国家标准英文版翻译指南As a Baidu Wenku document creator, I am here to provide a comprehensive guide on translating national standards from Chinese to English. Translating national standards is a crucial task that requires accuracy, clarity, and adherence to specific guidelines. In this guide, we will explore the key principles and best practices for translating national standards into English.1. Understanding the Source Material。
Before beginning the translation process, it is essential to thoroughly understand the source material. This includes familiarizing yourself with the content, context, and technical terminology used in the national standards. It is important to have a clear understanding of the industry or sector to which the standards apply, as well as any relevant regulations or guidelines.2. Research and Terminology。
中国国家机关的英语标准翻译(转引)中国国家机关的英语标准翻译全国人民代表大会--------------National People’s Congress(NPC)主席团-----------------------Presidium常务委员会-------------------Standing Committee--办公厅---------------------General Office--秘书处---------------------Secretariat--代表资格审查委员会----------Credentials Committee--提案审查委员会--------------Motions Examination Committee--民族委员会------------------Ethnic Affairs Committee--法律委员会------------------Law Committee--财务经济委员会--------------Finance Affairs Committee--外事委员会------------------Foreign and Economy Committee--教育,科学,文化委员会-------Education, Science, Culture andPublic Health Committee--内务司法委员会--------------Committee for Internal and JudicialAffairs--华侨委员会------------------Overseas Chinese AffairsCommittee--法制委员会------------------Commission of LegislativeAffairs--特定问题委员会--------------Committee of Inquiry into SpecialQuestions--宪法修改委员会--------------Committee for Revision of theConstitution中华人民共和国主席------------President of the People’s Republicof China中央军事委员会----------------Central Military Commission最高人民法院------------------Supreme People’s Court最高人民检察院----------------Supreme People’s Procuratorate国务院-----------------------State Council(1)国务院部委----------------Ministries and Commissions Directlyunder the State Council------外交部-----------------Ministry of Foreign Affairs------国防部-----------------Ministry of National Defence------国家发展计划委员--------State Development PlanningCommission------国家经济贸易委员会------State Economic and TradeCommission------教育部-----------------Ministry of Education------科学技术部-------------Ministry of Science andTechnology------国家科学技术工业委员会--Commission of Science, Technology andIndustry for National Defence ------国家民族事务委员会------State Ethnic Affairs Commission------公安部---------------- Ministry of Public Security------国家安全部------------ Ministry of State Security------监察部---------------- Ministry of Supervision------民政部---------------- Ministry of Civil Affairs------司法部---------------- Ministry of Justice------财政部---------------- Ministry of Finance------人事部---------------- Ministry of Personnel------劳动和社会保障部------- Ministry of Labour and SocialSecurity------国土资源部-------------Ministry of Land and Resources------建设部-----------------Ministry of Construction------铁路部---------------- Ministry of Railways------交通部---------------- Ministry of Communications------信息产业部------------ Ministry of Information Industry------水利部-----------------Ministry of Water Resources------农业部-----------------Ministry of Agriculture------对外贸易经济合作部------Ministry of Foreign Trade andEconomic Cooperation ------文化部-----------------Ministry of Culture------卫生部-----------------Ministry of Public Health------国家计划生育委员会------State Family PlanningCommission------中国人民银行------------People’s Bank of China------国家审计署--------------State Auditing Administration(2)国务院办事机构-------------Offices under that StateCouncil------国务院办公厅------------General Office of the StateCouncil------侨务办公厅--------------Office of Overseas ChineseAffairs------港澳办公厅--------------Hong Kong and Macao AffairsOffice------台湾办公厅--------------Taiwan Affairs Office------法制办公厅--------------Office of Legislative Affairs------经济体制办公厅----------Office for EconomicRestructuring------国务院研究室------------Research Office of the StateCouncil------新闻办公室--------------Information Office(3)国务院直属机构--------------Departments Directly under the StateCouncil------海关总署-----------------General Administration ofCustoms------国家税务总局-------------State Taxation Administration------国家环境保护总局---------State Environmental ProtectionAdministration------中国民用航空总局---------Civil Aviation Administration ofChina (CAAC)------国家广播电影电视总局-----State Administration of Radio, Filmand Television ------国家体育总局------------State Physical CulturalAdministration------国家统计局--------------State Statistics Bureau------国家工商行政管理局-------State Administration of Industry andCommerce------新闻出版署---------------Press and PublicationAdministration------国家版权局---------------State Copyright Bureau------国家林业局---------------State Forestry Bureau------国家质量技术监督局-------State Bureau of Quality andTechnical Supervision ------国家药品监督管理局-------State Drug Administration(SDA)------国家知识产权局-----------State Intellectual Property Office(SIPO)------国家旅游局---------------National TourismAdministration------国家宗教事务局-----------State Bureau of ReligiousAffairs------国务院参事室-------------Counsellors’ Office of the StateCouncil------国务院机关事务管理局------Government Offices Administrationof the State Council(4)国务院直属事业单位-----------Institutions Directly under theState Council------新华通讯社----------------Xinhua News Agency------中国科学院----------------Chinese Academy of Sciences------中国社会科学院------------Chinese Academy of SocialSciences------中国工程院----------------Chinese Academy ofEngineering------国务院发展研究中心---------Development Research Centre of theState Council------国家行政学院---------------National School ofAdministration------中国地震局-----------------China Seismological Bureau------中国气象局-----------------China Meteorological Bureau------中国证券监督管理委员会------China Securities RegulatoryCommission (CSRS)(5)部委管理的国家局---------------State Bureaux Administration byMinistration or Commission------国家粮食储备局(国家发展计划委员会)----State Bureau of GrainReserve (Under the State Development Planning Commission)------国家国内贸易局------------- State Bureau of InternalTrade------国家煤炭工业局------------- State Bureau of CoalIndustry------国家机械工业局--------------State Bureau of Machine BuildingIndustry------国家冶金工业局--------------State Bureau of MetallurgicalIndustry------国家石油和化学工业局---------State Bureau of Petroleum andChemical Industry------国家轻工业局----------------State Bureau of LightIndustry------国家纺织工业局--------------State Bureau of TextileIndustry------国家建筑材料工业局----------State Bureau of BuildingMaterials Industry------国家烟草专卖局--------------State Tobacco MonopolyBureau------国家有色金属工业局----------State Bureau of Nonferrous MetalIndustry(以上由国家经贸委管理above are all under the State Economic andTrade Commission)------国家外国专家局(人事部)------ State Bureau of Foreign ExpertsAffairs (under the Ministry of Personnel)------国家海洋局(国土资源部) ------State Bureau of OceanicAdministration (underthe Ministry of Land and Resources)------国家测绘局(国土资源部) ------State Bureau of Surveying andMapping (ditto)------国家邮政局(信息产业部) ------State Post Bureau (under theMinistry of Information Industry)------国家文物局(文化部) ----------State Cultural Relics Bureau(under the Ministry of Culture)------国家中医药管理局(卫生部) -----State Administration ofTraditional Chinese Medicine (under the Ministry of PublicHealth)------国家外汇管理局(中国人民银行总行)------- State Administrationof Foreign Exchange (under the People’s Bank of China)------国家出入境检验检疫局(海关总署) ----------State Administrationfor Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine (under the GeneralAdministration of Customs)。
家标准英 文译本 【 作的进 程,实现 家标准英 文译 本规范化 、统 一化和标准化 ,对我 国国家标准英 艾
的格 及翻译原则等作川 { 规定是非 常必要 的。
GB / T 2 0 0 0 0 . 1 0 —2 0 l 6《 标准化工 作指南 第 l 0部分 :国家 标准的 英文译本翻 洚通灿 》
P f ) f 1
( 4) 英文译 本应删 除旧家标 准起 草 位和起 草人信 息
( 5 1 封 增加 “ ( I g l i s h 7 7 a n s l a t i o l 1 ) ” ,表 明是某项标准 的英 史洋小 、 ( 6)对 准的字 1 、 体干 兀 封面格式作Ⅲ统 一规定
怵的 嘤求 ,以及对封 【 f 1 f 格式 的规定 、
准I f 1 丰要 强 调 的 包括 :
( 1 焚义译木的结 构不 1 l 『 人 J 应t I 下 { 家标准的结 构和内窬 ・ 致 ,成准确表达 围家标 准的信 息
( 2) 英 艾译本的排 版采川 齐头排 版
( 3) 英 文译本的 l . ^ I I 1 增J J I l J ! i 叫 ,I 大 j 容为 : S A C / T C X X X i s i n h a r g e ( 1 f t h i s E n g l i s h t r a i l s l a t . I l I l _ l I
通 、规 ຫໍສະໝຸດ 性引用 义件 、基 冬 求 、 豢f ¨ 细 则等相关要求 。埘 家标准荧 义译 小的封面 、名称 、【 】 次、 寿 、引 高 ’ 、规 范性 引用 义 、术 定 义、附 录 、缩略 、人 、I 才 1 体 、机构 名 、文献 等的剐 洋作 f f { 一般性 规定 ,2个附件包- ] r f、 f : 、
国际翻译标准《翻译项目通用指南》(ISO/TS 11669 Translation projects — General guidance(2014-10-27 11:58:19)转载▼分类:翻译交流标签:行业标准翻译标准翻译规范下面的通用标准是翻译时所必须了解的基础知识。
一、准确性在软件翻译中,准确性体现在两点:忠实原文+ 翻译一致性。
忠实原文:A. 所有内容要准确翻译,严禁出现漏译和随意增删(注:科技翻译不同于文学翻译和日常语言,准确性是最重要的指标)。
B. 公司专有名称及产品名称(如Microsoft,Microsoft Access for Windows)如有错译、错字或拼写问题,视为严重错误。
C. 支持信息要准确。
翻译一致性:A. 同一文档相互参考的标题、术语和词条等要保持一致。
B. 属同一主题的不同文档间的相互参考要保持一致(注:项目开始前,项目经理要对此进行规范)。
C. 章节标题、产品名称、手册名称、帮助主题/跳转文字(jump)、脚注、图表及表格等翻译都要正确且前后一致。
二、词汇a) 大多数客户都有自己产品的专用词汇表。
b) Microsoft 词汇表是行业比较标准的词汇表,如果没有专用参考词汇,我们大多要依据该词汇表。
Microsoft 词汇集成在数据库(定期更新)中。
c) 有些词在微软提供的词汇表中有多种翻译:此时要根据产品选择最确切的翻译。
d) 所有未在微软词汇表中提供的技术性词汇,必须采用业界通用的翻译,最后要向客户确认。
e) 手册和帮助中的UI 词条要与软件产品一致。
a) 软件翻译是将其他语种的软件版本翻译成中文,其中不可避免地要涉及一些有关社会与文化差异的用语。
国家标准的英文译本正是中国标准跟随“一带一路”战略走出去的重要举措,为及时指导国家标准的英文译本的翻译工作,保障英文译本的翻译质量,国家质量监督检验检疫总局与国家标准化管理委员会于2016年8月29日发布了GB/T 20000.10—2016 《标准化工作指南第10部分:国家标准的英文译本翻译通则》、GB/T 20000.11—2016《标准化工作指南第11部分:国家标准的英文译本通用表述》,全面具体地指导国家标准英文译本的编写和出版工作。
1 编写规则及常见问题1.1 通则为了统一规范国家标准的翻译,遵循国际标准书写规范,保障国家标准英文译本的质量,GB/T 20000.10—2016、GB/T 20000.11—2016对英文译本的用语进行了规范。
• 生产设备 production equipment
• 生产设备是指在工业企业中直接参加生产过程或直接为生产服务的机器设备, 主要包括机械、动力及传导设备等。
• 生产技术装备 technical facilities in production
• 生产设备、试验设备、仪器仪表与工艺装备(包括刀具、夹具、量具、辅具、 模具和工位器具等)的总称。
