statacom 图形分析工具用户指南说明书
![statacom 图形分析工具用户指南说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/120aafb2710abb68a98271fe910ef12d2af9a906.png)
Title graph twoway kdensity—Kernel density plotsDescription Quick start Menu SyntaxOptions Remarks and examples References Also seeDescriptiongraph twoway kdensity plots a kernel density estimate for varname using graph twoway line;see[G-2]graph twoway line.Quick startKernel density plot of v1twoway kdensity v1Same as above,use the biweight kernel functiontwoway kdensity v1,kernel(biweight)Same as above,but specify the half-width of the kernel to be2twoway kdensity v1,kernel(biweight)bwidth(2)Overlay a kernel density plot on top of a histogramtwoway histogram v1||kdensity v1A separate graph area for each level of catvartwoway kdensity v1,by(catvar)A single graph area with curves showing the distribution for catvar=0and catvar=1twoway kdensity v1if catvar==0||kdensity v1if catvar==1MenuGraphics>T woway graph(scatter,line,etc.)12graph twoway kdensity—Kernel density plots Syntaxtwoway kdensity varnameifinweight,optionsoptions Descriptionkernel(kernel)specify kernel function;default is kernel(epanechnikov)bwidth(#)smoothing parametern(#)number of points to evaluaterange(##)range for plot,minimum and maximumrange(varname)range for plot obtained from varnameboundary estimate density one bwidth()beyond maximum and minimum;not allowed with range()horizontal graph horizontallyarea(#)rescaling parametercline options change look of the lineaxis choice options associate plot with alternative axistwoway options titles,legends,axes,added lines and text,by,regions,name,aspect ratio,etc.kernel Descriptionepanechnikov Epanechnikov kernel function;the defaultepan2alternative Epanechnikov kernel functionbiweight biweight kernel functioncosine cosine trace kernel functiongaussian Gaussian kernel functionparzen Parzen kernel functionrectangle rectangle kernel functiontriangle triangle kernel functionfweight s and aweight s are allowed;see[U]11.1.6weight.Optionskernel(kernel)and bwidth(#)specify how the kernel density estimate is to be obtained and are in fact the same options as those specified with the command kdensity;see[R]kdensity.kernel(kernel)specify the kernel-weight function to be used.The default iskernel(epanechnikov).bwidth(#)specifies the smoothing parameter.See[R]kdensity for more information about these options.All the other graph twoway kdensity options modify how the result is displayed,not how it is obtained.n(#)specifies the number of points at which the estimate is evaluated.The default is n(300).graph twoway kdensity—Kernel density plots3 range(##)and range(varname)specify the range of values at which the kernel density estimates are to be plotted.The default is range(m M),where m and M are the minimum and maximum of the varname specified on the graph twoway kdensity command.range(##)specifies a pair of numbers to be used as the minimum and maximum.range(varname)specifies another variable for which its minimum and maximum are to be used.boundary specifies that the result be estimated for one bwidth()beyond the maximum and minimum value of varname.boundary cannot be specified with range().horizontal specifies that the result be plotted horizontally(that is,reflected along the identity line).area(#)specifies a multiplier by which the density estimates are adjusted before being plotted.The default is area(1).area()is useful when overlaying a density estimate on top of a histogram that is itself not scaled as a density.For instance,if you wished to scale the density estimate as a frequency,area()would be specified as the total number of nonmissing observations.cline options specify how the density line is rendered and its appearance;[G-3]cline options.axis choice options associate the plot with a particular y or x axis on the graph;see [G-3]axis choice options.twoway options are a set of common options supported by all twoway graphs.These options allow you to title graphs,name graphs,control axes and legends,add lines and text,set aspect ratios, create graphs over by()groups,and change some advanced settings.See[G-3]twoway options. Remarks and examples graph twoway kdensity varname uses the kdensity command to obtain an estimate of the density of varname and uses graph twoway line to plot the result.Remarks are presented under the following headings:Typical useUse with by()4graph twoway kdensity—Kernel density plotsTypical useThe density estimate is often graphed on top of the histogram:.use https:///data/r18/lifeexp(Life.Notice the and make the line stand out;see[G-4]colorstyle.You can modify the text for the keys in the legend using the legend()option;see[G-3]leg-end options.graph twoway kdensity—Kernel density plots5 Use with by()graph twoway kdensity may be used with by():.use https:///data/r18/lifeexp,clear(Life expectancy,1998).Because we have only three graphs,we will move the legend to the empty cell,which is the fourth position of our2×2array.The pos(0)suboption moves the legend to the middle position within the cell:.twoway histogram lexp,color(*.5)||kdensity lexp||,To learn