姓名:X XX
专业:X XXX
Certificate of Education
This is to certify the following student’s educational background:
Name: XXX
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: XX/XX/XXXX
University: XXX University
Major: X XXX
Duration of Study: From XX/XX/XXXX to XX/XX/XXXX
Upon verification, the above information is true and valid. This is to certify.
XXX University
school year
Course Code
Course nature
school year
Course Code
Course nature
Mark for minor
Make-up exammark
Mark for restudied courses
English name for the course
Oral skill training
Educational practice
Foreign language college
Regional featuresforGuizhou
广西大学毕业证、学位证英文模板DIPLOMACertificate No: ⑴This is to certify that ⑵ , ⑶ , born on ⑷ , majoring in ⑸ in our university from September (6) toJune (7) and has completed the requirements as stipulated in a (8) -year undergraduate program with satisfactory results and is hereby granted graduation.President: (9)Guangxi UniversityDate: (10)说明:⑴证书编号⑵姓名拼音⑶性别⑷出生日期⑸专业方向(6) 入学年份 (7)毕业年份⑻学制年数 (9) 校长姓名拼音 (10) 毕业证书签发日期BACHELOR’S DEGREE CERTIFICATECertificate No: ⑴This is to certify that ⑵ , ⑶ , born on ⑷ , majoring in ⑸ in our university from September (6) to June (7) and has completed the requirements as stipulated in a (8) -year undergraduate program and is awarded the Bachelor of (9) upon graduation in conformity with the Degrees Regulations of the People’s Republic of China.Chairman: (10)Committee on Conferring of DegreeGuangxi UniversityDate: (11)说明:⑴证书编号⑵姓名拼音⑶性别⑷出生日期⑸专业方向⑹入学年份(7)毕业年份(8)学制年数(9)学科名称(10)学位评定委员会主席姓名(11)学位证书签发日期欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!致力为企业和个人提供合同协议,策划案计划书,学习资料等等打造全网一站式需求。
建议大家最好找专业的留学材料翻译公司,下面为大家提供以下翻译模板作为参考:Graduation CertificateLiu Xiang, male, born on March 1, 1988, studied a four-year program in Information Management and Information System at our school from September 2007 to June 2011. Having completed all courses specified in the teaching plan and passed the examinations, he is allowed to graduate.School: Wuhan University (Seal) President/Rector: (Seal)Certificate No.: XX June 29th, 2011Bachelor’s Degree CertificateThis is to certify that Liu Xiang, male, born on October 1, 1988, has completed an undergraduate program in Information Management and Information System at Wuhan University and gr aduated. According to Regulations of the People’s Republic of China onAcademic Degrees, he is awarded the degree of Bachelor of Management.Wuhan University President:(Chairman of the Academic EvaluationCommittee)Certificate No.: XX June 29th, 2011翻译质量是企业的生存之本,威琳如译始终以确保品质作为公司的目标,确保人工翻译,强调译员个人素质,一译两审,依靠庞大的专业术语库,引导译员学习不同专业领域的基础知识。
特此证明________大学教务处________年____月____日Certificate of Graduation(Student **,male,be born on **(月) **th(日),***(年),study at the Four-year full time undergraduate program of the school from **(月),**(年)to **(月),**(年).Finish all the prescript courses of the teaching plan with score qualified.Allow to graduate and get the Bachelor of Science in the Public.Certificate No.*****.Degree Certificate No.***.pateat universis per praesentes(特此证明)***university registrars**(月) **th(日),***(年)范毕业证明本二***,学号***,性别** ,身份证号 ** ,系我校信息科学与工程学院***专业2015届应届本科毕业生。
***,*** Student ID,gender,** ID number **,Department of our school of Information Science and Engineering *** Professional 2015 session of the fresh graduates.According to "** college student credit student status management regulations" and "Rules ** a bachelor's degree awarded," courses the student has success,consistent with the conditions required to grant a bachelor's degree.Hereby certify that.** University of Registry。
College English
College English
College Chinese
Advanced Mathematics
Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thinking of Three Represents.
Guangdong Polytechnic Normal
Student Identification No.
