英汉互译实用教程 (郭著章) 第二章 翻译过程及词义确定 本章内容课件
3. 改换说法
• 在翻译时,在译清原文的确切含义的基础上,按 译语的搭配习惯,选择恰当的译语词汇对原文加 以引申,并可以改变原文的结构和句式,译文只 要忠实原文、通顺流畅即可。例如: • 1. During the first part of his life, Lincoln was a storekeeper and postmaster. • 林肯早年当过店主和邮政局长。 • 2. A network of highways was built from coast to coast. • 横跨大陆建筑了一个公路网。
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• 6. The alternating current does not know such a disadvantage as the direct current does. • 死译:交流电不知道直流电的这种缺点。 • 引伸:交流电不存在直流电的这种缺点。 • 7. If iron is kept moist, rusting is rapid, which might lead us to think that water was the influence causing the corrosion. • 死译:如果保持潮湿,生锈就快,这可能使我们 以为水是引起腐独的影响。 • 引伸:如果保持潮湿,生锈就快,这可能使我们 以为水是引起腐独的原因。
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• 而对于那些本身似为中性的词汇,我们必须根据上下文判 断其褒贬而做出适应的表达。例如: • 1)He is a well-known professor … • 文明遐迩…。(褒义) • 2)He is a well-known criminal … • 臭名远洋… 。(贬义) • 3) John was an aggressive salesman who did his job quite well. • 约翰是个积极肯干的推销员,他工作干得很出色。(褒义) • 4) Hitler pursued an aggressive policy after he seized power. • 希特勒夺取了政权之后就推行侵略政策。(贬义)
unit 2 翻译的过程及对译者的要求PPT课件

1. 弄清词义
--Last evening I went to a do held by our China Study Group.
昨晚我去参加了我们中国研 究组的集会。
do: (n.) social function 集会, 娱乐宴聚活动
* 有效地扩大词汇量,减少理解中 的“拦路虎”。
南非实行的“豹斑”式的 种族隔离政策受到了黑人 的猛烈抨击… …
14Βιβλιοθήκη II. 表达阶段表达阶段就是译者把自己从原文所 理解的内容用本族语言重新表达出 来。表达的好坏主要决定于对原文 理解的深度以及对译文语言的修养 程度。
直译(literal translation)
所谓直译,就是在译文语言条件 许可时,在译文中既保持原文的 内容,又保持原文的形式—特别 指保持原文的比喻、形象和民族、 地方色彩等。但直译不是死译或 硬译。
5、 了解背景知识
在很多情况下,译者尽管能够顺利 地辨析句子结构,认清语法关系, 但仍然不能准确透彻地理解原文内 容。究其原因,往往是由于译者缺 乏相关的背景知识,包括一定的专 业知识,因而无法确切地理解原文 中的某些词语,致使译文出现错误, 令读者不知所云。
South Africa leopard-spot policy came under fierce black fire …
理解英语习语时,还有一点值得 注意。英语中有些习语表面上看 来同汉语中的某些说法十分相似, 但意义却在不同程度上存在着差 异。因此,翻译时要高度警惕这 类“假朋友”(false friends), 切忌望文生义、不求甚解造成误 译。

