目 录2011年浙江师范大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2012年浙江师范大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2013年浙江师范大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2011年浙江师范大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解I. Translate the following terms into Chinese. (15 points, 1 point each) 1.Babel【答案】巴别塔2.intralingual translation【答案】语际翻译3.equivalence【答案】对等4.patronage【答案】赞助人5.polysystem【答案】多元系统6.simultaneous interpreting【答案】同声传译7.untranslatability【答案】不可译性8.domesticating strategy【答案】归化策略9.translation norms【答案】翻译规范10.Lawrence Venuti【答案】劳伦斯·韦努蒂11.pseudotranslation【答案】伪译12.SL texts【答案】原文本13.prescriptive approach【答案】规定性方法14.skopos theory【答案】目的论15.deconstruction【答案】解构II. Translate the following terms into English. (15 points, 1 point each) 1.可接受性【答案】acceptability2.改编【答案】adaption3.回译【答案】back-translation4.计算机辅助翻译【答案】CAT(Computer Aided Translation)5.异化【答案】foreignization6.语义翻译【答案】semantic translation7.社群传译【答案】community interpreting8.文化转向【答案】cultural turn9.国际译联【答案】FIT(International Federation of Translators) 10.功能对等【答案】functional equivalence11.不确定性【答案】uncertainty12.联络传译【答案】contact interpretation13.操纵学派【答案】Manipulation School14.显性翻译【答案】explicit translation15.平行语料库【答案】parallel corpusIII. Translate the following passage into Chinese. (60 points)The Big Bull Market was dead. Billions of dollars’ worth of profits and paper profits had disappeared. The grocer, the window-cleaner and the seamstress had lost their capital. In every town there were families which had suddenly dropped from showy affluence into debt. Investors who had dreamed of retiring to live on their fortunes now found themselves back once more at the very beginning of the long road to riches. Day by day the newspapers printed the grim report of suicides.Coolidge-Hoover Prosperity was not yet dead, but it was dying. Under the impact of shock of panic, a multitude of ills which hitherto had passed unnoticed or had been offset by stock-market optimism began to beset the body economic, as poisons seep through the human system when a vital organ has ceased to function normally. Although the liquidation of nearly 3 billion dollars of brokers’ loans contracted credit, and Reserve Banks lowered the rediscount rate, and the way in which the larger banks and corporations of the country had survived the emergency without a single failure of large proportions offered real encouragement, nevertheless the poisons were there: over production of capital; over-ambitious expansion of business concerns; overproduction of commodities under the stimulus of installment buying and buying with stock-market profits; the maintenance of an artificial price level for many commodities; the depressed condition of European trade. No matter how many soothsayers of high finance proclaimed that all was well, no matter how earnestly the president set to work to repair the damage with soft words and White House conferences, a major depression was inevitably under way.【参考译文】大牛市崩盘了。
2011年聊城大学外国语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解Ⅰ. Translate the following into Chinese. (one point each, 15 points) 1. Reuters【答案】路透社2. Memorandum of Understanding【答案】谅解备忘录3. force majeure【答案】不可抗力4. RSVP【答案】请回复5. First National City Bank【答案】第一国民城市银行6. transferable L/C【答案】可转让信用证7. letter of intent【答案】意向书8. F.O.B【答案】装运港船上交货(Free On Board)9. to restore the reclaimed land to forest 【答案】退耕还林10. bus girl【答案】餐馆女杂工11. Adam’s apple【答案】喉结12. police society【答案】上流社会13. Electoral College【答案】总统选举团14. the fifth wheel【答案】多余的人或物15. Dutch treatment【答案】AA制Ⅱ. Translate the following in English. (one point each, 15 points)1. 求职书【答案】an application letter2. 送货上门【答案】door-to-door delivery service3. 搬迁户【答案】relocated family4. “863”计划【答案】National High-Tech Research and Development Program of China (863 Program)5. 温饱问题【答案】food and clothing problem6. 股份有限公司【答案】the limited liability company7. 劳务合同【答案】contract for labor service8. 个人用品【答案】personal items9. 按劳分配【答案】distribution on the basis of labor10. 君主立宪制【答案】constitutional monarchy11. 对牛弹琴【答案】talk to a brick wall/cast pearl before swine12. 