more about modifying the legend when using the by()option,see Use of legends with by()in[G-3]by option.6graph twoway kdensity—Kernel density plotsReferencesCox,N.J.2005.Speaking Stata:Density probability plots.Stata Journal5:259–273..2007.Software Updates:Speaking Stata:Density probability plots.Stata Journal7:593.Also see[R]kdensity—Univariate kernel density estimation[G-2]graph twoway histogram—Histogram plotsStata,Stata Press,and Mata are registered trademarks of StataCorp LLC.Stata andStata Press are registered trademarks with the World Intellectual Property Organization®of the United Nations.Other brand and product names are registered trademarks ortrademarks of their respective companies.Copyright c 1985–2023StataCorp LLC,College Station,TX,USA.All rights reserved.。
张 天 嵩 (1970- ), 男 , 山 东 昌 邑 人 , 副 主 任 医 师 , 副教授,医学博士,主要从事呼吸系统疾病的 中西医结合治疗及循证医学方法学研究。
为 了 便 于 说 明 具 体 方 法 及 Stata 的 操 作 过 程 , 引用文献的研究数据 (原始数据 http: / / www.black wellpublishing.com / medicine / bmj / systreviews / datasets / strepto.dta)[3],并对数据加 以整理 ,应用 Stata 的数 据 ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ 理 器 (Data Editor) 将 数 据 输 入 , 如 图 1, 其 中 study 表示研究项目,year 表示发 表时间,ntdeath 表 示 治 疗 组 死 亡 人 数 ,ntalive 表 示 治 疗 组 未 死 亡 人 数,ncdeath 表示对照组死亡 人数,ncalive 表示对 照 组未死亡人数。
间 线 及 总 效 应 量 线 、Egger 回 归 方 法 检 验 漏 斗 图 不 对 称 的 相 应 回 归 直 线 , 在 x 轴 上 标 注 “log odds ratio”,在 y 轴 上 标 注 “standard error of log OR”,命 令如下:
4. 1 亚组分析
按照用药方式 分为两个亚组
4. 1 亚组分析菜单命令
输入亚组命令 *
4. 1 亚组分析森林图
不同亚组的异 质性
4. 2 meta回归菜单操作
因变量 协变量
标准误 ReML法
4. 2 meta回归结果
P值大于0.05,提示发 表年限与研究间异质性 无关。
发表偏倚的检验方法:漏斗图法、Begg和Egger法、 剪补法和失安全系数法。
5.1 漏斗图法检测发表偏倚
只能定性的识别发 表偏倚。
5.2 Begg法检测发表偏倚(二分类)
方法选择 *
5.2 Begg法结果输出
调整统计量Z值及 P值。
5.2 Begg法漏斗图
Begg's funnel plot with pseudo 95% confidence limits 4
1 Stata软件简介 2 Stata中二分类资料的Meta分析 3 Stata中连续性资料的Meta分析 4 异质性的处理 5 发表偏倚检验
1 第一部分
1.1 stata软件简介
Stata是一个功能强大而又小巧玲珑的统计分析软 件,最初由美国计算机资源中心(Computer Resource Center)研制,现为Stata公司的产品。从1985年1.0 版 问世以来,通过不断的更新和扩充,软件功能已日趋完善。
18Learning more about StataWhere to go from hereYou now know plenty enough to use Stata.There is still much,much more to learn because Stata is a rich environment for doing statistical analysis and data management.What should you do to learn more?•Get an interesting dataset and play with Stata.e the menus and dialog system to experiment with commands.Notice what commandsshow up in the Results window.You willfind that Stata’s simple and consistent commandsyntax will make the commands easy to read so that you will know what you have doneand easy to remember so that typing some commands will be faster than using menus.b.Play with graphs and the Graph Editor.•If you venture into the Command window,you willfind that many things will go faster.You will alsofind that it is possible to make mistakes where you cannot understand why Stata is balking.a.Try help commandname or Help>Stata command...and entering the command name.b.Look at the command syntax and the examples in the helpfile,and compare themwith what you pare them closely:small typographical errors make commandsimpossible for Stata to parse.•Explore Stata by selecting Help>Search....You will uncover many statistical routines that could be of great use.•Look through the Combined subject table of contents in the Stata Index.•Read and work your way through the User’s Guide.It is designed to be read from cover to cover,and it contains most of the information you need to become an expert Stata user.It is well worth reading.If you are not this ambitious and instead prefer to sample the User’s Guide and the references,there is some advice later in this chapter for you.•Browse through the reference manuals to read about statistical methods you like to use,making use of the links to jump to other topics.The reference manuals are not meant to be read from cover to cover—they are meant to be referred to as you would an encyclopedia.You canfind the datasets used in the examples in the manuals by selecting File>Example datasets...and then clicking on Stata18manual datasets.Doing so will enable you to work through the examples quickly.•Stata has much information,including answers to frequently asked questions(FAQ s),at https:///support/faqs/.•There are many useful links to Stata resources at https:///links/.Be sure to look at these materials because many outstanding resources about Stata are listed here.•Join Statalist,a forum devoted to discussion of Stata and statistics.•Read The Stata Blog:Not Elsewhere Classified at https:// to read articles written by people at Stata about all things Stata.•Visit Stata on Facebook at https:///statacorp,join Stata on Instagram at https:///statacorp,find Stata on LinkedIn at https:///company/statacorp,and follow Stata on Twitter at https:///stata to keep up with Stata.•Subscribe to the Stata Journal,which contains reviewed papers,regular columns,book reviews, and other material of interest to researchers applying statistics in a variety of disciplines.Visit https://.12[GSM]18Learning more about Stata•Many supplementary books about Stata are available.Visit the Stata Bookstore athttps:///bookstore/.