


一、单项选择 (共15题;共30分)

1. (2分)Which word of the following does not have the same stress as the others?

A . active

B . advice

C . against

2. (2分)— camera is from my uncle.

—Wow! What expensive present!

A . The; a

B . A; an

C . A; a

D . The; an

3. (2分)—Hi, Jack. Have a good day!

—______, the same to you!

A . I'm fine

B . Thank you

C . No, thanks

D . Oh, I see

4. (2分)__________ Gina __________ salad?

A . Does; likes

B . Does; like

C . Do;likes

D . Do;like

5. (2分)— ________ is Kangkang's jacket? — ________ black.

A . What color; It's

B . What color; They're

C . How; It's

6. (2分)Let's _______ home.

A . go

B . go to

C . to go

D . to go to

7. (2分)This is my sister. _______ name is Jenny, we all like_______.

A . She; she

B . Her; her

C . She; her

D . Her; she

8. (2分)——Nick, would you mind ________ out of the bathroom?

——Sorry, I won't be long.

A . come

B . to come

C . coming

9. (2分)When the baby the light music, he stopped .

A . heard; to cry

B . heard; crying

C . listened; crying

D . listened; to cry

10. (2分)To live a green life, we try_________ more energy and produce less pollution.

A . to save

B . save

C . saves

D . saved

11. (2分)—Hello, may I speak to Millie, please?


A . Who are you?

B . What's the matter?

C . I'm Millie.

D . This is Millie speaking.

12. (2分)—Have you returned the book to the library?

—Of course. I have already _______ it.

A . finish read

B . finish to read

C . finished reading

D . finished to read

13. (2分)—What's your ____________?


A . first name

B . last name

C . phone number

14. (2分)_____________ Chinese, we study English, Maths and physics in school.

A . Except

B . Besides

C . Beside

D . Without

15. (2分)Thanks a lot for the _______to your party.

A . invited

B . invite

C . inviting

D . invitation

二、完形填空 (共1题;共15分)

16. (15分)先通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选择一个最佳选项。

When I was 15, I said to my class that I was going to write my own books. All the students nearly fell out of their chairs,1me. "Don't be silly. Only geniuses(天才)can become writers. And you are getting a D this term." I was deeply2and I couldn't help crying.

That night I wrote a short, sad poem about my3dreams and mailed it to the Weekly

Newspaper. To my surprise, they published(发表)it, and sent me two dollars. I was a paid writer!

I4it to my classmates. They laughed again. "Just luck." they said. However, I had tasted success. Because my first poem5published.

By the time I graduated from high school, I had collected all my published works together. But I6talked about my writing to my classmates again. They were7killers. And people must always keep on their own dreams by8. Later, I wrote a book about9I understood and felt about my life. It10me nine months to finish it. I chose a publisher(出版商) and mailed my book. I wrote a note11it, "I wrote this book myself.

I hope you will like it. Thank you."

A month later,12I received a letter, with an invitation for publishing the book. It became a bestseller(畅销书), and13into 15 languages. People ask what college I attended and what degrees(学位)I have got. The answer is none. I just write. I'm not a genius, and I'm not talented. I just write. To all those who dream of14, I should say to you, "Yes, you 15be writers! Always keep writing!"


A . laughing at

B . listening to

C . talking about

D . looking at


A . reminded

B . changed

C . hurt

D . hit


A . strange

B . unusual

C . beautiful

D . broken


A . showed

B . advised

C . encouraged

D . taught


A . has been

B . had been

C . was

D . were


A . always

B . never

C . sometimes

D . usually (7)

A . time

B . dream

C . thought

D . money (8)

A . them

B . their

C . they

D . themselves (9)

A . what

B . why

C . where

D . which (10)

A . caused

B . made

C . took

D . won


A . off

B . down

C . without

D . with


A . exactly

B . finally

C . easily

D . wisely


A . was translated

B . translated

C . translating

D . translate


A . being successful

B . being famous

C . being rich

D . being writers


A . must

B . should

C . can

D . have

三、阅读理解 (共3题;共28分)

17. (10分)

Amy: I like to take my vacations at home. But this summer,

I want to do something different. I'm going sightseeing(观

光). Next week I am leaving for Ottawa. I’m staying there

for two weeks. Then I'm going to Alaska. I'm going to take

many photos there. I can't wait any longer.

