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柳彦博,王全胜,王富耻,马 壮,李东荣
摘 要:作为发动机热端部件上使用的功能梯度热障涂层,其热震性能的好坏直接关系到涂层的使用寿命,涂层内部的裂纹在热震环境下的变化是影响其热震性能乃至使用寿命的直接因素。
采用YSZ与NiCr CoA lY等离子喷涂制备了功能梯度热障涂层试样,采用扫描电子显微镜对不同次数热震后的涂层表面不同位置进行了观察比较。
中图分类号:T G166 文献标识码:A
1 试验方法
1 1 试样制备
本试验中的试样基体材料采用LY12铝合金,其外形尺寸为 36mm 10m m,数量为3组6个,并且配有一定的喷涂夹具。
涂层制备利用PRAX-A IR-T AFA公司生产的SG-100等离子喷枪制备,各层喷涂参数如表1所示,喷涂所用主气为氩气(Ar),辅气为氦气(H e)。
试验中采用的陶瓷粉末是ZrO2(PSZ),粒度分布范围40~60 m,采用的金属粉末为NiCr CoA lY合金粉,粒度分布范围20~80 m。
表1 功能梯度热障涂层喷涂参数
表2 功能梯度热障涂层结构
第1层第2层第3层第4层第5层第6层ZrO20%20%40%60%80%100% NiCrC oAlY100%80%60%40%20%0%厚度0 3mm0 3mm0 3mm0 3mm0 3mm0 5mm
1 2 热震试验
具体规范为:首先采用氧-乙炔火焰喷枪加热试样表面,当红外测试仪显示涂层表面温度达到1100 时,立即停止加热,移走氧-乙炔火焰喷枪,并且立即采用压缩空气冷却涂层表面,当热电偶显示基体温度降至300 时,停止冷却,1次表面热震试验结束,如要继续进行,则马上采用氧-乙炔火焰喷枪重新加热试样表面,进行上述循环,直到所需热震次数。
1 3 涂层观察
在对3组试样进行温度范围为300~1000 的单面热震后,将试样放置于JSM-5600扫描电镜下对涂层表面观察,观察位置由边缘向中心延伸,观察放大倍数为35倍。
2 试验结果与分析
新技术新工艺 热加工工艺技术与装备 2006年 第7期
3 结语
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责任编辑 吕德龙
新技术新工艺 热加工工艺技术与装备 2006年 第7期
per formance and applicatio n o f nanometer A l2O3are summa-r ized and t he meaning o f t he ex ploit ing new products of nan-o meter A l2O3is described.T he preparatio n A l2O3nano meter by hy dr othermal metho d is int roduced.T he development and futur e applications of Al2O3nanometer is discussed in this paper.
Key words:A l2O3,nanometer,hy dr othermal method, gr ow th o f cry sta l.
Thermal Shock C racks on the Surface of Functional Graded Thermal Barrier C oatings
LIU Y anbo,W A N G Q uan sheng,WA N G F uzhi,M A Zhuang,L I D ongr un(M ater ials Science and Eng ineer ing Co-l lege,Beijing Institute of T echnolog y,Beijing100081,China) Abstract:Functional g raded thermal bar rier coating s ar e an import ant com ponent in the engine.T he pro per ty o f t her mal shock r esist ance deter mines the life of the coating s.T he pr opagation of cracks in the co at ings w ill affect the pro per ty of thermal sho ck r esistance of coating s even t he life of t he co atings.I n this paper,surface cracking of PSZ/N iCrCoA lY gr aded co ating w ere obser ved by scanning electr on micro-scope(SEM).T he r esult show s that the cr acks on the sur-face of coat ings thoug h different times of ther ma l shocks. And the cracks ar e distinct in the different positio ns o f t he co atings surface.T he pr emier cr acks and seconda ry cr acks wer e o bser ved o n t he surface of coat ing s.
