目录一、GeoPluse浅地层剖面仪操作规程 (1)1、仪器简介 (1)1)功能简介 (1)2)系统配置 (1)2、GeoPluse浅地层剖面仪系统配置连接 (1)1)换能器安装 (1)2)5430A收发机与5210A接收机连接 (2)3)接通电源 (4)3、5210A与5430A收发机功能键简介 (4)1)5430A收发机功能键简介 (5)2)5210A接收机功能键简介 (5)4、数据采集后处理 (7)二、Knudsen 320Ms双频测深仪操作规程 (14)1、仪器简介 (14)1)工作原理 (14)2)功能简介 (14)2、系统配置连接 (15)1)换能器连接 (15)2)Knudsen 320Ms主机与电脑的连接 (15)3)接通电源 (16)3、Knudsen 320Ms菜单结构 (16)4、数据采集后处理 (21)三、TideMaster型潮位仪操作规程 (29)1、仪器硬件设置 (29)1)主要设备仪器 (29)2)操作及安装使用 (31)2、临时验潮站站址选择原则 (31)3、仪器的软件设置 (31)四、GPS操作规程 (41)1、工作原理 (41)2、基准站操作 (41)1)仪器架设 (41)2)用手簿启动基准站 (44)3、Trimble SPS461 GPS罗经设置及使用说明 (46)1)网络连接方法设置461 (46)2)SPS461 信标机定位定向仪液晶屏设置说明 (51)五、海底管线铺设导航、定位技术 (64)1、GPS定位原理 (64)2、海洋定位技术 (65)1)差分GPS技术 (65)2)信标差分技术 (65)3、GPS 控制网及基准站的设立解算 (66)1)基准站的选定和设立 (66)2)GPS控制网的布设、施测和解算 (67)3)测区的坐标七参数的解算 (68)4)利用转化参数转换坐标 (69)4、海底管道施工导航定位技术 (69)1)海底管线临时定位桩施工 (69)2)铺管船法海底管线铺设导航定位 (71)六、海底管线预、后调查方案 (75)1、概述 (75)1)项目概述 (75)2)海底管线状态简介 (75)2、使用检测仪器进行海底管线铺设后调查内容 (76)1)海底管线外观检查 (76)2)经处理后的完工调查 (77)3、后调查作业设备及选用原则 (77)1)测深设备 (77)2)旁侧声纳 (78)3)浅地层剖面仪 (78)4、调查作业施工 (79)1)作业准备 (79)2)计划线布设 (79)3)作业方法和步骤 (80)4)作业注意事项 (82)5、数据采集、记录以及报告 (83)1)数据采集 (83)2)数据处理 (84)6、组织机构与职责 (85)一、GeoPluse浅地层剖面仪操作规程1、仪器简介1)功能简介使用GeoPluse浅地层剖面,得到几十米深的纵断面工程地质图,探明海底泥层的构成、岩性、断层位置以及有无埋设其他管道等,然后将所取得的几条走向资料进行对比,以确定最优的路由。
散射测量仪软件系统操作说明书目录1前言 (2)1.1 硬件设备 (2)1.2 测量方法 (5)2操作步骤 (6)2.1 开机步骤 (6)2.2 系统登录 (7)2.3 散射系统操作流程 (9)2.4 切换激光波长 (9)2.5 激光开关 (9)2.6 测量输入功率P I (10)2.7 开始测量 (11)2.8 测量单操作 (13)3测试能量计读数 (16)4显示积分球参数 (18)5操作用户 (18)6退出系统 (19)7帮助 (20)1前言1.1 硬件设备该系统的硬件设备包括水冷机、激光器(带532与1064波长转换的旋转电机)、工控机、控制机柜、激光能量计等。
我们设计该测量系统的结构如下图所示:说明:1)双级电光调Q Nd:YAG激光器;2)简式升降及三维调节台;3)1064nm滤光片及支架;4)可变小孔光阑及支架;5)300mm积分球;6)被测样品;7)玻璃或纯YAG样品支架;8)积分球入口光阑;9)积分球出口光阑;10)散射光探头;11)挡光板;12)透射光探头及支架;13)光学平台;14)激光电源;15)激光水冷机;16)数据采集及控制软件系统控制部份结构如下图所示:其中激光器的操作详见激光器操作说明书及后面的开机步骤。
下图为水冷机1.2 测量方法在总电源开关、红光开关、激光器、水冷机、工控机及测量软件全部打开后,并将激光器设置为外控状态,整个测量步骤只需两部便可完成。
2、在积分球中放入被测样品后,关闭好积分球,测量透过功率Pt和散射功率Ps 。
其计算公式为22/(1)(1)/(1)/s i s T i T i P P r r a ln P P r PP L ⎛⎫⋅--=⋅ ⎪⎡⎤--⋅⎝⎭⎣⎦, 2(1)/1(1)/T i a s s i r P P a a r P P ⎛⎫--=-⋅ ⎪-⋅⎝⎭.如果我们能够测出入射功率Pi 、散射功率Ps 和透过功率Pt ,再测出激光材料样品的长度L 及表面镀膜的剩余反射率r ,则可根据计算公式计算出材料的散射系数αS ,以及吸收系数αa ,也可得到材料的总损耗系数值α。
软件版本V3.40-20201127便携式氨氮测定仪操作手册哈维森(苏州)环境科技有限公司Harveson(SuZhou)Environmental Technology Co.,Ltd.目录1 概述 ........................................................................................................... -2 -2 仪器原理与结构........................................................................................ -3 -3 仪器设置.................................................................................................... - 5 -4 仪器操作.................................................................................................... - 6 -5 仪器测量.................................................................................................... - 7 -6 仪器曲线校准............................................................................................ - 8 -7 仪器配置.................................................................................................... - 9 -8 仪器维护.................................................................................................... - 9 -1 概述1.1产品用途及特点MP218便携式氨氮测定仪广泛应用于地表水、地下水、生活污水和工业废水测定,不仅适用于野外以及现场快速水质应急检测,也适用于实验室的水质分析。
胜利仪器 VICTOR 7502S 智能电缆综合探测仪说明书
![胜利仪器 VICTOR 7502S 智能电缆综合探测仪说明书](
目录安全须知 (1)一.简介 (2)二.技术规格 (3)三.结构 (6)四.仪器操作 (7)1.接收机基本操作 (7)1.1电缆线路探测界面 (7)1.2电缆识别界面 (7)1.3仪表设置 (8)2.发射机基本操作 (10)2.1管线探测或电缆识别的信号发射 (10)2.2仪表设置 (10)1.直连法 (11)1.1界面介绍 (12)1.2直连接线 (12)1.2.1测量金属管道时的接线方式 (12)1.2.2测量停运电缆时的接线方式 (13)芯线-大地接法(抗干扰能力强,推荐使用) (13)护层-大地接法(有潜在问题,不建议使用) (13)相线-护层接法(接线简单,但难以排除邻线干扰) (14)相间接法 (15)1.3发射频率的选择 (15)1.4输出功率调节 (16)2.耦合法 (16)2.1界面介绍 (17)2.2卡钳耦合接线 (17)2.3频率选择 (19)2.4输出功率调节 (19)3.感应法 (19)3.1界面介绍 (19)3.2发射机的放置 (20)3.3频率选择 (21)3.4功率调节 (21)4.零线/地线/护层注入法 (21)六.接收机的探测 (23)1.管线探测 (23)1.1设定接收频率 (23)1.2增益调整 (23)1.3选择测量模式 (23)1.4关于导线巡航模式界面的介绍 (24)1.5关于经典定位界面的介绍 (25)1.6关于信号畸变测试模式界面的介绍 (27)1.7电流方向判定 (27)1.8利用声音输出辅助跟踪 (28)2.区域探测 (29)2.1无源探查 (29)2.2放射探查 (29)2.3综合探查 (30)3.精确定位 (30)4.深度测量 (31)4.1自动测量深度和电流 (31)4.2音谷45°法手动深度测量 (33)4.3宽峰80%法手动深度测量 (33)5.电缆识别 (33)5.1信号发射方法的选择 (34)5.2界面介绍 (34)5.3标定 (34)5.4识别过程 (35)5.5多线缆识别 (39)七.线接地故障定位(选配功能) (39)八.其他功能介绍 (45)1.扫频测试 (45)1.1扫频测试界面介绍 (45)1.2现场使用 (45)九.电池管理 (45)十.装箱单 (46)安全须知感谢您购买了本公司的智能电缆综合探测仪,为了更好地使用本产品,请一定:——详细阅读本用户手册,操作者必须完全理解手册说明并能熟练操作本仪表后才能进行实际测试。
VISIT OUR WEBSITES: • • .au58SpECifiCATiONSService: Air or nonconductive, nonexplosive gases.Accuracy: ±0.5% FS, ±0.25% FS (optional).Temperature Limits: 32 to 120°F (0 to 50°C).Humidity Limits:5 to 95% relative humidity (non-condensing).Altitude:6561 ft (2000 meters) max.Thermal Effects: ±0.03% FS/°F (± 0.05% FS/°C).pressure Limits: ±15 in w.c. (±3.7 kPa).Supply Voltage:Order code A (24 VAC): 18 to 32 VAC, 50 to 60 Hz;Order code B (120 VAC): 85 to 265 VAC, 50 to 60 Hz;Main supply voltage fluctuations up to 10%.power Requirements: 5 W.power Consumption (Voltage output): 5 W.Output Signal: Selectable 4 to 20 mA (2-wire), 0 to 5 VDC (3-wire), or 0to 10 VDC (3-wire).Loop Resistance (4 to 20 mA output):0 to 510 Ω.Electrical Connection: Removable terminal block.process Connections: Barbed fittings for 3/16˝ ID tubing.Enclosure Rating:NEMA 1 (IP20) rated for indoor applications.Housing:Fire retardant plastic.Mounting: Mount to standard double gang metal electrical box using 4x4˝ plaster ring adapter.Dimensions:8˝ H x 5.4˝ W x 1.8˝ D (20.3 H x 13.7 W x 4.1 D cm).Weight: 1.5 lb (680 g).Communications:BACnet MSTP ASC optional.Agency Approvals: CE, CSA (RSM only).The Series RSM Room Status Monitor is designed for critical low differential pressure applications that require stringent pressure monitoring and alarming. The Series RSM can be configured to monitor positive or negative pressure in protected environments and hospital isolation rooms per CDC guidelines. The RSM is a complete system