•Take a Stata NetCourse R .NetCourse101is an excellent choice for learning about Stata.See https:///netcourse/for course information and schedules.•Attend a classroom or a web-based training course taught by StataCorp.Visithttps:///training/classroom-and-web/for course information and schedules.•View a webinar led by Stata developers.Visit https:///training/webinar/for the current list of topics and schedule.•Watch Stata videos at https:///user/statacorp.Suggested reading from the User’s Guide and reference manuals The User’s Guide is designed to be read from cover to cover.The reference manuals are designed as references to be sampled when necessary.Ideally,after reading this Getting Started manual,you should read the User’s Guide from cover to cover,but you probably want to become at least somewhat proficient in Stata right away.Here isa suggested reading list of sections from the User’s Guide and the reference manuals to help you onyour way to becoming a Stata expert.This list covers fundamental features and points you to some less obvious features that you might otherwise overlook.Basic elements of Stata[U]11Language syntax[U]12Data[U]13Functions and expressionsData management[U]6Managing memory[U]22Entering and importing data[D]import—Overview of importing data into Stata[D]append—Append datasets[D]merge—Merge datasets[D]compress—Compress data in memory[D]frames intro—Introduction to framesGraphics[G]Stata Graphics Reference ManualReproducible research[U]16Do-files[U]17Ado-files[U]13.5Accessing coefficients and standard errors[U]13.6Accessing results from Stata commands[U]21Creating reports[RPT]Dynamic documents intro—Introduction to dynamic documents[RPT]putdocx intro—Introduction to generating Office Open XML(.docx)files[RPT]putexcel—Export results to an Excelfile[RPT]putpdf intro—Introduction to generating PDFfiles[R]log—Echo copy of session tofile[GSM]18Learning more about Stata3Useful features that you might overlook[U]29Using the Internet to keep up to date[U]19Immediate commands[U]24Working with strings[U]25Working with dates and times[U]26Working with categorical data and factor variables[U]27Overview of Stata estimation commands[U]20Estimation and postestimation commands[R]estimates—Save and manipulate estimation resultsBasic statistics[R]anova—Analysis of variance and covariance[R]ci—Confidence intervals for means,proportions,and variances[R]correlate—Correlations of variables[D]egen—Extensions to generate[R]regress—Linear regression[R]predict—Obtain predictions,residuals,etc.,after estimation[R]regress postestimation—Postestimation tools for regress[R]test—Test linear hypotheses after estimation[R]summarize—Summary statistics[R]table intro—Introduction to tables of frequencies,summaries,and command results [R]tabulate oneway—One-way table of frequencies[R]tabulate twoway—Two-way table of frequencies[R]ttest—t tests(mean-comparison tests)Matrices[U]14Matrix expressions[U]18.5Scalars and matrices[M]Mata Reference ManualProgramming[U]16Do-files[U]17Ado-files[U]18Programming Stata[R]ml—Maximum likelihood estimation[P]Stata Programming Reference Manual[M]Mata Reference ManualSystem values[R]set—Overview of system parameters[P]creturn—Return c-class values4[GSM]18Learning more about StataInternet resourcesThe Stata website(https://)is a good place to get more information about Stata.You willfind answers to FAQ s,ways to interact with other users,official Stata updates,and other useful information.You can also join Statalist,a forum devoted to discussion of Stata and statistics.You will alsofind information on Stata NetCourses R ,which are interactive courses offered over the Internet that vary in length from a few weeks to eight weeks.Stata also offers in-person and web-based training sessions,as well as webinars on Stata features.Visit https:///learn/ for more information.At the website is the Stata Bookstore,which contains books that we feel may be of interest to Stata users.Each book has a brief description written by a member of our technical staff explaining why we think this book may be of interest.We suggest that you take a quick look at the Stata website now.You can register your copy of Stata online and request a free subscription to the Stata News.Visit https:// for information on books,manuals,and journals published by Stata Press.The datasets used in examples in the Stata manuals are available from the Stata Press website.Also visit https:// to read about the Stata Journal,a quarterly publication containing articles about statistics,data analysis,teaching methods,and effective use of Stata’s language.Visit Stata’s official blog at https:// for news and advice related to the use of Stata.The articles appearing in the blog are individually signed and are written by the same people who develop,support,and sell Stata.The Stata Blog:Not Elsewhere Classified also has links to other blogs about Stata,written by Stata users around the world.Follow Stata on Facebook at https:///statacorp,Twitter at https:///stata, Instagram at https:///statacorp,and LinkedIn athttps:///company/statacorp.You may also follow Stata on Twitter athttps:///stata fr or https:///stata es.These are good ways to stay up-to-the-minute with the latest Stata information.Watch short example videos of using Stata on YouTube at https:///user/statacorp.See[GSM]19Updating and extending Stata—Internet functionality for details on accessing official Stata updates and free additions to Stata on the Stata website.[GSM]18Learning more about Stata5 Stata,Stata Press,and Mata are registered trademarks of StataCorp LLC.Stata andStata Press are registered trademarks with the World Intellectual Property Organization®of the United Nations.Other brand and product names are registered trademarks ortrademarks of their respective companies.Copyright c 1985–2023StataCorp LLC,College Station,TX,USA.All rights reserved.。