Jay : This summer vacation is coming. I'll be very busy.

I'm going to Europe(欧洲)to visit my cousins in Liverpool

and my aunts in Naples. I plan to go to Rome, because I want

to meet pen friend Jackson there.

Jarey: I think the best place for a summer vacation is the

beach. I'm going to Hawaii on August 8. It has fantastic

beaches and I like the sand, the sea and the sun, I am staying

there for three weeks. There are many exciting things to do


(1)Amy is going to _________ first for her summer vacation.

A . Alaska

B . Ottawa

C . Hawaii

D . Rome

(2)Jay is going to Europe to _________ .

A . visit his pen friends

B . go sightseeing

C . take photos

D . visit his relatives(亲戚)

(3)Jay's pen friend lives in _________ .

A . Liverpool

B . Naples

C . Rome

D . Warsaw

(4)Jarey is going to stay in Hawaii for _________ .

A . ten days

B . three weeks

C . four weeks

D . half a month

(5)Which of the following is NOT true?

A . Jay is going to take many photos during the summer vacation.

B . Amy isn't going to take vacation at home this summer.

C . There are beautiful beaches in Hawaii.

D . Jay's aunts live in Naples.

18. (10分)阅读理解


Joe and Helen Mills had two small children. One was six and the other four. They always resisted going to bed, and Helen was always complaining about this-and asking Joe for help. But as he did not come home until after they had gone to bed during the week, he was unable to help except at weekends.

Joe considered himself a good singer, but really his voice was not at all musical. However, he decided that, if he sang to the children when they went to bed. it would help them to relax, and they would soon go to sleep.

He did this every Saturday and Sunday night until he heard his small son whispered to his younger sister. “If you pretend that you're asleep, he stops."

(1)The children always resisted going to bed, which .

A . made Helen suffer a lot

B . satisfied their mother

C . Helen was not satisfied with

D . gave Helen much trouble

(2)The husband couldn't help the wife to look after the children .

A . because he returned from work too late

B . since his voice sounded like a singer's

C . except on Saturday and Sunday

D . for he did not come home until after the children had gone to bed weekends

(3)Joe worked .

A . all the week including Saturday and Sunday

B . during the week including the weekends

C . every day but Saturday and Sunday

D . every week except on Sunday ,-

(4)Which of the following conclusions(结论)can we draw from the above story

A . Joe's song did help the children to relax.

B . With Joe's help, the children went to sleep.

C . The wife must be thankful to her husband for the great help.

D . The children were so tired of their father's voice that they pretended to be asleep

(5)This joke tells about .

A . Joe and Helen

B . Helen's trouble

C . Joe's foolery

D . the bright idea of the two small children

19. (8分)根据短文内容, 选择正确答案。


To write a great news story, you have to make sure it is correct, relevant(相关的)and flesh.

For a start, all the information in a story must be correct. Not only the spelling and grammar, but also the facts.

Any mistakes that appear in a story can get a newspaper into big trouble.

For example, if a newspaper said that Yang Liwei was the first man to go into space, it would be wrong. He wasn't the first. The newspaper would probably lose lots of readers because of that mistake.

A news story is not only correct, but also relevant to its readers. People are mostly interested in news that happens near to them. That is why you care more about what happens at your school than at American schools. It is also why newspapers in Beijing don't talk about much news in Shanghai or Hong Kong.

Finally, news must always be fresh. When you pick up your evening newspaper, you want to read about news that happens that day. You don't want to read about news from last week!

So, now you know what makes a good news story. Have a good look at our newspaper and see if it is full of good news. You can try writing a news story for our newspaper like a real reporter.

(1)The writer mentions _______ main factors(因素)to make a news story really great.

A . two

B . three

C . four

D . five

(2)According to the writer, newspapers in Shenzhen should talk much about news in ____.

A . Shenzhen

B . Hong Kong

C . Shanghai

D . Beijing

(3)Which of the following is TRUE?

A . A small mistake can't get a newspaper into trouble.