that includes a backlit RGB LCD display with a graphic user interface which enables access to pressure,security, calibration, and alarm setup. The touch-screen displays menus that guide the user through setup, as well as setting up password protection. Red and green LED's and a local audible alarm (with time delay feature) alert personnel to system status. The RSM has a NEMA 1 (IP20) rated fire retardant plastic for indoor applications. True differential pressure is displayed with a resolution of 0.001 in w.c. The very low pressure capacitance is dead ended and avoids the potential for cross contamination of the room and reference space as well as eliminating drift that results from fouling of flow based sensors, which by nature have a flow path connecting the protected and reference spaces.Additionally, there are two levels of password protection available as well as optional BACnet MSTP communication.AppLiCATiONS• Hospital isolation wards • Pharmaceutical • Manufacturing • Clean rooms • Research labs • Animal facilities ACCESSORYA-285, Remote Alarm Annunciator with Visible/Audible Alarmand Acknowledge Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$220.00nn Items are net priced and are not subject to any discount.All Models Listed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$999.00n Note:For optional BACnet communication change end from -A to -C for 24 VAC power or from -B to -D for 120 VAC power models.。
A Method of Calculating Measuring Interval forLarge-Size StraightnessShengzhou Luline 1:Mechanical and Electrical Engineering line 2: Harbin Institute of Technologyline 3: Harbin, Chinaline4:e-mail:*****************Zhongxi Shaoline 1:Mechanical and Electrical Engineering line 2: Harbin Institute of Technologyline 3: Harbin, Chinaline4:e-mail:*********************Weishun Wangline 1:Research and Development Center line 2: Qiqihar Heavy CNC Equipment CORP. LTDline 3: Qiqihar, Chinaline4:e-mail:138****************Hongya Fuline 1:Mechanical and Electrical Engineering line 2: Harbin Institute of Technologyline 3: Harbin, Chinaline4:e-mail:****************.cnAbstract—Accurately straightness measuring has a direct relation to the promotion of the machine precision. In the process of straightness measurement, since the measuring interval has a great impact on the accuracy and efficiency of large-size straightness measurement, and there is no detailed measurement interval calculation method at present, it is necessary to make a deeply research to the measuring interval. This paper gives theoretical derivation to the measuring interval based on the Nyquist sampling theorem. Maximum frequency M and the number of measuring points in one period N are determined based on measurement tolerance, and then calculate the optimal theoretical measuring interval. Finally, measure the straightess of the guide rail under diferent measuring interval including the optimal one. Validate the calculation method through the straightess measuring experiment. The experimental results show that the optimal theoretical measuring interval derived in this paper is suitable, which proves the correctness of the calculating method.Keywords-Straightness; Measuring interval; Large-size; Accuracy; Optimal theoretical measuring interval.I.I NTRODUCTIONStraightness tolerance is one of the geometric tolerances which are specified in the national standard and the international organization for standardization (ISO), and it is mainly used to control the shape error of straight line in plane or space[1]. The accurate measurement and evaluation of the straightness error is very important to eligibility judgment and guarantee of geometry parts with the straightness tolerance requirements[2]. Straightness measurement usually adopts the method of equal intervals measurement to measure the measured object through the measuring interval. There isn’t convincingly theoretical basis about the definition of the measuring interval in the related standard of country and enterprise[3], while the definition mostly depends on the experience of the technician[4][5]. The large measuring interval brings few measuring points,which will result in part of information losing that can cause the shape of the measured object cannot be accurately measured. Conversely, if the measuring interval is too small and the measuring points are too many, it will bring some interference information and useless data, especially for large-size straightness measurement, therefore this will cause low measuring efficiency and untrusted measuring results. So it is necessary to make a deeply theoretical analysis about how to choose the straightness measuring interval of large-size, and to choose suitable measuring interval in measurement of large-size under the premise of measurement requirement,aiming to improve the efficiency of straightness measurement and evaluation and to ensure the credibility of the measurement results.II.T HE DETERMINATION OF MEASURING INTERVAL IN LARGE-SIZE STRAIGHTNESS MEASUREMENTA.Nyquist sampling theoremAt present, the theoretical basis of determining the measuring interval is the Nyquist sampling theorem at home and abroad [6], the content of the theorem is as follows: If the maximum frequency of a continuous single value analog is M and the sampling frequency is 2M, it will completely determine the analog waveform. It means that there must be sampled at least twice times in one changing cycle of the maximum frequency. The sampling period now is presented by Eq.