Date of Birth
Length of Program
4 Years:Sept.1st, 2006—July1st, 2010
Computer Application Basis
Physical Education
Military Education
Physical Education
Selected Readings of Ancient Chinese Novels
Modem Etiquette
Tourism Human Resources Management
Travel Service Management
Employment Guidance
Situation and Policy
Tourism resources and social investigation
MetallurgicalExperimental Techniques1冶金实验技术
production practice生产实习
Metallurgical Course Design冶金课程设计
Metallurgy and Heat Treatment B2金属学与热处理B2
Marxist philosophy马克思主义哲学
International Political and Economic世界政治与经济
Situation and Policy Education3形势与政策教育3
Metallurgy Transport Principle冶金传输原理
Introduction to Mao Zedong Thought毛泽东思想概论
General Chemistry普通化学
Cultivation of Ethic Thought思想道德修养
Physical Education体育
Physical Standard体育达标
Basis of Traditional Chinese Painting中国画基础
Engineering Mechanics工程力学
Mechanical Course Design机械课程设计
Fundamentals of Mechanical Design机械设计基础
Marxism Political EconomicsB马克思主义政治经济学B
英文版毕业证,学位证翻译(推荐)第一篇:英文版毕业证,学位证翻译(推荐)GENERAL HIGHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONGRADUATION CERTIFICATEThis is to certify that the student XXX, female and born on XX, who has completed the four-year undergraduate program of XX MAJOR in the XX University.She satisfied all requirements prescribed in this program, is hereby permitted to graduate and awarded this certificate of of University:(seal)President: XX(Signature)Certificate No.Date:CERTIFICATE OF BACHELOR’S DEGREEThis is to certify that the student XX, female and born on XX, who has completed the undergraduate program of XX at XX Normal University, is hereby duly admitted to the Bachelor’s degree of Science upon due examination fully in accordance with the Degree Regulations of the People’s Republic of China.XXXUniversityChairman of Degree Appraisal Committee:Certificate No.:Date(General Higher Education Undergraduates)第二篇:学位证毕业证翻译普通高等学校卒業証明書学生 XXX 性別 X,19XX年X月X日生まれ,XXXX年X月からXXXX年X月まで当校のXXXX学科在学,4年制本科の教育規定科目を全部修了し、成績合格により、卒業を認める。
留学用-毕业证书翻译样本第一篇:留学用 - 毕业证书翻译样本毕业证书翻译件范例(本科)CERTIFICATE OF GRADUATIONThis is to certify that ⑵ , ⑶ , born in ⑷ , has studied in ⑸ , in the school of ⑹ from ⑺ to ⑻ and has completed the requirements as stipulated in a ⑼-year undergraduate program with satisfactory results and is hereby granted graduation.⑽President of Sichuan UniversityDate: ⑾Certificate No: ⑴说明:1、填写说明:⑴ 证书编号⑵ 姓名拼音⑶ 性别⑷ 出生日期⑸ 专业方向⑹ 院系名称⑺ 入学日期⑻ 毕业日期⑼ 学制年数⑽ 校长姓名⑾ 毕业证书签发日期2、以此格式翻译打印出后,凭本人毕业证、学位证原件到校长办公室(行政楼3)审核,并复印在对外稿签纸上后加盖学校公章。
第二篇:毕业证书翻译CERTIFICATE OF BACHELOR’S DEGREEPHOTO OF HOLDERThis is to certify that Chen Kefei, male, born on Jul.12, 1990, has been permitted to graduate after completing Bachelo r’s Program in North China University of Technology majoring in Industrial Design.Upon review, he is hereby conferred the Bachelor’s Degree of Engineering according to the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Academic Degrees.Steel Seal: North China University of TechnologyPrincipalWang Xiaochun(Stamp)Chairman of Degree Appraising Committee:Jul.1, 2012Certificate Number: ***2(For Undergraduates from Ordinary Higher Institutes)North China University of TechnologyGRADUATION CERTIFICATEPHOTO OF THE HOLDERORDINARY FULL-TIME HIGHER INSTITUTESThis is to certify that Chen Kefei, male, born on Jul.12, 1990, has majored a four-year full-time program of bachelor’s degree in Industrial Design in our school from September 2008 to Jul.2012.Having completed all the required courses according to teaching plan with satisfactory marks, he is permitted to graduate.Principal: Wang Xiaochun(stamp)Jul.1, 2012Steel Seal: North China University of TechnologyCertificate number: ***660Regular institutions of higher educationGRADUATION CERTIFICATEPHOTO OF THE HOLDERThis is to certify that An Na, female, born on 12 Oct.1982, has majored a four-year full time programme of bachelor’s degree in English in English Language Literature Department from Sep.2001 to Jun.2005.Having completed all the courses according to teaching plan with