The Art of Racing in the Rain 我在雨中等你
《发条橙》完整中英文对照剧本发条橙那是我 There was me. 艾力克斯和我的三个死党 That is, Alex, and my three droogs. 彼特乔治和迪姆 That is, Pete, Georgie and Dim. 我们坐在可罗瓦奶吧 And we sat in the Korova Milk Bar... 试着决定 ...trying to ___ke up our rassoodocks... 晚上要做些什么 ... what to do with the evening. 可罗瓦奶吧卖♥♥的是特级牛奶 The Korova Milk Bar sold milk plus. 牛奶加上菲罗赛 Milk plus vello ___t 或辛乐梅或瑞克隆药物 or synthemesc or drencrom... 这就是我们在喝的 ... which is what we were drinking. 它会让人精神振奋 This would sharpen you up... 准备来一点超暴♥力♥ ...and ___ke you ready for a bit of the old ultra-violen ___. 在都柏林可爱的城市 In Dublin "s fair city 女孩们都如此美丽 Where the girls are so pretty 我第一眼望见的 I first set my eyes 哦甜蜜的茉莉梅隆On sweet Molly Malone 当她推着她的推车 As she wheeled her wheelbarrow 穿过大街小巷 Through streets broad and narrow 叫卖♥♥着"海扇 Crying cockles 还有壳菜" And mussels....我无忍♥受的一件事 One thing I could never stand... 就是看到肮脏的老酒鬼 ... was to see a filthy, dirty olddrunkie... 大声唱着他老子的肮脏歌♥曲 ...howling away at the filthy songs of his fathers... 中间还夹着"咘啦咘啦"的声音 ...and going "blerp blerp " in between... 像是他发臭的身体里的肮脏乐团 it might be a filthy, old orchestra in his stinking guts. 不管他年纪如何我没法忍♥受看见有人这个样子 I could never stand to see anyone like that, whatever his age. 尤其是当他真的很老像是这一位 But more especially when he was real old, like this one was. 可以赏点钱吗我的兄弟 Can you spare some cutter, me brothers? 来呀宰了我你们这些 ___懦夫反正我不想活了 Go on ! Do me in, you bastard cowards! 我不想再活下去了 I don"t want to live anyway. 在这样一个发臭的世界里 Not in a stinking world like this. 哦这世界有什么这么臭 And what"s so stinking about it? 这是个发臭的世界因为不再有法律和秩序It"s a stinking world because there"s no law and order anymore! 它很臭这世界任由年轻人去教训老年人... It stinks because it lets the young get onto the old... 就像你们做的 ...Like you done! 这世界再也容不下老头子 It"s no world for an old ___n any longer. 这是个什么样的世界 What kind of a world is it at all? 人类到了月球 Men on the moon . 绕着地球旋转 Men spinning around the earth . 但却没有人注意到 And there"s not no attention paid... 地球已没有法律和秩序 earthly law and order no more. 哦亲爱的土地 Oh dear land 我为你而战 I fought for thee 在废弃的赌场我们碰上了比利仔... It was at the derelict casino that we came across Billy-boy... 和他的四个死党 ...and his four droogs. 他们正准备对一位哭泣的少女 They were about to perform a little of the old... 在那做原始抽送运动, in-out on a weepy young devotchka they had there. 那不就是 Well, if it isn"t... 那个又胖又臭... ...fat, stinking... 嗑药嗑过头的比利色鬼吗 ...Billy goat Billy-boy in poison . 你好吗How are thou ... 你这坨又贱又臭的回锅油 ...thou globby bottle of cheap, stinking chip-oil? 有种来挑一场... Come and get one in the yarbles... 如果你还有卵蛋的话 ...if you have any yarbles... 你这个被阉的 ___ eunuch jelly, thou . 兄弟干掉他们 Let"s get them, boys! 警♥察♥ The poli ___! 快我们走 Come on . Let"s go! 杜兰戈95的引擎声真是棒枀了 The Durango 95 purred away real horrorshow. 美好温暖的颤动感传遍全身 A ni ___ warm vibratey feeling all through your guttiwuts. 很快进入了黑暗的树林我的兄弟 Soon it was trees and dark, my brothers...真正乡间的黑暗 ... with real country dark. 我们和其它夜间的旅者胡闹了一番 We fillied around with other travelers of the night... 在路上横冲直撞 ...playing Hogs of the Road. 然后我们向西走 Then we headed west. 接下来我们要来个出其不意的拜访 What we were after now was the old surprise visit. 这才是真正刺♥激♥的... That was a real kick... 超暴♥力♥的愉悦与冲击 ...and good for laughs and lashing of the old ultra-violent. 家见鬼了那会是谁Who on earth could that be? 我去看看 I"ll go and see. 是的是哪位 Yes, who is it? 对不起可以帮帮忙吗发生了一件可怕的意外 Excuse me, can you please help? There"s been aterrible aident! 我朊友快 ___而死了我可以用你的电♥话♥吗 My friend"s bleeding to death ! Can I please use your telephone? 