海康录像机最常的问题解答和处理⽅法⼀· 数据库修复咨询录像机从NVR3.0版本升级到NVR4.0lite界⾯后,录像回放出现检索异常,本地接显⽰器预览出现卡顿以及回放卡顿等情况(升级之前是正常的)。
⼆ · 平台接⼊(Ehome协议/GB28181协议)咨询录像机对接平台设置Ehome协议/GB28181协议,但是找不到它在哪⾥。
三 · 通道激活添加咨询⼀台刚刚启动的录像机,在进⼊录像机通道管理界⾯,发现找不到新接好的摄像机,导致画⾯⽆法正常预览。
四 · 预置点/巡航以及云台配置咨询在录像机的通道管理界⾯找不到云台配置。
解答1). 进⼊“预览”界⾯,⿏标右键点击“云台控制”。
2). 点击“预置点”,设置预置点。
海康威视客户端4.01使用配置相关注意事项1.安装客户端软件选择单机版还是网络版?目前4. 01客户端分成2个版本,分别是单机版和网络版。
用户必须具备相应的操作权限,否则无法操作,同时系统会出现以下提示框:1.1 开机提醒:请确认接入的交流电压与硬盘录像机的要求相匹配,并保证硬盘录像机电源插座中间接地端接地良好。
在开机前请确保有一台监视器与后面板上的VOUT 口相连接,或有一台显示器与后面板上的VGA口相连接,否则开机后将无法看到人机交互的任何提示,也无法操作菜单。
键盘的使用键盘通电后,按地址+编号(从右边起一次为1. 2. 3)选择要操作的录像机,然后确认,就可以对选择的录像机进行相关操作。
1.2 登录及修改用户名密码提醒:设备出厂时只有一个用户名admin,缺省的密码为12345,第一次登录时使用此密码。
海康威视硬盘录像机常见问题解决方式海康威视系列硬盘录像机常用设置与操作1. 如何使用遥控?对准DVR面板,在遥控器上操作A、按设备键B、输入设备号88(默认设备号为88,可在主菜单-本地显示进行修改)C、按确认键如果遥控器配置成功,硬盘录像机前面板上的状态灯变为绿色。
每次DVR 重新上电后,遥控器需再次配置方可使用。
2. 为什么新机器开机后会有“嘀-嘀-嘀-嘀嘀”的声音,如何清除?原因:1:机器没有装硬盘;2:机器装了硬盘但没有进行格式化;3:硬盘坏。
3. 如何设置7×24小时自动录像?①进入主菜单-录像设置,选择录像通道,在开启录像选项后打“√”;②进入设置,在全天录像选项后打“√”设置录像类型为定时;③将复制该设置至:星期一中的星期一改成全部,点击复制,确定复制成功;④点击确定保存设置,并退出设置到录像设置界面。
4. 如何设置录像参数,如何计算录像文件大小?常用的录像参数有码流类型、分辨率、视频帧率、位率上限和位率类型,使用中根据设备功能选定支持的码流类型与合适的分辨率(详见“各类型的对比”);视频帧率一般为全帧率;位率类型有:定码流:按照设定的位率上限值进行压缩存储。
使用中根据所选择的分辨率来选择适当的位率大小:分辨率位率上限CIF 384K~768KbpsDCIF 512K~1Mbps4CIF 768K~2Mbps下表是在定码率下常见位率一个通道一个小时录像文件的大小。
海康威视ATM专用硬盘录像机操作使用说明一、面板按键说明二、回放1 按时间回放说明按录像生成的时间进行回放。
回放工具栏说明2 按通道回放说明在预览界面,播放预览通道的录像文件。
提醒:回放的录像为通道5 分钟内的录像文件。
提醒:回放的录像为通道5 分钟内的录像文件。
设备CVBS 输出制式默认为PAL,若视频输入制式为NTSC,则设备启动会触发声音警告,请在“通用配置”的“基本配置”界面(路径:主菜单→配置管理→通用配置)将“CVBS 输出制式”更改为NTSC 即可。
海康设备常见问题解答⽬录1 产品选购 (4)1.1 关于型号 (4)1.1.1 嵌⼊式DVR有⼏种类型? (4)1.1.2 各类型之间有什么差异? (4)1.1.3 各类型有哪些标配型号? (4)1.2 其它 (4)1.2.1 视频、⾳频压缩标准是什么? (5)1.2.2 嵌⼊式DVR采⽤什么芯⽚? (5)1.2.3 嵌⼊式DVR⽤什么操作系统? (5)1.2.4 与ME系列有什么不同? (5)1.2.5 各编码格式分辨率 (5)1.2.6 对⼯作环境有什么要求? (5)1.2.7 跟PC-DVR有什么不同? (5)2 ⾯板和遥控器 (6)2.1 有关设备⾯板指⽰灯的问题 (6)2.1.1 通道状态灯 (6)2.1.2 就绪/READY (6)2.1.3 状态/ STATUS (6)2.1.4 硬盘/HDD (6)2.1.5 报警/ALARM (6)2.1.6 ⽹络/LINK (6)2.1.7 Tx/Rx (6)2.1.8 为什么开机后就绪/READY灯不亮,电源灯亮且按键有声⾳? (6) 2.2 有关遥控器使⽤的问题 (6)2.2.1 为什么遥控器不受控? (6)2.2.2 为什么操作遥控器时监视器没有反应? (6)3 硬盘与电源 (7)3.1 有关硬盘的问题 (7)3.1.1 怎样安装硬盘? (7)3.1.2 怎样格式化硬盘? (7)3.1.3 为什么新买的机器开机后会有“嘀-嘀-嘀-嘀嘀”的声⾳警告? (7)3.1.6 DVR装满硬盘后散热是否有问题? (7)3.1.7 测试过的硬盘型号 (7)3.2 有关电源的问题 (8)3.2.1 DVR采⽤什么电源? (8)3.2.2 电源功率是多少? (8)3.2.3 是否可以采⽤直流电源? (8)3.2.4 DVR装满硬盘后电源功率是否⾜够? (8)3.2.5 为什么断电后重新上电DVR不会⾃动启动? (8)3.2.6 为什么接通电源后,⾯板“POWER”灯亮且为绿⾊,但是机箱风扇不转? (8)3.2.7 为什么为什么接通电源后,⾯板“POWER”灯亮且为绿⾊,但是⾯板其余指⽰灯⽴刻全部亮起,且机箱风扇不转? (8)4 录像、回放和备份 (9)4.1 录像⽂件⼤⼩ (9)4.1.1 常⽤码流下的录像⽂件⼤⼩ (9)4.1.2 怎么计算录像⽂件⼤⼩? (9)4.2 本地录像 (9)4.2.1 需要设置哪些录像参数?怎么操作? (9)4.2.2 怎样设置⼿动录像? (9)4.2.3 怎样设置⾃动录像? (9)4.2.4 怎样设置录像时间表及需要注意哪些问题? (9)4.2.5 怎样设置移动侦测录像? (10)4.2.6 移动侦测区域怎样设置? (10)4.2.7 为什么设置了移动侦测后没有录像? (11)4.2.8 怎样设置报警录像? (11)4.2.10 为什么录像⼀段时间后停⽌了录像? (11)4.2.11 (11)4.2.12 设备录像时通道指⽰灯颜⾊定义 (11)4.3 回放 (11)4.3.1 怎样进⼊/退出回放操作? (11)4.3.2 回放有⼏种⽅式? (12)4.3.3 怎样进⾏时间检索,按⽂件播放? (12)4.3.4 怎样让多个⽂件按时间连续连续回放? (12)4.3.5 怎样进⾏卡号检索,按⽂件播放? (12)4.3.6 怎样进⾏两路同时回放? (12)4.3.8 回放画⾯下⽅的蓝⾊提⽰条有什么含义? (13)4.3.9 回放界⾯中的‘卡号’是什么含义? (13)4.3.10 为什么设备录像⽂件的索引时间不对? (13)4.3.11 为什么倍速回放时回放跟实际倍速有差异? (13) 4.4 录像⽂件备份 (13)4.4.1 ⽬前⽀持哪⼏种备份⽅式? (13)4.4.2 ⽬前⽀持哪⼏种备份设备? (13)4.4.3 怎样进⾏本地备份操作? (13)4.4.4 怎样备份指定条件的录像⽂件? (13)4.4.5 怎样进⾏视频剪辑备份? (13)4.4.6 怎样播放备份的录像资料? (14)4.4.7 为什么在备份时弹出“没有连接复制设备”提⽰框? (14) 4.4.8 测试过⽀持备份的 U盘型号 (14)4.4.9 测试过⽀持备份的 USB硬盘型号 (14)4.4.10 测试过⽀持备份的 USB刻录机型号 (14)4.4.11 测试过⽀持备份的 IDE刻录机型号 (14)4.4.12 不⽀持的备份设备型号 (15)4 ⽹络 (16)4.1 ⽹络硬件 (16)4.1.1 怎样连接⽹络? (16)4.1.2 怎样制作⽹线? (16)4.1.3 (16)4.1.4 (16)4.2 ⽹络参数设置 (16)4.2.1 需要设置哪些⽹络参数? (16)4.2.1 怎样修改IP地址? (16)4.2.2 http端⼝ (16)4.2.3 怎样使⽤PPPoE拨号? (16)4.2.4 怎样在PPPoE⽤户名中输⼊字符和其它符号? (17) 4.2.5 怎样修改⼦⽹掩码? (17)4.2.6 怎样设置多播? (17)4.2.7 (17)4.2.8 (17)4.2.9 (17)4.2.11 为什么⽹络预览时只能看⼏路图像? (17)4.2.12 为......................................................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
海康威视客户端4.01使用配置相关注意事项1.安装客户端软件选择单机版还是网络版目前4.01客户端分成2个版本;分别是单机版和网络版..单机版即以前的互相独立的分控模式;每个安装客户端的分控点分别独立的对设备进行操作;客户端之间并不进行数据的交互..网络版客户端适用于集中监控的模式;由网络版服务器端和若干网络版客户端构成一个系统的整体;由服务器端统一进行用户的权限配置和设备的添加管理..网络客户端只能按照服务器端给配置的网络用户来登录服务器获取设备信息..因此;网络版的使用是一个整体;必须有服务器端的运行才能保证系统的使用;更适合与集中监控的模式;单独网络版的客户端无法正常运行..在较小的监控系统下;可以直接使用单机版客户端..2.安装的时候选择MD卡还是D卡此时选择MD卡和D卡的版本是指对解码卡的支持;由PC里解码卡的型号来决定..如果采用DS-4002/4MD卡;则需要选择MD卡版本;如果为D卡;则要选择D卡版本客户端..若没有安装解码卡;则2个版本都可以使用;安装MD卡版本即可..3.客户端的登录客户端首次使用;单机版和网络版服务器会提示注册一个超级用户;可自定义用户名和密码..网络版服务器登录的时候服务器地址为当前PC地址;网络版客户端使用网络版服务器分配的用户登录的时候;服务器地址为网络版服务器PC的地址;客户端地址为本机PC地址..4.客户端使用的初始配置客户端端首次使用的时候;都必须将设备添加到列表中才能进行预览、配置、回放等操作..首先点配置;默认来到设备管理界面;此时中间有2个大的白色矩形框..在左边边框中右键点击“创建根节点”;在弹出的对话框中区域名可自定义..右键点击刚添加的根节点;选择“添加设备”;在弹出的对话框中填入设备的IP地址;用户名和密码;修改下通道数;在自定义下设备名称即可..如果使用域名访问;此时将注册模式修改为“普通域名解析”;在填入申请的域名;其余操作可不变..说明:要保证此时设备的网络配置正常;可以ping到该设备的IP地址;并且设备的用户名和密码要填写正确;设备默认用户名:admin;密码;12345..否则会出现“由于网络原因或DVR忙;注册失败”的错误..5.流媒体服务器的下载和使用流媒体服务器的下载地址和客户端4.01放在一起;点击客户端4.01的下载就可以找到..利用流媒体服务器进行转发的时候;需要客户端4.01的配合使用..首先;在转发的PC或服务器上安装运行流媒体服务器软件;可简单配置下最大转发路数等信息..在需要使用的客户端上右键点击根节点选择“添加流媒体服务器”;填入运行流媒体软件的服务器或PC的IP地址;端口号即可..说明:在使用流媒体服务器转发的情况下;每台客户端都必须要添加流媒体服务器..使用IE访问的时候没有转发的效果..海康威视硬盘录像机常见问题解决方式海康威视系列硬盘录像机常用设置与操作1. 如何使用遥控对准DVR面板;在遥控器上操作A、按设备键B、输入设备号88默认设备号为88;可在主菜单-本地显示进行修改C、按确认键如果遥控器配置成功;硬盘录像机前面板上的状态灯变为绿色..再次按下设备键;停止遥控控制..每次DVR重新上电后;遥控器需再次配置方可使用..2. 为什么新机器开机后会有“嘀-嘀-嘀-嘀嘀”的声音;如何清除原因:1:机器没有装硬盘;2:机器装了硬盘但没有进行格式化;3:硬盘坏..清除办法:1:如果不需要装硬盘;请到主菜单-异常处理中;把硬盘错这个异常类型的声音告警打“×”;2:如果装了硬盘;请到主菜单-管理工具-硬盘管理中;把硬盘格式化;3:仍未解决;可能是硬盘坏;请更换硬盘..3. 如何设置7×24小时自动录像① 进入主菜单-录像设置;选择录像通道;在开启录像选项后打“√”;② 进入设置;在全天录像选项后打“√”设置录像类型为定时;③ 将复制该设置至:星期一中的星期一改成全部;点击复制;确定复制成功;④ 点击确定保存设置;并退出设置到录像设置界面..⑤ 在录像设置界面中;把本通道录像设置复制到其它通道..⑥ 点击确定保存设置..4. 如何设置录像参数;如何计算录像文件大小常用的录像参数有码流类型、分辨率、视频帧率、位率上限和位率类型;使用中根据设备功能选定支持的码流类型与合适的分辨率详见“各类型的对比”;视频帧率一般为全帧率;位率类型有:定码流:按照设定的位率上限值进行压缩存储..变码流:根据不同场景;即时自动改变录像分辨率、图像质量、码流和帧率;节省硬盘空间和网络带宽..录像文件大小和“录像设置”中的位率大小和采用何种位率类型有关..使用中根据所选择的分辨率来选择适当的位率大小:分辨率位率上限CIF 384K~768KbpsDCIF 512K~1Mbps4CIF 768K~2Mbps下表是在定码率下常见位率一个通道一个小时录像文件的大小..码流大小/文件大小码流大小/文件大小码流大小/文件大小96kb 42MB 320kb 140MB 896kb 393MB128kb 56MB 384kb 168MB 1.00Mb 450MB160kb 70MB 448kb 196MB 1.25Mb 562MB192kb 84MB 512kb 225MB 1.50Mb 675MB224kb 98MB 640kb 281MB 1.75Mb 787MB256kb 112MB 768kb 337MB 2.00Mb 900MB单通道录像文件大小GByte=码流kbit/s÷8×3600×每天录像时间hour÷1024÷10245. 