now, he lowered the pitch.incongruous: This falsetto voice sounded funny coming from a thickset man like Ogilvie.23. Jaguar: a brand of very expensive British made sports car24. "Aah" : Now the Duke knew what the man was there for. The sound escaping his lips showed that the Duke was startled and perhaps a bit relieved that things had now come out into the open.25. a warning glance: The Duke had made a blunder the night before by mentioning the car in front of the hotel's assistant general manager when his wife was Trying hard to establish something of an alibi. Now the wile was warning him not to blunder again.26. “In what conceivable way does our car concern you?” : I can hardly imagine how our car could in any way concern you. Why are you so interested in our car?27. "Who else is in this place?": first indication that he did not come with an honest purpose, for why should he desire secrecy28. It was the Duke who answered: The Duke realized that Ogilvie had found them out as soon as he heard that the latter was coming to talk to them. He didn't think what the Duchess had done or would do could improve the situation. So he was eager to cooperate with Ogilvie.29. We sent them out: another blunder, as good as admitting that they knew what Ogilvie had come for and that they had things to hide 30. it pays to check: to be profitable or worthwhile to check. Oilier examples:1) it pays to think before you speak. 2) It’ll pay in keep a diary in English.31. surprising speed- surprising because you wouldn't expect a fat man like him lo move quickly32. "Now then": used lo call attention or lo express a warning or protest33. "You two was in that hit-'n-run": You tow are guilty of that hit-and-run accident. Hit-and-run is usually used to describe a driver who flees from the scone of an accident in which he is involved.34. She met his eyes directly: to pretend that she was innocent of what he accused her of and therefore dared to take up the challenge 35. "This in for r eal.”: I'm no t joking. This is something serious. for real: (slang) meaning real, really36. bit off the end: In order to light up a fresh cigar one end of it has to be clipped. Coarse people like Ogilvic just bit it off.37. "There's been plenty on radio, too. ": There have been a lot of reports about the accident on the radio, too.38. Two high points of colour: The Duchess' cheeks flushed, not evenly, but around the cheek bones. She was upset and a bit scared.But at the moment she was pretending indignation.39. cut it out: (colloquial) to slop what she was doing, i.e. pretending they were innocent40. The words spat forth: According to grammar, it should be: "The words were spat forth", or "Ogilvie spat out the words". Perhaps the author here wants to make it more dramatic by having "the words" following right after what he had just said, instead of saying "he spat out the words". Also, "the words spat forth" is more forceful and vivid than "the words were spat forth."41. all pretense of blandness gone: nominative absolute construction with a noun phrase plus a past participle. Ogilvie threw away his pretended politeness.Some other examples of the same construction from the text:his eyes sardonically on the Duchess (n.+ prepositional phrase)you driving (pron. +present participle)her poise for the moment recovered (n. +past participle)42. Ignoring the Duke, Ogilvie waved the unlighted cigar under his adversary's nose: He knew that the Duchess was the stronger character of the two and it was she that he had to deal with, so she was his enemy.43. your high-an'-mightiness: high and mighty: very proud, (the correct way to address a Duke or a Duchess is "Your Grace"). Ogilvie addressed her this way in imitation of "Your Highness", Jo mock her haughty attitude.44. burnin' mad: burning mad; very angry45. high-tailed it: (colloquial) leave in a hurry, scurry off46. they'll throw the book, and never mind who ii hits: They’ll deal out the maximum in punishment, to apply the full force of the law and they will be punished in this case. To throw the book is an idiom, in which the word book means I the law book. It refers to the book. Here Ogilvic follows the metaphor through.47. if I do what by rights I should, ... you'll hardly see 'em: If 1 do what I should do in justice (that is, to report what 1 know to police headquarters), a group of policemen will come over here very fast, so fast that you wouldn't be able to see them moving.48. so’s: so as, so that49. ’f you want i t the other way: if you refuse lo tell me the truth and prefer to have the law lo interfere50. The Duchess of Croydon—three centuries and a half of inbred arrogance behind her—did not yield easily: The Duchess was supported by her arrogance coming from parents of noble families who belonged to tho nobility For more than three hundred years. So she did not give in easily.51. she faced the grossness of the house detective squarely: She stood up boldly and rebuked d the coarse vulgarity of the house detective.52. blackguard: scoundrel, villain53. flickered wavered54. "It’s no go, old girl It was a good try.": It's no use. What you did just now was a good attempt at trying to save the situation. Here the phrase no go is a colloquialism, meaning not possible; without use or value. Old girt is an informal way of addressing one's wife. 55. "That's more like it.” : said when a second thing said by the other person sounds more acceptable. plausible, or less objectionable than the first one 56. “Now we’re getting somewhere.”: Now we’re making some progress, accomplishing something.57. "I'll spell it out": I'll tell you frankly and in detail.58. The house detective took his time: It is the second time that Ogilvie has done so, both limes lo make the impact of what he is going to say on the Croydons even stronger.59. as if challenging her objection: as if openly daring her lo object to his smoking a cigar, as she had done earlier; as if he wanted too see if the Duchess dared to object to his smoking 60. Bin beyond wrinkling her nose in distaste, she made no comment: She only wrinkled her nose to show her dislike for the of-fending cigar smell, but did not rebuke him.61. Lindy’s Place: a gambling joint, a gambling nightclub, a casino62. Irish Bayou: bayou [beiu:] a French word,a marsh. New Orleans was colonized by the French, so a lot of places there have French names.63. fancy Jaguar: Fancy here means expensive and superior model (car).64. Leastways, I guess you'll all her that ifyou’re not too fussy: I guess if you are not too particular about what words to use, at least you'd rail her your lady friend. Here Ogilvie is trying to get at him. It’s more than obvious that be was not really with a friend, but a high class whore.65. As Ogilvie glanced, grinning, at the Duchess Ogilvie is rubbing it in, enjoying himself over the wounded pride of an arrogant wife.66. The way I hear it, you won a hundred at the tables then lost it at the bar: From what I hear, you won a hundred dollars in gambling and then spent the money drinking.67. You were into a second hundred—with a real swinging party: You were beginning to spend another hundred dollars of your own ( the hundred won in gambling had already been spent) to treat a merry and lively party.68. There ain’t much, out of the way, which people who stay in this hotel do, I don’t get to hear about: if anybody who stays in this hotel does anything wrong, improper or unusual, I always get to know about it. There isn’t much that can escape me.Out of the way: improper, wrong, unusual 69. I suppose it doesn’t matter: You already know so much, I might as wall as well tell you this, it won’t make much difference now.70. clucked his tongue reprovingly: He made noises with his tongue to show his disapproval. How can you be so careless! The expoliceman was playacting, gloating over their misfortune.71. took off home: left for home72. the way things turned out: judging from what happened later73. Explains that one: This fact explains why you were driving in your sodden state; driving when you were drunk.74. lickered up: liquored up, drunk Compare:Liquor: an alcoholic drink, esp. one made by distillation, as whiskey or rum (neat whiskey) Wine: mainly grape wine ( sweet or dry wine)Soft drinks: non-alcoholic, like soda pop Chaser: a mild drink, taken with or after liquor75. Then you don’t know: The Duchess thought it was all Ogilvie’s conjecture and that he didn’t really have any evidence against them. She thought he didn’t have any caseagainst them.76. Looked right shaken, too , the pair of you: You two looked extremely upset (shocked). 77. Just come in myself an’ I got to wondering why: I had just come in myself and began to wonder why (you two looked shaken).78. the word was out: The news about the accident was spreading around. Some expressions with word:a word of advice (warning)say a good word for sb.have a word with sb. (talk with sb.)have words with (quarrel)give sb. one's word (promise )be as good as one's word/break one's word/a man of his word in so many wordsword for word79. On a hunch I went over to the garage: As I suspected and felt there was something wrong, I went over to the garage to inspect.hunch: a feeling about something not based on known facts: premonition or suspicion. The meaning derives from the superstition that it brings good luck lo touch a hunch-back.I have a hunch that...: I rather think that ...80. look-see: (slang) n quick look or inspection81. jockeys: usu. professional rider in horse-races, here it means persons who park cars or trucks in a storage garage, also called car jockeysdisc jockeys: radio or TV broadcaster who introduces performances and comments on records or tapes of light popular music82. I suppose that doesn't matter now: Now that our secret has been discovered, whether the jockeys sec the car or not doesn’t matter now.83. You might have something there: There might be a point in what you say.84. Over there they got three things to go on: At police headquarters, they have three clues to base their investigation on.85. dust it, an' it shows: Sprinkle some kind of powder on the car fender and the brush trace shows up.86. Ain' any doubt they'd match up, even without the brush trace an’ the blood: I haven't any doubt, there isn't any doubt that the trim ring that had come off the car and the busied headlight will correspond. That will be enough for the police to identify the car even withoutthe brush trace and the blood on the car fender.ain’t: (colloquial) am not, is not, are not have not.87. Oh, my God: Ogilvie mentioned the blood slain casually as if it was not important, or it had just come to his mind. In fact he had been saving it the last moment as a death blow to the Croydons. He succeeded in achieving this effect.The Second Period (3 hours)I. Teaching Objectives1. the rest of the textII. Difficult and important pointstylistic meaning of English vocabularywords for psychological statedifficult sentencesIII. Classroom Activitiesexplaininganswering questionstranslatingDetailed Study of the Text 88. square his shoulders: to show he is ready to face the consequences, he is brave, not afraid of what is. to come89. took on a musing note: his voice sounded as if he was deep in thought. He was going to put all his cards on the table now that he had made it sufficiently clear to the Cioydons that I hey were in his hands.90. Rushing any place ain't gonna bring back the kid nor its motherneither: ungrammatical. It should be: Rushing to any place (to police headquarters ) isn't going lo make the kid and its mother come to Life again. Note the double negative here, which is used in uneducated speech.91. The other two slowly raised their eyes: It began to dawn on them that the detective had no intention of handing them over to the police.92. But I got to live too- a stock phrase when someone is asking to be given money or is accused of trying lo extract too much money 93. Tell us now, please: first, civil word from the Duchess, She realizes it is best for her to cooperate.94. we'd become turned round: We lost our way, we were going in a direction opposite tothe one we intended to take.95. who was headed out: more sense of completion than "was heading out". It means they had taken that direction and had gone some distance in that direction. Somebody who was driving away from the town.96. the outside towns: small towns around a big city, here outside New OrleansOutlying towns would be more common. 