



复仇者联盟中让人印象深刻的台词复仇者联盟中让人印象深刻的台词的多篇精编范文,供大家学习参考!01Captain America: Ein groer Mann in einer Rüstung. Lassen Sie sie weg, was sind Sie dann?“Iron Man: Genie, Milliardr, Playboy, Philanthrop。


”【die Rüstung, -en】军备,装备;盔甲例句:Ein winzig kleiner ziemlich dicker Ritter in einer winzig kleinen Rüstung die in der Sonne funkel te. 一个极小极小的胖骑士穿着极小极小的盔甲,在太阳下闪闪发光。

02Thor: Hüte deine Zunge! Loki mag irrsinnig sein, aber er ist aus Asgard und er ist mein Bruder.“Black Widow: Er hat 80 Menschen in 2 Tagen gettet.“Thor: Er wurde adoptiert。



“【die Zunge, -n】舌头例句:Er hat das Herz auf der Zunge. 他心直口快。

Das Geheimnis brennt mir auf der Zunge. 我直想把秘密说出来。

Hüte deine Zunge! 说话注意点!03Falcon: Klingt nach ‘nem heien Kampf. Schade, dass ich n icht dabei war.“Captain America: Htte ich gewusst, dass es ‘ne Schieerei gibt, htte ich natürlich angerufen.“Falcon: Nein, nein, wirklich bedauern tu ich’s nicht. Ich wollt‘ eigentlich nur’n coolen Spruch machen.“猎鹰:“听起来是一场激战。



《复仇》经典语录《复仇》经典语录《复仇》是由Mike Kelley执导的悬疑爱情剧,艾米丽·万凯普、玛德琳·斯托等参加演出。

















15、当一个人没有了记忆后,仇恨还在不在?16、爱情就是这样,爱得无法自拔的时候,总是希望听到那句一成不变的“I love you”17、I miss you 是我想念你;I miss you 是不是也代表我错过了你。































