第四章1.根据卡南尔和斯温纳(Canale and Swain )的论述,交际能力包括语法能力、社会语言能力、篇章能力和—。
A.语汇能力B.词汇能力C.语言能力D.策略能力Key: D (pp. 75)2.英国语言哲学家奥斯汀认为,人在说话的时候同时施行着以言述事、以言成事和三种行为。
A.以言做事B.价值判断C.表情达意D.发出指令Key: A (pp. 77)3.韩礼德认为,语言的微观功能包括工具功能、个人功能、启发功能、想象功能、信息功能和及。
A.策略功能、思维功能B.相互关系功能、规章功能C.篇章功能、人际功能D.思维功能、篇章功能Key: B (pp. 74)4. 一些学者从社会交际功能的角度出发,探讨和的理论。
A.语言学习和交际能力B.语言使用和交际能力C.语言使用者和语言使用D.语言使用者和语言能力Key: C (pp. 75)5.海姆斯的交际能力包括:懂的形式上的可能、能判断语言形式的可行性、和。
A.能在交际中得体地使用;B.拥有社会语言能力;知道某些话语能否实际说出来拥有语篇能力C.拥有策略能力;D.拥有策略能力;拥有篇章能力;拥有社会语言能力;Key: A (pp. 75)6.英国语言哲学家奥斯汀的理论中,可以验证,可以是真实或错误的陈述的句子类型是。
A.行为句B.叙述句C.受约句D.指令句Key: B (pp. 77)7.意念大纲的诞生和理论有密切关系.A.海姆斯的交际能力理论B.奥斯汀的言语行为理论C.韩礼德的功能学派D.卡南尔和斯温纳的理论Key: B (pp. 78)8.外语学习理论可以分为两种,一种是探究外语学习普遍性和规律性的研究,另一种是。
A.从语言本身结构的研究;B.从社会属性方面的研究;C.跟其他学科关系的研究;D.不同类型学习者学习特殊性和规律性的研究;Key: D (pp. 78)9.华生提出的行为主义心理学公式是。
A.刺激---- 反应B.输入---- 反应C.刺激一一理解一一反应D.输入一一理解一一反应Key: A (pp. 79)10.按照行为主义的观点,所有学习,不论是言语还是非言语学习,都要经过一个过程。
《英语教学论》教案一、教学目标:1. 了解英语教学的基本原则和方法。
2. 掌握英语教学过程中的技巧和策略。
3. 培养教师对英语教学的兴趣和热情。
二、教学内容:1. 英语教学的基本原则2. 英语教学方法3. 英语教学技巧4. 英语教学策略5. 英语教学案例分析三、教学方法:1. 讲授法:讲解英语教学的基本原则、方法和技巧。
2. 案例分析法:分析典型的英语教学案例,讨论教学策略的运用。
3. 小组讨论法:分组讨论教学过程中遇到的问题和解决方案。
四、教学准备:1. 教材:《英语教学论》教材。
2. 多媒体设备:投影仪、电脑、音响等。
3. 教学资源:相关英语教学案例、视频、图片等。
五、教学过程:1. 导入:简要介绍英语教学的基本概念和重要性。
2. 讲解:详细讲解英语教学的基本原则、方法和技巧。
3. 案例分析:分析典型的英语教学案例,引导学生讨论教学策略的运用。
4. 小组讨论:分组讨论教学过程中遇到的问题和解决方案。
5. 总结:总结本节课的重点内容,布置课后作业。
六、教学评估:1. 课堂参与度:观察学生在课堂讨论和小组活动中的参与情况。
3. 小组讨论报告:评估学生在小组讨论中的表现和提出的解决方案。
七、教学拓展:1. 组织一次英语教学模拟课堂,让学生亲身体验教学过程。
2. 邀请英语教学专家进行讲座,分享教学经验和心得。
3. 组织学生参观英语教学机构,了解实际教学环境和需求。
八、教学反馈:1. 收集学生对教学内容和教学方法的反馈意见。
2. 根据学生反馈调整教学计划和教学方法。
3. 定期与学生沟通,了解他们的学习进展和需求。
九、教学改进:1. 根据教学评估结果,对教学方法和策略进行调整。
2. 关注学生的学习困难,提供针对性的辅导和支持。
3. 不断更新教学资源,增加教学案例和实际教学经验分享。
十、教学总结:1. 总结整个学期的教学内容和成果。
2. 鼓励学生分享他们的学习心得和收获。
“教学论”的含意是指一种理论“法则”(law) 或“体系”(system),而不是狭义的单纯指具体的教学方式方法。
2.认知心理学 (Cognitivism)
二、哲学 (Philosophical)
• 1.经典人文主义(Classical Humanism)
• 2.重建主义(Restructionism)
• 3、Progressivism(渐进主义)
• 思考题: • 交际课堂教学模式探讨
教学目的: 1、了解《新课标》的研制
情况。 2、了解《新课标》的理念
第四部分:任务型教学的理论 与实践(TBLT)
教学目的: 1、了解任务型教学的理论
依据。 2、掌握任务型教学课堂操 作模式。
第四部分:任务型教学的理论 与实践(TBLT)
• 1、王才仁:《英语教学交际论》。广西教育出版社, 1996年。
• 2、胡春洞、戴忠信:《英语阅读论》。广西教育出 版社,1998年。
• 3、高兰生、陈辉岳:《英语测试论》。广西教育出 版社,1996年。
• 4、聂希庸、曹宝健:《中学英语教学》。光明日报 出版社,1998年。
• 5、程晓堂:《任务型语言教学》。高等教育出版社, 2004年。
• 6、田式国:《英语教学理论与实践》。高等教育出 版社,2001年。
1、了解人学习语言的机制和 原理。 2、了解心理学、哲学、语言 学对外语教学的影响
第一讲 外语学习论
20 世 纪 80 年 代 之 前 , 人 们 研 究 “ Teaching”, 之 后 转 向 了 “ Learning”。 影 响 最 大 的学科有以下四个:心理学、 哲学、语言学、环境学。
(五)交际法(Communicative Approach) 又 称交际途径
Chapter 1 Language, learning, and teachingThe concept of language, the differences between L1 and L2, L2 and FL, thedistinction between learning and acquisition.Chapter 2 First language acquisition theoriesBehavioristic approaches, the nativist approach, functional approaches, thedistinction between competence and performance.Chapter 3 Comparing and contrasting first and second language acquisition.The parameters for comparing and contrasting the first language acquisitionand second language acquisition,Critical period hypothesis.Chapter 4 Human learning theoriesOperant conditioning, meaningful learning, Roger’s Humanistic psychology,transfer, interference, overgeneralizationChapter 5 Learning styles and strategiesDefinition and classification of learning styles and strategies, communicationstrategies, strategy training.Chapter 6 Personality factors in language learningInhibition, motivation, anxiety, risk-taking, self-esteem, empathyChapter 7 Sociolcultural factorsCultural stereotypes, acculturation, language, thought and culture,pidginization.Chapter 8 Contrastive analysis, interlanguage and error analysisThe contrastive analysis hypothesis, markedness and universal grammar,interlanguage, error analysis, fossilization.Chapter 9 Communicative competenceDefinition of communicative competence, language functionsChapter 10 Language testingDefinition of test, kinds of tests, discrete point and integrative testing. Chapter 11 Theories of second language acquisitionInput hypothesis, Attention-processing model, analysis/automaticity model. Chapter 12 Language teaching methodsGrammar-translation method, direct method, audio-lingual method, community language learning, suggestopedia, the silent way, totalphysical response, communicative language teaching.四、考试形式考试形式为笔试。
《英语教学论》教案SYLLABUSCONTENTS一、外语学习论 6课时二、外语教学法流派介绍 6课时三、《新课标》解读 4课时四、任务型教学理论与实践 16课时五、班主任工作管理 2课时六、“三课”活动 2课时Course Requirments:1.attendancy (10%)2.classperformance(10%)3.essays and small writings(20%)4.final exam(60%)主要备课资料:1、张正东:《外语教育学》。
《英语教学论》课程教学大纲(Syllabus for English Teaching Methodology)一、课程说明课程编码:、课程总学时45学时(25/20)、周学时3(2/1)、学分:2分、开课学期:第6学期。
1.课程性质《英语教学论》课程是高等师范院校英语教育专业一门必修课程,旨通过该课程的学习,引导英语师范生学习课程教学改革新理念, 树立交际语言教学观;学习语言学、心理学、二语习得等外语教学理论和外语学习理论,学习不同的英语教学法思想,掌握英语课堂交际语言教学技能;组织学生参加英语教学实践活动、帮助学生理论联系实际教学,培养学生实践教学和反思教学能力,逐步提高对英语教学的认识能力,为师范生将来从事英语教育事业奠定良好的理论和实践基础。
5.推荐教材及参考书推荐教材:Davies, Eric Pearse Success in English Teaching Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 20052.王蔷:《英语教学法教程》,高等教育出版社,2000年。
《英语教学论》教案一、前言1. 教学目标:通过本章的学习,使学生了解英语教学的基本概念、教学法及其发展历程,为后续教学实践打下理论基础。
2. 教学内容:英语教学的基本概念、教学法及其发展历程。
3. 教学方法:讲授、讨论、案例分析。
4. 教学重点:英语教学的基本概念、教学法及其在实际教学中的应用。
5. 教学难点:教学法的内涵及其在实际教学中的运用。
二、英语教学的基本概念1. 教学目标:使学生掌握英语教学的基本概念,如教学目标、教学内容、教学过程等。
2. 教学内容:a. 教学目标的制定b. 教学内容的选取与组织c. 教学过程的设计与实施d. 教学评价的方法与原则3. 教学方法:讲授、讨论。
4. 教学重点:教学目标、教学内容、教学过程、教学评价的概念及其相互关系。
5. 教学难点:教学目标、教学内容、教学过程、教学评价在实际教学中的运用。
三、英语教学法及其发展历程1. 教学目标:使学生了解英语教学法的基本类型及其发展历程,掌握各类教学法的特点与应用。
a. 直接法b. 间接法c. 交际法d. 任务型教学法e. 信息技术辅助教学法f. 教学法的发展历程3. 教学方法:讲授、讨论、案例分析。
4. 教学重点:各类教学法的特点与应用。
5. 教学难点:各类教学法在实际教学中的整合与运用。
四、教学计划与教学大纲1. 教学目标:使学生掌握教学计划与教学大纲的编制方法,能够根据教学目标编写教学计划与教学大纲。
2. 教学内容:a. 教学计划的编制b. 教学大纲的编制c. 教学计划与教学大纲的实施与调整3. 教学方法:讲授、讨论、案例分析。