当的讲解引导。目标导学三:结合注释,翻译训练1.学生结合课下注释和工具书自行疏通文义,并画出不解之处。【教学提示】节奏划分与明确文意相辅相成,若能以节奏划分引导学生明确文意最好;若学生理解有限,亦可在解读文意后把握节奏划分。2.以四人小组为单位,组内互助解疑,并尝试用“直译”与“意译”两种方法译读文章。3.教师选择疑难句或值得 翻译的句子,请学生用两种翻译方法进行翻译。翻译示例:若夫日出而林霏开,云归而岩穴暝,晦明变化者,山间之朝暮也。野芳发而幽香,佳木秀而繁阴,风霜高洁,水落而石出者,山间之四时也。直译法:那太阳一出来,树林里的雾气散开,云雾聚拢,山谷就显得昏暗了,朝则自暗而明,暮则自明而暗,或暗或明,变化不一,这是山间早晚的景色。野花开放,有一 股清幽的香味,好的树木枝叶繁茂,形成浓郁的绿荫。天高气爽,霜色洁白,泉水浅了,石底露出水面,这是山中四季的景色。意译法:太阳升起,山林里雾气开始消散,烟云聚拢,山谷又开始显得昏暗,清晨自暗而明,薄暮又自明而暗,如此暗明变化的,就是山中的朝暮。春天野花绽开并散发出阵阵幽香,夏日佳树繁茂并形成一片浓荫,秋天风高气爽,霜色洁白,冬 日水枯而石底上露,如此,就是山中的四季。【教学提示】翻译有直译与意译两种方式,直译锻炼学生用语的准确性,但可能会降低译文的美感;意译可加强译文的美感,培养学生的翻译兴趣,但可能会降低译文的准确性。因此,需两种翻译方式都做必要引导。全文直译内容见《我的积累本》。目标导学四:解读文段,把握文本内容1.赏析第一段,说说本文是如何引
中国国家机关的英语标准翻译(转引)中国国家机关的英语标准翻译全国人民代表大会--------------National People’s Congress(NPC)主席团-----------------------Presidium常务委员会-------------------Standing Committee--办公厅---------------------General Office--秘书处---------------------Secretariat--代表资格审查委员会----------Credentials Committee--提案审查委员会--------------Motions Examination Committee--民族委员会------------------Ethnic Affairs Committee--法律委员会------------------Law Committee--财务经济委员会--------------Finance Affairs Committee--外事委员会------------------Foreign and Economy Committee--教育,科学,文化委员会-------Education, Science, Culture andPublic Health Committee--内务司法委员会--------------Committee for Internal and JudicialAffairs--华侨委员会------------------Overseas Chinese AffairsCommittee--法制委员会------------------Commission of LegislativeAffairs--特定问题委员会--------------Committee of Inquiry into SpecialQuestions--宪法修改委员会--------------Committee for Revision of theConstitution中华人民共和国主席------------President of the People’s Republicof China中央军事委员会----------------Central Military Commission最高人民法院------------------Supreme People’s Court最高人民检察院----------------Supreme People’s Procuratorate国务院-----------------------State Council(1)国务院部委----------------Ministries and Commissions Directlyunder the State Council------外交部-----------------Ministry of Foreign Affairs------国防部-----------------Ministry of National Defence------国家发展计划委员--------State Development PlanningCommission------国家经济贸易委员会------State Economic and TradeCommission------教育部-----------------Ministry of Education------科学技术部-------------Ministry of Science andTechnology------国家科学技术工业委员会--Commission of Science, Technology andIndustry for National Defence ------国家民族事务委员会------State Ethnic Affairs Commission------公安部---------------- Ministry of Public Security------国家安全部------------ Ministry of State Security------监察部---------------- Ministry of Supervision------民政部---------------- Ministry of Civil Affairs------司法部---------------- Ministry of Justice------财政部---------------- Ministry of Finance------人事部---------------- Ministry of Personnel------劳动和社会保障部------- Ministry of Labour and SocialSecurity------国土资源部-------------Ministry of Land and Resources------建设部-----------------Ministry of Construction------铁路部---------------- Ministry of Railways------交通部---------------- Ministry of Communications------信息产业部------------ Ministry of Information Industry------水利部-----------------Ministry of Water Resources------农业部-----------------Ministry of Agriculture------对外贸易经济合作部------Ministry of Foreign Trade andEconomic Cooperation ------文化部-----------------Ministry of Culture------卫生部-----------------Ministry of Public Health------国家计划生育委员会------State Family PlanningCommission------中国人民银行------------People’s Bank of China------国家审计署--------------State Auditing Administration(2)国务院办事机构-------------Offices under that StateCouncil------国务院办公厅------------General Office of the StateCouncil------侨务办公厅--------------Office of Overseas ChineseAffairs------港澳办公厅--------------Hong Kong and Macao AffairsOffice------台湾办公厅--------------Taiwan Affairs Office------法制办公厅--------------Office of Legislative Affairs------经济体制办公厅----------Office for EconomicRestructuring------国务院研究室------------Research Office of the StateCouncil------新闻办公室--------------Information Office(3)国务院直属机构--------------Departments Directly under the StateCouncil------海关总署-----------------General Administration ofCustoms------国家税务总局-------------State Taxation Administration------国家环境保护总局---------State Environmental ProtectionAdministration------中国民用航空总局---------Civil Aviation Administration ofChina (CAAC)------国家广播电影电视总局-----State Administration of Radio, Filmand Television ------国家体育总局------------State Physical CulturalAdministration------国家统计局--------------State Statistics Bureau------国家工商行政管理局-------State Administration of Industry andCommerce------新闻出版署---------------Press and PublicationAdministration------国家版权局---------------State Copyright Bureau------国家林业局---------------State Forestry Bureau------国家质量技术监督局-------State Bureau of Quality andTechnical Supervision ------国家药品监督管理局-------State Drug Administration(SDA)------国家知识产权局-----------State Intellectual Property Office(SIPO)------国家旅游局---------------National TourismAdministration------国家宗教事务局-----------State Bureau of ReligiousAffairs------国务院参事室-------------Counsellors’ Office of the StateCouncil------国务院机关事务管理局------Government Offices Administrationof the State Council(4)国务院直属事业单位-----------Institutions Directly under theState Council------新华通讯社----------------Xinhua