03 汉英翻译实践
文学作品的汉英翻译应注重语言的艺术性和美感,保留原文的韵味和意境,同时符合英语的表达习惯 。在翻译过程中,应注重选词和句式的选择,以传达原文的情感和思想。
新闻报道的汉英翻译应以准确传达信息为主要目标,确保译 文内容真实、客观、及时。在翻译过程中,应注重语言的简 洁明了,避免过多的修辞和表达方式,以使读者能够快速获 取新闻内容。
汉英翻译在跨文化交流、国际合作、学术研究等方面具有重要意义,是促进中外交流的 重要桥梁。
随着全球化的加速发展,跨文化交流和国际合作日益频繁,汉英翻译成为中外交流的重 要桥梁。通过汉英翻译,不同国家和文化之间的交流得以实现,国际合作项目能够顺利 进行,学术研究成果得以在国际舞台上展示和传播。因此,汉英翻译对于推动中外交流
准确、流畅、通顺是汉英翻译的基本原则,要求译者 在翻译过程中保持原文意义、风格和语言的统一。
准确是汉英翻译的首要原则,要求译者忠实准确地传达 原文的意义,避免歧义和误译。流畅则要求译者在保持 原文意义的基础上,使译文流畅自然,符合英语表达习 惯。通顺则强调译文的通顺易懂,避免生硬晦涩的表述 。在汉英翻译过程中,译者需遵循这些基本原则,保持 原文意义、风格和语言的统一,以实现准确、流畅、通 顺的翻译目标。同时,译者还需不断提高自身的语言和 文化素养,以应对汉英翻译中的各种挑战。
3. 根据搭配选择词义
• • • • • • • • 1) high beam 远距离光束 2) high brass 优质黄铜 3.) high current 强电流 4) high explosive 烈性炸药 5) high gear 高速齿轮 6) high seas 公海 7) high summer 盛夏 8) high steel 硬钢
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• 4)He is the last man to come. 他是最后来的。 • 5) He is the last man to do it. 他决不会干这种事。 • 6) He is the last person for such a job. 他最不配干这工 作。 • 7) He should be the last (man) to blame. 怎么也不该怪 他。 • 8) He is the last man to consult. 根本不宜与他商量。 • 9) This is the last place where I expected to meet you. • 我怎么也没料到会在这个地方见到你。
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• 6)He likes making chemical experiments. (v.) • 他喜欢做化学实验。 • 7)Like charges repel; unlike charges attract. (电荷同性 相斥,异性相吸。(adj.) • 8) Like the human brain, a computer also has a memory where it can store vast quantities of information. (prep.) • 计算机像人脑一样, 也有一个能储存大量信息的存储器。 • 9) I hope I can operate the machine like you do. (conj.) • 我希望能像你一样操纵机器。

郭著章、李庆⽣《英汉互译实⽤教程》(第3版)课后习题及详解-第1~6章【圣才出品】第1章翻译概述⼀、填空1. Yan Fu’s 3-word translation criteria are _____, _____and_____.【答案】faithfulness, expressiveness, elegance【解析】严复提出的翻译标准:信、达、雅。
2. Translation in China has a long history of some_____years.【答案】two thousand【解析】我国的翻译事业有约2000年的历史。
3. The two words used as the common criteria of translation in China today are _____and_____.【答案】faithfulness, smoothness【解析】我国现今通⽤的两个翻译标准:“信”和“达”。
⼆、回答下列问题1. What is meant by translation?【答案】Translation is a representation or recreation in one language of what is written or said in another language, not only an art but also a science.2. What was Karl Marx fond of saying about the importance of a foreign language?【答案】Karl Marx was fond of saying: “A foreign language is a weapon in the struggle of life.”3. What are the prerequisites for a qualified translator?【答案】Generally speaking, a qualified translator should have five prerequisites:① a good command of the source language,② a good command of the target language,③ a wide range and scope of knowledge,④ a high political consciousness,⑤ a necessary knowledge of basic techniques used in translation.4. How to define the literal translation and the liberal translation?【答案】Literal translation refers to an adequate representation of the original almost without any change of word-order or sentence construction. Liberal translation is also called free translation, which does not adhere strictly to the form or word-order of the original.5. What do you think should be the criteria of translation?【答案】To me, the criteria of translation should be the following two words: faithfulness and smoothness, or even only one word: faithfulness.三、英译汉1. Source language and target language【答案】译出语和译⼊语2. the Oriental and Occidental languages 【答案】东⽅语⾔和西⽅语⾔3. Alexander Fraser Tyler【答案】亚历⼭⼤?弗雷泽?泰勒4. Georges Mounin【答案】乔治?穆南5. Feedorov【答案】费道罗夫6. Indu Dharmarakcha【答案】竺法护7. Kumara’3iva【答案】鸠摩罗什8. Paramartha(Gunarata)【答案】真谛/波罗末陀(拘那罗陀)【答案】利玛窦10. Euclid’s Elements【答案】《⼏何原本》11. La Dame aux Camelias【答案】《茶花⼥》12. A History of Politics(by E. Jenks)【答案】《社会通诠》(甄克思著)13. On Liberty(by J. S. Mill)【答案】《群⼰权界论》(约翰?穆勒著)14. An Inquiry Into the Nature and Cause of the Wealth of Nations(by A.Smith) 【答案】原富》(亚当?斯密)15. Evolution and Ethics and Other Essays(by T. H. Huxley)【答案】《天演论》(赫胥黎)四、汉译英【答案】faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance2. “宁顺⽽不信。