4. 教学重点:教学计划与教学大纲的编制方法及其在实际教学中的应用。
5. 教学难点:教学计划与教学大纲在实际教学中的实施与调整。
五、教学评价1. 教学目标:使学生了解教学评价的基本概念、方法及其在英语教学中的应用。
a. 教学评价的基本概念b. 教学评价的方法c. 教学评价的原则d. 教学评价在英语教学中的应用3. 教学方法:讲授、讨论、案例分析。
1, Communicative language learning (CL T)1,定义CLT is an approach to the teaching second and foreign language that emphasizes interaction as both the means and the ultimate(最终的) goal of learning a language,also can called as Functional Approach(功能法) or National Approach(意念法).2,优点(1), Attaches great importance to the actual needs of the students;(重视学生的实际需要)(2), Attention to the cultivation of communicative competence, which is beneficial to students in a certain social environment properly using the target language for communication.(重视交际能力的培养,有利于学生在一定的社会环境中恰当地使用目的语进行交际)3,缺点(1) It’s not easy to judge and ensure its function and thoughts.(2) It’s not easy to compile(编写) textbook.2, Task-based language teaching (TBLT)1,定义Task-based language teaching (TBLT) refers to an approach based on the use of tasks as the core unit of planning and instruction in language.2,特点1, Emphasis -Target language2, Focus on – the learning Process & language itself3, It is student-centered class4, It pays attention to real situations3,优点(1), c an stimulate students’ interest,2(2), students have more opportunities to express their own opinions and feelings.(3),It can improve their exploration, participation, communication and cooperation ability.4,缺点(1) The classroom efficiency is low.(2) It is difficult to guarantee the big class teaching task.(3) It is rely on teachers’ teaching ability and teaching level.3, The Oral Approach and Situational Language Teaching1, 背景Situational Language Teaching was originally called Oral Approach, which was developed by British applied linguists from the 1930's to 1960’s; the two leaders of this movement were Harold Palmer and A.S. Hornby.2, 定义The Oral Approach and Situational Language Teaching is a languageteaching method derived from the Direct Method and developed by British applied linguists between 1930s and 1960s. The Method is no longer in fashion, but some techniques from the Method can still be found in language teaching activities and especially in many textbooks.3, 目标(1) to teach a practical command of the four basic skills of language, through Structure.(2)accuracy in both pronunciation and grammar.(3) errors to be avoided.(4)automatic control of basic structures and sentence patterns through speech.4, 方法:Theory of Language Behaviorist habit-learning theory:Three conditions:1. Receiving knowledge and materials2. Fixing them in memory by repetition3. Using them in actual practiceLearning language is to learn speech habitsUse of blind imitative drills5, 角色Learner roles: Listen and repeat / more active participationTeacher roles: Serves as a model, Conductor of an orchestraThe roles of instructional materials: SLT is dependent on both a textbook and visual aids.1. Begin with spoken English, oral before written form2. The target language is the language of the classroom3. New language points: Introduced and practiced4. Selection: Cover the general service vocabulary5. Simple forms at first and then complex ones6. Rich vocabulary and basic grammar (Reading and Writing)6, 优点It strong emphasis on oral practice, grammar and sentence patterns conforms to the intuitions of many practically oriented classroom teachers.7, 缺点Children do not acquire their mother tongue through repetition and habit formation.8, 特点The essential features of SLT are seen in the "P-P-P" lesson model that thousands of teachers who studied for the RSA/ Cambridge Certificate in TEFL were required to master in the 1980s and early 1990s, with a lesson having three phrases: Presentation, Practice, and Production.4,The Audio-lingual Method1, 定义The Audio-lingual Method is a method of foreign language teaching which emphasizes the teaching of listening and speaking before writing and reading.2,特点It uses dialogues as the main form of language presentation and drills as the main training techniques. Mother tongue is discouraged in the classroom.3,基本原则(1)Emphasis on the teaching of listening and speaking.(2)Use of dialogues as the chief means of presenting the language.(3)Mainly practice techniques: imitation, memorization, pattern drills.(4)Mother tongue is discouraged in the classroom.5,Total Physical Response (TPR)1,定义In the teaching activities, teacher creates a happy relaxed environment. Meanwhile students respond with whole-body actions. The right brain is silent, nonverbal, but it can make adaptation action to express them through instruction.2,特点TPR emphasizes the importance of listening and watching. The teacher issued instructions and they complete the action.This method is suitable for little children to study foreign language; as a result of they have interests for everything around them.3,优点TPR makes complex knowledge easier than before. For example, teachers can have a dialogue with our students and build the English context in order to simplify knowledge6,暗示法Suggestopedia定义:The approach was based on the effect of suggestion in learning, the concept of which is that positive suggestion would make the learner more receptive to stimulate learning特点1,To create a cheerful, relaxing atmosphere2,The authoritative behavior of the teacher and the authority of the material3,Emphasis on memorization of vocabulary pairs4,Infantilization(稚化): Role playing games, songs and gymnastic exercises help students regain their self-confidence.5,Double-planeness: learners learn from the effect of direct instruction and the environment where the instruction takes place.