九年级 上册英语第六单元Unit 6 课件PPT

What is the hot ice- It’s used for serving cream scoop used for? really cold ice-cream.
1. The TV _w_a_s__in_v_e_n_t_e_d_ (invent) around 1927. 2. They are used for _s_e_e_in_g__ (see) in the park. 3. This kite _w_a_s_m__a_d_e_ (make) by Uncle Wang. 4. Tea _w__a_s_d_i_s_co_v_e_r_e_d_ (discover) a long time
Paragraph 3 accident
Lu Yu and his book Cha Jing How tea spread to other countries How tea was invented by accident
Match them into sentences.
The tea
Shen Nong
• invent发明(v) inventor 发明家 invention发明(n)
• heel
• scoop
• electricity
• style
样式, 款式
• project
项目, 工程
• pleasure
高兴, 快乐
• daily
• have a point
A.1885 B.1876 C.1927 D.1971
A: When was the personal computer invented?

3. Knives are used for cutting things. are knives _______ used _______? for _______ What _______ 4. A Chinese named Cai Lun invented paper. (改被) invented by a Chinese named Cai Lun. Paper was ______ ______ ______
3a Reading
Read the passage quickly and match each paragrap
Lu Yu and his book Cha Jing
Paragraph 2
How tea spread to other countries
1). (2012辽宁大连) ---Thank you for taking me around your school, Daming. A --- ________ A. Don't mention it. B. Never mind.
C. Of course not.
D. No problem.
A: I think the … was invented before the …. B: I think so.( I don’t think so.) I think the… was invented after the….
1b Listen and match the inventions with the years.
Language points
have a point 有道理
by accident
it is said/believed that

A: I think the … was invented before the …. B: I disagree.( I agree. ) I think the… was invented after the….
A: I think the … was invented before the …. B: I disagree.( I agree.) I think the… was invented after the….
The zipper.
It was invented by Whitcomb Judson.
In 1893.
In 1917.
On dresses, trousers, shoes, bags,… almost everywhere.
1). (2012辽宁大连) ---Thank you for taking me around your school, Daming. --- ________ A. Don't mention it. B. Never mind. C. Of course not. D. No problem. 2). --- Sorry, Sir. I made a mistake again. --- _____. Practice more and you will do better. A. Never mind B. I’m not sure C. You’re welcome D. Don’t mention it
【最新】人教版九年级上学期英语课件: Unit6(共32张PPT).ppt

九年级上册Unit 6
例题跟踪演练 (C )3. (2017新疆乌鲁木齐) The meeting _____ by the time I got there yesterday. A. was on B. has been on C. had begun D. has begun
解析:本题考查动词时态。根据时间状语by the time I got there yesterday,可知用过去完成时态。句意: 在我昨天到达那儿之前,会议已经开始了。
九年级上册Unit 6
Section A 高频考点精讲 1.When was it invented? 它是什么时候被发明的? 辨析invent, discover与create (1)invent “发明;创造”,指发明过去不存在的东西。如: Bell invented the phone in 1897. 贝尔在1897年发明了电话 invention n. “发明;创造”; inventor n. “发明家”
九年级上册Unit 6
He accidentally discovered the gold ring. = He discovered the gold ring by accident/by chance. = He happened to discover the gold ring. 他偶然发 现了这枚金戒指。 (2)一般过去时态的被动语态 ①构成: was/were + 及物动词的过去分词。
九年级上册Unit 6
例题跟踪演练 (B )1. Franklin _____ electricity, and Edison _____ the light bulb. A. discovered; created B. invented; invented C. discovered; inventedD. invented; discovered 解析:本题考查动词词义辨析。discover 表示发现 过去就存在但不为人知的事物。;invent “发明;创 造”,指发明过去不存在的东西。create“创造”, 指经过努力使事物从无到有。