我们没有电♥话♥ 你必需到别的地方 We don"t have a telephone. You"ll have to go somewhere else. 但 ___ 这是攸关生死 But, missus, it"s a___tter of life and death ! 亲爱的是谁 Who is it, dear? 一个年轻人他说发生了意外 A young ___n . He says there"s been an aident. 他想要用电♥话♥ He wants to use the telephone. 我想你最好让他进来 I suppose you better let him in . 可以等一下吗 Wait a minute, will you? 对不起但我们通常不让陌生人进来 I" m sorry, but we don"t usually let strangers in--你们到底要干什么 What do you want from me? 彼特检查房♥子的其它地方迪姆... Right, Pete, check the rest of the house. Dim. 我在雨中欢唱 I"m singing in the rain 就这么在雨中欢唱 Just singing in the rain 多么愉快的感觉 What a glorious feeling 我又快乐起来 I"m happy again 我嘲笑天上的云 I"m laughing at clouds 如此地凄黑 So dark up above 阳光在我的心中 The sun"s in my heart 我准备好迎接爱 And I"m ready for love 让那暴云追来 Let the stormy clouds chase 四周的每个人 Everyone from the pla ___ 来迎接这场雨 Come on with the rain 我脸上挂着微笑 I"ve a ___ile on my fa ___ 我走在路上 I"ll walk down the lane 哼着快乐的旋律 With a happy refrain 我欢唱着 And I"m singing 就这么欢唱着 Just singing... 在雨中 the rain 看仔细小兄弟 Viddy well, little brother. 看仔细Viddy well . 这个晚上小小发泄了一些精力 We were all feeling a bit shagged and fagged and fashed... 我们都感到有点疲累和烦心 having been an evening of some s ___ll energy expenditure. 所以我们下了车 So we got rid of theauto... 到可罗瓦来睡前小酌 ...and stopped at the Korova for a nightcap. 嗨露西 Hello, Lucy. 忙了一整晚 Had a busy night? 我们也工作的很卖♥♥力 We"ve been working hard too. 不好意思露西 Pardon me, Lu ___. 角落有一些电视台的人 There was some sophistos from the TV studios around the corner... 有说有笑地 ughing and govoreeting. 那女人尽情地笑 The devotchka ___eched away... 毫不为这邪恶的世界操心 ...not caring about the wicked world one bit. 音响上的唱片播放完毕 Then the disk on the stereo twanged off and out. 在下首歌♥之前的短暂寂静 And in the short silen ___ before the next one came on... 她突然高声唱了起来 ...she suddenly came with a burst of singing. 一时之间我的兄弟活像是... And it was, like, for a moment, my brothers... 奶吧里飞来了一只大鸟 ...some great bird had flown into the milk bar. 我感觉全身的寒毛... And I felt all the ___lenky little hairs on my plott... 都竖立了起来 ...standing endwise. 泠颤像缓慢的小蜥蝪爬上... And the shivers crawling up like slow, ___lenky lizards...又再爬下 ...and then down again. 因为我知道她在唱什么Because I knew what she sang. 那是路德维范贝多芬第九交响曲的片段 It was a bit from the glorious 9th, by Ludwig van.你干嘛那样 What did you do that for? 因为你是个没有规矩的___ For being a bastard with no ___nners. 不懂如何在大众场吅举止吅宜 Without a dook of an idea about how to port yourself public-wise. 我不喜欢你做的事 I don"t like you should do what you done. 我再不是也不愿是你的兄弟 And I" m not your brother no more and wouldn"t want to be. 说话小心Watch that. 说话请小心点 Do watch that... 如果你还想要命的话 ...if to continue to be on live thou dost wish . 混♥蛋♥ Yarbles! 你这又大又圆的卵蛋 Great, bouncy yarblockos to you ! 我会带链子或刀子或刺刀随时候教I"ll meet you with chain or nozh or britva anytime. 我不会让你无故打我 I" m not having you aiming tolchocks at me reasonless. 没有理由我该被打的 It stands to reason, I won"t have it. 什么时间拿刀对干你说了算 A nozh scrap anytime you say. 呼 Doobidoob. 我或许有点累了 A bit tired ___ybe. 最好别再多说 Best not to say more. 现在该去睡了Bedways is rightways now . 我们还是回家睡一觉 So best we go homeways and get a bit of spatchka. 是吧对 Right, right? 我和我父母住的地方... Where I lived was with my dada and mum... 是在直北18A的国宅公♥寓♥区 municipal flat block 18-A Linear North. 今晚过得很愉快 Ithad been a wonderful evening. 要为夜晚划下 ___的句点我需要的是... And what I needed now to give it the perfect ending... 来一点路德维范贝多芬 ... was a bit of the old Ludwig van. 哦恩赐 Oh, bliss! 上帝的恩赐 Bliss and heaven! 炫丽美妙的具体呈现 It was gorgeousness and gorgeosity ___de flesh. 