HASCO标准的由来和发展HASCO是德国哈斯科公司(HASCO Hasenclever GmbH + Co KG)的简称,该公司成立于1924年,是世界上最早从事模具配件生产和销售的企业之一。
XL系列:更大内部尺寸拖链 1)适合大直径电缆,在其他塑料拖链空间不能满足的情况下使用 2)带有滑片应用 3)特殊材料加工的高耐磨滑片 4)内高:108 内宽:200-1000
QUANTUM系列:高加速和高速度,低振动,静音,轻质拖链 1)适合于无尘室 ,可达CLASS-1级别,无链节,
(高温),石油钻井平台(抵抗海边盐雾腐蚀) LS/LSX系列:新型特殊钢链(比S0950-RS横梁钢链重量的下降了约40%,成本至少节约 了20%) 1)可获取以1毫米为单位的宽度 2)通过重量优化,改善了良好的动态特性 3)适合于轻载到中等载体的长的无支撑长度 4)根据要求,也可获取增加护板 5)内高:54-28 内宽:84-584
我们的团队: 拥有一批多年行业经验,同时富有创新意识,专业技能过硬及良好服务意识研 发和市场人员
我们的宗旨: 与客户共同成长,努力争取第一时间内向客户提供完善的系统解决方案
我们的目标: 把最先进的拖链技术带给客户,把最优良的拖链产品带给客户,以及把最佳的 拖链系统提供给客户
根据以上计算出拖链内高和内宽和弯曲半径,然后从德国佳宝来拖链中选取,分类如下 A)经济型标准应用BASIC-LINE-每个系列的内宽是固定的(横梁可开型,横梁不可开型, 半封闭和全封闭型) MONO系列:1)横梁分为可打开和不可打开 2)安装快速简单 3)带有绑线板的接头 4)内高从10-42毫米,内宽从6-169毫米
G M -2LARGE-PARTLARGE-PLATFORM 3-Axis MachiningHaas Automation, Inc.Large-Part, Large-Platform 3-axis MachiningThe GM-2 is a heavy-duty, 3-axis gantry mill designed for large-part machining, such as airframe components, large plates, and long extrusions. The machine’s rigid steel construction provides a very stable cutting platform, anda 1" thick aluminum table is standard. A traveling guard protects the operator from chips and coolant, and keeps the workspace clean.Dual Chip Augers while compressing them and wringing out the coolant. Ideal for both short runs and high-production environments, eliminating the downtime required for manual chip removal.to the cutting edge during machining operations. Increases tool life, allows for higher cutting speeds, and improves surface quality.Bring your machine tolife with the spindle that suits your needs.10,000-rpm Spindle 40 taper, 30 hp vector drive, inline direct-drive.15,000-rpm Spindle 40 taper, 30 hp vector drive, inline direct-driveNow with more X, Y , Z travels, andthe table space you need.GET MOREROOMTO T AKE ON LARGE P ARTSCOOLANT & CHIP MANAGEMENTMORE OPTIONS TO SUITYOUR SPECIFICA TRAVELS X Axis Y Axis Z AxisSpindle Nose to Table (~ max) Spindle Nose to Table (~ min) SPINDLE Max Rating Max Speed Max Torque Drive System TaperTABLELength 144" Length (Work Area) Thickness 1.0" Max Weight on Table (evenly distributed) Between Columns TOOL CHANGER Type / Capacity Max Tool Diameter (full) Max Tool Diameter (adjacent empty) Max Tool Length (from gage line ) Max Tool Weight 12 lb FEEDRATES Max Cutting 800 ipm Rapids on X 800 ipm Rapids on Y 2100 ipm Rapids on X1100 ipmDual-Ballscrew Drive SystemST ABILITY TWICE THE TORQUE Dual-Ballscrew Drive SystemTaking on those large parts needs greater stability. The GM-2’s dual-ballscrew design means more rigidity and power, for more accurate cutting and repeatability.Get your machine status notifications anywhere, on any device! The Haas Control has the ability to send you, and others you designate, email notifications about the operating status of your Haas machine. Set up is fast and easy through the MyHaas Portal and .HaasDrop is a fast and convenient method for sending images, videos, and even program files from a mobile device directly to a Haas NextGen Control. Download the free app, and start transferring files directly to the Haas control.MAKE THE CONNECTION WITH HAASCONNECTHAAS DROPMYHAAS MACHINE DET AILS P AGE View detailed information about your machines, including serial numbers,build dates, warranty start/end dates, product details, and machine option details. Sign up now at /myhaasFind out about the latest upgradesavailable for your machine, order parts, and quickly access service guides, manuals, and videos.Up-to-the-minute live eventtracking with HaasConnect remote monitoring.View detailed information about your machine, including serial number, machine build date, and warranty start /end dates.See how your machine isconfigured, with a detailed list of every option installed.MYHAAS Y OUR NEW FLEET MANAGEMENTHaas Automation, Inc. | | 800-331-6746 | Made in U.S.A.Specifications subject to change without notice. Not responsible for typographical errors. Machines shown with optional equipment.Actual product appearance may differ. Pricing subject to change without notice.39-20008B。
年份: 2011年
酿造技术:手工采摘, 去梗加工, 传统酿造技术, 控温发酵6至7天,
酒香:水果(覆盘子)香, 辛辣(甘草)香及强烈的林下植物的香气,酒质均衡, 单宁柔软细腻, 留香持久。
葡萄品种 :西拉100%
等 级:VDP
酒精含量: 13%
葡萄年份: 2010年
小马堡是由法国的葡萄酒厂Borie-Manoux 生产和装瓶的。这家酒庄在法国葡萄酒市场中是较大的家族式酒厂,成立于1870年,直到现在已是第5代了。拥有10个酒庄的Borie-Manoux在5个不同的产区有旗下的庄园,包括两个“名庄”Batailley和Lynch-Moussas.现任庄主Philippe Casteja,曾是波尔多国际酒庄协会的会长, 井在1855列级酒庄协会里担任重职。
立式加工中心培训资料2007 年5 月内容目录安全 (1)操作⋯⋯⋯ (4)基本介绍⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ (4)坐标体系⋯ (4)绝对定位法和增量定位 (5)用代码编程 (5)机床缺省值 (5)程序格式 (6)固定循环 (7)刀具交换装置安装步骤..................................... . (8)操作员控制面板 (9)实时计时器 (12)键盘 (12)通电/断电⋯⋯⋯ (20)手动操作⋯⋯ (20)自动操作⋯⋯⋯ (21)创建、编辑和保存程序 (23)程序输入/输出⋯ (26)试运行操作 (30)显示 (30)行程限制⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ (44)运行-停止-轻推-继续 (45)编程⋯⋯ (46)工作坐标系统 (46)编程结构 (46)字母地址代码 (48)技巧与窍门 (51)高速机械加工(可选) (61)第4轴编程 (62)子程序 (65)刀具功能(Tnn) (73)侧挂式刀具交换装置 (74)用VF系统计算机数控铣床攻丝............................ . (83)铣刀补偿 (86)高级编辑 (98)G代码(预备功能) (105)M代码(各种功能) (151)设置 (160)在工作中不要发生这种情况所有的铣削设备如旋转件、皮带、滑轮、高压电、噪音、压缩空气等均有危险存在,所以在使用CNC备及其组件时,为避免人身伤害及机械损坏,必严格遵守相应的安全守则。
操作安全必读‹ 只有经过授权的人员方可使用本机,未经培训人员在使用机床时可能对人身及机床造成伤害以及由于不正确的操作造成的问题不属保修范围内。
‹ 操作前请认真检查零配件及刀具,所有损坏的配件和刀具应当由专业人员修理或替换。
‹ 操作机床时使用合适的眼、耳保护装置。
‹ 操作机床时一定确保其门关闭,门已正确互锁,旋转的刀具可能造成严重的人身伤害,当程序在运行中时,机床平台及主轴头能够在任一时间向任一方向做非常快的移动。
德国德国德马吉德马吉上海公司是德国Gildemeister AG(吉特迈集团)在中国的全资子公司,负责整个吉特迈集团机床产品的销售及售后服务。
代表产品:数控万能车床\立式车床\双主轴生产型车削中心\生产型车铣复合加工中心\数控纵切自动车床\ 数控多主轴车削中心\多主轴自动车床\数控万能铣床\立式加工中心\动柱式机床\卧式加工中心\数控系统。
公司董事长PETER HEIDEN先生,有近百年历史,专门从事专用机床设计、开发及销售的中型机床公司,有250多名职工,分别在专机厂和汽车零部件分厂工作。