Stata 数据分析软件用户指南说明书
![Stata 数据分析软件用户指南说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ba16707d82c4bb4cf7ec4afe04a1b0717ed5b356.png)
28Using the Internet to keep up to dateContents28.1Overview28.2Sharing datasets(and otherfiles)28.3Official updates28.3.1Frequently asked questions about updating28.4Downloading and managing additions by users28.4.1Downloadingfiles28.4.2Managingfiles28.4.3Findingfiles to download28.4.4Updating additions by users28.4.5Video example28.5Making your own download site28.1OverviewStata can readfiles over the Internet.Just to prove that to yourself,type the following: .use /manual/chapter28,clearYou have just reached out and gotten a dataset from our website.The dataset is not in HTML format,nor does this have anything to do with your browser.We just copied the Stata datafile chapter28.dta onto our server,and now people all over the world can use it.If you have a website,you can do the same thing.It is a convenient way to share datasets with colleagues.Now type the following:.update queryWe promise that nothing bad will happen.update will read a shortfile from that will allow Stata to report whether your copy of Stata is up to date.Is your copy up to date?Now you know.If it is not,we will show you how to update it—it is no harder than typing update.Now type the following:.net from That will go to and tell you what is available from our user-download site.The material there is not official,but it is useful.More useful is to type.search kernel regression,netor equivalently,.net search kernel regressionThat will search the entire web for additions to Stata having to do with kernel regression,whether the additions are from the Stata Journal,Stata Technical Bulletin,Statalist,archive sites,or private user sites.12[U]28Using the Internet to keep up to dateTo summarize:Stata can readfiles over the Internet:1.You can share datasets,do-files,etc.,with colleagues all over the world.This requires no specialexpertise,but you do need to have a website.2.You can update Stata;it is free and easy.3.You canfind and add new features to Stata;it is also free and easy.Finally,you can create a site to distribute new features for Stata.28.2Sharing datasets(and otherfiles)There is just nothing to it:you copy thefile as-is(in binary)onto the server and then let your colleagues know thefile is there.This works for.dtafiles,.dofiles,.adofiles,and,in fact,all files.On the receiving end,you can use thefile(if it is a.dta dataset)or you can copy it: .use /manual/chapter28,clear.copy /manual/chapter28.dta mycopy.dtaStata includes a copy-file command and it works over the Internet just as use does;see[D]copy.28.3Official updatesAlthough we follow no formal schedule for the release of updates,we typically provide updates to Stata approximately once a month.You do not have to update that often,although we recommend that you do.There are two ways to check whether your copy of Stata is up to date: select or typeHelp>Check for Updates.update queryAfter that if an update is available,you shouldclick on or typeInstall available updates.update allAfter you have updated your Stata,tofind out what has changedselect or typeHelp>What’s New?.help whatsnew28.3.1Frequently asked questions about updating1.Could something go wrong and make my Stata become unusable?No.The updates are copied to a temporary place on your computer,Stata examines themto make sure they are complete before copying them to the official place.Thus either theupdates are installed or they are not.2.I do not have access to the Internet from within Stata.Is there a way to update Stata manually?Yes.Open your web browser to /support/updates/and follow theinstructions on that page.