97. got around to: to get started on, esp. after a delay98. it won't be yet: That won't lake place yet.99. Providin' nobody twigs the car: It should be: Provided (or providing) that nobody notices the car.twig: (from thieves' slang) observe, notice 100. an' seein' where it is, etc.: If you are lucky nobody might no hotel garage.101. An' if you can get it away: And if you can get the car away, you might not be suspected at all.102. to holler "cops": to cry "police", to call the police103. You people are hot: Your are now wanted by the police.104. kept firm, tight rein on her racing mind: She kept firm and tiger control of her mind which is working quickly. Here the Duchess is thinking quickly but at the same time keeping her thoughts under control, not letting them run wild.105. It was essential that her thinking remain calm and reasoned: It was very important for her to think calmly and logically, Note the subjunctive mood in the "that" clause.Other example:1) It is natural that beginners should make such mistakes.2) It is essential that everybody take part in it. 106. as if the discussion were of some minor domestic matter and not survival itself: as if the discussion were about some unimportant domestic matter, not concerned will life and death107. her husband now a tense but passive spectator: Nominative absolute construction with a noun plus a noun. Her husband watched anxiously and nervously, incapable of taking an active108. Same thing with the glass: With the glass (as with the trim ring) the police can trace the make, model and year of the car.109. calculated coolness; She was not cool, in fact, her mind was racing, but she deliberately appeared to be cool.110. a slim one: (colloquial) a small chance 111. incriminating evidence' evidence that might prove sb. guilty of a crime112. highway patrol: police cars on highway patrol duty113. to fall victim to some sharp-eyed policeman: to be seen and arrested by an observant and alert policeman114. it might be done: They might succeed in escaping. The plan might work.115. but no more than waiting here for certain detection: To drive the car north would be risky, but not more risky than to wail here, because if they did nothing, they would surely be discovered.116. back roads: out-of-the-way, unfrequented loads.117. an unlikely route: not a route that ordinary people would take;a route which the police didn't think they would be likely to take118. other complications: other factors which would make it difficult for them to drive the car north themselves119. secondary roads: roads not of primary importance whose classification and maintenance vary according lo township, county,and state regulations120. adept at using maps: skilled in using maps Examples1) He is adept in photography.2) He is adept at (or in) taking pictures.121. their speech and manner would betray them: Their speech dud manner would reveal their identity.Betray: reveal unknowingly, or against one's wishesExamples:He said he had stayed indoors all day, but his shoes betrayed him.His face betrayed his fear.122. Or had they?: second thought which contradicts the first one Had they (the risks) to be taken?The Duchess suddenly realized that the y didn’t have to take the risks of driving the car north themselves.Other examples;He must buy that book. Or must he? (He didn’thave to.)If it had been anyone else, he would have agreed. Or would he? (Maybe not.)123. pretty well fixed: quite rich, wealthy fixed: (colloquial) supplied with something needed, esp. money, e.g. well fixed for life 124. As the Duke of Croydon shifted uneasily, the house detective's bulbous countenance reddened: Both the Duke and detective though, the Duchess had refused the offer. The Duke felt very uneasy; he’d rather pay the money In keep Ogilvie quiet.125. Eyes bored into him: looked at him steadily, sharply and searchinglybore: make a hole in, used here figuratively 126. swallowing: to refrain from retorting because he is somewhat cowered by the Duchess127. her own smallness of mind: her own meanness or weakness of mind. What she is about to do may be extremely significant to her and her husband. She has to lake a big chance, to do something very daring, so she must be bold, resolute and decisive. She has to rise to the occasion.128. When you were playing for the highest stakes, you made the highest bid: Stake and hid are gambling terms. Here the sentence means: You had to pay the highest price when your reputation and career were at stake. 129. gamble on the fat man's greed: She would take a chance on this fat man's greed.130. She must do so in such a way as to place the outcome beyond any doubt: She would offer him so much money as to make it impossible for him to refuse to do what she would ask him to in return, no matter how dangerous the job might be.131. eyes bulged: with greed132. watched intently: To the Duchess, it was a question of survival itself. Only it Ogilvie agreed to drive their car north would they have a chance to get out of the mess unscathed.133. "This cigar botherin' you, Duchess?": If this cigar is bot hering you, I’ll pit it out. This shows that he is willing to com. ply with the Duchess’ wishes.The Third Period (2 hours)I. Teaching Objectives1. the exercises accompanying the text II. Difficult and important pointtranslationclipping words and compound adjectivesword conversiondifference in stylistic meaningfixed collectionoral work and summery-writingIII. Classroom Activitiesdiscussingblack-fillingcommentingIV. ProceduresExercise SixIV. Write out the full words1) advertisement 2) brassiers 3) doctor 4) refrigerator 5) gymnasium 6 ) high fidelity (radio, photography, etc.)7)intercommunication system 8) liberation 9) memorandum 10) microphone 11) modern 12 )permanent wave 13)poliomyelitis 14) popular0song 15)preparatory (school) 16) professor 17)sister 18)television 19)veterinarian 20)zoologicalV. Translation1) a half-finished letter 2) a half-closed window 3) a piece of half –baked bread 4)a half-turned body 5)a well-appointed hotel 6)well-behaved pupils 7)well-chosen words 8)well-fed children 9)well-informed(people) 10)high-flown languageVI. Make sentencesSound (v.) His words sound lofty and pretentious.Figure (v.) Commerce figures largely in the prosperity of the city.Go (n.) He is always on the go from early morning till late at night.Try (n.) He didn’t succeed in his first try, but he kept on jumping.Dust (v.) They are dusting the crops with insecticide.Square (v.) He squared his shoulders to show his determination.Good (n.) Overworking yourself will do more harm than good.Head (v.) On hearing that, he headed straight for the gate without looking back.Make (n.) I don’t like a bicycle of this make. Reason (v.) If your reasons from false premises how can you expect the conclusion to be sound?。
高级英语(第三版)第一册第六课 Mark Train