使用被动语态 具体语境下,可考虑将原文隐含主语句的宾语或相关内容调整为译文的主
语,形成被动语态,突出原文语义重点。 例. 党的十八大以来,➊我们坚持导向为魂、移动为先、内容为王、创新
为要,➋在体制机制、政策措施、流程管理、人才技术等方面加快融合步伐, ➌建立融合传播矩阵,➍打造融合产品,➎取得了积极成效。
• 人才强国战略 the strategy on developing a quality workforce • 建设制造强国 to build China into a manufacturer of quality • 加快建设人才强国 to step up efforts to make China a talent-strong country • 推进体育强国建设 to build China into a country strong in sport • 实现农业大国向农业强国跨越 to transform China from a country with high agricultural output to one with a leading edge in agriculture
• 爱国统一战线 patriotic united front • 社会主义核心价值观 the core socialist values • 中国特色社会主义 socialism with Chinese characteristics
中国时政文献经常借助隐喻修辞或生活化语言表达具体语义,语言风格 独特,语义鲜明,在具体语境下可考虑保留原文词语的语言特色,形象传达 原文思想内容,也可以归为对应式翻译策略。
大学实用翻译教程(英汉双向)第二章 语言、文化与翻译

英语是主语显著(subjectprominent)的语言,英语句子中, 主谓结构必不可少,地位突出, 成为英语句子中的普遍形式。表 达复杂思想时,往往开门见山, 然后借助英语特有词汇关系代词 进行空间搭架,把各个子句有机 地结合起来,构成一串葡萄似的 句子。
相反,汉语是主题显著(topicprominent)的语言,汉语句子可 由几个短句组成,它们之间只有 意义上的联系,无需形式上的粘 连。
……不要有了新亲.把旧亲忘个 干净!这种没良心的人我见得多 了。
…Once you have new relatives, don't forget the old ones.I have
seen too many such ungrateful people.
2、 英语句子中,名词介词占优势, 而汉语中则是动词占优势
在复合句子中,英语的主句为主 要部分,一般放在句首,即重心 在前。而汉语则一般按照逻辑和 时间顺序,将主要部分放在句尾, 形成后重心。
另外,由于英语句子结构紧凑, 往往句子重心单一,焦点集中, 而汉语句子则焦点分散
第三节 中西文化的差异
语言是文化的重要组成部分,也 是文化赖以传播的物质表达形式。 语言和文化共生、共存,是文化 本质的部分反映。语言和文化密 不可分,文化的差异可以通过语 言反映出来,为我们提供对比研 究的具体依据。
由于英语句子中主要采用主谓结构, 谓语动词是句子的核心,谓语动词又 受形态变化的约束,这样表达时就要 借用大量名词,而名词与名词之间要 靠介词来连接,因而英语中名词与介 词占优势。
在汉语中,由于动词没有什么形态变 化,使用方便,而且注重动态描写, 所以汉语动词使用频繁。在表达复杂 思想时,往往借助动词,按时间顺序、 逻辑顺序,层层铺开,句子结构有如 竹节一般。并且有很多特殊的复合句, 由整句与零句混合交错,组成了流水 句。