优点Creating a relaxing and comfortable environmentReducing students’ pressure in learning languageAvoid boredom and making class interestingImp roving students’ motivation of learning缺点Not all teachers are qualified for this methodRequiring money to decorate the classroomThe number of students is limitedLasting a long time for teaching every day8,团体学习法Community Language Learning (CLL)1,定义Community Language Learning is an approach in which students work together to develop what aspects of a language they would like to learn.It is based on the Counseling-approach in which the teacher acts as a counselor and a paraphraser, while the learner is seen as a client and collaborator.2,特点(1)The CLL emphasizes the sense of community in the learning group, it encourages interaction as a vehicle of learning, and it considers as a priority the students' feelings and the recognition of struggles in language acquisition. There is no syllabus or textbook tofollow and it is the students themselves who determine the content of the lesson by means of meaningful conversations in which they discuss real messages. Notably, it incorporates translation, transcription, and recording techniques.(2)Student’s role-client(3)Teacher’s role-counselor3,优点A brave speakerNo fixed teaching materialsAcquire answer the questionsIntrospection4,缺点Demand too high on teacherRely on9,自然学习法The natural approach is a method of language teaching developed by Stephen Krashen and Tracy Terrell in the late 1970s and early 1980s.It aims to foster naturalistic language acquisition in a classroom setting, and to this end it emphasizes communication, and places decreased importance on conscious grammar study and explicit correction of student errors. Efforts are also made to make the learning environment as stress-free as possible.In the natural approach, language output is not forced, but allowed to emerge spontaneously after students have attended to large amounts of comprehensible language input.优点(1)The classroom consisting of acquisition activities can be an excellent environment for beginners.(2)Comprehensible and meaningful practice activities are emphasized and the situation at their level.(3)The teacher creates speeches which enable students to interact using the target language.(4) Communication as the primary function of language and emphasis on meaning.(5)Students are not forced to respond in the target language immediately.(6)The teacher knows students’ needs and concentrates on appropriate and useful areas.(7)Materials come from our daily life rather than from textbooks.缺点(1)It ignores many factors essential in second language course design.(2)It ignores the importance of vocabulary.(3)It not necessary to analyze grammatical structure & rulesautomatically provided in the input.(4)It is suitable for the beginners, not apply to the high level students.。
可编辑修改精选全文完整版绪论单元测试1【判断题】 (2分)英语学科教学论,是介绍英语知识的一门课。
A.对B.错2【判断题】 (2分)英语学科教学论,是一门介绍如何教英语的课。
A.对B.错3【判断题】 (2分)关于教英语,需要了解相关的语言和语言学习的理论。
A.错B.对4【判断题】 (2分)关于教英语,还需要了解相关的教学方法、了解课堂管理的内容、学习教学设计的理念等。
A.错B.对5【判断题】 (2分)听说读写看的教学,是关于语言技能的教学。
A.错B.对第一章测试1【单选题】 (2分)Which is not the view of language? ( )A.Interactional ViewB.Structural ViewC.Functional ViewD.Constructive View2【单选题】 (2分)Which is not the view of language Learning? ( )A.Behaviorist TheoryB.Cognitive TheoryC.Schema TheoryD.Socio-constructive Theory3【单选题】 (2分)Which is from social-constructivist theory?A.stimulusB.ZPDC.reinforcementD.automatic response4【多选题】 (2分)For new language learning, the aspects that students need to do with are ( )A.Understand the formB.Understand the meaningC.Go abroad for studyingD.Practice the language5【多选题】 (2分)Which belong to process-oriented theory? ( )A.Socio-constructivist TheoryB.Schema TheoryC.Behaviorist TheoryD.Cognitive Theory6【多选题】 (2分)Which belong to condition-oriented theory? ( )A.Constructivist TheoryB.Behaviorist TheoryC.Socio-constructivist TheoryD.Cognitive Theory7【判断题】 (2分)The structural view of language is that language is a system of structurally related ele ments for the transmission of meaning. ()A.错B.对8【判断题】 (2分)The functional view only sees language as a means for doing things. ( )A.对B.错9【判断题】 (2分)For behaviorist theory, mistakes should be immediately corrected, and the correction s hould be immediately praised. ( )A.对B.错10【判断题】 (2分)Learning should be achieved via the dynamic interaction between the teacher and th e learner and between learners. ( )A.错B.对第三章测试1【判断题】 (2分)Teacher Talk Time means teacher should talk more in class and do not leave silence g ap in class. ( )A.对B.错2【判断题】 (2分)Remembering and understanding belong to the higher order thinking ability. ( )A.对B.错3【单选题】 (2分)Which one does not belong to the Bloom’s Taxonomy (2001)? ( )A.ApplyingB.AnalyzingC.RememberingD.Summarizing4【单选题】 (2分)For cognitive level of evaluating, the teacher may ask students the question like ( ).A.What is the relationship between A and B?B.How would you use this?C.Which is more interesting?D.What is the main idea of this paragraph?5【单选题】 (2分)For cognitive level of analyzing, the teacher may ask students the question like ( ).A.Which is more interesting, A or B?B.Can you compare A and B?C.Is there a better solution to this?D.What is an alternative method for this?6【多选题】 (2分)Which belong to teacher’s role? ( )A.controllerB.assessorC.prompterD.organizer7【多选题】 (2分)Teachers as facilitators means ( ).A.to guide them in planning and assessing their own learningB.to use various strategies to motivate learnersC.to develop their learning strategiesD.to create a positive learning environment8【多选题】 (2分)What are the two things that the teacher does as an assessor? ( )A.organizing feedbackB.controlling the paceC.correcting mistakesD.making research on student’s performance9【判断题】 (2分)Even the clearest instructions can be hard to grasp so, after you've given them, it's wo rth checking that they have been understood. ( )A.