对口支援【答案】partner assistance13. 春运【答案】(passenger)transport during the Spring Festival period/spring rush14. 个人所得税【答案】personal income tax15. “豆腐渣”工程【答案】jerry-built projectsⅢ. Translate the following passage into Chinese. (60 points)When I made my first trip to China in 1972, Premier Chou Enlai and I shook hands as I came off the airplane. That handshake began a new era in relations between China and the United States. Later, Chou said to me, “your handshake came over the vastest distance in the world—twenty-five years of no communications.”What brought us together, across that vast sea of no communication? On the American side, some people assumed that my primary interest in a new relationship with China was because of the Soviet threat and because I hoped to get help to bring the war in Vietnam to an end. This is not true. While common perception of a common danger was what made the new relationship possible at that time, it was not the dominant reason for seeking a new relationship. That reason went deeper. And because the reason was more fundamental, the relationship can be more long-lasting.It is a rule among nations that fear can hold alliances together in the short run. The main reason I sought the new relationship was not what I saw when I looked around me at the world of the 1970s. Rather, it was what I saw when I looked ahead to the world of the 21st century.The United States is a military superpower and the world’s richest nation. China is the world’s most populous nation with a billion people who are potentially among the ablest and most productive in the world. It has a great tradition. It has huge resources. It was enormous strength of will and spirit. In the 21st century, I believe that the relationship between China and the United States can be the most important relationship in the world.【参考译文】1972年当我首次访问中国的时候,一走下飞机,周恩来总理和我握手,这次握手开辟了中美关系的新纪元,后来周对我说,“你的握手跨过了世界上最遥远的距离——跨过了没有交流的25年”。
燕山大学考研英语-翻译专项试题一、考研英语翻译英译汉1. As you have done the market survey, I would like to discuss with you the possibility of selling our products in the US.A) 因为美国产品有市场,所以我们要研究开发我们产品的可能性。
B) 因为你有市场资料,所以我希望与你讨论美国产品的销售情况。
C) 你已经作了市场调查,所以我想和你讨论在美国销售我们产品的可能性。
D) 你已了解了市场,因此我希望能与你商讨在美国开发我们产品的可能性。
【答案】C2. With all its disadvantages, the new design they have submitted should still be considered as one of the best at present.A) 尽管他们提交的这个新设计有种种不足,但仍应视为目前最佳设计之一。
B) 尽管有许多不利因素,他们做出的新设计仍然被视为目前最佳设计之一。
C) 如果没有这些缺陷,他们的新设计就应该被视为迄今为止最佳的一种设计。
D) 如果没有这么多不利因素,他们的新设计就应该作为目前最佳的一个方案。
【答案】A3. Women would double their risk of suffering from lung cancer if they were exposed to 40 or more years of household tobacco smoke.A) 妇女在家里吸烟长达410年或更长时间,她们患肺癌的痛苦就会加倍。
B) 家庭妇女接触油烟,她们患肺癌的痛苦就会加倍。
C) 妇女在家里吸烟的时间,她们患肺癌的危险就会加倍。
D) 妇女在吸烟的家庭环境中生活40年或更长时间,她们患肺癌的风险就会加倍。
目 录2010年大连外国语大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2011年大连外国语大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2012年大连外国语大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2010年大连外国语大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解一、将下列短语译成汉语(1)UNDP: United Nations Development Program【答案】联合国开发计划署(2)TMD: theater missile defense (system)【答案】战区导弹防御(系统)(3)OTC: Over the Counter【答案】非处方(药)(4)IMF【答案】国际货币基金组织(5)NASA: National Aeronautics and Space Administration 【答案】美国国家航空和宇宙航行局(6)GPS Global Position System【答案】全球定位系统(7)cruise missile【答案】巡航导弹(8)irrevocable letter of credit【答案】不可撤销信用证(9)critical pressure【答案】临界电压(10)insulating board【答案】绝缘板(11)refugee camp【答案】难民营(12)intellectual property right【答案】知识产权(13)notary public office【答案】公证处(14)financial deficit【答案】财政赤字(15)Reuters【答案】(英国)路透社二、将下列短语译成英语(1)多次入境签证【答案】Multiple entry visa(2)反导弹卫星【答案】Anti missile satellite(3)国际标准化组织【答案】international organization for standardization (4)对外经济贸易委员会【答案】Foreign economy and Trade Committee(5)中国民航【答案】Civil Aviation Administration of China; CAAC (6)臭氧层【答案】ozone layer(7)跳台跳水【答案】platform diving(8)载人宇宙飞船【答案】manned spaceship(9)候机大厅【答案】The lobby of the airport(10)国务院【答案】the Sate Council(11)(美国)联邦储备委员会【答案】Federal Reserve Board(12)联合国儿童基金会【答案】UNICEF(13)物联网【答案】Internet of things(14)核心利益和重大关切【答案】Core interests and major concerns(15)中国远洋运输总公司【答案】China Ocean Shipping Company三、将下列短文译成汉语PASSAGE 1The Obama administration on Monday plans to announce a campaign to pressure mortgage companies to reduce payments for many more troubled homeowners, as evidence mounts that a $75 billion taxpayer-financed effort aimed at stemming foreclosures is foundering.“The banks are not doing a good enough job,” Michael S. Barr, Treasury’s assistant secretary for financial institutions, said in an interview Friday.“Some of the firms ought to be embarrassed, and they will be.”(选自《纽约时报》)【参考译文】奥巴马政府计划在周一宣布一项给抵押放款公司施压使其减少对更多的陷入困境的私房所有者放贷的运动。
