英美文化概论 纯正英语版 Education_in_UK[1]

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not only to provide children with literacy and the other basic skills they will need to become active members of society but also to socialize children, learn the rules and values they need to become good citizens, to participate in the community, and to contribute to the economic prosperity of an advanced industrial economy.
and social class
Britain is a society in which social class is still very important. Class inequality can be erased or continued according to educational policy. In Britain, the schools you attend are markers that identify your social class. The school tie is a clear marker of social class.
Nursery Schools or kindergarten―up to age 5, children may have some pre-primary schooling in a nursery school, daycare or play groups. Many facilities are provided by private enterprise. Government also provides some financial support.
【义务教育(compulsory education)】 1986年4月我国颁布了《中华人民共和国义务教 育法》。这是我国首次把免费的义务的教育用法 律的形式固定下来,也就是说适龄的“儿童和少 年”必须接受9年的义务教育。义务教育法的制定 标志着我国基础教育发展到一个新阶段。
In 1989, National Curriculum were introduced, which contained English, mathematics, science, religious education, history, geography, technology, music, art, PE, and a modern foreign language. Pupils must pass national tests. All teachers are told what to teach rather than decide themselves on what to do and schools are ranked according to the success of their pupils in reaching national targets as well as teachers’ performing of their tasks.
In Britain the academic year is divided into three
terms of about twelve weeks each. The education system in the UK is divided into four main parts, primary education, secondary education, further education and higher education. Children in the UK have to legally attend primary and secondary education which runs from about 5 years old until the student is 16 years old.
1944 Education Act
After WWII, a new educational system emphasizing equality was constructed with the assistance of church and newly powerful trade unions. In 1944 the Education Act, which made entry to secondary schools and universities meritocratic (选择 具备才能和高智力的人) to make sure more children had access to a good education. Children enter the schools not because of their social class or their parents’ possession, but for the abilities they display.
III. The present Education System
Compulsory: Children are legally obliged to attend school from the age of 5 to 16. Free Choices: Parents can choose state schools or private schools for their children. Almost 93% of pupils receive free education from the public sector. State schools are funded by local and central government, while private schools (independent schools) are funded by private sector and tuition rates, with some government assistance.

基督教是西方文明的象征和基石。英国的好多节日(如 Christmas、Easter holiday)、大学的学期命名(如Lent Term, Michaelmas Term)都与基督教密切相关。英国的好多著名 大学,如剑桥大学,其前身,实质上就是教会学校,培养传 教士、宣扬神学、维护王权是其最初的目的。
In Britain, where you are educated is still very important to your future. For example, the “right” universities like Oxford and Cambridge (Oxbridge), is still the single best way to guarantee a successful career. A great number of graduates of Oxbridge dominate government, and are influential in banking, the media, the arts and education.
Unit 7 British Education System
British Education System
◆Introduction ◆History ◆The Present Education System ◆Higher Education
I. Introduction
1.The purpose of the British education system
after the Industrial Revolution
Before 1870, only 40% of children under 10 went to school regularly. The main receivers of a more advanced education was the sons of the wealthy. In 1870, a law was passed to call for government– funded education. By 1880, attendance at school for children between 5 and 10 was compulsory.
In the 1960s, comprehensive schools(综合学校) was introduced, providing both academic and practical subjects. It ended the division between grammar schools and vocational schools. (The most academically capable pupils were sent to grammar schools to be prepared for university, while less successful pupils were sent to vocational schools to learn trades. ) Entrance exams were abolished and all children could have chance to enter it.
Morning prayer and Grace after meals takes place every day and on Fridays children enjoy a spiritual assembly experience.
Great changes in Britishຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidueducational system

中国社会主义的教育目的, 是培养有社会主 义觉悟、有文化的劳动者,培养社会主义建设所 需要的各级各类人才。它明确规定了中国教育目 的的社会主义性质和方向,指出了培养社会主义 建设人才的基本要求。这个教育目的体现了马克 思主义关于人的全面发展的思想。
2. The relationship between education
Historically, education was voluntary and many of the schools that existed were set up by churches. The influence of the church on schooling is still strong: until very recently, religious education was the only subject which the state insisted all schools teach their pupils. Daily prayers and singing hymns is still a regular part of school life.
II. History
Nowadays, the British education system is run by the state, which provides funding, and tries to make sure that all British children receive a quality education. One of the largest, most important government department is the Ministry of Education.