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Nerve神经 olfactory bulb (rodents only)-嗅球 Pons脑桥 spinal cord-脊髓 Thalamus-丘脑
• 解剖时剥离头盖骨,固定于10%中性福尔马林溶液,24小时后换液 • 继续固定2-3天后进行取材。 • 取材后固定2天,进行脱水处理。 • 常规脱水60%乙醇溶液开始。 • HE染色 • 封片
(typically rostral forebrain [cerebral cortex and basal nuclei],
Section 2, cerebrum
Cc: cerebral cortex Cca: corpus callosum H: hypothalamus Hc: hippocampus T: thalamus ChP – Choroid Plexus RS – Retrosplenial Cortex (压后皮质)
with the cranial vertebral column to avoid artifacts .
1. the first section at the level of optic chiasm including the basal ganglia, septum, cortex, anterior hypothalamus(包括基底核、隔膜、皮质和
Brain matirx
To achieve precise vertical cuts, brain matrix moulds can be used. Different sizes are available for different laboratory species. For rodents, the brain can be sliced at 1 mm intervals.
through the frontal pole (level B)额极
at the optic chiasm (level C) 视神经交叉
level rostral to the infundibulum (level D)漏斗管
level rostral to the caudal margin 乳头体尾部 of the mamillary body (level E),
Certain structures should be sampled regularly: Caudate putamen纹状体 Cerebellum小脑
Cerebral cortex(frontal额区, parietal顶区, cingulate-扣带回, temporal颞区, occipital枕区, retrospenial压后皮质, piriform梨状叶, entorhinal内皮层) Choroid plexus脉络丛 Eye (with optic nerve)眼含视神经 Hippocampus海马 (Cornu Ammonis 海马角and Dentate gyrus齿状回) Hypothalamus下丘脑 medulla oblongata延髓(Trigeminal三叉神经, Vagal & Facial nuclei迷走和面部神经, Area Postrema后极区) Midbrain中脑(Rostral and Caudal colliculus前丘和后丘, Medial Geniculate nuclei内侧膝状体核, Red nucleus红核, Raphe nucleus中缝核, Substantia
2. the second section at the level of hippocampus containing the cortex and brain stem at the transition of diencephalon to mesencephalon(间脑到中脑的过渡) 3. the third section containing the cerebellum and brain stem (medulla oblongata)(延髓).
Brain, lateral view Brain, ventral view
1) Cerebrum at the optic chiasm(视交叉神经处大脑) 2) Cerebrum at the base of the posterior hypothalamus (下丘脑后部处
3) Mid-cerebellum and medulla oblongata(中脑和延髓) Optional: 4) Pons at the middle of its protrusion(脑桥) (recommended for special investigations of the pons.) 5)A sample of the cranial cervical cord can be removed together with the brain (location 5). Alternatively, it can be taken together
the mid-infundibular level)
Caudal forebrain [cerebral cortex and hippocampus with either diencephalon or rostral midbrain]
Section 3:cerebellum and medulla oblongata
上海药物所药物安全评价研究中心 2013-09-25 2016-10-12 中国科学院上海药物研究所药物安全评价研究中心
大鼠脑的解剖结构 不同的取材方式 常见人工假象 不同取材方式之间的比较
脑的最前端(嗅球) 位于眶间最狭窄处 横嵴-嗅球与大脑分界处
the second section at the level of hippocampus containing the cortex and brain stem at the transition of diencephalon to mesencephalon(thalamus at
Regions that perform critical neurological functions should be sampled routinely.
Motor sensory
HoLeabharlann Baidueostasis
common neurotoxicity target sites
神经疾病 发生率日益增加
无法明确原因 的神经退行性
临床试验中多 种药物引起神 经毒性改变
潜在神经毒性 的化合物
3段取材遗漏 大量解剖功能 结构,漏诊。
Reference: Rossella D. Neuroanatomy-based Matrix guided Trimming Protocol for the Rat Brain, Toxicologic Pathology, XX: 1-8, 2014.
prefrontal cortex (level A) 前额皮质
大脑 Bregma 前囟点 大脑小脑分界处(前缘骨缝)
解剖时,最容易损伤三处: 嗅球、垂体和小脑绒球
•嗅球 •前额皮质 •尾状核 •穹隆-胼胝体后端向下弯纤维束 •胼胝体-两大脑半球之间弧形白 色神经纤维带 •海马 •丘脑上部 •丘脑下部 •横窦 •小脑
•嗅球脚 •前联合(连接同一半球不同部位) •梨状叶 •视神经交叉 •乳状体 •脚间窝 •副海马皮质区 •锥体
For each level, anatomical structures of interest are shown: aca =anterior commissure; Acb =accumbens nucleus; Amy =amygdala; Arc =arcuate nuclei; Au =auditory cortex; B =basal nucleus; CA1, CA2, CA3 =cornu ammonis 1, 2 and 3; cc =corpus callosum; Cer =cerebellum; Cg =cingulate cortex; cg =cingulum; cic =inferior colliculi commissure; cp =cerebral peduncles; Cpu =caudate putamen; csc =superior colliculi commissure; DG=dentate gyrus; DR =dorsal raphe nucleus; Ect =ectorhinal cortex; Ent =entorhinal cortex; Fl =flocculus; fmi =forceps minor of the corpus callosum; f =fornix; fi =fimbria; GP =globus pallidus; Hb =habenular nuclei; Hyp =hypothalamus; ic =internal capsule; IC =inferior colliculi; ICj =Calleja islands; icp =inferior cerebral peduncles; Lc =limbic cortex;
through the midbrain (3rd cranial nerve level; level F) 中脑
rostral to the midpoint of the cerebellum (level G), 小脑绒球
through the caudal portion of the cerebellum (level H).
C: cerebellum Mo: medulla oblongata
Section 4:cerebrum and pons
Cc: cerebral cortex Cca: corpus callosum Hc: hippocampus P: pons T: thalamus
hindbrain [usually cerebellum with pons and/or cerebellum with medulla oblongata. Pons at the middle of its protrusion (recommended for special investigations of the pons.)
Reference: Revised guides for organ sampling and trimming in rats and mice.
Section 1, cerebrum
Ac: anterior commissure (前联合) Cc: cerebral cortex 大脑皮质 Cca: corpus callosum(胼胝体) O: optic chiasm(视神经交叉) Sr: striatum(纹状体) CP – Caudate Putamen(尾状核) (basal ganglia) SN – Septal Nuclei(隔核) (limbic system) SP- septum隔膜 HY- hypothalamus下丘脑
At the level of optic chiasm including the basal ganglia, septum, cortex, anterior hypothalamus( including the cerebrum at the frontal cortical level )