
物流专业英语试题及答案一、选择题(每题1分,共10分)1. What does the acronym "3PL" stand for in logistics?A. Third Party LogisticsB. Three Party LogisticsC. Third Party LiabilitiesD. Third Party Law2. The term "EDI" refers to:A. Electronic Data InterchangeB. Electronic Document InterchangeC. Electronic Device InterfaceD. Electronic Document Integration3. What is the primary purpose of a warehouse in logistics?A. To store goods for future saleB. To provide a place for goods to be manufacturedC. To transport goods to their final destinationD. To sell goods directly to consumers4. Which of the following is not a mode of transportation?A. RoadB. RailC. AirD. Warehouse5. The term "inventory" in logistics refers to:A. The process of moving goods from one place to anotherB. The goods that are held in stock awaiting saleC. The process of receiving goods from suppliersD. The process of delivering goods to customers6. What is the role of a logistics manager?A. To manage the financial aspects of a companyB. To oversee the operations of a logistics departmentC. To design and manufacture productsD. To handle customer service inquiries7. Which of the following is a type of transportation document?A. Bill of LadingB. Bill of SaleC. Bill of ExchangeD. Bill of Rights8. What is the meaning of "LTL" in logistics?A. Less Than LoadB. Large Transport LoadC. Long Term LeaseD. Limited Time Limit9. The term "drop shipping" refers to a method where:A. The seller stores and ships the goods themselvesB. The manufacturer ships the goods directly to the customerC. The goods are shipped from one warehouse to anotherD. The goods are shipped to a central distribution center10. Which of the following is not a function of supply chainmanagement?A. PlanningB. SourcingC. ManufacturingD. Advertising答案:1-5 A A A A B6-10 B A A B D二、填空题(每题1分,共10分)1. The process of managing the flow of goods and information from the point of origin to the point of consumption is known as the _______ chain.2. In logistics, the term "lead time" refers to the _______ it takes for an order to be delivered after it has been placed.3. The acronym "FCL" stands for _______ Container Load.4. A _______ is a person or company that arranges the transportation of goods for others.5. The term "cross docking" refers to the practice of _______ goods as they are received and shipping them out without storing them.6. A _______ is a document that provides evidence of the terms of a contract for the transportation of goods.7. The process of managing the movement and storage of goods from raw material stage to the finished goods stage is known as _______ management.8. The term "hub-and-spoke" refers to a _______ model where goods are transported to a central hub and then distributed to various locations.9. The acronym "TMS" stands for _______ Management System.10. The _______ is the person responsible for ensuring that the cargo is properly loaded, secured, and unloaded.答案:1. supply2. time3. Full4. freight forwarder5. unloading and reloading6. contract of carriage7. inventory8. logistics9. Transportation10. stevedore三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)1. 简述物流中的“Just-In-Time”(JIT)库存管理的概念。

Customer retention
Customer satisfaction
Brand preference
Dealer satisfaction
Service performance
Set-up times
Commonality of components
and material
•We should focused and concentrates the creation of outputs rather than use of resources.
•The effectiveness(效力) of the new product development process, the order fulfillment process and so on, determines the extent to which the business will succeed.
•Focuses on some of the most far-reaching changes currently underway in the field of supply chain management, including the arrival of the extended enterprises, the virtual supply chain and the use of postponement to reconfigure the value chain.
Reduction of complexity
Suggestions submitted and implemented
Employee turnover

Unit Seven Introduction to Logistics Text A The definition of logisticsThe term “Logistics” originates from a Greek word “logos”, which refers to reasoning. The term “logistics” was first used in a military sense in the early 19th century. This term then encompassed transport organization, army replenishments and material maintenance.“Logistics”来源于希腊词语中的”logos”,指的是合理的意思,最早于19世纪早期军事术语中使用,随后它的意义得到扩充,包含了交通运输组织、军事补给和物资供应。
In the business world, the concept of “logistics”was applied solely to “Material Replenishment Programs”(MRP) and was confined to the manufacturing sector at the beginning, which is called the first party logistics nowadays. Therefore the extension of the concept to involve company operations is a relatively new one. 在商业世界, ”logistics”仅指物料补充计划,并且最开始仅限于制造业,被称为第一方物流,所以”logistics”从概念上加以扩充由此包含了企业运营的意思还是相对较新的概念。

物流专业英语 十
• • • • • • • • 1. raw materials 原材料; 2. finished goods 成品; 3. production cost 生产成本; 4. product cost 产品成本; 九 5. aggregate product cost 产品总成本; 6. logistic activity 物流活动; 7. railway 铁路; 8. highway 高速公路.