如何设置移动侦测录像① 进入图像设置菜单界面;② 选择通道号;③ 定义移动侦测灵敏度级别推荐设置为“2”;④ 设置移动侦测区域;⑤ 进入移动侦测报警处理菜单;⑥ 设置移动侦测的触发通道;⑦ 对移动侦测的处理选择布防时间;并复制到其它日期;⑧ 设置移动侦测处理方式;⑨ 保存移动侦测处理设置;⑩ 保存所有通道的移动侦测设置;在菜单录像设置界面中把开启录像状态选为“ü”;然后进入设置界面;把录像类型设置为“移动侦测”;设置好时间段并复制到不同的日期;点击“确定”保存设置..如果要取消已保存的移动侦测区域及移动侦测处理方式;只需将“移动侦测”设成“关闭”..注意:一个通道的移动侦测区域不能被复制到其他通道..6. 如何设置移动侦测区域进入主菜单-图像设置;选择一档灵敏度级别0-5以后;进入区域设置;整个画面被分割成22*18NTSC制式为22*15个小方格..1 鼠标操作选定区域:① 按下鼠标左键;拖动鼠标;放开鼠标..点击鼠标右键确定保存..② 点击鼠标右键全屏选项;点击鼠标右键确定保存全屏区域..清除区域:① 在划定的区域上点击左键;再次拖动鼠标即可清除区域..然后点击鼠标右键确定选项保存..② 右键鼠标清除选项;清除所有区域;然后右键确定保存..2 面板/遥控操作选定区域:① 将小黄框移动到区域左上角;按编辑键;黄框变为红框;使用方向键划定区域;然后确定保存..② 点击云台控制键;选定全屏;然后确定保存..清除区域:① 将小黄框移动到已划定区域左上角;按编辑键;红框变为黄框;使用方向键划定区域;然后确定清除区域..② 点击输入法键;清除所有区域..以下为设置移动侦测区域时所涉及到的操作键..l 移动“黄框”至任一位置:↑↓←→;2 黄框、红框移动侦测区域切换:编辑;3 向右扩大红框:→;4 向左缩小红框:←;5 向下扩展红框:↓;6 向上缩小红框:↑;7 云台控制:设置整个画面为移动侦测区域;8 输入法:清除所有设置的移动侦测区域;9 确认:设置完成;保存并返回到“图像设置”操作界面;10退出:取消本次设置并返回到“图像设置”操作界面..7. 如何回放录像文件1按文件类型回放① 在回放操作界面中分别选择通道号、录像类型..② 输入起止时间..③ 将活动框移到“搜索文件”按钮处;再按前面板确认键..若存在符合条件的录像文件;出现文件列表..若硬盘录像机中没有符合条件的录像文件;屏幕上会出现“操作失败”提示框..④ 选择一个录像文件进行播放..使用←或→键将活动框移到“录像文件列表窗口”内;再使用↑或↓键将滚动条定位到要回放的那个文件;按前面板确认键就开始播放..录像文件以分页方式显示;每页最多显示8个文件..如果多于8个;可以使用“选择页号”来选择当前的页号;方法是在“选择页号”选项内;使用数字键直接输入页号或通过↑或↓键进行翻页..2按时间回放① 第一步:在回放操作界面中分别选择通道号、录像类型..② 输入起止时间..③ 将活动框移到“按时间播放”按钮处;再按前面板确认键;即播放起始时间精确到“秒”开始的录像资料..若起始时间点上无录像资料;则回放的起始时间往后顺延..若整个时间段里无录像资料;则屏幕上会出现“操作失败”提示框同上按文件播放“操作失败”提示框..3 按卡号回放针对ATM设备① 第一步:在回放操作界面中分别选择通道号、副通道号、录像类型..② 输入起止时间..③ 使卡号检索有效使之处于“ü”状态;输入卡号..④ 将活动框移到“搜索文件”按钮处;再按前面板确认/ENTER键..若存在符合条件的录像文件;出现文件列表..若硬盘录像机内没有此卡号的录像资料;则屏幕上会出现“操作失败”提示框同上按文件播放“操作失败”提示框..⑤ 选择一个录像文件进行播放..使用←或→键将活动框移到“录像文件列表窗口”内;再使用↑或↓键将滚动条定位到要回放的那个文件;按前面板确认/ENTER键就开始播放..录像文件以分页方式显示;每页最多显示8个文件..如果多于8个;可以使用“选择页号”来选择当前的页号;方法是在“选择页号”选项内;使用数字键直接输入页号或通过↑或↓键进行翻页..8. 如何开启预览和回放声音1 打开预览声音先确认所购买产品是否支持音频详见“各类型的对比”;再确认音频输入已按要求接好;然后在预览设置菜单界面中;把音频预览开启即可..2 打开回放声音① 录像设置界面中把码流类型设置为复合流..② 在回放时;可以通过回放键来开启或关闭录像声音..9. 目前支持哪几种备份设备◆U盘◆USB硬盘◆USB刻录机◆IDE刻录机或SATA刻录机◆SATA硬盘10. 如何备份当天的所有录像文件① 进入回放操作界面;选择起始日期;② 插入备份设备;注:需要格式化FAT32格式;③ 选择存储设备;④ 移动活动框到备份当天录像按钮处;按确认键开始备份当天录像资料..11. 如何备份指定条件的录像文件备份指定某一通道、指定某一时间段内的录像资料..按以下步骤进行:① 进入回放操作界面;② 插入备份设备;注:需要格式化FAT32格式③ 选好相应的通道、类型和日期、时间;搜索指定的录像文件;④ 在列表窗口中给需要备份的文件做上选择标记按编辑键选择单个文件;按输入法键全选选定文件..;⑤ 选择存储设备;⑥ 开始并完成备份..12.如何进行视频剪辑备份备份视频剪辑后的录像资料;按以下步骤进行:① 进入回放操作界面;② 插入备份设备;注:需要格式化FAT32格式③ 选择存储设备;④ 播放需要进行剪辑的录像文件;⑤ 按编辑键开始剪接;再按一次编辑键结束剪接;⑥ 若要剪辑多个片段最多30个;重复步骤5;⑦ 退出回放;提示“复制的片段数为:X;是否进行复制”;选择“是”开始复制..⑧ 确定完成复制备份..13. 怎样播放备份的录像资料采用专用海康专门的播放器播放;可到官方网站下载14. 录像文件是否可以转成其它格式的文件目前的录像文件都是H.264格式..海康官方网站提供格式转换工具..工具提供转换成标准AVI和WMV格式功能;海康播放器也提供AVI转换功能..15. 如何远程访问DVR1DVR连接路由器推荐华硕3081路由器上外网① DVR网络设置◆进入主菜单-网络设置将活动框移动到IP处;单击鼠标或按编辑键修改IP地址;同样操作设置端口号、掩码、网关和http端口..◆出厂默认值0.0.0.0;端口号:8000;http端口:80② 路由器/交换机进行端口映射注DVR/DVS的端口号不可与其他网络设备端口号冲突..如路由器的web管理端口号有的为80..这样的话可以通过修改路由器或者我们DVR/DVS的端口号来解决..◆申请动态域名解析服务推荐用希网免费DDNS服务或花生壳商业版DDNS服务免费版不稳定;不推荐;将申请好的DDNS服务的用户名和密码填入路由器的DDNS里面保存..2访问方式① 通过IE来访问◆IE浏览器菜单—工具--Internet选项--安全--自定义级别--ActiveX控件和插件相关选项改为启用;确定保存....回车就可以出现登录框;然后输入DVR/DVS的用户名、密码及端口号默认为8000..② 通过客户端来访问以海康威视网络视频监控软件v4.02为例◆进入配置-设备管理在左侧白框右键添加区域;自定义区域名称..◆在区域上右键;点击添加设备;弹出添加设备对话框..自定义设备名称..A.如果DVR/DVS为固定IP;选择注册模式为普通IP;填写IP地址、设备用户名与密码不是软件登录用户名密码、通道数、设备端口号和设备类型默认即可..确定保存设备..注:DVR/DVS主控版本为V2.0以上版本;可点击添加设备对话框左下角显示在线设备按钮;搜索局域网内同一网段在线设备..然后左键单击选定;输入设备用户名和密码即可..B.如果DVR/DVS使用动态域名解析;则注册模式选择普通域名;然后填写域名、设备用户名与密码不是软件登录用户名密码、通道数、设备端口号和设备类型默认即可..确定保存设备..C.如果DVR/DVS使用私有域名解析;设备名称要与设备本地一致;注册模式选择私有域名;然后填写设备用户名、密码、通道数、设备类型、DNS地址和设备序列号..设备添加成功后;点击预览;双击通道即可..16. 如何通过流媒体突破24路访问限制① 在一台电脑上安装流媒体软件;运行流媒体软件;我们称此电脑为流媒体服务器;② 在客户端4.02的配置界面添加区域区域;如已有区域跳过此步骤;③ 在区域上右键鼠标添加流媒体服务器;其中流媒体服务器的IP地址为安装流媒体软件那台电脑的IP地址;④ 添加设备;⑤ 进入预览界面;双击通道名称预览图像..注:若该区域下有通道正在预览或录;该通道重新开始预览或录像设置才生效17. 如何实现DVR/DVS控制云台① 将设备RS485的T+、T-线连接云台或球机解码器RS485引脚定义见附录;多球机连接建议使用总线结构..② 查看云台或快球说明书;查出产品解码器波特率、解码器类型协议和解码器地址三个参数..进入DVR/DVS主菜单-解码器界面;更波特率、协议、地址三个参数;使与前端匹配..18. 如何设置巡航① 进入解码器菜单界面..② 进入巡航路径号设置菜单..③ 在巡航路径号编辑框内选择一条巡航路径号;系统最多支持16条..④ 在这个路径号下添加巡航点范围1-128;巡航点包括预置点、停留时间及巡航速度;依次输入一个已经定义好的预置点、在这个预置点上停留的时间数字越大;停留时间越长及摄像头转到这个预置点的速度数字越大;速度越快..⑤ 选择“添加”下面的“确认”按钮;就在这个巡航路径号内保存了这个巡航点..若再添加巡航点;可以选择“添加”按钮并重复以上步骤..⑥ 巡航点添加完成后;可以选择“开始巡航”按钮;对设置的巡航路径进行验证;“结束巡航”按钮可停止巡航..“删除”按钮用于删除指定巡航路径号下的巡航点..⑦ 设置完成后按“返回”按钮可以返回到“解码器”菜单操作界面;在“解码器”菜单中选择“确认”保存设置的参数..如果按退出/ESC键则放弃设置的参数..说明:目前只部分快球协议支持巡航;若您使用的快球无法使用此功能;请与快球厂家联系..备注:支持巡航的协议DM_DYNACOLOR、HD600、KALATEL_KTD_312、SAE/YAAN 、DENNARD_DOME、SAMSUNG、PANASONIC、CW860、TECHWIN19.为什么DS-1002K、DS-1003K键盘不能控制DVR① 首先确认控制线是否出现短路、断路和虚连等现象;可以通过万用表测量线路;并重新制作连接头;如有必要请更换控制线..② 确认DVR设备号是否已经修改到01~31范围内..③ 确认键盘和DVR是否匹配:在键盘上敲击“地址”;然后敲击两位数的设备号如“01”;最后敲击“确认”完成匹配..这是DVR 面板的“状态灯”为红色当遥控处于控制状态时状态灯为绿色;当遥控和键盘同时控制时为橙色..如果仍然无法控制;可通过长按“配置”;输入密码默认为8888;进入“系统设置”;选择“恢复默认设置”将键盘恢复出厂默认..然后重复步骤3。
下图中172.16.3.110为外部地址(硬盘录像机地址);为内部地址,接POE 口的摄像机必须是这个地址段,比如是192.168.254.2、。
OK 预览成功
海康威视常见问题(Common problems of Hikvision)Common settings and operation of Hikvision series hard disk video recorder1. how to use remote control?Aim at the DVR panel and operate on the remote controller A, press device keyB, the input device number 88 (default device number is 88, can be modified in the main menu - local display)C, press the confirmation keyIf the remote control is configured successfully, the status light on the front panel of the hard disk recorder becomes green. Press the device key again and stop the remote control. Each time the DVR is powered on again, the remote controller needs to be configured again.2. why the new machine after the boot will have "didi didi didi" sound, how to clear?Reason:1: the machine does not install the hard disk;2: the machine installed the hard disk, but not formatted; 3: hard disk bad.Cleaning method: 1: if you do not need to install hard disk, please go to the main menu exception handling, the wrong disk of this abnormal type of sound alarm to hit "x"";2: if you install a hard disk, please go to the main menu management tools - hard disk management, the hard disk format;3: not resolved, may be hard disk, please replace the hard disk.3. how to set up 7 x 24 hours automatic