复仇第一季第1集Revenge Season 1 Episode 1子曰: "攻乎异端斯害己也"‘ Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.” Confucius (504.B.C.)当我还小的时候When I was a little girl, 我对复仇的理解my understanding of revenge was 简单停留在对主日学校学的谚语的理解as simple as the Sunday School proverb that hid behind. 主日学校周日进行宗教教育的学校简单的道德标语Neat little morality slogans, like, 比如"己所不欲勿施于人"Do unto others 冤冤相报何时了and "Two wrongs don't make a right." 但冤冤相报永无终止But two wrongs can never make a right 因为两种伤害永远不能抵消because two wrongs can never equal each other. 美国劳工节周末纽约州南汉普顿对于真正受伤害的一方而言For the truly wronged... 真正的满足real satisfaction can only be found 只能通过两种途径实现in one of two places... 彻底宽恕Absolute forgiveness... 或者用死亡洗脱罪孽or mortal vindication. 这不是一个讲述宽恕的故事This is not a story about forgiveness. 艾米莉Emily. 我一直在找你丹尼尔呢I've been looking for you. Where's Daniel? 他在沙滩上散步我俩有点儿事Uh, he's walking the beach. We're having a thing. 是老问题还是又出新花样了Same thing or different thing? 老问题别担心他是站在我这边的Same thing. But don't worry. He's right behind me. 担心是我的责任It's my job to worry. 你要做的就是开开心心的Y our job is to enjoy yourself. 这可是你的订婚宴It's your engagement party. 谁能告诉我丹尼尔·格雷森在哪Can someone get me a twenty on Daniel Grayson? 艾米莉恭喜-谢谢Hey, congrats, Emily. - Thank you. 今晚再适合不过了Nice night for it. 适合什么诺兰Nice night for what, Nolan? 庆祝Celebrating. 你不该来这儿Y ou shouldn't be here. 彼此彼此That makes two of us. 艾米莉你躲哪儿去了Emily, where have you been hiding? 快来让我们看看那戒指姑娘Come on. Let's see that ring, girl. ■本字幕由YY eTs人人影视原创翻译制作仅供学习禁止用于任何商业盈利行为更多影视更新请登陆www.YY ■翻译:饭饭Doris蔷薇Luna Issey 酱油叶子猫Helen ■校对:Bony 爱吃屎的鱼迷藏时间轴:好油油子衿小怡纸■精校:Carol0108 后期:飞飞是菇凉■中转:青衣总监:爱吃屎的鱼穿着这燕尾服我觉得自己像个傻子I feel like a jackass in this tux. 别再做傻事Well, stop acting like one, 你就不会觉得自己傻了and you'll stop feeling like one. 相信我要是你朋友能看到你现在这样Trust me. If your friends could see you now-- 我估计会被扁的I'd probably get jumped. 你真想脱掉这身礼服吗Hey, you really want outta that tux? 快点儿我们一起逃跑Come on. We'll run away together. 你太慢了Y ou're slow. 我来了我来了I'm going. I'm going. 我最近吃太多了Little too much food lately. 快点-我快不行Come on. - Maybe not. 要去哪儿Where are we going? 你问得太多了Y ou ask too many questions. 让我看看你有什么能耐坏小子Show me what you got, bad boy. 我来帮你Here. Let me help you. 我自己来自己来I got it. I got it. 篝火和冰雕Fire and ice... 当我们第一次坐下策划今晚盛会的时候When we first sat down to discuss tonight's occasion, 我立刻喜欢上了这个主意I was immediately taken with the idea 一个以原始两级为主题的夜晚of an evening inspired by primal bookends-- 冰火交融Fire and ice... 缘起缘灭Beginnings and endings... 男女之爱And the love between a man and a woman. 你越界了Y o. Y o, 8 mile, 《8英里》艾米纳姆的自传影片指黑人白人分界线这是私人聚会Private party here! 艾米莉来电在这个满天星辰的夜晚...A starry evening. 那个变态最好没在拍照片That creep better not be taking pictures. 你有毛病吗Y ou got a problem?! 今晚不仅意味着汉普顿的美妙夏日Tonight not only marks the final weekend 接近尾声of a remarkable summer in the hamptons, 今晚还是我的儿子丹尼尔it is also the celebration of my son Daniel's engagement... 与美丽动人的艾米莉·索恩小姐的订婚典礼to the lovely and beguiling Ms. Emily Thorne. 尽管我们相识仅短短几个月And thoughwe've only known her for a few short months, 艾米莉就像本属于我们家的一部分Emily already feels like the piece of the family puzzle 只不过我们之前不知道而已we never even knew was missing. 简言之In a word, 我赞成他们的婚事I approve. 众所周知And as anyone can tell you, 我从不轻易赞成某事approval is not something I give away freely. 我儿子在哪里Where the hell is my son? 夏洛特Charlotte. 我的天啊Oh, my god. 妈Mom! 妈Mom! 我哥哥快来人啊My brother... Somebody come here! 快来Come here! 妈Mom! 丹尼尔Daniel! 丹尼尔Daniel! 丹尼尔Daniel! 离我儿子远点儿Get away from my son! 丹尼尔Daniel! 丹尼尔不要啊Daniel, please! No! 丹尼尔Daniel! 索恩小姐这绝对是不可多得的机会I can't tell you what a rare opportunity you have here, Ms. Thorne. 这所房子现在的主人住在城里The current owners live in the city, of course, 但他们是汉普顿的老居民了but they've been loyal hamptonites for years. 如果戴维斯先生对他的妻子忠诚一些Perhaps if Mr. Davis had been a bit more loyal to his wife, 这个季度他们也不会出租这房子了they wouldn't be renting out this season. 有传言他为了年龄小他一半的女人甩了他老婆Word has it, he dumped her for a girl half his age. 男人啊Men. 我能到处看看吗Y ou mind if I look around a bit? 当然请便That's what we're here for. 爸爸Dad? 宝贝探险游戏好玩吗Hey, kiddo. Y ou having fun exploring? 我们真可以整个夏天都住这儿吗We really get to spend the whole summer here? 而且以后每个夏天都来And every summer after that. 好不好What do you think? 我想妈妈肯定会愿意的I think mom would've loved it. 阿曼达你知道我有多爱你吗Hey, you know how much I love you, Amanda? 无穷的爱吗Infinity? 无穷Well, infinity... 是无穷无穷的爱times infinity. 索恩小姐Ms. Thorne? 你想象一下Now you have to imagine, 在阵亡将士纪念日前的周末It's memorial day weekend, 阵亡将士纪念日五月最后一个星期一摄氏23.9度天气晴朗75 and sunny, 炎炎夏日青春洋溢All those boys of summer wondering who the new girl is. 那是格雷森庄园And that's Grayson Manor. 你找不到比这更好的地方了Y ou won't find a better address than this. 这房子我要了I'll take it. 太好了Oh. Wonderful. 我去拿合同I'll get the contract. 你好你好Hello, hello. 阿什莉Ashley, hey. 你觉得怎么样What do you think? 你开玩笑吧看看这房子Are you kidding? Look at this place. 我想过你这样的生活I want your life. 你喜欢自己的生活Y ou love your life. 对我只想要你的钱Y eah, you're right. I just want your money. 我的就是你的要不要我拿俩杯子来What's mine is yours. Should I get us some glasses? 我也想这是给维多利亚·格雷森的I wish. It's for victoria grayson. 谁-你真的没救了- Who...? - Y ou're hopeless. 维多利亚·格雷森V ictoria Grayson-- 汉普顿的女王Reigning queen of the hamptons. 更何况她还是你的新邻居Not to mention, your new next door neighbor. 维多利亚女王吗Queen victoria? 相信我她名副其实Mm. Believe me, she's earned the title. 老板让我负责My boss has me handling the guest list 她纪念日派对的客人名单for her memorial day party. 如果我搞砸了我就得滚回克里登[英国地名]If I screw this up, I might as well move back to Croydon. 多少钱一张票Well, how much are the tickets? 一万块一个人10,000 a pop. 算我一个Count me in for one. 你确定吗Are you sure? 不是做善事吗It's for a good cause, right? 对拯救我的事业谢谢Y eah, my career. Thank you. 你待会想去痛饮廉价的玛格丽特酒吗Y ou want to get drunk on cheap margaritas later? 那还用问吗With or without you. 祝女王陛下好运Good luck with her highness. 拜拜Bye. 趁美联储还没停止收购5年和10年期国债Let's dump our long position on 5- and 10-year treasuries 抛售掉我们手里的长仓before the Feds stops buying them up. 再买些低评级的科技债券谢谢And, uh, get us into some of those low-rated tech bonds. Thanks 看来莉迪亚和迈克尔的新租客搬进来了Looks like Lydia and Michael's new renter is settling in. 能住在那房子真幸运Lucky girl, scoring that property. 人也漂亮Pretty one, too, 从这里都能看出来even from up here. 那她就更幸运了Iguess that makes her doubly lucky. 我不相信运气I don't believe in luck. 我以为你周末能休息一下呢I thought you were taking the weekend off. 好吧不干了There. I'm off. 你俩开房去吧Ew. Get a room, you guys. 抱歉夏莉没看到你溜进来Oh, I'm sorry, Charlie. I didn't see you sneaking in. 也没看到你昨晚溜出去了夏洛特Didn't see you sneaking out last night, either, Charlotte. 我去了特蕾西家I went over to Tracey's. 你睡觉前我跟你说了Told you I was going before you went to bed. 不你没说No, you didn't. 妈你年轻貌美怎么会有老年痴呆Mom, you're too young and too pretty to be this senile. 提醒我给她买个猫铃铛Remind me to buy her a cat bell. 随她玩吧A w, let her have a little fun. 她今年拿到了全AShe got straight A's this year. 我又不是抱怨她成绩不好No one's accusing her of being stupid. 别以为我看不到你垂涎那箱啤酒德克Don't think I didn't see you eyeballing that case of beer, Dec. 咱爸开酒吧笨蛋Our dad owns a bar, dumbass. 我想要多少有多少I can get as much beer as I want. 好吧既然这样All right. Well, in that case, 我会叮嘱老爸在我走后I'll just have to make sure 仔细检查库存量的dad double-checks the inventory while I'm gone. 你怎么那么啰嗦呢Why don't you tell me another hundred times, huh? 你已经清洗好垃圾箱了吗Did you already wash those garbage bins out back? 总比给这艘要沉没的船装货好Beats uploading this future shipwreck. 波特船长Ahoy! Captain Porter. 欢迎回来诺兰有何贵干Welcome back, Nolan. What can I do for you? 我想要艘船度过夏天Need a boat for the summer. 这艘不错This one will do. 这艘不外租It's not for rent. 谁说要租了Who said anything about renting? 这艘"阿曼达"卖多少钱How much you want for..."Amanda"? 我也不卖It's not for sale, either. 我下周要开去海地I'm taking it down to Haiti next week. 我还以为你讨厌大海I thought you hated the ocean. 我花了很多时间和金钱攻克这个问题Well, I-I spent a lot of time and money working through that, 当然还有其他事情amongst other things. 所以So... 我要买艘船I'm buying a boat. 好吧Right. 但这艘不卖Just not this one. 想必阿曼达这个女孩对你有特殊意义Amanda must be some special girl. 还有其他事吗Can I help you with something? 你不太喜欢我Y ou don't like me much, 对吧do you? 我想这是另一件你要攻克的事了One more thing for you to work through, I guess. 对您的"辞旧迎新"纪念日派对The response to your "In with the new" Memorial day party 大家都反应热烈格雷森太太has been overwhelming, Mrs. Grayson. 宴会的上客率将达到百分之九十The party is at 90% capacity... 捐款网站也筹集到了and the "Regrets" Web site's 将近5万美金already collected nearly $50,000, 从防止家庭暴力for everything from domestic violence prevention 到癌症的知识普及to cancer awareness. 五万美金对一些宾客来说Some of these regrets wouldn't wipe their noses 微不足道亲爱的with $50,000, dear. 要想今夏有一个更慷慨的慈善氛围If we're going to set a more generous tone for the summer, 就得有些新鲜刺激的举措it's clear I'm going to have to do something fresh and provocative, 所以so... 所以我决定拍卖一件I've decided to auction off a piece 我的私人艺术藏品from my personal art collection. 真是个大胆的主意维多利亚What a wild idea, Victoria. 我不管这项事业有多崇高Well, I don't care how good the cause is, 你要是拍卖迈克和我送你的那幅梵高画if you put up the V an Gogh that Michael and I gave you... 我就不活了I'll kill myself. 那幅梵高画是我们情谊的见证绝不能卖The V an Gogh is off limits for sentimental reasons. 阿什莉麻烦把这个新通知写到网站上Ashley, would you please add the new announcement 看看能不能吸引到更多的资金to the web site, see if we can't drum up some more business? 再次感谢在座的各位女士And, ladies, thanks again. 莉迪亚Lydia... 听说你和迈克冬天发生的事情We were all so sorry to hear 我们都感到很遗憾about you and Michael this winter. 你们曾是大家看好的一对Y ou were one of those couples everyone roots for. 这点毋庸置疑I have no doubt. 你还好吧How are you holding up? 迈克尔威胁我如果不放弃西边公寓Michael's threatening to put the beach house on the market 就把海边的房子卖掉if I don't release my claim on the west side walk-up. 那房子被陌生人租住已经够糟了It's bad enough, having some stranger renting it out. 要是房子落到哪个母狼的手里我怎么忍I can't bear the thought of losing it to one of the she-wolves. 别让他们看穿你的弱点Mm. Well, then don't let them see your weakness. 他们势必会利用这点来对付你It's the first thing they'll use against you. 好吧All right? 谢谢Thank you. 想学个戏法吗-想Hey, Y ou want to know a trick? -Y eah. 把你的脚埋到沙里Y ou plant your feet in the sand 然后站直直到一个浪打过来and you stand still through the whole first wave. 好的Okay. 下个浪到来时你会感觉暖和多了Then the next wave's gonna feel warmer. 然后再下一个浪你会感觉更加暖和And then the one after that's gonna feel warmer still. 最后你将感觉不到一丝寒意Finally, you're barely gonna notice the cold at all. 准备好了吗-好了Are Y ou ready? - Y eah. 浪来咯Here it comes. 你一定和北极熊是同乡Y ou must come from a family of polar bears. 这水冰凉刺骨That water is ice cold. 只是刚开始会觉得冷Only at first. 过段时间你就没有感觉了After a while, you can't feel anything. 就像我的婚姻一样Sounds like my marriage. 你一定是新来的租客吧Y ou must be the new renter. 艾米莉·索恩Emily Thorne. 消息传得可真快呀Word gets around fast. 像闪电一样Like lightning. 我是莉迪亚·戴维斯I'm lydia Davis. 你租的房子是我和我丈夫的My husband and I own the house you're staying in. 很高兴见到你It's so nice to meet you. 我非常喜欢这房子I can't tell you how much I love it. 我也是Me, too. 那里有我美好的记忆Some good memories were made there. 希望我也能留下一些Well, hopefully I can make some of my own. 只要别因房屋破损扣你押金就好So long as we don't have to take it out of your damage deposit. 欢迎来到汉普顿Welcome to the Hamptons. 联邦检察官结束了对冲基金主管大卫·克拉克Federal prosecutors wrapped up their case for treason 叛国案的审理他本人因此声名狼藉against disgraced hedge fund executive David Clarke. 出庭作证的是克拉克的秘书Taking the stand was Clarke's secretary, 莉迪亚·戴维斯Lydia Davis, 她的证词有力地证明了whose testimony supported 克拉克前任老板康拉德·格雷森the damning allegations made by Clarke's former boss, 对他的指控Conrad Grayson. 格雷森的证词详尽描述了Grayson's testimony detailed the scheme 克拉克如何向制造197航班事故的Clarke used to channel money to the terrorists 恐怖分子提供资金支持responsible for the downing of flight 1-9-7. 乘坐该航班的264位美国人无一生还All 246 Americans onboard that flight were killed. 爸爸你更喜欢哪个What do you like better, dad, 海玻璃还是海星sea glass or starfish? 爸爸Dad? 当然是海星了Starfish, definitely. 给你Here you go. 谢谢你Thank you. 大卫是我维多利亚David, it's V ictoria. 你能去帮我照顾一下山姆吗Hey, do you mind going and looking after Sammy for me? 好的-大卫你在吗Sure. - David, Are Y ou there? 你怎么了山姆What's the matter, Sammy? 一切都好吗-你在干吗- Hey, everything okay? - Whatcha doin'? 爸爸Daddy! 发生了什么Whoa, whoa. What's going on? 把手举到我能看到的地方怎么了Hands up so I can see 'em. What's going on? 等等这是个误会Y ou're making a mis--wait! Y ou're making a mistake! 放开我女儿Get your hands off my daughter! Aah! No! 阿曼达放开她Amanda! Let her go! 阿曼达阿曼达Amanda! Amanda! 大卫·克拉克把大家都耍了David Clarke had everyone fooled, 包括我including me. 我很高兴能帮忙将这个败类绳之以法I'm just glad I can help put that monster away. 没有我或格雷森女士的引领No one is to approach the head table 任何人不许靠近贵宾桌unless they're escorted by either myself or Mrs. Grayson. 这座位表有多重要我就不强调了I cannot stress how important that seating chart is. 明白了吗-明白了Got it? - I Got it. 很好Good. 两点钟时保安会把At 2 o'clock, security will be 格雷森女士的莫奈画delivering Mrs. Grayson's Manet 送到主舱做竞拍准备to be set up forauction in the main cabin. 没问题吧Okay? 艾米拜托别杀了我Ems, please don't kill me. 那要看情况了Well, that depends. 给我放你一条生路的理由What am I not killing you for? 今天下午放你鸽子是因为Standing you up this afternoon. 我要操办一场百万美元的艺术品拍卖会I have a million-dollar art auction to deal with. 对你而言毫无压力Oh, there's no pressure there. 要我给你带件衣服吗Y ou want me to pick up your dress for you? 你真是我的救命恩人Oh, you're a lifesaver. 言重了我趁机参观一下你的工作Oh, please. I'm sightseeing your working. 我精神上支持你I got you covered. 谢谢Thank you. 再见Bye. 要续茶吗More tea? 请吧Please. 你觉得去海滩第一天我肤色够不够古铜Do you think I'm tan enough for my first day on the beach 还需要再喷一下吗or do I need another spray? 你只需要一套新的泳衣What you need is another bathing suit. 看看我其他朋友怎么穿的Compared to what the rest of my friends are wearing, 我这件算保守了This is practically a burka, 与你朋友不同unlike the rest of your friends... 我可不希望在八卦版看到It's important to me that you don't end up 你参加吹牛老爹的热浴池派对的新闻on "Page six" at one of Diddy's hot tub parties. 吹牛老爹美国著名嘻哈音乐艺人丹尼回来了Danny's home. 丹尼Ooh, Danny! 你好吗How you doing? 见到你好开心I'm so happy to see you. 我也是这是在干嘛废品大拍卖吗I'm so glad to see you. What's going on, a fire sale? 慈善秀Charity stunt. 欢迎回家丹尼尔Welcome home, Daniel. 妈妈Hi, mom. 我去海滩了I'm headed down to the beach. 好吧Okay. 好的Okay. 她长大得真快she's growing up fast. 太快了Too fast. 你饿了吗Y ou hungry? 我只是有点累了Y ou know, I'm a little wiped out. 我想先去躺一会儿I think I'll just lay down for a bit. 你看起来有点累Y eah, you look a little tired. 学习都累的Well, studying will do that to a guy. 派对也会-妈妈我才刚到Mm. So will partying. - Mom, I just Got here. 让我休息一下Give me a break. 爸爸呢在打高尔夫吗Where's dad, golfing? 还能去哪呢Where else? 是啊还能去哪Y ep. Where else? 现在Now... 有夏天的感觉了It feels like summer. 有点香槟吗Champagne? 还用问吗Y ou have to ask? 康拉德Conrad? 你怎么了What's wrong? 你没事吧Are you okay? 康拉德Conrad. 天啊oh, god. 好吧你第一件要做的事是输入密码All right, so the first thing you do is enter the code. 这还不算It's not exactly... 然后把卡刷一下Ooh. Then you swipe the card. 然后输入总额Then the amount. 我们在这里吃吗Are we eating in here? 恐怕是这样Uh, yeah. I'm afraid so. 德克-知道我懂了Dec. - Y eah, Y eah, I Got it. 拿卡刷卡总额对吗Uh, card, swipe, amount, right? 密码刷卡总额Code, swipe, amount. 杰克你能去招呼那桌不好惹的女孩吗Jack, will you take care of the mean girls' table? 夏天才开始现在就结仇太早点了It's too early in the season for me to start making enemies. 年年如此你今年顾忌什么Why should this year be any different? 因为你要航行救世界了Because you're sailing off to save the world, 这地方禁不起有负面新闻and this place can't afford bad press. 是是我Y eah, yeah, I, uh, 我来搞定好吗I got it. Okay? 你好我能帮你吗Hi. Can I help you? 你是店主吗Um, are you the owner? 不是最好接下来的30年都不是Hopefully not for another 30 years or so. 你要找的是我父亲Y ou're looking for my dad. 有个穿西装的找你Some suit's looking for you. 你是Y ou are? 第一联邦银行的道格·里德Um, Doug Reid with first federal. 里德先生-我来招呼他杰克- Oh, Mr. Reid. - I'll take care of him, Jack. 里德先生Hey, Mr. Reid. 我是卡尔·波特Carl Porter. 很高兴见到你谢谢你能过来Nice to meet you. Thanks for coming down. 请来我的办公室吧Why don't you follow me to my office? 我知道你们喜欢他现在他来了I know you like him. Here he comes. 女士们Ladies. 我们要三杯朗姆酒加健怡可乐We'll take three rum and diets. 我要看看你们的身份证Uh, gonna need to see IDs. 身份证落在海边了Um, we left our IDs at the beach, 但我们带了不少钱but we have plenty of money. 抱歉我对你们的钱不感兴趣Sorry. I'm not interested in your money. 那你对我的手机号码感兴趣吗Are you interested in my phone number? 看起来像是心肌梗塞It looks like a stemi. 我们得快点We need to get him in quick. 这是什么意思What does that mean? 他会没事的吧Is he gonna be okay? 夫人请退后一些Ma'am, I need you to step back, please. 你们要带他去哪Where are you taking him? 南方医院Southfork Hospital. 莉迪亚莉迪亚Lydia. Lydia. 一二-艾米莉·索恩One, two... - Emily Thorne. 天啊那是你丈夫吗My--my god. Is this your husband? 要不要我载你去医院Do you need a ride to the hospital? 不不需要我No, I don't. I-- 我们到医院后马上做个心电图...And an E.K.G. as soon as we get there. 山姆Sammy. 衔取训练的关键是我扔出去后你捡回来The whole point of fetch is to bring the stick back 我要再解释一遍吗when I throw it. I really gotta explain this again? 过来Come here. 过来山姆come here, Sammy. 我给你找到了一个木棍I found a stick for you. 它叫什么名字-山姆- What's his name? - Sam. 他很喜欢玩木棍He sure likes sticks. 山姆去捡Fetch it, Sammy. 扔得好Nice throw. 谢谢Thanks. 我是杰克I'm Jack. 我是阿曼达I'm Amanda. 快点山姆把木棍捡回来Come on, Sammy. Pick up the stick. 你去哪里Where you going? 回来Get back here. 你在做什么What are you doing? 山姆Sammy. 山姆Sam? 山姆Barks. Sammy! 山姆趴下Sammy! Get down. 你怎么回事抱歉What's the matter with you? I'm sorry. 它平时不是那么热情的He's not normally this friendly. 他其实是条臭脾气的老狗了He's kind of an old grump, actually. 他把你衣服弄脏了Oh, he got mud on your dress. 没事Oh, that's no big deal. 拐角处有间There's an Earl and Emma's dry cleaners 名叫艾尔与艾玛的洗衣店right around the cornor. 我带你过去吧I'll walk you over. 不用了我自己能找到Oh, that's okay. Um, I got it. 谢谢-好吧喂Thanks. - Well, hey. 告诉艾尔和艾玛Uh, tell Earl and Emma 你是杰克·波特的朋友that you're a friend of Jack Porter's. 我家在码头出口处开了间酒吧叫偷渡者My family owns the tavern down by the docks, the Stowaway. 你叫什么名字What's--what's your name? 我把你加进免单顾客名单里I'll... put you on the official comp list. 你不需要那么做Y ou don't have to do that. 不是我请客山姆买单Well, I'm not picking up the tab. Sammy is. 他觉得很愧疚是吧He feels terrible. Don't you? 还是谢谢你了Thanks anyway. 不用谢All righty, then. 祝你有个美好的夏天Y ou have a great summer. 我的天啊康拉德Hey. Oh, my god, Conrad. 我以为你死了-我没事- I thought I was going to find you dead. - I'm fine. 到底怎么回事What happened? 急性胃部消化不良Acute abdominal dyspepsia. 都是饮食不当惹的祸The remorse of a guilty stomach. 你们的人让我以为他心脏病发作了Y our staff made it sound as if he was having a heart attack. 依据病情程度Well, depending on the severity, 症状可能是一样的the symptoms can be identical. 至少我可以说As far as I can tell, 你丈夫就像小马驹一样健康your husband's as healthy as a thoroughbred. 但是我建议他这段时间But I do suggest that he stay away 少吃南方酒店的辣味浓汤为妙from the Southfork Inn's spicy bisque for a while. 南方酒店The Southfork Inn? 是的Y eah. 我以为你去打高尔夫了I thought you went golfing. 是的我之前是去打高尔夫了Y eah, I did, earlier. 南方酒店可是要反方向走半小时才能到Southfork is a half-hour in the opposite direction. 我知道I'm aware of that. 失陪了Excuse me. 拜托你忙于准备开聚会的事Come on. Y ou know I just get in the way 我不想给你添乱when you're planning one of your parties. 所以我打算开车兜兜风I just thought I would go for a drive 不打扰你and stay out of your hair for a while. 很抱歉我吓到你了And I'm sorry that I scared you. 下不为例Don't do it again. 艾米莉Emily. 你看上去真美Y ou look amazing. 我看上去美吗看看你这派对I look amazing? Look at you. Look at this party. 恭喜你Congratulations. 说恭喜还太早瞧瞧泰坦尼克号的下场Well, it's too early for that. Haven't you seen "Titanic"? 你对这些人了解多深So how well do you know these people? 有些了解起码知道该远离谁Well enough to know who to keep away from 该亲近谁and whoto snuck up to. 简单告诉你一下吧-好Mm. Quick tutorial? - Okay. 那个穿着橙色爱斯卡达裙子的女孩The girl in the orange Escada dress? 爱斯卡达国际知名奢侈品牌是布隆伯格市长的侄女That's Mayor Bloomberg's niece. 正在和她说话的那位And the woman she's talking to, 她是个大人物now this one is important-- 梅根·福斯特Megan Foster. 巴尼斯纽约精品店里名品鞋的大买家shoe buyer for Barneys of New Y ork. 穿灰色西装的那个男的挺帅的Gray suit boy is kinda cute. 那是丹尼尔·格雷森That's Daniel Grayson, 维多利亚可怜的独生子Victoria's tragically privileged spawn. 去年夏天丹尼尔在喝得酩酊大醉后Daniel wrapped his convertible around a tree last summer 开着他的敞篷车撞到了树after one too many. 他的脸没怎么被伤到Didn't hurt his face much. 是啊但是跟他风流的女服务Y eah, it didn't work out quite as well 看上去可没那么好for the waitress he was shagging. 为了帮他躲过牢狱之灾His parents paid off everyone and their mother 他父母贿赂了所有人和当事人的母亲to keep him out of jail. 这下有趣了And the plot thickens. 那是谁Who's that? 罗斯·诺兰Nolan Ross. 科技浪潮那会儿是个电脑奇才Former tech boom whiz kid 也是个超级讨厌鬼and perennial pain in the ass. 就算把这个派对上所有人口袋都掏空If you emptied the bank accounts of everyone at this party, 也赶不上他一周的银行利息it wouldn't add up to the interest he makes in a week. 那位就是And that... 维多利亚女王is Queen Victoria. 你好诺兰Wow. Hello, Nolan. 你好维多利亚最近怎样Hello, Victoria. How are you? 我觉得她看到你了I think she spotted you. 很好Good. 介绍我们认识Introduce us. 股票分割怎么样Hey, how about that stock split, huh? 我怎么和你说的结果很棒What'd I tell you? Turned out great. 康拉德-嗯Conrad. - Y eah. 我们以为今天下午见不得到你呢We weren't sure we were going to see you this afternoon. 有流言说你昨天到鬼门关走了一遭Huh? Rumor had it that you, uh, really dodged a bullet yesterday. 我很荣幸澄清这个关于我死亡的Oh, well, I'm happy to report that the rumors of my demise 夸大其词的谣言are greatly exaggerated. 很高兴听到这消息Oh. Well, I'm thrilled to hear it. 我会把这话传出去I'll be sure to spread the word. 我相信你会的Oh, I'm sure you will. 莉迪亚Lydia. 我只是I just... 凯莉看上去你需要另一杯酒了Karrie, you look like you could use another drink. 亲爱的带她去吧台Darling, would you please show her the way to the bar? 没问题Sure. 莉迪亚Lydia. 你躲到哪儿去了Where have you been hiding yourself? 我留了三条信息给你I left three messages for you. 格雷森太太原谅我打扰你Mrs. Grayson, forgive me for interrupting. 我想给你介绍一个我的好朋友I just wanted to introduce you to a dear friend of mine. 这是维多利亚·格雷森这是艾米莉·索恩V ictoria Grayson, Emily thorne. 格雷森太太您好-索恩小姐Hello, Mrs. Grayson. - Ah, Ms. Thorne. 我还在想这个最后I was wondering who the late entry was 才加入宾客名单的人是谁on the guest roster. 艾米莉刚搬来汉普顿Well, Emily's new to the Hamptons, 但她特别想参加你的筹款活动but she really wanted to take part in your fund-raiser. 你们怎么认识的Oh. How do you two know each other? 我们这个冬天一起在地铁站做志愿者We volunteered together at the met this winter. 显然仅仅做一个资助人Mm. Apparently being a sustaining patron 还不能满足她just wasn't enough for Emily. 我想尽可能回馈社会Mm. I try to give back as much as I can. 莉迪亚你也在Lydia. Hi. 你该不会也在Oh, don't tell me 地铁站做过志愿者吧Y ou've taken up volunteering at the MET as well. 艾米莉是我这个夏天的租客Emily's renting my house for the summer. 我们在沙滩上见过一面We met briefly on the beach. 还有昨天在南方酒店And then yesterday at the Southfork Inn. 你丈夫好点了吗I hope your husband's feeling better. 维多利亚等等Victoria, wait. 大家都注意了Everyone, listen up, please. 我想感谢所有人对我们的支持I just want to thank you all for helping the Stowaway 使偷渡者酒吧顺利拉开夏日的序幕kick off the season right. 你们这些家伙冬天都藏哪里去了Where were you people all winter? 我儿子杰克明天要。



