












本学期教学实践要求完成以下具体任务:1.介绍会展2.选择会址3.面试工作4.参展流程5.准备会展 6.主持会议 7.展厅接待礼仪详见教学进度表五、教学条件1.充分运用多媒体教室进行常规课堂教学和一系列课堂活动。











例如,“Let's get down to brass tacks”(言归正传),我们会设立角色扮演环节,让他们亲身体验做为参展商或采购商的角色,用英语阐述设计理念,洽谈合作事宜,甚至是应对突发状况。




“You can't judge a book by its cover”,每个国家和地区都有其独特的企业文化和商业习惯,所以我们在教案中融入丰富的跨文化交际知识,教育学生学会用国际视野解读和适应多元文化背景下的商务交流。

再者,为了确保课程内容与时俱进,“Keeping pace with the times”至关重要。



最后但同样重要的是,“Practice makes perfect”. 我们的课程将以项目为导向,鼓励学生参与到各类线上线下会展活动中去实习、实践,甚至有机会参与海外展会。




第1篇教学对象:初中英语教学课时:2课时教学目标:1. 学生能够理解并掌握会展相关的基本英语词汇和表达方式。

2. 学生能够运用所学词汇和表达方式,进行简单的会展英语对话。

3. 学生能够阅读并理解简单的会展英文材料。

教学重点:1. 会展英语词汇的掌握。

2. 会展英语表达的运用。

教学难点:1. 会展英语在具体情境中的应用。

2. 学生对会展英语的兴趣激发。

教学准备:1. 教师准备:多媒体课件、实物或图片、单词卡片、句子卡片。

2. 学生准备:笔记本、笔。

教学过程:第一课时一、导入1. 教师展示一张国际会展的图片,引导学生观察并思考:这是一个什么样的场合?需要用到哪些英语表达?2. 学生自由发言,教师总结并引入本节课的主题。

二、词汇学习1. 教师展示单词卡片,如:exhibition, booth, participant, product, etc.,让学生通过图片和上下文理解单词含义。

2. 学生跟读单词,并尝试用单词造句。

三、句子学习1. 教师展示句子卡片,如:Welcome to our booth. / What's this product? / How much is it?,让学生跟读并模仿。

2. 学生分组练习,互相问答,运用所学句子进行对话。

四、情景模拟1. 教师创设一个简单的会展场景,如:学生扮演参展商或参观者,进行对话。

2. 学生分组练习,教师巡回指导。

五、课堂小结1. 教师引导学生回顾本节课所学内容,总结会展英语的基本词汇和表达方式。

2. 学生分享自己的学习心得。

第二课时一、复习1. 教师提问:上一节课我们学习了哪些会展英语词汇和表达方式?2. 学生回答,教师点评。

二、阅读理解1. 教师展示一篇简单的会展英文材料,如:展会介绍、产品说明等。

2. 学生阅读材料,回答问题,如:What's the theme of this exhibition? / What are the main products of this company?三、小组讨论1. 教师提出问题,如:How do you think of international exhibitions? / What should we pay attention to when attending an exhibition?2. 学生分组讨论,分享自己的观点。



会展英语教案教案标题:会展英语教案教学目标:1. 了解会展行业的基本知识和专业术语;2. 学习与会展相关的英语表达和沟通技巧;3. 提升学生的听、说、读、写能力,并能在会展场景中灵活运用。

教学重点:1. 学习会展行业的基本知识和专业术语;2. 学习与会展相关的英语表达和沟通技巧。

教学难点:1. 在会展场景中灵活运用所学的英语表达和沟通技巧;2. 培养学生的跨文化交际能力。

教学准备:1. 多媒体设备;2. 会展行业相关的图片、视频等教具。

教学过程:Step 1: 导入 (5分钟)通过展示一些会展行业的图片或视频,引发学生对会展行业的兴趣和好奇心。


Step 2: 基础知识讲解 (15分钟)通过多媒体设备展示会展行业的基本知识和专业术语,包括会展类型、会展流程、会展场地等。


Step 3: 英语表达和沟通技巧 (20分钟)教授与会展相关的英语表达和沟通技巧,包括:- 介绍自己和他人;- 邀请和接受邀请;- 提供和寻求帮助;- 询问和提供信息等。