代表产品有:萨马格M型机床、萨马格R型机床、萨马格D型机床、萨马格RM 机床、萨马格MFZ2/3卧式加工中心、萨马格MFZ1卧式加工中心等。
代表产品有:CHIRON数控立式加工中心、DZ15W Magnum双主轴高效立式加工中心、FZ12KS 五轴高精度立式加工中心等。
部分主要客户 部分主要客户
1)西门子机床---车床,铣床等. 西门子机床---车床,铣床等. ---车床 德马吉---小型CNC加工中心. ---小型CNC加工中心 2) 德马吉---小型CNC加工中心. 德国哈斯---小型CNC加工中心 哈斯---小型CNC加工中心. 3) 德国哈斯---小型CNC加工中心. 德国通快---激光及钣金加工中心 通快---激光及钣金加工中心. 4)德国通快---激光及钣金加工中心. 德国希斯---落地铣镗床 希斯---落地铣镗床... 5)德国希斯---落地铣镗床... 振华港机,诺尔起重,大连重工---港口机械. ---港口机械 6)振华港机,诺尔起重,大连重工---港口机械. 北京精雕, 7)北京精雕,大族激光 沈阳机床,齐齐哈尔第二机床, 8)沈阳机床,齐齐哈尔第二机床,济南第二机床 国内钢铁公司:上海宝钢,北京首钢, 9)国内钢铁公司:上海宝钢,北京首钢,太原钢铁 10)北海造船厂:石油平台, 10)北海造船厂:石油平台,中石化上海公司 11)洋山深水港: 11)洋山深水港:龙门吊 12)上海赫斯基,上海ABB ABB, 12)上海赫斯基,上海ABB,上海柯马 13)南兴木工,豪德木工, 13)南兴木工,豪德木工,深圳迈瑞 14)大众汽车,通用汽车,起亚汽车,本田汽车, 14)大众汽车,通用汽车,起亚汽车,本田汽车,奔弛汽车 15)大港油田 大港油田 16)国际钢铁公司:西马克,奥钢联,达涅利,三菱, 16)国际钢铁公司:西马克,奥钢联,达涅利,三菱,日立等等
各种规格增强性尼龙塑料拖链(材料是经过加一定比例玻纤的特殊方式处理,使拖链材 质强度更高,因而更好的延长拖链使用寿命),高强度钢制拖链(分为镀锌钢和不锈钢); 拖链导向槽,电缆夹,拖链专用高柔性电缆,以及防护罩,刮屑板,排屑器等各种机床附件。
•灵敏键盘及Haas独有的设置和软 件性能为用户提供友好操作界面
•快速设置: 单键启动,单键补偿 输入 •0.0000072“ 最小输出分辨率 •全探测及性能, 行业标准宏程序 (可选), 机床数据收集能力
TL-25 双轴车床
and Mike Cregg创建于 1981年
获“Rochester前100名高速发展公司” • 10年时间扩大了4倍 • 2000年排名第七 • 1996年排名第五
自1996年以来,在整个北纽约州代表 Haas
1999年获 Haas分销商资格 : Missouri, Kansas, Southern Illinois
工作台承重:10,000 lb
主轴:30 hp w/齿轮传 动: 8,000 ft-lb 车削扭矩 全C-axis: 2,000 ft-lb旋 转扭矩
• 动力刀
• 自动工件装夹装置 • 自动棒料输送器 • 中心架
The Haas CNC 控制系统
•已有40,000+多套 Haas控制系统 在用户工厂使用
•VMC: 30"x16"x20" Super Speed package •12,000 rpm高速主轴 Inline direct coupled •1400 ipm快速进给 833 ipm feeds •高速换刀 1.6 秒(刀对刀) 2.3 秒(切屑到切 屑)
两对自动交换工作台,每对含 两个40“ x 19”托盘
1. 罗斯(Rotary Encoder System)罗斯是一家全球率先的编码器创造商,提供各种类型的编码器产品。
2. 奥托尼克斯(Optek Technology)奥托尼克斯是一家专注于光电编码器的创造商。
3. 欧姆龙(Omron)欧姆龙是一家全球知名的自动化解决方案提供商,也是编码器领域的重要参预者。
4. 贝加莱(Baumer)贝加莱是一家专注于传感器和测量设备的创造商,也提供各种类型的编码器产品。
5. 希尔哈斯(Hengstler)希尔哈斯是一家历史悠久的编码器创造商,拥有丰富的经验和技术。
6. 贝尔福(Belimo)贝尔福是一家专注于航空航天和工业自动化设备的创造商,也提供编码器产品。
Carter-Hoffmann HBR系列再热处理柜 模型:HBR14 和 HBR28 产品说明书
![Carter-Hoffmann HBR系列再热处理柜 模型:HBR14 和 HBR28 产品说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/90ef6de6ed3a87c24028915f804d2b160a4e8614.png)
HBR Series RETHERMALIZATION CABINETSMODELS: HBR14 & HBR28OWNERS / OPERATORS MANUALPrinted inThe United States of AmericaMANUFACTURED BY:CARTER-HOFFMANN1551 McCormick AvenueMundelein, IL 60060 USAPhone: 847-362-5500Toll Free: 800-323-9793Fax: 847-367-8981Email:***************************TABLE OF CONTENTSSAFETY INSTRUCTIONS (2)INTRODUCTION AND SPECIFICATIONS (3)UNPACKING, INSPECTION & INSTALLATION (4)INSTALLATION & START UP (5)CONTROLLER FEATURES……………………………… 6-7DAILY OPERATION (8)CABINET ENVIRONMENT (9)CONTROLLER PROGRAMMING INFORMATION…….. 10-11END-USER PROGRAMMING PATH 1724……………… 12-14MANAGER PROGRAMMING PATH 3228..…………….. 15-21DAILY CLEANING PROCEDURE………………………… 22-23TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDE (24)SERVICE EXPECTATIONS (25)WARRANTY STATEMENT (26)READ THIS MANUAL COMPLETELYBEFORE OPERATING THIS APPLIANCEIMPORTANT: DO NOT DISCARD THIS MANUALThis manual is considered to be part of the appliance and is tobe given to the OWNER, MANAGER, or to the person responsi-ble for training operators of this appliance.THIS MANUAL IS TO BE UNDERSTOOD BY ALL PERSONSUSING OR INSTALLING THIS APPLIANCE.Contact Carter-Hoffmann if you have questions regarding instal-lation, operation or maintenance of this equipment.Part Number: 18400-3169Rev: KBA040512All Rights ReservedHBR28Electrical Specifications* Volts Phase kW Amps 2081630Plug 6-30PINTRODUCTIONCarter-Hoffmann Series HBR Rethermalization cabinets are designed to uniformly rethermalize bulk food in pans, hot and fresh, at the right environment.This equipment manual will provide you with basic information to safely install and operate this piece of equipment. Should you encounter any difficulties, have any questions, or require any assistance, please contact Carter-Hoffmann’s Technical Service department directly, at:Telephone 800-323-9793 (toll-free) 847-362-5500 Fax 847-367-8981Email ***************************.PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS* Electrical specifications shown are typical for standard cabinets. Due to the often customized nature of this product line, i.e. cabinets built to consultant’s/facility specifications, the electrical specifications on your particular cabinet may be different. Consult serial tag on rear of heating unit for electrical info.HBR28Features & Benefits• Precision engineered heat duct system for optimal air flow and even heating • Uses the energy of steam to retherm dense foods in bulk pans • Ten programmable four-step retherm cycles • Retherm from refrigerated in an hour or less • Large 3-gallon water reservoir• Easy access stopcock drain makes water reservoir draining quick and simple •Menu card holder is a standard featureHumidified Bulk Rethermalization CabinetsModel NumberPan / Tray Capacity* 12”x20” 18” x 26” Spacing* in (mm)Inside Working Height Overall Dimensions Height Depth Widthin (mm) Caster Diame-ter Class 100 Shipping Weight HBR14 14 7 3-1/2 27 48-3/4 34-1/4 27-1/4 5 375 HBR28 28 143-1/251-1/273-1/4 34-1/4 27-1/455183. Set POWER switch to the “ON” position.4. Do not load product into the cabinet. Allow the heat toCONTROLLER FEATURESOn/Off rocker switch: located to the left of the control panel (not shown). Switch will illuminate when cabinet is turned on. 8 Character LED Display: displays programming and cook cycle informationIndicator Lights: lit when active cook cycle is in pro-gramming modeProduct Keys: press to start a cook cycle; also used in program-ming. Replaceable menu strip to make menu changes quickly andeasilyProgramming Center: