











关于文件的压缩和解压缩,以下表述错误的是( )。

A.无损压缩后的文件不能恢复成原始状态B.压缩软件可将多个文件压缩成一个文件,还可解压恢复成原来的多个文件C.有损压缩会在压缩过程中丢弃一部分原始数据,JPEG文件就是经过有损压缩的D.有损压缩后的常见的文件格式有:JPG、MP3、MPEG等2.以下能实现信息数字化的操作是( )。

A.用计算机看影碟 B.删除“回收站”里的垃圾文件C.在Word中输入一段文字 D.用打印机打印文件3.我国的“风云三号”气象卫星拍摄卫星云图的过程是( )。

A.存储信息 B.加工信息 C.获取信息 D.表达信息4.一个七位二进制数1■10■01,其中有两位模糊不清。

在下列十进制数中,可能与此二进制数等值的是( )。

① 79 ② 81 ③ 111 ④ 113A.②③ B.②④ C.①④ D.①③5.网址ftp:///bussys/backoffice/reskit.txt中,“/bussys/backoffice/reskit.txt”是URL中的( )。

A.协议类型 B.端口类型 C.路径和文件名 D.主机名6.使用测试软件对某台计算机进行测试,部分数据如图所示。

关于该计算机的配置,以下表述正确的是( )。

















5、锯割薄板零件或薄管零件用的锯条是……………………………………()A、粗齿锯条B、中齿锯条C、细齿锯条D、以上都可以6、为了防止钻孔时偏斜,在钻孔的前一道工序是………………………()A、划线B、冲眼C、攻丝D、夹固7、关于下列电路图可用哪一逻辑表达式表示……………………………()A、B、C、D、8、以下哪一种是纯铜…………………………………………………………()A、紫铜B、青铜C、黄铜D、白铜9、以下哪个不属于装配方法…………………………………………………()A、选配法B、互换法C、修配法D、切断法10、下面打冲眼时,样冲如何放置才是正确的?……………………………()11、下图表示的电子元件是…………………………………………………()A、各式电阻B、各种元件插口C、各式电容D、各式集成块12、选择尺寸标注正确的图形…………………………………………………()13、与非门电路的逻辑表达式是……………………………………………( ) A 、 B 、 C 、 D 、14、如A 、B 为输入端,Y 为输出端,关于下列波形图的门电路是是……( )A 、或非门B 、与非门C 、非门D 、与门15、( )A 、B 、C 、D 、16、我国工程技术图样中规定采用的图形表达方法是………………………( )A 、正等侧轴测图B 、正投影图C 、斜投影图D 、中心投影图三、填空题将正确的流程代号填入相应位置(每一空格1分,共6分) 1、设计的一般流程为:A 、设计表达B 、明确需要解决的问题C 、收集、处理信息D 、构思设计方案2(1) 被动齿轮和主动齿轮的转动方向 ;(A 、相同,B 、相反)(2) 被动齿轮的转速比主动齿轮 。

2012年上海市普通高中学业水平考试 历史学科

2012年上海市普通高中学业水平考试 历史学科










这场“革命”是A 采集渔猎B 打制石器C 人工取火D 农业耕作2.“光荣属于罗马”代表了西方人对古罗马无法释怀的感念。

罗马为世人留下的“光荣”遗产是A 民主政治B 法治精神C 军事征服D 哲学思想3.8世纪上半叶,促进西欧封建制度发展,加速自由农民农奴化进程的是A 采邑改革B 城市复兴C 庄园解体D 商品经济发展4.“重商主义”、“君主专制”、“人文主义”这些概念反映了西欧哪一时期的特征?A 6~8世纪B 11~12世纪C 15~16世纪D 17~18世纪5.要了解一件艺术品,一个艺术家,一群艺术家,就必须了解他们所属时代的精神。

下列符合文艺复兴“时代精神”的艺术品是6.商朝历史较夏朝更为可信,最主要的依据是A 神化传说B 甲骨卜辞C 史籍记载D 口述史料7.“话说天下大势,分久必合,合久必分。

”《三国演义》卷首的这句话体现了作者A 天命史观B 循环史观C 英雄史观D 进步史观8.中国历史上不讲血统、不论功绩、不重门第的选才用人制度是A 世袭制B 军功爵制C 九品中正制D 科举制9.自唐以来长盛不衰、历代开放的港口是A 广州B 泉州C 福州D 厦门10.古代中央政府对西藏管辖不断加强,其中设置驻藏大臣的朝代是A 唐朝B 宋朝C 元朝D 清朝11.“凡未经议会同意,以国王权威停止法律或停止法律实施制僭越权力,为非法权力。