[U]28Using the Internet to keep up to date3 28.4Downloading and managing additions by usersTry the following:selectHelp>SJ and User-written Programsor type.net from and click on one of the links.28.4.1DownloadingfilesWe are not the only ones developing additions to Stata.Stata is supported by a large and highly competent user community.An important part of this is the Stata Journal(SJ)and the Stata Technical Bulletin(STB).The Stata Journal is a refereed,quarterly journal containing articles of interest to Stata users.For more details and subscription information,visit the Stata Journal website at .The Stata Journal is a printed and electronic journal with corresponding software.If you want the journal,you must subscribe,but the software is available for free;see the instructions below.The predecessor to the Stata Journal was the Stata Technical Bulletin(STB).The STB was alsoa printed and electronic journal with corresponding software.Individual STB issues are available forfree at /bookstore/individual-stata-technical-bulletin-issues/.The STB software is available for free;see the instructions below.Installing software from the Stata Journal1.From within Stata,select Help>SJ and User-written Programs.2.Click on Stata Journal.3.Click on sj2-2.4.Click on st00011.5.Click on click here to install.or from /software cd sj2-2 describe st00011 install st00011The above could be shortened to.net from /software/sj2-2.net describe st0001_1.net install st0001_1You could also type.net sj2-2.net describe st0001_1.net install st0001_14[U]28Using the Internet to keep up to dateInstalling software from the STB1.From within Stata,select Help>SJ and User-written Programs.2.Click on STB.3.Click on stb58.4.Click on sg843.5.Click on click here to install.or from cd stb cd stb58 describe sg843 install sg843The above could be shortened to.net from /stb/stb58.net describe sg84_3.net install sg84_328.4.2ManagingfilesYou now have the concord command,because we just downloaded and installed it.Convince yourself of this by typing.help concordand you might try it out,too.Let’s now list the additions you have installed—that is probably just concord—and then get rid of concord.In command mode,you can type.ado dir[1]package sg84_3from /stb/stb58STB-58sg84_3.Concordance correlation coefficient:minor corrections If you had more additions installed,they would be listed.Now knowing that you have sg843installed, you can obtain a more thorough description by typing[U]28Using the Internet to keep up to date5 .ado describe sg84_3[1]package sg84_3from /stb/stb58TITLESTB-58sg84_3.Concordance correlation coefficient:minor corrections DESCRIPTION/AUTHOR(S)STB insert by Thomas J.Steichen,RJRTNicholas J.Cox,University of Durham,UKSupport:****************,*****************.ukAfter installation,see help concordINSTALLATION FILESc/concord.adoc/concord.sthlpINSTALLED ON5Oct2002You can erase sg843by typing.ado uninstall sg84_3package sg84_3from /stb/stb58STB-58sg84_3.Concordance correlation coefficient:minor corrections (package uninstalled)You can do all of this from the point-and-click interface,too.Pull down Help and select SJ and User-written Programs and then click on List.From there,you can click on sg843to see the detailed description of the package and from there you can click on click here to uninstall if you want to erase it.For more information on the ado command and the corresponding menu,see[R]net.28.4.3Findingfiles to downloadThere are two ways tofind usefulfiles to download.One is simply to thumb through sites.That is inefficient but entertaining.If you want to do that,1.Select Help>SJ and User-written Programs.2.Click on Other Locations.3.Click on links.What you are doing is starting at our download site and then working out from there.We maintaina list of other sites and those sites will have more links.You can do this from command mode,too:.net from .net cd linksThe efficient way tofindfiles is to search;that is,use Stata’s search command: .search concordance correlationEquivalently,you could select Help>Search....Either way,you will learn about sg843and you can even click to install it.6[U]28Using the Internet to keep up to date28.4.4Updating additions by usersAfter you have installed some user-written features,you should periodically check whether any updates or bugfixes are available for those commands.You can do this with the adoupdate command.Simply type adoupdate to see if any updates are available,and if they are,type adoupdate,update to obtain the updates.See[R]adoupdate for more details.28.4.5Video exampleHow to download and install user-written commands in Stata28.5Making your own download siteThere are two reasons you may wish to create your own download site:1.You have datasets and the like,you want to share them with colleagues,and you want to makeit easier for colleagues to download thefiles.2.You have written Stata programs,etc.,that you wish to share with the Stata user community.Before you create your own download site,you may wish to submit a command you have written to the Statistical Software Components(SSC)archive.The SSC archive contains the largest repository of user-written Stata software on the web.Stata has a command(see[R]ssc)that makes it easy to find and install packages from the SSC.For information about submitting a command you have written to the SSC,see /bocode/s/sscsubmit.html.If you do wish to create your own download site,making one is easy;the full instructions are found in[R]net.At the beginning of this chapter,we pretended that you had a dataset you wanted to share with colleagues.We said you just had to copy the dataset onto your server and then let your colleagues know the dataset is there.Let’s now pretend that you had two datasets,ds1.dta and ds2.dta,and you wanted your colleagues to be