access programming mode and change cooking parametersFeature Keys: used to access programmingfunctions and controller features FEATURE DETAILSFahrenheit of Celsius Temperature Display: the controller can be configured to display the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit or Celsius; accessible through the system program mode.Programmable Hold Times: Product Key hold times can be programmed to track product quality through a specified holding period. Hold time countdown begins as soon as the cook cycle is complete. The controller will sound an alarm when the product’s hold time has expired, alerting the operator to discard the product.8 Character LED DisplayIndicator LightsProduct KeysProgramming CenterFeature Keys CONTROLLER FEATURE DETAILSFour-Stage Programming: each Product Key can be programmed to personalize your cook-ing system with up to four cooking temperatures and up to ten cook times for a single cook cy-cle. With each Product Key, you can select a menu, start and stop a menu, scroll through pro-grammed data (in Program Mode).Programmable Stage Temperatures: cook temperatures for each stage on each Product Key can be programmed. The temperature range is 200°F to 329°F (93.3°C to 165°C) Programmable Stage Times: cook times for each Product Key can be programmed.The controller is programmable in minutes (up to 99) and seconds (up to 59) and allows up to ten stages per Product Key. Note: multiple cook starts are not allowed if a product key has more than one stage programmed.Programmable Fast.Flex ™ Timing Mode: flex or straight timing can be configured for each stage on each Product Key. To insure consistent, high-quality food product, flex time will ad-just the actual cook time, taking into consideration the temperature variation due to load size, initial product temperature, product moisture content, and other factors affecting the cook cycle. If cooking by straight time , the controller will cook only for the specified time without adjusting for these variances.3) Start a Cook Cycle: Press desired Product Key (1 through 10 to start a cook cycle. If the key is programmed, the correctON/OFF SCANTEMPTOGL CLEAR HOLDProgramming Center: programming mode and changeFeature Keys: used to access programming functions andWhen scrolling through the Program Mode, the sequence of Programming Center Keysprogramming will take you through programming all program LED DisplayThe display will read:LED Display Then, press “P”The display will read: “RECIPE”The display will read:The display will read:Press “P”The display will read:ON/OFF SCANTEMPTOGL CLEAR HOLDContinued on next pageCONTROLLER PROGRAMMING INSTRUCTIONS (Continued)LED Display Press the DOWN ARROW button to scroll through settings for temperature and timeProgramming Center KeysLED DisplayThe display will readThe display will read Programming Center KeysLED DisplayThe display will read: *The display will read: “SYSTEM”The display will read:Programming Center KeysLED Displayand the display will read the current duct temperature.To change the temperature, press theON/OFF SCANTEMPTOGL CLEAR HOLDAfter typing in your desired temperature, press “P” to return to the main 3228 Program Sequence. The display will read Type in a the desired duct temperature using the Prod-uct Keys (use 10 for the number 0). The maximum num-When your desired timing appears on the display, press “P” to select and save your choice.Programming Center KeysThe display will read LED DisplayThe display will readThe display will readProgramming Center KeysLED DisplayON/OFF SCANTEMPTOGL CLEAR HOLDpress “P”.The display will readUsing the Product Keys, type in the new desired LOW tem-perature setting (Use the number 10 for 0). NOTE: 32°F is theON/OFF SCANTEMPTOGL CLEAR HOLDpress “P”.The display will readUsing the Product Keys, type in the new desired HIGH tem-perature setting (Use the number 10 for 0). NOTE: 329°F isProgramming Center KeysLED DisplayON/OFF SCANTEMPTOGL CLEAR HOLDpress “P”.The display will readUsing the Product Keys, type in the new desired low tem-perature setting (Use the number 10 for 0).ON/OFF SCANTEMPTOGL CLEAR HOLDpress “P”.Using the Product Keys, type in the new desired upper tem-perature setting (Use the number 10 for 0).Programming Center KeysLED DisplayThe display will readThe display will readThe controller is now out of Program Mode and in OperatingRECOMMENDED TIPS FOR CLEANING STAINLESS STEELCleaning Agent Method of ApplicationTROUBLESHOOTING GUIDEPROBLEM PROBABLE CAUSE CORRECTIVE ACTIONNO POWER Power cord not plugged in Plug in power cord to proper re-ceptacleON/OFF Switch OFF Turn ON/OFF Switch ONMain circuit breaker tripped Check and reset breakerLine fuse blown Correct cause of fuse failure andreplace fusesDefective 24VAC transformer Replace transformer. ReplacecontrollerCABINET FAILS TO HEAT (Start/Stop button pressed. Oven will not heat. Blower fan runs) Door not fully closed Close door again. Retry cookingcycle.Incorrect cooking cycle Retry cooking cycle Inoperable component Identify & replace failed part (s)CABINET FAILS TO HEAT (Heat indicator comes on. All other displays normal) RF Interference Verify RF leakage within limits Faulty controller Replace controllerCABINET FAILS TO HEAT (Temperature lamp comes on. All other displays normal) Hi-limit tripped Reset hi-limit Faulty heater relay Replace relay Faulty heat elements Replace elementsOVEN NOT HEATING NORMALLY Incorrect heating procedure Check time settingWattage output too low Check elementDefective capacitor Check & replace if necessaryCONTROLLER