C.皮肤中的压力感受器 D.舌上的味细胞
A.是细胞代谢反应的辅酶 B.是直接能源物质
C.可以全部转化为维生素 D.是性激素合成的原料
按图 2 设计进行实验,其结果应为
高中学业考试 2012 生命科学 第 1 页 (共 11 页)
2.社会主义本质理论对探索怎样建设3.社19会57主年义2月具,有毛重在要《的关实于践正意确义处。理社人会民主内义2.社部本科会矛质学主盾理的义的论1本本问的.邓质质题提小是的》出平创科讲,提新学话为出,内中我“创涵提们社邓新。出寻始会小的邓(找终主平关小1一代义)坚键平种表的我2持在对能.1中本国把科人社9够国质社5发学才会从4先,会展社年,主更进是主作会,人义深生解义为主毛才本层产放制执义在的质次1力生度政理《成所.认社1的产还兴论论长作.识会 发发力刚国和十靠的社主 展展,刚的实大教概会义 才要发建第践关坚育括主本 是求展立一的系2持。,义质 硬、,生,要基》以人一,理 道发大产还务本重发才方从论 理展力力没是成要展资面而把 ,才促,有由果讲社的源强为我 把是进消完中,话会办是调中四们 发(硬先灭全国抓中主法第必国、对 展2道进剥建共住提三义解一)须的科社 生理生削立产“出、经决资采解社学会 产,产,党什(代济前源取放会技主 力是力消还的么1表基进。从和主术义 作)对的除不执是中础科低发义是1的 为吧社3发两完政社9国基的学级展.建第发认 社二国5会展极全地会先本问技到6生设一展识 会、内主,年分巩位主进建题术高产在生才提 主发外义是底化固所义生立,实级力改产是高 义1展一时中我,的决邓产的是力9,革力硬到 建是切间5国最思定怎小力同实和国另3开道了 设党积经共对终想年的样平的时行国家一放理一 的执极验产农达。1,建一发,改民资方中2,个 根政因教党业到(是设月再展我革教本面探是新 本兴素训站、共2对社,强要国开育主指索)适的 任国都的在手一同执会毛调求的放水义出出第创应科 务在的调深时工、富1政主泽,政以平的4了一三造.时学 ,社第动刻坚代.业发裕规义东中一治来,过2解条节性代水 符会一起总持前.和展。律”关社 国个领我始度放发、地主平 合阶要来结社列资才”认这于会 社公域们终形和展社提题。 马级务为。会,本是1识个总主 会有也党是式发更会9出变社 克二关中主保硬的根8路义 主制发的衡。展快主了化会 思6、系国义持道3深本线基 义占生一年量所生、义社.的主社发解用工现理化问的本 基主了条,综谓产人的会需义会生决和业金商,题1完制 本体重主邓合国力民根主要本 基.主变事所平化向业1也,整度 制,大要小国家的享本9义。质 本义化业有方建的是深5的度一变经平力资手受社任理 原6本的服问法设根社对刻表确 的个化验年提和本段到会 1务论 理第质同务题进与本会一党揭.述立 确共,。出社主社和社主基的 ,二理时的行社体主、实示:, 立同确苏“会义会目会3义本提 是节论,基关改会现义社现了.从为 ,富立共社文,社主的主一改矛出 巩、的我本键造主和改会其社中当 使裕了二会明就会义。义、造盾, 固对重国方是。义根造之所会华代 占,中十主程是主基建中的和为 和第社要针这改本基一承主人中 世这国大义度在义本设国基两进 发一会意。