与外国人一起玩耍不要太 4

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Hello! Welcome back to MT English, I’m Joe, and today’s topic is “Being outgo ing”.I’ve heard many people say that foreigners are more outgoing than Chin ese people. I don’t think that always true, but maybe there is some cultural ten dency to be more outgoing.


Being outgoing can have many meanings, but what I am going to take the me aning as today is in a social situation. Maybe a meal, maybe meeting new peo ple, and just being a bit more confident, talking about yourself for making conv ersation.

“Being outgoing”有很多种意思,但是今天我要说的其中一种是指在社交场合上的性格外向。或许是一顿饭,或许是认识新的朋友,这时候你需要表现得更自信一点,主动去与人交流。

So if you are in a social situation in the west, maybe a meal, maybe a meeting , a party, could be anything, could be at work. It’s considered polite to make c onversation.


So it’s not a bad thing to be confident, and talk about yourself or talk about oth er people ask other people questions. However sometimes in China, this can be seeing as being immodest, maybe being too strong in personality is not a g ood thing.


So imagine you’re in abroad, you’re invited to a meal with a ... maybe seven o ther people, just imagine . And maybe you think I don’t really know these peop le, I shouldn’t talk too much, I’ll just uh...you know, be quite, and eat my food, I ’ll be fine.


Maybe those foreigners the westerners, they might think, hmm... this person, personality not so good , too shy, they’re not interested in us. It’s just not a ver y good situation. It’s always good to introduce yourself ,joining the conversatio n, add to the conversation.


And you know , a very interesting thing for foreigners is China, Chinese cultur e.How do Chinese people do you think, they’re very interested in it, so it’s a v ery easy topic to get yourself into a conversation. Or even asking about things you don’t understand, cultural things or things they’re talking about. Sorry, I d on’t understand , can you tell me about these things?


Important thing to remember is that maybe modesty is a very important part of Chinese culture, not so much, in the west. It’s good to talk about yourself, do n’t show off ! But it’s good to introduce yourself, talk about your culture, or the things you like to do, or your work, or anything. So that other people know you care about them, y ou’re interested in them.


Today’s question you can discuss in the comment session is “What kinds of th ings do you think can accepted or to talk about or ask foreigners about, or the y’re interesting? And which things are not acceptable?”


Good afternoon! Bye bye~


1、Outgoing adj.对人友好的,开朗的,爱交际的;

(英文解释:social friendly)这个解释可以更好地帮助理解本期电台。

eg. Both my brother and I are outgoing people.


2、cultural tendency 文化倾向

eg. On the Cultural Tendency of the Relationship Between Modern Chinese A esthetics and Human Beings.


3、confident adj.确信的,有信心的,沉着的;