video recording?1 to enter the main menu - video settings, select video channel, tick in the open video option";Into settings, in the video all day long option tick set video type for timing;3. Copy the settings to Monday, Monday, and click Copy to make sure the copy is successful;Click OK to save the settings and exit to the video settings interface.In the video setting interface, copy the channel video to other channels.Click OK to save the settings.4., how to set video parameters, how to calculate video file size?A stream type, resolution, frame rate, bit rate and video bit rate video type common parameters, use according to the type of equipment to support the selected stream function and appropriate resolution (see "various contrast");Video frame rate is generally full frame rate;Bit rate type:Fixed bit stream: compressed storage according to the upper limit of the bit rate.Variable bit stream: automatically change video resolution, image quality, bit stream and frame rate automatically according to different scenes, save hard disk space and network bandwidth.The size of the video file is related to the bit rate in the "video settings" and the type of bit rate. In use, the appropriate bit rate is selected according to the selected resolution:Upper limit of resolution bit rateCIF 384K~768KbpsDCIF 512K~1Mbps4CIF 768K~2MbpsThe following table is the bit rate at a fixed bit rate, one channel, one hour video file size.Bit size / file size, bitstream size / file size, bitstream size / file size96kb 42MB 320kb 140MB 896kb 393MB128KB 56MB 384Kb 168MB 1.00Mb 450MB160kb 70MB 448kb 196MB 1.25Mb 562MB192kb 84MB 512KB 225MB 1.50Mb 675MB224kb 98MB 640kb 281MB 1.75Mb 787MB256Kb 112MB 768kb 337MB 2.00Mb 900MBSingle channel video file size (GByte) = stream (kbit/s) / 8 x 3600 x day recording time (hour) / 1024 / 10245. how to set up moving detection video?Enter the image settings menu interface;Selection of channel number;(3) define the sensitivity level of mobile detection (recommended as "2");Setting the moving detection area;Enter the mobile detection alarm processing menu;Set the trigger channel mobile detection;The treatment of choice. The mobile detection and copy to the other date time;We set the mobile detection processing method;To save mobile detection processing settings;The preservation of all mobile detection channel settings;In the video menu set interface to open the video as the "U", and then enter the setup interface, the video type is set to "mobile detection", set a good time and copy it to a different date, click OK to save the settings.If you want to cancel the saved moving detection area and move detection processing mode, just set the "mobile detection" to "close"".Note: the moving detection area of a channel can not be copied to other channels.6. how to set the moving detection area?Enter the main menu - image settings, select a file sensitivity level (0-5), enter the regional settings,The whole picture is divided into 22*18 (NTSC, 22*15) small squares.1) mouse operationSelected area:Press the left mouse button, drag the mouse, release the mouse. Click the right mouse button to confirm the save.Click the right mouse button full screen option, right-click to determine the save full screen area.Clear area:First, click the left key on the designated area, and then drag the mouse to clear the area. Then click the right mouse button to determine the option to save.Right click the mouse to clear the options, clear all areas, and then right-click to determine the preservation.2) panel / remote controlSelected area:(1) move the small yellow frame to the upper left corner of the area, press the edit key, turn the Yellow frame into the red frame, use the direction key to delimit the area, and then confirm the preservation.Click the pan tilt control key, select the full screen, and then determine the preservation.Clear area:(1) move the small yellow frame to the upper left corner of the designated area, press the edit key, turn the red frame into the Yellow frame, use the direction key to delimit the area, and then determine the clearance area.Click the input method key to clear all areas.The following is the operation key involved in setting the moving detection area.L mobile "yellow box" to any location: [] [] = [-], [down];2 yellow frame, red frame (moving detection area) switch: edit;3 enlarge the red frame to the right;4 left: [i] reduced red box;5 extended down the red box: [key];6 to narrow the red box: [up];7 [pan tilt control]: set the whole picture for moving detection area;8 [input method]: clear all settings of moving detection area;9 [confirmation]: settings are completed, saved and returned to the "image settings" operation interface;10 [exit]: cancel the settings and return to the "image settings" operation interface.7. how to replay video files?1) replay by file typeThe channel number and video type are selected respectively in the replay operation interface.Input start and stop time.Move the frame to the "search file" button, and press the front panel [confirm] button. If there is a qualified video file, a list of files appears. If there is no eligible video file in the hard disk recorder, the "failed operation" prompt box appears on the screen.Select a video file for playback. Use [] [] - or to bond the movable frame to move to a video file list window, the file and then use the up or down arrow [] [] button to scroll to locate playback, press the front panel [] key confirmation will start playing.Video files display in paging mode, each page displays 8 files at most. If more than 8, can choose the current page, use the "select page number" method is in the "select Page" option, use[button] digital direct input page number or by [] or [] down arrow keys to turn the page.2) playback by timeThe first step is to select the channel number and video type respectively in the replay operation interface.Input start and stop time.