教师资格证 英语面试试讲模版

教师资格证 英语面试试讲模版
教师资格证 英语面试试讲模版


2、Warming up :热身活动。唱歌曲,说童谣,讲故事,说谜语。

3、Leading in:导入活动。图片、视频、儿歌、游戏、情景导入等




7、Summary :课堂总结。分为教师总结和学生总结。

8、Homework :布置作业。

9、The ending :结束语。说明试讲结束,并向考官致谢!


Good morning , my dear judges. I’m NO….

It’s my great honor to be here to present my lesson.

My topic is----

Now I am about to present my lesson/let's begin our class!


Hello, boys and girls, welcome to my English class, I’m very glad to see you again.

How do you feel today? I am very happy today. what about you?

I f you’re happy , please show me a smiling face , ok?

Wow , so many smiling face , you are so lovely!

Boys and girls, do you remember the morning song we’ve learnt last lesson?

OK, everybody stand up please!

let’s sing the song together. 123go! Well done, sit down, please.



Look at these pictures, what are these pictures about?

Bread, noodles, milk, nice, what about this one? ......(图片导入)


At first, let's enjoy a video clip, and please think

what's the video clip about? // Video is over. What's the video about? Yes, food. What kinds of food. apple, rice, bread, coffee. Well done.(视频导入)


Good morning, boys and girls. How are you?You are great. You feel fabulous. I am great, too. Thanks for asking. Would you like to have an English travel with me?

Good. Let's sing the Food song together. // What kinds of food did we meet in this Food song? Egg, milk, rice, “汉堡包”(新单词) what is it in English? (歌曲导入)


Here are some cards, I'll show them one by one. My dear class, please speak out the words/ phrases loudly and quickly. OK? Nice. Bread, Milk, noodles...

What is it? Look at the picture...... Sandwich, sanwich,


If you are going to have a picnic, what would you like to eat? Bread, apple, rice....Wow, so m any delicious food.










Dear class, now please look at the screen, What does Baymax do?

~Do morning exercises. Read after me!

Do morning exercises!(配合动作) exercises ~Wonderful.

Lucy, read it! Oh, it's exercise!got it? Great!

Lily, please, Yes, Very good.

Jack, please.

Ok, next picture, What does dora do?

It’s...have a breakfast, have a breakfast.(配合动作),we eat bread and milk when we have a breakfast. Read it loudly. Boys!Girls! Wonderful!








Remember our friend Tom and Amy?

Their class went to have a picnic last weekend. And they took a video.

Let’s see what they are doing. Ok?

Ok. What can you see?

You see Tom and Amy? Anything else? Kites?

Yes, we can see many beautiful kites.

Then what did Tom ask Amy? He asked How many kites do you see?”(边板书边读)

What does this sentence mean?

Yes, if you want others to tell you the number of something, you can ask by “How many…can you see?”For example, if you want to know the number of books, you can ask by “How many books can you see?” clear? Good. The n how did Amy answer Tom. Yes, she can see twelve kites. Now, let’s watch this video again and read after it. Nicely done.






OK , Let’s read the words togethe r ,follow me.(领读)

Tom, you please, next one...next one , good ,Boys read after me, Girls read after me. Wonderful. Now boys and girls, let's read them loudly together.






Boys and girls, do you remember the hot potato game we played last lesson ?

Ok ,let's play it once again .Bef ore that I’ll divide you into two groups, you are Group A, and you are Group B. I will give you 2 apple trees, this tree is for Group A, and this tree is for Group B. If you can answer me correctly and quickly, I’ll give your trees one apple,.

Come on ,boys and girls. Let's see which group will be the winner !



1、Fast reaction (快问快答)

Here are some words on the blackboard , when I point to one of them , you should read it out as quickly as possible .

2、Figure games(手指游戏)

I will mark the words on the blackboard with different numbers such as one ,two ,three... and then , when I show one figure you should read the word which is marked one ,when I show two figures you should read the word which is marked two . Then the task will be more difficult , I will show the figures more quickly , and you should response correctly and quickly .