附录翻译练笔材料及详解一、英文短篇1A faint whinny, ①penetrating her dreams, woke the little girl on the veranda. When she opened her eyes it was still not quite light and the tall gums crowding the steep rise to the road ②loomed up darkly over the house, only leaving a pale strip of sky. ③Dew lay heavy on everything -the bark woodshed, the wheelbarrow by the stump, the bracken on the edge of the bush. From the spouting trickled beads of water, dimming the flywire that netted the veranda.Warm in her blankets, the little girl looked drowsily up at ④the dark shape that always frightened her at bedtime; it had the beard and hunched shoulders of an old man and stretched out a dead hand. Now, in the growing light, it was only a tree, no different from the other trees. Noises were beginning to seep through the woolly mist -⑤the yellow robin’s plucked string, clop-clop and jingle of a farmer’s cart on the road above, snort of the pony that was always brought into the paddock near the house at night-time.【参考译文】一阵轻微的马嘶声①闯进了睡在阳台上的小妞的梦乡,把她惊醒了。
新英汉翻译课件教程 chapter 2 翻译的过程

2. 1 正确理解 (Comprehensive Reading) 理解就是透彻地了解、懂得、掌握原文所表 达的内容和实质,包括词义、句义、段义、 语义,理解不深不透,译文就不忠不顺。 对初学者要阅读三遍:1.粗读全文,掌握全 文大意;2.逐词,逐句,逐段研究,解决疑 难问题。3.通读原文。
例2:Eager to trust but determined to verify, many single women in an age of risky romance are hiring private detectives to check the background of their suitors. (《中国翻译》, N0.5, 1997) 【译文】这年月,就连谈情说爱都有暗礁。许多单 身女子对向自己求婚者既急切地想以心相许,又想 要知道对方是否靠得住,于是就纷纷雇用私人侦探 去查清对方的身世经历。 【解析】这是个“主-系-表”结构的句子,结构简 单但句意深藏词中。“romance”指浪漫的爱情, 可前面加“risky”就给人留了很大的想象空间,这 个年月爱情不是美好的而是充满危险的,再和 “Eager to trust but determined to verify”进行 对比,后面的句子就不难翻译了。
翻译犹如一种好的商品,加上一个动听悦 耳的名字,无疑会锦上添花,魅力无穷。比如 像我们常见的一种饮料“coca-cola”,如译成 “可可饮料” 就显得贫乏无味,译成 “可口可 乐” 顿觉熠熠生辉、可口诱人。 优美的译文必须经过下列翻译过程: 理解 分析 --------总体了解 表达 转换 --------重现原文 审校 润色 点睛出神

armed to teeth the olive branch to strike while the iron is hot to kill two birds with one stone to spend money like water
翻译过程中单一地使用直译 或意译都是不可取的。完全的 直译有时会使得译文生硬晦涩 或辞不达意,而完全的意译又 往往会改变原作的风格特点, 造成误读。科学的翻译态度是 益直译时就直译,须意译时就 意译,或直译与意译兼顾,不 能生搬硬套某一方法。
Warm-up Exercise
cold war hot line dark horse street women to show one’s card new wine in old bottles ivory tower to go into the red(出现赤字) a shot-gun wedding That’s the door. We are here today and gone tomorrow. You can say that again. I’m going to do a job no one else can do for me. The blood-red sun sank below the horizon.
直译(literal translation) 是指在
传达原文意思的时候,尽量做到译文 的表达形式、句法结构等与原文保持 一致,能完全对等的要完全对等,不 能完全对等的也要大致对等。对等的 内容包括词性、词序、语序、表达方 式、修辞手段、语体风格、地方色 彩、个体风格、民族文化特色……等 等。其理想目标是做到“形”、“神” 兼 备。直译法的使用不仅极大地丰富了 汉语的词汇,而且还极大地拓展了汉 语的表达方式和表达范围。汉语中的 外来语大都采用直译法或音译法处 理。比如:lady-killer,fire engine,a night owl, the naked truth,talk show, mad cow disease,
郭著章 李庆生《英汉互译实用教程》笔记和课后习题(含考研真题)详解(确定词义,表达得体)【圣才】