able to learn about and fetch the datasets by using the net command or by pulling down Help and selecting SJ and User-written Programs.First,you would copy the datasets to your home page just as before.Then you would create three morefiles,one to describe your site named stata.toc and two more to describe each“package”you want to provide:begin stata.toc v3d My name and affiliation(or whatever other title I choose)d Datasets for the PAR studyp ds1The base datasetp ds2The detail datasetend stata.toc[U]28Using the Internet to keep up to date7begin ds1.pkg v3d ds1.The base datasetd My name or whatever else I wanted to putd This dataset contains the baseline values for...d Distribution-Date:26sep2011p ds1.dtaend ds1.pkgbegin ds2.pkg v3d ds1.The detail datasetd My name or whatever else I wanted to putd This dataset contains the follow-up information...d Distribution-Date:26sep2011p ds2.dtaend ds2.pkgThe Distribution-Date line in the description should be changed whenever you change your package.This line is used by adoupdate to determine if a user who has installed your package needs to update it.Here is what users would see when they went to your site:.net from /hande/~aparker/hande/~aparkerMy name and whatever else I wanted to putDatasets for the PAR studyPACKAGES you could-net describe-:ds1The base datasetds2The detail dataset.net describe ds1package ds1from /hande/~aparkerTITLEds1.The base datasetDESCRIPTION/AUTHOR(S)My name and whatever else I wanted to putThis dataset contains the baseline values for...Distribution-Date:26sep2011ANCILLARY FILES(type net get ds1)ds1.dta.net get ds1checking ds1consistency and verifying not already installed...copying into current directory...copying ds1.dtaancillary files successfully copied..See[R]net.。
二、Stata在Meta分析中的应用1. 数据准备与处理在Meta分析中,首先需要收集各个独立研究的数据,包括研究设计、样本大小、实验组和对照组的效应指标等。
2. 模型选择与构建Meta分析中常用的模型包括固定效应模型和随机效应模型。
3. 效应指标计算与合并效应指标是Meta分析的核心内容之一,常用的效应指标包括相对危险度、比值比、加权平均数等。
4. 结果解释与可视化Stata具有强大的结果解释和可视化功能,可以将Meta分析的结果以图表的形式展示出来,使得结果更加直观易懂。
三、Stata在Meta分析中的优势1. 强大的统计分析功能:Stata具有丰富的统计分析功能,可以满足Meta分析的各种需求。
2. 操作简便:Stata的界面友好,操作简便,用户可以快速上手。
3. 数据处理能力强:Stata支持多种数据格式的转换和整合,使得数据准备和处理的流程更加高效。
首先概述Meta 分析的概念、背景及其重要性。
二、Meta分析概述2.1 定义与背景Meta分析是一种通过收集、整理和综合多个独立研究结果来得出综合结论的统计方法。
2.2 Meta分析的重要性Meta分析在医学、社会科学等领域具有重要价值。
三、Stata软件基本功能及其在Meta分析中的应用优势3.1 Stata软件基本功能Stata是一款功能强大的统计分析软件,具有数据管理、描述性统计、推断性统计等功能。
3.2 Stata在Meta分析中的应用优势Stata在Meta分析中具有以下优势:(1)操作简便:Stata具有友好的用户界面和丰富的命令系统,使得操作简便快捷。
四、Stata在Meta分析中的具体应用案例4.1 案例背景以一项关于药物治疗糖尿病效果的Meta分析为例,介绍Stata在Meta分析中的具体应用。
手把手教你用Stata进行Meta分析Meta简明教程(7)Meta简明教程目录1. 认识一下meta方法! | Meta简明教程(1)2. 一文初步学会Meta文献检索| Meta简明教程(2)3. 如何搞定“文献筛选” | Meta简明教程(3)4.Meta分析文献质量评价 | Meta简明教程(4)5.Meta分析数据提取| Meta简明教程(5)6.一文学会revman软件| Meta简明教程(6)Meta简明教程(7)上一期介绍了Revman 软件对二分类数据、连续型数据、诊断性试验数据、生存-时间数据进行meta分析,本期将利用Stata对以上数据进行meta分析。
大家可以到本公众号下载Stata软件(重磅推荐:分类最全的统计分析相关软件,了解一下?请关注、收藏以备用)Stata12.0 界面一、二分类数据分析数据形式例:研究阿司匹林(aspirin)预防心肌梗死(MI)7个临床随机对照试验,观察死亡率,数据提取如下:操作步骤1.构建数据1)启动Stata 12.0 软件后,可以直接点击工具栏中DataEditor (edit)按钮。
也可在在菜单栏中点击Data→Data Editor→ DataEditor (edit),出现以下界面。
2)点击变量名位置,依次输入研究名称(research),阿司匹林组死亡数(a),阿司匹林组存活数(b),安慰剂组死亡数(c),安慰剂组存活数(d)3)录入数据:在变量值区域输入数据2. 数据分析1)导入meta模块:在Command窗口中进行编程,首先需要在Stata中安装meta 模块:在Command窗口输入“ssc install metan”,选中点回车。
2)输入meta分析代码:在Command窗口输入“Command窗口输入“metan a b c d, or fixed”,点回车,完成结果分析。
输入如下的公式,将每个阶段按照需求进行编号,注意这里的编号需要是字符串形式,故在公式中的数字要用引号,公式:if 阶段= "注册" then "1"else if 阶段= "登录" then "2" else if 阶段= "浏览商品" then "3" else if 阶段= "加入购物车" then "4" else if 阶段= "提交订单" then "5" else "6";然后我们将公式加入到搜索款内,按照公式进行升序排列,再将图形转换成以漏斗图显示,即可看到我们要的漏斗图效果,按照一定的流程显示每个流程之间的转换率。
二、Stata在Meta分析中的应用1. 数据导入与处理在Meta分析中,首先需要将多个独立研究的数据导入到Stata软件中。
2. 描述性统计分析在Meta分析前,可以进行描述性统计分析,了解各个研究的特征、样本量、效应大小等。
3. 随机效应模型与固定效应模型Meta分析中常用的模型包括随机效应模型和固定效应模型。
4. 亚组分析与meta回归Stata还支持亚组分析和meta回归等更复杂的Meta分析方法。
5. 结果的可视化展示Stata提供了丰富的图形功能,可以将Meta分析的结果以图表的形式展示出来。
Stata 简介及基本操作ppt课件
![Stata 简介及基本操作ppt课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/42730033a58da0116d174940.png)
Stata 的主界面
三、Stata 操作
1.将数据导入Stata 打开Stata 软件后,点击Data → Data Editor 图标,即可打
开一个类似Excel的空白表格。然后,用Excel 打开文件“实 验数据.xls”,复制文件中的相关数据,并粘贴到Data Editor 中。
单、功能强大的特点。由于使用Stata 的用户很多,对于 最新的计量方法,常常可以下载由用户写的Stata 命令程 序,十分方便。而官方的Stata版本也经常更新,以适应计 量经济学迅猛发展的需要。
Stata 11 已于2009 年出版,但由于在中国普遍使用 的仍是Stata 10,我们主要介绍Stata 10。
理功能,精致的作图,强大的统计与计量分析功能,简练 标准的程序与矩阵运算功能、丰富的网络资源,在统计学、 经济学、金融学、心理学、计算机科学、物理、化学等多 个学科领域得到广泛使用。 请浏览:/whystata/field.htm史
也可以通过逻辑关系来定义数据集的子集。如果要 列出所有满足条件“year ≥1995”的变量gov与gdp 的数 据,则可以使用以下命令: . list year gov gdp if year>=1995
其中,“>=”表示“大于等于”。其他表示关系的逻辑 符号为“= =”(等于),“>”(大于),“<”(小于), “<=”(小于等于),“~=”或“!=”(不等于)。查看 具体数据的一个直接方法是,点击Data Editor 图标。
5.画图 Stata 具有很强的画图功能。如果想看变量q 的直方图
二、漏斗图的基本原理漏斗图(Funnel Plot)在Meta分析中扮演着重要的角色,它的基本原理主要基于假设检验和偏倚识别。
. generate wtsq = weight^2
[ GSW ] 1 Introducing Stata—sample session 19
Now that we have all the variables we need, we can run a linear regression. We will use the
Syntax note: To make the graphs for the combined subgroups, we ended up using a by() option, not a by prefix. If we had used a by prefix, separate graphs would have been generated instead of the combined graph created by the by() option.