2011年河北大学外国语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解I.Directions:Translate the following15words,abbreviations or terminology into Chinese,with one point for each.(15’)1.CIO【答案】首席信息官2.GNP【答案】国民生产总值3.ISO【答案】国际标准化组织4.NATO【答案】北大西洋公约组织5.WHO【答案】世界卫生组织6.New York Stock Exchange【答案】纽约证券交易所7.NASDAQ Composite Index 【答案】纳斯达克综合指数8.bubble economy【答案】泡沫经济9.credit rating【答案】信用等级评定10.ecosystem【答案】生态系统11.free trade zone【答案】自由贸易区12.market share【答案】市场份额13.monetary policy【答案】货币政策14.public hearing【答案】公开听证会15.vicious circle【答案】恶性循环II Directions:Translate the following15words or terminology into English,with one point for each.(15’)1.全球变暖【答案】global warming2.自然遗产【答案】natural heritage3.平等互利【答案】equality and mutual benefit4.科学发展观【答案】scientific outlook on development5.教育部【答案】Ministry of Education十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台圣才电子书6.希望工程【答案】hope project7.国际社会【答案】international community8.信息技术【答案】information and technology9.知识产权【答案】intellectual property right10.中央银行【答案】Central Bank11.国企【答案】state-owned enterprise12.宏观调控【答案】macroeconomic control13.生产力【答案】productivity14.传销【答案】pyramid selling15.通货膨胀【答案】inflationIII.Directions:Translate the following English text into Chinese.(60’) Sept11delivered both a shock and a surprise--the attack,and our response to it--and we can argue forever over which mattered more.There has been so much talk of the goodness that erupted that day that we forget how unprepared we were for it.We did not expect much from a generation that had spent its middle age examining all the ways it failed to measure up to the one that had come before-all fat;no muscle,less a beacon to the world than a bully,drunk on blessings taken for granted.It was tempting to say that Sept.11changed all that,just as it is tempting to say that every hero needs a villain,and goodness needs evil as its grinding stone. But try looking a widow in the eye and talking about all the good that has come of this.It may not be a coincidence,but neither is it a partnership:good does not need evil,we owe no debt to demons,and the attack did not make us better.It was an occasion to discover what we already were,“Maybe the purpose of all-this,”NewYork City Mayor Rudy Giuliani said at a funeral for a friend,“is to find out if America today is as strong as when we fought for our independence or when we fought for ourselves as a Union to end slavery or as strong as our others and grandfathers who fought to rid the world of Nazism.”The terrorists,he argues,were counting on our cowardice.They’ve learned a lot about us since then.And so have we.(273 words)【参考译文】“9·11”事件既令人震惊,也令人意外。
2011年北京外国语大学357英语翻译基础真题及详解I. Translate the following terms into Chinese (15 points, 1 point each):1. APEC【答案】亚太经济合作组织2. PPI【答案】生产者价格指数3. POS machines【答案】电子收款机4. chartered plane【答案】专机5. makeshift hospital【答案】临时医院6. down-payment requirement【答案】首付款7. bailout money【答案】救助资金8. domestic abuse【答案】家庭暴力9. home appliances【答案】家电10. quantitative easing 【答案】定量宽松11. Big Bang【答案】宇宙大爆炸12. House of Commons 【答案】下议院13. Cantonese Opera 【答案】粤剧14. product placement ads 【答案】产品置入广告15. deposit reserve requirement ratio【答案】存款准备金率II. Translate the following terms into English (15 points, 1 point each): 1. 经济刺激方案【答案】Economic Stimulus Package2. 包容性增长【答案】inclusive growth3. 落地签证【答案】on-site visa4. 黑帮【答案】the Mafia5. 二房东【答案】Sub-landlord6. 紧凑型轿车【答案】Compact cars7. 潜规则【答案】hidden rule8. 留守儿童【答案】stay-at-home children9. 良性循环【答案】virtuous cycle10. 无党派人士【答案】non-party personage11. 下半旗致哀【答案】Half-mast12. 玩忽职守【答案】dereliction of duty13. 