INOPERATIVE OR ERRATIC RF Interference Verify RF leakage within limits Faulty controller Replace controllerFaulty controller transformer Replace transformerAIR TEMP PROBE FAILURE (Air probe malfunctions) Loose probe connection Repair connections Faulty air thermocouple Replace air probeNO SOUND Inoperable speaker Replace controllerBUTTON PROBLEM Frozen key Unplug controller. Hold down theTEMP TOGGLE/CLEAR key asyou plug the controller back inInoperable key Replace controllerREADING WRONGTEMPERATUREDefective temperature probe Replace temperature probeDefective temperature probe Replace probeProbe not plugged in Plug in probeDisplay reads “PROBE”SERVICE EXPECTATIONSService PhilosophyFor over fifty years, Carter-Hoffmann has enjoyed a reputation for manufacturing rugged, dependable foodservice equipment that permits foodservice professionals serve more food products to more people, and thus, to grow their business.Our goal is not only to provide the best food service equipment for the price, but also to back it up with after-sale service that is responsive fast, efficient and professional. To ensure a clear understanding of our goals, expectations, and responsibilities, we have prepared this brief documentCarter-Hoffmann products are innovative and efficient. They are easy to use, easy to clean and easy to maintain. Although the products are quite reliable, when necessary they are also easy to repair.We believe that a malfunction to a Carter-Hoffmann product should cause as little inconvenience to the customer as possible. Our aim is to provide “same day”/first time fix” repair service on all of our products, whether in warranty or not.We are dedicated to making every aspect of our customer service the standard by which others are judged.End-User ResponsibilitiesWhile we all strive to serve our mutual customers as well as possible that does not mean that the end-user (including his employees) does not share some responsibilities.1. All shipping damage must be noted on the freight bill when the shipment is received. Any freight damages must be col-lected from the Freight Company, NOT Carter-Hoffmann.2. The end-user should be advised beforehand to carefully unpack and inspect all products when they are received BEFORESIGNING THE SHIPPER'S RECEIPT OF DELIVERY.3. The end-user must provide a safe, dry, level surface for the equipment to be placed upon.4. The end-user must provide the proper electrical supply. All in-wall electrical modifications are to be completed by a li-censed electrician. All building modifications are the responsibility of the end-user.5. The end-user must operate, clean and maintain the equipment in accordance with the procedures described in the Equip-ment Manual.6. Carter-Hoffmann is NOT responsible for any loss of the customer’s income, loss of food product, extra labor charges, orany other incidental or consequential costs as a result of the malfunction of our product.7. The end-user shall contact our authorized service provider only whenever service or repair to a Carter-Hoffmann productunder warranty is required.8. The end-user shall allow for on-premises repair of the equipment to be completed at a mutually convenient place and time.Warranty Service1. Warranty service is to be initiated by authorized Carter-Hoffmann personnel only.2. The service provider is NOT authorized to change or extend any of the terms or conditions of our warranty.3. Initial freight damage is NOT covered by the product warranty.Confidentially1. The end user and all his employees and sub-agents shall protect and keep confidential Carter-Hoffmann’s proprietary de-signs, information, and knowledge.2. All materials provided by Carter-Hoffmann is to be considered confidential; it remains Carter-Hoffmann’s property; and isnot to be reproduced without our prior approval。
聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯(PMMA)物料性能模具设计制造商及品牌发展历史1. 1927年德国罗姆—哈斯的化学家研发了丙烯酸酯及甲基丙烯酸甲酯的聚合。
2. 1931年德国的罗姆-哈斯公司首先建厂生产PMMA,取代了赛璐珞用作飞机座舱罩和挡风玻璃。
1. 一般性能:是一种外观透明的聚合物,所有透明塑料中最佳的透光率(3毫米厚度92%透光率),经冲击改性后的透明度会有些降低。
2. 机械性能:机械强度比普通玻璃高10倍以上,但和其它塑料相比强度只能算中等。
3. 热性能:耐热性不够好,使用温度仅80℃。
4. 电性能:电性能良好,特别是在低频率工作条件下。
5. 防火性能:防火性能一般,防火等级一般为UL94 HB。
6. 耐候性:具有优良的耐候性,在热带气候下暴晒多年透明度和色泽变化很少。
7. 可抵抗的化学物质:稀酸、碱类、非氧化性酸类、盐类、非极性、非芳香族之有机溶剂、油脂等。
8. 不可抵抗的化学物质:二氯甲烷,氯仿,四氯化碳,苯,甲苯,二甲苯,丙酮,丁酮,甲醇,乙醚,浓氧化酸、溶于大多数芳香族及氧化碳氢、酯酮等。
N-2-3 2012年哈斯产品技术更新(HAAS Product Upgrade 2012)
![N-2-3 2012年哈斯产品技术更新(HAAS Product Upgrade 2012)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/1daec406844769eae009ed8d.png)
*NEMA = National Electrical Manufacturers Association 美国电气制造商协会
• NEMA标准规定,一台名牌为10-HP的电机必须在200V,60HZ 的电源标准下提供10 hp的功率 • 哈斯主轴电机能够在240V电压的任何频率下工作,因此它们的 工作性能远高于名牌上的规定 • FANUC总是将他们的电机输出定为30分钟。这是电机轴杆的输 出,不是主轴轴杆。不包含主轴驱动皮带和传动装置的机械损失
• 所有主轴均在无尘环境中进行组装 • 所有主轴和轴承均经过测量和分类 • 根据适配表匹配轴承和主轴轴杆
• 成品主轴(包括拉杆)在特定的 Hoffmann平衡设备上进行双平面平衡 检测 • 最小的ISO G2.5平衡标准 • 主轴在电脑控制的台架上运行,监测 主轴温度和主轴中油的流量 • 如果主轴温度超过的当前限定值,主 轴转速会降低,直至温度降低)
*NEMA = National Electrical Manufacturers Association 美国电气制造商协会
• 所有主轴均由哈斯自行设计和制造 • 所有40锥度和30锥度主轴都由哈斯机器人加工 而成; (2) SL-30s, (1) VF-4SS w/HRT210) • 热处理至硬度55/60 RC • 轴承轴颈的公差为0.0003” (0.012mm) • 最后的操作是主轴锁紧部位硬质材料的螺纹加工 ,该操作使用ST-30SS,采用机器人装料,公差 为0.0001” (0.004mm)
• • • • • 传动装置全部由哈斯自行制造 均采用最好的设备进行加工和检测 齿轮和皮带轮均经切削和打磨 多数制造商都会采购齿轮和/或齿轮箱 掌握整个加工过程让哈斯制造出的传动装置在转速高达10,000 RPM时仍然运行顺畅、可靠
N-2-2 哈斯产品介绍(HAAS Product Line 2013)
![N-2-2 哈斯产品介绍(HAAS Product Line 2013)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/99ff91f4910ef12d2af9e78d.png)
• 线性导轨,滚珠丝杠和伺服电机的库存量超过3个月, 价值900万美元 • 2011年所用零件数量:
• 75,000+ 线性导轨. • 36,000+ 滚珠丝杠 • 40,000+ 伺服电机.