第2章确定词义,表达得体2.1 复习笔记第1节确定词义不能望文生义,否则会引起实际翻译工作中的很大失误。
1. The School of the Air (the school of the air)【正译】广播学校(即通过电台对各地学生授课的学校)【误译】空军学校2. a family tree【正译】家谱【误译】一棵家庭树3. 协议书【正译】Agreement(or:Written Agreement)【误译】Agreement Book4. 王教授精通小学和《大学》。
【译文】Professor Wang is a master of the study of ancient forms,phonologyand meaning of written language as well as of the book The Great Learning.【解析】此句中的“小学”不能译成“primary school”或“elementary school”,《大学》也不能译为什么“university”之类。
二、翻译中做到表达得体的方法1. 要联系上下文,这是确定词义、表达得体的基础。
2. 注意文字表达的分寸与褒贬。
3. 活用词典,即不能照抄词典上的译文。
4. 充分发挥汉语和英语的优势,使译文更地道,做到精益求精。
①What we were offered was a big fat zero.我们得到的是一个大零蛋。
②Carter is shooting at oil now, but who will be next?卡特现在正拿石油开刀,下一个目标是谁呢?第3节正确理解与表达译例一、应用文方面的译例汉语中同样一个字,所处的上下文不同,译法就会各不相同:1. ××书:①申请书Letter of Application②报告书Report③协议书Agreement2. ××启事:①招领启事Found②鸣谢启事Acknowledgments③征稿启事Contributions Wanted④更正启事Corrections以上为汉译英的例子。

1. 翻译的定义、分类
2. 翻译的标准 3. 翻译的过程:理解——表达——校对 4. 中、西译史 练习
Teaching aims: to learn about the similarities and differences of Chinese and English in word forming and vocabulary so as to translate them accurately. Main Language points: 1. Comparative studies of language family 2. Comparative studies of word building in English and Chinese 3. Comparative studies of syllable Exercise
Students should do their own work in order to maximize learning. Collaborating on assignments is permitted, but copying another student’s work is prohibited. Similarly, students who are caught copying or plagiarizing will fail the assignment.
1. 增译法
2. 省译法
3. 词类转换
4. 正说反译、反说正译法 5. 翻译练习1、2、3、4
一、教学目的:要求熟练理解句子的翻译技 巧,从而在汉英翻译时做到通顺、准确。 二、教学过程:
英汉语篇翻译教程及V使用说明 共30页PPT资料

《英汉语篇翻译教程》还提供了两种快速 指引,即“翻译技巧快速指引”和“语篇 翻译快速指引”,可以帮助使用者快速找 到语篇中相应的内容。
另外,在教程中我们从 罗宾逊(Douglas Robinson )教授编著 的《西方翻译理论史》 (Western Translation Theory from Herodotus to Nietzsche )一书中, 选取了若干西方古代学 者关于翻译方面的论述, 望能给学生们一些理论 启示。
《英汉语篇翻译教程》 及课件(V-2)使用说明
范守义、郭立秋、贾令仪 2019·9
《英汉语篇翻译教程》(范守义、郭立秋、 贾令仪:2019)的结构是独特的,主要由 三大板块组成,即包括:
其一,作为导论的“语篇翻译中的衔接问 题:理论解读与翻译应用”,该文以语篇 衔接理论为框架,阐述了语法衔接和词汇 衔接两大部分涵盖的各种衔接手段之概念, 并以从教程的十四篇中选取的译例为证, 说明这些衔接现象的概念及相应的翻译处 理方法。
反义关系 互补关系
“We can’t carry on as we are, just drifting along,” Greg had said. “All relationships have to move forward.” Or finish is what he should have added but we were both too afraid to admit it. Why does it have to be like that though, I’m happy with the way things are and I don’t see a need to ruin it all by changing. I thought Greg felt that way too. I thought he understood my need for my own independence, my own space and my own life. Until last night that was, until he threatened to ruin it all by trying to push me into something I’m not sure I’m ready for, not after making that mistake before, before I even knew Greg. Our life, our relationship is in danger of falling apart, why is he risking it all by wanting more? More than I may be able to give him. (P-02-A02)