复仇者联盟经典台词以下是小编为大家搜集整理的复仇者联盟经典台词,供大家参考和借鉴!更多资讯尽在经典台词栏目!1. 通向和平的路只有一条——人类灭绝。

2. 那你输得真是一败涂地!3. 我们战斗不就是为了能全身而退吗!4. 我看够了人们为我们的错而付出代价!5. 这就是你和我前女友约会的下场。

6. 走出那扇门,你就是一名复仇者。

——鹰眼7. 无论谁赢谁输,麻烦总是找上门来。

——神盾局局长8. 我总得替你们这些男人收拾残局。

——黑寡妇9. 他很快,她很怪。

——玛利亚·希尔10. 我受够了人们为我们的错误付出代价。

——美国队长11. 背后偷袭?够阴,班纳。

——钢铁侠12. 这正合我意:你们所有人对决所有的我! ——奥创13. 这个世界如此脆弱,我们需要一个比我们都强大的东西。

14. 这将会是大海捞针,还好我带了一块磁铁。

——钢铁侠15. 重点不是打败奥创,而是证明我们不是怪物。

——美国队长16. 当尘埃落定,世界将唯我独存。

——奥创17. 人们本应仰望天空,看见希望,而我首先就要夺走希望。

18. 他们都各奔东西了。

They've gone their separate ways.——副局长希尔19. 他们会回来的。

They'll come back.20. 因为我们会需要他们。

Because we'll need them too.——局长尼克弗瑞21. 我不好相处。

I don't play well with others.——钢铁侠22. 有任务找我?Are you here with a mission, sir?——美国队长23. 让我融入新世界吗?Try to get me back in the world?24. 在经历着一切以后,为何又要回归?After all this time, whyreturn now? ——雷神25. 我们不是一个团队,而是一个定时炸弹。



复仇第一季经典台词(2)复仇第一季经典台词There’s an old saying about those who cannot remember the past being condemned to repeat it. But those of us who refuse to forget the past are condemned to relive it.有句古话说道,忘记过去的人注定会重蹈覆辙。


The past is a tricky thing. Sometimes it’s etched in stone. And other times, it’s rendered in soft memories. But if you meddle too long in deep, a dark thing, who knows what masters you’ll awaken?过去是对命运的捉弄。



It’s been written that a lover is apt to be as full of secrets from himself as is the object of his love from him. For my father, the secrets withheld by the woman he loved proved powerful enough to destro y him. I’m just now to beginning to understand the enormity of that burden.书中有言,之其所爱,若非以诚相待,则亦以私待之。







1. “想要拿走我的权力?先问问我的锤子怎么说!”——雷神索尔这句话出自于影片中雷神索尔和洛基的对话,洛基企图夺取索尔的权力,但是索尔的锤子却成为了他的保护神。


2. “我是黑寡妇,而且我是在几分钟前才把你们的屁股踢出去的。



3. “好了,小子,时间到了。



4. “我们是复仇者联盟!”——美国队长史蒂夫·罗杰斯这句话是美国队长在影片高潮时说的,他用这句话来激励队友们团结一致,战胜外星人入侵。


5. “黑寡妇,我们需要一些支援。



6. “洛基,我已经厌倦了你的愚蠢。



7. “我是惟一的一个,不是?让我们来看看谁会胜出。




2、这是人类没有道破的真理,自由的诱惑剥夺了你们生活中的快乐,你们渴望被奴役,你们疯狂地追求权势,追求地位,其实你们骨子里,充满了奴性,早晚…会屈从…你们的统治者3、Maybeyourarmyesandmaybeit'stoomuchforus,butit'sallonyou.Bec auseifwecan'tprotecttheEarthyoucanbedamnwellsurewe'llavenge it.或许你的军队会来,或许我们打不过,不过我们都会来找你。





8、DrBarnett,youcanintheelectroniccollisiondomainachievementno body,I'myourbiggestfan,especiallywhenyou'reangryturnedgreen monster!班纳博士,你在电子碰撞领域成就无人能及,我是你的头号粉丝,特别是你一生气变成绿色大怪物的时候!9、Withdrawalmaybeofnouse!Theyhavetogobacktosleep?撤离可能是没有用的!难道要他们回去睡大觉吗?10、那一群与众不同的人集合在一起,看看我们能成就什么,当人们需要我们时,我们可以打赢他们打不赢的仗。




【看电影学英语】《复仇》第一季之公子哥有钱也很烦(双语)Hey, studybug. Settle an argument for us.书呆子你来评评理Do you know who this man is?你知道他是谁吗Nope.不知道He is poised to be one of the richest men in America.他即将成为全美最富有的阶层But he wants to throw all that away但他却想放弃一切and become a penniless poet.当个一文不名的诗人Now I think he's crazy. What do you think?我觉得他疯了你呢I think you should ask someone else.我想你还是去问别人吧Oh, no, no, no. We want to ask you.不不不我们想听你的意见I mean, I can't be who I am and a poet at the same time.我不能同时既做富二代又当诗人My parents would never allow it.我父母永远都不会同意的You want people to see something different想知道人们听见你姓时when they hear your last name?不一样的反应吗Make 'em see it.直接问他们吧Be better than your parents.反应比你的父母要好There ain't nothin' more poetic than that.没有比这更富诗意的了Daniel strikes me as a man who knows what he wants. 丹尼尔是个清楚自己想要什么的人Be willing to make a decision.也乐意做出抉择That's what Patton said就像巴顿将军说的was the sign of a true leader.这是成为真正领袖的好兆头Evening, all.大家晚上好Sorry I'm late. I got held up at work.很抱歉迟到了公务缠身Still kissing up to the boss after all these years, hey?过了这么多年还是那么爱拍老板马屁啊Yeah, well, it seems a C.E.O.'s work is never done.看来CEO永远不得闲If you'll excuse me.请允许我失陪下Charlotte, would you join me in the study, please?夏洛特跟我来下书房吧原文来自必克英语/topic-11635.html。



《复仇者联盟》中英文台词“An ant has no quarrel with a boot.” – Loki reminds us that effective leaders recognize things they can control vs. things they cannot.要有自知之明:“靴子和蚂蚁没有瓜葛。

”(蚂蚁暗指人类,靴子指天神,说的是人类的渺小) - 洛基提醒我们,有效力的领导者能认识到自己的可控因素和不可控因素。

“War isn’t won by sentiment. It’s won by soldiers.” –Al Capone once said, “You can get farther with a kind word and a gun than a kind word alone.”带上枪与玫瑰:“战争不能感情用事,是战士们的献血换来的。

”- 阿尔·卡彭曾经说过,“ 你带着一把枪和一张嘴比你只带着一张嘴要走得远”“Looks like Earth might need something a little old-fashioned.” – When trying times come, a return to the fundamentals is often the best course of action.回归传统:“看来地球可能需要一些传统的东西。