对B.错10【判断题】 (2分)Allow learners in class the time and the quiet they need, because they need time to thi nk, to prepare what they are going to say and how they are going to say it. ( )A.对B.错第四章测试1【单选题】 (2分)For WHERETO teaching design principle, W refers to ( ).A.allow students to evaluate their work and its implication’sB.be tailored (personalized) to the different needs, interests, and abilities of learnersC.equip students, help them experience the key ideas and explore the issuesD.help the students know where the unit is going and what is expected2【单选题】 (2分)For WHERETO teaching design principle, R refers to ( ).A.help the students know where the unit is going and what is expectedB.allow students to evaluate their work and its implication’sC.equip students, help them experience the key ideas and explore the issuesD.provide opportunities to rethink and revise their understandings and work3【单选题】 (2分)Which belongs to teaching design principle? ( )A.WHERETOB.ESAC.SMARTD.ABCD4【多选题】 (2分)What does WHERETO teaching design principle refer? ( )A.equip students, help them experience the key ideas and explore the issuesB.help the students know where the unit is going and what is expectedC.allow students to evaluate their work and its implication’sD.hook all students and hold their interest5【多选题】 (2分)What are the frequently applied teaching models? ( )A.WHERETO ModelB.Backward Design ModelC.ASSURE ModelD.ADDIE Model6【多选题】 (2分)What are the four elements of articulating learning objectives? ( )A.ConditionB.AudienceC.DegreeD.Behavior7【判断题】 (2分)Develop student’s reading skills. This learning objective is appropriately presented. ( )A.错B.8【判断题】 (2分)SMART is the method for articulating learning objectives. ( )A.对B.错9【判断题】 (2分)Activation of prior knowledge means activating cognitive structures that relate to the to pics and tasks to be studied and completed. ( )A.错B.对10【判断题】 (2分)The purpose of teaching design is to implement teaching effectively. ( )A.B.对第五章测试1【单选题】 (2分)What is used to express meanings in many subtle ways such as surprise, complaint, s arcasm, delighted, threats, etc.? ( )A.PronunciationB.morphologyC.PhonologyD.Intonation2【单选题】 (2分)What is the best age to start learning to read through phonics? ( )A.4-6B.C.1-2D.2-33【单选题】 (2分)After learning the individual letters’ sounds, it is natural to learn the sounds o f ? ( )A.consonant lettersB.blending lettersC.all of the aboveD.vowel letters4【多选题】 (2分)Which generally should be pronounced as weak form while reading aloud? ( )A.Auxiliary wordB.C.VerbD.Preposition5【多选题】 (2分)Phonics is a method for teaching and of the English language by develo ping learners' phonemic awareness—the ability to hear, identify, and manipulate phon emes—in order to teach the correspondence between these sounds and the spelling p atterns that represent them. ( )A.speakingB.writingC.listeningD.reading6【多选题】 (2分)Sound /k/ can be spelled as ? ( )A.kB.chC.ckD.c7【判断题】 (2分)Research has shown that children who have not developed reading skills by second gr ade, will experience an overall delay in learning throughout their school life. ( )A.对B.错8【判断题】 (2分)Understanding phonics will also help children know which letters to use when they ar e writing words. ( )A.对B.错9【判断题】 (2分)A lot of people start the journey of teaching kids phonics through the traditional ways, l ike teaching them to read, and this is the best way to follow. ( )A.错B.对10【判断题】 (2分)Written language can be compared to a code, so knowing the sounds of individual lett ers and how those letters sound when they’re combined will help children code word s as they read. ( )A.对B.错第六章测试1【单选题】 (2分)What does the first aspect of vocabulary learning involve according to Hedge (200 0)? ( )A.The sense relations among words.B.Connotative meaning.C.Denotative meaning.D.Denotative and connotative meaning.2【单选题】 (2分)Which is not the appropriate way of consolidating vocabulary? ( )A.Play a game.B.Categories.C.Spot the difference.D.Guessing.3【单选题】 (2分)Which is not a collocation? ( )A.See a movie.B.Watch a play.C.Movie.D.Look at a picture.4【多选题】 (2分)According to Hedge (2000), what does the second aspect of vocabulary learning invol ve? ( )A.Spelling and PronunciationB.Collocations.C.Synonyms, antonyms and hyponyms.D.Receptive and productive vocabulary.5【多选题】 (2分)What does knowing a word involve? ( )A.How and when to use it to express the intended meaning.B.Its meaning.C.Its spelling and grammatical properties.D.Its pronunciation and stress.6【多选题】 (2分)Which belong to vocabulary learning strategies? ( )A.Use a dictionary.B.Review regularly.C.Guessing from context.D.Presenting vocabulary.7【判断题】 (2分)Denotative meaning refers to those words that we use to label things as regards real o bjects, such as a name or a sign, etc. in the physical world. ( )A.错B.对8【判断题】 (2分)Antonyms refer to the sameness or close similarity of meaning or we can say that wor ds are close in meaning. ( )A.对B.错9【判断题】 (2分)Receptive/passive vocabulary refers to words that one is able to recognize and compr ehend in reading or listening but unable to use automatically in speaking or writing. ( )A.错B.对10【判断题】 (2分)Collocations refer to words that co-occur with high frequency and have been accepte d as ways for the use of words. ( )A.对B.