附录翻译练笔材料及详解一、英文短篇1A faint whinny, penetrating her dreams, woke the little girl on the veranda①. When she opened her eyes it was still not quite light and the tall gums crowding the steep rise to the road loomed up darkly over the house②, only leaving a pale strip of sky. Dew lay heavy on everything -the bark woodshed, the wheelbarrow by the stump, the bracken on the edge of the bush.③From the spouting trickled beads of water, dimming the flywire that netted the veranda.Warm in her blankets, the little girl looked drowsily up at the dark shape that always frightened her at bedtime; it had the beard and hunched shoulders of an old man and stretched out a dead hand④. Now, in the growing light, it was only a tree, no different from the other trees. Noises were beginning to seep through the woolly mist—the yellow robin’s plucked string⑤, clop-clop and jingle of a farmer’s cart on the road above, snort of the pony that was always brought into the paddock near the house at night-time.【参考译文】一阵轻微的马嘶声闯进了睡在阳台上的小妞的梦乡,把她惊醒了①。
郭著章 李庆生《英汉互译实用教程》笔记和课后习题(含考研真题)详解-第1~3章【圣才出品】

第1章翻译概述1.1 复习笔记第1节翻译自学方法和译者合格条件一、翻译自学方法掌握必要翻译知识和理论,进行大量实践阅读翻译理论书籍、期刊,进行名著翻译实践、阅读翻译技巧书籍、浏览翻译网站等。
1. (Just) imagine (it).【译文】不可能/想不到/没想到【解析】≠把它想象一下吧。
2. I’ll buy it.【译文】我不懂。
(三)知识面广1. John can be relied on, he eats no fish and plays the game.【译文】约翰为人可靠,他既诚实又正直。
2. The Security Council has been seized of the question since then.【译文】安理会自那时以来就一直受理这个问题。
3. Nyaungu was actually the boundary between the two Japanese divisions.【译文】良字实际上是日军两个师的结合部。
1. the peasant uprisings in the history of China【译文】中国历史上的农民起义【解析】不能根据英国的ALD及其香港出的汉译翻成“中国历史上的农民叛乱(或叛变)”,而应译为“农民起义”。
2. The enemy killed one of our comrades and we killed an enemy agent.【译文】敌人杀害了我们一位同志,我们宰了一个敌特。
大学实用翻译教程(英汉双向)第二章 语言、文化与翻译

英语属于综合—分析语,则表示英语 具有综合型语言和分析型语言的特点。
汉语是典型的分析语(analytical language),其典型特征是词语没有 屈折变化,不用词语的形态变化而用 词序和虚词来表达语法关系,即汉语 的名词不会改变自己的形式变成复数 形式,动词也不会改变自身的形式来 表示现在、过去或将来的动作。汉语 通过虚词、词序等手段来表示语言中 的语法关系。
双音节词重音一般在第一个音节 重读
在多音节词中一般倒数第三个音 节是重音
1、每个音节都有声母、韵母和声调三个部 分。
2、声母有22个,其中21个是辅音声母,1 个是零声母。
3、 韵母有38个,其中9个是单韵母,13个 是复韵母,16个是鼻韵母。
4、韵母有韵头、韵腹和韵尾三个部分,其 中韵腹是不可缺少的。可以做韵腹的有9个 元音,就是a、o、e、i、u、ü、-i(前)、-i (后)、er;可以做韵头的有三个元音,就 是i,u和ü;可以做韵尾的有两个元音i、u (包括o)和两个辅音n和ng。
(1)上古汉语 (2)中古汉语 (3)近代汉语 (4)现代标准汉语
二、 英汉语言的特点
现代英语属于综合-分析语 (Synthetic-analytic language)。
所谓综合型语言是指该语言主要通过 词语的形态变化来表达语法意义(格、 数、时态等)。
所谓分析型语言是指该语言中的语法 关系不通过词语的形态变化来表达, 而是通过虚词、词序等手段来表示。 英语的分析型特征也体现在词序和助 词的组句功能上。
汉语是汉民族的语言。汉语属于汉藏 语系,是世界上历史悠久的语言之一, 具有声调。汉语的文字系统——汉字 是一种意音文字,表意的同时也具一 定的表音功能。汉语包含书面语以及 口语两部分,古代书面汉语称为文言 文,现代书面汉语一般指使用现代标 准汉语语法,词汇的中文通行文体。 目前全球有五分一人口使用汉语作为 母语。现代汉语书面语高度统一,口 语则有官话、粤语、吴语、湘语、赣 语、客家语、闽语等七种主要汉语言。