物流专业英语 十一
• • • • • • • • 1. port of unloading 卸货港 2. port of loading 装运港 3. container 集装箱 九 4. FOB 离岸价 5. CFR 到岸价(无保险) 6. CIF 到岸价(含保险) 7. the time of shipment 装运时间,船期 8. shipping space 仓位
物流专业英语 十二
• • • • • • • • 1. FCL 整箱货,整柜装箱装载 2. LCL 拼箱货,散货拼箱 装载 3. TEUs 20英尺标准箱 4. FEUs 40英尺标准箱 九 5. international freight forwarder 国际代运公司 6. customs 海关 7. forwarder 货代(货运代理) 8. shipping agent 船运代理人
物流专业英语 九
• • • • • • • 1. motor transportation 汽车运输; 2. rail transportation 铁路运输; 3. air transportation 航空运输; 4. water transportation水路运输; 5. pipeline transportation 管道运输; 6. point-of-origin 原产地(origin place); 7. point-of-consumption 消费地点(place of consumption); • 8. logistician• • • • • • • • 1. logistics 物流 2. article 物品 3. goods 商品 4. cargo 货物,船货 5. logistics activy 物流活动 6. logistics cost 物流成本 7. logistics management 物流管理 8. supply logistics 供应物流

Unit 1 What Is the Logistics?
1. Logistics is the management of the flow of the goods, information and other resources in a repair cycle between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet the requirements of customers. 本句虽然很长,但为 简单句;句中in order to引导出目的状语。全句可译为:物流是从原产地到消费地之 间,在维修周期内对产品、信息和其他资源的一种管理流程,其目的是满足消费者 的需要。 2. Logistics management is that part of the supply chain which plans, implements and controls the efficient, effective forward and reverse flow and storage of goods, services and related information between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to meet customer and legal requirements. 本句为定语从句; 由which引导的定语从句修饰supply chain。全句可译为:物流管理是供给链中负责 规划。执行和控制往返物品迅速有效地流动和储存,提供原产地及消费地之间的服 务及相关信息,以满足顾客需要并符合法律规定。
Part III
物流专业英语(第5版)Ch7 课后练习答案[4页]
![物流专业英语(第5版)Ch7 课后练习答案[4页]](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e929c84759fafab069dc5022aaea998fcc224031.png)
Ch7 第7章Inventory Management第1课.I Form phrases资金周转Cash flow运输成本transport cost现场仓库field warehouse 网络结构Network structure 运输工具Transport vehicles 延期交货订单back- orders库存周转率客户服务Inventory _turnover__ customer service工作进程中的库存周转速度Work-in-process_ Inventory velocity存货单位Stock _units_____II. Fill in the blanks and put the sentences into Chinese1. The inventory requirements of a firm depend on the network structure and the desired level of customer service. 一个公司库存需求取决于其网络结构和所期望的客户服务水平。
2. Similarly, transport vehicles break down, raw materials may suddenly be unavailable.类似地,运输工具的故障会导致原材料的突然短缺。
3. For all of these reasons, inventory is utilized to ensure that customer needs are met even when the production process itself is interrupted.鉴于所有这些原因, 库存用来确保满足客户的需要, 既使在生产中断的时候.4.The finished products can be shipped to field warehouses where they are mixed to fillcustomer orders.产成品被运到当地的仓库, 进行组装以完成客户的订单。

物流专业单词1.物品 article2.物流 logistics3.物流活动 logistics activity4.物流作业 logistics operation5.物流模数 logistics modulus6.物流技术 logistics technology7.物流成本 logistics cost8.物流管理 logistics management9.物流中心 logistics center10.物流网络 logistics network11.物流信息 logistics information12.物流企业 logistics enterprise13.物流单证 logistics documents14.物流联盟 logistics alliance15.供应物流 supply logistics16.生产物流 production logistics17.销售物流 distribution logistics18.回收物流 returned logistics19.废弃物物流 waste material logistics20.绿色物流 environmental logistics21.企业物流 internal logistics22.社会物流 external logistics23.军事物流 military logistics24.国际物流 international logistics25.第三方物流 third-part logistics (TPL)26.定制物流 customized logistics27.虚拟物流 virtual logistics28.增值物流服务 value-added logistics service 29.供应链 supply chain30.条码 bar code31.电子数据交换 electronic data interchange (EDI) 32.有形消耗 tangible loss33.无形消耗 intangible loss 奖罚物流作业术语1.运输 transportation2.联合运输 combined transport3.直达运输 through transport4.中转运输 transfer transport5.甩挂运输 drop and pull transport6.集装运输 containerized transport7.集装箱运输 container transport8.门到门 door-to-door9.整箱货 full container load (FCL)10.拼箱货 less than container load (LCL11.储存 storing12.保管 storage13.物品储存 article reserves14.库存 inventory15.经常库存 cycle stock16.安全库存 safety stick17.库存周期 inventory cycle time18.前置期(或提前期) lead time19.订货处理周期 order cycle time20.货垛 goods stack21.堆码 stacking22.搬运 handing/carrying23.装卸 loading and unloading24.