• 使用量如此之大,因此哈斯在购买这些零件时具备很大 的竞价优势,能够有效控制成本。
• 哈斯所有滚珠丝杠都是经过预紧处理和双固定 • 预紧处理保证丝杠和螺母之间零间隙
- 避免了刀具损坏
• 废油冷却液分离器
- 在油进入冷却系统前将其除去 - 提高了冷却液循环使用率,节约了成本
•自动气枪 •门控高亮度照明 •伺服自动门 •储物盒 •多功能操作台 •工件及刀具探针系统 •哈斯的无线直观探针系统(WIPS)
• 直观编程系统 - 哈斯专有的人机对话式操作系统 - 操作人员即使不了解G 代码也可以进行基本的加工操作 • 以太网接口 - 实现哈斯机床与网络或个人电脑之间的数据传输 - 多台机床均可共享较大的文件 - 在控制页面即能进行设置
• 用户自定义宏指令
- 创建子程序用于特定的固定循环,探针程序、操作人员 提示、数学方程或函数,以及带有变量的同类零件加工
Haas Automation
•立式加工中心 •卧式加工中心 •数控车削中心•转台和分度器
•专属的数控系统 •专用的键盘 •一键式特征 •多功能手轮 •USB接口 •内存锁定功能 •易于操作 •所有机床采用相同控制系统
•人性化的设计 •高级的编程系统 •无刷交流伺服驱动 •高达1200ipm的切削进给率 •三个32位处理器 •每秒执行1000个程序块 •ISO标准G代码兼容性 •哈斯一键式刀具偏置输入 •200组刀具偏置 •105组工件坐标 •图形模拟功能 •可编程镜像功能 •运行/停止/手轮移动/继续 •程序中途重启 •英制或公制编程 •20多种语言选择 •文字雕刻
5轴及特殊机床--耳轴式VF-640TR 介绍
![5轴及特殊机床--耳轴式VF-640TR 介绍](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/14103d02f12d2af90242e6fe.png)
机床配置适用范围广:包括用于高扭矩、重切削的40 和50-锥度齿轮驱动的机型,及用于要求较高的高速加工的SS 机型(配备同轴直驱主轴)。
该系列的标准配置包括哈斯专利的直观编程系统,使用该对话式编程系统即可轻松完成设置、加工等操作–即使不了解G 代码。
设备名称:5轴及特殊机床--耳轴式VF-6/40TR产品类别:金属切削机床- 车床- 其他车床产品品牌:美国哈斯生产企业:哈斯自动数控机械(上海)有限公司尺寸:5轴立式加工中心,64" x 32" x 30" (1626 x 813 x762 mm),标配包括可移动的12.2" (310 mm)2轴有耳转台,40锥度,30 hp (22.4 kW)矢量驱动,8100 rpm,同轴直驱,24刀位侧挂式刀库,600 ipm (15.2 m/min)快移速度,自动螺杆式排屑器,可编程冷却喷嘴,750 MB 程序内存,坐标旋转与缩放,彩显遥控手轮,宏程序,高速加工,15"彩色液晶显示器,USB接口,内存锁定开关,刚性攻丝,95-gallon (360 liter)注充冷却系统。
标准配置•可移除的双轴有耳转台•±120°倾斜,360°旋转•侧挂式刀库•螺杆式排屑器•可编程冷却液喷嘴•750 MB 内存•刚性攻丝•带USB 接口的15" 彩色液晶显示器•坐标旋转及缩放•增强型遥控手轮•使用者自定义宏程序•带预读功能的高速加工刀库;侧挂式刀库,40锥度,40+1刀位产品概述: 5轴及特殊机床--耳轴式VF-6/40TR哈斯TR 系列机床是基于畅销机型VF-2、VF-5 和VF-6 立式加工中心的平台上演变出的多功能 5 轴加工中心。
Automate Your
Turning Center Production
CL-1 Bar Feeder
Boost throughput and automate small-parts production on your CL-1 Chucker Lathe with our fully integrated pneumatic bar feeder. The CL-1 Bar Feeder automatically loads 0.25" (6.35 mm) to 1" (25.4 )diameter bars, and is available in two sizes to handle either 40" (1 m) or 72" (1.8 m) long bars for extended production runs and unattended operation.
AXIS MOTORS Max Thrust X Max Thrust Z
SPINDLE Spindle Nose Drive System Max Rating Max Speed Spindle Bore ø
11.0 in 4.95 in
279 mm 126 mm
4.0 in 5.0 in 1.00 in
• Easy-to-use interface in the Haas control • Simple bar loading procedure • Available to handle either 40" (1 m) or 72" (1.8 m) bars • Fully integrated automation solution
Agfa Super Solinette 产品说明书
![Agfa Super Solinette 产品说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d6339a6c53ea551810a6f524ccbff121dd36c5c1.png)
DasAgfaSolinarl :3,5/50 ist ein fehlerfreizeichnender, farbkorrigierter Vierlinser, der neueste konstru ktive Erkenntn isse berücksichtigt und jeden Wunsch hinsichtlichZeichnung und Brillanz erfüllt.
e die Bedienung wesentlich. Die Filmmerkscheibe im Rückspulknopf zeigt an, mit welcher Filmsorte die Camera geladen ist.
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und schon sind die Konturen zur Deckung gebracht und die bestmögliche Bildschärfe ist gesichert!
Die Scharfeinstellung ist durch den gekuppelten Entfernungs-Messer der Agfa Super Solinette tatsächlich kein Problem mehr Man photographiert völlig unbeschwert und kann seine ganze Aufmerksamkeit uneingeschränkt dem Motiv zuwenden!
LAT HE TO OL INGFor H AAS and O ther B randsL1Extensive Product OfferingOver 25,000 Quality Products Including:Drills, Taps, Endmills, Threadmills, Reamers, Carbide Bars, Burs, Key Cutters, Dovetail Cutters, Chamfer Mills, Edge Breakers, Engraving Tools, Coolants, Cutting Oils, Toolholders, Live Tools & Tool Blocks for Lathes.Ease of Doing BusinessOur website and product catalogs have been designed to give our users the best experience possible. Find what you need fast and get technical informa-tion that will help you increase tool life and decrease cycle times. Personal technical support is always available to help you select the best tools for your application.American Made ValueAll RedLine products are 100% Made in the USA. We strive to offer quality products with outstanding value, and excellent deliveries at fair prices.Shop with ConfidenceWe value your business and will continue to do our best to meet your needs. If you are not completely satisfied with our service or purchase we will do our best to make it right.Why Buy RedLine Tools?Catalog IntroductionOur RedLine Lathe Tooling Catalog is your comprehensive guide to product selection for Live Tools, Tool Blocks & accessories for Lathes.Tooling for Haas 12 & 24 station bolt-on tool turrets and hybrid turrets can be found by Haas machine model starting on page 14.Live tools and toolholder blocks for machines equipped with BMT65 turrets can be found on pages 6-11. BMT65 Live Tools and Toolholder blocks work with Haas and select machines equipped with a BMT65 turret.To increase the productivity of your turning center, consider our tool blocks equipped with KM50 or Polygon Shank Couplings which allows you to change over or replace tools quickly and efficiently.Our live tools equiped with VariaConnect allow you to change tools in less than 20 seconds. These tools can be found on page 7.Compatible machine brands with BMT65 turrets include:Please check manufacturer drawings and refer to the diagrams