高级英语(第三版)第一册第六课 Mark Train
Teaching Aims
1) To acquaint students with the major events in the history of USA.
2) To acquaint students with the life and writing of Mark Twain.
3) To acquaint students with the writing of biography.
4) To help students to appreciate the rich rhetorical devices in the text
Mirror of America
“Mirror ” is a piece of glass or other shinny/polished surface that reflects images. Here, it is a metaphor.
• As a writer, he grew up with America, moved along with America, from innocence to experience.
高级英语第一册第六课Mark Twain

• 29 feud: long-lasting and bitter quarrel or dispute • between two people or groups.
• 30 • •
piracy: robbery of ships on the high seas, robbery carried out by pirates, persons who sail the seas stopping and robbing ships.
• 12 acid-tongued: if sb. is acid-tongued, he makes unkind or critical remarks. • 13 • • • digest: a. When you digest food, the food passes through your stomach and is broken down so that your body can use it. b. If you digest information, you think about it, understand it, and remember it. c. A digest is a collection of things that have
• 18 • • • 19 •
keel: a long bar along the bottom of a boat or ship from which the whole frame of the boat or ship is built up. raft: floating platform made from large pieces of wood, oil-drums, etc, that are tied

枣庄三中实验高中校区高一年级上学期英语学历案主备人:副高级教师马文娟 审查人:教研组长李晓靖 使用日期:2023.10 必修一 Unit 6 At one with nature (第2课时)Using Language【课标要求】理解人与自然相关内容, 恰当使用定语从句介绍自然景观,了解不同民族文化习俗,了解人类如何与自然和谐相处,激发英语学习的兴趣。
【学习目标】进一步了解定语从句的结构和表意功能,掌握“介词+关系代词”的用法,并在真实语境中运用;通过阅读语篇,了解并掌握描述地形地貌的词汇,能够从位置、特征等方面恰当、具体地描述地理景观【自学评价】____________ v. 以……替换;更换→____________ n.替换____________ n.材料____________ n. 矿物;矿产____________ n. 消费者→____________ v. 消费____________ n. 优先处理的事____________ n. 美;美丽→____________ adj. 美丽的____________ n. 障碍;壁垒____________ n. 礁____________ n. 结构;构造;组织____________ adj. 活的;活着的→生活____________ n. 生物;有机体 ____________ n. 天文台;观象台→____________ v. 观察 →____________ n. 观察 ____________ adj. 宏伟的;壮丽的 ____________ adj. 狭窄的;不宽的 ____________ n. 高台;平台 ____________ v. 打雷 ____________ n. 海峡 ____________ n. 隧道 ____________ n. 骆驼 ____________ n. 沙漠;荒漠 ____________ v. (乘船)航行 ____________ n. 气候1. Look at the sentences from the reading passage and answer the questions.2. pare them with the following sentences and answer the questions.3. Connect the sentences with a preposition+ whom/which.4. plete the passage with a preposition + whom/ which.5. Read the descriptions and match them with the pictures.6. plete the email with the words in bold in Activity 4.一、单句语法填空1. LinManuel Miranda wrote this musical about Alexander Hamilton ,__________which the birth of America is presented as an immigrant story.2. The boy __________ whom they often talk is very kind.3. That old man has two sons,one of __________ is a doctor.4. Is there any reason __________ which you should have a holiday?5. There are different kinds of books __________ which you may choose.6. There are very few existing studies to draw conclusive evidence __________ which pram design is the best.7. The researchers set up two cards,each of ________ had a set of symbols on them.8. As few as 20 people survived,one of __________ was the king.二、翻译句子1. 刚才和你握手的那个年轻人是我们的英语老师。