Step 4: 拓展活动 (15分钟)将学生分成小组,要求他们设计一个虚拟的会展活动,并用英语进行介绍和推广。



Step 5: 总结和评价 (5分钟)与学生一起总结所学的内容,并评价他们在角色扮演和拓展活动中的表现。


Step 6: 作业布置 (5分钟)布置相关的作业,如写一篇关于会展的英语文章、收集会展行业的新闻报道等。


教学延伸:1. 邀请会展行业的专业人士来进行讲座或分享经验;2. 组织学生参观会展活动,让他们实际体验并运用所学的英语表达和沟通技巧。






二、课程目标1. 通过学习,学生能够掌握一定的会展专业英语词汇和交际技能。

3. 通过案例分析和实践操作,学生能够了解国际会展的工作流程和相关规定。

4. 通过综合考核,学生能够体现出在英语交际和会展实践方面的综合能力。

三、课程内容安排1. 课程名称:会展英语2. 课程学时:48学时3. 教学内容:(1)会展英语基础知识:包括基本词汇、语法知识和交际技巧。



四、教学方法1. 任务驱动:注重通过任务驱动教学法让学生学会在实际工作中应用所学的英语知识和技能。

2. 合作学习:通过小组合作学习和团队合作实践,培养学生的团队合作能力和沟通能力。

3. 媒体辅助教学:结合多媒体技术,丰富教学资源,提高课堂教学的趣味性和实用性。

4. 实践操作:通过模拟会展现场的实际操作,让学生亲身体验和实践所学知识和技能。

五、教学评价1. 成绩评定:考勤、平时表现、期中考试、期末考试、课程作业等多种方式综合评定学生的成绩。

2. 学生评价:鼓励学生对课程进行评价,及时了解学生对课程的反馈和建议,不断改进教学。

3. 教师评价:学生对教师的教学效果进行评价,教师定期总结教学经验,不断提高教学水平。

六、课程实施1. 教学环境:要求教学环境与会展现场尽可能相似,如使用多媒体设备、搭建展台模拟会展现场等。

2. 教材选择:选择与会展行业相关的英语教材,如《展览英语》、《商务英语口语》等。



第1篇课时:2课时年级:高中教材:《英语》教学目标:1. 理解会展英语的基本概念和常用词汇。

2. 掌握会展英语的常用句型和表达方式。

3. 培养学生运用英语进行会展交流的能力。

教学重点:1. 会展英语的基本概念和常用词汇。

2. 会展英语的常用句型和表达方式。

教学难点:1. 会展英语的实际应用。

2. 学生在真实场景下的交流能力。

教学准备:1. 教师准备PPT课件,包括会展英语的基本概念、常用词汇、句型和表达方式等。

2. 学生准备笔记本和笔。

教学过程:第一课时一、导入1. 教师简要介绍会展的概念,激发学生学习兴趣。

2. 提问:同学们对会展有什么了解?二、新课导入1. 教师展示PPT课件,讲解会展英语的基本概念和常用词汇。

2. 学生跟读,巩固记忆。

三、课堂练习1. 教师带领学生进行词汇练习,如:听写、填空等。

2. 学生分组进行角色扮演,运用所学词汇进行对话。

四、总结1. 教师总结本节课所学内容,强调重点和难点。

2. 学生回顾所学,提出疑问。

第二课时一、复习1. 教师带领学生复习上节课所学内容,检查学习效果。

2. 学生进行自我检测,巩固记忆。

二、新课导入1. 教师展示PPT课件,讲解会展英语的常用句型和表达方式。

2. 学生跟读,巩固记忆。

三、课堂练习1. 教师带领学生进行句型练习,如:仿写、翻译等。

2. 学生分组进行角色扮演,运用所学句型和表达方式进行对话。

四、实际应用1. 教师设置真实场景,让学生运用所学知识进行交流。

2. 学生分组进行角色扮演,教师巡回指导。

五、总结1. 教师总结本节课所学内容,强调重点和难点。

2. 学生回顾所学,提出疑问。

教学评价:1. 学生对会展英语的基本概念、常用词汇和句型掌握程度。

2. 学生在真实场景下的交流能力。

课后作业:1. 复习本节课所学内容,巩固记忆。

2. 查找相关资料,了解会展行业的发展趋势。

第2篇课程目标:1. 学生能够掌握会展英语的基本词汇和表达方式。

2. 学生能够运用所学知识进行简单的会展场景对话。






二、教学目标1. 知识目标:掌握基础的会展英语词汇和基本的语法结构,能够理解和使用会展英语进行简单的交流。

2. 能力目标:能够熟练运用会展英语进行日常工作中的简单沟通和交流,能够处理一般的会展事件。

3. 情感目标:培养学生对会展行业的兴趣和热情,激发学生的学习积极性和创造性。

三、教学内容根据工作过程导向的理念,将课程内容分为以下几个部分:1. 会展行业简介- 介绍会展行业的发展历史、现状和前景,重点介绍会展行业的重要性和影响,激发学生对会展行业的兴趣和热情。

2. 会展英语基础- 学习会展英语的基础词汇和常用短语,包括展览、展示、参展、观众、展位等词汇,以及询问价格、询问产品信息等常用短语。

3. 会展活动组织- 学习会展活动的组织流程和工作安排,包括展会策划、展位规划、参展商邀约、活动宣传等内容,培养学生的组织能力和计划能力。

4. 展会现场交流- 学习在展会现场进行英语交流的基本技能,包括接待客户、询问产品信息、谈判合作等内容,培养学生在实际工作中的沟通能力。

5. 展会后续服务- 学习展会后续服务的处理流程和方式,包括客户回访、合作洽谈、成交确认等内容,培养学生的客户管理能力和服务意识。

四、教学方法1. 任务驱动教学:通过模拟展会流程和场景,设置真实的任务,让学生在实际操作中学习和应用会展英语。

2. 合作学习:组织学生进行展会策划和组织活动,培养学生的团队合作和协作能力。

3. 案例分析:结合实际的展会案例,进行分析和讨论,帮助学生理解会展行业的工作流程和工作技能。

4. 实践培训:组织学生到实际的展会现场进行观摩和实习,让学生在实践中学习和提升会展英语技能。



2011----2012学年第二学期《会展英语》课程教案编写人员_____ 张倩_ _____所教班级_2010商务英语1、2班编写时间_____2012年3月_____国际商务学院课程介绍一、课程定位:根据教高十六号文件的要求,为培养“明德、尚学、强能、善技”的应用型高技能涉外旅游专业人才,特制定商务英语专业课程设置及时间分配表,其中,《会展英语》列入专业必修课,于第四学期开设。


三、课程目标:1. 知识目标:(1) 了解会展行业相关知识,如会展业概况,发展前景,国内外重要会展中心等。

(2) 了解作为主办方会展筹划的过程,如展会策划、介绍、宣传推广的途径与方法等。

(3) 了解作为参展商如何申请展位及布展。

(4) 了解整个展会的接待过程、接待礼仪及沟通技巧。

(5) 掌握与会展相关的英语常用术语及表达法,常用英语写作文体,基本口译及翻译技巧。

2. 能力目标;(1) 策划、组织及宣传能力:能够具备初步的展会策划,展会介绍,展会宣传推广能力。

(2) 沟通接待能力:能够在接待客户时语言得体,态度端正,正确使用肢体语言,具备良好的接待礼仪,掌握必要的沟通技巧。

(3) 协调能力、创新能力及独立解决问题的能力:能够懂得如何分配工作,如何解决小组与小组之间,小组内部之间,以及主办方及各参展商之间的问题,协调好与各方面的关系。

3. 素质目标:(1) 培养学生正确的人生观、价值观,(2) 培养学生良好的思想品德,(3) 培养学生良好的职业操守,(4) 培养学生承受压力的能力,四、教学内容:本课程将会展中的典型工作任务划分为“主办方”和“参展商”两个不同的角色,按照展前、展中、展后三个工作流程序化教学内容。