单元装卸 unit loading and unloading25.包装 package/packaging26.销售包装 sales package27.定牌包装 packing of nominated brand28.中性包装 neutral packing29.运输包装 transport package30.托盘包装 palletizing31.集装化 containerization32.散装化 containerization33.直接换装 cross docking34.配送 distribution35.共同配送 joint distribution36.配送中心 distribution center37.分拣 sorting38.拣选 order picking39.集货 goods collection40.组配 assembly41.流通加工 distribution processing42.冷链 cold chain43.检验 inspection 奖罚物流技术装备及设施术语1.仓库 warehouse2.库房 storehouse3.自动化仓库 automatic warehouse 4.4立体仓库 stereoscopic warehouse5.虚拟仓库 virtual warehouse6.保税仓库 boned warehouse7.出口监管仓库 export supervised warehouse8.海关监管货物 cargo un der customer’s supervision 9.冷藏区 chill space10.冷冻区 freeze space11.控湿储存区 humidity controlled space12.温度可控区 temperature controlled space13.收货区 receiving space14.发货区 shipping space15.料棚 goods shed16.货场 goods yard17.货架 goods shelf18.托盘 pallet19. *车 fork lift truck20.输送机 conveyor21.自动导引车 automatic guided vehicle (AGV)22.箱式车 box car23.集装箱 container24.换算箱 twenty-feet equivalent unit (TEU)25.特种货物集装箱 specific cargo container26.全集装箱船 full container ship27.铁路集装箱场 railway container yard28.公路集装箱中转站 inland container depot29.集装箱货运站 container freight station (CFS)30.集装箱码头 container terminal31.国际铁路联运 international through railway transport32.国际多式联运 international multimodal transport33.大陆桥运输 land bridge transport34.班轮运输 liner transport35.租船运输 shipping by chartering36.船务代理 shipping agency37.国际货运代理 international freight forwarding agent38.理货 tally39.国际货物运输保险 international transportation cargo insurance40.报关 customs declaration41.报关行 customs broker42.进出口商品检验 commodity inspection 奖罚物流管理术语1.物流战略 logistics strategy2.物流战略管理 logistics strategy management3.仓库管理 warehouse management4.仓库布局 warehouse layout5.库存控制 inventory control6.经济订货批量 economic order quantity (EOQ)7.定量订货方式 fixed-quantity system (FQS)8.定期订货方式 fixed-quantity system (FIS)9. ABC分类管理 ABC classification10.电子订货系统 Electronic order system (EOS)11.准时制 just in time (JIT)12.准时制物流 just-in-time logistics13.零库存技术 zero-inventory logistics14.物流成本管理 logistics cost control15.物料需要计划 material requirements planning (MRP)16.制造资源计划 manufacturing resource planning (MRP II) 17.配送需要计划distribution requirements planning (DRP) 18.配送资源计划 distribution resource planning (DRP II)19.物流资源计划 logistics resource planning (LRP)20.企业资源计划 enterprise resource planning (ERP)21.供应链管理 supply chain management (SCM)22.快速反映 Quick response (QR)23.有效客户反映 efficient customer response(ECR)24.连续库存补充计划 continuous replenishment program (CRP)25.计算机付诸订货系统 computer assisted ordering (CAO) 26.供应商管理库存 vendor managed inventory (VMI)27.业务外包 outsourcing物流中级英语(共145个)基本概念术语 1.物品 article 2.物流 logistics 3.物流活动 logistics activity 4.物流作业 logistics operation 5.物流模数 logistics modulus 6.物流技术 logistics technology 7.物流成本 logistics cost 8.物流管理 logistics management 9.物流中心 logistics center 10.物流网络 logistics network 11.物流信息 logistics information 12.物流企业 logistics enterprise 13.物流单证 logistics documents 14.物流联盟 logistics alliance 15.供应物流supply logistics 16.生产物流 production logistics 17.销售物流 distribution logistics 18.回收物流 returned logistics 19.废弃物物流 waste material logistics 20.绿色物流 environmental logistics 21.企业物流 internal logistics 22.社会物流 external logistics 23.军事物流 military logistics 24.国际物流 international logistics 25.第三方物流 third-part logistics (TPL) 26.定制物流 customized logistics 27.虚拟物流 virtual logistics 28.增值物流服务 value-added logistics service 29.供应链 supply chain 30.条码 bar code 31.电子数据交换 electronic data interchange (EDI) 32.有形消耗 tangible loss 33.无形消耗 intangible loss 奖罚物流作业术语 1.运输 transportation 2.联合运输 combined transport 3.直达运输through transport 4.中转运输 transfer transport 5.甩挂运输 drop and pull transport 6.集装运输 containerized transport 7.集装箱运输 container transport 8.门到门 door-to-door 9.整箱货 full container load (FCL) 10.拼箱货 less than container load (LCL 11.储存 storing 12.保管 storage 13.物品储存 article reserves 14.库存 inventory 15.经常库存 cycle stock 16.安全库存 safety stick 17.库存周期 inventory cycle time 18.前置期(或提前期) lead time 19.订货处理周期 order cycle time 20.货垛 goods stack 21.堆码 stacking 22.搬运 handing/carrying 23.