News Agency------中国科学院----------------Chinese Academy of Sciences------中国社会科学院------------Chinese Academy of SocialSciences------中国工程院----------------Chinese Academy ofEngineering------国务院发展研究中心---------Development Research Centre of theState Council------国家行政学院---------------National School ofAdministration------中国地震局-----------------China Seismological Bureau------中国气象局-----------------China Meteorological Bureau------中国证券监督管理委员会------China Securities RegulatoryCommission (CSRS)(5)部委管理的国家局---------------State Bureaux Administration byMinistration or Commission------国家粮食储备局(国家发展计划委员会)----State Bureau of GrainReserve (Under the State Development Planning Commission)------国家国内贸易局------------- State Bureau of InternalTrade------国家煤炭工业局------------- State Bureau of CoalIndustry------国家机械工业局--------------State Bureau of Machine BuildingIndustry------国家冶金工业局--------------State Bureau of MetallurgicalIndustry------国家石油和化学工业局---------State Bureau of Petroleum andChemical Industry------国家轻工业局----------------State Bureau of LightIndustry------国家纺织工业局--------------State Bureau of TextileIndustry------国家建筑材料工业局----------State Bureau of BuildingMaterials Industry------国家烟草专卖局--------------State Tobacco MonopolyBureau------国家有色金属工业局----------State Bureau of Nonferrous MetalIndustry(以上由国家经贸委管理above are all under the State Economic andTrade Commission)------国家外国专家局(人事部)------ State Bureau of Foreign ExpertsAffairs (under the Ministry of Personnel)------国家海洋局(国土资源部) ------State Bureau of OceanicAdministration (underthe Ministry of Land and Resources)------国家测绘局(国土资源部) ------State Bureau of Surveying andMapping (ditto)------国家邮政局(信息产业部) ------State Post Bureau (under theMinistry of Information Industry)------国家文物局(文化部) ----------State Cultural Relics Bureau(under the Ministry of Culture)------国家中医药管理局(卫生部) -----State Administration ofTraditional Chinese Medicine (under the Ministry of PublicHealth)------国家外汇管理局(中国人民银行总行)------- State Administrationof Foreign Exchange (under the People’s Bank of China)------国家出入境检验检疫局(海关总署) ----------State Administrationfor Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine (under the GeneralAdministration of Customs)。
二○○○年二月十三日主题词:国家标准规定通知抄送:中国标准出版社、中国标准研究中心国家质量技术监督局办公室2000年2月12日印发国家标准英文版翻译指南国家质量技术监督局标准化司二○○○年二月目次1 前言2 格式3 用词和用语4 引用标准化中心附录A:封面格式附录B:首页格式一、前言为适应我国加入世界贸易组织和我国对外开放的需要,我局从1997年起开始将一部分国家标准翻译成英文。
本指南适用于将我国国家标准翻译成英文文本的标准化中心二、格式2.1 等同/修改(等效)采用国际标准的国家标准应使用原英文版本,并符合ISO/IEC指南21(1999版)的要求。
2.2 对于非等效采用国际标准的国家标准,在翻译时应尽可能与原英文版本格式保持一致。
2.3 对于非采用国际标准的国家标准,在翻译时应尽可能以相应国际标准作为格式参考。
2.4 封面和首页格式见附录A和附录B。
三、用词和用语3.1 封面封面用语的英文表述3.1.1 中华人民共和国国家标准National Standard of the People's Republic of China3.1.2 国家质量技术监督局发布Issued by China State Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision3.1.3 国家技术监督局发布Issued by China State Bureau of Technical Supervision3.1.4 国家标准局发布Issued by China State Bureau of Standards3.1.5 发布日期Issue date3.1.6 实施日期Implementation date3.1.7 等同采用IDT3.1.8 修改(等效)采用MOD3.1.9 非等效采用NEQ3.2 目次目次用语的英文表述3.2.1 目次contents3.2.2 附录annex3.2.3 参考文献bibliography3.2.4 索引index(es)3.2.5 图figure(s)3.2.6 表table(s)3.3 前言前言部分用语的英文表述3.3.1 前言Foreword3.3.2 本国家标准等同采用IEC (ISO) ××××标准: This national standard is identical to IEC (ISO) ××××3.3.3 本国家标准修改(等效)采用IEC(ISO) ××××标准:This national standard is modified in relation to IEC (ISO) ××××3.3.4 本国家标准非等效采用IEC (ISO) ××××标准:This national standard is not equivalent to IEC (ISO) ××××3.3.5 本国家标准附录××××是标准的附录(补充件)Annex ××××/Annexes ×××× of this national standard is/are normative3.3.6 本国家标准附录××××是提示的附录(参考件)Annex ××××/annexes ×××× of this national standard is/are informative3.3.7 本国家标准对先前版本技术内容作了下述重要修改There have been some significant changes in this national standard over its previous edition in the following technical aspects3.3.8 本国家标准与所采用国际标准的主要技术差异The main technical differences between the national standard and the international standard adopted3.3.9 本国家标准从实施日期起代替××××This national standard will replace ×××× from the implementation date of this standard3.3.10 本国家标准由××××提出This national standard was proposed by ××××3.3.11 本国家标准由××××归口This national standard is under the jurisdiction of ××××3.3.12 本国家标准由××××起草This national standard was drafted by ××××3.4 引言3.4.1 引言introduction3.5 范围范围部分用语的英文表述:3.5.1 主题和范围subject and the aspect(s) covered3.5.2 本国家标准规定……的尺寸This national s tandard specifies the dimensions of ……3.5.3 本国家标准规定……的方法This national standard specifies a method of ……3.5.4 本国家标准规定……的性能This national standard specifies the characteristics of ……3.5.5 本国家标准规定……的系统This national standard establishes a system for ……3.5.6 本国家标准规定……的基本原理This national standard establishes general principles for3.5.7 本国家标准适用于……This national standard is applicable to ……3.6 引用标准引语的英文表述(根据中文文本从a, b中选取):a. 下列标准中所包含的条文,通过在本标准中引用而构成为本标准的条文。
1 翻译质量及技术要求1.1基本要求1)工程建设标准的翻译必须忠于原文,并遵守完整、准确、规范、统一的原则。
3)日期按译文语言,应采用公历,按月、日、年顺序排列(例如,December 1,2006)。
1 翻译质量及技术要求1.1 基本要求1)工程建设标准的翻译必须忠于原文,并遵守完整、准确、规范、统一的原则。