像是一只由珍稀的天堂之石铸成的鸟 It was like a bird of rarest spun, heaven metal. 或像是银色佳酿在宇宙飞船中流动 Or like silvery wine flowing in a spa ___ship... 重力再也无关紧要 ...gravity all nonsense now. 我一边听着 As I slooshied... 一边想像着如此美妙的景像 ...l knew such lovely pictures. 艾力克斯艾力克斯 Alex. Alex! 你要干什么 What do you want? 已经过了八点艾力克斯 It"s past 8 :00, Alex. 你不想上学迟到吧 ___ You don"t want to be late for school,son . 妈我的头有点痛 Bit of a pain in the gulliver, Mum.别管我我睡一下看会不会好一点 Leave us be, and I"ll try and sleep it off. 等下我就会生龙活虎 And then I"ll be as right as dodgers for this after. 但你整个星期没有上学了 ___ But you"ve not been to school all week, son . 我要休息妈Got to rest, Mum. 身体才会好一点 Got to get fit. 否则我会错过更多堂课 Otherwise I" m liable to miss a lot moreschool . 我把你的早餐放在烤箱里 I"ll put your breakfast inthe oven . 现在我该出门了 I"ve got to be off meself now . 好的妈 All right, Mum. 祝你在工厂度过愉快的一天 Have a ni ___ day at the factory. 爷他今早又感觉不太舒朋 He"s not feeling too good again this morning, Dad. 是是我听到了Yes. Yes, I heard. 你知道他几时回来的吗 You know what time he got in? 不我不知道我吃了安♥眠♥药♥ No, I don"t. I"d taken me sleepers. 我想知道... I wonder... 他晚上究竟到哪去工作 ...where exactly is it he goes to work of evenings. 如他说的 Like he says... 他做的大多是一些怪事"s mostly odd things he does. 可能是... Helping-like... 这里帮个忙那里帮个忙 and there as it might be. 嗨嗨嗨戴托先生Hi, hi, hi, Mr. Deltoid. 看见你在这真是惊奇 Funny surprise, seeing you here. 艾力克斯 Alex-boy. 终于醒了Awake at last, yes? 我在上班途中遇见你的母亲是吧 I met your mother on the way to work, yes? 她给了我钥匙 She gave me the key. 她说你有地方在痛 She said something about a pain somewhere. 所以不在学校是吗 Hen ___ not at school, yes? 相当难受的头疼先生 A rather intolerable pain in the head, brother sir. 我想在午餐之后会没事 It should be clear by this afterlunch . 是的或许晚上就完全没事了 Or___rtainly by this evening, yes. 夜晚是美妙的时光是吧艾力克斯 The evening"s the great time, isn"t it, Alex-boy? -先生来杯茶吧 -没空没空 -Cup of the old chai, sir? -No time, no time, yes. 坐坐坐 Sit, sit, sit! 我何等荣幸受如此礼遇To what do I owe this extreme pleasure, sir? 有问题吗先生Anything wrong, sir? 问题你怎么会认为出问题了呢 Wrong? Why should you think of anything being wrong? 你是不是做了些不该做的事 Have you been doing something you shouldn"t? 那只是说话的习惯 Just a ___nner of speech . 是的而你的辅♥导♥官说话的习惯是... Yes, well, it"s just a ___nner of speech from your... 你最好小心点小艾力克斯 advisor to you, that you watch out, little Alex.因为下一次就不会是感化学校了 Because next time it"s not going to be the corrective school . 下次就得坐牢我的心血就白费了 Next time it"ll be the Barley pla ___, and all my work ruined. 就算你不尊重你自己 If you"ve no respect for yourself... 至少也尊重一下为你努力的我 at least might have some for me, who sweated over you . 你这大黑印我告诉你每个我们无法矫正的人 A big, black ___rk, I ___ you, for every one we don"t reclaim. 你们每个自承失败的...A confession of failure for every one of you ... 最后都沦落到监牢里 ...who ends up in the stripy hole. 我没做什么不该做的事 I"ve been doing nothing I shouldn"t. 警♥察♥没有我的把柄老兄 The milli ___nts have nothing on me, brother. 先生我是说 Sir, I mean . 停止这些关于警♥察♥的狡辩 Cut out this clever talk about milli ___nts. 警方没有抓到你... Just because the poli ___ haven"t picked you up... 不代表你没做什么下流的事 ...doesn"t mean that you"ve not been up to some nastiness. 昨晚发生了一点下流 There was a bit of nastiness last night. 非常肮脏的事是吧 Some very extreme nastiness, yes? 比利仔的几个朊友昨晚被送到医院 A few of a ___rtain Billy-boy"s friends were ambulan ___d off late. 他们提到你的名字 Your name was mentioned. 我仍平常的管道听到这消息The words got to me by the usual channels. 他们也提到了你的一些朊友 Certain friends of yours were named also. 一如往常没人能证明什么人做了什么事 Nobody can prove anything about anybody, as usual . 