靠不造要本本担义民国 界是共以财的国基制内成特本类一 展节主义的(自仅同求完质的本共一 人我产后富重家本度涵果色完矛步 社、义主2己保时。成理历质和切 口们党毛属要直)制的包最伴社成盾推 会中本要的证并,论史,国发 四必领泽于标接正度确括大随会,的进 主国质矛发了举标第的这成展 分须导东人志控确的立(,着主是学改 义特理盾展2社。志五提需是立进 之坚的提民。制处确是1.能社义我说采革 制色论也。会实着章)出要对,步 一持人出,和理立中够会建国,取开 度社的发的践中把。马到奠 的民要社支经,国社充经设强积放 的会提生稳证国解克社定 东民“会配济是历会分济道调极和 必主出了定明历放思会了 方主以下建4广史主体制路要引社 然义变,.史和主主把制 大专苏义的设大上义现度初严导会 要二建化而党上发义义对度 国政为的资和劳最的出和步经格、主 求设。且坚长展的改企基 进党的鉴致本社动深本对社探济区逐义 。确道人极持达生重造业础 入在根社”富主会人刻质资会索结分步现立路民大社数产大基的。 了过本会,是义发民最和本经的构过代社的对的会千力逐发本改社渡原主探全经展真伟根主济理发正渡化会初于促主年概步展完造会时则义索民济中正大本义结论生确的建新主步经进义的括实,成和主期。基自共的成任优构成了处方设中义探济了改阶为现对,对义总本己同国一为社务越的果根理式提国基索文社造级国于这人制 社路政的致家系国会性根本两。供的本化会与剥家建是的度 会线治道富资列家变的一本变类中了成制迅主社削的设一改的 ,第制路。本重的革道、变化不国强立度速义会制社中个造建 这三主度。社大主,路社化,同这大,的发事主度的会国过结立 是节要。会义关人也,1会社性场的标重展业义的本主特.渡合极 世、内人主有系解和是奠主我会质巨思志大的的工结(质义色时起大 界社容民义初。决社2定义国主的大想着意需发业束30。工社期来地 社(会被民原级了会)世了基社义矛而武我义要展化,(业会。,提 会2主概则和3在生把纪理本会经盾深器国同),同实2化主党把高 主对义括专,高一产资中)论制的济,刻。新经遵改总时现新是义在对了 义手制为政第级个资本国强基度阶成在特的通民济循革之并了民党具这资工 运二七度“实一形以料主又调础的级分新别社过主文自4过,举由主在有个本人 动、届 业在一质是式农的.(义一消,初关已民是它会(没主化愿于和的新主过重过主阶 史新社二 的中化上发之民主1工次灭开步系占主要是变4收义不互集平方民()义渡大渡义级 上民会中 社国三已展)分为人商划剥阔确也绝主正中革官能利中改针主3用社时的时工和 又主全 会的改成生坚。主)业时削了立发对义确国,僚命满、的造,主和会期理期商广 一主义会确”为产持初题正者代,广2生优革处革不资阶足典计解对义平的论.的业大 个义改提立。无,积级资的确改的消阔了势命理命仅√本段人型划决于向赎五总和总搞劳 历革造出 改“产第极形本、分造历除前根,理人的没中而民示体了在社3买种路实路糟动 史命的使 造一阶二领式主落(.析成史两景本社论民具有国形基需党范制诸深会的经线践线成人 性理历中 ,化级是导的义后1农为巨极。√的会内体对革成本要的和如刻主)方济的意和为民 的论史国 党”专共、工的村自变分邓中主指部实生命的结建国初实的义积法成��











关于文件的压缩和解压缩,以下表述错误的是( )。

A.WinZip、WinRAR等都是常用的压缩和解压缩软件B.无损压缩后的文件不能恢复成原始状态C.JPEG文件支持的有损压缩仅仅降低了图像轮廓的清晰度,一般肉眼无法区分D.压缩软件可将多个文件压缩成一个文件,还可解压恢复成原来的多个文件2.关于信息的数字化,以下表述正确的是( )。

A.信息只能用二进制数表示B.信息的数字化就是将信息转换成十进制数字序列C.信息数字化是信息安全措施之一,所以要将模拟信息转换成数字信号D.声音、图像、文字甚至脑电波都可以数字化3.天气预报的基本过程是( )。

①将采集的数据与有关气象资料结合在一起进行气象分析②发布天气预报信息③气象员观测卫星云图,随时记录数字④使用气象卫星、雷达等采集信息A.③④②① B.④③①② C.①②③④ D.③④①②4.一个七位二进制数1■10■01,其中有两位模糊不清。

在下列十进制数中,可能与此二进制数等值的是( )。

① 83 ② 85 ③ 115 ④ 117A.②③ B.①③ C.①④ D.②④5.关于统一资源定位器(URL),以下表述正确的是( )。
























”⑦我也赶快解释:“我知道,我知道( )不过你既然自己来了就免得托人捎了。










1、 本考试分设试卷和答题纸。

2、 答题前,务必在答题纸上填写姓名、报名号、考场号和座位号,并将核对后的条形码贴在指定位置上。



相对原子质量:H-1 Na-23 S-32 Cl-35.5 Cu-64一、选择题(本题共40分,每小题2分。

每小题只有一个正确答案)1.海水中含量最多的卤素是( )A .氟B .氯C .溴D .碘2.12C 与14C 互为( )A .同素异形体B .同分异构体C .同位素D .同系物3.某直链烷烃分子中有18个氢原子,它的分子式是( )A .C 8H 18B .C 9H 18 C .C 10H 18D .C 11H 184.加入水中能抑制水的电离的物质是( )A .碘化钾B .氯化钠C .硝酸钠D .硫酸5.N A 表示阿佛加德罗常数,1molNaOH 固体含有( )A .2N A 个阳离子B .10N A 个电子C .N A 个氢氧根离子D .2N A 个共价键6.实验室用乙醇和浓硫酸反应制取乙烯,可选用的装置是( )7.将盐酸逐滴加入到氨水中,发生反应的离子方程式正确的是( )A .H ++OH -→H 2OB .H ++ NH 3·H 2O →NH 4++H 2OC .HCl+ OH -→Cl - +H 2OD .HCl+NH 3·H 2O →Cl -+ NH 4++H 2O8.红热的碳和水蒸气反应生成1mol 氢气和1mol 一氧化碳气体,吸收131.3kJ 热量。

能表示该反应热化学方程式的是( )A .C +H 2O→H 2+CO -131.3kJB .C(s)+H 2O(l)→H 2 (g) +CO (g) +131.3kJC .C (s)+H 2O (g)→H 2 (g) +CO (g)+131.3kJD .C (s)+H 2O (g)→H 2 (g) +CO (g) -131.3kJ9.下列反应中二氧化硫既不是氧化剂又不是还原剂的是( )A .SO 2+NO 2→SO 3+NOB .SO 2+2NaOH →H 2O +Na 2SO 33C .SO 2+Mg −→−∆2MgO+S D .SO 2 +Br 2 +H 2O −→− H 2SO 4+2HBr CH 2-CH 310.烷烃的命名是其他种类有机物命名的基础, CH 2-CH 2-CH 2 -CH-CH 3的名称是( ) CH 3A.1-甲基-4-乙基戊烷B.2-乙基己烷C.1,4-二甲基己烷D.3-甲基庚烷11.常温下,0.1mil/L CH3COONa溶液中离子浓度最大的是()A.OH-B.H+C.Na+D.CH3COO-12.与NgCl2晶体所含化学键类型相同的物质是()A.Na2S B.SiO2C.HCl D.NH4Cl13.密闭容器中反应CO(g)+H2O(g) 2(g)+H2(g)+Q (Q>0) 达到平衡。



III. Listening and Speaking Section A Directions: In Section A, you will hear four sentences. Make quick responses to the sentences you have heard.
1. Of all the subjects, I like English best. What’s your favourite?
Section B Directions: In Section B, you will hear one conversation. The conversation will be read twice. After you hear the conversation you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard. Please type in your answers in the given area.
Taxi Order Form
Name: Time: To: From: Phone Number:
John Smith 5:30 a.m., 7 , June 8th The 8 . 99 Kent Street, near Carlington 9 . 10 .
II. Speaking Section A Directions: Read aloud the following sentences. For each sentence, you will have thirty seconds to prepare and fifteen seconds to read. 1. “Nothing was wrong with the satellite,” he answered. 2. Now that e-readers are cheaper and more plentiful, they have gone mass market, ereaching consumers across age. Section B Directions: Read aloud the following passage. You will have one minute to prepare and thirty seconds to read. Dogs are living longer. Twenty years ago, people considered a 12-year12-yearold dog to be very old. Today, many dogs live to be 15 or older. Dogs live 25 percent longer now than they did then! The main cause for this change is that dogs eat better food. In the 1970s, more people began treating dogs as members of their families. People spent more money to keep their dogs well. Then, other things began to change. Dog-food companies sold more kinds of food for dogs. Puppies, Dogadult dogs and old dogs need different kinds of food. Some dog foods contain medicines that help prevent diseases.





