below to verify fit on yourspecific machine turret.Doosan Daewoo Emag Emco Hwacheon Hyundai-WIA LEADWELLSamsung (SMEC)Victor WIA (KIA)BMT65 Live ToolsBMT65 Turret ToolingFits Haas & Other Brand LathesBMT65 Toolholder BlocksAxial & Radial with ER32 Spindle...........................6Axial & Radial with VariaConnect Spindle............7 VariaConnect Collet Chucks .............................7 VariaConnect Shrink Fit Holders .. (7)VariaConnect FaceMill Holders (7)VariaConnect Accessories (7)Standard Toolholder Blocks (8)Half-Index Toolholder Blocks (9)Quick Change Tool Blocks with Kennametal KM50 Connection..........10Quick Change T ool Blocks with Size 4 Polygon Shank Coupling. (11)Haas BMT65 Turret Technical Info (43)VDI40 Live ToolsTooling for Haas12 Station Bolt-On Tool Turrets and 12 & 24 Station Hybrid TurretsToolholder AccessoriesBolt-On Tools By Machine ModelReduction Sleeves .......................................................45-47 ER Collet Extensions & Hardware....................................48 Tap Holders - Straight Shank ...........................................49 ER Collets - Rego-Fix ................................................50-66 Tap Collets - BILZ ..................................................................67 ER Small Tool Adapters for Milling and Boring.........68-69 ER Small Tool Adapters for Sawing.............................70-71Axial with ER32 Spindle..................12Radial with ER32 Spindle................13Hardware (44)DS-30..........................................14-15 DS-30SS.....................................16-17 DS-30SS Y ...................................18-19 DS-30Y .......................................20-21 ST-20.........................................22-23 ST-20SS....................................24-25 ST-20SS Y ........................................26 ST-20Y .............................................27 ST-25...............................................28 ST-25Y .............................................29 ST-30.........................................30-31 ST-30SS....................................32-33 ST-30SS Y ..................................34-35 ST-30Y .......................................36-37 ST-35........................................38-39 ST-35Y .......................................40-41Haas Turrets T echnical Info......42-43Hardware (44)AxialBMT65 Axial Live Tool*Part Number Coupling Nut ColletRHAB65A32BMT65Internal ER32Radial BMT65 Radial Live Tool* • 800.791.7542Coolant Option: External CoolantCoolant Option: External CoolantVariaConnect Adapters & AccessoriesD1D2Part #28MM 64MM RVCER1634MM 64MM RVCER2042MM 64MM RVCER2550MM 64MM RVCER3263MM64MMRVCER40Part #CouplingL2Max RPMDrive RatioRHAB65AVCBMT6547MM6,0001:1BMT65 Axial Live Tool*Part #CouplingL3Max RPM Drive RatioRHRB65AVCBMT6588.13MM6,0001:1BMT65 Radial Live Tool*AxialRadialInternal Coolant/External Coolant** • 800.791.7542Half-Index**MM 95MM95MMPSC Size 4PSC Size 4Radial Live Tools*Coupling Nut ColletShort External ER32Medium External ER32Long External ER32 Radial Live Tools*Drum ToteExtensive Product OfferingVa ri ab le In de x & H el ixEn dm il ls at G en er al Pu rp os e Pr ic es!E n d m i l l sperformed by courteous, knowledgeable,See pages 6-7 & 12-13 for complete details.Coolant Option: Internal Coolant*T e c h n i c a l I n f o r m a t i o nHaas Turrets-Tech InfoDescriptionST-20(Y)ST-30(Y)ST-20SS(Y)DS-30(Y)ST-30SS(Y) DS-30SS(Y)SL-40ST-40ABOT TURRETOD DIAMETER (FLATS)16.16” (410mm)16.16” (410mm)———22.27” (566mm)A1VB12/24 TURRETOD DIAMETER (FLATS)18.95” (481mm)18.95” (481mm)21.45” (545mm)18.95” (481mm)21.20” (538mm)22.27” (566mm)A2VDI TURRETOD TURRET DIAMETER19.00” (483mm)19.00” (483mm)———23.75” (603mm)B VB12/24 TURRETVDI40 POCKET CIRCLE15.63” (397mm)15.63” (397mm)18.25” (464mm)15.63” (397mm)18.25” (464mm)20.00” (508mm)B1*VDI TURRETVDI40 POCKET CIRCLE15.63” (397mm)15.63” (397mm)—15.63” (397mm)—20.00” (508mm)C VB12/24 TURRETVDI40 POCKET SPACING7.81” (198mm)7.81” (198mm) 4.69” (119mm)7.81” (198mm)4.69” (119mm)10.00” (254mm)C1*VDI TURRETVDI40 POCKET SPACING4.04” (103mm) 4.04” (103mm)———5.17” (131mm)D BOT TURRETFROM FLATS TC CLEARANCE6.90” (175mm)8.00” (203mm)———9.00” (229mm)D1VB12/24 TURRETFROM FLATS TC CLEARANCE5.50” (140mm)6.85” (174mm) 4.50” (114mm) 6.85” (174mm) 5.85” (149mm)9.00” (229mm)D1VB12/24 TURRETFROM VDI40 CENTER TC CLEARANCE7.00” (178mm)8.35” (212mm) 6.00” (152mm)8.35” (212mm)7.35” (187mm)10.00” (254mm)D2VDI TURRETFROM VDI40 CENTER TC CLEARANCE7.00” (178mm)8.35” (212mm)———10.00” (254mm)E BOT TURRETBOLT-ON TOOL MAX REAR STICKOUT4.00” (102mm) 4.00” (102mm)———4.37” (111mm)E VB12/24 TURRETBOLT-ON TOOL MAX REAR STICKOUT4.00” (102mm) 4.00” (102mm) 4.00” (102mm) 4.00” (102mm) 4.00” (102mm) 4.37” (111mm)E VDI TURRETVDI40 POCKET MAX TOOL REAR STICK-OUT0.40” (10.2mm)0.40” (10.2mm)0.40” (10.2mm)0.40” (10.2mm)0.40” (10.2mm).40” (10.2 mm)F **REC. MAX TOOL STICKOUT FROM FACE OF TURRET AT FULL Z TRAVEL5.00” (127mm) 5.00” (127mm)5.00” (127mm)5.00” (127mm)6.00” (152mm)***G BOT TURRETID TOOL POCKET DIAMETER18.66” (474mm)————25.42” (646mm)H