二、课程目标1. 帮助学生掌握基本的会展英语词汇和语法知识。

2. 培养学生的英语听、说、读、写能力,提高他们的综合语言运用能力。

3. 培养学生的跨文化交际能力和团队协作能力。

4. 帮助学生了解会展行业的基本知识和技能,为将来的就业和发展做好准备。

三、课程内容1. 会展英语基础知识- 会展英语词汇和常用短语- 会展英语语法知识- 会展英语听力训练2. 会展英语交际能力培养- 会议交际用语- 展览导览和解说- 商务洽谈和合作3. 会展行业知识与技能- 会展行业概况- 展览策划和组织- 会展物流管理- 会展市场营销四、课程设计原则1. 任务驱动:课程设计以学生将来在会展行业中的工作过程为导向,以学生具体的工作任务为基础,设计课程内容和学习活动,让学生在学习过程中不仅仅是获得知识,更重要的是掌握实际应用能力。

2. 强化实践:课程内容注重学生的实践能力培养,通过实践教学、实习实训等形式,让学生在实际工作中学习和掌握会展英语知识和技能。

3. 跨学科融合:课程内容融合了会展英语、会展行业知识和技能等多个学科的内容,通过跨学科的融合教学,提高学生的综合能力和实际应用能力。

五、课程教学模式1. 目标驱动式教学:教师在教学过程中以学习目标为导向,引导学生主动学习,提高学生的学习动机和学习兴趣。

2. 任务型教学:通过给学生设计任务,让学生在完成任务的过程中学习知识和技能,提高学生的综合能力。

4. 合作学习:在课程中注重学生之间的合作学习,通过小组合作、团队合作等形式,培养学生的团队协作能力和跨文化交际能力。






二、课程目标1. 帮助学生掌握基本的会展英语词汇和表达方式;2. 培养学生在会展中的英语听说能力;3. 提高学生对会展相关英语文献的阅读和理解能力;4. 培养学生在会展中的英语书写能力。

三、教学内容1. 会展英语基础知识- 会展相关词汇- 会展活动的英语表达- 会展过程中常用的英语句型2. 会展英语听说训练- 听力训练:会展现场常用英语对话- 口语训练:会展中常用的英语口语表达3. 会展英语阅读理解- 阅读会展相关英语文献,包括会展报告、新闻、论文等4. 会展英语写作- 写作会展相关的英语邮件、演讲稿、报道等四、教学方法1. 多媒体教学:利用多媒体教学手段展示会展实际操作视频、英语对话等,增加学生学习的视听效果。

2. 小组讨论:组织学生进行小组讨论,共同探讨会展中的英语应用问题,通过互动交流提高学习效果。

3. 实践操作:安排学生进行会展实践操作,让学生在实际操作中提高英语交流能力。

4. 互动教学:教师和学生之间进行互动教学,鼓励学生积极参与课堂讨论,提高学习主动性。

五、教学评估1. 课堂表现:包括学生在课堂上的词汇应用、口语表达、听力理解等能力;2. 作业成绩:包括课后作业的完成情况和质量;3. 考试成绩:包括期中考试和期末考试成绩。

六、教学资源1. 教材:选用专门针对会展英语的教材;2. 多媒体设备:利用多媒体设备展示会展实际操作视频和英语对话;3. 实践场地:提供实际的会展场地让学生进行实践操作。







一、教学目标:1. 培养学生在会展行业中的英语听、说、读、写能力;2. 提升学生在与外籍客户、合作伙伴的沟通中的应变能力;3. 培养学生在国际会展领域的文化意识和跨文化沟通能力;4. 培养学生对会展行业的专业知识和词汇的理解和应用能力。

二、教学内容:1. 会展行业概述:介绍国际会展的发展历程、会展行业的分类和组织结构;2. 关键词汇和短语:学习与会展相关的常用词汇和短语,如展览、展台、展商、参展商、展馆、会议等;3. 会展英语应用能力:培养学生会展英语听、说、读、写的能力,包括接待客户、向客户介绍展品、协调会展事宜等;4. 跨文化沟通:通过案例分析和角色扮演,培养学生在不同文化背景下的沟通和交际能力;5. 商务信函写作:教授学生撰写会展领域相关的商务信函的技巧和格式;6. 口译和笔译技巧:培养学生在会展活动中进行简单的口译和笔译的能力。

三、教学方法:1. 教师讲授:通过授课的方式,介绍相关的知识点和技巧;2. 分组演练:学生分组进行角色扮演练习,模拟真实的会展场景;3. 个案分析:选取真实的会展案例,进行分析和讨论,激发学生的思考和创新能力;4. 组织实践活动:组织学生参观会展,让学生亲身体验和应用所学知识和技能。

四、评估方式:1. 作业考核:学生根据教师布置的作业进行个人或小组的完成,如口头报告、书面报告等;2. 期末考试:测试学生在听、说、读、写等方面的综合能力;3. 项目实践评估:针对学生参与的会展实践活动,进行评估和反馈,评估学生的应用能力和综合素质。




会展双语教案一、教学目标1. 了解会展相关的基础词汇和表达;2. 掌握会展中常用的双语交流技巧;3. 提高学生的口语表达能力和听力理解能力;4. 培养学生的团队合作意识和组织能力。

二、教学内容1. 会展基础词汇:展览、展位、展商、参展商、观众、展品、展示、演示、展销、主题、装饰、布置等;2. 会展常用表达:欢迎词、介绍展览、参观引导、询问需求、解答问题、交流合作、道别等;3. 双语交流技巧:礼貌用语的运用、场景对话的模拟、问题回答的技巧、会议现场的应对等;4. 口语表达训练:模拟会展现场的对话、角色扮演、小组讨论等;5. 听力理解训练:听取会展相关讲座或视频,进行听力理解练习;6. 团队合作项目:学生分组,组织一个小型会展活动,实践所学的双语交流技巧和口语表达能力。

三、教学步骤1. 导入(5分钟)教师简单介绍会展的概念,并引发学生对会展的兴趣。

2. 词汇学习(15分钟)教师呈现会展相关的基础词汇,帮助学生理解并记忆。

3. 双语交流技巧讲解(10分钟)教师讲解常用的双语交流技巧,并举例说明在不同场景中的运用。

4. 口语表达训练(20分钟)学生分组进行角色扮演,模拟会展现场的对话情景,练习口语表达能力。

5. 听力理解训练(20分钟)播放会展相关的讲座或视频,学生进行听力理解练习,并回答相关问题。

6. 团队合作项目(30分钟)学生分组,组织一个小型会展活动,要求运用双语交流技巧和口语表达能力,展示各自扮演的角色,并邀请其他同学参观。

7. 总结与展望(10分钟)教师对本节课的教学内容进行总结,并展望下节课的学习内容。

四、教学评估1. 学生的课堂参与情况;2. 学生在口语表达训练中的发言情况和表达准确性;3. 学生在听力理解练习中的得分情况;4. 学生小组合作项目的完成情况和评价。