错第七章测试1【单选题】 (2分)Deductive reasoning is essentially a approach which moves from the more gen eral to the more specific. ( )A.gameB.down-topC.traditionalD.top-down2【单选题】 (2分)is an approach that removes you, the teacher, from the main role of “explainer” and ex tends to the students the opportunity to question and discover the target grammar. ( )A.The guided discovery methodB.Mechanical practiceC.Deductive methodD.Inductive method3【单选题】 (2分)usually comes after mechanical practice. ( )A.The guided discovery methodB.Meaningful practiceC.Deductive methodD.Inductive method4【多选题】 (2分)Although a little less effective than inductive teaching, benefits to the deductive approa ch are: ( )A.It encourages faster learning of material and understand the meaningB.Time in the classroom is spent only on the language principle.C.Most material can be easily taught this way.D.Students can have lots of interaction with others in a meaningful context.5【多选题】 (2分)Although inductive teaching takes longer than deductive, many educators agree it i s a very efficient method in the long run. Benefits include: ( )A.Students rely on their critical thinking to figure out the language.B.Students can gain deeper understanding of the language.C.Students can get more interaction and participation among each other.D.No material can be easily taught this way.6【多选题】 (2分)Using prompts has proved to be an effective way of grammar practice. The prompts ca n be: ( )A.picturesB.tablesC.key wordsD.mines7【判断题】 (2分)The deductive and inductive teaching methods can be illustrated in this picture. ( )A.对B.错8【判断题】 (2分)That the students are asked to produce language based on pictures and key phrase s provided by the teacher is using chained phrases for storytelling. ( )A.对B.错9【判断题】 (2分)In mechanical practice the focus is on the production, comprehension or exchange o f meaning through the students “keep an eye on” the way newly learned structures ar e used in the process. ( )A.对B.错10【判断题】 (2分)Grammar practice is usually divided into two categories, mechanical practice and mea ningful practice. ( )A.错B.对第八章测试1【单选题】 (2分)Which is not involved in bottom-up processing while listening? ( )A.Recognizing phrases.B.Referring meaning from background knowledge.C.Recognizing structures.D.Recognizing sounds of words.2【单选题】 (2分)Which is not the stage of listening teaching? ( )A.While-listening.B.Predicting.C.Pre-listening.D.Post-listening.3【单选题】 (2分)Which is not the main listening difficulty of learners? ( )A.Quickly forget what is heard.B.Neglect the next part when thinking about meaning.C.Able to form a mental representation from words heard.D.Do not recognize words they know.4【多选题】 (2分)What are two models that are frequently used to describe different processes of listeni ng? ( )A.Top-up model.B.Top-down model.C.Bottom-up model.D.Bottom-down model.5【多选题】 (2分)Which belong to principles for teaching listening? ( )A.Focus on process.B.Combine listening with other skills.C.Focus on the comprehension of meaning.D.Grade difficulty level appropriately.6【多选题】 (2分)What are three main categories that affect the difficulty level of listening tasks accordin g to Anderson and lynch (1988)? ( )A.Context in which the listening occurs.B.Bottom-up and top-down approaches.C.Type of language used.D.Task or purpose in listening.7【判断题】 (2分)Bottom-up and top-down these two processes are mutually dependent. ( )A.对B.错8【判断题】 (2分)It is important to develop listening skills together with other skills because ordinarily list ening is not an isolated skill. ( )A.错B.对9【判断题】 (2分)Multiple-choice tests play a decisive role in helping students develop good listening ha bits and strategies. ( )A.错B.对10【判断题】 (2分)In the top-down model, listening for gist and making use of the contextual clues and ba ckground knowledge to construct meaning are emphasized. ( )A.对B.错第九章测试1【单选题】 (2分)Which is not the principle for teaching speaking? ( )A.Maximizing meaning interactions.B.Problem-solving activities.C.Personalizing practice.D.Contextualizing practice.2【单选题】 (2分)Which practice is not structure-based with a focus on forms? ( )A.Grammar learning.B.Syntax learning.C.Providing sufficient opportunities for students to develop fluency.D.Vocabulary learning.3【单选题】 (2分)Which of the following activities is often used to develop students’ speaking accurac y? ( )A.Acting out the dialogue in the text.B.Having discussions in groups.C.Describing people in pair.D.Identifying and correcting oral mistakes.4【多选题】 (2分)Like all the other skills, what strategies does speaking involve?( )A.Turn taking.B.Asking for clarification.C.Initiating a conversation.D.Ending a conversation.5【多选题】 (2分)Which belong to common features of spoken language according to Bygate (1987)? ( )A.Using devices such as fillers, hesitation device to give time to think before speaking.B.Taking short cuts, e.g. incomplete sentences.C.Using less complex syntax.D.Using fixed conventional phrases or chunks.6【多选题】 (2分)Which belong to typical speaking tasks? ( )A.Problem-solving activities.B.Dialogues and role-plays.C.Doing translation exercises.D.Information-gap activities.7【判断题】 (2分)Maintaining a balance between accuracy-based and fluency-based practices is essenti al in teaching speaking.( )A.对B.错8【判断题】 (2分)Speaking is the skill that the students will be judged upon most in simulated situation s. ( )A.错B.对9【判断题】 (2分)Problem-solving activities tend to be productive because there is a clear objective to b e reached or problem to be solved and require a higher level of language proficienc y. ( )A.错B.对10【判断题】 (2分)Designing speaking activities that maximize students’ opportunity to speak is one of th e central tasks for language teachers. ( )A.