VB12/24 TURRETID TOOL POCKET DIAMETER21.45” (545mm)21.45” (545mm)23.20” (589mm)21.45” (545mm)23.20” (589mm)25.42” (646mm)I BOT TURRETID TOOL POCKET SPACING4.80” (122mm)————6.60” (168mm)JVB12/24 TURRETID TOOL POCKET SPACING10.72” (272mm)10.72” (272mm)6.00” (152mm)10.72” (272mm)6.00” (152mm)12.76” (324mm)*ST-10 VDI POCKETS ARE STAGGERED **EXCEEDING THIS STICKOUT MAY RESULT IN COLLISION WITH THE FRONT BULKHEAD***A 25” (635 mm) DEEP POCKET IN THE ST-40 AND ST-40L PROVIDES CLEARANCE FOR BORING BARS AND LONG TOOLS.D2A2B1C1DGIAD1CBH JA1D1A1JHBCEF(BOT TOOL POCKETS ONLY )D2C1B1C1Max Tool Stick OutBOT TurretVDI TurretST-10 VDI TurretVB Hybrid 12 StationVB24 Hybrid 24 Station(All SS Models)The 12 Station base mount tooling turret accepts base mount tools and live tools. and perimeter stations for ID tools.Bolt-On Wedge ClampL1Screw3/4" OD Reduction Sleeves (Inch)ER Straight Shank Collet ExtensionsPart #RSSER11660ER Replacement NosepiecesSeries Diameter Part #.6301.259Straight Shank Rigid Tap HoldersShank øCollet Size B*C.75Bilz #1 3.92 1.50RSSTHR01392.75Bilz #2 4.70 1.88RSSTHR02470 * The “B” dimension is the assembled length including standard tap colletA6.0Straight Shank Tension & Compression Tap HoldersShank øCollet Size B*C1.00Bilz #12.50 1.501.25Bilz #2 3.25 1.88* The “B” dimension is the assembled length including standard tap collet。
R K B OO KP R O GR AM MI NG280093030 8003316746W OHAAS AUTOMATION INC.2800 Sturgis RoadOxnard, California 93030Phone: 805-278-1800This workbook is suggested for the exclusive use of Haas Automation technicians, distributors and customers. Any reproduction, transmission, or use of this document or its contents for profi t is prohibited, with the exception of reproduction for educational use. This training information is provided at no costto all Haas customers and schools currently training with Haas equipment. Modifi cation of such data is restricted without written consent from Haas Automation, Inc.The subject matter in this workbook is reviewed and updated regularly and is subject to change without notice. Always use the most current copy of the Haas Automation Programming Workbook. You can also scan the code below with your mobile device to directly access this information, or go to to download the most current version.Copyright 2015, Haas AutomationX Z(Diam e t e r not Radius)Point 1 ______________ ______________ Point 2 ______________ ______________Point 3 ______________ ______________ Point 4 ______________ ______________ Point 5 ______________ ______________1.00001.50001.50001.80002.00000-0.2500-3.0000-3.0000-3.1000X Z(Diam e t e r not Radius)Point 1 ______________ ______________ Point 2 ______________ ______________Point 3 ______________ ______________ Point 4 ______________ ______________ Point 5 ______________ ______________ Point 6 ______________ ______________ Point 7 ______________ ______________ Point 8 ______________ ______________ Point 9 ______________ ______________ Point 10 ______________ ______________ Point 11 ______________ ______________ Point 12 ______________ ______________0.00001.75002.00002.00003.50003.75003.75003.35003.35003.75003.75005.00000.00000.0000-0.125-1.1250-1.8750-2.0000-2.5750-2.5750-2.8250-2.8250-3.575-3.875LINEAR INTERPOLATION EXERCISE (PAGE 33)INCREMENTAL AND ABSOLUTE ABSOLUTE PROGRAMMING PROGRAMMINGO00010 O00010......N... G00 X0.25 Z0.1N... G00 X0.25 Z0.1N11 G01 Z0. F0.006N21 G01 Z0. F0.006N12 X0.75 N22 X0.75N13 X1.25 Z-0.25 N23 U0.5 W-0.25N14 Z-1.0 N24 W-.75N15 X1.75 Z-1.25 N25 U0.5 W-0.25N16X2.4 N26 U0.65N17 X3.0 Z-1.55 N27 U0.6 W-0.3N18Z-2.375 N28 W-0.825N19 X3.01 Z0.1 N29 U0.01 Z0.1... ...CIRCULAR INTERPOLATION EXERCISE (PAGE 38) O00020...N11 G01 Z-2.0 F0.01G02 X3.5 Z-3.0 I1. K0. (You could use R1.0 instead of I1. K0.) N12N13 G01 X4.5......N21 G01 Z0. F0.01N22 X3.5G02 X2.0 Z-.75 I0. K-.75(Or R.75 instead of I and K)N23N24 G01 Z-5.0...CIRCULAR INTERPOLATION EXERCISE (PAGE 39) O00030...N31 G01 X2.0 F0.01G03 X4.0 Z3.5 I0. K-1.0 (Or R1.0 instead of I and K)N32N33 G01 Z0.......N41 G01 Z0. F0.01N42 X1.25N43 X4.836 Z-1.793G03 X5.422 Z-2.5 I-.707 K-.707 (Or R1.0 instead of I and K)N44N45 G01 Z-5.0......CIRCULAR INTERPOLATION EXERCISE (PAGE 40)exampleP rogramexample P rogramfor G02 and G03 using “I” and “K” for G02 and G03 using “R”O00040O00040... ...... ...G00 X1. Z0.1 G00 X1. Z0.1N11 G01 Z0. F0.005 N21 G01 Z0. F0.005X1.01N22X1.01N12N13 G03 X1.25 Z-0.12 I0. K-0.12 N23 G03 X1.25 Z-0.12 R0.12N14 G01 Z-0.89 N24 G01 Z-0.89N15 G02 X1.73 Z-1.13 I0.24 K0. N25 G02 X1.73 Z-1.13 R0.24N16 G01 X2.28 N26 G01 X2.28N17 G03 X3. Z-1.49 I0. K-0.360 N27 G03 X3. Z-1.49 R0.36 N18 G01 Z-2.375 N28 G01 Z-2.375... ...... ...CIRCULAR INTERPOLATION EXERCISE (PAGE 45)Interpolation with G01 using I, K, R & AO00050N31 G53 G00 X0. Z0. T0N32 T101 (O.D. TOOL x .03 TNR)N33 G50 S2600N34 G97 S2057 M03N35 G54 G00 X0.65 Z0.1N36 G96 S350N37 G01 G42Z0. F0.006N38 G01 X1.25 K-0.25N39 G01 Z-1.25 I0.25N40 G01 X2.75N41 G01 X3.0 A160.N42 G01 Z-2.0 R0.125N43 G01 X3.5 R-0.1N44 G01 Z-2.375N45 G40 G00 U0.01 Z0.1 M09N46 G53 G00 X0. Z0. T0G71/G70 TYPE I EXERCISEWITH TOOL NOSE