1.2 具体要求1)数字表达应符合英文表达习惯。
3)日期按译文语言,应采用公历,按月、日、年顺序排列(例如,December 1,20XX)。
中国国家标准中英文对照翻译(城镇建设工程标准)中国国家标准——城镇建设工程标准GB〖CJJ1-90〗市政道路工程质量检验评定标准Standard for quality test and estimation of municipal road engineering〖CJJ2-2008〗城市桥梁工程施工与质量验收规范Code for construction and quality acceptance of bridge works in city〖CJJ6-85〗排水管道维护安全技术规程Technical specification for safety maintenance of sewerage pipes〖CJJ7-2007〗城市工程地球物理探测规范Code for engineering geophysical prospecting and testing in city〖CJJ8-99〗城市测量规范Code for urban survey〖CJJ11-93〗城市桥梁设计准则The Criteria of Municipal Bridge Design〖CJJ12-99〗家用燃气燃烧器具安装及验收规程Specification for installation and acceptance of domestic gas burning appliances 〖CJJ13-87〗供水水文地质钻探与凿井操作规程Specification for operation of hydrographic geological drilling and digging for water-supply〖CJJ14-2005〗城市公共厕所设计标准Standard for design of public toilets in city〖CJJ15-87〗城市公共交通站、场、厂设计规范Code for design of urban public transportation station, ground and house〖CJJ17-2004〗生活垃圾卫生填埋技术规范Technical code for municipal solid waste sanitary landfill〖CJJ18-88〗市政工程施工、养护及污水处理工人技术等级标准Technical level standard for workers of construction maintenance and sewerage treatment of municipal engineering〖CJJ27-2005〗城镇环境卫生设施设置标准Standard for setting of town environmental sanitation facilities〖CJJ28-2004〗城镇供热管网工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of city heating pipelines〖CJJ/T29-98〗建筑排水硬聚氯乙烯管道工程技术规程Technical specification of PVC-U pipe work for building drainage〖CJJ30-2009〗城市粪便处理厂运行维护及其安全技术规程Technical specification for operation maintenance and safety of night soil treatment plants〖CJJ32-89〗含藻水给水处理设计规范Code for design of water supply treatment for water with algae〖CJJ33-2005〗城镇燃气输配工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of city and town gas distribution works〖CJJ34-2002〗城市热力网设计规范Design code of district heating network〖CJJ36-2006〗城镇道路养护技术规范Technical code of urban road maintenance〖CJJ37-90〗城市道路设计规范Code for design of municipal road〖CJJ39-91〗古建筑修建工程质量检验评定标准(北方地区)Standard for quality test and estimation of ancient building repairing engineering (in northern area)〖CJJ40-91〗高浊度水给水设计规范Code for design of water-supply for muddy water〖CJJ43-91〗热拌再生沥青混合料路面施工及验收规程Specification for construction and acceptance of hot-mixed and regenerated asphalt mixture road face〖CJJ45-2006〗城市道路照明设计标准Standard for lighting design of urban road〖CJJ47-2006〗生活垃圾转运站技术规范Technical code for transfer station of municipal solid waste〖CJJ48-92〗公园设计规范Code for design of parks〖CJJ50-92〗城市防洪工程设计规范Code for design of flood control engineering in city〖CJJ51-2006〗城镇燃气设施运行、维护和抢修安全技术规程Safety technical specification for operation, maintenance and rush-repair of city gas facilities〖CJJ/T52-93〗城市生活垃圾好氧静态堆肥处理技术规程Technical specification for static aerobic composting of municipal solid waste〖CJJ/T53-93〗民用房屋修缮工程施工规程Code for repairing construction of civil buildings〖CJJ/T54-93〗污水稳定塘设计规范Code for design of wastewater stabilization ponds〖CJJ55-93〗供热术语标准Standard for terminology of heat-supply〖CJJ56-94〗市政工程勘察规范Code for investigation and surveying of municipal engineering〖CJJ57-94〗城市规划工程地质勘察规范Code for geotechnical investigation and surveying of urban planning engineering〖CJJ58-2009〗城镇供水厂运行、维护及安全技术规程Technical specification for operation, maintenance and safety of city and town waterworks〖CJJ60-94〗城市污水处理厂运行、维护及其安全技术规程Technical specification for operation, maintenance and safety of municipal wastewater treatment plants〖CJJ61-2003〗城市地下管线探测技术规程Technical specification for detecting and surveying of under-ground pipelines and cables in city〖CJJ62-95〗房屋渗漏修缮技术规程Technical specification for repairing water creep of houses〖CJJ63-2008〗聚乙烯燃气管道工程技术规程Technical specification for polyethylene (PE) gas pipeline engineering〖CJJ64-2009〗城市粪便处理厂设计规范Code for design of night soil treatment plant〖CJJ/T65-2004〗市容环境卫生术语标准Standard for terminology of environmental sanitation〖CJJ66-95〗路面稀浆封层施工规程Slurry sealing specification〖CJJ67-95〗风景园林图例图示标准Standard for graphic of landscape architecture〖CJJ68-2007〗城镇排水管渠与泵站维护技术规程Technical specification for maintenance of sewers & channels and pumping station in city〖CJJ69-95〗城市人行天桥与人行地道技术规范Technical specification of urban pedestrian overcrossing and underpass〖CJJ70-96〗古建筑修建工程质量检验评定标准(南方地区)Standard for quality test and estimation of ancient building repairing engineering (in southern area)〖CJJ71-2000〗机动车清洗站工程技术规程Technical specification for automotive rinsing station engineering〖CJJ72-97〗无轨电车供电线网工程施工及验收规范Code for installation and acceptance of trolley bus network〖CJJ73-97〗全球定位系统城市测量技术规程Technical specification for urban surveying using global positioning system〖CJJ74-99〗城镇地道桥顶进施工及验收规程Specification for construction and acceptance of underpass bridges in town by jacking method〖CJJ75-97〗城市道路绿化规划与设计规范Code for planting planning and design on urban roads〖CJJ/T76-98〗城市地下水动态观测规程Specification for dynamic observation of ground water in urban area〖CJJ/T78-97〗供热工程制图标准Drawing