错B.对第十章测试1【单选题】 (2分)Which is not the teaching step of viewing teaching? ( )A.What message does the image transmit?B.What do you feel?C.What can you touch?D.What can you see?2【单选题】 (2分)Which is not the three-dimension paradigm by Serafini (2014)? ( )A.StructuralB.IntellectualC.IdeologicalD.Perceptual3【单选题】 (2分)What is the definition of Visual literacy? ( )A.With technology, images and visual presentations are flourishing more than ever.B.It means student's ability to “use, interpret, analyze, and think critically about visual images and the signi ficance of what they are seeing”.C.This involves exploring how ideas and emotions are expressed and the use of lighting to create an emoti onal or physiological point.D.Visual literacy is based on the idea that can be "read" and that meaning can be through a process of re ading.4【多选题】 (2分)Which are the teaching steps of viewing teaching? ( )A.What can you touch?B.What is the image trying to tell us?C.What can you see?D.What do you feel?5【多选题】 (2分)What are the pedagogical questions that the teacher can use in class to develop learn ers’ visual literacy? ( )A.How could you change/improve this image?B.What more can we find out?C.What does this image say to us?D.Where has this image come from?6【多选题】 (2分)What can be used as visual literacy clues to facilitate identifying the visual products? ( )A.ColorB.ShapeC.GestureD.Lighting7【判断题】 (2分)We need to consider the active viewer as well and engage the students' creative or cur ative responses to the image. ( )A.错B.对8【判断题】 (2分)One of the most effective ways to encourage information to make that important jump f rom the limited short-term memory to the more powerful long-term memory is to pair te xt with images. ( )A.错B.对9【判断题】 (2分)As these students travel on their road to fluency in English, images can provide an eff ective bridge in that learning process. ( )A.错B.对10【判断题】 (2分)Information presented visually is processed extremely quickly by the brain. ( )A.对B.错第十一章测试1【单选题】 (2分)When expectations are set up, what kind of process of reading is ready to begin? ( )A.ForcedB.PassiveC.NegativeD.Active2【单选题】 (2分)What does bottom-up model mean? ( )A.The teacher should teach the background knowledge first, so that students equipped with such knowled ge will be able to guess meaning from the printed page.B.The teacher teaches reading by introducing vocabulary and new words first and then going over the tex t sentence by sentence.C.None of the above.D.Not only linguistic knowledge but also background knowledge is involved in reading.3【单选题】 (2分)Which is not the reading skill that the learners should be developed in reading clas s? ( )A.Making prediction based on vocabulary or titleB.Guessing the word’s meaningC.Cooperating with othersD.Making inference4【多选题】 (2分)What are the principles for reading teaching? ( )A.Prediction is a major factor in reading.B.Students should be encouraged to respond to the content of a reading text, not just to the language.C.Students need to be engaged with what they are reading.D.Good teachers exploit reading texts to the full.5【多选题】 (2分)What are the models for reading teaching? ( )A.Top-down ModelB.Discovery ModelC.Interactive ModelD.Bottom-up Model6【多选题】 (2分)Find out the reading skills that the learners should be cultivated in reading class. ( )A.Making inferenceB.SkimmingC.ScanningD.Guessing the word’s meaning7【判断题】 (2分)As with everything else in lessons, students who are not engaged with the reading tex t will not actively interested in what they are doing. ( )A.错B.对8【判断题】 (2分)In the Top-down Model, the teacher teaches reading by introducing vocabulary and ne w words first and then going over the text sentence by sentence. ( )A.错B.对9【判断题】 (2分)According to the Interactive Model of reading, when one is reading, the brain receive s visual information, and at the same time, interprets or reconstructs the meaning tha t the writer had in mind when he wrote the text. ( )A.错B.对10【判断题】 (2分)Reading comprehension involves extracting the relevant information from the text as e fficiently as possible, connecting the information from the written message with one’s o wn knowledge to arrive at an understanding. ( )A.错B.对第十二章测试1【单选题】 (2分)Which will not help teachers motivate students to write? ( )A.Encourage collaborative group writing as well as individual writing.B.Leave students less room for creativity and imagination.C.Make the topic of writing as close as possible to students' life.D.Provide constructive and positive feedback.2【单选题】 (2分)What product-oriented method of teaching writing mean? ( )A.Writing activities should serve to encourage a process of brainstorming, drafting, writing, feedback, revis ing and editing, which proceeds in a cyclical fashion resembling the writing process of a real writer.B.It pays great attention to the accuracy of the final product but ignores the process, which the students g o through to reach the final goal.C.The process approach to writing does not only pay attention to what students do while they are writing, i t also attaches great importance to what they and the teacher do before they start writing and after they f inish writing.D.What really matter is the help that the teacher provides to guide students through the process that they undergo when they are writing.3【单选题】 (2分)What does process approach to writing mean? ( )A.What really matter is the help that the teacher provides to guide students through the process that they undergo when they are writing.B.Encourage feedback both from themselves.C.Do not give students time to discover what they want to say as they write.D.Teaching writing pays great attention to the accuracy of the final product but ignores the process.4【多选题】 (2分)Which principles can help teachers motivate students to write? ( )A.Leave students enough room for creativity and imagination.B.Provide opportunities for students to share their writings.C.Make the topic of writing as close as possible to students' life.D.Encourage collaborative group writing as well as individual writing.5【多选题】 (2分)Which principles will motivate students to write? ( )A.Give students a sense of achievement from time to time.B.Leave students less room for creativity and imagination.C.。