Lesson 3
Abraham Lincoln
❖ Ⅰ.翻译的过程是什么? ❖ Ⅱ.文章理解难点提示 ❖ Ⅲ.翻译练习: Early Life of General Claire
Lee Chennault ❖ Ⅳ.练习讲解 ❖ Ⅴ.练习参考译文
Ⅰ. 翻译知识与对策
Step 1: Analysis
❖ 分析原文还要分析在特殊语境中所表达的具 体意思。最起码的要能确定多义词在具体语 境中的意义。如:
❖ 2. 船行13公里后,便到了运河的第一组水闸。 The boat traveled 13 km and reached the first group of water locks. [ST02]
❖ 6. 林肯的家人是pioneers in the newly settled West为什么是 他没有受过正规教育的原因?
❖ 拓荒者(pioneer)到达一个地方的时候,这个地方很荒凉,没 有学校。
❖ 7. secure a book是“保护好一本书”还是“获得一本书”? 以什么方式?
Ⅲ. 翻译练习
Early Life of General Claire Lee Chennault
❖ Claire Lee Chennault, commander of the Flying Tigers during World War II, was born in Texas in 1893.
❖ 其中architects work a little harder按字面意义(表层)很 容易被理解为“建筑师多消耗点体力 ”,但细加分 析,便可发现,architects是建筑设计师,他们的 work是一种脑力劳动,因此work a little harder指的 是“多花点心思”。又如:

2.I’ll buy it.【译文】我不懂。
(三)知识面广1.John can be relied on,he eats no fish and plays the game.【译文】约翰为人可靠,他既诚实又正直。
2.The Security Council has been seized of the question since then.【译文】安理会自那时以来就一直受理这个问题。
3.Nyaungu was actually the boundary between the two Japanese divisions.【译文】良字实际上是日军两个师的结合部。
1.the peasant uprisings in the history of China【译文】中国历史上的农民起义【解析】不能根据英国的ALD及其香港出的汉译翻成“中国历史上的农民叛乱(或叛变)”,而应译为“农民起义”。
2.The enemy killed one of our comrades and we killed an enemy agent.【译文】敌人杀害了我们一位同志,我们宰了一个敌特。
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英汉互译实用教程(郭著章)第二章翻译过程及词义确定本章内容概述:翻译过程:1. 理解原文2. 译文表达3. 校核阶段翻译过程:理解原文⏹1. 理解语言现象a.词汇现象b.语法现象⏹2.理解逻辑关系⏹3.理解所涉及事物理解原文:理解语言现象译者必须上下有联系地理解原文的词汇含义、句法结构和惯用法等理解原文:理解语言现象a.词汇现象:根据上下文确定词义⏹Eg.1. Life is full of ups and downs.人生充满了欢乐与痛苦。
⏹He has seen the ups and downs in the history of ⏹the relations between the two countries.⏹他经历了两国关系史上的分分合合。
a.词汇现象:根据上下文确定词义Eg. 2. The wedding ,which Heyward still remembered with pride ,was attended by a who's who of Boston Society.赫华德仍然记得,参加婚礼的人中有波士顿的一位社会名流,这使他感到十分得意。
a.词汇现象:根据上下文确定词义Eg.3. There was no lady about him. He was what the woman would call a manly man. That was why they like him.他这人没有一点女人气。
a.词汇现象:根据上下文确定词义4. My handwriting was so bad that after taking dictation, I couldn’t translate it.辨识、辨认a.词汇现象:根据词性确定词义Eg.5. On his way home he bought some apples at a fruit stand.摊位他回家时,在路上的水果摊上买了些苹果。
a.词汇现象:根据词性确定词义Eg.6. I think, however, that, provided work is not excessive in amount, even the dullest work is to most people less painful than idleness.因此该句可译为:“然而,我认为,对大多数人来说,只要工作量不是太大,即使所做的事再单调也总比无所事事好受。
”a.词汇现象:根据词性确定词义◆Eg.7.The ship righteditself after the big wavehad passed.◆大浪过后,船又平稳了。
(动词)a.词汇现象:根据搭配习惯确定词义Eg.8. He once again imparted to us great knowledge, experience and wisdom.我们又一次领受了他的广博知识,丰富的经验和无穷的智慧。
1.Her whole attitude had had a subtle change.2.There are subtle differences in meaning between these two words.3. I fall for that subtle plot every time!4. An artist has subtler awareness of color values than an ordinary person.5. The old craftsman has subtle fingers.微妙的细微的诡秘的敏锐的灵巧的a.词汇现象:根据搭配习惯确定词义Eg.9. subtlea.词汇现象:根据搭配习惯确定词义Eg.10. …yet, as it sometimes happens that a person departs his life, who is really deserving of the praises the stone-cutter carves over his bones; who is a good Christian, a good parent, a good child, a good wife or a good husband;who actually does have a disconsolate family to mourn his loss; ………不过偶尔也有几个死人当得起石匠刻在他们朽骨上的好话。
……a.词汇现象:根据感情色彩确定词义Eg.11. It was mid-August and the subject for discussion was the future of Rommel and his African Corps.当时是八月中旬,他们讨论的题目是隆美尔及其非洲军团的下场。
They became less discouraged when they realized they themselves can make a better future.当他们意识到他们可以创造更美好的前程时,他们不在灰心丧气。
◆10. ground地、场地,grounds理由。
”Eg.1.It will strengthenyou to know that yourdistinguished career isso widely respectedand appreciated . b.语法现象理解原文:理解语言现象b.语法现象Eg.2. John is now with his parents in New York City; it is already three years sincehe was a bandmaster译文:约翰现与父母同住在纽约市;他不担任乐队指挥已经三年了。
理解原文:理解语言现象:语法3.With two young children and a husband…,I took a chance. (Para: 8)我接受了这份工作。
took the chanceb.语法现象我只能先接受这份工作,以等待更好的机会。
1)这样做对他有好处Eg. 1. It is good for him to do that.理解原文:理解逻辑关系Eg. 2. She didn’t marry he because she loved her.1)她没有与他结婚,因为她爱他。
(要抽可以去校外)The students were asked tostop smoking oncampus.校方要求学生们不要在校园内抽烟校方禁止学生抽烟。
Eg.1. John can be relied on. He eats no fish and plays the game.“忠诚”为人正直,光明正大“约翰既忠诚又正直,可以信赖。
”(1) 《欲望都市》般的生活(2) 灯红酒绿的城市生活(3) 奢侈淫逸的生活?(4) 空虚寂寥的城市生活(5) 小市民般的世俗生活(6) 过着糜烂的城市生活(7) 性感而城市化的生活(8) 纸醉金迷的城市生活(9) ……接下来的六个月,我就像电视剧《欲望都市》里的四个女主角一样——在这充满欲望和诱惑的都市里,寻找着自己的归宿。
Eg.2. For six months, I was living the Sex and the City life.他吃了大败仗Eg.4. He met his Waterloo.meet one's Waterloo 是成语典故,由拿破仑在Waterloo 遇到惨败而来Eg.5. He is not Hamlet.他不是那种优柔寡断的人。
翻译过程:译文表达译文表达方法意译liberal translation(点击连接)直译literal translation(点击连接)(点击连接)翻译过程:译文表达直译(literal translation) Literal translation: A rendering which preserves surface aspects of the message both semantically and syntactically, adhering closely to source text mode of expression.意译(Free Translation )Free Translation, on the other hand, modifies surface expression and keeps intact only deeper levels of meaning. The choice of either method of translation is determined by text properties to do with text type, purpose of translation, etc.直译就是在译文语言条件许可下,在译文中既保持原文的内容,又保持原文的形式——特别指保持原文的比喻、形象和民族特色。