standard of heat-supply engineering〖CJJ/T81-98〗城镇直埋供热管道工程技术规程Technical specification for directly buried heating pipeline engineering in city〖CJJ/T82-99〗城市绿化工程施工及验收规范Code for construction and acceptance of plant engineering in city and town〖CJJ83-99〗城市用地竖向规划规范Code for vertical planning on urban field〖CJJ/T85-2002〗城市绿地分类标准Standard for classification of urban green space〖CJJ/T86-2000〗城市生活垃圾堆肥处理厂运行、维护及其安全技术规程Technical specification for operation maintenance and safety of municipal solid waste composting plant〖CJJ/T87-2000〗乡镇集贸市场规划设计标准Standard for market planning of town and township〖CJJ/T88-2000〗城镇供热系统安全运行技术规程Technical specification for safe operation of heating system in city〖CJJ89-2001〗城市道路照明工程施工及验收规程Specification for construction and inspection of urban road lighting engineering〖CJJ90-2009〗生活垃圾焚烧处理工程技术规范Technical code for projects of municipal solid waste incineration〖CJJ/T91-2002〗园林基本术语标准Standard for basic terminology of landscape architecture〖CJJ92-2002〗城市供水管网漏损控制及评定标准Standard for leakage control and assessment of urban water supply distribution system〖CJJ93-2003〗城市生活垃圾卫生填埋场运行维护技术规程Technical specification for operation and maintenance of municipal domestic refuse sanitary landfill〖CJJ94-2009〗城镇燃气室内工程施工与质量验收规范Code for construction and quality acceptance of city indoor gas engineering〖CJJ95-2003〗城镇燃气埋地钢质管道腐蚀控制技术规程Technical specification for control of external corrosion on underground gas pipeline of steel in area of cities and towns〖CJJ96-2003〗地铁限界标准Standard of metro gauges〖CJJ/T97-2003〗城市规划制图标准Standard for drawing in urban planning〖CJJ/T98-2003〗建筑给水聚苯乙烯类管道工程技术规程Technical specification of polyethylene (PE), cross-linked polyethylene (PE-X) and polyethylene of raised temperature resistance (PE-RT) pipeline engineering for water supply in building〖CJJ99-2003〗城市桥梁养护技术规范Technical code maintenance for city bridge〖CJJ100-2004〗城市基础地理信息系统技术规范Technical specification for urban fundamental geographic information system〖CJJ101-2004〗埋地聚乙烯给水管道工程技术规程Technical specification for buried polyethylene pipeline of water supply engineering〖CJJ/T102-2004〗城市生活垃圾分类及其评价标准Classification and evaluation standard of municipal solid waste〖CJJ103-2004〗城市地理空间框架数据标准Standard for urban geospatial framework data〖CJJ104-2005〗城镇供热直埋蒸汽管道技术规程Technical specification for directly buried steam heating pipeline in city〖CJJ105-2005〗城镇供热管网结构设计规范Code for structural design of heating pipelines in city and town〖CJJ/T106-2005〗城市市政综合监管信息系统技术规范Technical code for urban municipal supervision and management information system〖CJJ/T107-2005〗生活垃圾填埋场无害化评价标准Standard of assessment on municipal solid waste and fill〖CJJ/T108-2006〗城市道路除雪作业技术规程Technical specification of snow removal operation for city road〖CJJ109-2006〗生活垃圾转运站运行维护技术规程Technical specification for operation and maintenance of municipal solid waste transfer station〖CJJ110-2006〗管道直饮水系统技术规程Technical specification of pipe system for fine drinking water〖CJJ/T111-2006〗预应力混凝土桥梁预制节段逐跨拼装施工技术规程Technical specification for construction of span by span method of precast segment in prestressed concrete bridge〖CJJ112-2007〗生活垃圾卫生填埋场封场技术规程Technical code for municipal solid waste sanitary landfill closure〖CJJ113-2007〗生活垃圾卫生填埋场防渗系统工程技术规范Technical code for liner system of municipal solid waste landfill〖CJJ/T114-2007〗城市公共交通分类标准Standard for classification of urban public transportation〖CJJ/T115-2007〗房地产市场信息系统技术规范Technical code for real estate market information system〖CJJ/T116-2008〗建设领域应用软件测评通用规范General code for measure and evaluation of application software in the field of construction〖CJJ/T117-2007〗建设电子文件与电子档案管理规范Code for management of electronic construction records and archives〖CJJ/T119-2008〗城市公共交通工程术语标准Terminology standard for urban public transport engineering〖CJJ120-2008〗城镇排水系统电气与自动化工程技术规程Technical specification of electrical & automation engineering for city drainage system〖CJJ124-2008〗镇(乡)村排水工程技术规程Technical specification of wastewater engineering for town and village〖CJJ/T126-2008〗城市道路清扫保洁质量与评价标准Standard for quality and assessment of city road sweeping and cleaning〖CJJ/T125-2008〗环境卫生图形符号标准Standard for figure symbols of environmental sanitation〖CJJ122-2008〗游泳池给水排水工程技术规程Technical specification for water supply and drainage engineering of swimming pool〖CJJ123-2008〗镇(乡)村给水工程技术规程Technical specification of water supply engineering for town and village〖CJJ128-2009〗生活垃圾焚烧厂运行维护与安全技术规程Technical specification for operation maintenance and safety of municipal solid waste incineration plant〖CJJ127-2009〗建筑排水金属管道工程技术规程Technical specification of metal pipe work for building drainage。
中国国家标准 英文
中国国家标准英文China National Standards。