(1)12M∆<(1) where ∆and M respectively stand for sampling period and the maximum frequency of single value analog.International Conference on Chemical, Material and Food Engineering (CMFE-2015)The measuring interval corresponds to the sampling period of the signal in the time domain[7]. By the Nyquist sampling theorem, the number of measuring points in total length K can be determined by the maximum frequency M and the number of sampling in one changing cycle N of the maximum frequency. With the total measurement length L, the measuring interval can be determined as Eq.(2)=L L K MN∆= (2)where L,K,M and N respectively represent total measuring length, theoretical optimum measurement points in total measurement length, the maximum frequency and the number of sampling N in one changing cycle of the maximum frequency(2N >).It is observed that the measuring interval ∆ can be determined by total measurement length L, the maximum frequency M of the signal of the surface shape of the measured guide rail and the number of measuring points N in one changing cycle of the maximum frequency. Figure.1 describes the calculation process of theoretical measuringLarge-size StraightnessB. The determination of the maximum frequency MSince the determination of the maximum frequency of surface profile signal M is related with the measurement tolerance δ, there needs to introduce the measurement tolerance δ. The purpose of straightness measurement is to truly express the measured surface shape. The measurement errors from the measuring method and instrument will cause that the machining errors of the measured object cannot be accurately measured, so we should try to reduce measuring errors which mainly refers to errors from the method. Inpractice, the measurement method of equal interval is often used in straightness measurement, but the uncertainty of measuring interval brings the uncertainty of the position of measuring. The measuring errors from the method are mainly caused by mismatching between the measurement points and the extreme values points of the measured surface profile, and the measurement tolerance δ is used to restrict the measuring errors especially from measuring methods. Literature [8] points out that measurement tolerance δ relate with tolerance grade level and size of the measured object. By selecting the appropriate measurement tolerance δ based on the characteristics of the measured object, we can determine the maximum frequency M of the measured object surface shape of the signal.The error signal of the surface profile in the measured guide rail contains geometrical form error 、 surface waviness and surface roughness. In terms of frequency and amplitude, the low frequency and large amplitude makes the geometrical form error be the major factor affecting the surface appearance. The surface roughness frequency is high and amplitude is small. The frequency and amplitude of the surface wave are between both the above[9]. In the actual measurement, because of the difference of measured surface, the maximum frequency M of surface profile signal is not the same. The specific way to determine the M is to find out the former M order harmonic components of the measured surface profile signal, then compare each order harmonic amplitude with the measurement tolerance δ, find the maximum frequency M whose amplitude is above the measurement tolerance δ.In summary, according to the selected measuring interval determined by the total length L of the measured object and related national standards, measure the object and get the measurement data, and then modify the data through least square method to eliminate the influence of the installation inclination of the measured surface. Process the revised data by Fourier transform and data X(k) after Fourier transform which is described as Eq.(3)21()[()]()j ikn ni X k DFT x i x i eπ−−===∑ (3)where x(i) and n respectively represent the original measurement data and the total number of measuring points. Compare each order harmonic amplitude C i with the measurement tolerance δ, find the harmonic C m whose amplitude is above the measurement tolerance δ and order is the highest, then the maximum frequency is M.C. The determination of the number of meauring points in one cycle NIn the process of straightness measurement,the extreme values ultimately determine the straightness error value. Any one periodic signal can be formed by a number of sinusoidal signals, so we can assume that the measured surface profile is a sine wave, its period is T and its amplitude is a as Figure.2 describes, then we can see B and D is the determinant to straightness error value. As can be seen from Figure.2, thedecrease of the measuring interval will make the measurement points much closer to the extreme values points and then finally decrease the deviation caused by the mismatching between the measurement points and the extreme values points. But the decrease of the measuring interval and the increasing of the measurement points reduce the measurement efficiency and increase the amount of calculation, there is need to discuss the optimum number of Y PositionAssume that the number of measuring points in one changing cycle of the maximum frequency on the measured surface is N, the amplitude of the frequency component is a and its period T=2π,so the measuring interval is 2π/N . The measuring starting point is zero A, and B fall between K and K+1(K=0,1,2……N ), then the difference between K and B ∆Y K. and K and B ∆Y K+1 are determined as Eq.(4) and Eq.(5)sin(2/)Y a a K N K π∆=− (4)sin(2(+1)/)+1Y a a K N K π=−∆ (5) In actual measurement, the position of the measured point is unknown. Assume that the actual positions of the measured points and the measuring point position deviation is △X, then the difference of B value and K and K+1 point measurements are respectively determined as Eq.(6) and Eq.