高级英语第一册lesson6-Blackmail-课文详解2-detail-study、背景知识、文章结构及修辞学习高级英语第一册lesson6 Blackmail 课文详解2 detail study、背景知识、文章结构及修辞学习2008-02-11 12:11:18| 分类:默认分类| 标签:|字号大中小订阅高级英语第一册lesson6 Blackmail 课文详解2 detail study、背景知识、文章结构及修辞学习2007年01月01日星期一下午11:4896. bulbous: shaped like a bulb, swelling and disgustingly fat and roundbulbous dome / nose97. peremptorily: (fml) showing an expectation of being obeyed at once and without questi on, impolitely and unfriendly, commanding, insisting obedience98. rivet: metal pin for fasten plates.to hold or fasten with or as if with rivetscf: glare, stare, fix99. feature: any of the noticeable parts of the facea man with Oriental featuresHer mouth is her worst feature / best feature, like a cherry.100. set in a mould:When you take a picture, you set your body, your countenance ...in a certain way. That is to set in a mould.(A lame one-eyed king taking a picture)mould (Am.E) = mould (Br.E): character, distinctive nature, a person's character, nature, et c., considered as having been shaped by family type, education, training, experience, etc.Be cast in a mould of a particular kind means to have the characteristics, attitudes, behavio ur or lifestyle that are typical of that kind of personbe made / cast in mould ofHe is made in his father's mould. (He has the same personality and character as his father' s)101. imperious: in tensely compelling, marked by arrogant assurance, dominating. This wo rd is related to imperial.The whole sentence can be paraphrased as follows:Her handsome high-cheekboned features were set in a way which shows her imperial char acter.102. respite: a short period of pause or rest, during a time of great effort pain, or trouble, a t ime of relief (as from labour, suffering or war) or delay (as before sentencing or executing).The patient said he never had any respite from the pain.Sentence sb. to death with 2-years' respite.103. bore: make a hole inThis machine can bore through solid rock.104. swallow: to take back, to keep from expressing or showing, to accept without question ing, protest or resentmentto swallow one's words: take back what was said105. sullen: silently bad-tempered, unforgiving, dark, gloomylook sullen, to wear a sullen look106. comply: act according to a demand, order, ruleto comply with the law / regulations107. vacillation: hesitation, uncertainty, waver, continuous changing of one's opinionsThis word implies prolonged hesitation resulting from one's inability to reach a decisionHe vacillates between accepting & not accepting.The earthquake caused the entire house vacillate.108. dally: to waste time or be slowDon't dally or we'll be late.dally over one's work109. bulge: to swell out as a result of the pressure from within110. bead: small ball of glass or other material with a hole through it for a string worn with other others on a thread, esp. round the neck for ornament.She is wearing a string of green beads.背景知识Background informationTitle of the novel: HotelSetting:The story happened in a hotel named St. Gregory /'greg ri/ in New Orleans, Louisiana which is in the south of US.Main character of the novel:Peter McDermott, assistant general managerMain characters in this part of the novel:Ogilvie: chief house officerthe Duke of Croydon: newly appointed British ambassador to the United Statesthe Duchess of Croydon: wife of the Dukea prostitute called lady friend by OgilviePlot:Gregory was now at the brink of bankruptcy, but Peter McDermott is trying every means he could to save it.Several events happened during the week with the present text as part of it.The Duke of Croydon was an internationally famous statesman and the newly appointed Br itish ambassador to Washington. They occupied the best suite of the hotel.Monday evening, the Duke went to the gambling house. Later, his wife pursued and found him. On their way back, the car Jaguar knocked down a woman and her child. Both killed.Then we have the present text....At one o'clock Thursday morning, Ogilvie drove the car north. But he was seen leaving the hotel by McDermott. Later in the afternoon, McDermott witnessed the funeral of the two victims o f the accident. He suddenly realized the relation between these two events and contacted police.Ogilvie was caught in Tennessee and sent back to New Orleans.The Duke decided to go to the police to confess his crime (to surrender himself / to give hi mself up). But he was hurled out the elevator due to the breakdown of it. He hit the cement groun d and died instantly.Anyway, the novel had a pleasant ending.One of the guests, who looked old and sick, turned out to be a millionaire. Earlier he was s eriously ill and was saved by McDermott and his girl friend. To show his gratitude and to repay t he hotel staffs' kindness, he bought the hotel and appointed McDermott executive vice president of the hotel.This kind of novels are called thrillers. Generally defining, a thriller is a work of fiction or dr ama designed to hold the interest by the use of a high degree of intrigue, adventure or suspense. (thrill: to cause sudden strong feeling of joy, fear, excitement, pleasure etc. that seems to flow r ound the body like a wave)Others can be called cop-criminal novels, detective novels. The main purpose is for enterta inment, amusement. Very often this kind of novels contain a lot of action, usu. suspension, not v ery much deep thought, without moral intention, not considered classic.The basic technique is to make the whole story of crime into sth. like a jigsaw puzzle. You c an not see the outcome until the final part is put in.文章结构Structural and stylistic analysisPart 1. PreludeThe chief house officer...Ogilvie remained standing {p.84 (old book, ditto)}.Section 1. The chief house officer...that both might return at any moment.The setting, main characters, and the suspension.Section 2. A wave of cigar smoke...Ogilvie remained standing.The preliminary encounter between the house detective and the Croydons.Part 2: Process of unveiling the crimeNow then...the Duchess turned away (p. 89).Section 1. Now then...Now we're getting somewhere (p. 86).First round of clash. the Duke confessed his crime.Section 2. Wearily, in a gesture...I can prove all I need to (p.87).Second round of clash. Ogilvie spelt out what he found out about the activity of the Croydo ns and tried to confirm all the detailed. The Duchess tried to win back the upper hand.Section 3. The Duke cautioned...the Duchess turned away (p. 89).The Croydons realized that they were convicted of the crime. The conviction was undeniabl e.Part 3. The Dirty DealSection 1. Her husband asked...You people are hot (p.91).Eliminating the possibility of having the car repaired in New Orleans.The possibility of not being found.Section 2. The Duchess ...Or had they? (p. 93)The interior monologue of the Duchess. Her judgement, analysis and calculation of the situ ation, weighing the advantages and disadvantages, the pros and cons.Section 3. (The Duchess faced Ogilvie... the silence hung (p. 94)The Duchess' decision to gamble on the greed of the house detective.Section 4. The ending.The dirty deal reached.修辞学习RHETORICMetaphor:...the nerves of both ... were excessively frayed...his wife shot him a swift, warning glance.The words spat forth with sudden savagery.Her tone ...withered......self-assurance...flickered...The Duchess kept firm tight rein on her racing mind. Her voice was a whiplash.eyes bored into himI’ll spell it out.Euphemism:...and you took a lady friend.Metonymy:won 100 at the tableslost it at the barthey'll throw the book,...Onomatopoeia:appreciative chuckleclucked his tongue。