3、Bomb word (炸弹游戏)

Here are four words on the blackboard , one of them is a bomb word ,

when I point to the bomb word , anyone should sit still and keep quite ,

when I point to the other words , you should read it loudly as quickly as possible .

4、I do you guess (我做你猜)

I will do the action , you should guess what am I doing ,you can use the phrase on the blackboard.

5、Touch the words

Here are some words on the blackboard , which word I read ,you should touch the word using your body part as quickly as possible.

6. High and low voice(大小声游戏)

Children, do you know the game “High and low Voice” Great, let’s do it.

If I read this word in high voice, you are supposed to read it in low voice.

If I read this word in high voice, would you please read it in high voice? Let's have a try! ~

7. Bingo(宾果游戏)

Dear kids. Do you know the Bingo game? So, let's do it. Wonderful.

Show me you card, please. Listen to me carefully. eggplant, plate and play.

Wow, Carlos, you are the winner. Congratulations.

Once again, clock, class, play. Oh, Gaby, you are the fastest one. Very good. ...(做三次)


1、High and low voice(高低音)

If I read this sentence in high voice ,you should read it in low voice ,

and if I read it in low voice ,you should read it in high voice .

2、Hot potato (击鼓传花)

I have a rabbit in my hand ,and this is the hot potato ,and I will give it to the first student ,he or she should pass it one by one ,while I will play the music ,when the music stops who gets the rabbit should read the sentence on the blackboard .

3、Whisper (悄悄话)

I will tell the first student a sentence in low voice , and he or she should pass it one by one also in low voice .then the last student in the group should read it out loudly ,we will decide which group gets the number one .

4、Guess the sound :(猜声音)

I will invite a student come in front of us and face to the blackboard ,and then I will ask one of you to read this sentence loudly ,the one standing on the blackboard should guess who read it .

5、Touch and say

Who want to come to the front. I need six people here. Oh, lily, Alice, Carlos, Abbey, Dean, Mike. Thank you. Pay attention what I touch, please. Ready? Go. What would you like to eat?

Wonderful. Once again. I’d like a sandwich. Oh, Lily, sandwich, please go back to your seat. Onc e more. What would you like to drink.


常用巩固活动:(1) role play 角色扮演

(2) make a survey做调查

(3) guessing games猜测游戏

(4) make a dialogue制造新对话

(5) discuss in groups小组合作讨论


Boys and girls ,now let us work in groups, 4 students work together.

Please make a survey and ask your partner , which season does he or she like best ,

then finish the table like this.

The first line is for name , the second line is for season , the third line is for reason.

Finally , I’ll ask some groups to come here and show us,5 minutes for you. Let’s begin.

Time’s up , stop here. Which group want to report?OK,Group A,come here , please.

Xiao Hua likes winter best, because she likes making snowmen. Your pronunciation is perfect, go back to your seat, and any volunteers? Group B, you please.

Lucy, you should pay attention to your pronunciation. OK, go back to your seat.

I think Group A is better, I will give Group A one apple.

Now, let’s have a look, Group A have got 3 apples, Group B has got 2 apples,

Group A is the winner. Congratulations! Group B, don’t be sad, I think you will be better next time.


(1)老师总结:Time is flying, let’s have a summary about what we’ve learnt today, please look at the blackboard, today we’ve learnt the new words spring, summer, autumn, winter and a sentence structure which season do you like best

(2)学生总结(推荐这种):who want to be a little teacher and tell us what we have learnt today

8、作业(1) listen to the tape and read it 3times

(2) read and recite the dialogue

(3) recite the story to your parents in english

(4) practice the dialogue with your friends

(5) make a survey or interview

(6) draw a picture and take it here to share with us next classs

(7) collect some information about.


Today’s homework , the first task , listen to the tape and read after it 3 times.

The second task , talk about the season with your family , then write a passage about your favourite season. OK , so much for today , goodbye , boys and girls.

OK , that’s all , thank you for your listening !