五、教学延伸1. 推荐学生阅读与会展相关的英语杂志、书籍,扩大词汇量;2. 组织学生参观实际的会展活动,提供实践机会;3. 引导学生积极参与会展志愿者活动,提高口语表达和组织能力;4. 鼓励学生在平时生活中多运用双语进行交流,提升语言能力。



Unit 1 General Introduction to the Exhibition Industry教学目标:1. 介绍中国会展业的发展和现状2. 了解中国新兴产业—会展业的产生、特点、分类和发展趋势。

3. 培养学生关注缩在城市的各种形式的会展,了解组展的原因和动力。

4. 通过网络搜索了解世界会展的产生背景和重要的主展国家。

教学重点、难点:1. 使学生初步认识中国会展业发展情况、2. 能够用英语介绍展会特点和情况。

3. 掌握会展业基本词汇教学方法:采用项目教学法、模拟教学法及现场指导法等教学方法,以工作过程为导向,以学生为主体,以启发式、合作式、探究式等教学方式实施教学。

教学过程:Step 1 Exhibition Pictures Demonstration (with ppt)Step 2 Lead-in Questions:1. Have you ever participated/visited an exhibition? If yes, describe your experience.Group discussion:2. What kinds of people are involved in an exhibition?(visitors, exhibitors and organizers)3. What are the benefits of exhibiting in an exhibition? (Why do exhibitors take part in an exhibition?)5-minutes discussionAsk for results of their discussion and give commentsShow students the teacher’s list.4. What are the benefits of visiting an exhibition? (Why do visitors take part in an exhibition?)5-minutes discussionAsk 2 students to come to the front to give a short presentation on their findings. Give com ments and show the teacher’s listStep 3 Brief introduction to the courseMain topics that are going to be covered.Assessment Methods-Step 4 Reading IArticle: China Becomes an Important Market for International Exhibition IndustryAnnual economic growth rate of 8 percent and open economic system has made China one of the largest markets for sale of raw material and products in the world. This has attracted attentions of international exhibition industry, which not only organizes trade fairs of various types in China, but also hopes Chinese enterprises to go overseas as participant or visitor to international exhibitions.Recently Wolfgang Pech, VP of the Hannover based Deutsche Messe AG(德国汉诺威展览公司高级副总裁)came to Shanghai to promote the Industry Expo, one of the most important expo for technologies in the world, which is to open in Hannover April 2005. A total of 11 industries will get together at the expo. Mr. Pech says 323 enterprises from the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong and 120 from Taiwan will present; majority of them are private enterprises. "China is becoming a major driving force for the global industry, especially for the market of automation technology," says Mr. Pech.Professional exhibition companies from the UK, the US and Australia have also begun cooperation with Chinese governmental departments, trade unions and their counterparts. Exhibition industry is a "weatherglass" for economic growth. "The industry has a bright outlook in China due to China's economic status in Asia," comments Anton H. Innemee, VP of Royal Dutch Jaarbeurs.In China, the annual income from exhibition and conference has reached 4bln yuan. With continuous development of international exhibition industry, the market of conference and exhibition in China, and the proportion of international exhibitions will rise dramatically.Purpose: to give student a brief idea of the current situation of the International Exhibition Industry* Keep reminding students that they should try their best to ignore the new words and expressions and get the general idea of one article/paragraph)Guide the reading one paragraph after anotherAsk students to summarize the main meaning of each paragraphStep 5 Reading IIArticle: The Show of Fair IndustryChina’s exhibition industry has been booming i n the past two decades with the sustained and rapid growth of national economy. As a developing and large market in Asia, China has been attracting more and more investor since the implementation of opening and reform policy. Exhibition industry has been playing an important role inintroducing advanced technology and equipment to China.Purpose: to provide students background information about the current situation of the Exhibition Industry in China●Listen to the tape while reading the article●Ask students what the title means.●Ask students the main ideas of the article.(China’s exhibition industry has been booming in the past two decades so “we” are organizing shows to introduce the latest and advanced displaying technology, facility and equipment in the world, as well as the highest level of China’s exhibition service and displaying technology.)●Briefly explain to students some new words and expressions in the article. (Useppt)Step 6 Sum up words & expressionsboomdecadea period of ten yearssustainedadvancedahead or far or further along in progressparticipationfacilityexpertiseprofessionalassurancespecializationindustrializationimpetussymbioticAfter class tasks:Have students discuss the following questions1.What do you think are the main reasons for the booming of exhibition industry inChina?2.How many exhibitions of various kinds were held in China in 2007? What historicsituation did it reflect?3.What can exhibition industry benefit a nation, according to your understanding ofthe text?4.Could you expect the prospect of exhibition industry in China next year?。














四、教法设计自主学习法角色扮演法案例教学法情景教学法五、学法指导1.要做好课前预习,初步了解新课的内容和重点,并记录下疑难问题,做到“心中有数”2. 专心上课,课堂上保持良好的状态,做到眼、脑、口、手并用,易懂粗读,新内容细读,重难点精读,做到把重要的信息经过反复操练达到完全掌握的程度。