(3) move the frame to the "time playing" button, and then press the front panel [confirm] button, that is, play the starting time (accurate to "seconds") to start the video data.If there is no video data at the initial time point, the starting time of playback will be postponed later.If the entire time period, no video data, then the screen will appear "failed" message box (ditto by file playback "failed" message box).3) replay by card number (for ATM equipment)The first step is to select the channel number, vice channel number and video type respectively in the replay operation interface.Input start and stop time.The number of the effective retrieval (which is "U"), enter the card number.Move the active frame to the "search file" button, and press the front panel [confirm /ENTER] key. If there is a qualified video file, a list of files appears. If there is no video data of this card in the hard disk recorder, the "failed operation" prompt box appears on the screen (ditto the "failed operation" prompt box to play the file.Select a video file for playback. Use [] [] - or to bond the movable frame to move to a video file list window, the file and then use the up or down arrow [] [] button to scroll to playback positioning, according to the [/ENTER] button to confirm the front panel will start playing.Video files display in paging mode, each page displays 8 files at most. If more than 8, can choose the current page, use the "select page number" method is in the "select Page" option, use [button] digital direct input page number or by [] or [] down arrow keys to turn the page.8. how to open preview and playback sound?1) open preview soundsConfirm whether the purchased product supports audio (see the contrast of each type), and confirm that the audio input has been connected as requiredIn the Preview settings menu interface, the audio preview can be opened.2) open playback soundThe bitstream types are set into composite streams in the video setup interface.Replay or turn off the video sound by replaying keys.9. what kinds of backup devices are currently supported?The U diskThe USB hard diskThe USB recorderThe IDE recorder or SATA recorderThe SATA hard disk10. how to backup all the video files on the day?Enter the playback interface and select the start date;Insert backup device; note: need to format FAT32 format;Storage device selection;Move the active frame to the video button on the backup day, and start the backup of the video data on the same day according to the confirmation key.11. how to backup video files with specified conditions?Backup specifies a channel and specifies video data for a certain period of time. Follow the following steps:Enter replay operation interface;Insert backup device; note: need to format FAT32 formatChoose the appropriate channel, type and date, time, search the specified video file;Do the marker to backup files in the list window (select a single file, press the Edit button button to select input method according to the selected file.) ;Storage device selection;The start and finish backup.12. how to make video clip backup?Backup the video data after the video clip and follow the following steps:Enter replay operation interface;Insert backup device; note: need to format FAT32 format Storage device selection;Play video files that need to be edited;Press the edit key to start the splicing, and then press the edit key to finish the splicing;The clip to a plurality of segments (up to 30), repeat step 5;The exit number "prompt playback, copy fragment is X, whether to copy?" Choose "yes" to begin replication.We determined to complete the backup copy.13. how to play backup video data?The special special player Kang; to download the official website of FourteenCan video files be converted to other formats?The current video files are in H.264 format.Aegon-Cnooc official website format conversion tool. Tools are provided to convert standard AVI and WMV format functions;Haikang player also provides AVI conversion function.15. how to access DVR remotely?1) DVR connection router (recommended ASUS 3081 router) on theextranetDVR network settingsWe enter the main menu - network settings will move to the IP activity box, click the mouse or press the Edit button to modify the IP address, the same operation set the port number, mask, gateway and HTTP port.The default valueIP:; Mask:; gateway:; port number: 8000; HTTP port: 80Router / switch port mappingWe enter the router forwarding rules -- Virtual Server option will do at the port and the HTTP port mapping equipment. For example, the IP of DVR1 is, the port number is 80 and 8000; the IP of DVR2 is, and the port number is 81 and 8001. Then the protocol selects ALL or TCP and opens. Save settings.The port number of DVR/DVS cannot conflict with the port number of other network devices. If the router's web management port number is 80. This can be done by modifying the router or the port number of our DVR/DVS.The application of dynamic DNSMicrosoft recommends the use of free DDNS service or service (peanut shell commercial version of DDNS free version is not stable, not recommended), the user name and password for the DDNS service in the DDNS router which saved.2) access modeAccess through IEThe IE browser menu - tools --Internet options - Security - Custom Level --ActiveX controls and plug-ins options to enable preservation.If the DVR/DVS end is static IP, directly in the address bar enter the HTTP port number for this IP and with our DVR/DVS. Such as static IP is The device HTTP port number is 81, and then enter in the address bar to access. If the DVR/DVS end is a dynamic IP, enter the domain name plus the HTTP port number in the address bar. Such as :81. Enter the login box, and then enter the user name, password and port number of DVR/DVS (default is 8000).Access through the client (take Hikvision network video surveillance software v4.02 as an example)The configuration of equipment management in the region - add the left white box