” - 在艰难时期来临时,回归到根本往往是最佳行动方案。

“We need a plan of attack.” –Rogers “I have a plan –ATTACK!” responds Tony Stark played by Robert Downey Jr. Leaders are people of action and make things happen.要制定计划:“我们需要进攻计划。

复仇者联盟1 台词

复仇者联盟1 台词

1:01:31洛基一把博士带走As soon as Loki took the doctor,我们就把简•福斯特转移了we moved Jane Foster.特罗姆瑟有一个很好的天文台They've got an excellent observatory in Troms.昨天突然有人叫她去做顾问She was asked to consult there very suddenly yester day.可观的薪酬私人飞机非常偏僻Handsome fee, private plane, very remote.她会安全的She'll be safe.谢谢Thank you.洛基抓走艾瑞克•塞尔维格并不是意外It's no accident, Loki taking Erik Selvig.我怕他完事后会灭口I dread what he plans for him once he's done.艾瑞克是个好人Erik is a good man.他常谈起你He talks about you a lot.你改变了他的生活You changed his life.你改变了周围的一切You changed everything around here.可以说他们很好They were better as they were.我们假装在阿斯加德神域高人一等We pretend on Asgard that we're more advanced但是我们来到这儿的时候像比指鹬一样作战but we come here, battling like bilge snipe.像什么? - 俾施泰姆Like what? - Bilge snipe.你知道巨大有鳞的长着鹿角的怪物You know, huge, scaly, big antlers.地球上没有那些? - 没有吧- You don't have those? - I don't think so.好吧他们令人厌恶Well, they are repulsive.他们无恶不作毁灭一切And they trample everything in their path.我第一次来地球的时候洛基的愤怒也跟着我When I first came to Earth, Loki's rage followed me here,人类付出了代价and your people paid the price.现在又开始了And now, again.我年轻时英勇好战In my youth, I courted war.战争还没打响呢War hasn't started yet.你能逼洛基说出You think you could make Loki tell us宇宙魔方在哪儿吗?where the Tesseract is?我不知道洛基的思想难以捉摸I do not know. Loki's mind is far afield.他不仅渴望权力还想报复我It's not just power he craves, it's vengeance, upon me.任何磨难都不能让他低头There's no pain would prise his need from him.许多家伙遭受折磨后A lot of guys think that都不这么想了until the pain starts.你叫我做什么?What are you asking me to do?我想问你你准备做什么?I'm asking, what are you prepared to do?洛基是个囚犯Loki is a prisoner.那为什么我觉得他是这艘航母上Then why do I feel like he's the only person on thi s boat唯一想留下来的人呢?that wants to be here?还没有多少人可以偷偷接近我There's not many people who can sneak up on me.可你想到了我会来But you figured I'd come.来早了After.在弗瑞想方设法折磨我之后After whatever tortures Fury can concoct,你才会出现假情假意来安慰我you would appear as a friend, as a balm.我也会跟你合作的And I would cooperate.我想知道你对鹰眼侠做了什么I want to know what you've done to Agent Barton.我扩展了他的思想I would say I've expanded his mind.一旦你赢了And once you've won,一旦你称王了once you're king of the mountain,他的心智会怎样?what happens to his mind?这就是爱吗黑寡妇?Is this love, Agent Romanoff?小孩子才谈情说爱我欠他一个人情Love is for children. I owe him a debt.跟我说说Tell me.在我进神盾局之前... 我...Before I worked for S.H.I.E.L.D... I...嗯我之前已经小有名气Well, I made a name for myself.我会特定的技能组合I have a very specific skill set.我不在乎谁为此丧命I didn't care who I used it for, or on.我被神盾局的雷达跟踪了I got on S.H.I.E.L.D.'s radar in a bad way.鹰眼侠被派来杀我Agent Barton was sent to kill me.他放了我He made a different call.如果我放了他你会怎么做?And what will you do if I vow to spare him?我不会放你出去的Not let you out.我知道但我喜欢这样No, but I like this.你们的世界悬而未定你却在为了一个男人讨价还价Your world in the balance, and you bargain for one man.1:05:05Regimes fall every day.I tend not to weep over that. I'm Russian.Or I was.And what are you now?It's really not that complicated.I got red in my ledger, I'd like to wipe it out.Can you?Can you wipe out that much red?Dreykov's daughter,St Paulo,the hospital fire?Barton told me everything.Your ledger is dripping. It's gushing redand you think saving a man no more virtuous than yo urselfwill change anything?This is the basest sentimentality.This is a child at prayer.Pathetic!You lie and killin the service of liars and killers.You pretend to be separate, to have your own code, something that makes up for the horrors.But they are part of you.And they will never go awayI won't touch barton, not until I make him kill you. Slowly, intimately,in every way he knows you fear.And then he'll wake just long enough to see his good workand when he screams, I'll split his skull. This is my bargain, you mewling quim.You're a monster.Oh, no.You brought the monster.So, Banner.That's your play.What?Loki means to unleash the Hulk.Keep Banner in the lab. I'm on my way Send Thor as well.Thank youfor your cooperation.。



复仇者联盟名⾔英语1.复仇者联盟台词原发布者:汉普森英语《复仇者联盟》中英⽂台词 “Ananthasnoquarrelwithaboot.”–Lokiremindsusthateffectiveleadersrecognizethingstheycancontrolvs.thingstheycannot. 要有⾃知之明:“靴⼦和蚂蚁没有⽠葛。


“Warisn'twonbysentiment.It'swonbysoldiers.”–AlCaponeoncesaid,“Youcangetfartherwithakindwordandagunthanakindwordalone.” 带上枪与玫瑰:“战争不能感情⽤事,是战⼠们的献⾎换来的。

”-阿尔·卡彭曾经说过,“你带着⼀把枪和⼀张嘴⽐你只带着⼀张嘴要⾛得远”“LookslikeEarthmightneedsomethingalittleold-fashioned.”–Whentryingtimescome,areturntothefundamentalsisoftenthebestcourseofaction. 回归传统:“看来地球可能需要⼀些传统的东西。


“Weneedaplanofattack.”–Rogers“Ihaveaplan–ATTACK!”respondsTonyStarkplayedbyRobertDowneyJr.Leadersarepeopleofactionandmakethingshappen. 要制定计划:“我们需要进攻计划。



2019年复仇者联盟英文台词-word范文模板 (5页)

2019年复仇者联盟英文台词-word范文模板 (5页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==复仇者联盟英文台词篇一:《复仇者联盟》中英文台词《复仇者联盟》中英文台词“An ant has no quarrel with a boot.” – Loki reminds us that effective leaders recognize things they can control vs. things they cannot.要有自知之明:“靴子和蚂蚁没有瓜葛。

”(蚂蚁暗指人类,靴子指天神,说的是人类的渺小) - 洛基提醒我们,有效力的领导者能认识到自己的可控因素和不可控因素。

“War isn’t won by sentiment. It’s won by soldiers.” – Al Capone once said, “You can get farther with a kind word and a gun than a kind word alone.”带上枪与玫瑰:“战争不能感情用事,是战士们的献血换来的。

”- 阿尔·卡彭曾经说过,“ 你带着一把枪和一张嘴比你只带着一张嘴要走得远”“Looks like Earth might need something a little old-fashioned.”??– When trying times come, a return to the fundamentals is often the best course of action.回归传统:“看来地球可能需要一些传统的东西。

” - 在艰难时期来临时,回归到根本往往是最佳行动方案。

“We need a plan of attack.” –Rogers “I have a plan –ATTACK!” responds Tony Stark played by Robert Downey Jr. Leaders are people of action and make things happen.要制定计划:“我们需要进攻计划。



复仇者联盟里的名句英文1、Everybody wants a happy ending,But it doesn't always roll that way.每个人都渴望美好的结局,但现实总是不尽人意。

——铁人2、I love you three thousand.我爱你三千遍。

——铁人&铁人闺女3、I am Iron man.我就是钢铁侠。

——铁人4、I am inevitable.我就是天命。

——灭霸5、Avengers,Assemble!复仇者们,集合!——美队6、Whatever it takes.不惜一切代价!——寡姐7、Part of the journey is the end.死亡也是人生经历的一部分。

——铁人8、When I drift off, I will dream about you. It’s always you.在我离开之际,我会在梦中见到你。


——铁人9、I keep telling everybody they should move on. Some do, but not us.我一直告诉大家应该向前走,有些人做得到,但我们决不。

——美队10、We lost. All of us. We lost friends. We lost family. We lost a part of ourselves. This is the fight of our lives.所有人都损失惨重,我们失去了朋友,失去了家人,也感到十分迷茫,这是我们的存亡之战。

——美队11、Natasha Romanoff: Even if there's a... small chance, we owe this to everyone who's not in this room to try.无论希望多么渺茫,为了逝去的战友,我们都要竭尽全力。