B . A lot of people like reading about news from last week.

C . The passage doesn't tell us who was the first man to go into space.

D . People are mostly interested in news that happens far away from them.

(4)The passage mainly talks about ______.

A . why to be a good reporter

B . where to find interesting news

C . when to choose a good newspaper

D . how to write a great news story

四、单词拼写 (共1题;共5分)

20. (5分)根据句意及汉语提示完成句子。

(1)My father ________ (通常) has lunch at home.

(2)Amy is from England. But she likes Chinese ________ (食物) very much.

(3)— What does Kitty have for ________ (早餐)?

— Eggs and milk.

(4)— Mom, I have ________ (某事) to tell you.

— Good.

(5)I want to have a ________ (—杯) of orange juice, please.

五、语法填空 (共2题;共11分)

21. (1分)________(read) English every day is important for us

22. (10分)根据短文内容及首字母提示,补全空格内单词,使短文完整、通顺.(请在答题卡上写出完整单词)

We all need exercise. Exercise uses up feed that we eat and keeps the body full of e________. Exercise makes your heart and muscles(肌肉) strong. Exercise also makes you feel relaxed. If you exercise several times a week, you will stay happy and h________. There are many w________ to exercise. You can walk, run, play sports or swim.

H________, most people cannot do this. It is too far from their homes to their offices. They have no c________ but to drive to work. First, these people don't have a chance to exercise because they are sitting in their cats for two to four hours each day. Second, driving is challenging, e________ in rush hours, and needs too much attention. It makes a person t________ out. When these people arrive home after work, they don't want to take exercise.

Some western countries, such as the United States, have problems with exercise. Many people don't have enough exercise. They have to work from morning till n________. So they don't have time to take exercise.

Today, many people in the West are fat, which causes health problems, Doctors say exercise can help people both lose w________ and improve their health. So many people are trying to get more exercise. But it takes time to change, and when people don't see a d________ right away, they will lose heart and stop exercising.

六、翻译 (共1题;共3分)

23. (3分)老虎比猫多吃许多倍。

The tiger eats________ ________ ________ than the cat.

七、任务型阅读 (共1题;共4分)

24. (4分)任务型阅读

When something great happens to a friend, a family member or a classmate, congratulations are in order! However, some people don't know how to congratulate others. Here are some ways to show your congratulations.

Say “congratulations” with a smile. Remember to express your congratulations with a winnin g smile. The expression on your face is pretty important. If you say “congratulations” with a serious look on your face, the person will probably think you aren't actually all that happy for him or her.

Send an en email or a card. Besides saying “congratul ations in person, you might want to send a congratulatory note. You can send a simple email or write a message on a card. You can buy some beautiful cards in the store.

Send a gift. If the occasion is special enough, you can send a gift. You don't need to buy something expensive. Try to buy a suitable gift. All in all, choose a gift that lets the person know you want to celebrate with him or her.

Spread the word. You can help spread the person's joy by telling other people the good news, so they can congratulate the person as well. If the person prefers to keep the good news private, don't spread the word.

25. (5分)假如你叫王林,你家刚刚乔迁新居。请根据提示词写一篇80词左右的短文,描述你的新家和周边的环境。



My Home


一、单项选择 (共15题;共30分)
















二、完形填空 (共1题;共15分)


三、阅读理解 (共3题;共28分) 17-1、














四、单词拼写 (共1题;共5分) 20-1、





五、语法填空 (共2题;共11分)



六、翻译 (共1题;共3分)


七、任务型阅读 (共1题;共4分)


八、书面表达 (共1题;共5分)



初一新生分班考试英语试题Array本试卷考试时间40分钟,分值100分。 I.判断下列单词划线部分有几种读音。(共10分,每小题2分) 从A,B,C,D 四个选项中选择一个最佳答案填入题前方框内,否则不给分) A.一种读音 B.两种读音 C.三种读音 D.四种读音 E .五种读音 1. orange, watch, cake, that, ask 2. favourite, middle, bike, big, Chinese 3. number, student, put, ruler, bus 4. colour, no, to, doll, woman 5. excuse, me, American, hundred, yes II. 单项选择(共15分,每小题1分)从A,B,C,D四个选项中选择一个最佳 答案填入题前方框内,否则不给分) ’s ______apple tree in my garden .Under ______tree, there’s ______chair. A. a; the; a B. an; the; the C. an; the; a D. the; the; a 2. She got to Paris ________ ten to eleven ________Halloween.