right, custom domain name.In the area on the right, click on the add pop-up dialog box to add equipment, equipment. Custom device name.A. if DVR/DVS is a fixed IP, select the registration mode for ordinary IP, fill in the IP address, username and password (not software login username and password), channel number, equipment port number and device type (default). Confirm storage device.Note: the main version of DVR/DVS is more than V2.0. You can click the add device dialog box to display the online device button in the lower left corner, and search the online equipment in the same network segment in the lan. Then click left, and then enter the device username and password.B. if the DVR/DVS dynamic domain name registration, mode selection of common domain name, domain name, equipment and fill in the user name and password (not software login username and password), channel number, equipment port number and device type (default). Confirm storage device.If the C. DVR/DVS private domain name, equipment name and equipment to local, private domain name registration mode selection, equipment and fill in the user name and password, channel number, equipment type, DNS address and serial number.When the device is added successfully, click preview and double-click the channel.16. how to break through 24 access restrictions through streaming mediaInstall streaming media software on a computer and run streaming media software, we call this computer as streamingmedia server;Add the region in the client 4.02 configuration interface, such as the existing area skip this step;Add right mouse to the streaming media server in the area, where the IP address of the streaming media server is the IP address of the computer that installs the streaming media software;Adding equipment;Enter the preview interface, double-click the name of the channel and preview the image.Note: if the channel is being previewed or recorded in the area, the channel will be restarted or the video will be effective17. how to realize DVR/DVS control pan tilt?The T+ and T- lines of the equipment RS485 are connected to the PTZ or the decoder of the ball machine (the RS485 pin is defined in Appendix); the multi ball machine connection is recommended to use the bus structure.The view or Yunnan fastball manual, found the product decoder baud rate, decoder type (Protocol) and address decoder three parameters. Enter the DVR/DVS main menu decoder interface, more baud rate, protocol, address three parameters, so that matching with the front end.18. how to set up cruise?Enter the decoder menu interface.Enter the setup menu of the cruise route number.A cruise route number is selected in the edit box of cruise route number, and the system supports 16 most.Adding cruise point in the path number (range 1-128), cruise points including the preset, residence time and cruise speed, in order to enter an already defined preset point, stop at this preset point in time (the larger the number, the longer residence time) and turn to the camera preset speed (the larger the number, the faster).Select the "add" below "confirm" button, and save the cruise point in the cruise route number. If you add cruise points, you can choose the "add" button and repeat the above steps.The cruise point added, you can choose "cruise start" button to set the cruise path verification, "the end of the cruise" button to stop the cruise. The "delete" button is used to delete the cruise point under the specified cruise route number.The setting is completed according to the "back" button to return to the "decoder" menu operation interface, in the "decoder" menu select "confirm" save parameter settings. If you press [quit /ESC] key, you abandon the set parameter.Note: currently only part of fast protocol support cruise, if you use the ball to use this function, please contact with theball.Note: agreement on cruise supportDM_DYNACOLOR, HD600, KALATEL_KTD_312, SAE/YAAN, DENNARD_DOME, SAMSUNG, PANASONIC, CW860, TECHWIN19. why can't DS-1002K and DS-1003K keyboard control DVR?First, confirm whether the control line has short circuit, open circuit and virtual connection, etc., can measure the circuit through the multimeter, and make the connection head again, if necessary, replace the control line.Confirm whether the DVR equipment number has been modified to 01~31 range.Confirm whether the keyboard and DVR match: tap on the keyboard "address", and then knock two digits of the device number, such as "01", and finally knock "confirm" to complete the match. This is the "status light" of the DVR panel for red (when the remote control is in control, the status light is green, when the remote control and keyboard are orange at the same time).If you still can not control, you can enter the "system settings" by long pressing "configure", enter the password (default is 8888), select "restore default settings", the keyboard will be returned to factory default. Then repeat step 3。
海康威视常见问题(Hikvision FAQ)Hikvision series of DVR common settings and operation1. how to use the remote control?Alignment of the DVR panel, the operation on the remote controlA, according to the key equipmentB, input devices, 88 (the default device number is 88, you can modify the main menu - local display)C, press the confirm buttonIf the remote configuration, hard disk video recorder before status lights on the panel turned green. Press the button again to stop the remote control equipment. Every time DVR again after power, remote configuration can be used again.2. why new machine boot will "beep beep beep beep - - -" sound, how to remove?Reason:1: no hard disk machine;2: the machine installed but no hard disk format;3: hard disk bad.Clear the way: 1: if you do not need to install the hard disk,please go to the main menu - exception handling, the hard disk is wrong this type of abnormal sound alarm "x";2: if a hard disk, please go to the main menu - management tool - hard disk management, the hard disk is formatted;3: not solved, the hard disk may be bad, please replace the hard disk.How to set up 3. 