Start by loading the automobile dataset, which is included with Stata. Use the menus to do this: 1. Select File > Example datasets.... 2. Click on Example datasets installed with Stata. 3. Click on use for auto.dta. The result of this command is fourfold: • The following output appears in the large Results window:
menus and see that the command is also simple. To use the menus, select Statistics > Linear models
>>>> 漏斗图最常见的识别发表性偏倚的方法就是漏斗图法, 以样本含量(或效应量标准误的倒数)与效应量(或效应量对数)作的散点图, 效应量可以为RR ,OR ,RD 和死亡比或者其对数值等。
漏斗图所基于的假设是效应量估计值的精度随着样本量的增加而增加, 其宽度随精度的增加而逐渐变窄, 最后趋近于点状, 其形状类似一个对称倒置的漏斗,故称为漏斗图。
即样本量小的研究, 数量多、精度低, 分布在漏斗图的底部呈左右对称排列;样本量大的研究, 精度高, 分布在漏斗图的顶部, 且向中间集中。
但当存在发表性偏倚时, 则表现为漏斗图出现不对称, 则呈偏态分布。
绘制漏斗图, 需要纳入较多的研究个数,原则上需纳入9篇研究以上才能进行。
>>>> 漏斗图的制作流程Step1:Stata软件下载与安装Stata软件为收费软件,目前该软件已更新至14.0,我们公众号本着“自由分享,人人平等,共求真理”的宗旨,为大家免费准备了Stata12.0版本,公众号后台回复stata即可获取(积极宣传公众号,推动20人关注公众号者微信添加1606093959可获取stata14.0版本)Step2:Meta面板加载•创建profile.do文件1.点击菜单栏Help→Search→Search all(Keywords: meta_dialog)2.选择加载包进行安装(click here to install)3.输入命令help meta_dialog4.复制代码5.点击菜单栏Window→Do.file Editor→ New Do.file Editor,粘贴代码6.点击保存,选择存储至stata安装位置,命名为profile•重新打开 Users次级菜单出现Meta-AnalysisStep3:整理纳入文献格式需要注意的是,Stata软件中数据分析格式与RevMan数据格式是不一致的,RevMan中二分类变量表示为研究事件发生数与样本量,而Stata软件中为试验组发生事件数与试验组未发生事件数,在整理数据时需表示为如下格式,示例:Step4:数据输入1.点击菜单栏Data Editor(Edit)2.输入数据或复制粘贴数据。
使用stata进行meta分析的详细具体过程和方法meta, stata最近使用stata 8进行meta分析,之前已经使用refman 5进行了初步处理,但是refman 的漏斗图只能粗略看是否对称,无法定量,据说stata可以进行发表性偏倚定量评价,所以自己摸索stata中的meta分析方法,在DXY中学习了不少战友的帖子(zhangdog战友),都感觉不是很系统,有的还有些问题。
(1)命令窗口输入:Input no study event1 total1 event0 total0: |( g; m- [2 `; b3 `(分别表示纳入研究序号,名称,暴露组或处理组例数,总例数,对照组例数,对照组总例数,因为我是用refman中导出数据,这后4项可以直接输出),作用是产生变量。
* s# ?- w; d: B6 v$ L- j(2)点Data——Data editor(或ctrl+7快捷键),可以直接录入数据,可以直接复制,粘贴数据。
输完后点击preserve保存退出Data editor 窗口。
6 z7 T5 M3 H5 ~%第一步(1)也可以省略,进入第二步后,先输入数据,然后双击自动产生的变量var1,var2....进行变量名称的修改,个人感觉这样快捷。
1 Deng SL 2004 31 114 8 100* Z4 U' m+ R$ i4 i8 V( P&2 Ding HF 2006 19 25 5 8^3 h2 l* t6 W9 ?" \$ _" o- S3 Fang ZL 2002 35 36 20 35+ C& ?* ^) Q3 y! l R, F' F14 Ito K 2006 36 40 31 40@5 ?* E& [!5 Kao JH 2003 81 127 4 35m/ y4 w2 R. y: h4 ~5 a6 Yuen MF 2004 60 66 101 1351 V3 [0 M& Y4 ~. B. x- a. B% l*完毕在命令窗输入list命令查看数据。
图说meta十三:漏斗图简介发表性偏倚简介发表性偏倚是指有统计学意义的研究结果比无统计学意义的研究更容易投稿和被发表,对于无统计学意义的研究, 研究者可能认为意义不大,不发表或推迟发表;作为杂志编辑则更有可能对这类论文退稿。
发表偏倚的产生有三个来源, 分别为作者、研究的赞助者和杂志社的编辑。
因为存在发表性偏倚, 即使具备周密的检索策略和手段(如与研究者个人联系),也不可能完全地纳入所有相关研究。
发表性偏倚可使Meta 分析过分夸大治疗效应量或危险因素的关联强度, 导致临床个体治疗与卫生决策的失误。
常见的发表偏倚表现在: 1 ) 阳性结果的研究比阴性结果的研究容易发表, 而且有较多机会发表在高影响因子的期刊上, 因而会有更高的引用率; 2 )有基金资助的研究常常有较高的发表率, 受国家级基金资助的研究的发表率最高, 且其研究结果常常是阳性的。
但是由药厂资助的研究的发表率远低于政府或其他团体资助的研究, 这可能与药厂不鼓励发表阴性结果有关; 3) 随机对照试验的阳性结果常常低于非随机对照试验; 且盲法的随机对照试验的阳性结果通常低于非盲法的的随机对照试验; 4) 大样本的研究较易发表, 不管其研究结果在统计学上是否有差异, 而小样本的研究结果往往在该研究还未有大样本结果时才有较高的可能性被发表; 5) 观察性研究和实验研究较临床研究更容易出现发表偏倚。
漏斗图简介最常见的识别发表性偏倚的方法就是漏斗图法, 以样本含量(或效应量标准误的倒数)与效应量(或效应量对数)作的散点图, 效应量可以为RR ,OR ,RD 和死亡比或者其对数值等。
漏斗图所基于的假设是效应量估计值的精度随着样本量的增加而增加, 其宽度随精度的增加而逐渐变窄, 最后趋近于点状, 其形状类似一个对称倒置的漏斗,故称为漏斗图。
即样本量小的研究, 数量多、精度低, 分布在漏斗图的底部呈左右对称排列;样本量大的研究, 精度高, 分布在漏斗图的顶部, 且向中间集中。
Strokes Stroke Stroke
( A /C)
% mg /dL Reduction % ( A /C) ( A /C) ( A /C)
2003 Atorvastatin 3.3
5168 /5137 63
- 32
89 /121
2007年 4 月 第 7 卷第 2 期
循证医学 The Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine
Apr. 2007 Vol.7 No.2
Me ta 分析中漏斗图的绘制
李 河 1, 麦劲壮 1, 方积乾 2, 刘小清 1, 饶栩栩 1
( 1. 广东省人民医院、广东省心血管病研究所流行病学研究室, 广州 510080; 2. 中山大学公共卫生学院, 广州 510080)
2002 Pravastatin 4.8
5170 /5185 66
2002 Pravastatin 3.2
2891 /2913 75
- 16
209 /231 53 /56
- 27!