A. in; in B. at; at C. at; on D in; at book is __________. Give it to ___________, please. A. her; her B. hers ; she C. her ; she D. hers; her is very __________, he often buys new clothes. A. tired B. lazy C. hard D. modern _________ lots of people in the park last Sunday. A. were B. was C. are D. is all the children _________ their homework? -No, only one of them _________. A. Are; doing; is B. Are; do; is C. Do; doing; does D. Is; doing; do you go to school in the morning, you say “________” to your parents. A. Good morning B. Good-bye C. Good night D. Just a minute. ’m ________, but I can’t ________ anything. A. hearing; listen B. listening; hear C. listening; listen D. hearing; hear 9. -__________is the man behind the tree? - He is my teacher.


高中新生入学英语考试试卷(附参考答案) 英语 考生注意:?? 1.本试卷分试题卷和答题卡两部分。?? 2.试题卷共55小题加书面表达题。共100分。120分钟完卷。??3.本卷所有选择题最符合题意的答案只有1个。不选、多选、错选、涂写不清或是不填写答案编号字母而抄写英语答案的,均不给分。?? 4.全部答案都必须按要求在答题卡中相对应题号下填涂或书写,要求填涂正确、书写工整、清晰、规范,卷面清洁。?? 5.完卷后,答题卡和试题卷分别交回,答题卡按要求密封装订成册。?? Ⅰ、知识运用(两个部分,共20小题,计20分)?? A)单项选择(共10小题,计10分)?? 从A、B、C 3个选项中选出1个能填入所给句子空白处的最佳答案。 1. ―Why do you like Mary??? ―Because she is honest girl. ?? A. a B. an C. the 2. ―How heavily it rained this early morning.?? ―Yes. But of the students in our class was late fo r school. ?? A. some B. none C. all?? 3. ―Where is Peter??? ―He volleyball with his friends in the school gym.?? A. plays B. played C. is playing?? 4. ―My spoken English is poor, what shall I do??? ―Join an English language club to practice,you’ll it? ?? A. be good at B. drop in C. deal with?? 5. ―Must I be in hospital for a week, Doctor? ?? ―No, you . You can go back home tomorrow.?? A. mustn’t B. needn’t C. must??


()6.There_________a ruler and some pencils in the pencil-box. A.be B.is C.are D.has ()7.It often rains__________in the summer of Nanjing. A.strong B.big C.hard D.heavy ()8.The basketball______________the bed isn’t mine. A.under B.is under C.is on D.is ()9.Thank you________giving me so much help. A.to B.for C.with D.in ()10.------What did you do last night? ------I did my homework and_______TV. A.watch B.watched C.will watch D.am watching 四、情景匹配(10%) A ()1.Who is taller,you or Yang Ling? A.You can take bus No.3. ()2.How can I get to the park? B.You can go there by bus. ()3.Who runs faster than GaoShan? C.YangLing is. ()4.Which bus shall I take? D.YangLing does. ()5.Would you like to join us? E.Yes,I’d like to. B ()1.Where are you going? A.It’s on the1st of May. ()2.What are you going to do? B.I’m going to go shopping. ()3.Can I know your address? C.It’s the1st of May. ()4.When’s May Day? D.Of course. ()5.What’s the date today? E.I’m going to the shop.五.用括号内所给单词的正确形式填充。(10%) 1.Li Ming,what about_________(步行)to school? 2.They are going_________(fish)tomorrow. 3.The boys are reading the__________(interest)book,Harry Potter II. 4.----What is your hobby?