Give your speeches at the Graduation Ceremony
燕麦兼具可溶性和不溶性两种膳食纤维,因而又被誉为天然膳食纤维家族中的“贵族”。燕麦总纤维素含量为7-%,其中可溶性膳食纤维(主要成分是β-葡 聚糖)约占总膳食纤维的/,明显高于其他谷物。 [] 功效 降低胆固醇,降血脂:临床试验结果表明,燕麦具有明显的降低血清总胆固醇、低密度胆固醇、甘 油三酯及β-脂蛋白;小户型装修:https:///inno-white ;的作用,并具有一定降低胆固醇的物质,如单一不饱和脂肪酸、可溶性膳食纤维等。燕麦可溶性膳食纤维中的β-葡聚糖在小肠中消化时可形成胶状,从 而包围了富含胆固醇的胆酸,防止了胆固醇吸收而进入血液。同时,燕麦中含有较多的亚油酸,能与胆固醇结合成酯,进而降解为胆酸而排泄,尤其是大量 的亚油酸可软化毛细血管,具有预防血管硬化的功能。 [] 调节血糖:燕麦与其他主要谷物(如小麦、玉米、大米)相比,能够抑制饭后血糖浓度上升,调整 胰岛素。因此,燕麦适宜作为糖尿病人的治疗食品。大米、面粉中的碳水化合物摄入体内后,会无控制地全部水解成葡萄糖进入血液,使血液中的葡萄糖浓 度一下子升高,而燕麦中的碳水化合物是缓慢地水解为葡萄糖,不会导致血糖浓度的迅速上升。同时,燕麦中的膳食纤维能延缓糖类物质的吸收,改善神经 末梢对胰岛素的感受性,使胰岛素分泌物下降,对糖尿病病人比较有利。 [] 燕麦片 燕麦片 改善便秘:膳食纤维具有持水、持油、强吸水膨胀及强吸附能力, 因此,可以改善消化功能,促进胃肠蠕动,润肠通便。燕麦纤维可缩短大便在大肠内的滞留时间,避免肠道吸收残余毒素,从而减少由于毒废物积累而造成 肠道病及肠癌的机会,这种润肠通便的功能对高血压及心脏病患者尤其有好处,因为不少高血压及心脏病患者往往由于大便干燥,排便用力过度而造成脑出 血及心脏病发作。 [] 控制体重:燕麦纤维能吸收相当自身重量几倍的水,在肠胃中吸水膨胀并形成高粘度的溶胶或凝胶,延缓胃肠的排空时间,易于产生饱 腹感。同时,燕麦能提供持续长久的能量,使胃饱的感觉持续较长时间,从而减少用餐的次数及数量,使人不易发胖。通过食用燕麦来控制体重及保持身材, 比药物减肥要好得多,因为没有任何的副作用。美国的《时代》杂志也认为,燕麦是减肥的天然理想食物。 [] 其他作用:燕麦中所含的丰富的维生素、矿物 质及氨基酸等,对于增进机体健康,促进发育,参与新陈代谢,抵御疾病等,都具有极其重要的作用。燕麦所含的维生素B、维生素B,维生素E及叶酸等, 可以改善
燕麦兼具可溶性和不溶性两种膳食纤维,因而又被誉为天然膳食纤维家族中的“贵族”。燕麦总纤维素含量为7-%,其中可溶性膳食纤维(主要成分是β-葡 聚糖)约占总膳食纤维的/,明显高于其他谷物。 [] 功效 降低胆固醇,降血脂:临床试验结果表明,燕麦具有明显的降低血清总胆固醇、低密度胆固醇、甘 油三酯及β-脂蛋白;小户型装修:https:///inno-white ;的作用,并具有一定降低胆固醇的物质,如单一不饱和脂肪酸、可溶性膳食纤维等。燕麦可溶性膳食纤维中的β-葡聚糖在小肠中消化时可形成胶状,从 而包围了富含胆固醇的胆酸,防止了胆固醇吸收而进入血液。同时,燕麦中含有较多的亚油酸,能与胆固醇结合成酯,进而降解为胆酸而排泄,尤其是大量 的亚油酸可软化毛细血管,具有预防血管硬化的功能。 [] 调节血糖:燕麦与其他主要谷物(如小麦、玉米、大米)相比,能够抑制饭后血糖浓度上升,调整 胰岛素。因此,燕麦适宜作为糖尿病人的治疗食品。大米、面粉中的碳水化合物摄入体内后,会无控制地全部水解成葡萄糖进入血液,使血液中的葡萄糖浓 度一下子升高,而燕麦中的碳水化合物是缓慢地水解为葡萄糖,不会导致血糖浓度的迅速上升。同时,燕麦中的膳食纤维能延缓糖类物质的吸收,改善神经 末梢对胰岛素的感受性,使胰岛素分泌物下降,对糖尿病病人比较有利。 [] 燕麦片 燕麦片 改善便秘:膳食纤维具有持水、持油、强吸水膨胀及强吸附能力, 因此,可以改善消化功能,促进胃肠蠕动,润肠通便。燕麦纤维可缩短大便在大肠内的滞留时间,避免肠道吸收残余毒素,从而减少由于毒废物积累而造成 肠道病及肠癌的机会,这种润肠通便的功能对高血压及心脏病患者尤其有好处,因为不少高血压及心脏病患者往往由于大便干燥,排便用力过度而造成脑出 血及心脏病发作。 [] 控制体重:燕麦纤维能吸收相当自身重量几倍的水,在肠胃中吸水膨胀并形成高粘度的溶胶或凝胶,延缓胃肠的排空时间,易于产生饱 腹感。同时,燕麦能提供持续长久的能量,使胃饱的感觉持续较长时间,从而减少用餐的次数及数量,使人不易发胖。通过食用燕麦来控制体重及保持身材, 比药物减肥要好得多,因为没有任何的副作用。美国的《时代》杂志也认为,燕麦是减肥的天然理想食物。 [] 其他作用:燕麦中所含的丰富的维生素、矿物 质及氨基酸等,对于增进机体健康,促进发育,参与新陈代谢,抵御疾病等,都具有极其重要的作用。燕麦所含的维生素B、维生素B,维生素E及叶酸等, 可以改善
新九年级unit 6 课件英语课件PPT