When I was a little girl, 当我还小的时候my understanding of revenge was 我对复仇的理解as simple as the Sunday School proverb that hid behind. 简单停留在对主日学校学的谚语的理解Neat little morality slogans, 简单的道德标语like "Do unto others" 比如"己所不欲勿施于人"and "Two wrongs don't make a right." "冤冤相报何时了"But two wrongs can never make a right 但冤冤相报永无终止because two wrongs can never equal each other. 因为两种伤害永远不能抵消For the truly wronged... 对于真正受伤害的一方而言real satisfaction can only be found 真正的满足in one of two places... 只能通过两种途径实现Absolute forgiveness... 彻底宽恕or mortal vindication. 或者用死亡洗脱罪孽This is not a story about forgiveness. 这不是一个讲述宽恕的故事Emily. I've been looking for you. Where's Daniel? 艾米莉我一直在找你丹尼尔呢Uh, he's walking the beach. We're having a thing. 他在沙滩上散步我俩有点儿事Same thing or different thing? 是老问题还是又出新花样了Same thing. But don't worry. He's right behind me. 老问题别担心他随后就到It's my job to worry. 担心是我的责任Your job is to enjoy yourself. 你要做的就是开开心心的It's your engagement party. 这可是你的订婚宴Can someone get me a 20 on Daniel Grayson? 谁能给我杯2020酒记丹尼尔·格雷森账上Hey, congrats, Emily. 艾米莉恭喜Thank you. 谢谢Nice night for it. 今晚再适合不过了Nice night for what, Nolan? 适合什么诺兰Celebrating. 庆祝You shouldn't be here. 你不该来这儿That makes two of us. 咱们彼此彼此When I was a little girl, 当我还小的时候my understanding of revenge was 我对复仇的理解as simple as the Sunday School proverb that hid behind. 简单停留在对主日学校学的谚语的理解Neat little morality slogans, 简单的道德标语like "Do unto others" 比如"己所不欲勿施于人"and "Two wrongs don't make a right." "冤冤相报何时了"But two wrongs can never make a right 但冤冤相报永无终止because two wrongs can never equal each other. 因为两种伤害永远不能抵消For the truly wronged... 对于真正受伤害的一方而言real satisfaction can only be found 真正的满足in one of two places... 只能通过两种途径实现Absolute forgiveness... 彻底宽恕or mortal vindication. 或者用死亡洗脱罪孽This is not a story about forgiveness. 这不是一个讲述宽恕的故事Emily. I've been looking for you. Where's Daniel? 艾米莉我一直在找你丹尼尔呢Uh, he's walking the beach. We're having a thing. 他在沙滩上散步我俩有点儿事Same thing or different thing? 是老问题还是又出新花样了Same thing. But don't worry. He's right behind me. 老问题别担心他随后就到It's my job to worry. 担心是我的责任Your job is to enjoy yourself. 你要做的就是开开心心的It's your engagement party. 这可是你的订婚宴Can someone get me a 20 on Daniel Grayson? 谁能给我杯2020酒记丹尼尔·格雷森账上Hey, congrats, Emily. 艾米莉恭喜Thank you. 谢谢Nice night for it. 今晚再适合不过了Nice night for what, Nolan? 适合什么诺兰Celebrating. 庆祝You shouldn't be here. 你不该来这儿That makes two of us. 咱们彼此彼此vFire and ice...When we first sat down to discuss tonight's occasion, 篝火和冰雕当我们第一次坐下策划今晚盛会的时候I was immediately taken with the idea of an evening inspired by primal bookends. 我立刻喜欢上了这个主意一个以原始两级为主题的夜晚Fire and ice...Beginnings and endings... 冰火交融缘起缘灭And the love between a man and a woman. 男女之爱Yo. Yo, 8 mile, 你越界了Private party here! 这是私人聚会A starry evening. 在这个满天星辰的夜晚That creep better not be taking pictures. 那个变态最好没在拍照片You got a problem?! 你有毛病吗Tonight not only marks the final weekend 今晚不仅意味着汉普顿的美妙夏日of a remarkable summer in the hamptons, 进入了最后一周it is also the celebration of my son Daniel's engagement... 今晚还是我的儿子丹尼尔to the lovely and beguiling Ms. Emily Thorne. 与美丽动人的艾米莉·索恩小姐的订婚典礼And though we've only known her for a few short months, 尽管我们相识仅短短几个月Emily already feels like the piece of the family puzzle 艾米莉就像本属于我们家的一部分we never even knew was missing. 只不过我们之前不知道而已In a word,I approve. 简言之我赞成他们的婚事And as anyone can tell you, 众所周知approval is not something I give away freely. 我从不轻易赞成某事Where the hell is my son? 我儿子在哪里Charlotte. Oh, my god. 夏洛特我的天啊Mom! Mom! My brother... Somebody come here! 妈妈我哥哥快来人啊Come here! Mom! 快来妈Daniel! Daniel! Daniel! 丹尼尔丹尼尔丹尼尔Get away from my son! 离我儿子远点儿Daniel! Daniel, please! No! Daniel! 丹尼尔丹尼尔不要啊丹尼尔I can't tell you what a rare opportunity you have here, Ms. Thorne. 索恩小姐这绝对是不可多得的机会The current owners live in the city, of course, 这所房子现在的主人住在城里but they've been loyal hamptonites for years. 但他们是汉普顿的老居民了Perhaps if Mr. Davis had been a bit more loyal to his wife, 如果戴维斯先生对他的妻子忠诚一些they wouldn't be renting out this season. 这个季度他们也不会出租这房子了Word has it, he dumped her for a girl half his age.Men. 有传言他为了年龄小他一半的女人甩了他老婆男人啊You mind if I look around a bit? 我能到处看看吗That's what we're here for. 当然请便Dad? 爸爸Hey, kiddo. You having fun exploring? 宝贝探险游戏好玩吗We really get to spend the whole summer here? 我们真可以整个夏天都住这儿吗And every summer after that.What do you think? 而且以后每个夏天都来好不好I think mom would've loved it. 我想妈妈肯定会愿意的Hey, you know how much I love you, Amanda? 阿曼达你知道我有多爱你吗Infinity? 无穷的爱吗Well, infinity...times infinity. 无穷是无穷无穷的爱Ms. Thorne?Now you have to imagine,it's memorial day weekend,75 and sunny, 索恩小姐你想象一下在阵亡将士纪念日前的周末摄氏23.9度天气晴朗All those boys of summer wondering who the new girl is. 青春躁动的年轻人期盼着这个火热的夏天And that's Grayson Manor.You won't find a better address than this. 那是格雷森庄园你找不到比这更好的地方了I'll take it. 这房子我要了Oh. Wonderful.I'll get the contract. 太好了我去拿合同Hello, hello. 你好你好Ashley, hey.What do you think? 阿什莉你觉得怎么样Are you kidding? Look at this place.I want your life. 你开玩笑吧看看这房子我想过你这样的生活You love your life. 你喜欢自己的生活Yeah, you're right. I just want your money. 对我只想要你的钱What's mine is yours. Should I get us some glasses? 我的就是你的是不是要拿杯子I wish. It's for victoria grayson. 我也想这是给维多利亚·格雷森的Who...?You're hopeless.Victoria Grayson—Reigning queen of the hamptons. 谁你真的没救了维多利亚·格雷森汉普顿的女王Not to mention, your new next door neighbor. 更何况她还是你的新邻居Queen victoria? 维多利亚女王吗Mm. Believe me, she's earned the title.My boss has me handling the guest list for her memorial day party. 相信我她名副其实老板让我负责她纪念日派对的客人名单If I screw this up, I might as well move back to Croydon. 如果我搞砸了我就得滚回老家了Well, how much are the tickets?10,000 a pop. 多少钱一张票一万块一个人Count me in for one. 算我一个Are you sure? 你确定吗It's for a good cause, right? 不是做善事吗Yeah, my career. Thank you. 对拯救我的事业谢谢You want to get drunk on cheap margaritas later? 你待会想去痛饮廉价的玛格丽特酒吗With or without you. 你不说我也会去的Good luck with her highness.Bye. 祝您好运拜拜Let's dump our long position on 5- and 10-year treasuries before the fed stops buying them up. 要在联邦政府停止买入5到10年国债前处理掉我们的多头头寸And, uh, get us into some of those low-rated tech bonds. Thanks. 再买些低分值的科技债券谢谢Looks like Lydia and Michael's new renter is settling in. 看来莉迪亚和迈克尔的新租客搬进来了Lucky girl, scoring that property. 能住在那房子真幸运Pretty one, too, even from up here. 人也漂亮从这里都能看出来I guess that makes her doubly lucky. 那她就更幸运了I don't believe in luck.I thought you were taking the weekend off. 我不相信运气你什么时候才能休息一下呢There. I'm off. 现在不干了Ew. Get a room, you guys. 你俩开房去吧Oh, I'm sorry, Charlie. I didn't see you sneaking in. 抱歉夏莉没看到你溜进来Didn't see you sneaking out last night, either, Charlotte. 也没看到你昨晚溜出去了夏洛特I went over to Tracey's.Told you I was going before you went to bed. 我去了特蕾西家你睡觉前我跟你说了No, you didn't. 不你没说Mom, you're too young and too pretty to be this senile. 妈你年轻貌美怎么会有老年痴呆Remind me to buy her a cat bell. 提醒我给她买个猫铃铛Aw, let her have a little fun.She got straight A's this year. 随她玩吧她今年拿到了全ANo one's accusing her of being stupid. 我没说她笨Don't think I didn't see you eyeballing that case of beer, Dec. 别以为我看不到你垂涎那箱啤酒德克Our dad owns a bar, dumbass.I can get as much beer as I want. 咱爸开酒吧笨蛋我想要多少有多少All right. Well, in that case,I'll just have to make sure dad double-checks the inventory while I'm gone. 好吧既然这样我会叮嘱老爸在我走后仔细检查库存量的Why don't you tell me another hundred times, huh? 你怎么那么啰嗦呢Did you already wash those garbage bins out back? 你已经清洗好垃圾箱了吗Beats uploading this future shipwreck. 我对这艘未来的沉船的诅咒又加大了Ahoy! Captain Porter. 波特船长Welcome back, Nolan. What can I do for you? 欢迎回来诺兰有何贵干Need a boat for the summer.This one will do. 我想要艘船度过夏天这艘不错It's not for rent. 这艘不外租Who said anything about renting?How much you want for..."Amanda"? 谁说要租了这艘"阿曼达"卖多少钱It's not for sale, either.I'm taking it down to Haiti next week. 更不会卖的我下周要开去海地I thought you hated the ocean. 我还以为你讨厌大海Well, I-I spent a lot of time and money working through that,amongst other things. 我花了很多时间和金钱攻克这个问题除此之外So...I'm buying a boat. 所以我要买艘船Right.Just not this one. 好吧但这艘不卖Amanda must be some special girl. 阿曼达一定是个很特别的女生Can I help you with something? 还有其他事吗You don't like me much,Do you? 你不太喜欢我对吧One more thing for you to work through, I guess. 我想这是另一件你要攻克的事了The response to your"In with the new" Memorial day party has been overwhelming, Mrs. Grayson. 您纪念日派对邀请的回应很热烈格雷森太太The party is at 90% capacity...and the "Regrets" Web site's already collected nearly $50,000, 宴会的上客率将达到百分之九十捐款网站也筹集到将近5万美金for everything from domestic violence prevention to cancer awareness. 来帮助家庭暴力以及癌症的防治Some of these regrets wouldn't wipe their noses with $50,000, dear. 五万美金对一些宾客来说微不足道亲爱的If we're going to set a more generous tone for the summer,it's clear I'm going to have to do something fresh and provocative, 如果这个夏天想多筹集点款项就要做出有新意有煽动性的举措so...I've decided to auction off a piece from my personal art collection. 所以所以我绝定拍卖一件我的私人艺术藏品What a wild idea, Victoria. 真是个大胆的主意维多利亚Well, I don't care how good the cause is,if you put up the Van Gogh that michael and I gave you...I'll kill myself. 我不在乎这点子有多好你要是拍卖迈克和我送你那幅梵高画我就不活了The Van Gogh is off limits for sentimental reasons. 鉴于我们的情谊那副画是无价之宝Ashley, would you please add the new announcement to the web site, see if we can't drum up some more business? 阿什莉麻烦把这个新通知写到网站上看看能不能吸引到更多的资金And, ladies, thanks again. 再次感谢在座的各位女士Lydia...We were all so sorry to hear about you and Michael this winter.You were one of those couples everyone roots for. 莉迪亚听说你和迈克冬天发生的事情我们都感到很遗憾你们曾是大家看好的一对I have no doubt. 这点毋庸置疑How are you holding up? 你还好吧Michael's threatening to put the beach house on the market if I don't release my claim on the west side walk-up. 迈克尔威胁我如果不放弃西边公寓就把海边的房子卖掉It's bad enough, having some stranger renting it out. 总比让陌生人来租这房子好对吧I can't bear the thought of losing it to one of the she-wolves. 我忍受不了竟然被她知道了Mm. Well, then don't let them see your weakness.It's the first thing they'll use against you. 别让他们看穿你的弱点他们势必会利用这点来对付你All right?Thank you. 好吧谢谢Hey, you want to know a trick?Yeah. 想学个戏法吗想You plant your feet in the sand and you stand still through the whole first wave.Okay. 把你的脚埋到沙里然后站直直到一个浪打过来好的Then the next wave's gonna feel warmer.And then the one after that's gonna feel warmer still. 下个浪到来时你会感觉暖和多了然后再下一个浪你会感觉更加暖和Finally, you're barely gonna notice the cold at all.Are you ready?Yeah. 最后你将感觉不到一丝寒意准备好了吗好了Here it comes. 浪来咯You must come from a family of polar bears.That water is ice cold. 你一定和北极熊是同乡这水冰凉刺骨Only at first.After a while, you can't feel anything. 只是刚开始会觉得冷过段时间你就没有感觉了Sounds like my marriage.You must be the new renter. 就像我的婚姻一样你一定是新来的租客吧Emily Thorne.Word gets around fast. 艾米莉·索恩消息传得可真快呀Like lightning.I'm lydia Davis.My husband and I own the house you're staying in. 像闪电一样我是莉迪亚·戴维斯你租的房子是我和我丈夫的It's so nice to meet you.I can't tell you how much I love it. 很高兴见到你我非常喜欢这房子Me, too.Some good memories were made there. 我也是那里有我美好的记忆Well, hopefully I can make some of my own. 希望我也能留下一些So long as we don't have to take it out of your damage deposit. 只要别因房屋破损扣你押金就好Welcome to the Hamptons. 欢迎来到汉普顿Federal prosecutors wrapped up their case for treason against disgraced hedge fund executive David Clarke. 联邦检察官以叛国罪对颜面扫地的基金会总裁大卫·克拉克的诉讼结案Taking the stand was clarke's secretary,Lydia Davis, 出庭作证的是克拉克的秘书莉迪亚·戴维斯whose testimony supported the damning allegations made by Clarke's former boss,Conrad Grayson. 她的证词有力地证明了对克拉克前任老板康拉德·格雷森的指控Grayson's testimony detailed the scheme Clarke used to channel money to the terrorists responsible for the downing of flight 1-9-7. 格雷森的证词详尽描述了克拉克向制造197航班事故的恐怖分子提供资金支持的细节All 246 Americans onboard that flight were killed. 乘坐该航班的264位美国人无一生还What do you like better, dad,sea glass or starfish?Dad? 爸爸你更喜欢哪个海鸥还是海星爸爸Starfish, definitely. 