拆迁费【答案】relocation compensation14. 贫富两极分化【答案】polarization between the rich and the poor15. 厨房重地,闲人免进【答案】The kitchen, staff onlyIII. Translate the following passages into Chinese (60 points):1. The Dead Sea, shared by Israel and Jordan, is the lowest spot on Earth. Its shoreline is about 400 meters below sea level. As the world’s saltiest large body of water, averaging a salt content 6 times higher than that of any ocean, the Dead Sea supports no life. With no outlet, the water that flows into the Dead Sea evaporates in the hot, arid air, leaving the minerals. The Jordan River is the chief source of the incoming water, but since the 1960s much of its water has been diverted for irrigation. Its length has already shrunk by more than a third, and, while the sea will never entirely disappear due to evaporation slowing down as surface area decreases and saltiness increases, the Dead Sea as we know it could become a thing of the past.【参考译文】位于以色列和约旦边境的死海是地球上的海拔最低点。
2011年西南大学外国语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解I.Phrase Translation1.Translate the following English terms or phrases into Chinese(15points) (1)population census【答案】人口普查(2)cyber opinion【答案】网络舆论(3)marital autonomy【答案】婚姻自主权(4)global economic imbalances【答案】全球经济失衡(5)scientific literacy【答案】科学素养(6)paternity test【答案】亲子鉴定(7)opening game【答案】揭幕战(8)defending champion【答案】卫冕冠军(9)UN climate change conference【答案】联合国气候变化大会(10)Six-Party talks【答案】六方会谈(11)Asian Para Games【答案】亚洲残疾人运动会(12)ECFA【答案】两岸经济合作架构协议(Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement)(13)WHO【答案】世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)(14)ISO【答案】国际标准化组织(International Standard Organization)(15)PICC【答案】中国人民财产保险股份有限公司(People's Insurance Company of China)2.Translate the following Chinese terms or phrases into English(15points) (16)弱势群体【答案】vulnerable groups(17)城市竞争力【答案】urban competitiveness(18)房产税【答案】housing property tax(19)合同违约【答案】breach of contract(20)现场招聘【答案】on-site recruiting(21)廉租房【答案】low-rent housing(22)流动人口【答案】migrant population(23)社会保障体系【答案】social security system(24)贫富差距【答案】economic inequality(25)基本国情【答案】fundamental realities of the country(26)低碳经济【答案】low carbon economy(27)个人财产申报【答案】personal asset declaration(28)产业结构调整【答案】industrial restructuring(29)孔子学院【答案】Confucius Institute(30)清明节【答案】Tomb-sweeping DayII.Passage Translation1.Translate the following passage into Chinese(60points)Intelligent life on a planet comes of age when it first works out the reason for its own existence.If superior creatures from space ever visit earth,the first question they will ask,hi order to assess the level of our civilization,is:“Have they discovered evolution yet?”Living organisms had existed on earth,without ever knowing why,for over three thousand million years before the truth finally dawned on one of them.His name was Charles Darwin.To be fair,others had had inklings of the truth,but it was Darwin who first put together a coherent and tenable account of why we exist.Darwin made it possible for us to give a sensible answer to the curious child whose question heads this chapter.We no longer have to resort to superstition when faced with the deep problems:Is there a meaning to life?What are we for?What is man?After posing the last of these questions,the eminent zoologist G.G.Simpson put it thus:“The point I want to make now is that all attempts to answer that question before1859are worthless and that we will bebetter off if we ignore them completely.”Today the theory of evolution is about as much open to doubt as the theory that the earth goes round the sun,but the full implications of Darwin’s revolution have yet to be widely realized.Zoology is still a minority subject in universities,and even those who choose to study it often make their decision without appreciating its profound philosophical significance.Philosophy and the subjects known as “humanities”are still taught almost as if Darwin had never lived.No doubt this will change in time.In any case,this book is not intended as a general advocacy of Darwinism.Instead,it will explore the consequences of the