《英语教学论》教案一、教学目标1. 了解英语教学的基本原则和方法。
2. 掌握英语教学过程中的技巧和策略。
3. 提高英语教学效果,培养学生的英语综合运用能力。
二、教学内容1. 英语教学的基本原则2. 英语教学方法3. 英语教学技巧4. 英语教学策略5. 英语教学评价三、教学重点与难点1. 英语教学的基本原则和方法的运用。
2. 英语教学技巧和策略的实践。
四、教学准备1. 教材:《英语教学论》2. 教学课件3. 教学道具五、教学过程1. 导入:通过一个有趣的英语教学案例,引发学生对英语教学的兴趣和思考。
2. 讲解:介绍英语教学的基本原则和方法,并通过实例进行分析。
3. 实践:分组讨论,学生互相练习英语教学技巧和策略。
4. 展示:每组选出一名代表,进行英语教学演示。
5. 评价:教师对学生的英语教学进行评价和指导。
7. 作业:布置相关的英语教学练习题,让学生进行巩固。
六、教学方法与技巧1. 任务型教学法:通过完成实际任务,激发学生的学习兴趣和积极性。
2. 交际型教学法:注重学生之间的互动和交流,提高口语表达能力。
3. 情境教学法:创造真实的语言环境,提高学生的语言运用能力。
4. 游戏教学法:通过趣味游戏,增加学习的趣味性和互动性。
七、教学评价与反馈1. 形成性评价:关注学生的学习过程,及时给予指导和鼓励。
3. 自我评价:鼓励学生自我反思,提高自主学习能力。
4. 同伴评价:学生之间互相评价,促进互动和共同进步。
八、教学策略与技巧1. 启发式教学:引导学生主动思考和探索,提高学习兴趣。
2. 差异化教学:关注学生的个体差异,满足不同学生的学习需求。
3. 合作学习:鼓励学生合作完成任务,提高团队协作能力。
4. 信息技术辅助教学:利用多媒体和网络资源,丰富教学内容和形式。
九、教学案例分析2. 分析一个失败的英语教学案例,找出问题所在并提出改进措施。
2. 反思教学方法和策略的有效性,提出改进和优化建议。
3. 强调英语教学的实践性和持续性,鼓励学生在实践中不断探索和进步。
Introduction:Teaching English as a second language (ESL) is a challenging yet rewarding profession. Over the years, I have had the opportunity to engage with students from diverse cultural backgrounds and help them improve their language skills. Through this experience, I have gained valuable insights and reflections that I would like to share in this心得体会.1. Understanding the Students' Needs:One of the most important aspects of English language teaching is understanding the needs and backgrounds of the students. Each student comes with unique experiences, learning styles, and goals. As an educator, it is crucial to recognize these differences and tailor the teaching methods accordingly.a. Cultural Sensitivity:Cultural sensitivity plays a vital role in ESL teaching. By being aware of the students' cultural backgrounds, we can avoid misunderstandings and create a more inclusive learning environment. It is essential to respect their traditions, values, and language habits while fostering a sense of belonging.b. Learning Styles:Identifying the students' learning styles is crucial for effective teaching. Some students may be more visual, while others may prefer auditory or kinesthetic approaches. By incorporating a variety of teaching methods, we can cater to different learning styles and ensure that all students have the opportunity to succeed.2. Establishing a Positive Learning Environment:Creating a positive and supportive learning environment is essential for student motivation and success. Here are a few strategies I have found effective:a. Encouraging Participation:Encouraging students to participate actively in class discussions and activities helps build their confidence and speaking skills. By creating a safe and non-judgmental atmosphere, students are more likely to express themselves and engage with the material.b. Setting Clear Expectations:Providing clear guidelines and expectations for student behavior and performance helps create a structured and predictable learning environment. This clarity can reduce anxiety and help students focus on their learning goals.3. Utilizing Technology:Incorporating technology into ESL teaching can make the learning process more engaging and effective. Here are a few technology tools and resources I have found helpful:a. Online Platforms:Using online platforms such as Coursera, edX, and Duolingo can provide students with additional learning opportunities outside the classroom. These platforms offer a variety of courses, exercises, and interactive materials that can complement traditional teaching methods.b. Mobile Applications:Mobile applications like Duolingo, HelloTalk, and Anki can help students practice their language skills in their own time and at their own pace. These apps often feature gamification elements that make learning fun and motivating.4. Assessing Student Progress:Regularly assessing student progress is crucial for monitoring their development and adjusting teaching strategies as needed. Here are a few assessment methods I have used:a. Formative Assessments:Formative assessments, such as quizzes, discussions, and presentations, provide ongoing feedback on students' understanding and performance. These assessments help identify areas where students may need additional support or challenge.b. Summative Assessments:Summative assessments, such as final exams and project presentations, measure students' overall progress and achievement. These assessments provide a comprehensive view of their language skills and help determine their readiness for the next level.5. Continuous Professional Development:As an ESL teacher, it is essential to engage in continuous professional development to stay updated with the latest teaching methods, resources, and research. Here are a few ways to foster growth and improvement:a. Participating in Workshops and Conferences:Attending workshops and conferences allows educators to network with peers, share experiences, and learn from experts in the field. These events can provide valuable insights and inspiration for enhancing teaching practices.b. Reading Research and Journals:Staying informed about current research and trends in ESL teaching can help educators refine their methods and incorporate new strategies into their practice.Conclusion:Teaching English as a second language is a dynamic and challenging endeavor. By understanding the students' needs, establishing a positive learning environment, utilizing technology, assessing student progress, and engaging in continuous professional development, ESL teachers can create a supportive and effective learning experience. As I continue to grow and learn in my teaching journey, I am reminded of the importanceof patience, creativity, and dedication in helping students achieve their language goals.。