(7) sin((2/N)X)K Y a a K π∆=−+∆ (6) 1sin((2(1)/N)X)K Y a a K π+∆=−++∆ (7) Point B is between point K and point K+1, so when the actual position of measuring point changes, the variation trend of ΔY K and ΔY K+1 is just the opposite, one increases, another reduces. It can be proved that the limitation of measurement error caused by the mismatching between the measurement points and the extreme values points.ΔY K =ΔY K+1, the change of the actual measurement point △X is as Eq.(8) (42)/(2)X N K N π∆=−− (8) Take Eq.(8) into Eq.(6) and Eq.(7), the limit of measurement error near B is as Eq.(9) max (1cos(/N))B Y a π∆=− (9) Similarly, the limit of measurement error near the extreme value point D is as Eq.(10) max (1cos(/N))D Y a π∆=− (10)Therefore, the limit of straightness measurement error ΔY max caused by mismatching between the measurement points and the extreme values points are determined as Eq.(11)max max max2(1cos(/N))B D Y Y Y a π∆=∆+∆=−(11)As can be seen from Eq(11), with the number of measuring points N increasing,limit error of straightness measurement gets smaller. Therefore, as long as we know the amplitude of the maximum frequency of the measured surface signal a , we can get the number of measuring in one cycle of the maximum frequency N with measurement tolerance δ.D. Determination of straightness measuring interval Δ Combine the maximum frequency M and the number of sampling in one changing cycle of the maximum frequency N , we can get the number of measuring points K in the total measuring length which descibes the determination of theoretically optimal measuring points as Eq.(12) =K MN(12) And theoretically optimal measuring interval in total measurement length is determined as Eq.(13)=L L K MN∆= (13)III. E XPERIMENTAL VERIFICATION TO THE CALCULATIONMETHOD FOR MEASURING INTERVAL OF L ARGESTRAIGHTNESS Theoretically optimal measuring interval can be deduced according to the large-size straightness measuring interval calculation method with the original experimental data obtained. Validate the theoretically optimal measuring interval derived in this paper is reasonable, through measuring the straightness by different measuring interval including the optimal one.The measuring object in experiment is straightness within the vertical plane of the 5m guide rail whose accuracy index T is 0.02mm and the measuring instruments is Renishaw XL-80 laser interferometer. In order to eliminate the effect of the tilt of the rail to straightness measurements, use the least squares method to assess the straightness. It is recommended that the measurement tolerance δ in the calculation can be T/5~T/10.Figure.3 Measuring the Straightness of Guide Rail The length of bridgeboard used in straightness measurement are 160mm,500mm,750mm and 1000mm. Figure.3 describes straightness measurement by Renishaw XL-80 laser interferometer. TABLE 1 describes the impact of different measurement tolerance δto the measuring intervals that are derived.TABLE 1 The Impact of Different Measurement Tolerance δ to theMeasuring IntervalsMeasurement tolerance Theoretically optimal measuring interval [mm] δ=T/10 544δ=T/8 544δ=T/6 620δ=T/5 620As can be seen from TABLE 1, the theoretically optimal measuring interval derived under the case of δ=T/10 is 544mm, so the raw data obtained by the 160mm can be used to calculate as true values. TABLE 2 below describes the results of straightness measurement under the case of different measuring intervals by laser interferometer.TABLE 2 Straightness under Different Measuring IntervalsMeasuring interval [mm] Straightness [μm]160 40.922500 43.782750 33.81000 26.846The theoretically optimal measuring interval derived is about 550mm, and the interval less than 550mm can be used in practical. Taking the purpose of measuring efficiency and true expression of the straightness of the measured object into account, we can choose 500mm as measuring interval. As can be seen from TABLE 2, the results of straightness measurement got under the case of interval 160mm and 500mm are basically the same, while the results are significantly smaller under the case of interval 750mm and 1000mm, so the interval 500mm can be the optimal measuring interval.IV.C ONCLUSIONThis article proposes a calculation method for the large-size straightness measuring interval based on Nyquist sampling theorem. The results of validation experiments indicate that the method is feasible. According to the rail experimented, the interval 500mm through theoretical derivation can be its optimal measuring interval. Because the measurement tolerance δis from experiment in this paper, the subsequent research should give theoretical derivation and inspect the relationship between the measurement tolerance δ and measurement length.A CKNOWLEDGMENTThis work is supported by the National Science and Technology Major Project of China (2013ZX04013-011-09) and Heilongjiang Postdoctoral Fund in 2013 (LBH-Z13209). The authors would like to express their appreciation to the contribution of Xiaozhong Lou and Zhonghe Xu, who are the engineers at Qiqihar Heavy CNC Equipment CO., LTD, for offering help in experiments.R EFERENCES[1] F.G. Huang. The Number of Measurement Extraction Points forStraightness Error Evaluation[J]. Journal of Huaqiao university: Natural Science Edition, 2011, 32(6): 615-617.[2] F.G. Huang and Y.J. Zheng. Research straightness error measurementsampling scheme[J].Tool and Technology, 2007,10:95-98.[3]X.F. Hou. 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胜利仪器 VICTOR 9003B三通道柔性线圈电流监控记录仪 说明书
![胜利仪器 VICTOR 9003B三通道柔性线圈电流监控记录仪 说明书](
目录注意 (1)一.简介 (2)二.电气符号 (2)三.型号说明 (3)四.技术规格 (3)五.仪表结构 (5)六.基本操作 (5)1.开、关机 (5)2.节电模式 (5)3.开、关背光 (6)4.设定日期时钟 (6)5.存储间隔时间设置 (6)6.查阅数据 (7)7.删除数据 (7)8.电流测试记录 (7)9.实时监控 (8)10.数据下载 (8)七.电池充电 (9)八.装箱单 (9)注意感谢您购买了本公司的VICTOR9003B三通道柔性线圈电流监控记录仪,为了更好地使用本产品,请一定:——详细阅读本用户手册。