evolution theory for a particular issue.My purpose is to examine the biology of selfishness and altruism.Apart from its academic interest,the human importance of this subject is obvious.It touches every aspect of our social lives,our loving and hating,fighting and cooperating,giving and stealing,our greed and our generosity.These claims could have been made by numerous books before,however their authors got it totally and utterly wrong.They got it wrong because they misunderstood how evolution works.They made the erroneous assumption that the important thing in evolution is the good of the species(or the group)rather than the good of the individual(or the gene).【参考译文】当行星上的智慧生物开始思索自身存在的道理时,他才算成熟。
2011年湖南大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解一、英汉词条互译1. 基础设施【答案】infrastructure2. 低保【答案】Minimum Living Standard3. 低碳经济【答案】low-carbon economy4. 人均收入【答案】average per capita income5. 节能减排【答案】energy saving and emission reduction; energy conservation and emission reduction6. 法治社会【答案】society governed by law; society ruled by law7. 赈灾扶贫【答案】Poverty and Disaster Relief; poverty alleviation and Disaster Relief8. 兴国【答案】national rejuvenation through science and education9. 知识密集型产业【答案】knowledge-intensive industry10. 信用风险防范机制【答案】prevention mechanism against credit risk11. 国际核不扩散体系【答案】the international nuclear non-proliferation regime/system12. 中东和平进程【答案】the Middle East peace process13. 世界多极化【答案】world multi-polarization; the multi-polar world14. 国家主权和领土完整【答案】national sovereignty and territorial integrity15. 农副产品加工【答案】agricultural and sideline product processing16. disposal income【答案】可支配收入17. value-added tax【答案】增殖税18. sunrise industry【答案】朝阳产业19. brain drain【答案】人才流失20. weapon of mass destruction【答案】大规模杀伤性武器21. vulnerable group【答案】弱势群体22. global warming【答案】全球变暖23. transfer of intangible assets【答案】无形资产转让24. wholesale and retail businesses【答案】批发和零售业务25. GDP【答案】国内生产总值(Gross Domestic Product)26. ASEAN【答案】东南亚国家联盟(Association of South East Asian Nations;东盟27. renewable energy【答案】可再生能源28. migrant rural laborers【答案】农民工29. international practice【答案】国际惯例30. good-neighborly and friendly cooperation【答案】睦邻友好合作(关系.二、篇章翻译Section A English to ChineseEvery year, Fortune magazine celebrates women in the top echelons of corporate America by publishing a list of the 50 Most Powerful Women in Business. Their titles are impressive-CEO, chairman, president-and photos portray them as polished and confident. What an inspiration they could be to the young women following them!But what if those young women don’t aspire to a corner office? A week after the Fortune list appeared on newsstands, a major national study of teenagers revealed a surprising finding: while 97 percent of girls polled expect to work to support themselves or their families, only 9 percent want careers in business. Among boys, the figure is 15 percent.But why do girls shy away from business? The number of women applying to business schools has dropped off. By contrast, women make up half the students in medical and law schools.Unlike boys in the study, who say they want to earn a lot of money, girls place great importance on helping others and improving society. But they don’t see connections between those goals and business, which they equate with finance and numbers. And they’re less c onfident than boys about their business-related skills.Teen girls also place a high value on having enough time to spend with family and friends. In describing business, Professor Wilson says, “they used many images involving stress-images about dads having to make conference calls on vacation, and moms always being tired when they got home, or complaining about their bad bosses.”As it happens, mothers are the primary source of career advice for daughters. But parents' goals are often less well defined for girls than for boys.Wilson calls the lack of women at the top “alarming”, adding that the study doesn’t offer a lot of hope that future generations will swell the ranks of women in leadership positions.【参考译文】每年,《财富》杂志都会发布一份商界最具影响力的50位女性的榜单来祝贺美国企业界的女性。
from Chinese to English, within 60 minutes.