《英语教学论》教案一、教学目标:1. 了解并掌握英语教学的基本理论和方法。
2. 培养教师运用英语教学策略进行有效教学的能力。
3. 提高教师对英语教学评价的认识和运用。
二、教学内容:1. 第一章:英语教学论概述英语教学的基本概念英语教学的历史与发展英语教学的重要性2. 第二章:英语教学方法直接法间接法交际法任务型教学法3. 第三章:英语教学策略教学计划与设计课堂教学管理学习动机的激发学习策略的培养4. 第四章:英语教学评价教学评价的类型与方法形成性评价与终结性评价的运用自我评价与同伴评价教学反思与改进5. 第五章:英语教学资源与技术英语教学资源的开发与利用多媒体教学技术的运用网络教学资源的利用教学辅助工具的选择与使用三、教学过程:1. 导学:介绍英语教学论的基本概念和重要性,激发学生的学习兴趣。
2. 教学方法与策略的学习:通过案例分析、讨论和实践,让学生掌握各种教学方法和策略。
3. 教学评价的学习:通过实例分析,让学生了解并掌握各种评价方法的应用。
4. 教学资源的利用:介绍并演示如何利用各种教学资源和辅助工具进行教学。
四、教学评价:1. 平时成绩:学生的课堂参与度、讨论和作业完成情况。
2. 实践报告:学生分组进行教学实践,提交实践报告。
3. 期末考试:闭卷考试,考察学生对英语教学论知识的掌握。
五、教学资源:1. 教材:《英语教学论》教材。
2. 辅助材料:教学案例、教学设计模板、评价工具等。
3. 多媒体教学设备:投影仪、电脑、音响等。
4. 网络资源:英语教学网站、在线课程、教学论坛等。
六、教学活动设计:1. 案例分析:选取典型的英语教学案例,让学生分析并讨论教学方法、策略和评价的应用。
2. 小组讨论:分组讨论教学问题,培养学生的合作能力和解决问题的能力。
3. 教学设计实践:学生分组设计一节英语课,包括教学目标、方法、评价等,并进行展示。
4. 教学模拟:学生模拟教学过程,教师进行评价和指导。
七、教学计划与时间安排:1. 第一周:英语教学论概述2. 第二周:英语教学方法3. 第三周:英语教学策略4. 第四周:英语教学评价5. 第五周:英语教学资源与技术6. 第六周:教学活动设计实践7. 第七周:教学模拟与评价八、教学注意事项:1. 注重理论与实践相结合,提高学生的教学能力。
《英语教学论》教案一、教学目标1. 了解英语教学的基本原则和方法。
2. 掌握英语教学设计的基本步骤。
3. 熟悉英语教学评价的标准和手段。
4. 提高英语教学实践能力。
二、教学内容1. 英语教学的基本原则2. 英语教学方法3. 英语教学设计4. 英语教学评价5. 英语教学实践三、教学方法1. 讲授法:讲解英语教学的基本原则、方法和评价手段。
2. 案例分析法:分析典型英语教学设计案例,讨论其优点和不足。
3. 小组讨论法:分组讨论英语教学实践中遇到的问题,分享经验。
4. 模拟教学法:进行模拟教学,提高学员的英语教学能力。
四、教学安排1. 第一课时:英语教学的基本原则2. 第二课时:英语教学方法3. 第三课时:英语教学设计4. 第四课时:英语教学评价5. 第五课时:英语教学实践五、教学评价1. 课堂参与度:评估学员在课堂讨论、提问和分享经验方面的积极性。
2. 模拟教学效果:评估学员在模拟教学中的表现,包括教学内容、方法和组织能力。
3. 课后作业:评估学员对教学内容的掌握程度,以及运用所学知识解决实际问题的能力。
4. 期末考试:全面测试学员对英语教学理论和实践的掌握程度。
六、教学资源1. 教材:《英语教学论》教材,用于讲解基本理论和知识点。
2. 案例库:收集各类英语教学设计案例,用于分析和讨论。
3. 模拟教学材料:提供模拟教学所需的教材、课件等资源。
4. 视听资料:播放优秀英语教学视频,供学员学习借鉴。
5. 在线资源:推荐相关英语教学网站和论坛,便于学员课后学习和交流。
七、教学过程1. 导入:每节课开始时,用几分钟时间引导学员回顾上节课的内容,为新课的学习做好铺垫。
2. 讲解:详细讲解本节课的教学内容,通过案例分析、互动讨论等方式,帮助学员理解和掌握知识点。
3. 实践:安排模拟教学环节,让学员亲自动手实践,提高教学能力。
4. 总结:每节课结束前,对所学内容进行总结,强调重点和难点。
5. 作业布置:布置课后作业,巩固所学知识,培养学员独立思考和解决问题的能力。
自学考试《英语教学论》试题及答案自学考试《英语教学论》试题及答案一、选择题1、下列哪个词不属于《英语教学论》中的教学用语?() A. 教授B. 学习C. 评估D. 管理答案:D2、《英语教学论》中的“5Cs”理论是由谁提出的?() A. Benjamin S. Bloom B. David Nunan C. Ken Goodman D. None of the above 答案:B3、在《英语教学论》中,哪一个理论强调了语言学习的社会性?()A. Behaviorism theoryB. Cognitive theoryC. Constructivism theoryD. Social constructivism theory 答案:D4、下列哪个理论在《英语教学论》中被视为一种全面的、综合的教学法?() A. Task-based language teaching B. Communicative language teaching C. Total physical response D. None of the above 答案:B5、下列哪个评估方法在《英语教学论》中被认为是一种自我修正的评估方法?() A. Oral exams B. Written exams C. Portfolio assessment D. None of the above 答案:C6、下列哪个课堂活动在《英语教学论》中被认为是一种交互性活动?() A. Group discussions B. Individual reading C. Solitary practice D. None of the above 答案:A7、下列哪个理论在《英语教学论》中强调了语言学习的个性化?()A. Behaviorism theoryB. Cognitive theoryC. Constructivism theoryD. None of the above 答案:C8、下列哪个教学原则在《英语教学论》中被强调?() A. Maximum practice B. Minimum guidance C. Gradual release D. None of the above 答案:D9、下列哪个理论在《英语教学论》中被称为一种行为主义理论?()A. Task-based language teachingB. Communicative language teachingC. Total physical responseD. None of the above 答案:C10、下列哪个课堂活动在《英语教学论》中被称为一种“接受性”活动?() A. Group discussions B. Individual reading C. Solitary practice D. None of the above 答案:B二、简答题11、请简述《英语教学论》中的“5Cs”理论的主要内容。
英语教学论Chapter1 Language and Language Learning
![英语教学论Chapter1 Language and Language Learning](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/9858cf1f376baf1ffc4fadbe.png)
• 3. Linguistic Performance refers to the practical use of the language when the ideal speaker/hearer speaks or writes in homogeneous language situation.
Communicative Competence---Hymes
Views on language
• To be able (and to what degree) to know the agreement of language form and grammatical rules (grammaticality / possibility); • to be able (and to what degree) to know how to use and response to different types of speech acts(feasibility); • to understand(and to what degree) an acceptable language form is appropriate in relation to a context in which it is used and evaluated(appropriateness); • to be able (and to what degree) to know the frequent use of language forms现方式做保护处理对用户上传分享的文档内容本身不做任何修改或编辑并不能对任何下载内容负责
Unit one Language and Language Learning
School of Foreign Languages, Sichuan Normal University
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很明显,行为主义的习惯形成理论是该教学法的语言学习观 A.语法翻译法B.直接法C.情景法D.听说法答案:C13(第19题20世纪20年代,美国心理学家华生提出___的公式,即“刺激——反应”模式。
A.语法翻译法B.直接法C.交际法2D.全身反应法答案:C3(第8题主张该教学方法的学者认为口语是第一性的,外语学习和母语学习相似,语言学习过程可用联想心理学(associationist psychology)解释。
A.认知法B.交际法C.全身反应法D.任务型语言教学模式答案:B14(第27题在“___”模式中,属于任务活动的有:1) 在任务前阶段激活相关图式(背景知识)及已掌握的语言结构及词汇;2)在任务中阶段分组进行真实性的交际活动,之后作准备并把结果汇报。
A.强交际派B.弱交际派C.强任务派D.弱任务派4答案:C15(第28题根据Canale 和Swain的交际能力理论,如果一个人知道如何开始对话、如何转换话题、如何结束对话,那么我们可以认为这个人具备了___。
A.认知法B.交际法C.全身反应法D.任务型语言教学模式答案:A615(第24题在该教学法的课堂中,为要找出学生学习外语的难点(trouble spots),教师可以把母语和外语两个系统进行对比分析。
A.语法翻译法B.直接法C.情景法D.听说法答案:B4(第10题按照美国语言学家克拉申(S. Krashen)的习得和学习假设的解释,“习得”是___过程,而“学习”是指___过程。
A.一种不知不觉的学习;有意识地学习语言规则的B.有意识地学习语言规则的; 一种不知不觉的学习C.后天获得语言的;先天获得语言的D.模仿语言的;创造语言的答案:A5(第11题本教学法的教材按有利于培养学生发现和理解语言规则的原则来设计。
” 这些原则,成为听说法的语言观,它直接影响着听说法的建立和发展。