2D ImageCorrelation EncoderDigimaticScale UnitsLinear ScalesABS AT500-SABS AT500-HABS ST700AT1100MICSYS-SA1HST-F11Fiber ScaleVertical single-function typeVertical multi-functiontype572-561 SDV-15E[Scale units][Display units]System DiagramSingle-function type with high dust/water resistanceSingle-function typeMulti-function typeMulti-function type (double reading)SD-D (Horizontal)SDV-D (Vertical)SD-GEC Counter *3No. 542-007ASD-E (Horizontal)SDV-E (Vertical)SD-F (Horizontal)SDV-F (Vertical)Digimatic mini-processor DP-1VANo. 264-505AMultiplexer MIG-4USBNo. 64AAB387Input Tool (USB keyboard signal conversion model)No. 264-016-10Tolerance judgment output *1RS-232C/USB outputUSB keyboard signal conversion* 1: Select the tolerance judgment output or digimatic output when setting the parameters.* 2: Connecting cable with the water-proof type output switch can be used only for SD-G or Water-proof Digital Caliper CD-15/20/30PM equipped with external output function.* 3: Connecting of SD series and DP-1VR/MIG-UUSB/IT-012U is also available without passing through the EC counter.In this case, connect these units and SD series with the cables used for the connection with the EC counter.* Connection to an RS-232C conversion type (IT-007R ) or a PS/2 keyboard signal conversion type (IT-005D ) input tool is also available.Connecting cable with the water-proof type output switch*2 40”/ 1m : No.05CZA624 80”/ 2m : No.05CZA625Connecting cable with the output switch 1m : No.959149 2m : No.959150Connecting cable with the output switchConnecting cable 40”/ 1m : No.93693780”/ 2m : No.96501440”/ 1m : No.905338 80”/ 2m : No.905409 40”/ 1m : No.905689 80”/ 2m : No.90569040”/ 1m : No.905691 80”/ 2m : No.905692 40”/ 1m : No.905693 80”/ 2m : No.905694Refer to page G-20 for details.Palm-sized printer for printing and statistical analysisInterface unit for the RS-232C/USBconversion and output RS-232C/USB outputUSB Interface unit that converts and transfers data into spreadsheets*2*3*3*309AAA207 09AAA198Scale unitsKA Counter KLD200 CounterAbsolute systemSeparate type (Exposed)Assembly type (Enclosed)ABS 1100General Purpose ABS AT300series Slim spar type ABS AT500seriesSlim spar typeABS ST700Compact-typeseriesMICSYSGeneral-purpose type High Speed Amplifiers supporting Mitutoyo ENSIS interface *3Nikki Denso Co.,Ltd. VCII/VC/VPS series*3Servoland corporation SVF Series*3PMAC Japan Co., Ltd. UMAC-Turbo PMAC2*3FANUC Ltd.NC control unit*3Mitsubishi Electric Corporation MITSUBISHI CNC series*3Mitsubishi Electric CorporationMELSERVO series*3Panasonic Corporation, Motor Business UnitMINAS series*3YASKAWA Electric CorporationΣ-V/Σ-III Series*3Siemens AG SINAMICS/SINUMERIK series(supporting DRIVE-CLiQ)*3: Please contact each manufacturer for details.*1: 1Vp-p differential output typeSeparate type (Exposed)With square wave signal / sinusoidal signal simultaneous outputAT216-T/AT216-TL Pulse signalunit PSU-200Pulse signalunit PSU-200KA Counter KLD200 Counter Assembly type (Enclosed)Incremental systemWith square wave signal outputAT211*2Standard type Slim spar type AT203With sinusoidal signal outputAT113AT116AT112-F AT103Standard type Various NC controllers*2: 1Vp-p differential sinusoidal signal output types also available. Please contact us for details*4: Adapter available to connect to KA CounterStandard type ST24Compact type ST422/ST46-EZA ST-13002D EncoderABS AT715Standard type High accuracy type ST36*2*4Slim spar and high speed typeUltra compact typeST-F11General-purpose typeAT402E *1Slim spar type Super slim spar type Economy and slim spar type Linear Scale System DiagramLinear ScalesDesigned to capture positional coordinates from slides on machine tools and precision instruments including semiconductor production equipment.Name Type Page AT1100General-purpose Spar H-12AT300Standard Spar H-13 AT-715Slim Spar (IP67)H-14 AT500Slim Spar H-15ABS ST700General Purpose Compact type(Exposed)H-16ST1300High Seep High Accuracy(Exposed)H-17 MICSYS2D Image Encoder (Exposed)H-18 AT103Standard H-19AT113Slim Spar type H-20AT112-F Super Slim part type H-21 AT116Economy and Slim Spar H-22 AT402E General-purpose H-23 AT203Standard type H-24 AT216T/AT217-TL Slim Spar H-25 AT211Slim spar type high speed H-26 ST24Standard Type (Exposed)H-27 ST422/ST46-EZA Compact type (Exposed)H-28-29 ST36High Accuracy type (Exposed)H-30ST-F11Ultra Compact-Fiber scale(Exposed)H-31-322315.744.53.2(1.5)191Mi16(54)36.51.5±0.2222-R2.51.5±.2g method BMiddle support (V)adjustableBlock spacer2-ø7ø14 Countersunk, depth 6.524Countersunk, depth 6.5AA0.1Middle support position L5L695.5(3.76")37.5 (1.476")Over 3m8(3.15")37.5 (1.476")Up to 3mUnit: mm (inch)52(2.5")22 (.87")Unit: mm (inch)15.4 (.606")44.5(1.752")Unit: mm (inch)AR190.5±0.2254582014.3AT112F AT211AT715AT1100AT103 / AT300 / AT203AT500AT402E AT113 / AT116 / AT216T / AT217TL3727.6(14.8)1339.82585H-11/ / 8060±0.2SERIES 539 — Slim Spar TypeSPECIFICATIONS174-183AABS AT500-SABS AT500-HScale base typeSERIES 539 — Standard Type 174-183AKA counter, KLD• Dimensionally compatible with AT116174-183A• Connectable to the KA counter, KLD counterPSU-200.174-183AConnectable to the KA counter, KLD counter orPSU-200.174-183ASPECIFICATIONS5µm resolutionAT211-A AT211-B• The thickness of the detector head isonly 7.5 mm. The metal tape scale type has a mounting surface area of 12.5 by 9.325 mm, allowing use in applications where a space-saving design is important.