装卸 loading and unloading 24.单元装卸 unit loading and unloading 25.包装package/packaging 26.销售包装 sales package 27.定牌包装 packing of nominated brand 28.中性包装 neutral packing 29.运输包装 transport package 30.托盘包装palletizing 31.集装化 containerization 32.散装化 containerization 33.直接换装 cross docking 34.配送 distribution 35.共同配送 joint distribution 36.配送中心 distribution center 37.分拣 sorting 38.拣选 order picking 39.集货 goods collection 40.组配 assembly 41.流通加工 distribution processing 42.冷链 cold chain 43.检验 inspection 奖罚物流技术装备及设施术语 1.仓库 warehouse 2.库房 storehouse 3.自动化仓库 automatic warehouse 4. 4立体仓库 stereoscopic warehouse 5.虚拟仓库 virtual warehouse 6.保税仓库 boned warehouse 7.出口监管仓库 export supervised warehouse 8.海关监管货物cargo under customer’s supervision 9.冷藏区 chill space 10.冷冻区 freeze space 11.控湿储存区 humidity controlled space 12.温度可控区 temperature controlled space 13.收货区 receiving space 14.发货区 shipping space 15.料棚 goods shed 16.货场 goods yard 17.货架 goods shelf 18.托盘 pallet 19.叉车 fork lift truck 20.输送机 conveyor 21.自动导引车 automatic guided vehicle (AGV) 22.箱式车 box car 23.集装箱 container 24.换算箱 twenty-feet equivalent unit (TEU) 25.特种货物集装箱 specific cargocontainer 26.全集装箱船 full container ship 27.铁路集装箱场 railway container yard 28.公路集装箱中转站 inland container depot 29.集装箱货运站 container freight station (CFS) 30.集装箱码头 container terminal 31.国际铁路联运international through railway transport 32.国际多式联运 international multimodal transport 33.大陆桥运输 land bridge transport 34.班轮运输 liner transport 35.租船运输 shipping by chartering 36.船务代理 shipping agency 37.国际货运代理international freight forwarding agent 38.理货 tally 39.国际货物运输保险international transportation cargo insurance 40.报关 customs declaration 41.报关行 customs broker 42.进出口商品检验 commodity inspection 奖罚物流管理术语1.物流战略 logistics strategy 2.物流战略管理 logistics strategy management 3.仓库管理 warehouse management 4.仓库布局 warehouse layout 5.库存控制 inventory control 6.经济订货批量 economic order quantity (EOQ) 7.定量订货方式fixed-quantity system (FQS) 8.定期订货方式 fixed-quantity system (FIS) 9. ABC 分类管理 ABC classification 10.电子订货系统 Electronic order system (EOS) 11.准时制 just in time (JIT) 12.准时制物流 just-in-time logistics 13.零库存技术zero-inventory logistics 14.物流成本管理 logistics cost control 15.物料需要计划 material requirements planning (MRP) 16.制造资源计划 manufacturing resource planning (MRP II) 17.配送需要计划 distribution requirements planning (DRP) 18.配送资源计划 distribution resource planning (DRP II) 19.物流资源计划 logistics resource planning (LRP) 20.企业资源计划 enterprise resource planning (ERP) 21.供应链管理 supply chain management (SCM) 22.快速反映 Quick response (QR) 23.有效客户反映 efficient customer response(ECR) 24.连续库存补充计划 continuous replenishment program (CRP) 25.计算机付诸订货系统 computer assisted ordering (CAO) 26.供应商管理库存 vendor managed inventory (VMI) 27.业务外包 outsourcing。

物流专业英语课后答案Chapter1Ⅰ.1、物流管理2、谈及,提及,说到3、以最大成本效益的方式4、物理协会5、信息管理6、另外,除此之外7、物流装置8、也,同样Ⅱ.1、the transfer of goods;the most cost-effective2、hardware;information control3、materials;information4、it is about the flow and storage of goods5、goods, service, the point of consumption6、logistics strategies and activitiesⅢ.1、提到物流或物流管理,说法并不统一,不同的组织对此有不同的定义。
Ⅳ.1.D2.C3.A4.B5.DⅤ.1.quick response2.a new commercial arearmation technology4.containerization technique5.modern logistics6.major function7.location value8.distribution processing valueⅥ.现代物流采用了集装技术。

物流专业英语词汇大全-物流英语-物流专业英语-物流英语词汇表?一、物流英语的145个专业词汇?(1)物流英语之基本概念术语?1.物品?article?2.物流?logistics?3.物流活动?logistics?activity?4.物流作业?logistics?operation?5.物流模数?logistics?modulus?6.物流技术?logistics?technology?7.物流成本?logistics?cost?8.物流管理?logistics?management?9.物流中心?logistics?center?10.物流网络?logistics?network?11.物流信息?logistics?information?12.物流企业?logistics?enterprise?13.物流单证?logistics?documents?14.物流联盟?logistics?alliance?15.供应物流?supply?logistics?16.生产物流?production?logistics?17.销售物流?distribution?logistics?18.回收物流?returned?logistics?19.废弃物物流?waste?material?logistics?20.绿色物流?environmental?logistics?21.企业物流?internal?logistics?22.社会物流?external?logistics?23.军事物流?military?logistics?24.国际物流?international?logistics?25.第三方物流?third-part?logistics?(TPL)?26.定制物流?customized?logistics?27.虚拟物流?virtual?logistics?28.