satisfactory marks, she is permitted to munication University of China(stamp) Principal: Lu ChangfuJun.2005Ordinary higher educationCertificate number: ***813No.0511695This is to certify that Lin Lin, female, born on Mar.10, 1981, has majored off-job study of upgrade from junior college to university in English from Mar.2007 to Jan.2009.This is to certify that LI Jing, female, born on Feb.27, 1986, has majored a two-year full time program of upgrading from associate degree to bachelor’s degree in International Economics and Trade in our university from Sept.2007 to July 2009.Having completed all the courses according to teaching plan with satisfactory marks, she is permitted to graduate..ORDINARY HIGHER INSTITUTES GRADUATION CERTIFICATEPHOTO OF THE HOLDERSupervised by Ministry of Education of PRCNo.02320895This is to certify that Liu Ting, female, born on 23 Aug.1981, has majored a four-year full time programme of bachelor’s degree in English in Wuhan University of Technology from September 1999 to Jun.2003.Having completed all the required courses according to teaching plan with satisfactory marks, she is permitted to graduate.Wuhan University of Technology(stamp)Jun.2003Certificate number: ***555Regular institutions of higher educationGRADUATION CERTIFICATEPHOTO OF THE HOLDERThis is to certify that student Feng Wei, male, born on Apr.11, 1990, has majored a four-year full time program of bachelor’s degree in Telecommunications Engineering and Management from Sep.2008 to Jun.2012.Having completed all the courses according to teaching plan with satisfactory marks, he is permitted to graduate.Beijing University of Posts andTelecommunications(stamp)Principal: Fang BinxingCertificate No.: 100***2808Jun.19, 2012第三篇:初中毕业证书翻译JIANG SU PROVINCE JUNIOR MIDDLE SCHOOLGRADUATION CERTIFICATEThis is to certify that student Zhang Yifan(Male, born on 6th of March 1997 in Nantong City, Jiangsu Province)has studied for three years in Experimental Junior Middle School of Suzhou High-tech & New District.After passing the examinations he has reached junior middle school level and is granted graduation.Student Registration No.: ***0306Graduation Certificate No.: 20120311Education Authorities(Sealed)Experimental Junior Middle School of Suzhou High-tech & New DistrictPresident(sealed): Lu JunThis certificate is also the certificate for nine-year compulsory education in Jiangsu.Missing will not been replaced.30th June, 2012第四篇:11年毕业证书、学位证书翻译格式Wuhan University of Technology武汉理工大学 Wuhan, Hubei, P.R.China中华人民共和国湖北武汉将毕业证书的扫描件或复印件,缩放为原件的65%,粘贴在此处。
Allgemeine HochschulbildungAbschlu?zeugnis( Lichtbild )Naturwissenschaftliche und Technische Universit?t Cnstudy(⼤学名字,cnstudy理⼯⼤学)( Pr?gestempel )angefertigt vom Erziehungskomitee der Volksrepublik ChinaNr. 00000000(证书编号)Student WANG Tao(姓名), geboren am 20. Juni 1979(⽣⽇), hat von September 1997 bis Juli 2001(上学时间) auf unserer Universit?t das Fach "Informatik(学习的专业)" studiert. Er hat alle für ein vierj?hriges Studium vorgeschriebenen F? cher erfolgreich beschlossen und sich daher die Genehmigung verschaffen, unsere Universit?t zu absolvieren.Rektor: ZHANG San(校长名) (Stempel)Naturwissenschaftliche und TechnischeUniversit?t cnstudy(⼤学名,cnstudy理⼯⼤学章) ( Stempel )den 1. Juli 2001(签发时间)XUEXIAO-Nr. 00000000(学校号码)学位证书英⽂翻译样本Diploma and Degree Certificate (English copy )This is to certify that X X X , born in Henan Province on Nov..18. 1970 has studied for 4 years from Sep.1987 to July. 1991 in the department of Polymer Marerial majoring in Polymer Science & Engineering. has completed all the courses prescribed in the Teaching Programme, and has passed all the exams necessary for graduation from Beijing University of Technology. Having fulfilled the requirements stipulated by the Academic Degree Regulations of the People''s Republic of China, he/she is awarded the degree of Bachelor of Engineering. President:BeijingUniversityofTechnologyDate:July.1991Registered Certificate No:00000001。
C 1.5 C 2.5 C1
76 80 Culture of Tea 83 Art and Ceremony of Tea