• Drawings are available on requestSPECIFICATIONS•Double-end fixing tentioned design•Double-sided adhesive tape fixing designModelST46-EZADetection method Reflective photoelectlic linear encoder Signal strength checking andNC sideLinear Scales ST36Processor LED Indicators ST-F11ST- F11B ST- F11CDiffraction interference , reflection-type linear encoder4 μm2 μm2-phase-shifted square wave (+ reset input)2-phase-shifted square wave 2-phase-shifted sine wave10 nm / 50 nm / 100 nm (switchable)4" / 100 mm±1 μm, ±2 μm (custom-holder type)800 mm/s (For the sine wave) Perpendicular (S-Type) 5x9.6x12Dimensions of Detector HeadsModel Number Output Signal Scale Material Detector Orientationto ScaleFiber LengthST-F11B-100A-S02 2 Phase Square Quartz Glass Parallel2mST-F11B-100A-S03 2 Phase Square Quartz Glass Parallel3m SPECIFICATIONSPSU-400EAPSU-400EVH-34Linear ScalesQuick Guide to Precision Measuring Instruments■ Absolute systemA measurement mode in which every point measurement is made relative to a fixed origin point.■ Incremental systemA measurement mode in which every point measurement is made relative to a certain stored reference point.■ Origin offsetA function that enables the origin point of a coordinate system to be translated to another point offset from the fixed origin point. For this function to work, a system needs a permanently stored origin point.■ Restoring the origin pointA function that stops each axis of a machine accurately in position specific to the machine while slowing it with the aid of integrated limit switches.■ Sequence controlA type of control that sequentially performs control steps according to a prescribed order.■ Numerical controlA way of controlling the movements of a machine by encodedcommands created and implemented with the aid of a computer (CNC). A sequence of commands typically forms a ‘part program’ that instructs a machine to perform a complete operation on a workpiece.■ Binary outputRefers to output of data in binary form (ones and zeros) that represent numbers as integer powers of 2.■ RS-232CAn interface standard that uses an asynchronous method of serial transmission of data over an unbalanced transmission line for data exchange between transmitters located relatively close to each other. It is a means of communication mainly used for connecting a personal computer with peripherals.■ Line driver outputThis output features fast operating speeds of several tens to several hundreds of nanoseconds and a relatively long transmission distance of several hundreds of meters. A differential-voltmeter line driver (RS422A compatible) is used as an I/F to the NC controller in the linear scale system.■ BCDA notation of expressing the numerals 0 through 9 for each digit of a decimal number by means of four-bit binary sequence. Data transmission is one-way output by means of TTL or open collector.■ RS-422An interface standard that uses serial transmission of bits in differential form over a balanced transmission line. RS-422 is superior in its data transmission characteristics and in its capability of operating with only a single power supply of +5V.■ AccuracyThe accuracy specification of a scale is given in terms of the maximum error to be expected between the indicated and true positions at any point, within the range of that scale, at a temperature of 20ºC. Since there is no international standard defined for scale units, each manufacturer has a specific way of specifying accuracy. The accuracy specifications given in our catalog have been determined using laser interferometry.■ Narrow range accuracyScale gratings on a scale unit normally adopt 20μm pitch though it varies according to the kind of scale. The narrow range accuracy refers to the accuracy determined by measuring one pitch of each grating at the limit of resolution (1μm for example).GlossaryTests for Evaluating Linear Scales1. Testing within the service temperature rangeConfirms that there is no performance abnormality of a unit within the service temperature range and that data output is according to the standard.2. Temperature cycle (dynamic characteristics) testConfirms that there is no performance abnormality of a unit during temperature cycling while operating and that data output is according to the standard.3. Vibration test (Sweep test)Confirms that there is no performance abnormality of a unit while subject to vibrations of a frequency ranging from 30Hz to 300Hz with a maximum acceleration of 29.42m/s 2.4. Vibration test (Acceleration test)Confirms that there is no performance abnormality of a unit subject to vibrations at a specific, non-resonant frequency. (Approx. 98.07m/s 2)5. Noise testThe noise test conforms to EMC Directive EN61326-1+A1:1998.6. Package drop testThis test conforms to JIS Z 0200 (Heavy duty material drop test)H-35Upon supply of power to a linear scale, position readings from three capacitance-type sub-scales (COArse, MEDium and FINe) and one from a photoelectric sub-scale (OPTical) are taken. These sub-scales use such a combination of pitches, and are so positioned relative to each other, that the readings at any one position form a unique set and allow a microprocessor to calculate the position of the read head on the scale to a resolution of 0.05μm (0.005μm).■ Principle of the Absolute Linear Scale (Example: ABS AT300, 500-S/H)AT5003768mmOPTCOAMED FIN E l e c t r o s t a t i c c a p a c i t a n c e t y p eP h o t o -e l e c t r o n i c t y p e3768mm58.88mm 0.92mm 20µm(512)(512)(400)(4096)0.05µm 0.005µm7.36mm0.115mm(512)Approx. 1.8µmResolutionSignal cycle (interpolation)ComputerDigital counterLaser length measuring machine counterLaser sourceInterferometer Optical axis oflaser beamCube cornerFixtureScale unit Movable tableThe accuracy of the scale at each point is defined in terms of an error value that is calculated using the following formula:Error = Value indicated by laser inspection system− Corresponding value indicated by the linear scale A graph in which the error at each point in the effective positioning range is plotted is called an accuracy diagram.There are two methods used to specify the accuracy of a scale, unbalanced or balanced, described below.Positional Indication accuracyThe accuracy of a linear scale is determined by comparing the positional value indicated by the linear scale with the corresponding value from a laser length measuring machine at regular intervals using the accuracy inspection system as shown in the figure below. As the temperature of the inspection environment is 20˚C, the accuracy of the scale applies only in an environment at this temperature. Other inspection temperatures may be used to comply with internal standards.