COMPENSATION (PAGE 86-87) O00060N1 (G71 TYPE I O.D. ROUGHING)G53 G00 X0. Z0. T0T101 (O.D. TOOL . x .031 TNR)G50 S3200G97 S500 M03G54 G00 X3.2 Z0.1 M08G96 S420Z0.005G01 X-0.063 F.008G00 X3.2 Z0.1G71 P10 Q20 U0.01 W0.005 D0.12 F0.01N10 G00 G42 X1.4G01 Z0. F0.006X1.5G03 X1.75 Z-0.125 R0.125G01 Z-2.5G02 X2.25 Z-2.75 R0.25G01 X2.5G03 X3.0 Z-3.0 R0.25G01 Z-4.125 F.004N20 G40 X3.2 F.02G97 S500 M09G53 G00 X0. Z0. T0M01N2 (G70 FINISH O.D)G53 G00 X0. Z0. T0T202 (O.D. TOOL .031 TNR)G50 S2800G97 S890 M03G54 G00 X1.8 Z0.1 M08G96 S420Z0.G01 X-0.062 F0.005G00 X3.2 Z0.1G70 P10 Q20G97 S500 M09G53 G00 X0. Z0. T0M30Note: Either G28 or G53 G00 X0. Z0. T0 can be used to send turret home.G71/G70 TYPE II ROUGHING EXERCISE (PAGE 92-93) O00070N1 (G71 TYPE II O.D. ROUGHING)G53 G00 X0. Z0. T0T101 (O.D. TOOL . x .031 TNR)G50 S2800G97 S500 M03G54 G00 X3.2 Z0.1 M08G96 S420Z0.005G01 X-0.063 F.008G00 X3.2 Z0.1G71 P10 Q20 U0.01 W0.005 D0.12 F0.01N10 G00 G42 X1.4 Z0.1G01 Z0. F0.006X1.5G03 X1.75 Z-0.125 R0.125G01 Z-0.5X1.25 Z-1. F0.01Z-1.5X1.75 Z-2.G01 Z-2.5 F0.006G02 X2.25 Z-2.75 R0.25G01 X2.5G03 X3. Z-3. R0.25G01 Z-4.125 F.004N20 G40 X3.2 F.02G97 S500 M09G53 G00 X0. Z0. T0M01N2 (G70 FINISH O.D)G53 G00 X0. Z0. T0T202 (O.D. TOOL .031 TNR)G50 S2800G97 S890 M03G54 G00 X1.8 Z0.1 M08G96 S420Z0.G01 X-0.062 F0.005G00 X3.2 Z0.1G70 P10 Q20G97 S500 M09G53 G00 X0. Z0. T0M30Note: Either G28 or G53 G00 X0. Z0. T0 can be used to send turret home.G72/G70 TYPE I EXERCISE (PAGE 98-99) O00080N1 (G72 ROUGH FACE)G53 G00 X0. Z0. T0T101 (O.D. TOOL .031 TNR)G50 S2800G97 S500 M03G54 G00 X3.2 Z0.1 M08G96 S420Z0.1G72 P10 Q20 U 0.01 W0.01 D0.1 F0.012N10 G00 G41 Z-0.55G01 X3.0 F.006X2.4 Z-0.25X1.75X1.25 Z0.X-0.063N20 G40 G00 Z0.1G97 S500 M09G53 G00 X0. Z0. T0M01N2 (G70 FINISH FACE)G53 G00 X0. Z0. T0T202 (O.D. FINISH TOOL .031 TNR)G50 S2800G97 S500 M03G54 G00 X3.2 Z1. M08G96 S420Z0.1G70 P10 Q20G97 S500 M09G53 G00 X0. Z0. T0M30Note: Either G28 or G53 G00 X0. Z0. T0 can be used to send turret home.G73/G70 EXERCISE w ith TOOL COMP. (PAGE 102-103) O00090N1 (G73 O.D. ROUGHING)G53 G00 X0. Z0. T0T101 (O.D. TOOL . x .031 TNR)G50 S2800G97 S500 M03G54 G00 X3.2 Z0.1 M08G96 S420Z0.005G01 X-0.063 F.008G00 X3.2 Z0.1G73 P10 Q20 U0.01 W0.005 I0.15 K0.16 D 5 F0.012N10 G00 G42 X1.4G01 Z0. F0.006X1.G03 X1.75 Z-0.5 R0.5G01 Z-2.5G02 X2.25 Z-2.75 R0.25G01 X2.5G03 X3.0 Z-3.0 R0.25G01 Z-4.125 F.004N20 G40 X3.2 F.02G97 S500 M09G53 G00 X0. Z0. T0M01N2 (G70 FINISH O.D)G53 G00 X0. Z0. T0T202 (O.D. TOOL .031 TNR)G50 S2800G97 S890 M03G54 G00 X1.8 Z0.1 M08G96 S420Z0.G01 X-0.062 F0.005G00 X3.2 Z0.1G70 P10 Q20G97 S500 M09G53 G00 X0. Z0. T0M30Note: Either G28 or G53 G00 X0. Z0. T0 can be used to send turret home.G76 O.D. THREADING EXERCISE (PAGE 117) O00100N1 G28N2 T101 (O.D. THREADING TOOL)N3 G97 S590 M03N4 G54 G00 X2.85 Z0.1 M08N5 Z0-.25 M24N6 G76X2.6478 Z-1. K0.0511 D0.0162 F0.08333N7 M09N8 G28N9 M30Note: Either G28 or G53 G00 X0. Z0. T0 can be used to send turret home.Lathe Workbook Answers 11。
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• 侧壁带3-10度锥度。 • 薄壁。VR可选配高转速主轴,适合加工薄壁件。 • 零件体积大。
尺寸 最大重量
64” x 36” (163 cm x 91 cm) 4,000 lbs (1814 kg)
刀柄类型 刀位数
BT40 32
标配: • 32位刀库 • 可编程冷却液喷嘴 • 16MB内存 • 便携手轮 • 第二原点 • 地脚固定件
• HSM 部分选配: • 15000RPM 主轴 • 10000RPM主轴 • 主轴内冷 • 光栅尺 • 螺旋排屑器
• 使用双轴转台实现五轴。 • 两旋转轴范围大。+-120度倾斜,360度旋转。 • 适合于中、小型复杂外形零件加工或是一次定位多面
120” (305 cm) 40” (102 cm) 30” (76 cm)
X, Y & Z-轴
转速 最大额定功率
7,500 RPM (10K 30 马力选件) (15K 30马力选件) 30 hp (22.4 kW)
X快移速度 Y, Z 快移速度 A & B 快移速度 X, Y, Z 进给速度 A & B 进给速度
• 优势: • 能加工复杂外型,如各类叶轮。 • 一次装夹加工多个面,如汽车转向节等。 • 劣势: • 价格昂贵 • 需要出口许口证,手续多。 • 需要购买正片的CAM软件,并为机床定制后处理程序。 • 需要有经验的工艺编程人员。
• 使用5轴机床加工复杂零件,程序必须由CAM软件生成,无法手工编程。 • 现市面上的盗版CAM软件均没有开启五轴功能,必须购买正版软件。根
• 常用具备五轴功能的CAM软件有:MasterCAM、Cimatron、HyperMill、 PowerMill、UG 、Pro/E等。
• 由于五轴机床的运动自由度多,需要工艺人员有丰富 的夹具和刀具设计、选择上的经验,和工艺设计能力。 防止加工中刀具与夹具产生的干涉。
• 编程人员要有丰富的CAM软件使用经验。能编制正确 的刀具轨迹。并能检查轨迹是否有干涉、碰撞。
3000 º/min 12.7m/min 2000º/min
标配: • 螺旋式排屑器 • 16MB内存 • 主轴定向 • 便携手轮 • 可编程冷却液喷嘴 • HSM • 不能选配光栅尺
注:VF2TR的TR160转台可从工作台 上卸下。进行三轴加工。
Haas Automation Asia Application Dept.
VR-9 工作台 84” x 36” (213 cm x 91 cm)
VR-11 120” x 28” (305 cm x 71 cm)
64” (163 cm)
40” (102 cm)
30” (76 cm)
± 32
± 32
84” (213 cm) 40” (102 cm) 30” (76 cm)
Y, Z 快移速度
A & B 快移速度 X, Y, Z 进给速度 A & B 进给速度
4800º/min 16.5m/min 2000º/min
3600 º/min 12.7m/min 2000º/min
VF-6TR 310mm
226.8Kg 1625 813 762
• 有专用的G143空间刀具长度补偿功能。(只适用于VR系列) ➢ 方便了编程和换刀操作。只有较为先进的控制系统才有的功能。 ➢ 专统主轴摆动的五轴机床。当刀具磨损换上新刀后,由于刀长
发生变化,要把新的刀长输入到CAM,重新新生成程序。 ➢ HAAS系统由于有G143指令,只须把新的刀长输入到刀具偏置
540 ipm (137 m/min)
600 ipm (15.2 m/min)
600 ipm (15.2 m/min) 所有模式.
500 ipm (12.7 m/min)
500 ipm (12.7 m/min)
360 ipm (9.1 m/min) 360 ipm (9.1 m/min)
据软件所选配模块的不同,一套具有五轴编程功能的CAM软件价格约在 15万RMB以上。
• CAM软件厂商必须为机床定制专用后处理程序(根据机床结构和控制系 统指令),才能使软件生成正确的程序。
• MasterCAM作为Haas的合作伙伴,其软件五轴功能完善。并有HAAS各 类型机床(包括车床、VMC、HMC、四轴、五轴机床)的专用后处理程 序。
工件台直径 最大重量
160mm 36.3 Kg
210mm 90.7 Kg
VF-5TR 工作台
Z轴பைடு நூலகம்
965 660 635
转速 最大额定功率
7,500 RPM
40锥度主轴14.9KW 50锥度主轴VF-5TR/50和VF-6TR/50 为22.4KW
• 主轴头双向摆动,形成五轴。是HRT450转台驱动HRT310转台。 • 主轴头两方向摆动范围在+-32度。 • 优点:机床行程大。 缺点:旋转台的运动范转小。 • 适用:
机床行程大,但主轴摆动范围小,适用于航空零部件,特别是飞 机结构件的加工。 • 中国大陆现在二台,均从事航空零部件的生产。