2008 Fall
PE 1 PE 1
Bridge Engineering 80 Design of High-rises Building pass Anti-Earthquake Engineering
C 1.5 C5 C5
67 Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory 85 Environmental Law 85 Physical Education Ⅳ
C 4.5 84 Project Estimation and Budget
PE 1 pass Construction Project Management
C 6 pass
Theoretical Mechanics (A)
77 Building Electricity
Experiments in College Physics
C 1.5 81 Building Architecture
75 Note:
Linear Algebra
85 Mechanics of Structure (A)
O3 C4
66 80 Finite Element Method
2009 Fall
2009 Spring
Situation and Policy
C 1 pass Design of Construction Project Management
Engineering Drawing and Computer Aided Drawing
ZHOUKOU NORMAL UNIVERSITYStudent Academic Transcript of RecordsName: XXXXXX Gender: Male Student No.: XXXXXXXXXXX Admission Date: September 2010 Department :College of Life Sciences and Agronomy Major: Biological Engineering Education System:4 years Course Type Credit Score Piont Course Type Credit Score Piont2010 Fall (average scores:82.55) College English Ⅳ C 4.0 85.00 12.00 Cultivation of Thought &Morality & Legal Basis C 3.0 77.00 6.00 Contemporary Film and Television Review PE 2.0 85.00 6.00 College English I C 4.0 77.00 8.00 Engineering Drawing C 3.0 83.00 9.00 Physical Education I C 1.0 91.00 3.00 Microbiological Experiment C 1.0 93.00 3.00 Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry C 3.0 85.00 9.00 Principles of Chemical Engineering C 4.0 82.00 12.00 Inorganic Experiment C 1.0 87.00 3.00 Principle of Microorganism C 3.0 83.00 9.00 General Biology C 3.0 74.00 6.00 Enzyme Engineering O 3.0 68.00 6.00 Linear Algebra C 2.0 77.00 4.00 Biostatistics O 3.0 70.00 6.00 General Biology Experiment C 1.0 92.00 1.00 2012 Fall (average scores:82.86)2011 Spring (average scores:87.63) Cell Biology C 3.0 89.00 9.00 College English Ⅱ C 4.0 79.00 8.00 Molecular Biology C 4.0 71.00 8.00 Computer Basis I Computer Practice C 1.0 91.00 3.00 Cell Biology Experiments C 1.0 91.00 3.00 Outline of Modern and Contemporary Chinese History C 2.0 89.00 6.00 Bioengineering Analysis and Testing O 3.0 70.00 6.00 Physical EducationⅡ C 1.0 93.00 3.00 Bio-pharmaceutical Technology O 2.0 85.00 6.00 Inorganic Chemistry C 4.0 80.00 12.00 Biological Engineering and Factory Design O 3.0 95.00 9.00 General Biology C 3.0 83.00 9.00 Genetic Engineering O 2.0 79.00 4.00 Advanced MathematicsⅡ C 2.5 89.00 7.50 2013 Spring (average scores:84.29)Organic Chemistry Experiment C 0.5 97.00 1.50 Diploma Project (Biological Engineering) C 2.69 2011 Fall (average scores:82.32) Downstream Biotechnology C 4.0 83 12.00 Computer ⅢComputer Practice C 3.0 60.00 6.00 Biological Technique O 3.0 81 9.00 MAO Zedong Thought and the Theoretical System of SocialismC 6.0 89.00 18.00 Downstream Biotechnology Experiment C 1.0 85 3.00 with Chinese CharacteristicsCollege English Ⅲ(Listening) C 2.0 72.00 4.00 Zymurgy O 3.0 85 9.00 Physical EducationⅢPE 1.0 96.00 3.00 Bioengineering Equipment O 3.0 81 9.00 Dance Appreciating PE 2.0 80.00 6.00 Fermentation Engineering Experiment O 1.0 88 3.00 Physical Education (Wushu Majors) O 1.0 96.00 3.00 Bioinformatics O 2.0 87 6.00 College Physics C 4.0 85.00 12.00 Integrated Biochemical Experiments PE 1.0 92 3.00 Advanced Mathematics O 2.0 74.00 4.00Biochemistry C 7.0 81.00 21.00 Note:Biochemistry Experiment C 2.0 86.00 6.00 C=compulsory coursePsychological Physiology and Health of College Students O 2.0 97.00 6.00 O=optional course2012 Spring (average scores:80.57) PE=public elective courseRemarks: Full score for examination is 100.Checked by Department (Seal) Checked by Official Seal of Academic Affairs Office (Seal)`````Print Date 2014/02/24 `````。
