广东惠州市惠阳一中实验学校高二英语人教版《Unit 1 Art:words

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Get familiar with the common usages of the words and expressions of this unit.


1. 20分钟课前自学,可利用《同步方略》熟悉单词和短语的意思、搭配和用法。

2. 10分钟听单词和短语的录音,熟练掌握单词的发音,结合单词发音进行单词记忆,可以


✧预习案Previewing Case

Task 1单词派生(试试看,不查课本和资料你能完成吗?)

1.________ ________ vt. 有感染力;呼吁vt.呼吁_______________adj.吸引人的;动人的

2. ________________n. 信任;信心;信念_______________adj.忠诚的;有信念的

3. ________________vt.拥有;具有;支配_______________n.拥有;占有;财产

4. _________vt.&n. 嘲笑;愚弄;荒诞的事________adj.荒谬的,可笑的_________adv.

5. ________ vt.更喜欢;宁可________adj. 偏好的;优先的_________n. 偏爱;倾向

6. ________adj.抽象的;n.摘要________n.抽象;抽象概念_________adv.抽象地;理论上

7. ________________ vt.预言;预告;预测_______________n. .预言;预告;预测

________________ adj.可预知的_______________adj.不可预知的

8. ________________ adj.确切的;特定的_______________adv. 确切地;明确地

9. ________________ v.展览;陈列;展出_______________n. 展览;陈列;展览会

10._____________vt.使文明_______________adj.文明的_____________n.文明Task 2短语翻译

大量;许多_______________ 集中于________________

碰巧_______________ 代替_______________

本人;亲自_______________ 另一方面_______________

对…有吸引力;呼吁_______________ 拥有;占有_______________

✧探究案Exploring Case质疑探究--------质疑解惑,合作探究

Task 1 用所给单词的正确形式填空。(你能读懂下面各句意思吗?好的表达可以积累哦!)1. Some economists did not agree on some of the ___________ made at the meeting. (predict)

2. All the supermarkets in this region are, as a matter of fact, in the __________ of the

man standing in the middle of the hall. (possess)

3. The organization has written a public letter, ____________ for an end to the eating

of wild animals. (appeal)

4. Supporters of rebuilding the Yuanmingyuan say only by doing so can we see the

original sight of the garden, which no wonder reflects the Chinese ___________.


5. Some say it’s natural to change the names of ancient towns at present, I believe it

is__________ to do so, as their names have so rich cultural and historical connotations(内涵). (ridicule)

Task 2 短语运用从上题中选择恰当的短语翻译下列句子,然后合并成一篇5句话的短文。











Task 1

Appeal appealing

Faith; faithful;

Possess; possession

Ridicule; ridiculous; ridiculously

Prefer; preferential; preference

Abstract; abstraction; abstractly

Predict; prediction; predictable; unpredictable

Specific; specifically

Exhibit; exhibition

Civilize; civilized; civilization

Task 2

A great deal of

Focus on

By coincidence=by chance

Take the place of

In the flesh=in person

On the other hand

Appeal to

Sb. Be in possession of sth


Task 1


2. possession

3. appealing



Task 2

1. Julia learns a great deal of knowledge on math, business and finance.

2. She manages to focus her attention on economics and her understanding of economic issues.

3. On the other hand, she is quite interested in politics by coincidence..

4. The important thing in her life is to have a specific aim and the determination to make it.

5. When tired, she tries to play music that will appeal to her to relax herself.

6. Those who have seen her in the flesh all consider her as an ambitious and optimistic girl.

7. She finds that the happiness in her life is in possession of a bright future.