Detailed study
• 3. cryptic: hidden, secret, mysterious • 4. excessively frayed • excessive: derog. too much, too great, too large • Excessive rainfall washes out valuable minerals from the soil.
Lesson 6
• •
Arthur Hailey
Teaching Objectives
1. learn the words/phrases and understand the text. 2. paraphrase the text. 3. figures of speech such as metaphor, metonymy, euphemism, antithesis, parallelism. 4. Finish exercises No. IV, V, VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII. 5. Group work: (A short play) • Blackmail
• Then we have the present text. • ... ...
Type of writing
• This kind of novels are called thrillers.Generally defining, a thriller is a work of fiction or drama designed to hold the interest by the use of a high degree of intrigue, adventure or suspense.

Guiding students to actively think and explore through questions and discussions
Encoding students to discover and solve problems independently
Fostering a learning environment that promotes critical thinking and creativity
ideas and resources
Promoting mutual learning and assistance among group
Multimedia assisted teaching application
Utilizing multimedia resources such as videos, audio, and interactive software to enhance teaching effectiveness
Organizing group discussion activities during class
Divide students into small groups and assign discussion topics related to the less content
Encourage students to actively participate in the discussion and share their opinions
Teaching Focus and Differences
Teaching focus

The Aral Sea
1, located in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan is historically a saline lake . 2, It is in the centre of a large ,flat desert basin. The Aral Sea is a prime example of a dynamic environment. 3, In 1960 the world’s fourth largest lake, the size of the entirety of Southern California.
Al Gore
Al Gore was born in 1948 in Washington D.C., U.S. He has been a Senato(1984-1992) representing the State of Tennessee, and U.S.Vice-President (1992-2000) under President Bill Clinton. He ran for the Presidency against George W. Bush jr. but the latter won the closely tied election and has become the 43rd American President. After retirement, he devoted his time to environmental protection.The text is taken from Al Gore’s book Earth in the Balance
Lesson 3 Ships in the Desert

Summary of the main views of the author
• The central theme of “disappearance” • Nature disappears • History disappears • The solid banks disappear.
Lesson-6-高级英语1第六课自 主课件
The United Kingdom
O.B. Hardison Jr.
(1928 -1990)
O.B. Hardison, Jr.
• Born in San Diego, California in 1928 • Died in 1990 • B.A 1949 • M.A 1950 • Ph.D 1956
universalizing influence of science and technology. • Paras. 7-8: If man creates machines, machines in turn
shape their creators. And the compelling force of technology to universalize cannot be resisted.
• Part Ⅲ • Para 12-15: The disappearance of history is a form of
liberation which often expressed through play, and the playfulness of science has produced game theory and virtual particles. • Para 16-17: The contrast of architecture styles between the banks of the nineteenth century and today’s banks. • Para 18-19: It shows how far logically modern aesthetic can go. The solid banks can become almost abstract and invisible.
高级英语1 unit6 on the art of living with

高级英语1 unit6 on the art of living withothers1. IntroductionThe art of living with others requires empathy, patience, and a willingness to compromise. Being able to understand and connect with others on a deep level is an essential part of being able to navigate social situations with ease. It is a trait that can be learned and developed over time, but it requires a genuine interest in other people and a commitment to personal growth.2. Developing EmpathyEmpathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. It is an essential skill for building strong relationships and creating a harmonious community. One way to develop empathy is to practice active listening. This involves becoming fully engaged in a conversation, listening carefully to what the other person is saying, and responding thoughtfully. It is also important to remember that everyone's experiences and perspectives are different. This means that we must approach every interaction with an open mind and a willingness to learn from others.3. Patience and ToleranceLiving with others requires patience and tolerance. People come from different backgrounds and have different beliefs, values, and behaviors. It is important to recognize that there is no single "right" way to live, and that everyone is entitled to their own opinions and beliefs. When conflicts arise, it is important to remain calm and totry to understand the other person's perspective. This can be difficult, but it is an essential part of building a strong and supportive community.4. The Importance of CommunicationEffective communication is key to living with others. Clear and honest communication can prevent misunderstandings and conflicts. It is important to use "I" statements when expressing feelings or concerns, as this can help to avoid blame and defensiveness. It is also helpful to identify common goals and work together towards achieving them. This can create a sense of mutual trust and respect, which is crucial for building strong relationships.5. ConclusionThe art of living with others requires a range of skills, from empathy and patience to communication and compromise. It is an ongoing process that requires a willingness to learn and grow. By developing these skills, we can build strong and supportive communities that enable us to thrive.。