3. 课堂上难免有些地方听不懂或不全懂,所以必须向老师或同学请教讨论,切不可爱面子或偷懒使问题积少成多。

4. 及时、经常、科学地复习,争取课内外各种机会多练习英语。


会展英语 教案

会展英语 教案

会展英语教案教案标题:会展英语教案目标:1. 了解会展英语的基本概念和背景知识。

2. 学习会展英语中常用的词汇和短语。

3. 提高学生的听说读写能力,使他们能够在会展活动中有效地进行交流和沟通。

4. 培养学生的团队合作和组织能力。

教学内容:1. 会展英语的定义和背景知识介绍。

2. 会展英语中常用的词汇和短语。

3. 会展活动的策划和组织。

4. 会展英语的听说读写训练。

教学步骤:引入:1. 向学生介绍会展英语的概念和重要性,以及会展活动在当今社会中的作用。

2. 引导学生思考并讨论他们对会展活动的认识和经验。

主体:3. 学习会展英语中常用的词汇和短语,如展览、展位、展示、参观、洽谈等。


4. 分组活动:要求学生根据给定的场景,编写会展活动对话,并进行表演。


5. 听力训练:播放一段关于会展活动的录音,要求学生听取关键信息并回答问题。


6. 阅读训练:提供一篇关于会展活动策划和组织的文章,要求学生阅读并回答相关问题,以检验他们对文章内容的理解。

7. 写作训练:要求学生根据给定的要求,撰写一份会展活动的宣传文案或总结报告。

总结:8. 回顾本节课所学的内容,强调会展英语的重要性和应用价值。

9. 鼓励学生在日常生活中运用会展英语,提高他们的实际应用能力。

教学资源:1. 课本或教材中关于会展英语的相关内容。

2. 录音设备和相关录音材料。

3. 会展活动的图片或视频素材。

4. 组织会展活动的案例分析。

评估方式:1. 分组活动中的表演评估。

2. 听力和阅读训练的问答评估。

3. 写作训练的文案或报告评估。

4. 学生参与度和课堂表现的评估。

拓展活动:1. 邀请专业人士来校进行会展英语的讲座或工作坊。

2. 组织学生参观当地的会展活动,并要求他们运用所学的会展英语进行实践。

3. 设计一个虚拟的会展活动,要求学生进行策划和组织,并使用会展英语进行沟通和交流。






一、课程目标1. 培养学生的综合语言运用能力,使其能在会展行业中进行流利的口语表达和熟练的书面表达;2. 培养学生的跨文化交际能力,使其能在国际会展活动中进行有效的沟通和合作;3. 培养学生的专业知识和技能,使其能胜任会展行业的实际工作。

二、教学内容本课程的教学内容将包括以下几个方面:1. 会展行业基础知识:介绍会展行业的发展现状、相关政策法规、国内外知名会展机构等;2. 会展英语基础知识:学习与会展行业相关的词汇、语法和语篇,培养学生的语言运用能力;3. 会展英语听说训练:通过听力材料和口语对话的练习,提高学生的听说能力和交际能力;4. 会展英语阅读写作训练:通过阅读会展相关的文本,进行写作训练,培养学生的阅读理解能力和写作能力;5. 会展实践案例分析:通过对实际会展案例的分析,让学生了解会展行业的具体实践和应用;6. 跨文化交际训练:学习跨文化交际的基本理论和技巧,培养学生在国际会展活动中的沟通能力和文化适应能力。

三、教学方法1. 案例教学法:通过分析实际会展案例,激发学生的学习兴趣,加深对理论知识的理解;2. 合作学习法:通过小组合作学习,培养学生的团队合作能力和沟通能力;3. 项目驱动学习法:通过开展实际会展项目,让学生将所学知识应用到实践中,提高实际操作能力;4. 角色扮演法:通过模拟会展活动中各个角色的对话,让学生在情境中练习语言,并培养学生的表达和配合能力。

四、教学评估1. 学生表现评估:通过学生的日常表现、小组合作项目和个人作业,综合评估学生的语言运用能力、实际应用能力和合作能力;2. 成绩评估:通过期中考试、期末考试和实践项目的评估,评估学生对知识的掌握程度和实际应用能力;3. 反馈评估:定期进行学生问卷调查,了解学生对课程的反馈和建议,及时优化和改进教学。












课程内容本课程的内容主要包括以下部分:1.会展行业与常用词汇2.会议与基本礼仪和规则3.能力训练 (听、说、读、写等)教学方法案例教学在课堂上,运用案例教学法,让学生在具体和实际的会议环境中模拟练习,增强学生的会展相关知识和技能的应用能力。