like French
for example
8…most people are in
保持距离 Tell him to stay away from my sister.
agreement … agree
9. I would say… 我觉得……
10. Actually ,don’t you know that it’s been
16. But I think it’s also fine to eat some
meat or fish.
17. People who eat a balanced diet should
Be healthier than those who only eat biscuits and hamburgers,shouldn’t they?
5. it’s usually bad for you.
Wathing TV too much is bad for your health
6. But I prefer not to eat too much food that
is fried. 我更不喜欢吃太多的油炸食品 fries.
7.And I stay away from sugar,
39.质变的积累,才有量变的爆发。你没有时间可以浪费! 57.人生不管有多么迷茫,或许记得,或许遗忘,我们都不能在回忆里徘徊,未来一定会有份温柔的目光锁定你。我们前进的动力,其实不在别处,全在自己。态度决定一切,实力捍卫尊严!就 算跌倒,也要豪迈的笑。
12.生命力的意义在于拼搏,因为世界本身就是一个竞技场。 27.生活就像坐过山车,有高峰,也有低谷,这意味着,无论眼下是好是坏,都只是暂时的。 40.路是自己选的,所以即使以后会跌倒,会受伤,也都要学会自己承受,自己疗伤。我们都是这样,学会长大的。

• It is common for the best students to give speeches.优等生 通常要作演讲.
• It is also sad,because the time when they studied with friends has come to an end.它也是令人伤感的,因为和朋友 一起学习的时光已经结束。
• It meanschange,and leaving unforgettable faces and places behind.它意味着变化,意味着吧那些不能忘却的面容和 地方留在记忆深处。
• It marks the end of a period in a student’s school life.标志 着一个人一段学校生活的结束.
Give your speeches at the Graduation Ceremony
• A graduation is a custom which takes place when
students graduate from a school.毕业典礼是学生们毕业离校 时举行的一种仪式。
眼睛里尽是忧郁和惊恐;看水,水浩浩荡荡流着,却不知道流哪里去了;看山,顽固狰狞的石头抱成一团,似乎扛着、高举着什么,而头顶,终归是那云聚云散的,不知是什么意思的天空。 ? 2先民们,可以说除了孤独和恐惧,就剩下了死亡。没有文化解释天地为何物,人为何物,死为 何物。孤独,孤独,孤独,这就是先民们的根本生存处境和内心经验。 ? 3于是,人群中一些聪明者、通灵者开始说些有意思的,能化解孤独的苦闷的话了。 ? 4他们说:天上有大神,于是,天上的星星不再是迷茫的眼睛,而是神的眼睛,它在注视着大地上人的命运。 ? 5他们说:河里 有神,是河神,于是
• It is also sad,because the time when they studied with friends has come to an end.它也是令人伤感的,因为和朋友 一起学习的时光已经结束。
• It meanschange,and leaving unforgettable faces and places behind.它意味着变化,意味着吧那些不能忘却的面容和 地方留在记忆深处。