China’s 10 top universities
Ivy League university
a group of eight traditional universities in the eastern US with high academic standards and a high social status Harvard University Yale University University of Pennsylvania〔宾夕法尼亚大学;宾州大学〕 Princeton University 〔普林斯顿大学 〕 Columbia University〔哥伦比亚大学〕 Brown University 〔布朗大学〕 Dartmouth College 〔达特茅斯学院 〕 Cornell University〔康乃尔大学 〕
• within striking distance:
– very near to obtaining or achieving something.
– Eg: Hard luck! You came within striking distance of beating the record.真倒霉!你眼看就要打破纪
Detailed Study of Text
Paragraph 1-2
These two paragraphs make up the introductory part in which the author uses an anecdote as a starting point of the essay.
Paragraph 1
Language points:
• languish: v. – lose vigor, health, or flesh, as through grief; have a desire for something or someone who is not present; become feeble 憔悴;凋萎;失去活力; 受煎熬;长期受苦;变得衰弱

高一英语第六课知识点Title: Essential Knowledge Points from Lesson Six of High School EnglishIntroduction:High school English plays a crucial role in shaping students' language skills and communication abilities. Lesson Six covers several significant knowledge points that form the foundation for future language development. In this article, we will explore these points in greater depth, highlighting their relevance and practical application.1. Verb Tenses:A solid understanding of verb tenses is essential for effective communication. Lesson Six introduces various tenses like simple present, present continuous, simple past, past continuous, and simple future. Students learn to identify and use these tenses correctly in different contexts to convey meaning accurately. Familiarity with verb tenses helps students narrate events, discuss ongoing actions, express habits, and make predictions.2. Conditional Sentences:Conditional sentences allow speakers to convey hypothetical situations, possibilities, and cause-and-effect relationships. Lesson Six introduces the basics of conditional sentences, including the zero conditional, first conditional, and second conditional. Students learn how sentence structure changes based on conditions and consequences. Understanding conditionalsentences helps students express desires, give advice, make predictions, and discuss imaginary scenarios.3. Passive Voice:The passive voice is widely used in both written and spoken English. Lesson Six delves into the structure and usage of the passive voice, emphasizing its role in shifting the focus from the doer of an action to the receiver. Students explore various tenses in the passive voice and learn to identify when it is appropriate to use this construction. Command over the passive voice enables students to write more diverse and sophisticated sentences, as well as read and understand a wide range of texts.4. Reported Speech:Reported speech allows individuals to report conversations and thoughts indirectly. Lesson Six introduces the transformation of direct speech into reported speech, paying attention to changes in verb tenses, pronouns, and time and place references. Students practice converting statements, questions, commands, and exclamations into reported speech, expanding their abilities to retell conversations and relay information accurately.5. Adverbial Clauses:Adverbial clauses function as adverbs within a sentence, adding details about time, place, manner, condition, purpose, or reason. Lesson Six explores different types of adverbial clauses, such as time clauses, place clauses, condition clauses, and purpose clauses. Students learn to identify and use these adverbial clauses appropriately to provide additional information and enhance sentence complexity.Conclusion:Mastering the knowledge points covered in Lesson Six of high school English paves the way for continuous language development and effective communication. Verb tenses, conditional sentences, passive voice, reported speech, and adverbial clauses are all essential tools that broaden students' linguistic capabilities. By understanding and applying these points, students gain confidence in expressing themselves accurately and concisely in both spoken and written English.。
高级英语 第六课

dry up: become dried, here mans diminish.
Paragraph 7
He went west by stagecoach and succumbed to theபைடு நூலகம்epidemic of gold and silver fever in Nevada’s Washoe region. metaphor: the author describes the
Paragraph 1
Indeed, this nation’s best-loved author was every bit as adventurous, patriotic, romantic, and humorous as anyone has ever imagined. (simile) I found another Twain as well—one who grew cynical, bitter, saddened by the profound personal tragedies life dealt with him, a man who became obsessed with the frailties of the human race, who saw clearly ahead a black wall of night.
高级英语(第三版)第一册第六课 Mark Train

. All modern American literature comes from one book by Mark Twain called Huckleberry Finn. ... There was nothing before. There has been nothing as good since. ----Ernest Hemingway
高级英语(第三版)第一册第六课 Mark Train
Teaching Aims
1) To acquaint students with the major events in the history of USA.
2) To acquaint students with the life and writing of Mark Twain.
a cynical man / a cynical attitude / a cynical smile
With that cynical outlook he doesn’t trust anyone.
• profound to emphasize that sth. is very great and intense
• One of his greatest accomplishments was the development of a writing style that was distinctly American, rather than an imitation of the style of English writers. Twain made a more extensive combination of American folk humor and serious literature than previous writers had done. (local colorism, a dominant fashion from 1860s’—1900s’) The loose rhythms of the language in his books give the impression of real speech. Twain's realistic prose style has influenced numerous American writers.