初一新生入学英语试卷 姓名得分 (满分100分考试时间40分钟) 一、英汉互译(共10小题,每小题1分;满分10分) 1.擅长画画___________________ 2. do more exercise_______ 3. 游得比我快________________ _ 4. every ten minutes_______ 5. 在七月三日 6. in the countryside __ 7. 看起来一样_________________ 8.the short man behind me_______ 9. 在星期三早上_______________ 10.the only child__________ 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。(共8小题,每小格1分;满分10分) 1. December is the (twelve) month of the year. 2.We (pick) oranges for the farmers next week. 3.Mary, you _________(clean) the table now? Yes, I am. 4. Which season do you like (well) , spring or summer? 5. Cut the bread into two (half). 6. I often go (row) with my friends. 7.He is asking Liu Yang how__________(get) there. 8. What are the (child) doing? 9.They _________(stop) the thief and took him to the police station. 10.The students are very __________(excite) to watch the 100-meter race. 三、请根据所给中文完成下列句子(共5小题,每一格1分;满分16分) 1.那边有几个男孩在踢足球?。 How many_________ are there _______ football? 2.刘涛的父亲喜欢每天在晚饭后去散步。 Liu Tao’s father likes _______ _______ _______ ________ after supper every day. 3.放学后我想为我的父母买一些礼物。 I _____ _____ ______ buy some _________ for my ________ after school. 4. 春天天气暖和,树变绿。 It is _______ in spring. The trees ________ green. 5. 他将在那里工作一年。 He is _______ to ________ there ________ a year.. 四、根据要求完成下列句子(共6小题;每一格1分,连词成句2分,满分14分) 1. We sit down and have breakfast. (改为一般过去时) We __________down and __________ breakfast. 2. My mother likes apples better than other fruits. (改为同义句) My mother ________ apples _________ . 3. I usually go fishing on Sundays.(划线部分提问)


中学新生入学摸底考试 英语试题 (满分100分,时间30分钟) 第一部分选择题 (共55分) 注意:请把第一部分所有题目(1—45小题)的答案全部填写到第3页的《选择题答题表》中相对应的题号后面,只把答案写到原题上的不得分。 一、单项选择。把答案填写在《选择题答题表》中。(每小题1分,共25分) 1. __________ is a panda. A. This B. That’s C. What’s D. How 2. —How are you ? —_______________ A. How are you? B. Yes, I am C. Nice to meet you. D. Fine, thank you. 3. __________ colour is your pencil? A. How B. What C. This D. Who 4. Can you __________ a bike over there? A. spell B. help C. see D. look 5. Does Wu Yifan __________ in the country? A. live B. lives C. living D. lived 6. He cleaned __________ bedroom this morning. A. he B. his C. he’s D. him 7. The drivers must stop at the _________ light. A. green B. yellow C. red D. white 8. ___________. Is this Dongying Shiyan Middle School? A. Excuse me B. Pardon C. I’m sorry D. Sorry 9. —I have a sore throat. —_____________ A. Excuse me. B. You are sad. C. That’s OK. D. I am sorry to hear that. 10. —Where are you going this weekend? —I’m going to __________. A. Shanghai B. by plane C. with my parents D. in the morning 11. How many __________ are there in the classroom? A. boy B. girl C. boy and girl D. boys and girls 12. —__________ is your phone number? —My phone number is 59821678. A. Which B. Who C. What D. Where 13. Do you like __________? A. swim B. swimming C. swims D. swim, too 14. This is my uncle. He _________ in a company now. A. works B. work C. working D. worked 15. —____________? —Yes, please. I want some eggs.


