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【关键词】肝硬化顽固性腹水腹水自体回输治疗血透装置how to treat the cirrhosis refractory ascites by the method of ascites concentration of autologous transfusion through hemodialyzer

by yang yongzheng

【abstract】purpose: in this essay, the curative effect on how to treat the cirrhosis patients who suffer from refractory ascites by the method of ascites concentration of autologous transfusion is mainly discussed. method: 48

cirrhosis patients have been treated 142 times by the method of ascites concentration of autologous transfusion. result: there’s no obvious effect on the electrolyte before or after the ultrafiltration of ascites. after the treatment, the clinical symptom of the patients are bettered obviously. the thickness of the albumin, total protein in the patients’blood has been improved a lot after the treatment. the difference is obvious (p>0.01), 36 of the 48 patients’curative effect is obvious ( about 75%), 10 of the 48 patients’curative effect is effective(about 20.8%), and only two patient is no effect(4.2%). in general, about 95.8% of the patients who have been treated by this method is effective. conclusion:the curative effect on how to treat the cirrhosis patients who suffer from refractory ascites by the method of ascites concentration of autologous transfusion is positive and there is a little negative effect. what’s more the method is simple and feasible. and best of all, the patients just pay less money for it. therefore, this method can be generally adopted in clinic.

【key words】cirrhosis; refractory ascites;ascites concentration of autologous transfusion; treatment; hemodialyzer.



1 资料与方法

1.1 临床资料. 48例均为肝硬化并大量顽固性腹水患者,临床诊断均符合2000年修订的病毒性肝炎防治方案的诊断标准,其中男性25例,女性23例,年龄40~70岁岁,本组病例腹水持续时间3个月以上,经过限水、限钠、利尿、补充白蛋白和放腹水等常规治疗效果欠佳。病例均无心脏疾病.重度黄疸、肝昏迷先兆、腹水感染及近期消化出血。

1.2 材料与方法. 应用血液透析器。患者术前常规行b超了解平卧时肝脏、脾脏位置及腹水水平,以确保穿刺的安全性和有效性。患者取平卧位,以脐与左髂前上棘中外1/3处为第1穿刺点,用14号多个侧孔的针头避开血管迷路进针刺入腹腔,作为输出端,随后以脐平线右侧2 cm做第2穿刺点,用14号单孔的针头避开血管迷路进针刺入腹腔,作为回输端。然后将两个穿刺针分别与血液透析器连接,开机后常规抽液4000~6000ml,在病人能赖受的情况下尽可能多抽,抽取的腹水按8~10倍超滤回输, 超滤为300~600ml回输入腹腔。术毕拔出穿刺针,腹带加压包扎腹部。整个操作过程为闭路