2012年上海市普通高中学业水平考试 (2)答案要点及评分标准 (9)2013年上海市普通高中学业水平考试 (11)答案要点 (21)2014年上海市普通高中学业水平考试 (23)答案要点及评分标准 (31)2015上海市高中学业水平考试 (34)2016年上海市普通高中学业水平考试 (40)答案要点及评分标准 (49)2017年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(1月份) (52)答案要点及评分标准 (62)2012年上海市普通高中学业水平考试英语试卷I.Listening comprehension:(共10分)Section A(共6分,每小题2分)Directions:In Section A,you will hear one short passage,and you will be asked three questions on the passages.The passage will be read twice,but the questions will be spoken only once.When you hear a question,read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.Questions1through3are based on the following passage:1. A.Watch TV in the evening. e the toilet inside the house.C.Cook food themselves.D.Wash their hair with shampoo.2. A.She felt completely bad about it. B.She thought life in the house was easy.C.She enjoyed everything there.D.She preferred to live a modern life.3. A.An old house. B.A happy family.C.A popular TV program.D.A modern lifestyle.Section B:(共4分,每小题1分)Directions:In Section B,you will hear one conversation.The conversation will be read twice. After you hear the conversation,you are required to fill in the numbered blanks with the information you have heard.Write your answers on your answer sheet.Blanks4through7are based on the following conversation:Complete the form.Write ONE WORD for each blank.Hotel Registration FormName:Alan JonesRoom number:429Room type:_________4_______Length of stay:Three nightsMeans of payment:By_______5________Special needs:●A___6________●A wake-up call at__7___II.Grammar and Vocabulary:(共30分)Section A:(共10分,每小题1分)8.In her short story,Helen described not her own experience,but______writer’s.A.the othersB.anotherC.otherD.others9.As an English learner,the larger vocabulary you have,_____success you may achieve.A.the mostB.the moreC.moreD.most10.Since his arrival in England in1979,he______himself as a mayor.A.establishedB.had establishedC.has establishedD.was establishing11.Some birds have highly developed senses that enable them_______in the dark.A.flyB.to be flyingC.to flyD.flying12.You mustn’t smoke in here!You_____start a fire.A.couldB.mustC.shouldD.need13.I could hardly imagine_________in such a remote mountain village for months.A.to liveB.liveC.livingD.to have lived14.That’s the man_______photo is on the cover of the latest magazine.A.thatB.whoC.whereD.whose15.It is the Internet______keeps us in constant touch with our offices in Asia.A.thatB.whoC.whereD.how16.The newly retired engineer is starting his further education______my father did last year.A.ifB.whenC.onceD.as17.They have passed the law,but the question is_____they’re going to make the law work.A.whyB.howC.whatD.thatSection B(共10分,每小题1分)Directions:Read the text e the word in the brackets to form a word that fits in the space.I use the Internet all the time,and I think it’s fantastic.But there is one thing I would be more ___18___(care)about doing in future.That’s booking a vacation online.I needed a vacation from work____19___(bad),so I decided to take a short break.I looked up some hotels on the Internet and found what looked like a great place for holidays.The pictures on the website looked____20____(amaze):sandy beaches,little houses that looked out over the sea,beachside dining;it was just what I needed.I went ahead and made a____21____(reserve) over the Internet.It was easy.Or so it seemed.When I got the hotel,I was shocked.The staff was rude and___22___(friendly).My house was old,in need of repair and was nowhere near the beach.To top it all of,the view of that __23___(gold)sandy beach was nowhere to be seen.If you are thinking of booking a holiday over the Internet,take my___24___(advise). Always be sure to call the hotel first and talk to the people before you reserve it.Also,check out some___25___(independence)websites that can give you__26___(accuracy)information about the area you’ll be staying in.Tourist association sites are the___27__(good).If you’re still unsure,don’t book.If you can’t find what you’re looking for on the Net,book your vacation the old-fashioned way-----go visit a travel agency!Section C(共10分,每小题1分)Directions:For each blank in the following passage,there are four words or phrases marked A, B,C and D.Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Do you love to go shopping,but seem to spend all your hard-earned cash on just one or two items?If so,why__28___hunting around for cheaper,second-hand options?With a little time and patience,it’s possible to find some great___29___.Take a look at the shopping alternatives which are not only lighter on your pocket,but also lots of fun!Car Boot(汽车后备箱)SalesPeople bring unwanted things to a car boot sale.There,in a large car park or on a schoolplaying field,they sell them or exchange them with other traders___30____something else. Anything from children’s toys to sports equipment can__31___at these sales.Second-hand shopsGood second-hand shops can be full of surprises and are often the___32___place to pick up a bargain!Many specialize in certain items such as rare books,designer clothes and