证件翻译大全--成绩单英文翻译样本5篇第一篇:证件翻译大全--成绩单英文翻译样本证件翻译大全--成绩单英文翻译样本Student Transcript of Nanjing UniversityName: Wei Xiaoming Department: InformationEngineeringSecond semester of 1996SubjectFORTRAN ProgrammingAdvanced MathematicsPhysicsPrinciple of PhilosophyPublic LaborLaw BasisForeign LanguagePhysical EducationPracticeMilitary TheoryHours: 490;Credits: 0 Grade & Class: Class 1 Grade 2000Major: Computer & it’s applicationCategory Hours Score Credit Basic 51 95 0 Basic 96 78 0 Basic 68 67 0 Basic 68 82 0 Basic 30 85 0 Basic 17 65 0 Basic 64 74 0 Basic 34 82 0 Basic 30 65 0 Basic 32 87 0First semester of 1997Subject Category Hours Score Credit CircuitryPhysicsEngineering MathematicsPlutonomyLaw BasisForeign LanguagePhysical EducationPhysics ExperimentHours: 447;Credits: 0Basic 102 Basic 68 Basic 68 Basic 54 Basic 17 Basic 64 Basic 34 Basic 40 60 0 81 0 64 0 70 0 85 0 68 0 65 0 60 0第二篇:证件翻译--户口簿英文翻译样本证件翻译大全--户口簿英文翻译样本I.Residence Booklet has legal effect to prove a citizen’s identity status and mutual relations amongfamily members, and is the main basis for residence registration authorityto investigate and confirmhis/her registered permanent residence.In so doing, the household owner or members ofthis household shall, of his/her own free will, show the booklet.II.The household owner shall well keep the booklet,and is prohibited to modify, transfer or lend it.If lossarises, such shall be immediately reported to the residence registration authority.III.The registration right of the booklet belongs to residence registration authority, and any otherorganization or individualshall not make any record on it.IV.If the members are increased or decreased, or registration items change in this household,registration shallbe declaredto residence registrationauthority by holding the booklet.V.When the whole household moves out of residencejurisdictionalarea, the residence booklet shall bereturned to residence registration authority forcancellation.NO.Type of household Non-agricultural Name of household ownerhouseholdHousehold No.AddressProvincial-level public security authority’s seal special for residence: Public Security Bureau of Beijing(seal)Household registration body’s seal special forresidence:Stamp of handling person: xxxxxxx Police SubstationIssued on xxxxxxx第三篇:证件翻译--开户许可证英文翻译样本证件翻译大全--开户许可证英文翻译样本Permit for Opening Bank AccountRen Yin Hu Guan Zheng Zi()No.0000109Name of depositor: Fujian Pingtan XXXX FactoryBank Account: 01810264Nature of proprietorship: 00109Business scope:Legal representative: XX XXReference No.of Business License: 15494363-4Identification Code: 15494363-4Through examination, the depositor complies with the requirementsfor opening an account;please let it be allowed to open an basic account in our bank.Seal of the bank:People’s Bank of China, Pingtan Branch(Sealed)(1)Seal for management of the accountOct.26th, 1995Through the examination of the People’s Bank of China, it is herebyapproved that the basic account shall be opened in Pingtan Branch ofPeople’s Bank of ChinaSeal of the issuing bank:Oct.26th, 1995Instructions for opening accountI.The units, individuals and the banks, credit cooperatives cannot open a basicaccount without this permit.II.The permit includes the original and duplicate.The originalis issued to theapplicant;the duplicate is kept in the bank for file.III.If the depositor removes the basic account, this permit shall be returned.IV.Permit for Opening Bank Account is compiled by the Bankof China.No forgery,alteration or copy is piled by the Bank of ChinaPeople’s Bank of China(Seal for opening account)Bank of China Bank(94)Receipt Note of Cheque for Transfer(notice for collection money)No.0028888This copy is delivered to the Receiver as a notice certifying the fund havingbeen received.第四篇:证件翻译-公证文书英文翻译样本1证件翻译大全--公证文书英文翻译样本一.国外使用的公证书格式,COMMONWEALTH), ss: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF THE NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDOn this day of , 19 , personally appeared before me and , known to me to be the person(s)whose signature(s)is/ are subscribed to the foregoing instrument and who acknowledged to methat he/she/they executed the same as a voluntary act for the purposes set forth herein.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal on the day and year first written above.XX联邦马里亚纳公证书兹证明XXX 和XXX 于X 年X月X 日,在我的面前,签订了XX 合同。