初一年级入学考试英语试题 一.单项选择(20分) 1. There is going to be ____English test ____ next week. A. an, a B. the, a C. an, / D. an, the 2. The farmer saw ____ in the sky. A. something strange B. strange something C. anything strange D. strange anything 3. Hurry up. There is ____time left. A. little B. a few C. a little D. few 4. I feel hungry. ____ me something to eat, please. A. Take B. Carry C. Bring D. Have 5. –Excuse me. May I have _____ water?A. the, B. some, C. any, D. any, 6. –I’m sorry I don’t know where the shop is. Please ask the policeman over there. --_______. A. All right B. it doesn’t matter C. Not at all D. Thank all the same 7. Tell him ____ out of the window. A. don’t to look B. don’t look C. not look D. not to look 8. Beihai Park is one of ____ parks in Beijing. A. the most beautiful B. more beautiful C. beautiful D. most beautiful 9. The doctor is very tired ____ he is still working very hard. A. but B. if C. only D. when 10. ____ boy he is! A. What a good B. What good C. How good D. How a good 11. I must finish my homework first. Can I go there a little ____? A. early B. earlier C. late D. later 12. It’s not far. It’s only ten ____ walk. A. minute B. minute’s C. minutes’ D. minutes 13. I like the summer in Beijing, but my father ____. A. isn’t B. not like C. likes not D. doesn’t 14. Class begins. Please stop____. A. talk B. talking C. to talk D. talks 15. I would like you ____ together with me. A. play B. will play C. to play D. playing 16. ---I was ill in bed yesterday. --- _____. A. I’m glad to hear that B. Thanks a lot C. I’m sorry to hear that D. Congratulations 17. Ben often ___football ____ the weekend, but ___ hard on ___. A. play; at; study; weekdays B. plays; at; studies; weekdays C. plays; on; studies; weekend D. plaies; at; studys; weekday 18. I think English is a little ___ than Chinese. A. more interesting B. interesting C. much interesting D. most interesting 19. He came to China ____. A. before two years B. two years ago C. for about two years D. in an hour 20. Jimmy was born ____ the afternoon ____ November 16th, 2005. A. in; of B. on; on C. in; on D. on; of 二.句型转换:根据题目要求完成句子(每条横线不限字数,每小题1 分,共10 分) 1. Ben has lunch at home. (改为否定句) Ben _______________ lunch at home. 2. Autumn lasts for three months. (就划线部分提问) ____ ____ _____autumn _________? 3. Their birthdays are not on the same day. (改为同意句) Their birthdays are ___________________.


师达中学入学测试题 客观题部分(共55 分) 一、单项选择(每题1分,共10分) 1.I gave John a nice toy on ________ birthday. A. he B. his C. him 2.She goes to visit her grandparents ______ Sundays. A. in B. on C. at 3.Tom is ______ boy in the family. A. tall B. taller C. the tallest 4.There ________ a lot of milk in the bottle. A.is B.are C. am 5.----- ________ does your father work ? ----- He works in a big company. A. How B. Who C. Where 6.They got up early, ________ they missed the school bus. A. but B. and C. so 7.----- ________ butter do you need ? ----- Only a little. A. How many B. How much C. What 8.----- Where are your parents ? ----- They ________ in the supermarket. A. shop B. go shopping C. are shopping 9.He is taking the book ________ his schoolbag. A. out B. out of C. in 10.Mother often helps me ________ my Chinese. A. to B. for C. with 二、完形填空(每题1分,共15分) (A) Venice is a great city in Italy. It is a “Water City”. You can’t see ___11___ cars or taxis there. When you ___12___ to a far place, you can take a boat. There are many rivers around the city and there are many ___13___ of boats. The best way to visit Venice is walking. ___14___ you are tired, you can buy some ___15___. The ice cream in Venice is good to eat. Venice is a good place for ___16___ to have fun. You can let your kids ___17__ food to pigeons on San Marco Square. They are all beautiful. Or you can also take a water-bus to some nice places. Guggenheim Museum is near San Marco. It is a good place for kids to go, too. There kids can learn ___18___. Don’t wait ! Go to Venice to have a good tim e soon. 11. A. lot of B. some C. any 12.A. go B. want C. come 13.A. kinds B. colors C. lots