(1) Unbalanced accuracy specification - maximum minus minimum errorThis method simply specifies the maximum error minus the minimum error from the accuracy graph, as shown below. It is of the form: E = (α+ βL)μm. L is the effective range (mm), and α and β are factors specified for each model.For example, if a particular type of scale has an accuracy specification of(3 + 3L ———1000)μm and an effective range of 1000mm, E is 6μm.Scale error at any point in range relative to start of rangeErrorEffective rangeX Measuring pointMaximum difference in scale error: E(µm)(2) Balanced accuracy specification - plus and minus about the mean errorThis method specifies the maximum error relative to the mean error fromthe accuracy graph. It is of the form: e = E ± — 2(μm). This is mainly used in separate-type (retrofit) scale unit specifications.ErrorEffective rangeX Measuring pointMaximum error aboutmean error E : ±— (µm)2Mean errorA linear scale detects displacement based on graduations of constant pitch. Two-phase sinusoidal signals with the same pitch as thegraduations are obtained by detecting the graduations. Interpolating these signals in the electrical circuit makes it possible to read a value smaller than the graduations by generating pulse signals that correspond to the desired resolution. For example, if the graduation pitch is 20μm, interpolated values can generate a resolution of 1μm. The accuracy of this processing is not error-free and is calledinterpolation accuracy. The linear scale's overall positional accuracy specification depends both on the pitch error of the graduations and interpolation accuracy.■ Specifying Linear Scale AccuracyOverview of Accuracy Inspection Systemcustomers with unique applications.Custom Solutions, contact: • Inline/near line part inspection and gaging • Factory automation • Data management • Fixture design/build• 3D CAD concepts/renderings。
感谢您选用“LNTECH(莱恩)”牌光电保护装置! 光电保护装置又称为光电保护器、安全光幕、安全光栅等,本说明书中仅使用“光电保 护装置”这一名称。
光电保护装置主要用于机械加工设备、危险工作区域,防止机械设备对操作者的伤害 和误入危险区域造成的人身伤害,保护人身安全。
本装置仅保护发光器与受光器(SNC/D/E系列)之间的矩形光幕区域。如果其安装位置 不正确,或不按说明书与相关安全作业条例操作,或机床执行机构故障,都可能使其无法 起到保护作用。因此,安装本装置之前,请仔细阅读说明书,充分理解有关事项,尤其是 说明书中标出的“警告”、“注意”等内容;在使用过程中,请正确理解光电保护装置的 工作性能,严格按照本说明书所提出的要求,制定相应的安全作业条例。
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2 基本介绍
2 . 1 术 语 …………………………………………………………………………………………… 3 2 . 2 用 途 …………………………………………………………………………………………… 4 2 . 3 特 点 …………………………………………………………………………………………… 4 2.4 检测精度与光轴间距的关系…………………………………………………………………4 2 . 5 技 术 参 数 ……………………………………………………………………………………… 5 2 . 6 规 格 说 明 ……………………………………………………………………………………… 6 2.7 工作示意图……………………………………………………………………………………6 2.8 认证标志及技术标牌…………………………………………………………………………7
胜利仪器 VICTOR 63G 四通道振动分析仪说明书
![胜利仪器 VICTOR 63G 四通道振动分析仪说明书](
胜利仪器 VICTOR 7500A电缆识别仪说明书
![胜利仪器 VICTOR 7500A电缆识别仪说明书](
目录安全须知 (3)一.简介 (4)二.技术规格 (5)1.基准条件和工作条件 (5)2.发射机规格.......................................................错误!未定义书签。
3.接收机规格 (7)三.结构 (9)四.操作 (10)1.基本操作 (10)2.发射机操作 (11)2.1.停电识别仪器自检试验 (12)2.2.停电电缆识别的接线方法 (13)2.3.带电识别仪器自检试验 (16)2.4.带电电缆识别的接线方法 (18)3.接收机操作 (21)3.1.标定 (21)3.2.带电电缆识别 (23)3.3.停电电缆识别 (27)3.4.电压测量 (30)3.5.电流测量 (30)五.电池管理 (31)六.装箱单 (32)安全须知●有电!危险!操作者须经严格培训并获得国家相关电工操作认证才能使用本仪表进行现场测试。
胜利仪器 VICTOR 6418A接地电阻在线检测仪 说明书
![胜利仪器 VICTOR 6418A接地电阻在线检测仪 说明书](
目录警告 (1)一.简介 (2)二.量程及精度 (2)三.技术规格 (3)四.结构尺寸 (4)五.测量原理 (5)六.液晶显示 (7)七.操作方法 (7)八.通讯方式 (12)九.配置工具及协议下载 (13)十.装箱单 (13)警告感谢您购买了本公司的VICTOR6418A接触式在线接地电阻测试仪,为了更好地使用本产品,请一定:——详细阅读本手册。
二.量程及精度测量功能量程精度分辨率接地电阻0.01Ω~20Ω±2%rdg±3dgt(辅助接地电阻100Ω±5%,对地电压<10V)0.01Ω0.1Ω~200Ω0.1Ω1Ω~2000Ω1Ω接地电压0~600V AC±2%rdg±3dgt1V (注:23℃±5℃,75%rh以下)三.技术规格待机:25mA Max功耗测量:400mA Max报警提示声光报警当电源电压低于10V时,电源电压低符号显示,提醒更电源电压换电源。
深达威激光测距仪50米 说明书米
![深达威激光测距仪50米 说明书米](
MechanicsAcousticsDebye-Sears EffectDETERMINE THE VELOCITY OF ULTRASONIC WAVES IN LIQUIDS.UE1070550 04/16 JSBASIC PRINCIPLESThe diffraction of light by ultrasonic waves in liquids was predicted by Brillouin in 1922, and the effect was con-firmed experimentally in 1932 by Debye and Sears and also by Lucas and Biquard . It is caused by the periodic variations in the refractive index of the liquid that are produced by ultrasonic waves. If a light beam is passed through the liquid perpendicular to the ultrasound direc-tion, the arrangement acts as a phase grating, which moves depending on the velocity of sound. Its grating constant corresponds to the wavelength of the ultra-sound, and thus depends on its frequency and the veloci-ty of sound in the medium. The movement of the phase grating can be neglected if the effect is observed on a screen at a large distance.In the experiment, a vertically orientated generator couples ultrasonic waves at frequencies between 1 MHz and 12 MHz into the test liquid. A monochromatic parallel light beam pass-es through the liquid in the horizontal direction and is diffract-ed by the phase grating (see fig. 1). The diffraction pattern contains several diffraction maxima spaced at regular dis-tances (see fig. 2).The k th-order maximum of the diffraction pattern is found at the diffraction angle αk , defined by(1) SLk tan λλ⋅=αk λL : ight wavelength, λS : ultrasound wavelength.Thus, the ultrasound wavelength λS can be determined from the separation between the diffraction maxima. Furthermore, according to the relationship(2) S λ⋅=f cit is possible to calculate the velocity of sound c in the liquid, since the frequency f of the ultrasonic waves is also known.Fig. 1: D iagram showing the diffraction of light by a phasegrating that is produced in a liquid by ultrasonic wavesFig. 