135 /131 22 /14
2002 Simvastatin 5.0 10269 /10267 65
2001 Atorvastatin 0.3
1538 /1548 65
- 52
12 /24
3 /2
0 /3
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图说meta十四:漏斗图暨Stata软件使用方法简介2017-05-06 科研创新服务平台弗雷赛斯弗雷赛斯微信号freescience 功能介绍Freescience由浙江大学医学院几个硕博士发起创建,旨在最广泛分享有价值的科研技能和知识;FreeScience的宗旨:“科学自由分享、人人平等,共求真理”。
>>>> 漏斗图最常见的识别发表性偏倚的方法就是漏斗图法, 以样本含量(或效应量标准误的倒数)与效应量(或效应量对数)作的散点图, 效应量可以为
RR ,OR ,RD 和死亡比或者其对数值等。
漏斗图所基于的假设是效应量估计值的精度随着样本量的增加而增加, 其宽度随精度的增加而逐渐变窄, 最后趋近于点状, 其形状类似一个对称倒置的漏斗,故称为漏斗图。
即样本量小的研究, 数量多、精度低, 分布在漏斗图的底部呈左右对称排列;样本量大的研究, 精度高, 分布在漏斗图的顶部, 且向中间集中。
但当存在发表性偏倚时, 则表现为漏斗图出现不对称, 则呈偏态分布。
绘制漏斗图, 需要纳入较多的研究个数,原则上需纳入9篇研究以上才能进行。
>>>> 漏斗图的制作流程Step1:Stata软件下载与安装Stata软件为收费软件,目前该软件已更新至14.0,我们公众号本着“自由分享,
创建profile.do文件1.点击菜单栏Help→Search→Search all (Keywords: meta_dialog) 2.选择加载包进行安装(click here to install)3.输入命令help meta_dialog 4.复制代码5.点击菜单栏Window→Do.file Editor→ New Do.file Editor,粘贴代码6.点击保存,选择存储至stata安装位置,命名为profile重新打开Users次级菜单出现Meta-AnalysisStep3:整理纳入文献格式需要注意的是,Stata软件中数据分析格式与RevMan数据格式是不一致的,RevMan中二分类变量表示为研究事件发生数与样本量,而Stata软件中为试验组发生事件数与试验组未发生事件数,在整理数据时需表示为如下格式,示例:
Step4:数据输入1.点击菜单栏Data Editor(Edit)2.输入数据或复制粘贴数据。
Step5:制作漏斗图1.进行二分类变量meta分析,计算效应量OR(具体方法参见:)2.计算logOR:gen log_ES=log( _ES);重命名log_ES:rename log_ES logOR(图形显示需要,
Users→Meta-Analysis→Funnel Graph,vertical(metafunnel)进入漏斗图制作面板。
4. 选择logOR,selog_ES进行数据分析。
6. 点击保存,选择*.png进行图形的保存与查看,或选择保存为矢量图。
附1:Egger 回归法或Begg秩相关法1.进行二分类变量meta分析,计算效应量OR(具体方法参见:)2.计算logOR:gen log_ES=log( _ES);重命名log_ES:rename
log_ES logOR(图形显示需要,_selogES系统默认,可不进行重命名)3.输入命令:metabias6 logOR
_selogES ,graph ( begg)或metabias6 logOR
_selogES ,graph ( egger).(若菜单栏Publishion Bias (metabias)支持,也可选择metabias 命令,P>0.05,无明显发表性偏倚)4.漏斗图制作完毕(以Begg's为例)本文选自公众号:科研创新服务平台科研创新服务平台旨在帮助研究生快速提高科研能力,搭建交流平台,帮助本科生学好医学知识,提供接触科研的机会。
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哪些被你忽视的细节?| SCI文献管理之黄金攻略!| 卸载Visio—超赞的在线流程图制作工具| 论文查重!关键是不要钱!| 神器!分分钟找到高质量的目标文献!|生存分析从理解到作图妥妥的| 科研作图神器GraphPad |菜鸟写国自然-4:立项依据的写作| 零基础不一样的实验protocol:开篇引言| 引物设计?现成的随便拿啦!| 实验技能:小鼠尾静脉注射| Western百败百战老学姐的心酸笔记|零基础Meta系列(十):一般套路(纯干货)一盏茶一篇meta(四)—SNP Meta,数据库寻找靶基因|网状meta分析(NMA)-第一卷基本技能| 段子手韩春雨老师| 不得不扒的女神--胡海岚|扒一扒你所不知道的浙大PMCB团队(内嵌新春大红包!)实例讲解:基因数据库的利用(二)| 生物医学大数据解读和分析——构建生物网络实践科研路,不孤单!^ ^Freescience 医学科研联盟全国火热招募ing50家高校及医院的小伙伴已经加入啦,点这里长按二维码向我转账受苹果公司新规定影响,微信iOS 版的赞赏功能被关闭,可通过二维码转账支持公众号。