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I. Directions:Translate the following words, abbreviations or terminology into their target language respectively. There are altogether 30 items in this part of the test, 15 in English and 15 in Chinese, with one point for each. (30 points)
【答案】联合国粮食及农业组织(United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization)
2. UPI
【答案】合众国际社(United Press International)
3. IOC
【答案】国际奥林匹克委员会(International Olympic Committee)
4. CIA
【答案】中央情报局(Central Intelligence Agency)
【答案】联合国大会(the United Nations General Assembly)
6. GDP
【答案】国内生产总值(Gross Domestic Product)
7. WHO
【答案】世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)
8. Federal Reserve System
9. aging society
10. trade deficit
11. junk bond
12. the United States Secretary of Labor
13. the Engel’s Coefficient
14. Boxing Day
15. La Nina phenomenon
16. 公务员
【答案】civil servant
17. 恶性循环
【答案】vicious circle
18. 安定团结
【答案】stability and unity
19. 综合国力
【答案】Comprehensive National Power
20. 流行文化
【答案】popular culture
21. 旅游黄金周
【答案】golden week for tourism
22. 天道酬勤
【答案】God help those who help themselves.
23. 经济全球化
【答案】economic globalization
24. 资源配置
【答案】allocation of resources
25. 《中庸》
【答案】The Doctrine of Mean
26. 扬长避短
【答案】to enhance advantage and avoid disadvantage
27. 外向型经济
【答案】export-oriented economy
28. 科学发展观
【答案】scientific development concept
29. 和为贵
【答案】Harmony is to be prized.
30. 留得靑山在,不怕没柴烧。
【答案】Where there is life, there is hope.
II. Directions:Translate the following two source texts into their target language respectively. If the source text is in English, its target language is Chinese. If the source text is in Chinese, its target language is English (120 points).
1. The Earth is full! Four billion people have crammed into every desirable and fruitful area and have spilled over into all the barren and inhospitable areas. Under the pressure of the fullness, the wilderness is disappearing, competing plants and animals are dying out; the weather is changing and the soil is failing. And yet there is perhaps an even more fundamental danger to humanity in the Earth’s fullness than is represented by any sort of physical deterioration. Humanity began as a thin cluster of primitive hominids in East Africa about four million years ago. About two million years ago, the first hominids appeared who were sufficiently close in structure to the human being to be placed into genus Homo. It was not until 150,000 years ago that the hominids brain developed to a size sufficient to produce the first organisms we can classify as Homo sapiens, and it was only 50,000 years
ago that “modem man,” Homo sapiens, made his appearance on the Earth.
His increase in range was slow indeed. It was not till 30,000 years ago that human beings began to enter Australia and the American continents, and even as late as 300 years ago, those continents were but thinly occupied.
Then came the Industrial Revolution and the Earth filled with what was, on the evolutionary scale, an explosion. In a couple of centuries, the world population quintupled from 0.8 billion to 4.2 billion, and now Earth bears all the human load it can manage and, in many places, somewhat more than it can manage.
Consider, then, that we and our hominid ancestors evolved on an essentially empty Earth. There was always the possibility, during times of stress, that one might pick up as much of one’s belongings as one could carry and travel to the other side of the hill,where conditions might be better, where a new life might be built and where a new chance might be taken. (322 words)
【Key words】
genus Homo 人属;人类
Homo Sapiens智人(现代人的学名)