当然是海星了Here you go.Thank you. 给你谢谢你David, it's Victoria. 大卫是我维多利亚Hey, do you mind going and looking after Sammy for me?Sure. 亲爱的带山姆出去玩儿好吗好的David, are you there? 大卫你在吗What's the matter, Sammy? 你怎么了山姆Hey, everything okay? 一切都好吗Whatcha doin'?Daddy! 你在干吗爸爸Whoa, whoa. What's going on? 发生了什么Hands up so I can see 'em. What's going on? 把手举到我能看到的地方怎么了You're making a mis—wait!You're making a mistake! 等等这是个误会Get your hands off my daughter! Aah! No!Amanda! Let her go!Amanda! Amanda! 放开我女儿阿曼达放开她阿曼达阿曼达David Clarke had everyone fooled,including me. 大卫·克拉克把大家都耍了包括我I'm just glad I can help put that monster away. 我很高兴能帮忙将这个败类绳之以法Do you think I'm tan enough for my first day on the beach or do I need another spray? 你觉得去海滩第一天我肤色够棕吗还需要再带支喷雾吗What you need is another bathing suit. 你只需要一套新的泳衣Compared to what the rest of my friends are wearing, this is practically a burka, 看看我其他朋友怎么穿的我这件算保守了unlike the rest of your friends...It's important to me that you don't end up on "Page six" at one of Diddy's hot tub parties. 与你朋友不同我可不希望在八卦版看到你参加吹牛老爹的热浴池派对的新闻Danny's home.Ooh, Danny! 丹尼回来了丹尼How you doing? 你好吗I'm so happy to see you. 见到你好开心I'm so glad to see you. What's going on, a fire sale? 我也是这儿怎么了清理废品吗Charity stunt. 慈善事业完成了Welcome home, Daniel. 欢迎回家丹尼尔Hi, mom. 妈妈I'm headed down to the beach.Okay.Okay. 我去海滩了好吧好的She's growing up fast. 时间过的真快Too fast.You hungry? 太快了你饿了吗You know, I'm a little wiped out.I think I'll just lay down for a bit. 我只是有点累了我想先去躺一会儿Yeah, you look a little tired. 你看起来有点累Well, studying will do that to a guy. 学习都累的Mm. So will partying. 派对也会Mom, I just got here.Give me a break.Where's dad, golfing? 妈妈我才刚到让我休息一下爸爸呢在打高尔夫吗Where else?Yep. Where else? 还能去哪呢是啊还能去哪Now...It feels like summer.Champagne? 现在有夏天的感觉了要点香槟吗You have to ask?Conrad?What's wrong? 还用问吗康拉德你怎么了Are you okay?Conrad.oh, god. 你没事吧康拉德天啊All right, so the first thing you do is enter the code. 好吧你第一件要做的事是输入密码It's not exactly... 这还不算Ooh. Then you swipe the card. 然后把卡刷一下Then the amount. 然后就出来总额了Are we eating in here? 我们在这里吃吗Uh, yeah. I'm afraid so. 恐怕是这样Dec.Yeah, yeah, I got it. 德克知道我懂了Uh, card, swipe, amount, right? 拿卡刷卡总额对吗Code, swipe, amount. 密码刷卡总额Jack, will you take care of the mean girls' table? 杰克你能去招呼那桌不好惹的女孩吗It's too early in the season for me to start making enemies. 夏天才开始现在就结仇太早点了Why should this year be any different? 年年如此你今年顾忌什么Because you're sailing off to save the world,and this place can't afford bad press. 因为你要航行救世界了这地方承受不起舆论压力Yeah, yeah, I, uh,I got it. Okay? 是是我我来搞定好吗Hi. Can I help you? 你好我能帮你吗Um, are you the owner? 你是店主吗Hopefully not for another 30 years or so.You're looking for my dad. 不是最好接下来的30年都不是你要找的是我父亲Some suit's looking for you. 有个穿西装的找你You are?Um, Doug Reid with first federal. 你是第一联邦银行的道格·里德Oh, Mr. Reid.I'll take care of him, Jack. 里德先生我来招呼他杰克Hey, Mr. Reid.Carl Porter. 里德先生我是卡尔·波特Nice to meet you. Thanks for coming down. 很高兴见到你谢谢你能过来Why don't you follow me to my office? 请来我的办公室吧I know you like him. Here he comes. 我知道你们喜欢他现在他来了Ladies.We'll take three rum and diets. 女士们我们要三杯朗姆酒加健怡可乐Uh, gonna need to see IDs. 我要看看你们的身份证Um, we left our IDs at the beach,but we have plenty of money. 身份证落在海边了但我们带了不少钱Sorry. I'm not interested in your money. 抱歉我对你们的钱不感兴趣Are you interested in my phone number? 那你对我的手机号码感兴趣吗Sammy.The whole point of fetch is to bring the stick back 山姆衔取训练的关键是我扔出去后你捡回来when I throw it. I really gotta explain this again? 我要再解释一遍吗Come e here, Sammy.I found a stick for you. 过来过来山姆我给你找到了一个木棍What's his name?Sam.He sure likes sticks. 它叫什么名字山姆他肯定很喜欢玩木棍Fetch it, Sammy.Nice throw.Thanks. 山姆去捡扔得好谢谢I'm Jack.I'm Amanda. 我是杰克我是阿曼达Come on, Sammy. Pick up the stick.Where you going? 快点山姆把木棍捡回来你去哪里Get back here.What are you doing?Sammy. 回来你在做什么山姆Sam?Barks. Sammy!Sammy! Get down. 山姆山姆山姆趴下What's the matter with you? I'm sorry.He's not normally this friendly. 你怎么回事抱歉它平时不是那么热情的He's kind of an old grump, actually.Oh, he got mud on your dress. 他其实是条臭脾气的老狗了他把你衣服弄脏了Oh, that's no big deal. 没事There's an Earl and Emma's dry cleaners right around the cornor.I'll walk you over. 拐角处有间名叫艾尔与艾玛的洗衣店我带你过去吧Oh, that's okay. Um, I got it.Thanks. 不用了我自己能找到谢谢Well, hey.Uh, tell Earl and Emma that you're a friend of Jack Porter's. 好吧喂告诉艾尔和艾玛你是杰克·波特的朋友My family owns the tavern down by the docks, the stowaway. 我家在码头出口那里开了间酒吧What's,what's your name?I'll... put you on the official comp list. 你叫什么名字我把你加进免费名单里You don't have to do that. 你不需要那么做Well, I'm not picking up the tab. Sammy is.He feels terrible. Don't you? 不是我请客山姆买单他觉得很愧疚是吧Thanks anyway. 还是谢谢你了All righty, then. 不用谢You have a great summer. 祝你有个美好的夏天Hey. Oh, my god, Conrad.I thought I was going to find you dead. 我的天啊康拉德我以为你死了I'm fine. 我没事What happened? 到底怎么回事Acute abdominal dyspepsia.The remorse of a guilty stomach. 急性胃部消化不良胃部不适的表现Your staff made it sound as if he was having a heart attack. 你们的人让我以为他心脏病发作了Well, depending on the severity,the symptoms can be identical. 依据病情程度症状可能是一样的As far as I can tell,your husband's as healthy as a thoroughbred. 至少我可以说你丈夫就像小马驹一样健康But I do suggest that he stay away from the Southfork Inn's spicy bisque for a while. 但是我建议他这段时间远离南方酒店的辣味浓汤The Southfork Inn? 南方酒店Yeah. 是的I thought you went golfing. 我以为你去打高尔夫了Yeah, I did, earlier. 是的我之前是去打高尔夫了Southfork is a half-hour in the opposite direction. 南方酒店可是要反方向走半小时才能到I'm aware of that. 我知道Excuse me. 失陪了Come on. You know I just get in the way when you're planning one of your parties. 拜托你忙于准备开聚会的事我不想给你添乱I just thought I would go for a drive and stay out of your hair for a while. 所以我打算多开会儿车不打扰你And I'm sorry that I scared you. 很抱歉我吓到你了Don't do it again. 再也不要这么做I think she spotted you. 我觉得她看到你了Good.Introduce us. 很好介绍我们认识Hey, how about that stock split, huh? 股票分割怎么样What'd I tell you? Turned out great. 我怎么和你说的结果很棒Conrad.Yeah.We weren't sure we were going to see you this afternoon. 康拉德嗯我们之前都不知道下午见不见得到你Huh? Rumor had it that you, uh, really dodged a bullet yesterday. 有流言说你差点就去见上帝了Oh, well, I'm happy to report that the rumors of my demise are greatly exaggerated. 我很开心地宣告关于我死亡的流言是夸大事实的是假的Oh. Well, I'm thrilled to hear it.I'll be sure to spread the word. 很高兴听到这消息我会把这话传出去Oh, I'm sure you will. 我相信你会的Lydia.I just... 莉迪亚我只是Karrie, you look like you could use another drink. 凯莉看上去你需要另一杯酒了Darling, would you please show her the way to the bar?Sure. 亲爱的带她去吧台没问题Lydia.Where have you been hiding yourself? 莉迪亚你躲到哪儿去了I left three messages for you. 我留个三条信息给你Mrs. Grayson, forgive me for interrupting. 格雷森太太原谅我打扰你I just wanted to introduce you to a dear friend of mine. 我想给你介绍一个我的好朋友Victoria Grayson, Emily thorne. 这是维多利亚·格雷森这是艾米莉·索恩Hello, Mrs. Grayson. 格雷森太太您好Ah, Ms. Thorne.I was wondering who the late entry was on the guest roster. 索恩小姐我还在想这个最后才加入宾客名单的人是谁Well, Emily's new to the Hamptons,but she really wanted to take part in your fund-raiser. 艾米莉刚搬来汉普顿但她特别想参加你的筹款活动Oh. How do you two know each other? 你们怎么认识的We volunteered together at the met this winter. 我们这个冬天一起在地铁站做志愿者Mm. Apparently being a sustaining patron just wasn't enough for Emily. 显然仅仅做一个资助人还不能满足她Mm. I try to give back as much as I can.Lydia. Hi. 我想尽可能回馈社会莉迪亚你也在Oh, don't tell me you've taken up volunteering at the MET as well. 你该不会也在地铁站做过志愿者吧Emily's renting my house for the summer.We met briefly on the beach. 艾米莉是我这个夏天的租客我们在沙滩上见过一面And then yesterday at the Southfork Inn.I hope your husband's feeling better. 还有昨天在南方酒店你丈夫好点了吗Victoria, wait. 维多利亚等等Everyone, listen up, please. 大家都注意了I just want to thank you all for helping the stowaway kick off the season right. 我想感谢你们对本店的支持让我们顺利拉开夏日的序幕Where were you people all winter? 你们冬天都藏哪里去了Tomorrow my son Jack is setting sail for Haiti to pitch in with the red cross. 我儿子杰克明天要航行去海地参与红十字救援行动Good luck, Jack! 祝你好运杰克He wanted to go right after the quake,but I convinced him to stick around an extra year to help me out. 他原本打算大地震之后就去的但是我劝他留下来再帮我一年Almost two, actually, but who's counting? 其实已经快两年了不过没关系Was it two?Yeah. 两年吗是啊It was two. 两年了啊To Jack! 为了杰克I'm gonna miss you, son. 我会想你的儿子I'm gonna miss you, too. 我也会想你的Mr. Porter, do you have a moment? 波特先生现在有空吗Sure. Right this way. 当然请这边走The bank is not going to approve any further extensions. 银行已经不允许任何宽限了But business is back. All's I need is 30 more days. 但生意已开始恢复了再多给我一个月I am sorry. It's out of my hands. 对不起这我帮不了你Here we go round again, Danny boy,summertime in the Hamptons. 好日子又到了小丹尼汉普顿的夏天时光Yep.Same people, same parties...Same everything. 是啊一样的人一样的派对一切都是老样子Yo, man.Want to bump it up a notch? 伙计想不想爽一下Oh, my god! Wow.I'm so sorry. God, I'm such an idiot. 我的天啊真对不起我真是笨手笨脚的No, don't worry about it.It's, uh, probably the universe telling me I need a costume change. 没事没事大概老天是在暗示我该换套衣服了Uh... I'm Daniel.Emily. 我是丹尼尔艾米莉How about I get you a dry Martini?Twice the alcohol, half the stain potential. 我给你拿杯苦味马提尼吧比这杯多一倍酒精却没那么容易弄脏衣服Sure. I'm sorry. 好啊我真的很抱歉No, no. It's okay. Now wait right here. 没事在这等我一下How much does he owe? 他欠多少钱I'm sorry. That's between your dad and the bank. 抱歉这是你父亲和银行的事Come on. He's owned the place 30 years. 求你了这个店他已经开了三十年了How bad is it? 情况到底有多糟The bank's gonna foreclose at the end of the month.The only way to stop it now is full payment on arrears.I am sorry. There's nothing I can do. 银行准备在月底把房子收回唯一的办法就是将房款全额付清非常抱歉我也无能为力Good afternoon, everyone,and happy Memorial Day. 大家下午好又到了阵亡将士纪念日I wanted the theme of today's party to signify a fresh start for all of us. 我希望今天派对的主题能够给我们所有人带来一个新的开始As difficult as the last few years have been,they have been devastating on our charities. 过去的几年来我们经历了重重困难我们的慈善机构一度受到毁灭性的打击But now, as things are beginning to turn around,I'm looking forward to giving back,and I know that all of you are, too. 不过既然现在情势开始好转我期待着回报社会我知道你们也是如此So to start things off right,I'd like to announce the winner of the art auction,My dear friend...Lydia Davis... 为了有个好的开端我要宣布艺术品拍卖的赢家是我亲爱的朋友莉迪亚·戴维斯who won't be going home with the Manet this evening,but with the treasured Van Gogh that hangs in my living room. 但她今晚带走的不是莫奈的作品而是挂在我客厅的那幅珍贵的梵高画But I thought the Van Gogh was a gift from Lydia and Michael. 那幅梵高不是莉迪亚和迈克尔送给她的礼物吗Have Ms. Davis escorted off the boat. 将戴维斯太太送到船边And in related news,Lydia has asked me to announce that the beach house she shared with her husband is officially on the market. 还有一件事莉迪亚让我帮她宣布她和她丈夫的那栋海滨别墅已经正式向外出售I'm afraid this will be her final weekend in the Hamptons. 非常遗憾这将是她在汉普顿的最后一个周末So call your realtors, ladies and gentlemen,because this one's going to go fast. 女士们先生们快联系你们的房产经纪人吧这栋房子可是很抢手的And, Lydia...wherever you end up,I hope that the Van Gogh is a constant reminder of the friendship we shared. 还有莉迪亚不管你在哪我希望那幅梵高能永远让你想起我们曾经的友谊Get your hands off my daughter! 放开我的女儿I want that kid outta here. Now!Give her to social services! Daddy! 马上带孩子出去马上把她带去福利院Amanda!Where are you taking her?! 阿曼达你们要带她去哪里No! Daddy!Amanda! No! 不要爸爸阿曼达She's really something, isn't she?My mother. 她很了不起对吧我母亲She sure is. 当然了To chance meetings. 同时为美丽的偶遇干杯To an unforgettable summer. 为难忘的夏天How many Harvard men does it take to screw in a lightbulb? 需要多少哈佛精英才能拧下一下灯泡I don't know. How many? 不知道多少个One, and the whole world just revolves around him. 一个他握着电灯泡世界围着他转One more? 再来一个吗Drink or joke? 酒还是笑话Either. Both. 任意一个或者两个都来Mm. Neither.I am just buzzed enough to find that last joke funny. 都算了吧我都醉到觉得刚才的笑话很有趣了One more, and I might think that you meant it. 再喝我就会把你的话都当真了But don't let me stop you. 不过别让我扫了你的兴Oh, no, no. I've had about all the club soda I can take. 没有没有我喝了够多的苏打水了You don't drink? 你不喝酒Used to...epically. 以前喝喝的很厉害I gotta admit, it's—it's nice meeting someone who never knew the old me. 我得承认能认识个。