我警告你小艾力克斯...I" m warning you, little Alex... 身为你长久以来的好友... ...being a good friend to you as always... 一个在这痛苦病态的社区里... ...the one ___n in this sore and sickmunity... 想要拯救你改变你的人 ...who wants to save you from yourself! 到底是什么控制你们这些人 What gets into you all? 我们研究此问题己经差不多一个世纪 We"ve been studying the problem for damn well near a ___ntury. 但研究却毫无进展But we get no farther with our stu ___s. 你有个美好的家庭慈祥的父母 You got a good home here. Good, loving parents. 你的脑筋也不坏 You"ve got not too bad of a brain . 是不是你体内藏着恶魔 Is it some devil that crawls inside of you? 没有人控制我老兄 Nobody"s got anything on me. 我已经很久没碰过警♥察♥了 I been out of the milli ___nts" rookers for a long time. 我就是担心这个 That"s just what worries me. 时间久的令人不安 A bit too long to be safe. 就我认为你周期快到了 You" re about due, by my reckoning. 所以我要警告你 That"s why I" m warning you ... 别沾染那些下流的事 keep your handsome young proboscis out of the dirt. 我说的够清楚吗 Do I ___ke myself clear? 像个清澈的湖先生 As an u ___ud ___d lake, sir. 清楚地像仲夏蔚蓝的天空As clear as an azure sky of deepest summer. 你可以信赖我先生 You can rely on me, sir.对不起老兄 Excuse me, brother. 两个星期前我订了唱片请你查查到了没有 I ordered this two weeks ago. Can you see ifit"s arrived? 稍等一下 Just a minute. 不好意思小姐们Pardon me, la ___s. 很好吃吧亲爱的 Enjoying that, are you, my darling? 有点泠又无用不是吗 A bit cold and pointless, isn"t it, my lovely? 小妹妹你那怎么了 What"s happened to yours, my little sister? 帅哥你买♥♥谁的唱片Who you getting, bratty? 戈葛里果 Goggly Gogol? 强尼齐瓦哥Johnny Zhivago? 天堂十七 The Heaven 17? 你回家用什么来听你那些靡靡之音 What you got back home to play your fuzzy warbles on? 我猜你用可怜的可携式野餐型唱机 I bet you"ve got little say, pitiful, portable piic players. 跟叔叔来听听更棒的 Come with Uncle and hear all proper. 聆听天使的小号♥和恶魔的长号♥ Hear angel trumpets and devil trombones. 我衷心地邀请你们 You are invited. 嗨嗨各位好Hi, hi, hi, there. 你好 Well, hello. 他在这里 He are here! 他来了 He have arrived! 万岁Hooray! 好好...好 Welly, welly, welly, welly, welly, welly, well . 我何等荣幸享受这般... To what do I owe the extreme pleasure... 意外的拜访 ...of this surprising visit? 我们很担心 We got worried. 我们在那儿喝特级牛奶等你 There we were, waiting and drinking away at the old knifey moloko... 但你没有出现 ...and you had not turned up. 我们就想或许你已经... And we thought you might have been, like... 碰上了什么麻烦 ...offended by something or other. 所以我们绕到你的公♥寓♥ So around we e to your abode. 对不起 Appy polly loggies. 我头有点疼所以要睡一下 I had something of a pain in the gulliver, so I had to sleep. 我想醒但醒不过来 I was not awakened when I gave orders for wakening. 你头痛我很难过 Sorry about the pain . 大概是脑袋用太多了 Using the gulliver too much-like, ___ybe. 用来下命令和处罚人之类的或许 Giving orders and discipline and such, perhaps. 你确定头不痛了吗 You sure the pain is gone? 你确定不想再回床上躺着 You sure you"d not be happier backin bed? 我们来把事情说的清清楚楚 Let"s get things ni ___ and sparkling clear. 这种泠嘲热讽...如果我可以这么说的话This sarca ___, if I ___y call it such ... 并不适吅你们我的小兄弟 ...does not bee you, my little brothers.身为你们的死党和领袖 As I am your droog and leader... 我有权知道发生了什么事 ...I" m entitled to know what goeson . 现在迪姆 Now then, Dim. 你这样咧嘴大笑是什么意思 What does that great big horsey gape of a grin portend? 够了别再找迪姆的麻烦兄弟 All right, no more picking on Dim, brother. 这是新的规矩 That"s part of the new way. 新规矩New way? 什么新规矩 What"s this about a new way? 我知道在我睡着时你们在我背后谈了很多 There"s been some very large talk behind my sleeping back, I know it. 如果你一定要知道那就告诉你 If you must have it, have it, then . 我们去抢一堆商店 We go around shop crasting and the like... 每个人都会拿到大把的钞票 out with a pitiful rookerfull of money each . 咖啡店的英国佬威尔说... And Will the Englishin the coffee mesto... 