China National Standards, also known as GB standards, are the national standards of the People's Republic of China. These standards are used to provide guidelines and regulations for various industries and sectors within the country. They cover a wide range of topics, including product specifications, safety requirements, testing methods, and more.The development and implementation of China National Standards are overseen by the Standardization Administration of China (SAC). The SAC is responsible for coordinating and managing the standardization work in China, and it plays a crucial role in ensuring the quality and safety of products and services in the country.China National Standards are essential for promoting the development of the Chinese economy and improving the overall quality of products and services. By adhering to these standards, businesses can enhance their competitiveness, ensure consumer safety, and contribute to the sustainable development of the country.In addition to their domestic significance, China National Standards also play a role in the global arena. As China continues to grow as a major player in the international market, the adoption of Chinese standards can have a significant impact on global trade and cooperation. Harmonizing Chinese standards with international ones is crucial for facilitating trade and ensuring the compatibility of products and services across borders.The process of developing China National Standards involves extensive research, consultation, and collaboration with relevant stakeholders. Experts and professionals from various fields contribute their knowledge and expertise to ensure that the standards are comprehensive, practical, and up-to-date. This inclusive approach helps to create standards that reflect the needs and priorities of the Chinese society and economy.China National Standards are regularly reviewed and updated to keep pace with technological advancements, market changes, and international developments. Thisdynamic nature ensures that the standards remain relevant and effective in addressing the evolving challenges and opportunities in different industries.The adoption and compliance with China National Standards are mandatory for businesses and organizations operating in China. By adhering to these standards, companies can demonstrate their commitment to quality, safety, and environmental responsibility. Compliance also helps to build trust and confidence among consumers, investors, and trading partners.In conclusion, China National Standards are an integral part of the country's efforts to promote quality, safety, and sustainability across various sectors. These standards not only benefit the Chinese economy but also contribute to global trade and cooperation. As China continues to play a leading role in the international market, the significance of Chinese standards will only continue to grow. Adhering to these standards is essential for businesses and organizations seeking to thrive in the Chinese market and beyond.。
家标准英 文译本 【 作的进 程,实现 家标准英 文译 本规范化 、统 一化和标准化 ,对我 国国家标准英 艾
的格 及翻译原则等作川 { 规定是非 常必要 的。
GB / T 2 0 0 0 0 . 1 0 —2 0 l 6《 标准化工 作指南 第 l 0部分 :国家 标准的 英文译本翻 洚通灿 》
P f ) f 1
( 4) 英文译 本应删 除旧家标 准起 草 位和起 草人信 息
( 5 1 封 增加 “ ( I g l i s h 7 7 a n s l a t i o l 1 ) ” ,表 明是某项标准 的英 史洋小 、 ( 6)对 准的字 1 、 体干 兀 封面格式作Ⅲ统 一规定
怵的 嘤求 ,以及对封 【 f 1 f 格式 的规定 、
准I f 1 丰要 强 调 的 包括 :
Байду номын сангаас
( 1 焚义译木的结 构不 1 l 『 人 J 应t I 下 { 家标准的结 构和内窬 ・ 致 ,成准确表达 围家标 准的信 息
( 2) 英 艾译本的排 版采川 齐头排 版
( 3) 英 文译本的 l . ^ I I 1 增J J I l J ! i 叫 ,I 大 j 容为 : S A C / T C X X X i s i n h a r g e ( 1 f t h i s E n g l i s h t r a i l s l a t . I l I l _ l I
i i i l 、f 1 t J I J h f a l 1 1 ) I I I I h e{ , o n l e i l I s f ) r Et l g l i s h l r a n s l a l i o n . 1 h e Ch i n e s e( ) r i g i n a l s h a l l t i e< ! o n s i d e i ’ e d a u i h o r i t a t i r e .
This national standard specifies a method of ......
3.5.4 本国家标准规定......的性能
This national standard specifies the characteristics of ......
Issued by China State Bureau of Standards
3.1.5 发布日期
Issue date
3.1.6 实施日期
Implementation date
3.1.7 等同采用
3.1.8 修改(C8%F4%CC%D2%C0%EE/blog/item/dd57a00b908c681794ca6b4b.html
2.1 等同/修改(等效)采用国际标准的国家标准应使用原英文版本,并符合ISO/IEC指南21(1999版)的要求。
2.2 对于非等效采用国际标准的国家标准,在翻译时应尽可能与原英文版本格式保持一致。
2.3 对于非采用国际标准的国家标准,在翻译时应尽可能以相应国际标准作为格式参考。
3.3.8 本国家标准与所采用国际标准的主要技术差异
The main technical differences between the national standard and the international standard adopted
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中国国家标准英文翻译指南-- 中国国家标准英文翻译指南中国国家标准英文翻译指南出处:中国电力标准化网站作者:国家质量技术监督局国家质量技术监督局质技监局标函[2000]39号关于印发《国家标准英文版翻译指南》的通知国务院务有关部门,全国各专业标准化技术委员会:为适应我国加入世界贸易组织(WTO)和标准化活动对外交流的需要,及时准确地把我国国家标准翻译成英文版本,我局组织制定了《国家标准英文版翻译指南》,现予以公布。
二○○○年二月十三日主题词:国家标准规定通知抄送:中国标准出版社、中国标准研究中心国家质量技术监督局办公室2000年2月12日印发打字:王岷校对:张琳国家标准英文版翻译指南国家质量技术监督局标准化司二○○○年二月目次1 前言2 格式3 用词和用语4 引用标准化中心附录A:封面格式附录B:首页格式一、前言为适应我国加入世界贸易组织和我国对外开放的需要,我局从1997年起开始将一部分国家标准翻译成英文。
本指南适用于将我国国家标准翻译成英文文本的标准化中心二、格式2.1 等同/修改(等效)采用国际标准的国家标准应使用原英文版本,并符合ISO/IEC 指南21(1999版)的要求。
2.2 对于非等效采用国际标准的国家标准,在翻译时应尽可能与原英文版本格式保持一致。
2.3 对于非采用国际标准的国家标准,在翻译时应尽可能以相应国际标准作为格式参考。
2.4 封面和首页格式见附录A和附录B。