2: D iffraction pattern caused by the diffraction of light at aphase grating produced in a liquid by ultrasonic wavesLIST OF APPARATUS1 Ultrasonic cw Generator with Probe 1002576 (U100061) 1 Test Vessel, Complete 1002578 (U10008)1 Laser Diode for D-S Effect, Red 1002577 (U10007)1 Laser Diode for D-S Effect, Green 1002579 (U10009)1 Pocket Measuring Tape,2 m 1002603 (U10073)1 Ultrasonic Coupling Gel 1008575 (XP999)SET-UP∙Fill the test vessel with distilled water and place it about3 m from the projection screen.∙Mount the multi-frequency probe vertically in the holder of the test vessel and connect it to the PROBE output of the ultrasonic generator (see Fig. 3).∙Mount the red laser diode in the laser holder of the test vessel and connect it to the LASER output of the ultra-sonic generator.Fig. 3: Experiment set-up for the diffraction of light at a phase grating produced in a liquid by ultrasonic waves EXPERIMENT PROCEDURE∙Measure the distance s between the multi-frequency probe and the screen.∙Switch on the ultrasonic cw generator.∙Switch on the laser and the multi-frequency probe.∙Set the frequency to 1 MHz.∙Adjust the amplitude of the transducer signal, and by means of the three adjusting screws of the transducer holder adjust the orientation of the multi-frequency probe so that standing waves are generated.∙On the screen measure the distance x2k between the –k th order and the +k th order diffraction maxima.∙Increase the frequency in steps of 1 MHz up to 12 MHz, and for each frequency measure the distance x2k and de-termine the diffraction order k.∙Replace the red laser diode with a green one and make a similar set of measurements. SAMPLE MEASUREMENTS AND EVALUA-TIONs =325 cmTable 1: Experiment data with light of wavelength λL = 652 nm (red laser)Table 2: Experiment data with light of wavelength λL = 532 nm (green laser)It is necessary to measure the distance s between the ultra-sound generator and the screen used to observe the diffrac-tion pattern, and the distance x2k between the -k th and the +k th diffraction maxima. From these two distances, it is possi-ble to calculate the diffraction angle αk for the k th-order maxi-mum, given by:sx⋅=α2tan2kk.This leads to the following equation for determining the ultra-sound wavelength λS:L2kS2λ⋅⋅⋅=λxsk.This is the equation by which the sound wavelengths in the right-hand column of both tables were calculated.3B Scientific GmbH, Rudorffweg 8, 21031 Hamburg, Germany, Figure 4 shows the calculated sound wavelength as a function of the frequency of the ultrasonic waves. The hyperbola curve was calculated according to Equation (2) as:fc =λS with s m 1482=cThe velocity of sound c determined by this curve-fitting proce-dure is in excellent agreement with the literature value.510f / M H zλ μ/ mFig. 4: S ound wavelength λS in water as a function of the fre-quency f。
目录第一章回声测深仪概述 (2)§1.1 回声测深原理 (3)§1.2 水底信号识别技术 (3)第二章 HD-16工程型测深仪 (6)§2.1 性能指标及特点 (6)§2.2 配置 (7)§2.3 连接和安装 (8)§2.4 面板操作 (8)§2.5 监控软件操作 (13)第三章 HD-27T/HD-28T测深仪 (15)§3.1 性能指标及特点 (15)§3.2 配置 (17)§3.3安装连接图 (18)§3.4 测深主界面 (19)§3.5 参数及环境设置 (22)§3.6 开始测深(或记录) (27)§3.7 回放、查找和打印 (28)§3.8 水深输出格式 (29)§3.9 定标控制 (30)§3.10 使用机内海洋测量软件 (30)第四章 HD-30T多通道测深仪 (34)§4.1 性能指标和特点 (34)§4.2 配置 (35)§4.3 测深主界面 (37)§4.4 参数及环境设置 (38)§4.5 使用机内多通道海洋测量软件 (40)第五章水深测量资料后处理 (44)§5.1 动态吃水和测深仪改正准备 (44)§5.2 原始采集水深取样 (45)§5.3 水位改正 (46)§5.4 数据格式转换 (47)附件:一键恢复说明 (47)中海达测深仪操作手册第一章回声测深仪概述海洋声学仪器发展迄今为止,出现突飞猛进的技术飞跃,国际上推出许多先进的海洋声学设备,如:多波束海底成像系统、侧扫声纳、浅层剖面仪、水下声标应答器等等,而测深仪只是声学仪器家族中最常用的一种设备。
丹麦的E-sea sound率先采用了数字成像测深仪,但价格昂贵(每台售价双频机在30万人民币以上),而且只能存储30分钟的图像数据。
TUD5100数字式超声波探伤仪使用说明书2015-05-28 第一版目录序言 (1)1 简介 (2)1.1 安全提示 (2)1.2 功能特点 (2)1.3 技术参数 (3)1.4 仪器主机 (4)1.5 显示界面简介 (5)1.6 按键介绍 (6)1.7 菜单结构 (8)1.8 指示灯 (8)1.9 充电说明 (9)1.9.1 供电方式 (9)1.9.2 充电方式 (9)2 基本操作 (11)2.1 开关机 (11)2.2 探头连接 (11)2.3 旋轮操作 (11)2.4 探头参数设置 (12)2.5 增益调节 (12)2.6 检测范围调节 (12)2.7 声速和零偏校准 (13)2.8 闸门调节 (13)2.9 读数设置 (13)2.10 发射参数调节 (14)2.11 回波介绍 (14)2.12 恢复出厂设置 (14)2.13 冻结 (14)2.14 省电设置和待机设置 (14)2.15 参数界面的操作 (14)3 调校操作及其举例 (16)3.1单晶直探头校准 (16)3.1.1已知材料声速、零点的校准 (16)3.1.2未知材料声速、零点的校准 (17)3.2斜探头校准 (18)3.2.1斜探头材料声速、探头零偏、探头前沿校准 (18)3.2.2斜探头角度/K值的校准 (20)3.3双晶探头校准 (22)4 DAC/A VG曲线 (23)4.1 DAC曲线 (23)4.1.1 DAC曲线制作 (23)4.1.2 DAC曲线偏移 (26)4.1.3 DAC曲线调整 (27)4.1.4 DAC曲线设置 (27)4.1.5 DAC曲线显示 (28)4. 2 A VG曲线 (28)4.2.1单点A VG 曲线制作 (28)4.2.2多点A VG制作 (30)4.2.3 A VG曲线调整 (32)4.2.4 A VG曲线偏移 (33)4.2.5 A VG曲线设置 (33)4.2.6 A VG曲线显示 (33)5 探伤辅助功能应用 (34)5.1 裂纹测深 (34)5.2 视频 (34)5.3 波峰记忆 (36)5.4 回波包络 (36)5.5 孔径 (36)5.6 通讯 (37)5.7 报警 (37)5.8 通道 (37)5.9 波形 (38)5.10 曲面修正 (39)5.11焊缝示意功能 (39)5.12 扫描功能 (40)5.13 AWS功能 (41)5.14 展宽 (41)6 检测精度的影响因素及缺陷评估 (42)6.1 使用超声探伤仪的必要条件 (42)6.2 影响检测精度的因素 (42)6.3 缺陷评估方法 (42)6.3.1 缺陷边界法 (42)6.3.2 回波显示比较法 (42)7 维修与保养 (44)7.1 使用注意事项 (44)7.2 保养与维护 (44)7.3 一般故障及排除 (44)附录 (45)附录1:名词术语 (45)附录2:与超声波探伤有关的国家标准与行业标准 (46)序言感谢您使用我公司的超声波探伤仪产品,您能成为我们的用户,是我们莫大的荣幸。
规范标准:*自动发电机组自动启动正常工作时间不应大于30s;*火灾自动报警系统响应时间不应大于30s;*湿式系统开启末端泄水装置5min内自动启动消防水泵;*干式系统开启末端试水装置1min内出水压力不应低于0.05MPa;*预作用系统火灾报警器确认火灾后2min,末端试水装置的出水压力不低于0.05MPa ;*泡沫系统做联动实验时从接到信号到喷射不宜(小于)1min;*气体灭火系统做模拟启动实验时应有20—30s延时;*应急照明灯工作时间不应小于20min,建筑高度超过100的建筑不应小于30min;*疏散指示标志应急工作时间不应小于30min;*消防电梯迫降时间不应大于60s。
3.从一个防火分区内任何一点到最近一个手报距离不大于 30m。
胜利仪器 VICTOR 320S经济型手持测温热像仪说明书
![胜利仪器 VICTOR 320S经济型手持测温热像仪说明书](
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根管长度测量仪/root apex
中海达V8 参考说明书(1)0(2分)(2)不变(2分)(3)B(2分)(4)340m/s(4分)解析:同学将铜铃放到甲的左边,并与乙在一条直线上,则铜铃离甲越远,液晶显示屏的数值不变。
根管治疗术是通过清除根管内的坏死物质,进行适当的消毒,充填根管,以去除根管内容物对根尖周围组织的不工地上有个GPS测量仪,但是说明书没有,我也从来没用过这种仪器,但是让我去复测定位,头疼的很,请问哪里能下载一个说明书,型号一定要是Trimble(天宝) R8型的。
根管长度测量仪raypex5 【根管测量仪】价格,厂家