• It marks the end of a period in a student’s school life.标志 着一个人一段学校生活的结束.
Give your speeches at the Graduation Ceremony
• A graduation is a custom which takes place when
students graduate from a school.毕业典礼是学生们毕业离校 时举行的一种仪式。
眼睛里尽是忧郁和惊恐;看水,水浩浩荡荡流着,却不知道流哪里去了;看山,顽固狰狞的石头抱成一团,似乎扛着、高举着什么,而头顶,终归是那云聚云散的,不知是什么意思的天空。 ? 2先民们,可以说除了孤独和恐惧,就剩下了死亡。没有文化解释天地为何物,人为何物,死为 何物。孤独,孤独,孤独,这就是先民们的根本生存处境和内心经验。 ? 3于是,人群中一些聪明者、通灵者开始说些有意思的,能化解孤独的苦闷的话了。 ? 4他们说:天上有大神,于是,天上的星星不再是迷茫的眼睛,而是神的眼睛,它在注视着大地上人的命运。 ? 5他们说:河里 有神,是河神,于是

这可不是拿来玩的。他告诉我,你若想要吃辣椒面,就要将黄泥巴经过锤打;待到锤糯了,做成罈口大小的圆球,待海椒面装入罈中,用油纸封严,再将圆球似的黄泥坨往罈口上一放,便将罈口封 得严严实实。此时罈内一片真空,与外界空气隔绝,让辣椒面在里头发酵一段,十天后便可食用。他说,记住,以后你也会干了。
我心里想,父亲往日里强迫我读书,说书读好了以后才不与泥土打交道。这会儿又让我记住拌泥巴;往天我拌泥巴时,你骂我没出息,这原来都是凭你们大人一张嘴,讲什么是什么,孩子左右都不 是。
直到后来安家立业了,才明白父亲的苦心。让你不干的事,是教你走正道,不贪玩;让你应该学习的东西,是为你长本事。哪怕当时我觉得没用,后来才明白读书还真有用处;比如现在,在城里我 就用不着拌泥巴做咸菜。但有一条,这些知识我能派上用场。当我写小说时,无须再去请教别人,在记忆深处挖掘,文字现成得很呢!只管搬出来随便一堆砌,便成文了。
。 注册会计师培训 /course/all/2-57/
每到秋季,我见她们都忙。娘给我布置任务了,我的工作是去屋后砍棕叶回来;奶奶剁辣椒,娘在大石磨上推包谷面,推完,用竹筛筛出粗糠。这时奶奶的红辣椒也剁碎了,交给娘拿在小石磨上推 成浆。这些都备齐,再将包谷面倒入大盆,拌入辣椒浆,再装入瓦罈中。辣椒面大约装满八成即可。然后用洗净的棕叶,将空出的部分塞满、封严。
这可不是拿来玩的。他告诉我,你若想要吃辣椒面,就要将黄泥巴经过锤打;待到锤糯了,做成罈口大小的圆球,待海椒面装入罈中,用油纸封严,再将圆球似的黄泥坨往罈口上一放,便将罈口封 得严严实实。此时罈内一片真空,与外界空气隔绝,让辣椒面在里头发酵一段,十天后便可食用。他说,记住,以后你也会干了。
我心里想,父亲往日里强迫我读书,说书读好了以后才不与泥土打交道。这会儿又让我记住拌泥巴;往天我拌泥巴时,你骂我没出息,这原来都是凭你们大人一张嘴,讲什么是什么,孩子左右都不 是。
直到后来安家立业了,才明白父亲的苦心。让你不干的事,是教你走正道,不贪玩;让你应该学习的东西,是为你长本事。哪怕当时我觉得没用,后来才明白读书还真有用处;比如现在,在城里我 就用不着拌泥巴做咸菜。但有一条,这些知识我能派上用场。当我写小说时,无须再去请教别人,在记忆深处挖掘,文字现成得很呢!只管搬出来随便一堆砌,便成文了。
。 注册会计师培训 /course/all/2-57/
每到秋季,我见她们都忙。娘给我布置任务了,我的工作是去屋后砍棕叶回来;奶奶剁辣椒,娘在大石磨上推包谷面,推完,用竹筛筛出粗糠。这时奶奶的红辣椒也剁碎了,交给娘拿在小石磨上推 成浆。这些都备齐,再将包谷面倒入大盆,拌入辣椒浆,再装入瓦罈中。辣椒面大约装满八成即可。然后用洗净的棕叶,将空出的部分塞满、封严。
教科版英语九年级上册:UNIT 6 A United Effort. 课件(共31张PPT)