py up:付清偿付
句子1:I hd stinking cold nd hd sty in bed.
句子2:He ws tll, thin, cdverous individul with long bony nose nd scnty blck berd.
句子3:He ws men, sly, repulsive looking fellow with little snuff-colored mustche nd turned-up nose.
复杂句型:blckmil这一课中涉及到了许多复杂句型掌握复杂句 型有助于提高英语阅读和写作能力。
文化影响:blckmil作为一种社会现象经常出现在文学作品、电影和电视剧中反映了人 性的复杂和社会道德的沦丧。 防范措施:个人和企业应加强信息安全意识采取有效的防范措施避免成为blckmil的受 害者。
敲诈勒索:以揭露隐私、威胁 等手段索取财物
欺诈行为:通过虚构事实或隐 瞒真相等手段骗取财物
非法拘禁:通过限制人身自由 等手段索取财物
恐吓威胁:通过恐吓、威胁等 手段索取财物
案例一:某公 司高管被勒索 因涉及商业机
案例二:某明 星被勒索因不 愿公开私人生 活选择私下解
The victim of blckmil is usully ______ for fer of public exposure nd shme.

1. When she was eleven, Clara, like her brother Alan before her, acquired a Grammar School place. Her mother, although of the mentality that refuses such places because of the price of the uniform, was luckily not in a social or financial position where she could reasonably do so, and although she was often unreasonable enough, she did not like to appear to be so in the eyes of the whole neighbourhood, so she constrained her parsimony and her innate distrust in education into selecting the less distinguished of the schools available, on the grounds that the bus fare was cheaper. It was a large, rather forbidding and gloomy building, called Battersby Grammar School, and it was on the fringe of that decayed, desolate, once-grand grey fringe that surrounds the centres of most cities; the houses in this area, large and terraced and of some dignity, had been long abandoned by the middle classes, and were now occupied by families who could not afford to live anywhere else. An occasional member of the fugitive genteel stuck it grimly out until death; once Clara was accosted by an old lady, battered and ragged and bent, who said as she walked along, and in accents of refined madness, that once the people that lived there had held their heads up high. Clara, a poor audience with her twisted knee socks, did not know what she meant.克莱拉11岁时,像她哥哥艾伦一样,进入一所公立中学。
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smug adj. : looking or feeling too pleased about sth. you have done or achieved 沾沾自喜,自鸣得意的 swinging adj. : spirited; were into a second hundred : were going to spend another hundred dollars. a real swinging party : the group of people who are indulged in the fashionable merry mess, such as in alcohol, sex, gambling, etc.
“ you went to Linday’s Place in Irish Bayou early last night. You drove your costly Jaguar and took a lady friend with you, if you don’t mind I may call her in this way.”
Linday’s Place : a gambling nightclub Irish bayou : a commercial section of French quarter in the centre of New Orleans, characterized with many hotels, bars, nightclubs and immigrants from southern Italy and Ireland. fancy adj. : unusual, extraordinary, costly. Lady friend:此处是指公爵的情妇,是 一种委婉语 fussy adj. : exacting especially about details, picky.
Bayou, New Orleans
Bayou is the term used mainly in Louisiana and Mississippi to describe a swampy, slowly moving or stationary body of water that was once part of a lake, river, or gulf. Bayou is not originally a French word. It was the Choctaw 乔克托族 Indians, who showed the French around when they began to arrive in what they called Louisiana early in the eighteenth century.
“Last night, early on, you went to Lindy’s Place in Irish Bayou. You drove there in your fancy Jaguar, and you took a lady friend. Leastways, I guess you’d call her that if you’re not too fussy.”
“Well, this is what I heard — you won a hundred dollars at the gambling table, then you spent it at the bar. When you were going to spend another hundred dollars to entertain a group of merry fellows who were really up-to-date in merry mess, your wife came to you by a taxi.”
The distinctive Jaguar badge (above)
1966 Jaguar Series 1 4.2 E-type roadster (above), A 1963 Series 1, 3.8 E-Type (left)
• “the way I hear it, you won a hundred at the tables, then lost it at the bar. You were into a second hundred — with a real swinging party —when your wife here got there in a taxi.”
• Jaguar is a brand of British luxury car made by Jaguar Cars Limited owned by the Ford Motor Company with headquarters at Browns Lane, Coventry, England which was founded as SS Cars Ltd in 1922 changing its name to Jaguar in 1945. • The Jaguar made between 1961 and 1974 is E-type which revolutionized sports car design, with performance, handling and looks ahead of its time.
The smug fat swung back.
Obviously, Ogilvie was trying to fawn on the Duke. He intended to hurt the arrogant Duchess with the Duke’s privacy.
OgilviΒιβλιοθήκη ’s wordsLesson 6 Blackmail
Duke and Duchess
Ogilvie Ogilvie’s action
Ogilvie’s words
Ogilvie’s action
Ogilvie pointed to the duke
As Ogilvie glanced, grinning , at the duchess