复仇第一季经典台词复仇第一季经典台词《复仇第一季》经典台词But two wrongs can never make a right, because two wrongs can never equal each other. For the truly wronged, real satisfaction can only be found in one of two places:Absolute forgiveness…or mortal vindication. This is not a story about forgiveness.冤冤相报永无终止,因为两种伤害永远不能抵消。



Ems:That our past defines who we are.我们的过去造就了我们的现在。

Vic:I would say our choices are what define us.我会说我们的选择造就了我们的现在。

Ems:May be for the lucky.对于幸运的人来说也许如此。

They say revenge is a dish best served cold. But sometimes it’s as warm as a bowl of soup. My father died in innocent man.俗话说君子报仇十年不晚,而有时十年后的仇恨不减当年。


When everything you love has been stolen from you, sometimes all you have left is revenge.当你所爱的一切被人剥夺,你所剩下的唯有复仇。

“Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.” Confucius子曰:“攻乎异端,斯害己也。

复仇 第一季 第2集 Revenge Season 1 Episode 2

复仇 第一季 第2集 Revenge  Season 1 Episode 2

复仇第一季第2集Revenge Season 1 Episode 2《复仇》前情提要Previously on Revenge.爸爸Daddy.我还小的时候When I was a child,我父亲被人嫁祸陷害my father was framed for a crime he didn't commit.阿曼达-爸爸Amanda. -Daddy.他去世前Before he died.你是谁-诺兰·罗斯Who are you? - Nolan Ross.你父亲的朋友Friend of your father's.他给你留了些东西He wanted you to have something.父亲为复仇留下了线索He left road map for revenge让我知道了摧毁我们人生的罪魁祸首that led me to the people who destroyed our lifes.那位就是维多利亚女王And that is Queen Victoria.那是维多利亚的独生子That's Victoria's privileged spawn.我叫丹尼尔-我叫艾米莉- I'm Daniel. - Emily.杰克·波特对小阿曼达·克拉克还念念不忘呢Jack Porter is still carrying a torch for little Amanda Clarke.有时复仇会伤及无辜Sometimes, the innocent get hurt.山姆-阿曼达·克拉克已经死了- Sammy! - Amanda Clarke no longer exists.但是恶有恶报终将付出代价But one by one, the guilty will pay.你跟谁不行You could've had anyone,你明明知道她是我最好的朋友and you knew she was my closest friend.莉迪亚让我帮她宣布Lydia has asked me to announce这将是她在汉普顿的最后一个周末that this will be her final weekend in the Hamptons.世事往往不遂人愿Nothing ever goes exactly as you expect.这是你的订婚派对It's your engagement party.走错一步攸关生死And mistakes are life and death.妈Mom!殃及鱼池在所难免Collateral damage is inescapable.丹尼尔Daniel!12周前加油丹尼尔Go, Daniel!丹尼尔控住球冲呀Daniel, you have it. You're almost there.加油丹尼尔Go, Daniel!冲丹尼尔Go, Daniel!你能行的丹尼尔快You got it, Daniel! Come on, Daniel!加油加油丹尼尔Go, go, go! Go, Daniel!加油丹尼尔冲呀Go, Daniel! Go, Daniel!加油丹尼尔快到球门了Go, Daniel! You have it! You're almost there!进球Take it home!没进And he missed it.汉普顿海湾队...For Hampton Bay.错失良机了That's gotta hurt.艾米莉Emily.你怎么在这What are you doing over here?这里可是普通老百姓站的地方This area is strictly for the commoners.我喜欢这的景色I like the view.啊我明白了Mm. So I see.别以为上个星期在游艇派对上Don't think I didn't spot you flirting with Daniel Grayson我没看到你跟丹尼尔·格雷森调情at the yacht party last week.被你发现了What can I say?他实在太帅了-他可不是什么善类- He's charming. - He's dangerous.走吧Come on.想必你已经在我的脸谱主页上Now I assume you have been studying研究过汉普顿的知名人士了吧the Hamptons group on my facebook page.怎么还想考考我呀Why, is there gonna be a test?那是当然Every bloody day.欢迎来到贵宾区Welcome to the V.I.P. Tent.拿着For you.给我介绍下这里的人吧So tell me, who is here?不会吧又是他Oh, come on. White one?你一定记得他Mm. You must remember him.诺兰·罗斯他也参加了纪念日派对Nolan Ross-- from the Memorial Day party.到哪都能碰上他Perennial in the ass?阴魂不散Gold star.那个跟他聊天的帅哥And that charmer chatting him up是比尔·哈蒙is Bill Harmon,华尔街最赚钱的套保基金老总Head of wall street's most profitable hedge fund.你得像诺兰那样有点钱You'd have to have Nolan's kind of money人家老总才会正眼瞧你for him to even look at you.当然了Ah, and of course,在贵宾席安然就坐的就是situated comfortably in the royalty section,康拉德·格雷森还有we have Conrad Grayson and...他的女王Her majesty.下课Class dismissed.我要去上个网I need to do a little networking.你一个人没关系吧You'll be okay, right?当然你去吧Yeah, of course. Yeah. Go.比尔叔叔Uncle Bill!比尔叔叔Uncle Bill!你好小寿星Hello, birthday girl.爸爸比尔叔叔来了Dad, uncle Bill's here.看我带了什么来Look what I have here.生日快乐Happy birthday.它叫什么名字呢Oh! What's his name?你来取Uh, that is up to you.它长得像谁What's he look like?像山姆Like a sammy.山姆好的Sammy. Okay.那就叫山姆吧Well, then sammy it is.谢谢爸爸Thanks, daddy.大卫我要跟你谈谈David, I gotta talk to you.嗯怎么了yeah, what is it?是关于格雷森的It's about Grayson.很高兴见到你Well, it's so nice to see you.我也是Nice to see you.夏洛特·格雷森在干嘛呢美女德克兰Declan.过来帮忙Little help, please.桌子可没有自动清洁功能The tables aren't gonna bus themselves.我正休息呢I'm on break.休息时间结束赶紧开工Yeah, break's over. Let's keep the tables turning.上周你开除了一半的员工You should have thought of that你早就该想到现在会忙不过来before you fired half the staff last week.别自作聪明了Don't be a smart-ass.偷渡客酒吧我是卡尔Stowaway. Carl speaking.夏洛特·格雷森看马球赛呢无聊死了嗯我知道了Yeah, I got the notice.不用麻烦了我知道该怎么做No, don't bother. I know what I gotta do.午餐后关门Close up after lunch我们要清算现有存货and take inventory on everything we got.怎么了爸what's going on, dad?爸Dad?他这是怎么了What's, uh, his problem?我们要提早关门了We're closing up early.太妙了Oh, sweet.不德克兰No, Declan.一点都不妙Not sweet.嘿可以借用下你的船吗Yo. That mean I could borrow the boat?一会儿坐船去兜风啊谁的船夏洛特Whose boat, Charlotte?一个朋友A friend's.我觉得你的朋友我都认识I thought we had all the same friends.我厌倦了一成不变Yeah, well, I'm sick of the same.我想要些新花样I want different.我也可以玩新花样I can do different.爱上别人加油丹尼尔稳住他Come on, Daniel! Stay on him!冲啊丹尼尔Go, Daniel!就是这样丹尼尔冲啊击败他That's it, Daniel! Go! That's it! You're on him!丹尼尔击败他冲啊You're on him, Daniel! Go!哈里斯又进了一球Another goal for Harris.你儿子今天表现不佳啊格雷森Your boy's not looking too good out there today, Grayson.都还没到中场休息呢Mm. It's not even halftime.这场比赛还长着呢There's still plenty of game left.我们打个赌以示支持如何Care to back that up with a wager?十八年前我解雇你之后I stopped playing games with you我就再也不和你玩什么游戏了When I fired you 18 years ago.我不得不说在那场特别的游戏中I'd say that particular game你我都获益不浅worked out pretty well for both of us.不过如果你不想But if you don't want to throw any more money away在自己儿子身上浪费钱的话我懂的on that son of yours, I can understand.哈蒙先生似乎你唯一懂得的是The only thing you seem to understand, Mr. Harmon,如何毁掉一个美好的下午is how to ruin a perfectly good afternoon.开个小玩笑罢了小维Just having a little fun, Vic.这样我们公平一点Tell you what, I'll even the playing field.把钱压在你们夸夸其谈的丹尼尔身上Put your money where your mouth is on Daniel,我买回你们股票下跌的五个点and I'll take back the 5 points you're already down. 我跟你赌I'll take that bet.我们又见面了格雷森夫妇Hello again, Mr. And Mrs. Grayson.索恩小姐真想不到我们又见面了Ah, Ms. Thorne. What a pleasant surprise.你记得艾米莉吗You remember Emily.当然了住在我们隔壁的女孩Of course, yeah. The girl next door.恐怕我们不能再当多久邻居了Oh, not for much longer, I'm afraid.我知道莉迪亚和迈克尔的房子I understand that Lydia and Michael's house有好多人打算买is in multiple offers.事实上我也是其中一个竞价买家Actually, one of those offers is mine.我们祝你能成功买到那栋房子Oh. Well, we're gonna keep our fingers crossed for you.谢谢但我还得加把劲儿Thanks, but I went in strong.我的房产经纪人要志在必得My realtor is expecting good news.就像一个女孩在追逐自己想要的东西Gotta like a girl who goes after what she wants.比尔·哈蒙Bill Harmon.艾米莉·索恩Emily Thorne.小姑娘在他面前可得管好你的钱包You watch your money around this one, young lady.他会不惜余力剥夺你身上的一分一毫He'll take you for every penny if he can.我有很好的投资眼光Well, I know a good bet when I see one.上半场比赛结束And the first half comes to a close.我们诚邀各位聚集到球场上We welcome everyone out onto the field进行传统的跺草皮活动For the traditional stomping of the divots.莉迪亚·戴维斯来电先生们女士们男孩女孩们Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls...尽情跺草皮吧and stomp those divots.我突然想去跺一跺草皮了I think I'm in the mood to stomp a few divots.派对小策划你这么急要去哪里What's your hurry, party planner?诺兰那里有一大堆的女人Nolan, there must be a hundred women here愿意你在她们面前耍那些小把戏who would love to play your little games.但我不是她们中的一员I, however, am not one of them.借过Excuse me.你好Hello.我是杰克Hey, it's Jack.我知道卖船的事我们谈过了Listen, I thought we had a deal on my boat.但是别的买家开始加价了Other buyers are starting to line up.讲价的艺术Ah, the art of the deal.告诉你吧Tell you what,你随便开个价I'll have my business manager我让我的业务经理把钱打进你的小金库里wire whatever you're asking into your little bank,然后我们就可以过户船的所有权了and then we can do the title transfer,只要你方便什么时候都可以and blah, blah, blah, whenever it's convenient.我今天就很方便It's convenient today.好的船长Aye, aye, captain.一会儿见See you soon.你认识诺兰·罗斯You know Nolan Ross?我跟他熟识已久了Yes, we've been close for a long time.他是个怪人A bit of an odd bird, that one.我以为他压根没什么朋友I wouldn't guess he had any real friends at all,尤其是像你这么迷人的朋友much less one as lovely as you.诺兰知道人们看着他的时候Nolan knows when people look at him,眼里满是闪闪发光的钞票they see dollar signs,所以他很有自我保护意识So he's built up a few defense mechanisms.一旦牵扯到钱就不知道该信任谁了It's hard to know who to trust when it comes to money.再同意不过了那么你信任谁呢Couldn't agree more. So who do you trust?对于我的钱吗With my money?2008年爆发全球金融危机自从2008年后我只信任自己Myself since 2008.我的资产只有现金和短期债券I've been sitting in cash and short-term bonds不知道什么时候才能有回报wondering when that second shoe's gonna drop.我的基金在2008年还挣钱了呢My fund actually made money in 2008.真的吗你难道有预言水晶球吗Really? Well, what do you have, a crystal ball?还有一顶魔法帽And a magic hat.免费给你点小建议Bit of free advice?不会那么快就有收益的The other shoe's not gonna drop anytime soon.你可以考虑退回市场You should consider getting back into the market.我不是没考虑过Never said I wasn't considering.那我和你有很多可以聊的了Well, then you and I have a lot to discuss.这是我办公室电话Call my office.等你有这个打算了一起吃个中饭聊聊We'll set a lunch when you're ready.赌输的人付钱Loser pays.必须的Always.今日大卫·克拉克叛国案件的审讯Another shocking turn又发生了戏剧性的转折in the David Clarke treason trial came today财政顾问比尔·哈蒙犀利的证词as financial advisor Bill Harmon took the stand有力证明了with searing testimony对他多年来的同事兼好友大卫·克拉克的指控against his longtime friend and colleague, David Carke.哈蒙是Harmon is just one in a long line格雷森国际的老员工Of Grayson Global employees详细阐述了克拉克的财政问题to detail Clarke's involvement给了他致命的一击in the deadly terrorist attack.放轻松点姑娘Easy, girl.你今天怎么了What's going on with you today?真是出师不利啊Off to a rough start, huh?我还希望你没来看比赛呢I was hoping you wouldn't be here to see this.抱歉让你失望了Sorry to disappoint you.我打了赌赌你会赢希望有用If it helps, I made a bet that you'd win.肯定不会有帮助了Definitely does not help.你这么做You know, you're making it让我很难给你留下个好印象very difficult for me to impress you.我已经大开眼界了I'm already impressed.这马真漂亮Beautiful pony.纯种七岁左右吧Thoroughbred mix, about 7 years old?看来你对马还挺有研究的You've spent some time around horses.对我以前在巴塞罗那上学的时候Yeah, I was the captain of the equestrian club是马术俱乐部的队长my semester in Barcelona.现在是谁让谁大开眼界了Now who's impressing who?你想什么时候一起出去吗Would you like to go out sometime?骑马吗Riding?对骑马Yeah. Riding or...或者吃个饭just dinner.赢了比赛我都答应Win the match, and it's yes to both.我输了怎么办And if I lose?到时候你就知道了Then we'll see.来吧Come on...看上去你需要一杯饮料凉凉心lIt looks like you could use a cool drink.或许我今天该喝点It might take something比柠檬水更带劲的东西a little stronger than lemonade today.多谢你今天抽出空来见我弗兰克Thanks for meeting me, Frank.你有什么发现What were you able to find out?关于你的小小芳邻About your pretty little neighbor?就我所知她家财万贯而且身世清白Filthy rich and squeaky clean as far as I can tell.她父亲是个富裕的外国人Her daddy was a wealthy expat.给她足够多的钱让她可以周游列国Gave her enough to bounce around the globe,一边学习一边做做善事Collecting degrees and doing good deeds.没有什么外遇或者离婚之类的事吗No romantic scandals or divorces?在美国本土没有此类记录Nothing stateside.还有一些细节没查There's a few stones left unturned.但我对此不抱太大希望I don't expect much.话说你为什么会对这个女孩感兴趣Why are you so interested in this girl anyway?因为她瞧上我儿子了Because she's interested in my son.你不会忘了吧丹尼尔去年夏天Need I remind you what happened和那个端鸡尾酒的女招待With that cocktail waitress搞出来的那档子破事Daniel fell for last summer?怎么会忘那个烂摊子还是我收拾的No. I was the one who cleaned up that mess.我可以向你保证I can promise you,艾米莉·索恩不是什么低贱的女服务员Emily Thorne is no cocktail waitress.她是不是女服务员我不感兴趣I'm not interested in what she's not.我真正关心的是她到底是谁I want to know who she is.那么或许你可以直取源头Well, then perhaps you should go straight to the source...当面跟她问个清楚Ask her yourself.弗兰克你知情么Frank, did you know?康拉德和莉迪亚的事About Conrad and Lydia.我是你丈夫保安队的主管I'm head of your husband's security.我当然知道Of course I knew.但你却对我缄口不言But you kept it a secret from me anyway.为雇主保密是我的职责所在It's my job to keep secrets.对此你们都该心怀感激尤其是你You of all people should appreciate that.现在让我们回到今天的汉普顿湾Now please come back for the second half马球俱乐部日的下半场比赛Of today's hampton bay polo club gala.上啊丹尼尔Go, Daniel!就是现在Come on now!格雷森弯腰触地击球Grayson comes back down the field.好样的丹尼尔Attaboy, Daniel!全力一击进了A super-shot. Goal!波特船里面搞得真不错Wow. There's some really nice detail here, Porter.是我亲手把她一点点修好的I restored every inch of her myself.我现在是她的主人了Well, now that I own her,现在你能告诉我You want to tell me这艘船为什么叫"阿曼达"了吗why you named her "Amanda"?就以前认识的一个女孩Just a girl I knew once.就这样That's it?就是这样That's it.好好爱护她兄弟Take good care of her, man.我会的现在我需要有个人I'd love to. Just need someone教教我怎么用这些绳索to show me the ropes.等下等等你不知道如何开船吗Wait, wait, wait. You don't know how to sail?我在想我们要不要再签个培训开船的合同I was thinking we might make another arrangement.难以置信老兄Unbelievable, man.我可不会教你怎么开我自己的船I'm--I'm not gonna teach you how to captain my own boat.好吧事实上我情愿把Oh, well, actually, I'd rather leave船长的工作全交给你The whole captain thing to you.我想要的只是What I want is...这个夏天有个人能陪我玩玩Someone to hang out with this summer,就好像Like...引自美国经典电视剧《盖里甘的岛》小弟和船长Gilligan and The Skipper,唯一的不同是你眼前的这位Except this little buddy能让你出现在许多牛逼聚会的宾客名单中Can get you on some killer guest lists.看来你是认真的You're serious.我为啥要陪你出去玩Why would I want to hang out with you?因为你是不愿见到"阿曼达"'Cause you don't want to see the "Amanda"沉睡于海底的on the bottom of the ocean.坐下吧Go sit down.有人在吗Hello. Anyone in there?稍等片刻Just a second.是我夏洛特Hey. It's Charlotte.德克兰-嘿Declan. - Hey.大家都在啊Everybody.我带了点朋友来没关系吧I hope it's okay, I brought a few friends.没关系我只是Yeah, I just--船不够大吗Boat's not big enough?船很大The boat's plenty big.我是德克兰I'm Declan.我是夏洛特的男朋友I'm Charlotte's boyfriend.你的客人都到哪去了Where are all your customers?提早打烊了Shut down early.卫生检查吗Health inspector?盘点存货Inventory.好极了那么少瓶酒不会有人知道了Great. Then no one oughta miss this.亚当把它放回去Adam, put that back.除非Unless, um...你允许我们顺手带瓶酒走You think we can get away with it.开什么玩笑我的地盘我做主You kidding? I practically run this place.还要朗姆酒和健怡对吧夏洛特It's, uh, it's still rum and diet, right, Charlotte?正是Right.不不不是吧Oh, no. No. You gotta be kidding me.怎么了What's wrong?船不见了The boat's gone.什么意思你是说船被偷了吗What do you mean, gone? Like stolen?我不知道它应该停在这的I don't know. It should be here.我哥刚才说他要去银行办事My brother said he was going to the bank.赶紧的老兄接电话Come on, man. Pick up.开什么玩笑What a joke.我们是在浪费时间We're wasting our time.一起走You coming?对不住Sorry.亲爱的阿曼达伤你最深那我就是错在过于轻信他人了It's because I gave away my trust too easily."这个年纪真好无忧无虑it's a good age. Not a worry in the world.她没有抚养她长大的妈妈Well, she's growing up without a mom.这就够犯愁了-上次我来的时候- That's a worry. - Last I checked,你不是在跟维多利亚酝酿结合的事情嘛you were working on a plan to change that with Victoria.出什么事了比尔What's going on, Bill?我有麻烦了大卫I'm in trouble, David.你还记得那个格林威尔合并案吗You remember the Greenville merger?记得啊你大赚一笔啊Yeah, you made a killing on that.我在董事会有眼线I had a mole on the board of directors.天呐比尔My god, Bill.你不是在说笑吧Tell me you're joking.我知道会有合并I knew that merger was coming.证交委要是知道了The S.E.C. Gets ahold of this,你可是要坐牢的啊比尔。