Step 4. Practice It
Finish the exercise 2 and check the answers.
Step 4. Practice It
Finish the exercise 3 and check the answers.
Step 4. Practice It
Finish the exercise 4 and check the answers.
Step 4. Practice It
Finish the exercise 5 and check the answers.
Step 4. Practice It
Finish the exercise 6 and check the answers.
Unit 6 A United Effort
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Step 2. Exchange Your Ideas
Write down your answers and talk about them. 1. Why do you think the whales didn’t leave in time? 2. Why do you think the Soviets agree to come and
Read & Think
1. Grasp the new words. 2. Know some reading methods. 3. Improve the students’ reading skills.
Step 1. Pre-reading
What’s it about? Please have a discussion.
Step 1. Guided Writing
Unit 6 九年级英语全册 人教版 课件(共23张PPT)

vent in B__er_l_in__ in the year __1_9_3_6___
other team's _b_a_s_k_e_t__
most famous games:
Байду номын сангаас
played by _o_v_e_r_1_0_0__m__il_li_o_n_ people popular games in
不仅……而且…… 钦佩;仰慕 实现梦想 鼓励……做…… 梦想成为英雄 ……的数量 阻止……做……
__n__o_t _o_n_ly_…__b_u__t _a_ls_o_.._ _____lo_o_k__u_p__to_…______ __a_c_h_ie_v_e_t_h_e__d_r_ea_m__s__ _e_n_c_o_u_r_a_g_e_…__t_o_d_o__…__ dr_e_a_m__o_f__b_ec_o_m__i_n_g_h_e_r_oes ___th__e_n_u_m__b_e_r_o_f_…____ ___st_o_p_…__f_r_o_m__d_o_in_g___
Where : It’s played inside on a__h_a_rd__floor.
How many teams: _d_iv_i_d_e_people _i_n_to__two teams Rules: get the ball in the other team’s____b_a_s_k_et_.

A.It's my pleasure
B.With pleasure C.No, I couldn't
解析 本题考查交际用语。本题是请求帮助的场景,符合题意的答语是
With pleasure“我很乐意”。
答案 B
Unit 6 When was it invented?
知识点二 by accident的固定搭配 教材原文 Did you know that tea,the most popular drink in the world(after water),was invented by accident?你知道茶——世界上最受欢迎的饮 料(仅次于水)——是一项偶然的发明吗? by accident意为“意外地;偶然”,同by chance。 The little girl knocked over the glass by accident. 小女孩不小心把玻璃杯碰翻了。
解析 根据stop...(from) doing sth. 的固定搭配可知答案为B。
答案 B
Unit 6 When was it invented?
知识点八 not only...but also... 的用法 教材原文 Basketball has not only become a popular sport to play,but it has also become a popular sport to watch.篮球不仅成了一项人们喜欢玩 的运动,也成了一项人们喜欢观看的运动。 not only...but also...意为“不仅……而且……”,在句中常用来连接两个 对等的成分,如主语、谓语或宾语等。 He not only speaks English fluently but also writes English well.他不但英 语说得很流利,而且写得很好。