Key words:functional gr aded ther mal barr ier co atings,ther-mal sho ck,cracks o n the surface
Application of Electroless Plating N-i P C oating in Textile Ring Traveller
LIU X injia,W A NG H aiyan,ZH A O Yo ng w u(School of M e-chanical Eng ineer ing,Souther n Y angtze U niversity,Wuxi, 214122,China)
Abstract:T he textile steel ring-trav elers polished in differ ent way s a re electro lessly plated in acidic N-i P solution,w hich mainly co nsists o f NiSO4 6H2O、N aH3PO2 H2O,co m-plex ing agent and stabilizer.T he plating temper atur e is85 and the plat ing time is one hour.T he r esults o f test sho w that the elect roless N-i P plating is much fr iendlier to the en-v iro nment than the Ni plating w idely used in China for r ing-trav eller s.It is fo und that the fine as-cast amo rphous struc-tur e is produced in the plating pr ocess and ver y smoo th sur-face is obtained after po lishing.F inally,the on-site applica-t ion results sho w that a co ated steel ring-tr aveler can quickly establish a stable running state with steel ring and thus en-sures the textile quality and have a better serv ice life(20 day s)than that(5~7day s)w ith electro plating nickel. Key words:Electro lesss plating N-i P,r ing-t raveller, wear,polishing Experimental Investigation of Superplastic Compression in Si3N4Particulates Reinf orced Aluminum Matrix C omposite
L IN Fei,F AN Jun(College of M aterials Science and Eng-i neer ing,T aiyuan U niv ersit y of T echnolog y,T aiyuan 030024,China)
Abstract:I n this paper,20vo l%Si3N4p/2124Al co mpo site w as fabricated by po wder metallurg y.T he pr elim inar y re-sea rch of compression superplasticit y o n the composite rein-for ced wit h Si3N4par ticulates w as conducted.T he super-plastic fo rming par amet ers of the co mpo site in co mpr ession state w ere determined,established the technical foundation fo r its super plastic fo rming industr ial applicatio n.T he re-sults show that the co mpo site can r ealize co mpr ession super-plasticit y under cer tain pro cess conditio ns,the optimal su-per plastic defo rmation temper ature is515 and t he optimal stra in rate rang es fr om1.225 10-4to1.225 10-3/s. Key w ords:Si3N4,A luminum matrix co mpo site,superplas-ticit y,co mpr essiv e defo rmatio n
Study on C orrosion Resistance of Blow out Preventer Material by Multicomponent Infiltration
ZH OU Hai,L V Junx ia,CHEN Fei,REN L ei(Depa rtment of M echanical Eng ineering,Beijing Inst itute o f Petro-Chem-ical T echnolog y,Beijing102617,China)
Abstract:T he co rro sion resistance of blo wo ut pr event er ma-terial was studied by low temperature gas multicomponent infiltr ation technique.Carbon,N itr og en and Ox yg en wer e infiltr ated into t he mat erial in t his pa per.T he phase con-struction and micr o-structure of alloy ing lay er w ere invest-i gated by XR D and SEM.T he co rr osio n resistance of pene-trat ing layer and or iginal mater ial w as discussed by electr o-chemical method in1.0mol/L H Cl solut ion.T he experimen-tal results show that alloy ing infiltrat ion lay er co nta ins Ox-ide,N it ride and Carbide,and the N itr ide is pr imar y.T he thickness of allo ying infiltration layer is abo ut30.T he pen-etrating layer has much better co rro sion resistance than o rig-inal mater ial,mult iplied about three t imes.T he cor ro sion r ate is also low er than the o riginal sam ple.T hese pro per ties have impor tant sig nificance to blo wo ut preventer material, and it will has the bro ad applicatio n pr ospect.
Key words:blo wo ut pr eventer,multico mpo nent infiltr atio n, cor ro sion resistance
The Abradability of Layer of40C rNiMoA Steel Strengthened by Transient Electric-energy
G E Zhihong,Q IA O Shenr u,WA N G Shao peng,ZH A NG L ili, L U Guofeng(U ltra-high T emper ature Str uctur al Co mpo sites L abo rato ry,N orthw estern Po ly technic U niv ersity,X i'an 710072,China)
Abstract:40Cr NiM oA st eel was st rengthened by t ransient e-lectr ic-ener gy sur face-str eng thening machine.Elect rodes
新技术新工艺 英文摘要 2006年 第7期。