无论谁抢了什么他都可以卖♥♥出去 ...saying he can fen ___ anything any ___lchick tries to crast. 那闪亮的东西钻石 The shiny stuff. The l ___! 值好多好多的钱这是英国佬威尔说的 The big, big, big money"s available, is what Will the English says. 你要拿那好多好多的钱来做什么 And what will you do with the big, big, big money? 你不是所需的都有了吗 Have you not everything you need? 你想要车子就仍树下拖一台 If you need a motorcar, you pluck it from the trees. 如果你要钱尽管拿 If you need pretty polly, you take it. 兄弟你说的和想的有时像个小孩一样Brother, you think and talk sometimes like a little child. 今晚我们要像大人一般地抢劫 Tonight we pull a ___n-size crast. 好真好 Good! Real horrorshow ! 机会落到了等待的人身上 Initiative es to thems that wait. 我已教了你们很多我的小朊友 I"ve taught you much, my little droogies. 现在告诉我你有什么想法乔治仔 Now ___ me what you had in mind, Georgie-boy. 何不先去喝杯特级牛奶 The old moloko plusfirst. Would you not say? -让精神振奋一下 -来点特级牛奶Something to sharpen us up. -你得先走我们都喝过了 -特级牛奶 You especially. We have the start. 当我们沿着船港走... As we walked along the flatblock ___rina... 我外表镇静但一直在想... ...l was calm on the outside, but thinking all the time. 现在是乔治当头头... So now it was to be Georgie the General... 告诉我们什么该做什么不该做 ...saying what we should do and what not to do. 迪姆则是他没脑袋只会傻笑的走狗 And Dim as his mindless, grinning bulldog. 但突然我发现只有傻瓜才会这么想... But suddenly I vid ___d that thinking was for the gloopy ones... 聪明的人 ...and that the oomny ones used, like... 会利用灵感和上天的启示 ...inspiration and what Bog sends. 现在美妙的音乐来助我一臂之力 For now it was lovely music that came to my aid. 有扇打开的窗音响正开着... There was a window open with a stereo on... 马上我就知道要怎么做 ...and I vid ___d right at on ___ what to do. ___切到迪姆的主动脉 I had not cut into any of Dim "s ___in cables.所以用干净的手帕... And so with the help of a clean tashtook... 红色的血很快就止住 ...the red, red kroovy soon stopped. 在纽约公爵酒吧另外两个伤兵 And it did not take long to quieten the two wounded sol ___rs... 没多久也安静了下来 ...down in the snug of the Duke of New York. 现在他们知道谁是主人与 ___ Now they knew who was ___ster and leader. 像绵羊一般我想 Sheep, thought l. 但一个真正的 ___者总是知道何时... But a real leader knows always when, like... 该对他的手下慷慨 give and show generous to his unders. 现在我们又重回以往 Now we" re back to where we were. 是吧 Yes? 一切既往不咎 Just like before, and all forgotten? 好不好 Right, right, right? 好 Right. 好 Right. 好 Right. 好乔治仔 Well, Georgie-boy... 你们关于今晚的想法 ...this idea of yours for tonight. 告诉我们吧 Tell usall about it, then . 不是今晚 Not tonight. 不是今天晚上 Not this nochy. 少来了乔治仔Come, e, e, Georgie-boy. 你如我们一样是个又大又壮的 ___ You" re a big, strong chelloveck, like us all . 我们不是小孩子是吧乔治仔 We" re not little children, are we, Georgie-boy? 所以你脑中有计划吗 What, then, didst thou inthy mind have? 是那座健康农场 It"s this health farm. 离市区有点远 A bit out of the town. 很孤立 Isolated. 富有的女主人It"s owned by this rich ptitsa... 和她的猫住在那里 ... who lives there with her cats. 那地方关闭一个星期 The pla ___is shut down for a week... 她只有自己一人 ...and she"s pletely on her own. 里头满是黄金银器 It"s full up with, like, gold and silver... 还有珠宝 ...and, like, jewels. 再多说一点乔治仔 Tell me more, Georgie-boy. 多说一点 Tell me more. 哦讨厌 Oh, ___! 是谁 Who"s there? 对不起可以帮帮忙吗 Excuse me, can you please help? 发生了严重的意外 There"s been a terrible aident! 我可以用你的电♥话♥找救护车吗 Can I please use your telephone for an ambulan___? 恐怕十分抱歉 I" m frightfully sorry.一哩外的酒馆有电♥话♥ There"s a telephone in the public house a mile down the road. 我建议你们去那边打 I suggest you use that. 但 ___ 这是紧急 ___ But missus, this is an emergency! 是生死交关 It"s a ___tter of life and death ! 我的朊友躺在路上血流不止 Me friend"s lying in the middle of the road, bleeding to death ! 