增值物流服务?value-added?logistics?service?29.供应链?supply?chain?30.条码?bar?code?31.电子数据交换?electronic?data?interchange?(EDI)?32.有形消耗?tangible?loss?33.无形消耗?intangible?loss?物流专业英语词汇大全-物流英语-物流专业英语-物流英语词汇表?一、物流英语的145个专业词汇?(1)物流英语之基本概念术语?1.物品?article?2.物流?logistics?3.物流活动?logistics?activity?4.物流作业?logistics?operation?5.物流模数?logistics?modulus?6.物流技术?logistics?technology?7.物流成本?logistics?cost?8.物流管理?logistics?management?9.物流中心?logistics?center?10.物流网络?logistics?network?11.物流信息?logistics?information?12.物流企业?logistics?enterprise?13.物流单证?logistics?documents?14.物流联盟?logistics?alliance?15.供应物流?supply?logistics?16.生产物流?production?logistics?17.销售物流?distribution?logistics?18.回收物流?returned?logistics?19.废弃物物流?waste?material?logistics?20.绿色物流?environmental?logistics?21.企业物流?internal?logistics?22.社会物流?external?logistics?23.军事物流?military?logistics?24.国际物流?international?logistics?25.第三方物流?third-part?logistics?(TPL)?26.定制物流?customized?logistics?27.虚拟物流?virtual?logistics?28.增值物流服务?value-added?logistics?service?29.供应链?supply?chain?30.条码?bar?code?31.电子数据交换?electronic?data?interchange?(EDI)?32.有形消耗?tangible?loss?33.无形消耗?intangible?loss?奖罚???(2)物流英语之物流作业术语?1.运输?transportation?2.联合运输?combined?transport?3.直达运输?through?transport?4.中转运输?transfer?transport?5.甩挂运输?drop?and?pull?transport?6.集装运输?containerized?transport?7.集装箱运输?container?8.门到门?door-to-door? 9.整箱货?full?container?load?(FCL)?transport?10.拼箱货?less?than?container?load?(LCL?)?11.储存?storing?12.保管?storage?13.物品储存?article?reserves?14.库存?inventory?15.经常库存?cycle?stock?16.安全库存?safety?stick?17.库存周期?inventory?cycle?time? 18.前置期(或提前期)?lead?time?19.订货处理周期?order?cycle?time?20.货垛?goods?stack?21.堆码?stacking?22.搬运?handing/carrying?23.装卸?loading?and?unloading?24.单元装卸?unit?loading?and?unloading?25.包装?package/packaging?26.销售包装?sales?package?27.定牌包装?packing?of?nominated?brand?28.中性包装?neutral?packing?29.运输包装?transport?package?30.托盘包装?palletizing? 31.集装化?containerization?32.散装化?containerization?33.直接换装?cross?docking?34.配送?distribution?35.共同配送?joint?distribution?36.配送中心?distribution?center? 37.分拣?sorting?38.拣选?order?picking?39.集货?goods?collection?40.组配?assembly? 41.流通加工?distribution?processing?42.冷链?cold?chain?43.检验?inspectiontransport?10.拼箱货?less?than?container?load?(LCL?)?11.储存?storing?12.保管?storage?13.物品储存?article?reserves?14.库存?inventory?15.经常库存?cycle?stock?16.安全库存?safety?stick?17.库存周期?inventory?cycle?time? 18.前置期(或提前期)?lead?time?19.订货处理周期?order?cycle?time?20.货垛?goods?stack?21.堆码?stacking?22.搬运?handing/carrying?23.装卸?loading?and?unloading?24.单元装卸?unit?loading?and?unloading?25.包装?package/packaging?26.销售包装?sales?package?27.定牌包装?packing?of?nominated?brand?28.中性包装?neutral?packing?29.运输包装?transport?package?30.托盘包装?palletizing?31.集装化?containerization?32.散装化?containerization?33.直接换装?cross?docking?34.配送?distribution?35.共同配送?joint?distribution?36.配送中心?distribution?center?37.分拣?sorting?38.拣选?order?picking?39.集货?goods?collection?40.组配?assembly?41.流通加工?distribution?processing?42.冷链?cold?chain?43.检验?inspection?奖罚?(3)物流英语之物流技术装备及设施术语物流?1.仓库?warehouse?2.库房?storehouse?3.自动化仓库?automatic?warehouse?4.立体仓库?stereoscopic?warehouse?5.虚拟仓库?virtual?warehouse?6.保税仓库?boned?warehouse?7.出口监管仓库?export?supervised?warehouse?8.海关监管货物?cargo?under?customer’s?supervision?9.冷藏区?chill?space?10.冷冻区?freeze?space?11.控湿储存区?humidity?controlled?space?12.温度可控区?temperature?controlled?space?13.收货区?receiving?space?14.发货区?shipping?space?15.料棚?goods?shed?16.货场?goods?yard?17.货架?goods?shelf?18.托盘?pallet?19.叉车?fork?lift?truck?20.输送机?conveyor?21.自动导引车?automatic?guided?vehicle?(AGV)?22.箱式车?box?car?23.集装箱?container?24.换算箱?twenty-feet?equivalent?unit?(TEU)?25.特种货物集装箱?specific?cargo?container?26.全集装箱船?full?container?ship?27.铁路集装箱场?railway?container?yard?28.公路集装箱中转站?inland?container?depot?29.集装箱货运站?container?freight?station?(CFS)?30.集装箱码头?container?terminal?31.国际铁路联运?international?through?railway?transport?32.国际多式联运?international?multimodal?transport?33.大陆桥运输?land?bridge?transport? 34.班轮运输?liner?transport?35.租船运输?shipping?by?chartering?36.船务代理?shipping?agency?37.国际货运代理?international?freight?forwarding?agent?38.理货?tally?39.