• It meanschange,and leaving unforgettable faces and places behind.它意味着变化,意味着吧那些不能忘却的面容和 地方留在记忆深处。
• It marks the end of a period in a student’s school life.标志 n_g__to__ta_k_e__p_h_o_t_o_s_w__it_h__m_y__c_la_s_s_m__a_te. s.
J: Will you miss your teachers and classmates? K: Of course, and I will _(3)_m__is_s__m_y__te_a_c_h__e_rs__a_n_d_c_l_a_s_s_m_.ates.
What you will say
How you will feel
Thank you for helping I will feel so excited.
me with math.
• Say something about the Graduation Ceremony and write down your feelings.
K: We’ll be back for our school’s 10th anniversary ceremony.
J: What’s your plan for the future? K: _(5)_I_p_l_a_n_t_o_b__e_a_n__a_rt_is_t__,s_o__I _w_i_ll_k_e_e_p__o_n_w__o_r_k_in_g__h_a_r_d_t_o_r_e_a_l_iz_e_m__y__d_re_a_m__.__.
• It marks the end of a period in a student’s school life.标志 n_g__to__ta_k_e__p_h_o_t_o_s_w__it_h__m_y__c_la_s_s_m__a_te. s.
J: Will you miss your teachers and classmates? K: Of course, and I will _(3)_m__is_s__m_y__te_a_c_h__e_rs__a_n_d_c_l_a_s_s_m_.ates.
What you will say
How you will feel
Thank you for helping I will feel so excited.
me with math.
• Say something about the Graduation Ceremony and write down your feelings.
K: We’ll be back for our school’s 10th anniversary ceremony.
J: What’s your plan for the future? K: _(5)_I_p_l_a_n_t_o_b__e_a_n__a_rt_is_t__,s_o__I _w_i_ll_k_e_e_p__o_n_w__o_r_k_in_g__h_a_r_d_t_o_r_e_a_l_iz_e_m__y__d_re_a_m__.__.

小时候,站到院外的场地上,可以看到南坡盘旋的公路,那是矿石外运的路,也是铁山河两岸的人们走出大山、见识山外世界的路。往东北方向看,能看到天坛山,小时候我们都叫它老爷顶。从老 家这个方位看,峰顶凸显,两肩对称,端端正正的,总让人联想到当时无处不在的白瓷做成的毛主席半身像。后来去了济源城,换了角度再看,感觉山峰就有些偏,于是就更认为天坛峰的肖像,只有在 老家铁山村是最好看的。
我家的老院在村子的正中央。原属铁山大队的前队,记忆中还有后队、东队、西队、大堰根队、河东庄队、沙海沟队、羊岭队等几个小队。前、后、东、西四个小队比较集中,大堰根与河东庄隔着 铁山河相望,沙海沟与羊岭则分散在后山里,似乎很偏远,小时候也很少去。铁山村的人家就这样从铁山河岸,分五六个层级一直铺排到铁山的半山腰。听大人讲,因为钢铁厂矿山车间的组建,占去了 前后队最好的耕地,所以村里的耕地并不多。粮食也仅仅是够吃。经济也可以说是靠山吃山,挖矿就成了村民主要的副业。
上房、东屋、西屋、南屋,围成了院落,给人一种四四方方、严丝合缝、安安稳稳的感觉。梦中,路上刚开过两辆大型卡车,很长很宽很大,似乎这条路上向来都没走过这种大型的汽车。正规合法 的赌平台
我家的老院在村子的正中央。原属铁山大队的前队,记忆中还有后队、东队、西队、大堰根队、河东庄队、沙海沟队、羊岭队等几个小队。前、后、东、西四个小队比较集中,大堰根与河东庄隔着 铁山河相望,沙海沟与羊岭则分散在后山里,似乎很偏远,小时候也很少去。铁山村的人家就这样从铁山河岸,分五六个层级一直铺排到铁山的半山腰。听大人讲,因为钢铁厂矿山车间的组建,占去了 前后队最好的耕地,所以村里的耕地并不多。粮食也仅仅是够吃。经济也可以说是靠山吃山,挖矿就成了村民主要的副业。
上房、东屋、西屋、南屋,围成了院落,给人一种四四方方、严丝合缝、安安稳稳的感觉。梦中,路上刚开过两辆大型卡车,很长很宽很大,似乎这条路上向来都没走过这种大型的汽车。正规合法 的赌平台
人教九年级英语上册课件:Unit 6单元知识归纳(共14张PPT)