7 x 24 hour automatic video?1 to enter the main menu - video settings, select video channel, tick in the open video option";Into settings, in the video all day long option tick set video type for timing;The copy of the set to the Monday to Monday, click Copy, copy the successful determination;Click OK to save the settings and exit into the video interface settings.In the video settings interface, copy the video channel set to other channels.Click OK to save the settings.4. how to set up the video parameters, how to calculate the video file size?A stream type, resolution, frame rate, bit rate and video bit rate video type common parameters, use according to the type of equipment to support the selected stream function and appropriate resolution (see "various contrast");Video frame rate is generally full frame rate;Bit rate type:Fixed stream: according to bit rate limit value of compressed storage.Variable bit rate: according to different scenes, real-time automatically change the video resolution and image quality, bit rate and frame rate, save disk space and network bandwidth.Video file size and video settings in the bit rate of the size and the type of bit rate. Use according to the selected resolution to select the appropriate bit rate:Resolution rate limitCIF 384K~768KbpsDCIF 512K~1Mbps4CIF 768K~2MbpsThe following table is a common bit rate channel one hour video file size in a constant bit rate.Stream size / size / file size file stream stream size / file size96kb 42MB 320kb 140MB 896kb 393MB128KB 56MB 384Kb 168MB 1.00Mb 450MB160kb 70MB 448kb 196MB 1.25Mb 562MB192kb 84MB 512KB 225MB 1.50Mb 675MB98mb 640kb 281mb 1.75mb 787mb 224KB112MB 256KB 768KB 337mb 2.00mb BRRip单通道录像文件大小 (GB) = 码流(kbit / S) ÷8×3600×每天录像时间÷1024÷1024 (Hour)5. 如何设置移动侦测录像?① 进入图像设置菜单界面;② 选择通道号;③ 定义移动侦测灵敏度级别 (推荐设置为 "2");④ 设置移动侦测区域;⑤ 进入移动侦测报警处理菜单;⑥ 设置移动侦测的触发通道;⑦ 对移动侦测的处理选择布防时间, 并复制到其它日期;⑧ 设置移动侦测处理方式;⑨ 保存移动侦测处理设置;⑩ 保存所有通道的移动侦测设置;在菜单录像设置界面中把开启录像状态选为 "D", "然后进入设置界面, 把录像类型设置为移动侦测", 设置好时间段并复制到不同的日期, 点击 "确定" 保存设置.如果要取消已保存的移动侦测区域及移动侦测处理方式, 只需将 "移动侦测" 设成 "关闭".注意: 一个通道的移动侦测区域不能被复制到其他通道.6. 如何设置移动侦测区域?进入主菜单 - 图像设置, 选择一档灵敏度级别 (0 - 5) 以后, 进入区域设置,整个画面被分割成22 (ntsc制式为22 * 18 * 15) 个小方格.1) 鼠标操作选定区域:① 按下鼠标左键, 拖动鼠标, 放开鼠标.点击鼠标右键确定保存.② 点击鼠标右键全屏选项, 点击鼠标右键确定保存全屏区域.清除区域:① 在划定的区域上点击左键, 再次拖动鼠标即可清除区域.然后点击鼠标右键确定选项保存.② 右键鼠标清除选项, 清除所有区域, 然后右键确定保存.2) 面板 / 遥控操作选定区域:① 将小黄框移动到区域左上角, 按【编辑】键, 黄框变为红框, 使用方向键划定区域, 然后确定保存.② 点击云台控制键, 选定全屏, 然后确定保存.清除区域:① 将小黄框移动到已划定区域左上角, 按【编辑】键, 红框变为黄框, 使用方向键划定区域, 然后确定清除区域.② 点击输入法键, 清除所有区域.以下为设置移动侦测区域时所涉及到的操作键.L 移动 "黄框" 至任一位置: 【↑】【↓】【←】【→】;(2 黄框、红框移动侦测区域) 切换: 【编辑】;3 向右扩大红框: 【→】;4 向左缩小红框: 【←】;5 向下扩展红框: 【↓】;6 向上缩小红框: 【↑】;7 【云台控制】: 设置整个画面为移动侦测区域;[8]: the input method of the mobile detecting area clears all settings;[9]: confirmation is finished, save and return to the image settings interface;10 [withdrawal]: cancel the settings and return to image settings interface.7. how to playback video files?1) according to the type of file playbackSelect the channel number, video playback operation interface in types.The input time.The movable frame is moved to "search for files" button, then press the front panel [] button to confirm. If there is compliance with the conditions of the video file, the file list.If the hard disk recorder did not meet the conditions of the video file, "failed" dialog box on the screen.The choice of a video file playback. Use [] [] - or to bond the movable frame to move to a video file list window, the file and then use the up or down arrow [] [] button to scroll to locate playback, press the front panel [] key confirmation will start playing.The video file displayed in the paging mode, each page displays up to 8 files. If more than 8, can choose the current page, use the "select page number" method is in the "select Page" option, use [button] digital direct input page number or by [] or [] down arrow keys to turn the page.2) according to the time of playbackThe first step: choose channel number, type in the video playback operation interface.The input time.The movable frame is moved to the "to play" button, then press the front panel [] to confirm key play starting time (accurate to seconds) to start the video data. If the starting time of no video data, then playback start time later postponed.If the entire time period, no video data, then the screen will appear "failed" message box (ditto by file playback "failed" message box).3) by the card playback (for ATM devices)The first step: choose a channel number, channel number, type in the vice video playback operation interface.The input time.The number of the effective retrieval (which is "U"), enter the card number.The movable frame is moved to "search for files" button, then press [/ENTER] key to confirm the front panel. If there is compliance with the conditions of the video file, the file list. If this card no video data in the digital video recorder, the screen will appear on the "failure" (ibid. According to the prompt box files "failed" message box).Select a video file playback. Use [] [] - or to bond the movable frame to move to a video file list window, the file and then use the up or down arrow [] [] button to scroll to playback positioning, according to the [/ENTER] button to confirm the front panel will start playing.The video file displayed in the paging mode, each page displays up to 8 files. If more than 8, can choose the current page, use the "select page number" method is in the "select Page" option, use [button] digital direct input page number or by [] or [] down arrow keys to turn the page.8. how to open the preview and playback voice?1) open the preview voiceMake sure to buy the product if the audio support (see "various contrast"); and then confirm the audio input have been required to connect the course;In the Preview settings menu interface, the audio preview can be opened.2) open voice playbackThe video stream to set the