国际货物运输保险?international?transportation?cargo?insurance?40.报关?customs?declaration?41.报关行?customs?broker?42.进出口商品检验?commodity?inspection?(4)物流英语之物流管理术语?1.物流战略?logistics?strategy?2.物流战略管理?logistics?strategy?management?3.仓库管理?warehouse?management?4.仓库布局?warehouse?layout?5.库存控制?inventory?control?6.经济订货批量?economic?order?quantity?(EOQ)?7.定量订货方式?fixed-quantity?system?(FQS)?8.定期订货方式?fixed-quantity?system?(FIS)?9.ABC分类管理?ABC?classification?10.电子订货系统?Electronic?order?system?(EOS)?11.准时制?just?in?time?(JIT)?12.准时制物流?just-in-time?logistics?13.零库存技术?zero-inventory?logistics?14.物流成本管理?logistics?cost?control?15.物料需要计划?material?requirements?planning?(MRP)?16.制造资源计划?manufacturing?resource?planning?(MRP?II)?17.配送需要计划?distribution?requirements?planning?(DRP)?18.配送资源计划?distribution?resource?planning?(DRP?II)?19.物流资源计划?logistics?resource?planning?20.企业资源计划?enterprise?resource?planning?(ERP)?21.供应链管理?supply?chain?management?(SCM)?22.快速反映?Quick?response?(QR)?23.有效客户反映?efficient?customer?response(ECR)?24.连续库存补充计划?continuous?replenishment?program?(CRP)?25.计算机付诸订货系统?computer?assisted?ordering?(CAO)?26.供应商管理库存?vendor?managed?inventory?(VMI)?27.业务外包?outsourcing二、常用物流英语50句?1.Modern?logistics?is?one?of?the?most?challenging?and?exciting?jobs?in?the?world.???现代物流是世界上最富挑战性和最激动人心的工作。

1、电子数据交换的英文缩写为 EDI;2、条形码的英文为 Bar Code;3、第三方物流的英文缩写是 TPL4、Autodiscrimination中文意思为自动辨别5、Automated Warehouse 中文意思是自动化仓库6、自动识别的英文是 Automatic Identification7、Average Inventory 中文意思平均存货8、Bar Code Reader 中文意思为条形码阅读器9、Zero inventory 中文意思为零库存10、ISO的全称为国际标准华组织11、On-hand inventory 中文意思为现货12、JITC 中文意思为准时供(送)货系统13、B/L中文意思是提单14、Turnover Ratio of inventory 中文意思为存货周转率1、条形码系统包括 Bar Code、Bar Code Label、Bar Code Reader2、仓库系统的设施包括Warehouse、Forks 、Goods Shelf3、海运集装箱物流系统由 Container、Ship、Port 、Yard4、运输工具为Air Cargo Carrier、Shipping Lines 、Motor Carrier5、Carrier 中文意思是运送人、承运人三、1、Terminal 在港口物流中的含义是港口 T2、Terminal 在电子商务中是终端机口 T3、Cargo意为物运输 F4、大量货物运输是Bulk carrier T5、企业经营进出口均要付 Duty F6、在仓库中的货物称为 Invention F7、Quality Control 意思是品质管制 T8、零售商店常常经客人Discount,以便助销。
T9、Shipper和Carrier 是同一个货运的参与方。
T四、1、Electronic Data Interchange Means 的意思是电子数据交换系统2、Bar Code ,Bar Code Label and Bar Code Reader Compose A 条形码识别与阅读System;3、销售住处系统的英文是Point Of Sales4、TEU指 20英尺集箱5、Zero Inventory 意思是零库存6、Material Requirement Planning (MRP) Is 物料需求计划7、Customer Relationship Management(CRM) is 客户关系管理8、Joint Distribution 是共同配送9、ISO 的全称为 International Standard Organization10、Letter of Credit 是信用证11、Documents 在同际物流中指单证12、Fixed cost 在会计中指固定成本13、FEU is Forty-foot Equivalent Unit14、Freight Tariff 中文为货物运价表15、Core Business is 核心业务五、1、Global Positioning System can be used in Truck、Container、Train2、Pachaging can be classified into Industry And Commercial3、Electronic commerce is mainly used in B2B B2C4、There are two nets one is Internet for Public use another is intranetfor Inner use5、Logistics is mainly composed by Transportation \ Package Storing \distribution六、1、CIF is the price referring to the cost ,insurance and freight of thegoods (T)2、3、The main types of the containers are 10 and 20 inches (F)4、Distributors are the same king of business in sales and logistics(T)5、E-selling is the sells through Internet (T)6、Environmental logistics is different from the Green logistics (F)7、MTO(multi-model transport Operator is carrier (T)8、Pallet Trucks are used to move in or out the goods from warehouse(T)9、Supply chain management is the same as logistics (F)10、Logistics is not dependent on the geographical features(F)11、Two cities are very important to the logistics shanghai andShenzhen in China I should say.(T)。

物流专业英语词汇大全-物流英语-物流专业英语-物流英语词汇表一、物流英语的145个专业词汇二、常用物流英语50句1.Modern logistics is one of the most challenging and exciting jobs in the world.现代物流是世界上最富挑战性和最激动人心的工作。
2.Logistics is part of a supply chain.物流是供应链的整体组成部分。
3.Logistics is anything but a newborn baby.物流不是新鲜事。
4.Logistics is a unique global “pipeline”.物流是独特的全球通道。
5.Logistics is related to the effective and efficient flow of materials and information.物流所涉及的是物料和信息有效、快速的流动。