复仇者联盟经典台词大全经典台词:自由是生命中最大的谎言,如果接受了这一点,你的内心,就能得到和平They need to power !他们需要动力!Don't change when he and Stephen Hocking almost is a very smart genius.他不变身的时候和史蒂芬霍金差不多。


Withdrawal may be of no use! They have to go back to sleep?撤离可能是没有用的!难道要他们回去睡大觉吗?Dr Barnett, you can in the electronic collision domain achievement nobody, I'm your biggest fan, especially when you're angry turned green monster!班纳博士,你在电子碰撞领域成就无人能及,我是你的头号粉丝,特别是你一生气变成绿色大怪物的时候!斯蒂夫:你把所有的事都当成笑话吗?托尼:只对好笑的事。










“洛基在你们之上,他是神,不管他做过什么你们都没有资格质疑他,更何况他是我弟弟” “他这两天杀了80多个人” “其实他是被领养的”Maybe you army comes and maybe it's too much for us, but it's all on you. Because if we can't protect the Earth you can be damn well sure we'll avenge it.或许你的军队会来,或许我们打不过,不过我们都会来找你。

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1、Before you embark on a journey of revenge ,did two graves.子曰:“攻乎异端,斯害己也”When deception cuts this deep ,someone has to pay.欺骗伤人至深,必须有人为此付出代价。

2、For the truly wronged ,real satisfaction can only be found in one of two pl aces: absolute forgiveness or motral vindication.对真正的受害者而言,真正的满足只能通过两证方式实现,彻底的宽恕,或者用死亡洗脱罪孽。

3、One by one, the guilty will pay.恶有恶报,终将付出代价。

4、Nothing ever gose exactly as you expect and a mistakes are life and death, collateral damage is inescapable.世事往往不遂人愿,走错一步攸关生死,殃及池鱼在所难免。

5、Our past defines who we are.我们的过去造就了我们的现在。

6、Trust is difficult thing, whether it’s finding the right people to trust or tru sting the right people will do the wrong thing. But trusting your heart is the r iskiest thing of all. In the end the only person we can truly trust , is ourselve s.信任来之不易,无论是找到值得你信任的人,还是相信就连他们也会背叛你。



7、The greatest weapon anyone can use against us is our mind, by preying on the doubts and uncertainties that alerady lurk there. Are we ture to ourselfs or do we live for the expectaions of others? And if we are open and honest,ca n we ever truly be loved? Can we find the courage to release our deepest sec rets? or in the end, are we unknowable even to ourselfes?外人对抗我们最有力的武器是我们自己的心,通过那些潜藏的疑问和杂念慢慢侵蚀我们的内心。


如果我们坦诚相待,我们就能收获爱情么?我们有勇气说出心灵深处的秘密么?或者到最终,我们都茫然不知即便是对我们自己?8、In revenge, as in life, ever action has equal and opposite reaction. In the e nd , the guilty always fail.复仇,和生活中一样,每一举动都由正面或反面的结果。


9、never underestimate the power of guilt, it compels people to some pretty r emarkable place .永远都不要低估罪恶的力量,它会将人逼至意想不到的境地10、Appearances can be deceiving ,can’t they ? And you’ve practically made it an art form .Ever time i smile at you across a room or we run into each other at the luncheon, or i o welcome you into my home. Let that smile be a reminder of just how much i despise you . And that every time i hug you , the warmth you feel ,is my hatred burning through .看似美好的事物是最会迷惑人的,对吗?而你都已经把这玩的出神入化了。



11、guilt is a powerful affliction, you can try to turn your back on it, but that’s when it sneaks up behind you and eats you alive. But i run toward my guilt ,i feed off it . I need it . For me , guilt is one of the few lanterns that still light my way.愧疚是一种折磨人心的东西,你可以试着假装它不存在,但同时它也在不知不觉中啃噬着你的生命。



12、There’s a old saying about those who cannot remember the past being co ndemned to repeat it. But those of us refuse to forget the past are condemned to relive it.有句古话说道忘记过去的人必将重蹈覆辙,而忘记不了过去的人,亦会蹈其覆辙。

13、The past is tricky thing, sometimes it’s etched in stone, and other times, it’s rendered in soft memories .But if you meddle too long in deep,dark thin g······who knows what monsters you’ll awaken?过去是对命运的捉弄,有时它铭刻在磐石之上,有时它又回旋于虚幻的记忆中。


14、it’s been between written that a lover is apt, to be as full of secrets fro m himself, as is the object of his love from him.书中有言,之其所爱,若以诚相待,则亦以私待之。

15、Revenge is a stony path,remember ,inside the viper’s nest, you must be a viper ,too.复仇之路荆棘满布,谨记,要想在毒蛇的巢穴中生存下去,你就必须以毒攻毒。

16、We all have secrets we keep locked away from the rest of the world. Frie ndship we pretend······relationship we hide ,but worst of all······is that love neve r let show. The most dangerous secrets a person can bury are those we keep f rom ourselves.我们都有不愿为外人所知的秘密,虚情假意的友情,秘不可宣的关系。


17、Defense lawyers use the turm “duress”to describe the use of force coer cion ,or psychological pressure. Exerted on a client in the commission of a cri me. When duress is applied to the emotionally unstable, the result can be as v iolent as it is unpredictable.辩护律师常将“胁迫”一词用在实施犯罪的委托人身上,以此来描述力量,强迫。



18、Duress impacts relationship in one of two ways. It either people apart or s trengthens their connection. Binding them tightly in a common objective.威胁逼迫对于感情有两种影响,或令人们分道扬镳,或令心灵更加紧密。


19、always questions where your loyalties lie. The people trust will expect it , your greatest enemies will desire it, and those you treasure the most, will.with out fail, abuse it你必须时刻警惕自己效忠的对象,亲者期望你的忠诚,仇者垂涎你的忠诚,而越是你最在乎的人,越是会妄用你的忠诚,无一例外。

20、Some say loyalty inspires boundless hope. And while that may be ,there is a catch. True loyalty takes years to build,and only seconds to destroy.有人说,忠诚能够激发无穷无尽的希望,这背后或许还有一句潜台词,真正的忠诚成于经年的积累,却可在弹指间灰飞烟灭。