2013—2014学年第二学期《会展英语》教案授课教师:***任课班级:2012D322012D332012D342014年2月Unit 1 information release and consultationTeaching aids:multiple-mediaTeaching time: 4classesThe key points of teaching:1.provide information on convention2.filling in a registration form3.making a conversation about information release and consultation Teaching steps:Step 1: warming up1.1. Listen and fill in the blanks with the right form of the words givenIn the boxSuch as: enquire sponsor register include ….1.2. Read and matchMatch the new words with the right Chinese meaning.Step 2: dialogue2.1. Listen to the dialogue one and do the exercisesExercise 1: take notesExercise 2: fill in the blanksListen to the dialogue again and role-play it.2.2. Listen to the dialogue two and do the exerciseExercise1: make a memoExercise2: fill the blanks.Listen to the dialogue again and role-play it2.3. Listen to the dialogue three and do the exerciseExercise1: decide true or falseExercise2: fill in the blanksListen to the dialogue again and role-play itStep 3: registration form3.1.Learn how to write the registration formPersonal details: salutationFamily name, first nameOrganization, department, titleAddress, state, city, country, Tel No, fax No, E-mail Registration feeMethods of paymentNotes3.2.Fill in the registration form according to the followinginformationStep 4: making a dialogueSuppose you are a secretary of the organizing committee of Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2010, and your partner is an attendee. Talk to your partner on the phone using the information and phrases given below.Such as: The forum will be held from…to…at…It will focus on…It is sponsored by…You should pay….Step 5 homework1.Do the exercise in More Practice Part2.Recite the new words3.Make a dialogue about AFFUnit2 convention reservationTeaching aids:multiple-mediaTeaching time: 4classesThe key points of teaching:1.Provide information about convention reservation2.Filling in a conference reservation form3.Making a conversation about convention reservationTeaching steps:Step 1: warming up1.1. Listen and fill in the blanks with the right form of the words givenIn the boxSuch as: reserve check charge quote…1.2. Read the sentencesSuch as: I am calling from the Sydney Trade AssociationI will send you confirmation within a week.We’d like to hold a conference at your center.Step 2: dialogue2.1. Listen to the dialogue one and do the exercisesExercise 1: take notesExercise 2: fill in the blanksListen to the dialogue again and role-play it.2.2. Listen to the dialogue two and do the exerciseExercise1: make a memoExercise2: fill the blanks.Listen to the dialogue again and role-play it2.3. Listen to the dialogue three and do the exerciseExercise1: answer the following questionsExercise2: fill in the blanksListen to the dialogue again and role-play itStep 3: convention reservation form3.3.Learn how to write the convention reservation formName of the EventDesired dateNumber of daysExpected attendance….3.4.Fill in the reservation form according to the followinginformationStep 4: making a dialogueSuppose you are a clerk with the sales department of shanghai Shangri-La hotel. Now you are receiving a phone call from your partner, the vice president of china auto association. The association wants to hold a conference in the hotel. Imagine you are talking to your partner on thephone using the information and phrases given below. Such as: For how many people?When will … be held?What type of rooms do you need?I will send you the information…Step 5 homework1. Do the exercise in More Practice Part2.Recite the new words3.Make a dialogue about American Express CorporationUnit3 convention arrangementTeaching aids:multiple-mediaTeaching time: 4classesThe key points of teaching:1.Talking about the setting of meeting rooms2.Writing an invitation3.Making a conversation about convention arrangementTeaching steps:Step 1: warming up1.1. Listen and fill in the blanks with the right form of the words givenIn the boxSuch as: make sure ofArrangeShow… around….1.2. Read the sentencesSuch as: Have you prepared pencils and note paper for theparticipants?We have hung the banner and welcoming signs in public areas.I’d make sure of the preparations for tomorrow’s meeting.…Step 2: dialogue2.1. Listen to the dialogue one and do the exercisesExercise 1: take notesExercise 2: fill in the blanksListen to the dialogue again and role-play it.2.2. Listen to the dialogue two and do the exerciseExercise1: make a memoExercise2: fill the blanks.Listen to the dialogue again and role-play it2.3. Listen to the dialogue three and do the exerciseExercise1: decide the true or falseExercise2: fill in the blanksListen to the dialogue again and role-play itStep 3: Invitation3.1.Learn how to write the Invitation….3.2.Write an invitation according to the following information Step 4: making a dialogueSuppose you are the secretary of the organizing committee of the Urban Tourism Conference, and your partner is the Convention Service Manager of Beijing International Convention Center. Imagine you want to know about the preparation for the conference, and you areaccompanied by your partner on an inspection. Use the information and phrases given below.Such as: How are things going?How about the audiovisual aids?Have you informed the reception desk that we need several hostesses… ?Step 5 homework1. Do the exercise in More Practice Part4.Recite the new words5.Make a dialogue about Asia Cinema ConferenceUnit4 convention receptionTeaching aids:multiple-mediaTeaching time: 4classesThe key points of teaching:1.Proving reception service2.Filling in a registration form3.Making a conversation about check-in situationTeaching steps:Step 1: warming up1.1. Listen and fill in the blanks with the right form of the words givenIn the boxSuch as: attendCheckBook….1.2. Read the sentencesSuch as: Would you please fill in the registration form?May I have your passport, please?You can take the elevator over there.Our bellman will show you up to the room.…Step 2: dialogue2.1. Listen to the dialogue one and do the exercisesExercise 1: take notesExercise 2: fill in the blanksListen to the dialogue again and role-play it.2.2. Listen to the dialogue two and do the exerciseExercise1: make a memoExercise2: fill the blanks.Listen to the dialogue again and role-play it2.3. Listen to the dialogue three and do the exerciseExercise1: decide the true or falseExercise2: fill in the blanksListen to the dialogue again and role-play itStep 3: registration form3.1.Learn how to write the registration formSuch as: full name, sex, addressPassport number, contact Tel No.Name of company, received by, pay for the registration fee or not ….3.2.Write an invitation according to the following information Step 4: making a dialogueSuppose you are a receptionist at Shanghai Hotel, and yourpartner is a guest from Australia for a conference, who is checking in at your hotel. Imagine you are checking him in. Use the information and phrases given below.Such as: Have you got… invitation?Will …fill in the registration form?Here is …coded badge/ the conference packet/ room card. Step 5 homework1. Do the exercise in More Practice Part2. Recite the new words3.Make a dialogue about checking in at the Shanghai Hotel.Unit5 conference hall serviceTeaching aids:multiple-mediaTeaching time: 4classesThe key points of teaching:1.Providing conference hall information service2.Filling in a meeting agenda form.3.Giving a reply to a complain letter4.Making a conversation about business center serviceTeaching steps:Step 1: warming up1.1. Listen and fill in the blanks with the right form of the words givenIn the boxSuch as: photocopySurfProvide….1.2. Read the sentencesSuch as: I’d like to surf the Internet after I finish my homework.We will charge you 40 dollars.We will do our best to serve all the guests.We will deal with the complaints as soon as possible.…Step 2: dialogue2.1. Listen to the dialogue one and do the exercisesExercise 1: take notesExercise 2: fill in the blanksListen to the dialogue again and role-play it.2.2. Listen to the dialogue two and do the exerciseExercise1: make a memoExercise2: fill the blanks.Listen to the dialogue again and role-play it2.3. Listen to the dialogue three and do the exerciseExercise1: decide the true or falseExercise2: fill in the blanksListen to the dialogue again and role-play itStep 3: meeting agenda3.2.What information should be included on a meeting agenda?Such as: date and arrangement….3.2.Write a meeting agenda according to the following information Step 4: making a dialogueSuppose you work at the Business Center, and your partner is a guest who wants to use the business center service. Please make adialogue with your partner using the information and phrases given below.Such as: How many pages..?When… you need them by?We provide 24 hour internet service.Step 5 homework1. Do the exercise in More Practice Part4.Recite the new words5.Make a dialogue about using business center.Unit6 catering serviceTeaching aids:multiple-mediaTeaching time: 4classesThe key points of teaching:1.Taking orders about wine2.Filling in a western food set menu3.Making a conversation about ordering wineTeaching steps:Step 1: warming up1.1. Listen and fill in the blanks with the right form of the words givenIn the boxSuch as: recommendTastesound….1.2. Read the sentencesSuch as: Would you like to recommend some dishes to me?That sounds interesting.Please sign your name on this bill.Can I pay in cash here?…Step 2: dialogue2.1. Listen to the dialogue one and do the exercisesExercise 1: take notesExercise 2: fill in the blanksListen to the dialogue again and role-play it. 2.2. Listen to the dialogue two and do the exerciseExercise1: make a memoExercise2: fill the blanks.Listen to the dialogue again and role-play it 2.3. Listen to the dialogue three and do the exerciseExercise1: decide the true or falseExercise2: fill in the blanksListen to the dialogue again and role-play it Step 3: food menuHow to read the English food menu?Appetizer: caviar cocktail baked sailsSoup: oxtail soup, all kinds of cream soupThe main course: sirloin steak, Philip steakVegetable dishes: lettuce, broccoli….Step 4: making a dialogueSuppose you work in a bar. Your partner is a guest from American. Please make a dialogue with your partner using the information and phrases given below.Such as: what would you …drink?The hotel will charge.Step 5 homework1. Do the exercise in More Practice Part6.Recite the new words7.Make a dialogue about ordering food in English.。