6.Logistics operation and management include packaging, warehousing, material handling, inventory control, transport, forecasting, strategic planning, customer service, etc.物流操作和管理包括包装、仓储、物料搬运、库存控制、运输、预测、战略计划和客户服务等方面。
7.Logistics consists of warehousing, transportation, loading and unloading, handling, carrying, packaging, processing, distribution andlogistics information.物流由仓储、运输、装卸、搬运、包装、加工、配送和物流信息所组成。
物流专业 英语

Part ⅢPackingUnit 3 How to Pack Goods 1. Reference /ˈrefrəns/ n.参考;参考书例句:The only reference books he had you like them?他唯一的一本参考书.你喜欢么?2. Guarantee [ˌɡærənˈti:]vt.保证,担保例句:What guarantee do I have?我能得到什么保证?3. Stretch[strɛtʃ] vt.伸展;张开;例句:What happened on the bridge? How can you stretch?你们身上发生了什么事你能伸展吗?4. rural[ˈruərəl] adj.乡下的,农村的;例句:But lots of the excess was in more rural areas.但更多的剩余房屋坐落于更加农村的地区。
Part ⅣShipmentUnit 1 Terms of Shipment 1. Warehouse[ˈwɛəhaus]n.仓库,货栈;& vt.把…放入或存入仓库;例句:Coordinate the warehouse resources of the company.协调公司的仓库资源。
2. Reship [,riː'ʃɪp]vi. 再上船例句:However, Covers and rings are made in Asia and it would not be feasible, to reship , for cost reasons. 只因盖和环都是在亚洲制造让成重装增加了运费,所以是不可行的。
3. occur[əˈkə:] vi.发生;出现;闪现例句:Where did the shooting occur? To the north.在哪里发生这次枪战的?在小镇北边.4. delivery[diˈlivəri] n.传送,投递例句:Businesses that depend on just-in-time delivery cannot tolerate lateness.依赖准时交货的企业不能容忍货物迟交。

以下是一些货运代理专业常用的英语词汇:1.Freight Forwarding - 货运代理2.Logistics - 物流3.Customs Clearance - 海关清关4.Cargo - 货物5.Shipping - 装运6.Export/Import - 出口/进口7.Bill of Lading (B/L) - 提单8.Carrier - 承运人9.Consignment - 寄售10.Warehouse - 仓库11.Packing List - 装箱单12.Container - 集装箱13.Inland Transportation - 内陆运输14.Insurance - 保险15.Incoterms - 贸易术语16.Clearing Agent - 清关代理17.FCL (Full Container Load) - 整柜18.LCL (Less than Container Load) - 散货19.AWB (Air Waybill) - 空运提单20.T ariff - 关税21.Demurrage - 滞期费22.Transshipment - 转运23.ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) - 预计到达时间24.ETD (Estimated Time of Departure) - 预计出发时间25.Manifest - 货物清单这些术语在货运代理行业中非常常见,对于处理货物运输、海关事务、保险和物流管理等方面都至关重要。

Summary 本章小结
The chapter focuses on the concept of supply chain and supply chain management. Supply chain consists of firms collaborating to serve the needs of end-customers. Supply chain consists of firms collaborating to take advantage of strategic position and to improve operating efficiency.
True or False 判断对错
1.There are a variety of definition about the term "logistics", each have slightly different meaning.
2. Logistics involves the flow and storage of "goods, services, and related information".
5. Good customer service is to make sure that the right person receive the right product with the right quantity at the right place at the right time in the right condition, even the cost is very high.

一1物流师:Logistician2物流策略联盟:Logistics alliance3物流审计:Logistics audit4物流生涯:Logistics career5物流工程:Logistics engineering6物流费用:Logistics fees7物流弹性:Logistics flexibility8物流信息系统与通信系统包含托运、运送、仓储和通信的信息系统Logistics information and telecommunications system(LITS) 9委托物流:Logistics outsourcing10物流需求规划:Logistics requirement planning11物流服务业:Logistics service industry12国内物流:Domestic logistics13全球物流:Global logistics14物流反映时间:Logistics response time15环保物流:Green Logistics二1责任归属:accountability2脑力激荡发:Brainstorming3商业物流:Business logistics4专业物流师:Certified Professional Logistician(CPL)5物流主管:Chief logistics officer6差别物流:Differentiated distribution7一般货物运送业:General commodities carrier8理货成本:Handing casts9跨州运送者:Interstate carrier10国际标准书号:International Standard Book Number(ISNB)11国际物流:International logistics12仓库管理系统:Warehouse managing system三1会计账本、记账成本:Accounting cost2作业基础成本法:Activity based costing3代理成本:Agency cost4平均成本法:Average cost method5损益平衡点:Break-even point6资本预算评估:Capital budgeting7存货持有成本:Carrying costs8可控制成本:Controllable costs9物流成本递减:Decreasing logistics costs10外部成本:External cost11固定成本:Fixed cost12联合成本:Joint cost13销售丧失成本:Lost sales cost14下订单的成本:Ordering cost15歇业成本:Shut-down cost16利润最大化:Skimming price17标准成本:Standard cost18开办成本:Start-up costs四1运费优待:Aggregate tender rate2联合包装:Banded pack3顺序托运单:Bill of Lading,order4账单上的货重:Billed weight5空重:Deadweight6倾斜式输送机:Declining conveyor7悬吊式运输:Goods on