old furniture. Always check things with care___33___you buy them as it may be difficult to exchange them or get the money back later.Charity ShopsPeople___34___used clothes,shoes,toys and other items to charity shops___35___you can usually buy them for next to nothing!The money often goes to help people who are hungry, homeless or who live in poor developing countries.Christmas Bazaars(义卖会)These are wonderful places to buy handmade gifts,Christmas decorations and second-hand items.The beauty of these bazaars is that all the money__36__usually goes to charity,so you can shop till you get tired knowing that it’s all for a good cause!So,next time you’re in the mood to shop,instead of using your credit card,head for “second-hand city”.You won’t be___37___!28.A.do not consider B.not consider C.not to consider D.no considering29.A.bargains B.profit C.trade D.costs30.A.to B.at C.for D.on31.A.turn up B.turn off C.turn out D.turn down32.A.tough B.rare C.perfect D.private33.A.before B.since C.unless D.though34.A.pass B.donate C.owe D.lend35.A.which B.what C.when D.where36.A.raising B.raised C.having raised D.raise37.A.shocked B.satisfied C.puzzled D.disappointedIII.Reading Comprehension(共30分)Section A(共22分,每小题2分)Directions:Read the following passages.Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)The day of my holiday arrived,but I wasn’t looking forward to it.I had little money and had only been able to afford to stay with my Aunt Rosa in Spain.So,I wasn’t really excited as I knew exactly what it was going to be like:lots of noisy cousins,and Aunt Rosa begging me to take her for a ride.After I had checked in,I made my way slowly to the departure gate.As I was waiting to board the plane,I kept thinking about my ideal holiday destination:Jamaica,with its long,sandy beaches and crystal clear water.As soon as the plane took off,I fell fast asleep and only woke to the sound of the announcement:“Ladies and gentlemen,please fasten you seat belts,as we will shortly be landing in Kingston.”I froze in my seat.Was I dreaming?Kingston?Jamaica?I had boarded the wrongplane!Immediately after the plane landed,I explained the situation to the authorities.It seems there were also three other passengers heading for Spain.Apparently it had been the airline’s fault,since the flight numbers for Spain and Jamaica were exactly the same!Therefore,with no flight back to London for a week,the airline had no choice but to pay for our stay.So there I was,lying on the beach,enjoying the music and the marvelous food of Jamaica!As for Aunt Rosa,I suppose she just had to live without me!38.Why did the writer choose to spend her holiday with her aunt in Spain?A.She missed her cousins very much.B.Her aunt begged her to go there.C.She could hardly afford any better trip.D.Spain was her ideal destination.39.In the story,the writer ended up_________.A.flying to London immediatelyB.heading for Spain from Jamaicaplaining to the authoritiesD.enjoying a free beach holiday40.Which of the following might be the best title of the passage?A.A Lucky MistakeB.A Terrible AdventureC.A Nice DreamD.A Well-Planned Trip(B)With the cost of college rising in the U.S.,some students are washing their hands of the American education system,grabbing their passports,and seeking cheaper degrees abroad.The number of students doing so has increased2percent annually in recent years,according to the Department of Education.In2009,Jessica Fuller,then25,was employed at a small private university in Philadelphia as a clerk in an office.Bored with her job and becoming increasingly interested in healthcare industry, Fuller knew she would need a master’s degree in public health for her dream career.At first,Fuller wanted a school in New York and Pennsylvania,but with many programs costing over$30,000per year for tuition alone,she decided on an option she could better afford ----the Netherlands.A similar degree in health economics cost less than$17,000for a one-year program.To finance her education at Erasmus University in Rotterdam,Fuller took out a$30,000bank loan through her mother’s credit,which covered tuition and fees,as well as air travel and living expenses for her year abroad.The cost may be lower,but is the quality of education overseas just as good as an American university?Jessica Fuller says in her case,yes:she found a consulting job with Marsh Inc.as an International Knowledge Manager shortly after she graduated from Erasmus University,and says that the university---and its location----were definitely a factor.“Many Erasmus professors were world famous experts in their fields,”says Fuller.