我很抱歉 I" m very sorry... 但天黑之后我不给陌生人开门的 ...but I never open the door to strangers after dark. 非常好 ___ Very well,___dam. 也不能怪你这么疑心... You can"t be blamed for being suspicious... 晚上有很多的恶棍和无赖 ...with so ___ny scoundrels and rogues of the night about. 那我去酒馆求救I"ll try and get help at the pub, then . 很抱歉打扰你 I" m sorry if I disturbed you . 非常谢谢 Thank you very much . 晚安 Good night. 迪姆弯下来 Dim, bend down . 我要爬进窗子打开前门 I"ll get in that window and open the front door. 瑞雷警♥察♥局 Hello. Radlett Poli ___ Station? 晚安这是伍密健康农场的威勒小姐 Good evening. It"s Miss Weathers at Woodmere Health Farm. 很抱歉麻烦你但刚才发生一件奇怪的事 I" m sorry to bother you, but something rather odd just happened. 或许没什么事但说不准的 It"s probably nothing at all, but you never know . 一个年轻人按铃请求使用电♥话♥A young ___n rang the bell, asking to use the telephone. 他说发生了一件意外 He said there"s been some kind of aident. 我注意到他说的话 The thing that caught my attention was what he said. 听来像是早上报纸引述的那些话 His words sounded like those quoted in the papers this morning... 和那位作家和妻子被攻击的事有关 connection with the writer and his wife who were assaulted. 就在几分钟之前 Justa few minutes ago. 如果你觉得有必要的话 If you think that"s ne ___ssary. 但我确定他现在走了 But I" m quite sure he"s gone away now . 好吧好的 All right, fine. 非常谢谢你 Thank you very much . 嗨嗨嗨你好 Hi, hi, hi there. 我们终于见面了 At last we meet. 我们在信箱口的简短谈话不太令人满意 Our brief govorett through the letter-hole was not satisfactory. 你是谁 Who are you? 你是怎么进来的 How the hell did you get in here? 你以为你在干什么 What the bloody hell do you think you" re doing? 好坏好坏好坏 Naughty, naughty, naughty! 你这下流的老女人 You filthy old soo___ka. 听着你这小 ___ Now listen here, you little bastard! 转过头仍你进来的地方出去 Just turn round and walk out of here the same way you came in . 快走开别碰它 Leave that alone! Don"t touch it!这是非常珍有的艺术品 It"s a very important work of art. 你到底要干什么 What the bloody hell do you want? ___ 老实地说... To be perfectly honest, ___dam... 我正参加一项国际学生竞赛 ...I" m taking part in an international students" contest... 看谁的杂♥志♥卖♥♥的多谁得高分 see who can get the most points for selling ___gazines. 少胡扯小子 Cut the ___, sonny... 在惹麻烦之前快离开这里 ...and get out of here before you get yourself into serious trouble. 我告诉你不要碰它现在 ___... I told you to leave that alone! Now get out of here... 不然我要把你丢出去 ...before I throw you out! 粗鄙肮脏的臭虫Wretched, slummy bedbug! 我来教你闯入别人的家会怎样 I"ll teach you to break into real people"s houses. 他妈的...___ing... 小... ...Little... ___ ...bastard! -快走警♥察♥来了 -等一下朊友 -Let"s go! The poli ___ are ing! -One minoota, droogie. 你们这些混♥蛋♥ You bastards! 我看不见了 I" m blind! 我瞎了你们混♥蛋♥ I" m blind, you bastards! 我看不见 I can"t see! 我的小兄弟抱着希望坐在那是没用的 It"s no good sitting there in hope, my little brothers. 除非我的律师在否则我一个字都不会说I won"t say a single solitary slovo unless I have my lawyer here. 我可是懂法律的你们这些混♥蛋♥ I know the law, you bastards. 没错汤姆 Righty-right, Tom. 我们得让我们的朊友艾力克斯知道我们也是懂法律的 We"ll have to show our friend Alex here that we know the law too. 但知道法律不是一切 But that knowing the law isn"t everything. 你的鼻子可真难看小艾力克斯 Nasty cut you"ve got there,little Alex. 真丢脸 Shame, isn"t it? 破坏了你的美 Spoilsall your beauty. 是谁弄的 Who gave you that, then? 你是怎么搞的 How"d you do that, then? 你要做什么你这混♥蛋♥ What"s your point, you bastard? 这是为了受害的女士That is for your lady victim. 你这可怕的... You ghastly... 下♥贱♥的恶棍 ...wretched scoundrel . 把他拉开Get him off me! 你这堕落的小 ___ You rotten little bastard! 晚安戴托先生 Good evening, Mr. Deltoid. 晚安警官 Good evening, Sergeant. 他们在B室先生 They" re in room B, sir. 谢谢你 Thank you very much . 