interface type is set to the composite flow.In playback, video playback can turn off the sound through the button to open or [].9. which currently supports several backup devices?The U diskThe USB hard diskThe USB recorderThe IDE recorder or SATA recorderThe SATA hard diskHow to backup 10. day all video files?The enter playback interface, select the start date;The insertion of the backup device; note: need to format FAT32 format;The selection of storage devices;The moving frame to the backup day video button, press [] key to confirm the day video data backup.11. how to backup specified video files?A backup designated channel, the specified video data, a period of time. According to the following steps:The interface into the playback;The insertion of the backup device; note: need to format FAT32 formatThe selected corresponding channel, type and date and time specified video file search;Do the marker to backup files in the list window (select a single file, press the Edit button button to select input method according to the selected file.) ;Select a storage device;The start and finish backup.12. how to backup video clips?Video data backup video clips of the following steps:The interface into the playback;The insertion of the backup device; note: need to format FAT32 formatThe selection of storage devices;The need for editing video file playback;According to the [Edit] button to start editing, press again [Edit] key to end splicing;The clip to a plurality of segments (up to 30), repeat step 5;The exit number "prompt playback, copy fragment is X, whether to copy?" Select "yes", start copying.We determined to complete the backup copy.13. how to broadcast video data backup?The special special player Kang; to download the official website of Whether the 14. video files can be converted into other file?At present, the video files are in H.264 format.Aegon-Cnooc official website format conversion tool. Provide tools into the standard AVI and WMV format function;Haikang player also provides AVI conversion function.15. how remote access DVR?DVR (1) connected to the router router on the Internet recommend ASUS 3081)The DVR network settingsWe enter the main menu - network settings will move to the IP activity box, click the mouse or press the Edit button to modify the IP address, the same operation set the port number, mask, gateway and HTTP port.The default valueIP:;; gateway mask::; port number: 8000;HTTP port: 80The router / switch port mappingWe enter the router forwarding rules -- Virtual Server option will do at the port and the HTTP port mapping equipment. DVR1 IP (for example, the port number is 80 and 8000; DVR2 IP, the port number is 81 and 8001. Then selectthe ALL protocol or TCP and save the settings enabled.Port number DVR/DVS injection can not conflict with other network devices port number. Such as the web management port router in 80. It can be solved by modifying our DVR/DVS router or port number.The application of dynamic DNSMicrosoft recommends the use of free DDNS service or service (peanut shell commercial version of DDNS free version is not stable, not recommended), the user name and password for the DDNS service in the DDNS router which saved.2) accessThe visit by IEThe IE browser menu - tools --Internet options - Security - Custom Level --ActiveX controls and plug-ins options to enable preservation.If the DVR/DVS end is static IP, directly in the address bar enter the HTTP port number for this IP and with our DVR/DVS. Such as the static IP is Device HTTP port number is 81, in the address bar enter the can access. If the DVR/DVS end is dynamic IP, then enter the domain name and port number in the HTTP in the address bar. Such as :81. You can enter the login box, and then enter the DVR/DVS username, password and port (default 8000).The visit by the client (Hikvision network video monitoring software v4.02 as an example)The configuration of equipment management in the region - add the left white box right, custom domain name.In the area on the right, click on the add pop-up dialog box to add equipment, equipment. Custom device name.A. if DVR/DVS is a fixed IP, select the registration mode for ordinary IP, fill in the IP address, username and password (not software login username and password), channel number, equipment port number and device type (default). OK to save equipment.Note: DVR/DVS master version V2.0 above version, click add equipment to the bottom left of the dialog shows online equipment button, the same network equipment online search lan. Then left click the selected input device, user ID and password.B. if the DVR/DVS dynamic domain name registration, mode selection of common domain name, domain name, equipment and fill in the user name and password (not software login username and password), channel number, equipment port number and device type (default). OK to save equipment.If the C. DVR/DVS private domain name, equipment name and equipment to local, private domain name registration mode selection, equipment and fill in the user name and password, channel number, equipment type, DNS address and serial number.Add equipment successfully, click on the preview, you can double-click the channel.16. how to break 24 streaming media access restrictions1 installed on one computer streaming media software,Run streaming media software, we call this computer for streaming media server;The addition of regional 4.02 configuration on the client interface (such as the existing regional skip this step);Add the right mouse button in the area on the streaming media server, streaming media server IP address for the installation of streaming media software for the computer IP address;Adding equipment;The interface into the preview, click the preview image channel name.Note: if the region is under the channel preview or recorded, the channel began to be set or video preview17. how to realize the DVR/DVS control platform?The RS485 device T+, T- cable or Yunnan ball