“Considering the variety of the students,the class discussions were very robust.Having an “international”advantage made a huge difference.”41.Why did Jessica Fuller want to study for a master’s degree?A.She could afford tuition at Erasmus University.B.Her job required more professional skills.C.She was bored with healthcare industry.D.Her interest was in public health.42.Jessica was able to go to Erasmus University by______.ing her own credit cardB.having a part-time jobC.getting a scholarship from the universityD.obtaining a loan from a bank43.The word“robust”in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to“_________”.A.awkward and fruitlessB.strong and vigorousC.peaceful and pleasantD.brief and informal44.Jessica’s case shows that there is a tendency among U.S.students to______.A.choose t study overseasB.look for jobs abroadC.seek education of higher qualityD.take one-year program(C)A lot of people today are used to working,going on holiday,and having money---but many of them aren’t happy.Yet other people seem to be really happy,even if they are poor.Why?Professor Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi,from the University of Chicago,has interviewed thousands of people who have a happy life to find out how they do it.“I’ve been studying happiness for over30years,”he says.“My interest in the subject came from my own experience as a child during World War II,when I saw many adults destroyed by the terrible events.But there were always a few who kept their courage,helped others,and were able to give a sense of purpose and meaning to their lives.I wanted to find out how a person could build a fulfilling and enjoyable life.”In general,his research showed that people were unhappy doing nothing.The professor stresses that happy people didn’t waste time,either at work or when they are free.“Many people feel that the time they spend at work or at school is wasted.But often their free time is also wasted. Many people are used to doing passive things----watching television,for example----without using any skills.As a result,life goes past in a series of boring experiences.”But it doesn’t have to be this way.The professor has found that people are happy when get into something he calls“flow”.When people get very involved in a task that they have chosen, and which is well-defined and challenging,they experience“flow”,a state where they don’t notice time passing.They also experience enjoyment.Professor Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi,makes a contrast between enjoyment and pleasure.“I used to think they were the same thing----but they’re not! Pleasure is a big bowl of ice cream,or taking a hot bath on a cold day---nothing bad at all!But enjoyment is about doing something and achieving something.It isn’t really important what we do, it’s more important to do something,and feel positive about it,and to try to do it well.”People who are not used to happiness can learn how to be happy,says the professor,if they constantly get into“flow”states.Is happiness as easy as that?Perhaps it is.45.What did the professor want to find out through his research?A.The difference between enjoyment and pleasure.B.The secret of having a fulfilling and pleasant life.C.The real meaning and purpose of life.D.The way of passing the time enjoyably..46.When a person is in a“flow”state,he/she______.A.is guilty about wasting timeB.feels stressed doing challenging jobsC.easily forgets what time it isD.has a strong desire to finish a boring task47.In which situation can people experience enjoyment according to the professor?A.When having afternoon tea.B.When taking a hot bath in winter.C.When watching a soap drama.D.When making a DIY gift for a friend.48.What can we learn from the passage?A.Pleasures add a sense of purpose and meaning to lives.B.Happiness results from engaging in meaningful tasks.C.Happy people often relax themselves by doing nothing.D.Happiness has much to do with living conditions.Section B(共8分,每小题2分)Directions:Read the following resumé(简历)and complete the statements that follow.Write one word or more in each space.Jane Smith1939Norway StreetCleveland,OH44101216/555-1234OBJECTIVETo obtain a position as a secretary based on my experience,abilities,and need to be challenged EDUCATIONTwo-year degree from Engstrand Technical College in office administration,2011WORK EXPERINECEManders Insurance Company,assistant to the president,2008-presentSKILLSAll general office dutiesTyping60words per minuteExtensive experience with Microsoft Word,Excel,Power PointGood oral and written communication skillsFluent in written and spoken SpanishAble to carry a conversation in basic French49.Jane Smith is applying for a job as a_________________.50.Jane Smith got her degree while working for_______________Company.51.Jane Smith is good at writing in__________________.52.If Jane Smith is given a3000-word article to type,it will take her____________minutes to finish it.IV.Writing:(共30分)Section A(共6分,每小题2分)Directions:Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets into English.53.He will no longer_____________________(依靠父母)since he has found a well-paid job.54.___________________(据报道)that about70%of the company’s total production is exported.55.________________________________(昨天向我借书的那个女孩)is one of the volunteers working for that clinic.Section B:(共9分,56小题4分,57小题5分)Directions:Translate the following sentences into English,using the words given in the brackets.56.我们有足够的时间为即将到来的运动会做准备。

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