警官 Sergeant--晚安 Good evening. 晚安巡官 Good evening, inspector. -长官现在要来杯茶吗 -不谢谢警官 -Would you like your tea now, sir? -No, thank you, Sergeant. 我可以要一些纸巾吗 May I have some paper towels, please? 我们正在审问犯人 We" re interrogating the prisoner now . -或许你愿意进来 -非常感谢你 -Perhaps you"d care to e inside. -Thank you very much . 晚安警官晚安各位 Good evening, Sergeant. Good evening,all . 哦老天这小子看来一团糟不是吗 Oh, dear! This boy does look a mess, doesn"t he? 看看他的状况 Just look at the state of him. 像是一场恶梦 Loves young night ___re-like. 暴♥力♥导致暴♥力♥ Violen ___。
读强烈推荐5部英⽂书不知道你有没有看英⽂书的习惯?今天推荐5本好看的英⽂书,有时间的话,可以翻看翻看~1The Kite Runner《追风筝的⼈》It may be unfair, but what happens in a few days, sometimes even a single day, can change the course of a whole lifetime这可能真的很不公平,有时候⼏天发⽣的事情,甚⾄⼀天之内发⽣的事情,就会改变你的⼀⽣。
2Everything I Never Told You《⽆声告⽩》What made something precious? Losing it and finding it. 如何让⼀样东西变的很宝贵?失去它然后再找到它。
”3The Storied Life of A. J. Fikry《岛上书店》Sometimes books don't find us until the right time. 有时候,书籍会在恰当的时候找到我们本书主要讲述的是⼀个寂静的⼩岛,⼀位中年丧妻的书店⽼板和⼀个被抛弃的婴⼉的故事。
我在雨中等你英文作文80词英文回答:Rain falls down on the roof over my head, a steady pitter-patter that fills the air with a gentle rhythm. I stand beneath the eaves, sheltered from the downpour, and watch as the raindrops dance upon the pavement. They form tiny ripples that spread outwards, like the echoes of a distant memory.The rain washes over me, cleansing me of my worries and cares. I close my eyes and breathe in the scent of the earth, refreshed by the cool, damp air. The rain is a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope. It is a symbol of renewal and rebirth, a promise that the sun will shine again.I open my eyes and look up at the sky. The rain is beginning to let up, and the clouds are slowly parting. I can see a faint glimmer of sunlight peeking through thedarkness. It is a sign that the storm is passing, and that brighter days are ahead.I step out from beneath the eaves and into the rain. I let the raindrops fall upon my face, and I smile. I am grateful for the rain, for its cleansing power and its promise of hope.中文回答:雨水落在我头顶的屋顶上,发出稳定的滴答声,让空气中充满了轻柔的节奏。
552020电影《我在雨中等你》(The Art of Racing in the Rain )(西蒙•柯蒂斯,2019),由西蒙•柯蒂斯导演执导,米洛•文堤米利亚领衔主演,凯文•科斯特纳担纲配音,于2019年8月9日在全美公映。
RTA - singing in the rain
RTA – singing in the rain(叶子淳)I'm singing in the rain我在雨中歌唱Just singing in the rain我在雨中欢唱(左溢)What a glorious feeling多美好的感觉I'm happy again我心雀跃(合唱)I'm laughing at clouds我放声欢笑So dark up above天色虽阴沉The sun's in my heart我心中却有灿烂的阳光And I'm ready for love For love我已准备好去爱(徐浩)Let the stormy clouds chase 尽管狂风暴雨大作Everyone from the place路人惊慌逃散(朱朱)Come on with the rain下吧大雨I've a smile on my face你挡不住我脸上的笑意I'll walk down the lane我穿过街道With a happy refrain心中洋溢着快乐Just singing, singing in the rain仅是欢唱,在雨中欢唱Singing in the rain在雨中欢唱La La La啦啦啦La La La啦啦啦I'm happy again我心雀跃La La La啦啦啦La La La啦啦啦I'm singing and dancing in the rain 我在雨中起舞欢唱Just singing, singing in the rain仅是欢唱,在雨中欢唱。
Standing in the rain, waiting for you felt like an eternity. The sound
of raindrops hitting the ground seemed deafening, but in that moment, all I could think about was seeing your face again. The rain soaked through my clothes, but I didn't care because all my focus was on the anticipation of your arrival. Every passing car made my heart race, hoping it would be you pulling up next to me. And when I finally saw your familiar figure approaching through the rain, the wait was instantly worth it.