Unit 6单元知识归纳
• Ⅰ.词形变换 • 1.please→(名词)pleasure • →(形容词)pleased/pleasant • 2.daily→(同义词)everyday • 3.nearly→(同义词)almost • 4.boil→(形容词)boiling/boiled • 5.national→(名词)nation
• 26.ring the bell 按铃 • 27.break the rule 违反规定 • 28.by mistake错误地;无意中 • 29.potato chips 薯片 • 30.make the customer happy 让顾客
• 31.in the end 最后;终于 • 32.a much-loved sport 一项备受喜爱
• 4.The zipper was invented by Whitcomb Judson.
• 拉链是由惠特科姆·贾德森发明的。
• 5.It is believed that tea was brought to Korea and Japan during the 6th and 7th centuries.
6、does not mean teaching people to kow what they do not know ; it means teachng them to behave as they do not b ehave. 教育不在于使人知其所未知,而在于按其所未行而行。2021年11月上午1时1分21.11.2401:01November 24, 2021
• 许多年轻人仰慕这些篮球英雄们,并且 想要变得像他们一样。
• 8.These stars encourage young people to work hard to achieve their dreams.
• Ⅰ.词形变换 • 1.please→(名词)pleasure • →(形容词)pleased/pleasant • 2.daily→(同义词)everyday • 3.nearly→(同义词)almost • 4.boil→(形容词)boiling/boiled • 5.national→(名词)nation
• 26.ring the bell 按铃 • 27.break the rule 违反规定 • 28.by mistake错误地;无意中 • 29.potato chips 薯片 • 30.make the customer happy 让顾客
• 31.in the end 最后;终于 • 32.a much-loved sport 一项备受喜爱
• 4.The zipper was invented by Whitcomb Judson.
• 拉链是由惠特科姆·贾德森发明的。
• 5.It is believed that tea was brought to Korea and Japan during the 6th and 7th centuries.
6、does not mean teaching people to kow what they do not know ; it means teachng them to behave as they do not b ehave. 教育不在于使人知其所未知,而在于按其所未行而行。2021年11月上午1时1分21.11.2401:01November 24, 2021
• 许多年轻人仰慕这些篮球英雄们,并且 想要变得像他们一样。
• 8.These stars encourage young people to work hard to achieve their dreams.
九年级人教版英语上册课件:Unit 6 Section A 3a-3c(共28张PPT)