hanger(GOH)8汽车货运业:Hauler9高速行进中侧重:High speed weight-in-motion(HSWIN)10工业包装:Industrial packaging11轻卡车:Light trucks12长途短途差别取价:Long-haul-short-haul discrimination 13零担运输:LTL shipment14运送方式:Method of shipment15汽车运输业合理运费:Motor carrier reasonable rate16包裹:Package17包裹运送业:Package hauler18套装软件:Package software19托盘:Pallet五1售后服务:After-sales service2延迟订单:Back order3客户态度:Customer attitude4客户导向:Customer driven5自领:Customer pickup6客户关系管理:Customer relation management7客户往来保持:Customer retention8客户满意:Customer satisfaction9定做软件:Customer software10客户周转率:Customer turnover rate11客户价值:Customer value六1订单后组装:Assembly-to-order2自动仓储系统:Automated storage and retrieval system3可用存货:Available inventory4月台:Dock5月台缓冲垫:Dock bumpers6自行组装:Do-it-yourself7高背集装箱:High cube container8高密度负荷:High-density load9存货余额:Inventory balances10存货模式:Inventory modeling11装载率:Load factor12负荷比:Load ratio13装卸费:Loading and unloading fees14托盘式货架:Pallet rack15拣货时间:Picker time16平车载运拖车:Trailer-on-flatcar七1买方拍卖:Buyers auction2集中采购:Centralized procurement3采购经理认证:Certified Purchasing Manager4联合采购:Cooperative buying5经济订购区:Economic order interval6经济订购量:Economic order quantity7购买4个O:Four Os of purchasing8全球采购:Global sourcing9订单履行:Order filling10采购订单:Purchase order11采购前置时间:Purchasing lead time12购货退回或折让:Purchase returns and allowance。
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warehouse [ 贮入仓库
efficiently [ ,有效地
emphasis [
facilitate [ 使便利
] n.仓库,货栈;vt.
] vt.使容易,
Shipments Cross-docking value-added processing Custom work
Packaging, subassembly,kitting, labeling
Providing color and style tp products
Unit Ⅶ
Distribution centers
DCs collect data in real time (might deliver less than the batch size. The transfer batch may not, and many times should not, be equal to the process batch-OPT rule).
DCs focus on maximising the profit impact of fulfilling customer (external customer) delivery requirement.
Unit Ⅶ
The role of warehouses in the future
➢Some experts in this field predict the demise of warehouses because inventory stocking will no longer be needed.
An example
Unit Ⅶ
The processing procedure in this distribution center
Receiving area
Inbound goods
VAS preparation
Recirculation Loop
VAS Processing
n.刺激 v.鞭
n.分装 ] n.成套工具,用具包,
Unit Ⅶ
Main difference between a DC and a
Distribution centers
Warehouses (W) handle most products in four cycle, e.g., receive, store, ship, and pick.
Ws store all products (slow or fast moving).
Ws focus on minimising the operating costs to meet shipping requirements.
DCs hold predominantly high demand items.
双周的 2021/3/17 n.半月刊
Unit Ⅶ
游地 adj.下游的
得到 n.找回
pneumatic [ 气动的;风力的
lane 2021/3/17
n. 碎
] adj.装满空气的;
vt.处理,操作 vi.搬运,
Unit Ⅶ
in batches 地
real time
predominant [ 主要的,有影响的
观的 n.外部
adv. 分批地,成批
实时 ] adj.卓越的,
] vt.使最大,取
➢About ABC Catering Services Ltd. ➢The Current Work Flow
Unit Ⅶ
New Words
n. 获得,取得
rim 篮框
Seoul 首尔
DCs perform a great deal of value-added activities, e.g., final assembly (applying the postponement strategy).
Unit Ⅶ
Ws collect data in batches (generally) (receive and ship goods in batches).
Unit Seven Distribution Center
PART I Distribution Center PART II The ABC Catering Services
Ltd. PART III An Integrated System Of DC
Unit Ⅶ
New Words
Trash Takeaway
PTL section
Shipping area
Outbound goods
Distribution centers (DC) handle most products in two cycle, e.g., receive and ship.
Ws perform a minimum of value-added activities (receive-store-ship generally in original forms).
Recommendation [ n202.1推/3/1荐7 ,介绍(信),
] adv.下
] n.
Unit Ⅶ
PART III An Integrated System Of DC
➢Distribution center design ➢An example-----The Sports Authority's
Regional Distribution Center - An Overview ➢The processing procedure in this distribution center ➢equipments
Unit Ⅶ
New Words
dynamic [ 学的;动态的
] n.影响,效果 vt. 对……
n.死亡,让位 vt.让
Unit Ⅶ
sub assembly
Unit Ⅶ
Distribution center design
➢Designing and equipping distribution centers is a complex process.
➢Distribution center design is a dynamic process.
installation [ 安装,装置;就职
的 n.入站 2021/3/17
] adj.动力的;动力
] adj.内地的;归航
Unit Ⅶ
➢Examples of the changing role of warehouses can be seen in consolidations of