Rhythm of the Rain(雨中的旋律)歌词-精选教育文档
《Rhythm of the Rain(雨中的旋律)》是一首六十年代The Cascades的歌曲。
这首歌被台湾著名歌手萧敬腾翻唱,并收录于其2019年发行的Live版爵士英文翻唱概念专辑《Mr. Jazz - A Song for you》中。
Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain,Telling me just what a fool I've been.I wish that it would go and let me cry in vain,And let me be alone again.The only girl I care about has gone away.Looking for a brand new startBut little does she know that when she left that day.Along with her she took my heart.Rain, please tell me, now does that seem fairFor her to steal my heart away when she don't careI can't love another, when my heart's somewhere far away.The only girl I've care about has gone away.Looking for a brand new startBut little does she know that when she left that day.Along with her she took my heart.Rain, won't you tell her that I love her soPlease ask the sun to set her heart aglowRain in her heart and let the love we knew start to grow.Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain,Telling me just what a fool I've been.I wish that it would go and let me cry in vain,And let me be alone again.Ooh listen to the falling rainPItter-patter,Pitter-patter...第 1 页。
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我在雨中等你英文作文80词英文回答:I'm waiting for you in the rain. It's been a while now, and I can feel the raindrops slowly soaking through my clothes. But I don't mind. I just want to see you, to bewith you. Rain or shine, I'll be here, waiting.The raindrops fall gently on my face, like tears of joy. It's as if the sky is crying with me, sharing in my anticipation. I look around, hoping to catch a glimpse of you through the misty rain. But all I see are blurred figures, umbrellas bobbing up and down. It's frustrating, but I won't give up.I remember the first time we met. It was also raining that day. You were standing under a tree, trying to shield yourself from the rain. I offered you my umbrella, andthat's when our story began. Rain has always been a part of our love story, and it's only fitting that I wait for youin the rain.中文回答:我在雨中等你。
当恩佐在过马路的时候不幸被风驰而过的汽 车撞倒,丹尼匆忙的把它送到动物医院。恩 佐听不懂那些术语,但是他听到了八百一十 二美元。然而当时的丹尼连加油的钱都不够 了。丹尼没有放弃恩佐,恩佐忍着疼痛陪伴 着丹尼,它知道主人的无奈,了解他被诬陷 被夺去女儿的悲伤。
[] ·
The Art Of Racing In The Rain
思 斯 坦在 雨ຫໍສະໝຸດ 著 中赵等鑫 你 20
1 赵1班鑫
就像丹尼,自己当时拮据,但 他没有选择抛弃。狗狗和人之 间的深情,相互信任是这个故 事的泪点。
左边图中你可以看到即使潦倒, 别人都离开了你,狗狗还是会 在你身边。因为在狗狗的眼中, 不在乎主人是否有钱。狗狗不 和人一样,忠诚(loyalty)是 它一生下来骨子里注定铭记一 生的信仰。
你看到了多少只针管? 那你就看到了多少只 流浪狗要死去。也许 狗狗不是你的一生, 但你是狗狗的一生。 如果不想在选择它之 后有信心陪伴它一生, 那请不要去选择它。 那样只会多几行伤心
马克斯韦尔和特茜夫妇(丹尼的岳父母)为了争 夺卓伊的抚养权,让他们的一个15岁亲戚安妮卡 做伪证,诬陷丹尼有恋童癖。安妮卡一开始违背 良心做伪证,但在与丹尼偶遇,简单聊天后深深 地陷入自责,她了解了但你作为一个单亲父亲对 女儿深沉的爱还有无奈。于是最后她在律师面前 说了真实情况。丹尼洗刷了冤屈夺回了女儿的抚 养权。
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The Art of Racing in the Rain 我在雨中等你
Book Description:
Enzo knows he is different from other dogs: a philosopher with a nearly human soul, he has educated himself by watching television extensively, and by listening very closely to the words of his master, Denny Swift, an up-and-coming race car driver.
Through Denny, Enzo has gained tremendous insight into the human condition, and he sees that life, like racing, isn't simply about going fast. Using the techniques needed on the race track, one can successfully navigate all of life's ordeals.
On the eve of his death, Enzo takes stock of his life, recalling all that he and his family have been through: the sacrifices Denny has made to succeed professionally; the unexpected loss of Eve, Denny's wife; the three-year battle over their daughter, Zoe, whose maternal grandparents pulled every string to gain custody. In the end, despite what he sees as his own limitations, Enzo comes through heroically to preserve the Swift family, holding in his heart the dream that Denny will become a racing champion with Zoe at his side. Having learned what it takes to be a compassionate and successful person, the wise canine can barely wait until his next lifetime, when he is sure he will return as a man.
A heart-wrenching but deeply funny and ultimately uplifting story of family, love, loyalty, and hope, The Art of Racing in the Rain is a beautifully crafted and captivating look at the wonders and absurdities of human life . . . as only a dog could tell it.。