Paragraph 2
How tea spread to other countries
Paragraph 3
How tea was invented by accident
Read the 1st passage
•Give a title for the fist passage.
Who invented tea?
Read the 3rd passage and fill in the
country and timto eK_._o_re_a__a_n_d__J_apan
To _E_n__g_la_n_d_
during the
because it _n_a_ti_on_a_l _____ difficult for me.
What will you do if you are really thirsty?
I’d like to drink these drinks.
v. 喝
n. 饮料
What’s the most traditional drink in China?
n. 统治者,支配者
over an open fire. Some leaves from a tea plant _fe_l_l_ (fall) into the water and remained there for some time. It _p_r_o_d_u_c_e_d__ (produce) a nice smell so het_a_st_e_d__ (taste) the brown water. It was quite delicious, and so, one of the world’s favorite drinksw__a_s_in__v_en__te_d__ (invent).
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➢ Key sentences:
1.—When was the telephone invented? — I think it was invented in 1876.
2.—What are they used for? —They are used for…
➢ Passive voice (past tense)
What are the shoes They’re used for with lights used for? seeing in the dark.
What are hot icecream scoop used for?
They’re used for serving for really cold ice-cream.
I think it was
telephone invented? invented in 1876.
When was the car It was invented in
When was the TV invented?
It was invented in 1927.
九年级英语(RJ) 教学课件
Unit 6 When was it invented?
Section A (1a-2d)
➢ Key words:
heel, scoop, electricity, style, project, pleasure, zipper, daily, website, pioneer, list, mention,
When was the
It was invented in
computer invented? 1971.
Listen and number the inventions[1-3] in the order you hear them.
___ shoes
___ shoes with with lights
Lead in
Do you know?
What are the Four Great Inventions in ancient China?
Chinese four great ancient inventions
Paper making
gun powder
Modern inventions calculator
What are shoes with special heels used for?
They’re used for changing the style of the shoes.
2d Role-play the conversation.
Read the passage quickly and answer the questions.
the shoes
shoes with lights seeing _in__t_h_e_d_a_r_k__
hot ice-cream scoop _s_er_v_i_n_g__ really cold ice-cream
Make conversations using the
2c information in 2b.
special heels
___ hot ice-cream scoop runs on electricity
2b Listen again and complete the chart.
What is it / are they used for?
shoes with special _ch__a_n_g_in_g_ the style of
group. Then number them [1-4](1=first,4=last)
1b Listen and match the inventions with the years.
b a
When was the ...invented?
c d
1876 d 1885 a 1927 c 1971 b
B: Well, I think the calculator was invented after the computer.
Look at the things below. In what order do you
think they were invented? Discuss them with your
Student B, cover the dates. Student A, ask
Student B when the things in the picture
in 1b were invented. Then change roles
and practice again.
When was the
1. What is the subject for their school project? Small inventions that changed the world.
2. What kind of invention does Roy think of? The zipper.
Talk about the inventions(发明). Which one do you think is the most helpful in our daily life?
cell phone
Talk about with your partner.
A: I think the TV was invented before the car.
B: Well, I think the TV was invented after the car.
Talk about with your partner.
A: I think the calculator was invented before the computer.
1.—When was the telephone invented? — I think it was invented in 1876.
2.—What are they used for? —They are used for…
➢ Passive voice (past tense)
What are the shoes They’re used for with lights used for? seeing in the dark.
What are hot icecream scoop used for?
They’re used for serving for really cold ice-cream.
I think it was
telephone invented? invented in 1876.
When was the car It was invented in
When was the TV invented?
It was invented in 1927.
九年级英语(RJ) 教学课件
Unit 6 When was it invented?
Section A (1a-2d)
➢ Key words:
heel, scoop, electricity, style, project, pleasure, zipper, daily, website, pioneer, list, mention,
When was the
It was invented in
computer invented? 1971.
Listen and number the inventions[1-3] in the order you hear them.
___ shoes
___ shoes with with lights
Lead in
Do you know?
What are the Four Great Inventions in ancient China?
Chinese four great ancient inventions
Paper making
gun powder
Modern inventions calculator
What are shoes with special heels used for?
They’re used for changing the style of the shoes.
2d Role-play the conversation.
Read the passage quickly and answer the questions.
the shoes
shoes with lights seeing _in__t_h_e_d_a_r_k__
hot ice-cream scoop _s_er_v_i_n_g__ really cold ice-cream
Make conversations using the
2c information in 2b.
special heels
___ hot ice-cream scoop runs on electricity
2b Listen again and complete the chart.
What is it / are they used for?
shoes with special _ch__a_n_g_in_g_ the style of
group. Then number them [1-4](1=first,4=last)
1b Listen and match the inventions with the years.
b a
When was the ...invented?
c d
1876 d 1885 a 1927 c 1971 b
B: Well, I think the calculator was invented after the computer.
Look at the things below. In what order do you
think they were invented? Discuss them with your
Student B, cover the dates. Student A, ask
Student B when the things in the picture
in 1b were invented. Then change roles
and practice again.
When was the
1. What is the subject for their school project? Small inventions that changed the world.
2. What kind of invention does Roy think of? The zipper.
Talk about the inventions(发明). Which one do you think is the most helpful in our daily life?
cell phone
Talk about with your partner.
A: I think the TV was invented before the car.
B: Well, I think the TV was invented after the car.
Talk about with your partner.
A: I think the calculator was invented before the computer.