2017年小升初新生入学检测卷 英语试卷(时间50分钟,满分80分) 一、语音知识。(每小题0. 5分,共5分)找出与所给单词划线部分读音相同的词。 1、thank A. these B. brother C. both D. without 2、where A. whole B. what C. who D. whose 3、look A. football B. food C. school D. tooth 4、care A. here B. hear C. fair D. clear 5、bread A. please B. sheep C. tea D. head 6、cake A. make B. map C. sad D. cat 7、music A. cut B. bus C. use D. put 8、Christmas A. match B. chair C. child D. character 9、now A. grow B. flower C. follow D. bowl 10、helped A. played B. planned C. killed D. worked 二、单项选择。(每小题1分,共20分) 1、Reading aloud is useful way for us to learn English well. A. a B. the C. an D. \ 2. My sister likes playing violin while my brother likes playing basketball. A. the ;the B. the;\ C. \;the D. a; a 3. My mum always gets up six Monday morning and cooks breakfast for me. A. at; on B. in ;at C. on ;at D. at ;in 4. Would you like to drink, Joe? A. Anything B. nothing C. something D. some things 5. ----Mary, book is on the desk, but I can't find . A. Your ;yours B. yours ;mine C. you ;me D. Your; mine 6. If it rain tomorrow, we to have a picnic. A. isn't ,go B. doesn't , go C. isn't, will go D. doesn't will go 7. ----You look beautiful in white tonight. Sally! ---- . A. My pleasure B. You're welcome C. Thank you D. That's OK. 8. Though he is an American boy, he can speak Chinese . A. well B. good C. better D. nice 9. the black board and listen to me carefully, boys and girls. A. lookup B. Look at C. Look down D. Look after 10. It rained all day, I had to stay inside. A. so B. but C. because D. too


广州市第16 中学初一入学考试英语试题 笔试部分(共80 分) 四、单项选择 1.There is going to be English test next week. A.an, a B. the, a C. an, / D. an, the 2.The farmer saw in the sky. A.something strange B. strange something C. anything strange D. strange anything 3.Hurry up. There is time left. A.little B. a few C. a little D. few 4.I feel hungry. me something to eat, please. A.Take B. Carry C. Bring D. Have 5.–Excuse me. May I have _ water? -- . A.the, some B. some, any C. any, some D. any, the 6.–I’m sorry I don’t know where the shop is. Please ask the policeman over there. -- . A.All right B. it doesn’t matter C. Not at all D. Thank all the same 7.Tell him out of the window. A.don’t to look B. don’t look C. not look D. not to look 8.Bei Hai Park is one of parks in Beijing. A.the most beautiful B. more beautiful C. beautiful D. most beautiful 9.The doctor is very tired he is still working very hard. A.but B. if C. only D. when 10.boy he is! A.What a good B. What good C. How good D. How a good 11.I must finish my homework first. Can I go there a little ? A.early B. earlier C. late D. later 12.It’s not far. It’s only ten walk. A.minute B. minute’s C. minutes’ D. minutes 13.I like the summer in Beijing, but my father . A.isn’t B. not like C. likes not D. doesn’t 14.Class begins. Please stop . A.talk B. talking C. to talk D. talks 15.I would you together with me. A.play B. will play C. to play D. playing 16.---I was ill in bed yesterday. --- . A.I’m glad to hear that B. Thanks a lot C. I’m sorry to hear that D. Congratulations


小升初综合测试题一 一、单项选择题。(每小题1分,共20分) ( ) 1. She comes from the USA. She is ________American girl. A. a B. an C. the ( ) 2. What do you have ________lunch today? A. for B. from C. / ( ) 3. --Is Tom________TV now? --- No, he is doing his homework. A. watch B. watches C. watching ( ) 4. Your hair is longer ________. A. my B. me C. mine ( ) 5. --What can you see in the picture? --Many ________. A. tomatos B. tomato C. tomatoes ( ) 6. I like English best, because I think it is ________ subjects of all. A. the interesting B. the most interesting C. interesting ( ) 7. --________ you like a cup of coffee? --No, thanks. A. Would B. Can C. Could ( ) 8. --________bike is this? ---It is Ben’s. . A. Who’s B. Whose C. Who ( ) 9. My brother doesn’t like pets. I don’t like ________. A. too B. either C. also ( ) 10. What did you do this afternoon? I ___the flowers in the garden. A. watering B. water C. watered ( ) 11. There ________not much milk in the fridge. . A. is B. are C. am ( ) 12. Sure usually ________to bed at 10:00. A. goes B. go C. went ( ) 13. --________is the sweater, please? --20 pounds. A. What color B. How much C. How many ( ) 14. The skirt is too expensive. I will not ________it.. A. bring B. want C. take ( ) 15. Tony is ________, but he can play the piano very well. A. 8-years-old B. 8 years old C.8-year-old ( ) 16. --Let’s have a picnic. --Oh, that________good. A. looks B. sounds C. listens ( ) 17. It is time for class. Don’t ________. A. talk B. talking C. talks