machine decoder (RS485 pin definition in the appendix); multi ball machine connection using a bus structure.The view or Yunnan fastball manual, found the product decoder baud rate, decoder type (Protocol) and address decoder three parameters. Enter the main menu of DVR/DVS decoder interface, protocol, address, baud rate and more three parameters, and the front end.18. how to set the cruise?The decoder into the menu interface.Into the cruise path set menu.Choose a cruise path in the cruise path, in the edit box, the system supports up to 16.Adding cruise point in the path number (range 1-128), cruise points including the preset, residence time and cruise speed, in order to enter an already defined preset point, stop at this preset point in time (the larger the number, the longer residence time) and turn to the camera preset speed (the larger the number, the faster).Select "add" below the "confirmation" button, saved the cruise in the cruise path. If you add cruise, you can choose "add" button and repeat the above steps.The cruise point added, you can choose "cruise start" button to set the cruise path verification, "the end of the cruise" button to stop the cruise. The "delete" button to delete the specified number of cruise cruise path.The setting is completed according to the "back" button to return to the "decoder" menu operation interface, in the "decoder" menu select "confirm" save parameter settings. If you press the [/ESC] button to set up exit parameters.Note: currently only part of fast protocol support cruise, if you use the ball to use this function, please contact with the ball.Note: Cruise protocol supportDM_DYNACOLOR, HD600, KALATEL_KTD_312, SAE/YAAN, DENNARD_DOME, SAMSUNG, PANASONIC, CW860, TECHWIN19. why DS-1002K, DS-1003K keyboard can control DVR?The first line is to confirm the control of short circuit and open circuit and virtual connection phenomenon, through the multimeter circuit, and re production of connectors, please replace the control line if necessary.The DVR to confirm whether the device number has been modified within the range of 01~31.Confirm whether DVR, keyboard and percussion: "address" on the keyboard, and then click the two digit number equipment such as "01", a "confirmation" to complete the match finally.This is the DVR panel "lamp" (red when the remote control is in control state when the lights are green, the remote controland control the keyboard at the same time for the orange).If you are still unable to control, through the long press "configuration", enter the password (default 8888), into the "system settings", select "restore default settings will restore factory default keyboard. Then repeat step 3。
目前有2种版本的控件,一个是HCNetVideoActiveX.cab,名称为HCNetVideoActiveX.ocx,嵌入到8000系列和7000系列的设备中;另一个是NewHCNetActiveX.cab,包含控件名称为newocx.ocx,主要嵌入到6100系列,IP camera中。
3.清除控件的方法:1.关闭IE,进入Windows系统目录下,找到Downloaded ProgramFiles文件夹中的相关控件信息是否还在,若在,将其删除。
(HCNetVideoActiveX.cab对应HCNetVideoActiveX Control,NewHCNetActiveX.cab对应NewHCNetActiveX Control)2.进入system32文件夹下,确认是否还有残留的相关文件,若存在将其删除。
HCNetVideoActiveX.cab的相关文件是HCNetVideoActiveX.ocx,HCNetSDK.dll,playm4.dllShowHCRemCfgWnd.dll RemoteCfgRes_CHI.dll,RemoteCfgRes_ENG.dll,RemoteCfgRes_TRAD.dll. NewHCNetActiveX.cab的相关文件是newocx.ocx,HCNetSDK.dll,playm4.dll,langchg.dll,ShowHCRemCfgWnd.dll,RemoteCfgRes_CHI.dll, RemoteCfgRes_ENG.dll,RemoteCfgRes_TRAD.dll.3.在“开始”的“运行”中输入:regedit进入注册表,在“我的电脑”下的第一个文件夹“HKE_CLASSES_ROOT”下查找相关内容,如果存在,则是控件手动注册后,没有手动注销掉,需要用手动注销控件方法将其销毁。
硬盘录像机故障解决方法编辑时间:2011-2-23-10:24 深圳市华天成科技有限公司深圳市华天成科技有限公司维修中心专业维修安防所有品牌监控产品,如球机、矩阵、键盘、硬盘录像机,一体机机芯、光端机、解码器、云台等维修,送修的行业包括高速公路、公安交警、海关、港口、小区、学校、医院、地铁、火车站等行业。
海康威视硬盘录像机操作常见问题解答1.录像1.1 录像文件的大小录像文件大小和“录像设置”中的位率大小和采用何种位率类型有关。
一般建议CIF模式下选择384K~768Kbps DCIF:512K~1Mbps 4CIF:768K~2Mbps,具体的选择需要根据现场情况、摄像机状况和具体要求来调节。
码流大小文件大小码流大小文件大小码流大小文件大小96k 42M 320k 140M 896k 393M128k 56M 384k 168M 1.00M 450M160k 70M 448k 196M 1.25M 562M192k 84M 512k 225M 1.50M 675M224k 98M 640k 281M 1.75M 787M256k 112M 768k 337M 2.00M900M定码率下一个小时一个通道录像文件大小的计算公式如下:码流(kbit/s) ÷ 8 × 3600 ÷ 1024 (单位:MB)变码率的设置可参考上述数据,相对的是一个最大值。
1.2 录像状态和设置录像可分为两种录像方式:手动录像和自动录像。
黄色:有视频信号,但不在录像绿色:自动定时录像粉红色:手动录像红色:报警录像蓝色:移动侦测录像白色:无视频信号1.2.1 自动录像的设置进入录像设置,将开启录像打勾,进入设置界面如果是全天录像,可直接将“全天录像”打钩,在选择相应的录像方式。
海康威视DVR常用设置与操作1. 如何使用遥控?对准DVR面板,在遥控器上操作A、按设备键B、输入设备号88(默认设备号为88,可在主菜单-本地显示进行修改)C、按确认键如果遥控器配置成功,硬盘录像机前面板上的状态灯变为绿色。
2. 为什么新机器开机后会有“嘀-嘀-嘀-嘀嘀”的声音,如何清除?原因 1:机器没有装硬盘;2:机器装了硬盘但没有进行格式化;3:硬盘坏。
3. 如何设置7×24小时自动录像?①进入主菜单-录像设置,选择录像通道,在开启录像选项后打“√”;②进入设置,在全天录像选项后打“√”设置录像类型为定时;③将复制该设置至:星期一中的星期一改成全部,点击复制,确定复制成功;④点击确定保存设置,并退出设置到录像设置界面。
4. 如何设置录像参数,如何计算录像文件大小?常用的录像参数有码流类型、分辨率、视频帧率、位率上限和位率类型,使用中根据设备功能选定支持的码流类型与合适的分辨率(详见“各类型的对比”);视频帧率一般为全帧率;位率类型有:定码流:按照设定的位率上限值进行压缩存储。
单通道录像文件大小(GByte)=码流(kbit/s)÷8×3600×每天录像时间(hour)÷1024÷10245. 如何设置移动侦测录像?①进入图像设置菜单界面;②选择通道号;③定义移动侦测灵敏度级别(推荐设置为“2”);④设置移动侦测区域;⑤进入移动侦测报警处理菜单;⑥设置移动侦测的触发通道;⑦对移动侦测的处理选择布防时间,并复制到其它日期;⑧设置移动侦测处理方式;⑨保存移动侦测处理设置;⑩保存所有通道的移动侦测设置;⑪在菜单录像设置界面中把开启录像状态选为“ü”,然后进入设置界面,把录像类型设置为“移动侦测”,设置好时间段并复制到不同的日期,点击“确定”保存设置。
目前有2种版本的控件,一个是HCNetVideoActiveX.cab,名称为HCNetVideoActiveX.ocx,嵌入到8000系列和7000系列的设备中;另一个是NewHCNetActiveX.cab,包含控件名称为newocx.ocx,主要嵌入到6100系列,IP camera中。
3.清除控件的方法:1.关闭IE,进入Windows系统目录下,找到Downloaded ProgramFiles文件夹中的相关控件信息是否还在,若在,将其删除。
(HCNetVideoActiveX.cab对应HCNetVideoActiveX Control,NewHCNetActiveX.cab对应NewHCNetActiveX Control)2.进入system32文件夹下,确认是否还有残留的相关文件,若存在将其删除。
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
1.1 录像文件的大小
一般建议CIF模式下选择384K~768Kbps DCIF:512K~1Mbps 4CIF:768K~2Mbps,具体的选择需要根据现场情况、摄像机状况和具体要求来调节。
96k 42M 320k 140M 896k 393M
128k 56M 384k 168M 1.00M 450M
160k 70M 448k 196M 1.25M 562M
192k 84M 512k 225M 1.50M 675M
224k 98M 640k 281M 1.75M 787M
256k 112M 768k 337M 2.00M
码流(kbit/s) ÷ 8 × 3600 ÷ 1024 (单位:MB)
1.2 录像状态和设置
1.2.1 自动录像的设置
1.2.2 移动侦测录像的设置
2.1 客户端的设置
2.2 IE访问
如果设备的http 端口有修改过,则需要加修改的端口号。
如果遇到上述情况,可以在“internet 选项”里选择“安全”,在选择“自定义级别”,将有关ActiveX的6条安全设置全启用即可,在访问成功后即可以将设置还原。
在这种情况下,关闭IE,进入windows 系统目录下,找
(HCNETActive Control V1.5);到Download progrmfile文件夹,将其中的相关控件信息删除。
2.3 流媒体服务器的使用