三、用词和用语3.1 封面封面用语的英文表述3.1.1 中华人民共和国国家标准National Standard of the People’s Republic of China3.1.2 国家质量技术监督局发布Issued by China State Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision3.1.3 国家技术监督局发布Issued by China State Bureau of Technical Supervision3.1.4 国家标准局发布Issued by China State Bureau of Standards3.1.5 发布日期Issue date3.1.6 实施日期Implementation date3.1.7 等同采用IDT3.1.8 修改(等效)采用MOD3.1.9 非等效采用NEQ3.2 目次目次用语的英文表述3.2.1 目次contents3.2.2 附录annex3.2.3 参考文献bibliography3.2.4 索引index(es)3.2.5 图figure(s)3.2.6 表table(s)3.3 前言前言部分用语的英文表述3.3.1 前言Foreword3.3.2 本国家标准等同采用IEC(ISO) ××××标准:This national standard is identical to IEC(ISO) ××××3.3.3 本国家标准修改(等效)采用IEC(ISO) ××××标准:This national standard is modified in relation to IEC(ISO) ××××3.3.4 本国家标准非等效采用IEC(ISO) ××××标准:This national standard is not equivalent to IEC(ISO) ××××3.3.5 本国家标准附录××××是标准的附录(补充件)Annex ××××/Annexes ××××of this national standard is/are normative3.3.6 本国家标准附录××××是提示的附录(参考件)Annex ××××/annexes ××××of this national standard is/are informative3.3.7 本国家标准对先前版本技术内容作了下述重要修改There have been some significant changes in this nationals standard over its previous edition in the following technical aspects3.3.8 本国家标准与所采用国际标准的主要技术差异The main technical differences between the national standard and the international standard adopted3.3.9 本国家标准从实施日期起代替××××This national standard will replace ××××from the implementation date of this standard3.3.10 本国家标准由××××提出This national standard was proposed by ××××3.3.11 本国家标准由××××归口This national standard is under the jurisdiction of ××××3.3.12 本国家标准由××××起草This national standard was drafted by ××××3.4 引言3.4.1 引言introduction3.5 范围范围部分用语的英文表述:3.5.1 主题和范围subject and the aspect(s) covered3.5.2 本国家标准规定……的尺寸This national standard specifies the dimensions of ……3.5.3 本国家标准规定……的方法This national standard specifies a method of ……3.5.4 本国家标准规定……的性能This national standard specifies the characteristics of ……3.5.5 本国家标准规定……的系统This national standard establishes a system for ……3.5.6 本国家标准规定……的基本原理This national standard establishes general principles for3.5.7 本国家标准适用于……This national standard is applicable to ……3.6 引用标准引语的英文表述(根据中文文本从a, b中选取):a. 下列标准中所包含的条文,通过在本标准中引用而构成为本标准的条文。
The following standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this standard. At time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated below.b. 下述标准文件包含的条文,通过在本标准中引用而构成本标准的条文。
The following normative documents contain provision which, through reference in this text, consitute provisions of this national standard. For dated reference, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these publications do not apply. For undated references, the lastest edition of the normative document referred to applies.3.7 术语和定义这部份内容应用下列规范用语引出: 以下及××××给出的术语和定义适用于本标准For the purposes of this national standard, the terms and definitions given in ××××and the following apply.3.8 常用术语3.8.1 标准化及标准文件(1) 标准化standardization(2) 标准文件normative document(3) 国际标准international standard(4) 区域标准regional standard(5) 国家标准national standard(6) 行业标准professional standard(7) 地方标准provincial standard(8) 企业标准company standard(9) 导则directive/guide(10) 规范specification(11) 总规范generic specification(12) 通用规范general specification(13) 技术规范technical specification(14) 详细规范detail specification(15) 分规范sectional specification(16) 空白详细规范blank detail specification(17) 规程code(18) 规则(规定)rule(19) 指南guide(20) 手册handbook(21) 技术报告technical report(22) 强制性标准mandatory standard(23) 推荐性标准voluntary standard(24) 指导性技术文件technical guide(25) 法规regulation(26) 技术法规technical regulation3.8.2 标准的类别(1) 基础标准basic standard(2) 术语标准terminology standard(3) 试验标准testing standard(4) 方法标准method standard(5) 产品标准product standard(6) 过程标准process standard(7) 服务标准service standard(8) 接口标准interface standard(9) 数值标准standard on data to be provided3.8.3 标准化组织及标准机构(1) 国际标准化组织International Organization for standardization (ISO) (2) 国际电工委员会International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)(3) 国家质量技术监督局China State Bureau of Quality & Technical Supervision (CSBTS) (4) 国际电信联盟International Telecommunication Union (ITU)(5) 全国××××标准化技术委员会National technical committee of standardization for ××××3.8.4 标准文件的结构(1) 封面front cover(2) 目次content(3) 前言foreword(4) 引言introduction(5) IEC/ISO前言IEC/ISO foreward(6) 标准名称title(7) 范围scope(8) 引用标准normative reference(9) 术语和定义terms and definitions(10) 定义definition(11) 符号symbol(12) 图型符号graphical symbol(13) 文字符号letter symbol(14) 缩略语abbreviated term / abbreviation(15) 抽样sampling(16) 计数抽样attributed sampling(17) 测试testing(18) 试验test(19) 试验方法test method(20) 试验报告test report(21) 检测实验室testing laboratory(22) 校准实验室calibration laboratory(23) 实验室能力验证laboratory proficiency testing (24) 实验室间比对试验interlaboratory test comparisons (25) 分类classification(26) 标志marking(27) 标签labelling(28) 包装packaging(29) 运输transport(30) 贮存storage(31) 附录annex(32) 标准的附录normative annex(33) 提示的附录informative annex(34) 注note(35) 脚注footnote(36) 表table(37) 图figure(38) 技术制图technical drawing(39) 电路图circuit diagram(40) 参考文献bibliography(41) 索引index(es)。