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2011----2012学年第二学期《会展英语》课程教案编写人员_____ 张倩_ _____所教班级_2010商务英语1、2班编写时间_____2012年3月_____国际商务学院课程介绍一、课程定位:根据教高十六号文件的要求,为培养“明德、尚学、强能、善技”的应用型高技能涉外旅游专业人才,特制定商务英语专业课程设置及时间分配表,其中,《会展英语》列入专业必修课,于第四学期开设。












项目2. 会展中心之旅:对会展中心有初步了解,了解会展中心主要设施、服务及功能。




项目6. 介绍展会相关服务项目7. 翻译参展商手册项目8. 展位接待(1):掌握如何分配展位现场工作任务、掌握展会接待礼仪及肢体语言。

项目9. 展位接待(2):了解参展商代表在展位接待客户时,如何向客户介绍参展公司、公司产品及产品的现场演示。

项目10. 撤展及展后:撤展的注意事项,展会分析、反馈.五、学习方法与手段:建议采用教师讲授、学生自学、小组合作学习等学习方法,在学习过程中,能够有效的利用网络资源,丰富学习内容,同时,配合实训练习,体验真实的工作场景。


单元设计案首教学设计(教学过程)(90分钟)Introduction to the course and Exhibition IndustryWarm-up activity (about 10 mins)What are the importance of exhibition industry?Task 1 General introduction to the courseStep 1 Introducing the course (about 20 mins)1.DiscussionDo you think what you will learn about “会展”?2.Teacher’s introduction本课程根据会展行业对人才能力的要求,以会展商务活动体系中得典型工作任务与工作过程为依据,以“主办方”、“参展商”以及“采购商”三个不同角色的真实工作任务为出发点,按照展前、展中和展后的工作流程序化教学内容。