北京一零一中 初一新生入学摸底考试 英 语 一、 选择填空:(共20分,每题1分) 1.---Would you like some ____?--- No, thank you. I ’m not hungry at all. A. tea B. bread C. water D. coffee 2.---You look so happy. What happened?---I have got an “A ” in _______ P.E. test. A. your B. her C. his D. my 3.---What ’s in your bag, Cathy? ---There ’s ______ interesting book about animals. A. a B. an C. the D. / 4.---Why do Chinese people like red? ---Because they think it can ______ them good luck.A. bring B. carry C. make D. take 5.---This sweater is too expensive. I can ’t afford it.---How about this one? It ’s much ______. A. cheap B. cheapest C. cheaper D. the cheapest 6. Li Ping has learned English for many years, but he can____ understand the English speakers. A. hardly B. certainly C. always D. almost 7.Beijing looks like a beautiful garden. It’s our duty to keep it______. A. d ry B. open C. quiet D. clean 8.---______ did you go to London last month?---By plane. A. When B. How C. Where D. Why 9.---I hear you like basketball very much. _____ you on your school team?---Yes, I am.A. Am B. Was C. Are D. Were 10.---Can you lend me your pen? ---Sorry, I _______. I ’m writing something right now.A. can ’t B. mustn ’t C. needn ’t D. shouldn ’t 11.--- Do you enjoy your life here? --- Yes, _________ I’m very busy sometimes. A. when B. if C. though D. because 12.---The food is very delicious. I ’m very full. ---Why don ’t you ______ a walk with me? A. take B. to take C. takes D. took 13.---Who helped you with your English? --- ______ ! I learned it all by myself. A. Anybody B. Nobody C. Somebody D. Everybody 14.---When are you going to meet your parents ________ Sunday morning? ---At half past seven. A. at B. in C. to D. on 15.---Linda, when shall we go shopping? ---After I finish _________ the dishes.A. wash B. washed C. washing D. to wash 16.---It ’s said that our school ’s paper ____________ once a week. ---Right. I hope you can write something for it.A. comes back B. comes down C. comes on D. comes out 17.---Your sister works in a hospital, ___________? ---Yes, she does. She is a nurse.A. doesn’t she B. isn’t she C. does she D. is she


长郡中学高一新生入学考试英语试卷(答案) 考生须知: 1、本试卷共五个大题,总分100分,考试时间90分钟,请将答案做在答题卷上。 2、答题前,先用钢笔或圆珠笔在答题卷规定位置上填写姓名、考场号、座位号。 一、单项选择(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共计15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 1. __ Excuse me, to the nearest post office, please ? __ Go straight and take the second turning on the left. A. where the way is B. which the way is C. where is the way D. which is the way ll come for second time. 2. Changsha is most beautiful city and I beIieve I’ A. the; a B. a; a C. the; the D. a; the 3. — Oh, I'm hungry. Mum, can I have the hamburger on the plate? —No. It tastes A. terribly B.terrible C. good D. well ; 4. —What's the best way of losing weight? — . A.why not playing games? B.why don’t you play games? C. I advise you to playing games D. You'd better to play games. 5. When I dropped in, Dr Smith ,so we only had time for a few words. A. just left B、was Just leaving C. has just left D. had just left 6. —lt‘s a secret between us. Don't tell anybody. —Sure, . A. I do B. I don't C. I will D. I won't 7. —What a beautiful watch! Is it new? —No, I have it for 2 year. A、had B、sold C、borrowed D、bought 8. Her hobby is taking photos collecting stamps. It’s growing flowers. A. either ; or B. both; and C. not only ; but also D. neither ;nor 9. The students here after school yesterday. A. have seen to play B.were seen to play C. were seen play D.have been seen palying 10.—May I put my bike here? —No, you you should put it Over there. A. couldn't B. needn't C. mustn't D.won't 11.—How about going shopping this weekend ? —Sorry,dear,I prerfe rather than . A.to stay at home ; go out " B, to go out; stay at home C. going out ;stay at home D.staying at home ; go