1.Teacher’s introductionNowadays, many experts in the field think in a narrow sense, “会展” is understood as convention & exhibition industry. In a broad sense, it is understood as MICE industry.2.PracticeWatch a video about exhibition, and tell what exhibition it is.3.Discussion(1) How many exhibitions do you know in Weifang?(2) How many world-famous exhibition hall do you know?4.Teacher’s introduction(1) Famous exhibitions in Weifang(2) World-famous exhibition hallsTask 2 Introducing an exhibitionStep 1 Vocabulary (about 5 mins)Match the words with their definitions.(1) exhibitor (2) exhibit (3) venue (4) stand (5) sessiona. A product or service displayed at an exhibitionb. A small enclosed area where information and products are shown at an exhibitionc. A period of time used for a particular activityd. A company who exhibits its products or services at an exhibitione. A place where an organized activity takes placeStep 2 Discussion (about 10 mins)1.Have you ever participated/visited an exhibition? If yes, describe your experience.2.What kinds of people are involved in an exhibition?(visitors, exhibitors and organizers)3.What are the benefits of exhibiting in an exhibition? (Why do exhibitors take part in an exhibition?)(1)Ask for results of their discussion and give comments(2)Show students the teacher’s list.Open to a large marketReinforcing your market positionStrengthening relationship with your customersFinding potential customersConducting inexpensive market research4. What are the benefits of visiting an exhibition? (Why do visitors take part in an exhibition?)(1)Ask 2 students to come to the front to give a short presentation on their findings.(2)Give comments and show the teacher’s listTo see what’s new.Evaluate products and suppliersStep 3 Teacher’s introduction (about 5mins)1. What functions has the Canton Fair performed?The Canton Fair not only demonstrated the excellence of products made in China and the strength of China’s powerful productivity, but also functions as the vane of China’s economic development.2. Why is the Canton Fair the first choice for international buyers?It brings together the best enterprises and high-quality products from over China, making it the first choice for international buyers.3.Who are the organizers of the Canton Fair?The Canton Fair is co-hosted by the Ministry of Commerce of P.R. China and People’s Government of Guangdong Province. some product categories of the Canton Fair.In Canton Fair, you may find all kinds of products. The product categories include electronics, household electrical appliances, consumer goods, textiles, and garments, etc.5.What is the total number of buyer attendance so far?The total number of buyer attendance has reached 5 million so far.Step 4 Listening practice (about 5 mins) Listen to the promotional presentation for 108th session of the Canton Fair. Take notes and then share with your partner your answers to the following questions.Step 5 Reading (about 15 mins)1.Students read the passage by themselves, mark the new words and finish the following exercise:Are the statements below true or false?(1) Canton Fair has three sessions annually.(2) The trading delegations excluded scientific research institutions.(3) Canton Fair offers on-line service besides the traditional business way.(4) The focus of Canton Fair is on import trade.(5) Invisible trade is also carried out at Canton fair2.Teacher’s explanationReview and homework (about 5 mins) Homework:1.Read the following statements and fill in the blanks with appropriate words in the word box.2.Make an introduction of Canton Fair according to the following questions:When Canton Fair is held?Where Canton Fair is held?Who are the organizers of Canton Fair?What functions has the Canton Fair performed?Name some product categories of the Canton Fair.Who will attend Canton Fair?案首教学设计(教学过程)(90分钟)Introduction to the Exhibition CentersWarm-up activity (about 10mins)Lead in question:What kind of exhibition have you ever attended? Try to describe its exhibition center in English.Task 1 General introductionStep 1 Dialogue (about 20mins)1. Listen to the tape2. Ask studentsWho are the two speakers?What views/topics are exchanged between the two speakers? (Benefits of taking part in an exhibition; Where do people get the up-to-date information about the market in US?)3. Briefly introduce to students words and expressions that they don’t know.counterpart/decision-maker/targeted/buyers/imperative/at regular intervals/prediction/consultant (use ppt)4. Role-playWork in groups of three. Two students act as A and B and the other acts as an interpreter. Either A or B should speak Chinese.⏹Ask students to practice among themselves (15 minutes)⏹Pick up two groups to performance in front of the whole class. (20 minutes)⏹Compare the performance of the two groups and point out mistakes in theirtranslation. (Or the teacher may ask for the audience’s opinion)⏹Comment on students’ performance in their rol e-play and analyze some difficultwords and expressionsTask 2 Exhibition center introductionRequirementsWork in groups, search the internet about famous exhibition centers both ant home and abroad, choose 2—3 of them and introduce them briefly in English. Use pictures or PPT to make the introduction vividly.Task 3. Introduction to Hong Kong Exhibition and Convention CenterHong Kong Convention and Exhibition CenterHong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre was opened in 1988. The extension in 1997, which over doubled the size, has today created one of the world's most impressive, efficient and functional meeting and exhibition venues.The center was voted one of the ten best architectural structures in Hong Kong in 1999, in a competition jointly organized by the Radio Television Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Institute of Architects and the Hong Kong Economic TimesIn the year between 1 July 2004 and 30 June 2005, a total of 1,493 events were held at the HKCEC. There were 1,146 events using major facilities such as exhibition halls, convention halls, theatres, and large meeting rooms. These events included 97 major exhibitions, of which 75 were recurrent whereas 17 were new; 54 international conferences or conventions; 140 entertainment events including 44 film shows and 52 concerts; 347 banquets; and 491 corporate events, press conferences, seminars, and others.With its superb facilities and environment and friendly, professional staff, the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre ensures that each event will run smoothly. The centre's design ensures flexibility to meet every space requirement. Facilities include provisions for video-conferencing, teleconferencing, satellite links, simultaneous interpretation in up to eight languages, audio-visual equipment, all available through the centre's full-time event planning and co-ordination staff.On the night Hong Kong's sovereignty returned to China, the Centre hosted the banquet for more than 4,000 diplomats and government officials plus many other celebratory receptions and parties. More than 22,500 formal meals were prepared and served in eight days.The Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre expertly hosts special events: concerts, film shows, live broadcast entertainment, award presentation ceremonies, and pet shows.The centre has welcomed top local stars Jacky Cheung and Andy Lau, and international celebrities. Gala film shows have included blockbusters like Mission: Impossible 2, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Anna & the King. We have also hosted the Miss World Beauty Contest.Work for students:Ask students what aspects will usually be covered if asked to introduce an exhibition center?Possible aspects include:★History★Location★Facilities and services available★Successful events held★Awards and honors receivedKey points:Use the introduction as an example to show how we can introduce an exhibition and convention center.Give students a basic knowledge of what facilities in addition to exhibition halls are usually available inside an exhibition and convention center.Task 4. AssignmentField work:Work in groups of up to sixChoose an important exhibition and convention center in China and do a research on that center.Prepare for a presentation to introduce the center to the whole class. (The presentation should be facilitated by ppt)E. Presentation done by students (introduction to an exhibition center in China)AssignmentField work:Work in groups of up to six. Choose an important exhibition and convention center in China and do a research on that center. Prepare for a presentation to introduce the center to the whole class. (The presentation should be facilitated by ppt)]单元实训记录单单元设计案首教学设计(教学过程)(90分钟)Promoting an ExhibitionWarm-up activity (about 10 mins)Have you ever attended any exhibitions or trade fairs? Share your experiences with yourpartners.Task 1 A Demonstration of PPT related to Exhibitions (about 20 mins) Shanghai Expo , 2010 (brief)China Hi-tech Fair 2003 (detailed)Purpose: Most students haven’t been to any exhibition, so the demonstration will give them a very vivid idea about what is an exhibition.Task 2 Preparation for a presentation about a well-known exhibitionTeacher asks the students to surf the Internet () to find out an exhibition that they are interested in.Students are required to take down the following information about an exhibition in notes:●Name of the exhibition●Categories of exhibits●Types of Entry●Which trade is it in?●Features & advantages●History (past successes)Task 3. Format to follow (about 15 mins)Teacher asks the students to think about how they are going to present the information they’ve got from the Internet. (Group Discussion)Students present their ideas of how they are going to organize their presentationTeacher demonstrates to the students a sample of an exhibition introduction including the following items:●Name of the exhibition●Categories of exhibits●Types of Entry●Which trade is it in?●Features & advantages●History (past successes)Task 4. Organize the information (about 25 mins) Following the sample given by the teacher, students are required to prepare a in-class presentation including the information they have searched through Internet. Students are required to prepare a PPT.Introduction to Canton FairThe China Import and Export Fair, also called The Canton Fair, has been held twice a year in Spring and Autumn since it was inaugurated in the Spring of 1957. It is sponsored by the Ministry of Commerce of China and the People’s Government of Guangdong Province, and organized by China Foreign Trade Centre. It is also called “Canton Fair”because it is regularly held in every April and October in Guangzhou (or Canton). It is China’s largest trade fair of the highest level and of the largest attendance and business turnover.Fifty Trading Delegations, composed of thousands of China’s best foreign trade corporations (enterprises) with good credibility and sound financial capabilities, take part in the fair, including foreign trade companies, factories scientific research institutions, foreign invested enterprises, wholly foreign-owned enterprises, private enterprises, etc..At the Opening Ceremony of the Fair on Oct 152006, the Premier of the State Council of China, Mr. Wen Jiabao announced, on behalf of the Chinese government, that the 50-year-old Chinese Export Commodities Fair (Canton Fair for short) would change its name to China Import and Export Fair as from the 101st session. This decision and the newly added import function demonstrate the great changes in China’s foreign trade policy. The Chinese government will actively expand import and promote a balanced development of import and export.The 101st session of The China Import and Export Fair was held simultaneously in Pazhou and Liuhua in Guangzhou from April 15 to April 30, 2007. The schedule was from April 15 to 20 for Phase I, from April 25 to 30 for Phase II, with an interval from April 21 to 24. However, what was the most different from the previous sessions was that the 101st Canton Fair set up an International Pavilion from 15—20 April, 2007 at the Pazhou Complex, with gross exhibition space of 10,400 sqm.The setting up of the International Pavilion was welcomed by overseas enterprises. 314 enterprises from 36 countries and regions participated in the International Pavilion.The Canton Fair attaches great importance to the quality of enterprises, products andIntellectual Property Rights protection.。
